Saturday, December 22, 2012

Cutting The Cost Of Landlord's Insurance

Apart from agency fees and mortgage costs, the principal overheads associated with a property portfolio relate to maintenance and landlords insurance. If this sounds like we are mixing together two separate topics, then you might like to consider that maintaining your property in a good state of repair is an important factor in keeping down the costs of landlords insurance.

It is not that landlords' insurance premiums are directly related to property condition; however there is an indirect link that can make considerable difference to you. This is because the total cost of insurance is not just the premium, but also how a claim is settled. Failing to keep your property well looked after might not directly increase your landlord insurance premiums, but insurers may not wish to cover a poorly maintained property at all. And when it comes to paying a claim, the insurance company will look carefully at the state of the property to ensure that there is no degree of "betterment" in the settlement.

In other words, if premises already needed significant repairs before they suffered fire damage, the insurance company, when considering how much it will pay out for your fire claim, would take into account the money you would have had to spend on making them good in any event.

It is no good thinking that the building will be so badly damaged that the insurance company will never know - the majority of claims are not for total loss but for partial damage so there is likely to be plenty of evidence about. And even if the premises are totally destroyed, the underwriters may well look at the balance of your portfolio for an indication of how good the level of maintenance was.

If this sounds a bit too much like "big brother" for your taste, it is worth remembering that the money insurance companies pay out in claims comes from your landlords insurance premiums, so you do not want them paying out more than necessary to other people, or you will end up paying for their largesse.

Of course, it is important to ensure that you have the right landlord insurance in the first place. For residential buy-to-let properties, a standard home insurance policy will be unsuitable, partly because there is likely to be a condition that you are occupying the premises yourself, but also because some of the covers you will require are likely to be missing.

For example, only a special landlord's insurance policy is likely to include insurance for loss of rent and to cover the cost of re-housing a tenant following damage (this is typically up to 30% of the buildings sum insured).

Similarly, most conventional home insurance policies will not cover extended periods of unoccupancy between lets, whereas a specialist landlord's insurance policy will be more flexible, albeit subject to some sensible precautions being taken.

Specialist landlord's insurance policies are also likely to be more accommodating when it comes to property construction; imposing additional charges only on exceptional properties such as those constructed substantially from timber or with a thatched roof. They will also include employers' liability insurance, which is essential if you use direct labour for cleaning, repairs and so on.

Many of the landlords associations provide insurance schemes designed especially for buy to let investors and offering enhanced benefits and reduced costs for members. For many landlords, it is worthwhile joining one of these associations simply to take advantage of the competitively priced insurance deals.

Adoption and Foster Care - Five Tips on How to Adopt a Foster Child

Those looking into adoption and foster care need to realize that if they wish to give their foster child a permanent home, the process of finalizing the adoption could be a long one. It takes around a year or so. If a foster parent wants to adopt the child in his or her care, or someone just wants to directly adopt a child in the system, all that is involved can seem confusing and overwhelming. With this said, it helps to have some tips on hand that break down the legal process piece by piece.

First, people need to locate local adoption agencies. These agencies have to be asked about whatever experiences they have with the adoption of foster children. Potential parents then have to select one that they are comfortable with. Once one is selected, those wishing to adopt children need to make sure that they meet all foster adoption requirements. These vary from state to state, but they generally dictate that parents be between twenty-one and fifty-five years of age; have no criminal records; and live in a house that meets their state's size requirements.

Second, paperwork will need to be filled out that asks applicants for basic information, including name, address, employment history, and more. The applicant should at this point ask the agency about all of the adoption costs involved and see if they could be reimbursed for any of the fees. The agency may also recommend that some child care and parenting classes by taken.

Third, a home study appointment has to be set up with the agency. Before this process takes place, however, the agency will check into the potential adoptive parent's employment and criminal (if any) history. The applicant will also have to get some solid recommendations; family and friends are usually chosen as references.

Fourth, the home study is conducted contingent on the applicant's passing all criminal and employment background checks. This involves a caseworker coming to the home to make sure that it is suitable to raise a child or more in. If the person applying for adoption is already a foster parent, then the worker will check to see that the parent is following the proper foster care procedures.

Fifth, once the prospective adoptive parent passes the home study test, then he or she can be placed with a child.

The adoption agency will place a child with the applicant, and a visit will be arranged (if the foster child is not already under the parent's care) to ensure that both the parent and child are comfortable with the placement. Once the child moves in, then a court date will be arranged where adoption papers will be signed. This will make the adoption both legal and complete.

In conclusion, there is a lot involved when people are looking to adopt foster children. With this said, it helps to have tips that aid in the process.

Paul De Vizard is expert in Home Improvement. Check out his site on Gutter Guard Reviews and especially look my information on the Aluminum Gutter Guard to improve the value of your home.

Home Health Business - An Entrepreneur's Choice

Home health care refers to a wide range of services that include both medical and personal care services. A home care business caters to senior citizens, patients with chronic disorders, and people who are recovering from surgeries or injuries. Home health business can be a good choice for ambitious entrepreneurs. As the central idea of this business is providing care and attention according to the instructions given by the physicians of clients, prior experience in medical and health services is an advantage.

These businesses require minimal start up funds. Entrepreneurs willing to venture in home health business can arrange for funding in form of loans. Apart from finance, business planning is an issue that plays a decisive role in the success of the business endeavor. Nowadays entrepreneurs can consult specialized agencies about business strategies that suit the home health business.

The ageing community is the potential consumer of these services. Since these people usually need the maximum amount of medical attention, it is advisable to set up the business in a locality that has a substantial concentration of elderly residents.

Running any business requires legal sanction. Hence the business operator should first register the business in order to obtain the license. Licensing regulations vary from state to state.

It is important to hire the best health professional who have adequate experience in the concerned field. The clinical assistants should also have basic knowledge of medical terminology.

Things to remember before starting business:

* Entrepreneurs with the sole motive of earning profit may not find a home care business very lucrative.

* Those willing to make a career in home care field must have the zeal to care for others.

* The business operator must maintain a close network with the local hospitals, medical centers, old homes and churches. This will help them in expanding their client base. Social networking is important to generate clientele for your business.

* In order to carry on a hassle-free business, the entrepreneur should be well conversant with the legal requirements of the particular state.

This business is gradually becoming popular as elderly citizens prefer to have the convenience of medical attention in their homes. With proper funding and a well chalked out business plan, your business can be a success. Home Healthcare Business - We at have helped more than 200 Nurses, Elder care workers and Entrepreneurs start their own Agency. We have equipped them with the tools for success & helped them control their own destiny.

Coping With Temporary Disability: Senior Care As a Solution for Loved Ones With Mobility Problems

Hiring a temporary senior caregiver can make a huge difference in the lives of elderly individuals who have suffered from a fall or other disability. If your parent, aging loved one, or family member has recently suffered a disability or other mobility problem and is recovering, he or she may require a lot of care and supervision from you until mobility is restored. If you don't have the time to devote to your loved one or if he or she prefers to remain in the comfort of his/her own home, hiring a elder care provider can make recovery easier for your loved one.

How Senior Care Can Make a Difference For Your Loved One

Some parents enter assisted living facilities, others move in nursing homes, and others move closer to or in with a child. Should your loved one prefer the comfort of his or her own home, or if he or she lives alone and requires transportation or help of any kind, a elder care provider can help. Whether your loved one is recovering at his or her home or yours, it's a good idea to hire a senior care provider who can assist your parent with shopping, cleaning, cooking, daily household chores, bathing, and any other necessary tasks that have become difficult and in some instances dangerous to carry out. A elder care provider is still available to help if the situation is ongoing and if the disability is long term.

A senior care provider can also help parents and loved ones with mobility problems who fear they'll fall again by evaluating your parent's home to make sure it's safe. Your senior care provider will make sure to:

Remove clutter from the floor (and do so regularly to prevent trips and falls).
Clearing the hallway and space between your loved one's bed and the bathroom.
Ensure that all floor rugs are fastened down, or replaced with safer options.
Install or help choose proper grab bars for the bathroom, i.e. near the toilet and shower.
Improve lighting near staircases, doorways, and hallways.
Ensure all steps have handrails next to them.

When recovering, your parent, spouse, or loved one should not carry heavy loads (this includes laundry, garbage, etc...) as they could lose their balance and become destabilized. A elder care provider can help with everyday tasks such as these, and help prepare meals, run errands, and provide means of transportation. Even if your loved one has been lucky enough to avoid a mobility limiting disability, he or she may still suffer from arthritis and any other minor injury that could limit movement.

Your loved one may be at risk for falls while recovering from a temporary disability. This is especially true if he or she has difficulty walking or getting up from chairs or out of bed, difficulty maintaining balance, or feelings of dizziness and weakness. Loved ones with Alzheimer's sometimes forget limitations and are at an increased risk for future injuries. Prevent a fall or injury from occurring during recovery period with help from a elder care provider.

Senior care is one option for aging parents and loved ones with temporary disabilities as it allows them to remain safely in their homes as long as possible and recover safely-caregivers visit as needed and take care of everyday tasks and services, including cleaning, running regular errands (cleaning and stocking the refrigerator), managing doctor's appointments, and accident proofing your loved one's home-this includes checking rugs to prevent slips, adding safety bars to the shower, and anything else to prevent falls and ensure a safe living environment. These small steps of senior care can really ease the burden on your loved one and make a big difference in their quality of life during his/her period of recovery.

Most individuals aren't sure if they need help or don't know the next steps to finding senior care. Proper planning is one way to alleviate future stress-contact a compassionate senior care provider and learn more about services and options.

Erica Ronchetti is a freelance writer for Visiting Angels, the nation's leading, network of non-medical, private duty home care agencies providing senior care, elder care, assisted living facilities, personal care, respite care and companion care to help the elderly and adults continue to live in their homes across America. Visit the Visiting Angels website to find out more information on senior care and home health care.

Agency on Aging - An Alternative

How old are you? Have you considered your retirement? Have you saved enough money to retire? You know, those questions haunt many people from 40-50 years old. In many occasions, those people were not able to save enough money by this age to retire properly for personal issues or just because they didn't earn enough.

States agencies on aging are governmental organs responsible for taking care of the Older Americans Act fund. Approved back in the 60?s, this act guarantee that a local home and community support services are receiving funds. Those support services are responsible for take care of basic needs for old people such as diary meals, transportation, employment center, senior center, adult day-care centers.

Those area agencies on aging (AAAs) are spread on each state. The state agency responsible for the administration is the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. They record a total of 655 agencies and 230 Title VI Native American agencies. Both of those services contribute to preserve older American's independence and dignity.

Although depending on the government is not very refreshing, older Americans should know that, even if they were not able to make a wealth by the years on a minimum value where they can enjoy they retirement, they will have assistance.

The Administration on Aging program has its own web page, which delivers general guidelines about their program, their proposal, duties and obligations and everything else we should know about. Including contact forms, testimonials, annual financial reports.

The AoA plan consists mainly on 5 topics: make long-term medical treatments information available for older people and their families; allow older people to remain in their houses as long as possible, offering many different services for this purpose; empower older people to remain healthy and active; ensure rights of older people, preventing abuse or violations and maintain an effective management.

So, if you are still concerned about your lack of money to retirement or you are afraid to be abandoned on your senior life, don?t worry. The government is doing his job to ensure your quality of life.

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Preparing the Home For Senior Care With Dementia Or Alzheimer

Senior care can be stressful especially when the loved one has Dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Creating a safe home environment can ease some of this stress, and getting needed time away from elder care by employing an in-home care service can also help.

Creating a safe environment removes the danger and stress from in-house senior care. The hardest part in safeguarding a home for elder care can be assessing the existing risks, identifying areas that need to be improved, and preventing wandering. The following checklist can help when planning for safe in-home senior care.

Install grab bars in bathrooms and put non-slip bath mats in tubs. Use a handheld showerhead and shower bench.
If necessary remove the car and or the car keys from temptation if the senior should not be driving.
Install locks on all windows and doors and if the senior tends to wander out, keep them locked. Install deadbolt looks on doors that need a key to open.
Place nightlights in the bedroom, hall and bathroom.
Remove the locks on bathroom doors to prevent the person from accidentally locking himself in.
Use childproof locks on any cabinets where medicine, chemicals or dangerous items like knives and guns are kept.
Keep walkways clutter-free and the house tidy to avoid falls.

Consider replacing throw rugs and anything else that might cause an elderly person to slip or fall.
Install outdoor flood lighting to illuminate walkways at night.
Have a fire extinguisher handy in the kitchen. Install an automatic shut-off switch on the stove.
The elderly person should carry identification medical alerts if necessary so that in the event that he or she wanders off, someone will be able to indentify him or her. If the elderly person does become lost, it is important to have a recent photograph of the person on hand to show police.
Make sure the elderly person's financial and legal documents are in order, and kept in a secure place.
Use an adult day care service to reduce the stress and demands of senior care. This way you can have peace of mind knowing that a qualified, caring person is providing elder care while you are away.

Sue McCrossin is a freelance writer working with Visiting Angels to promote safety tips for Senior Care. Visit the website for more articles and tips focused on senior care issues & respite care program.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Driving With Care Facilitator Instructions

For the first class of Driving With Care Level I or Level II, it is important to cover a number of topics prior to individuals starting the remaining sessions. Here is a guide to assist you in covering these topics. Page numbers listed are from the Driving With Care Level II manual.

1). Welcome to DWC. Let's introduce ourselves (ice breaker)

An easy way to get the group involved is to ask a question like: If you were to make a dinner for any famous person in the world, what would you make?

2). Defining the Goals of the Program

a). Reduce Recidivism~ It is important that participants know that recidivism starts well before they enter a vehicle impaired. Recidivism can occur as soon as you decide to go somewhere to drink without thinking about a plan. (define pp. 4-5)

b). Reduce Relapse~ It is important to educate the participants on a relapse because Driving With Care take a unique approach when defining this term. Relapse can mean going back to alcohol or drug use when one has committed to abstaining. However, for this population relapse may mean going back to "using" and that use begins cause you problems. (define pp. 6-7)

3). Partnership explanation. This class is not to punish or shame the client, but to educate them on a number of issues. One being, they are part of a team that is putting effort towards reducing impaired driving conduct. The community, probation and service agencies, and the client are all part of the team to reduce impaired driving. (p. 9)

4). Client signs a contract of Rules. It is an important that the clients know the expectations of this program before they get to Chapter 2. An area that they may become resistant is when you explain that they cannot drink while they are enrolled in the Level I or Level II program. Participants will challenge you that their probation conditions do not state "abstain". Here is where you can let them know it is part of their probation to complete their probation and this is one of the programs rules they must follow to complete the program successfully.

5). Process of Learning. Explain to the group that we learn by the model found on page 13 in the Driving With Care Level II manual found on page 13. When an event occurs, we have thoughts about that event based on our attitudes and beliefs, these thoughts lead to feelings and then a behavioral choice. The behavioral choice will either turn on positive or turn off negative events, resulting in a positive outcome. Or, if choose to behave where there are negative events or experiences, it will result in negative consequences. In either case, our thoughts that led to a certain behavior is reinforced.

6). Clients complete DWI Event. This is a good method to bring the client back to their offense and get them thinking about their DWI again. Encourage the class to ask follow up questions and this is the beginning of the class investing in one another.(p.17)

7). Inventory Quiz Part I and Part II. Have the class fill out the quiz and invite them to be honest regarding the attitudes and beliefs section. Most clients want to give you the answers they think the instructor would like, let them know that honesty is appreciated. Correct Part I in group and correct part 2 outside of group. Now is not the time to have a group discussion on how someone's attitudes and beliefs may be different from others. If an instructor has this conversation on the first day of class, it may be problematic for that session and others sessions that follow.

8). Explain the TAP worksheet. The "Thinking Action Pattern" (TAP) worksheet charts a clients alcohol or other drug pattern throughout the DWC class. It is important to read through the columns and explain to the clients what each mean. Many clients will challenge telling the truth because they fear they will get discharged from the class or their probation may be violated. The instructor can only encourage the participant to be honest and if they are honest in group, then the instructor can tell the Probation Officer that when they are contacted. Be clear about the expectations, this worksheet should be done daily and be completed every week prior to class beginning. p.18

9). If time permits, talk about a couple client's DWI event; continue to do the rest of DWI events in the following weeks. Generally two DWI events in a class is about all the time you will have.

10). Instruct the group to read Lesson 2 for next week and they should read every chapter prior to that class session. Encourage them to read the chapter, but don't do the worksheets. If they do the worksheets at home, they may be confused on how to complete them and then they will just sit in class while their classmates are working on their assignments.

We hope that you enjoyed the article. If you would like to find more resources visit Minnesota DUI or our company website if you have received a Minnesota DWI.

Home Buying - Six Costly Mistakes to Avoid

Homebuyers routinely make costly mistakes when buying a home. Here are six costly mistakes made by homebuyers that can easily be avoided.

Mistake #1: Not Reviewing Your Credit History

Home buyers often wait until they have a property under contract or until they apply for a mortgage to have their credit reports pulled. Getting a copy of your credit reports and credit scores early in the process is an absolute must.

Under the FACT Act, you are entitled to free credit reports from each of the three credit reporting agencies - Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. These are available at

Mistake #2: Not Getting Pre-Approved For a Mortgage

You need to know how much of a mortgage you plan on getting given your desired monthly mortgage payment and compare that to homes available in that price range to see if you are comfortable with what you get for your money. Why get pre-approved? To make you a better buyer in the eyes of the seller, thus giving you greater leverage in negotiating for the best price and terms as well as knowing that you can afford and obtain mortgage financing.

Mistake #3: Not Having a Clear Idea of One's Needs and Wants

Once a buyer has a clear understanding of financing options and their price range they need to have a clear idea of their needs and wants. Too many buyers just go out looking at homes without a clear understanding of what they really are looking for.

Mistake #4: Not Working With the Right Agent

Home buyers can work with agents who represent the seller, agents who represent the buyer, or agents who try to represent both the seller and the buyer (dual or designated agents) or agents who represent neither the seller or the buyer (transactional brokers or facilitators).

Agents owe fiduciary duties, client level services to their clients. As a buyer you should seek out the services of an agent who will guarantee to give you these full duties no matter which property you are interested in. These duties include: Confidentiality, Accountability, Reasonable Skill and Care, Undivided Loyalty, Obedience to Lawful Instruction, Advocacy and Disclosure of all material facts pertaining to your purchase.

Working with an exclusive buyer's agent is best. A true exclusive buyer's agent: never takes listings; never represents sellers; and doesn't work for a company that does. Always look for an exclusive buyer's agent before deciding to start working with an agent.

If you can't find a true exclusive buyer agent in your area, work with an experienced buyer agent with a traditional real estate company but one that is small and doesn't have a lot of listings in the area you wish to buy in. That reduces the chance of an in-house transaction and the inherent conflicts and risk of dual or designated agency.

Mistake #5: Not Having a Negotiating Strategy in Mind Before Making an Offer

Price isn't everything. Buyers need to look at the larger picture and also prepare for writing an offer:

What price should you offer? What other terms should you consider? What closing date? What contingencies? Should you ask the seller to make certain repairs, ask for a repair credit, or offer a lower price and handle repairs yourself?

What did the seller pay for the property? How long have they owned the property? What improvements has the seller done since they have owned the property and what is the value of these? What are other homes similar to this one selling for in the area? What is this home really worth?

Also take into consideration the strength of yourself and your offer and the seller's motivation to sell.

Mistake #6: Failure to Include Contingencies for Property Inspections

It is both impractical and potentially a waste of money to hire a professional engineer or mechanical inspectors to inspect a property prior to getting the home under contract. You may not be able to come to terms with the seller and thus will be out the money spent for the inspections.

Your purchase offer should contain a contingency for, at the very least, an engineer/property inspection. Such an inspection is general in nature and depending on the home you are buying, you also may want to consider additional inspections and tests such as: Radon Testing; Lead Paint Testing; Mold Testing; Furnace Cleaning and Inspection; Chimney Cleaning and Inspection; Pest Inspections; Swimming Pool Inspection; Well Testing; and Septic Inspection.

Tom Wemett became a full time real estate broker in NY State in 1973. He stopped taking listings in 1992 and started representing home buyers only, which he continues to do in the Albany, NY, Capital Region.

He has earned many real estate certifications including CRS (Certified Residential Specialist), GRI (Graduate Realtor Institute), CEBA (Certified Exclusive Buyer Agent), ABR (Accredited Buyer Representative), CBR (Certified Buyer Representative), CBA (Certified Buyer Agent), CHEC (Certified Homeowner Educator and Counselor), and CSP (Certified New Home Sales Professional).

He is a founding member of NAEBA, the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents and served as the NAEBA National President in 2003. Tom can be reached by email by clicking here: "

More in-depth information about home buying is available at "" including a free eBook, "An Insiders Guide to Avoiding Costly Mistakes When Buying a Home".

The Secrets of Being a Family Caregiver

Taking care of a loved one is something that many of us expect to do during our lifetimes. But how can we do a good job of it? How can we be successful? Learn from those who have done it before you - learn the secrets to being a family caregiver.

First you must plan. Remember, those that fail to plan, plan to fail. Begin your plan with observation. What happens on a daily, weekly and monthly basis? Are there recognizable patterns during these periods. If so, incorporate these into your plan rather than fighting them. Perhaps your loved one likes to bathe in the morning -plan for it. Maybe there is a weekly hair appointment - plan for this. You can avoid the frustration that often is associated with doing things last-minute if you have a good plan.

Second, build systems. I don't mean get an IT degree and start programming, although use of technology can be useful and we will cover it later. I mean build systems that execute your plan. Use a calendar that schedules repetitive activities. Doing so insures that you will not overlook scheduling these. Another system could be to visit a friend every week for a lunch date while you are on that side of town for a doctor's appointment. This eliminates making a second unnecessary trip.

Third, automate what you can to reduce the risk of oversight. Perhaps your loved one now wears adult undergarments. These are certainly available at the store, but they are also available to purchase online and can be delivered to your home on a set schedule. As has been said many times before, set it and forget it. It's no fun to make an emergency trip to the store because you are out of a necessity. Automate what you can and move on.

Fourth, communicate your plan and systems to others. You may be the primary or even the sole caregiver, but it is likely that other people will be interested in you and your loved one. To amplify your success, you must communicate with these people. Provide them with updates. Share your current and future plan. Explain the systems and automation techniques that you use to effectively manage both of your lives. Those who communicate effectively will find greater satisfaction in their role as a care giver.

Forms of communication are endless - especially with available technology today. Taping notes up around your home providing instructions to people is a simple and highly effective idea. Phone people and provide them updates or even provide a face to face update. If you are technology savvy you can use email or set up a webpage to communicate status. Facebook and other social media platforms are excellent ways to communicate information to interested groups of people. The ideas are never-ending so have a cup of coffee and figure out your communications strategy.

The fifth and final point is to seek relief when needed. Being a family caregiver is a challenging role, and a role that you need to leave behind with regularity. You can ask other friends and family to provide relief or you can hire a professional caregiver from a home care agency for Respite Care. Either way, you must get away and exercise, go play with friends or go do whatever it is that you need to do so that you take care of yourself. After all, if the care giver becomes sick or incapacitated, who will take care of your loved one?

If you are a family caregiver and are in need of respite care consider using a professional caregiver from a licensed home care agency. At Bette Care we enjoy work with our clients and their families actively address the aging process.

Dating Agency - Safety Tips

A professional agency will have checked the identity of everyone you meet. However, it is still wise to take sensible precautions so we recommend you follow these safety guidelines whenever you meet someone new.

o Do not give out your surname initially.

o You may feel more comfortable giving your mobile number rather than your land line number.

o For the first meeting always meet in a public place, e.g. bar, restaurant, hotel bar etc.

o Ladies - meet where you feel comfortable, at your convenience - if he is a gentleman, he will agree.

o Don't be pushed into meeting somewhere you do not feel comfortable about.

o Never meet in a car-park, lay-by or anywhere isolated from the public.

o Park your car in a well lit area close to where you are meeting.

o Always make your own travel arrangements - never let your introduction give you a lift on your initial meeting - especially a lift home (so be careful not to drink too much alcohol).

o Always tell someone where you are going and if possible take a mobile telephone with you.

o Maybe get a friend to call you during the meeting, just to check you are OK.

o Do not give away any unnecessary personal details during the first meeting.

o Do not invite anyone to your home until you feel comfortable about doing so - never on the first date.

o Do not divulge information about your personal financial situation.

o Be careful how you dress for the first date, nothing too 'provocative'.

o Dating should be fun - don't feel pressured into taking the relationship further than you are comfortable with at the time.

Polly Draper

Some Considerations When Choosing A Live In Caregiver

If you are responsible for the well being of an elderly parent or friend, there may come a day when you will have to consider hiring a live in caregiver. This is one decision that should not be entered into lightly; you will be determining what is best for your loved one over the course of their final years. With this in mind, let's take a look at some of things that you should consider when engaging the services of the person who will be seeing to your elderly parent's or friend's welfare.

To begin the process of selection, you can either place a classified ad or enroll the services of a placement agency, or both. If placing an ad, you will want to specify as many details as possible regarding the nature of the care required. You may also wish to include things such as salary and specific skills required. One advantage of using a placement agency is that they will have a listing of pre-qualified candidates.

Regardless of where your candidate comes from, the interview process is pivotal. Here is where you have the opportunity to get a sense of the person being considered. Ask for valid identification, for example a driver's license. Also, be sure to get a feel for their experience and areas of expertise. Different people require different levels and types of care.

One good way to ensure that you are hiring a competent and caring person is to ask for references. Unfortunately, these can be falsified or manipulated. Since sound elderly care is so important you will need to do some further investigating. Ask candidates to provide past residences and phone numbers as well as verifiable employment history. These will help ensure you hire a trustworthy in-home care provider.

Expanding on the above, you will also need to conduct a background check before offering the job. It will be worth the money you spend with a background screening company to know your loved one is being cared for by someone with a clean record.

After you have completed the interview process (and hopefully you have interviewed more than one, ) the next step is to make an offer. This should be in the form of a written document. It should outline salary, benefits, and the rules of the house. You need to be as specific as possible. Will the caregiver have free and unlimited internet access? Will there be a food allowance? Are some areas of the house out of bounds? You get the idea.

Since you will be directly paying an employee, it is important to remember that you are now a legal employer. Contact the Internal Revenue Service to obtain an employer identification number. Do not forget to check if your state has taxation requirements for new employers. Seeing to these matters early will save you untold grief down the road.

Hiring a caregiver to provide senior home care can be an affordable alternative to sending your loved one to a place that is new and strange to them. It allows them to stay in place in which they are familiar and comfortable. Your job is to find the right person.

Carrie Governor is the owner of Caregiver Services, Southern Oregon's fastest growing in-home care company. Caregiver Services is committed to quality senior home care and superior customer service. Carrie has made sure each of her caregivers is dedicated to providing the best possible care by hiring only thoroughly screened, trained, and supervised employees who put customer's needs above all else.

What to Know About Renting a House

People rent for different reasons. Perhaps they wish to test a new neighborhood or city before committing to the area, or maybe they know they do not intend to stay in one place for very long. Other times people find themselves in transition - leaving for college, getting divorced, scaling down after the kids leave - but no matter who you are and why you rent, there are a number of things you should know. You can live your days much easier if you are aware of various procedures and policies. Renting a house will differ from renting an apartment in that you are more likely to deal with the home's owner than an agency. If the home is detached, immediate neighbors may not be a problem, but you may need to heed regulations set forth by a home ownership association if that's applicable.

What else do you need to know before you rent a house? Here are a few things you should consider discussing with your potential landlord:

Who is responsible for lawn care and maintenance? It is not uncommon for a landlord to take care of this, if only to keep tabs on the home.
Who is responsible for what bills? Some landlords may agree to foot garbage, water, and other bills, but always get this agreement in writing. A handshake may only go so far and you may find yourself saddle with an extra charge.
Who is responsible for various fees? If the landlord belongs to a HOA, will the rent cover fees for that?
Can you install a satellite system or wireless Internet if you wish? Your landlord may not be willing to let you set up a dish in the yard. Confirm this before you sign anything.
Are pets allowed? This is typically a deal breaker with pet owners. Landlords who intend the keep the property rent-worthy may not allow dogs and cats, or else tack on fees for carpet cleaning when you leave. Check first.
Is the landlord reputable? Often you must give references, but you'll want to know if your landlord can be trusted and available when you need help. If you can get in touch with the previous tenant, try to glean that relationship.
Does the house need repairs? Inspect the home - does the paint peel and is there a musty sense in every room. If you don't feel the home is livable, you definitely don't want to risk getting sick.

Renting a home can help you determine if you want to buy one of your own, as well as determine how soon you want to buy. Pay attention to potential homes to rent for the best living experience.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on Norfolk rental homes and Virginia Beach rentals.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Legalities of Running a Business in Your Home

As a matter of fact, depending on the business you are running in your home, there are probably a number of rules and regulations you will need to follow.

For example, if you are planning on opening a home day care business, you will need to have a license to operate. This will mean that a city inspector will come in and take a look at your residence to make sure it meets the safety codes and rules that your city and state has set forth for such home daycare centers. Additionally, you will need to permit occasional visits from the overseeing government agency to ensure you are still up to code.

If you are living in a covenant controlled community, you will need to dig up the bylaws of your homeowners' association and take a look about what it says with respect to home based businesses. Some associations do not permit businesses to be run out of homes within their vicinity, while others only limit the kinds of business you may engage in or the hours of operation.

If you are not under the auspices of a homeowners' association, you will still want to check in with the zoning commission to make sure that your proposed home business will not violate any zoning laws in your area. The same is true for signage. While you will need some signs that advertise the location of your business, you need to find out what the neighborhood and city limitations are. This may pertain to size, color, and also placement of any sign.

Other legalities to observe include insurance issues. For example, if a customer were to enter your home business location and fell in the course of doing business with you, your homeowners' insurance will probably not cover any of the injuries she or he sustains. You will need to contact your insurance company to find out if you need a special waiver, rider, or a different policy altogether.

While these legalities may appear to be a wrench in your home business, do keep in mind that they are designed to protect you, your customers, and everyone else doing a similar kind of business. Adhering to certain standards and obtaining licenses and permits will actually give you a leg up with the competition, since you can show how your business is superior to anyone else's - simply by displaying your licenses and permits. As a matter of fact, you could say that the legalities of running a business in your home make for great marketing tools!

To find the best home based business ideas and

opportunities so you can work at home visit:

Melissa Burton, owner of, is a successful online entrepreneur. Currently she mentors over 200 affiliates in successful affiliate marketing.

Healing Your Wounds

A Home Health Agency can help you heal your wounds and live a healthier, fuller life. Home health is a great treatment option because there are often fewer microbes or pathogens in the home than in a hospital or other institution treating large numbers of sick and infected people.

There can be serious consequences if wounds are neglected or do not heal, such as:

o The tissue around the wound can die (necrosis) which could potentially lead to amputation of a foot, leg or arm.

o The wound could turn into a septic infection which could potentially cause death.

There are only 4800 nurses with the Wound Ostomy Continence Specialty credential in the United States. Texoma Home Health is pleased to have Patricia Martinez-Morales on staff with this credential. Patricia and other medical staff can provide you with the following services:

o Education on diet and care. Through education, a Wound Ostomy Continence (WOC) nurse can help empower patients to participate in their own care, and be assured of their ability to continue in their activities of daily living. For example, a nurse can advise on nutrition to help your wounds heal. Did you know extra protein helps and zinc hinders wounds healing? Also, a nurse can explain why it's important to not smoke because smoking clamps down vascular flow so blood doesn't reach the wound for healing.

o Wound care.A Home Health agency can regularly clean and treat your wound to help it heal. This can include establishing a program for evidence based topical therapy, such as wound VAC therapy or conservative sharp debridement when ordered and indicated. Sometimes, cauterization hypertrophic granulations tissue and closed wound edges is also ordered and indicated.

o Diabetic foot and nail care if necessary. You may find that wounds on your body heal more slowly when you have diabetes. This is one reason some Home Health agencies specialize in wound treatment. They can assess sensorimotor, vascular and skin/nail status and can clip nails and pare corns and calluses in a way that avoids injuries.

o Ostomy management if necessary. An ostomy refers to the surgically created opening in the body for the discharge of body wastes. A nurse can help establish an effective pouching system and educate you on self-care and lifestyle issues. They can provide supportive counseling and rehabilitative care and manage peristomal complications if needed.

o Fistula management, percutaneous (medical procedure where access to inner organs or other tissue is done via needle-puncture) tube management, and incontinence management.

One Case Manager tells this rewarding story of how Texoma Home Health helped one of her patients manage her wound.

When Jane, an 82 year old woman, had back surgery, she went to a skilled facility to recuperate.

Unfortunately, the wound in her back opened up and she developed a fever. The wound became as deep as a fist in her back. She went back to the hospital for immediate treatment. Then Jane was sent home with a prescription for home health and wound VAC therapy.

The nurse worked with Jane, treating the wound and educating her on diet. Since Jane couldn't see the wound, the nurse showed her pictures so she could see the healing progress.

Within three months, the wound was healed. Jane was walking and living a normal healthy life.

People with chronic wounds often don't understand why their wound isn't healing. A Home Health nurse can work with your doctor to assess the reasons why your wound may not be healing and develop a customized plan of care for you.

J. Whiting from Texoma Home Health.

Texoma Home Health serves Grayson, Collin, Fannin and Cooke counties in North Texas. We help our patients maintain their independence at home by providing high quality and compassionate medical care.

Get the care you need in the comfort of your own home.

?Do you have a heart condition?
?Are you recovering from a knee or hip replacement?
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?Are you taking different medicines that need careful management?

Call us at 903-868-9991. See the treatments we offer at

Medicare pays 100% for those qualified recipients.

India - Your Global Home for Medical Tourism

Standardization has become vital in the medical world. Professional organizations, non-governmental agencies, and other international institutions work to make sure that medical training, practices and medical equipments are standardized around the world. Medications from prescription drugs to anesthesia are globally available.

Medical tourism is taking advantage of this standardization. Doctors from the developing countries - many of whom have been trained in the US, Canada or UK or a member of any international medical association assure their patients that they will get the same quality treatment as they would get at home, if not better.

India is the most sought after medical tourism destination in the world and much of the credit goes to the Indian doctors on account of their global knowledge on hospital management. India offers characteristically high level of medical tourism, which means that patients coming from abroad enjoy medical care and experiences that are higher than or comparable to standards in their home countries. Another attraction, which drives patients to India, is low-cost treatment. It is estimated that treatment costs in India start at around a tenth of the price of analogous procedures in the United States or UK. Most of the Indian doctors are well educated or practiced in the West; so they are expert in their fields. In many of the developed countries people have to wait for a long period to undergo any sort of surgery. Hence, these countries have developed links with India for fast and low cost treatment for their nationals. The Indian Government has also committed some incentives like fast-track visa for foreign patients.

For patients who are reluctant to travel abroad for treatment, getting a package deal online with various medical tourism service providers would not be a bad idea. This allows you to calculate how much you can save if you get your treatment done in India. No costs are incurred for getting a quote or medical advise over email.

India is developing herself into a competitive market in medical tourism and many experts credit this expansion to its global scope. Indian medical facilities are designed to meet the expectations of world-class tourism. No wonder, medical tourism in India is basking in glorious sunshine today!

Sam D'Costa is well known professional in Online Marketing and web promotions. Medical Tourism in India

When It Comes To Life Insurance To Take Care Of Your Family's Needs There Is No Room For Compromise

Now more than ever, life insurance is a necessity and the process of buying it online is easy and straightforward. At your own pace and convenience you can compare quotes and online life insurance companies, review available plans and features, and request an application online. In most cases, online life insurance agencies connect you directly with a licensed insurance agent at no cost to ensure you're purchasing the policy to provide the right cover for your family. You owe it to your loved ones to make sure that they are taken care of after you are gone.

With just a few clicks of your mouse, a policy can be bought that takes care of those who remain behind after you. Just think of all the expenses that your family has on a daily basis, let alone necessities like education and university. Who will pay for this if you are no longer around? We all want the best for our loved ones and life insurance is the only way to ensure that they are taken care of when we are gone.

There is no need to make an appointment to shop for online life insurance. Thanks to the Internet, you can get quotes and other required information at any time. Being able to select a product that suits your needs and budget from the comfort of your home or office takes the stress out of the entire process. No one likes to think about their passing but having the peace of mind of knowing that your loved ones are taken care of is priceless.

Illinois Law on Nursing Home Neglect Or Abuse

If you or a loved one believe that a mistreatment or series of mistreatments have occurred while at a nursing home, your concerns may be actionable - meaning there may be grounds for a lawsuit - but it depends on the facts and circumstances.

In Illinois, the Nursing Home Care Act protects residents of long-term care facilities. This means people in nursing homes and shelter care facilities are protected from abuse and neglect under this law. It does not apply to hospitals or community living facilities (other laws would be applicable at those types of facilities).

There are three major categories of nursing home neglect or abuse - physical, mental and financial. Physical abuse includes beating, forced ingestion of medication or food and even sexual abuse. Also considered physical abuse is neglect - where the resident is not fed or assisted with basic hygiene.

Mental abuse includes humiliation or threats or taking away certain freedoms, such as confining the resident to his or her bed when it is not medically necessary.

Financial abuse includes overcharging and stealing. It can also include convincing the resident to leave the facility or a specific staff member in his or her will.

Depending on the degree and nature of the abuse, the first thing you might want to do is remove the resident from the facility. Next, before seeking the assistance of a lawyer, you might want to consider other avenues for resolving the issue, such as the following:

- The facility's family council - this is like a student council but for residents' families - may be able to help.

- Your state's long term care ombudsman may be able to resolve complaints. In Illinois, the long term care ombudsman can be found at the Illinois Department of Aging.

- Your state's regulatory agency may also be able to resolve complaints. In Illinois, nursing homes are regulated, licensed, inspected and/or certified by several agencies, including the Illinois Department of Public Health.

If you cannot resolve the issue through one of the means above or if the issue is not able to be resolved because, for example, the resident has died, your next step may be to hire an attorney. It is strongly recommended that you hire an attorney who has extensive experience in nursing home abuse and neglect law. There are several facets to bringing such a case - medical experts, jurisdictional issues, etc - and only an experienced lawyer in the area of nursing home abuse and neglect will be able to represent you properly.

If you are concerned about the cost of hiring an attorney, note that these cases are typically handled on a contingency basis. This means if you recover nothing, you owe nothing to your attorney. If you do recover a settlement or other award, your attorney is paid a portion of that amount.

Lastly, also note that under the Nursing Home Care Act, you are protected from retaliation by the facility. This means they cannot retaliate against you for bringing the lawsuit or for testifying against the facility.

Nursing home abuse and neglect is a serious issue. You must know your rights and where to find help. It is strongly recommended that you hire an experienced nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer who will take the time to explain your rights and the best course of action. Such a person will fight for you, get answers and work hard to ensure the right outcome.

To learn more visit

Michael Helfand has been an Illinois attorney since 1997 and is founder of the leading resource for Illinois lawyer referrals and legal guidance.

Tips On Finding an HVAC Repair Agency

Having a HVAC system in your home or office is essential. You need to inspect and maintain it regularly so it functions efficiently. In case you find any areas that need repair you need to tend to it immediately. If the repairs are minor ones then you could patch them up yourself. But, if it is a major one and you are unsure about what is to be done; then it is better you hire a professional for the repair.

When these systems break down your home becomes the most uncomfortable place to be in. It either becomes too hot or too cold. So, you should not delay in calling in a repair service. It is not very difficult to find an agency to fix your machine, as there are quite a few. However, you need to be a little careful while making your decision on which agency to hire. Do not be hasty and hire the first agency you come in contact with. You need to opt for one that suits your needs and your pocket. There again keep in mind that the company that offers the lowest rate is not necessarily the best one.

So how do you choose the right agency for the job? Here are a few tips that may help you:

The World Wide Web - Look up the internet for the names of agencies in and around your area. You are sure to find quite a few. Many of these agencies have their own websites that you could check out. These are very helpful as it tells you a lot about the company, the deals they offer, and the type of repair service they offer.
Family and friends - Asking them for recommendations is not a bad idea either. Many people have HVAC systems in their homes. They may have needed to hire the services of such an agency themselves.
Make a list - Once you have a checked the internet, got a few recommendations from family, and friends; make a list of the names of the service agencies. Take a trip down to the agency and have a talk with the manager. Get a few rates from different agencies.
References - Ensure you ask the agencies for references on their employees. A good agency will be able to provide you with them. Opt for an agency that has been around for a while and has a good reputation.

These few simple tips will make your task easier.

Are you in need of a professional for your HVAC repair, Chicago? You can contact Oasis Heating & Cooling for any repair your heating and air cooling system may need. Boiler Repair Chicago - Oasis Heating & Cooling are the premium heating & cooling contractor providing quality installations and repair services for HVAC, boiler and furnace in the regions of Lincoln Park, Chicago.

For Parents Of Twins: Ways for Stay At Home Moms to Fight the Guilt Factor

Every parent strives to do their absolute best for their children - and every parent worries that they have not succeeded. This potential shortcoming haunts all parents - but for full-time mothers of twins, the guilt can be paralyzing.

It is not uncommon that mothers of twins find themselves homebound after enjoying the comparative freedom of being a working wife. Suddenly the guilt is increased - unless she can afford a housekeeper or babysitter, she not only must hide her resentment at being stuck at home with children she's "supposed" to love, she also feels guilty about not contributing what is very likely a desperately-needed additional income.

Then there's the issue of "quality time" - if she's home alone with the twins, the mother is just too busy looking after them to initiate any significant interaction. Will they have social problems as they grow up because she was unable make the time to play with them? And we haven't even touched upon the guilt she may be experiencing about not being able to do the housework.

The cause of all this guilt? The utterly ridiculous idea that it shouldn't be impossible to handle twice as many babies as most stay-at-home mothers have to. As a result, moms of twins live in fear of being branded as absolute failures as parents if they ask for even the slightest amount of assistance.

The answers to all this guilt? Three things:

Be prepared.

If you find you're expecting twins, start building a support network right away. Find out which of your family, friends, and neighbors can help with laundry, errands, emergency babysitting, late-night feedings, or just playing with your twins while you take a nap.

Don't hesitate to reach beyond your immediate circle for help.

Consult local social agencies, and the Internet provides a galaxy of resources for parents of twins (including ways to save money).

Refuse to be SuperWoman.

You're quite human, and caring for twins should be considered quite a superhuman task. Fortunately, someone has written an e-book that can provide step-by-step instructions in how mothers of twins can stick up for themselves.

Twins! The Survival Guide is a treasure trove of tricks, tips and strategies for everything from getting through feeding time faster to traveling with twin babies. You can order it at And it makes the next best gift to emergency babysitting.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Foster Care Home Study Questions

If becoming a foster parent is what you really want to do, getting started with the foster care home study is what you will want to begin with as soon as possible because the time it will take you to complete everything will be at least 2-3 months.

First be sure that you will qualify, I wouldn't advise you to complete any documents until you speak with a case worker. Not all agencies will require the same things, these are however some common requirements.

When you are ready, contact your local Children's Services or private foster agency to express your interest in becoming a foster parent. They will make an appointment to meet with you. This will be the beginning of your home study.

The home study is like any other job interview, however, you will be asked some personal questions and it will take a couple of hours for the main caregiver of the household. Other caregivers 1 hr. and children 10-15 mins.

A brief outline of what to expect during the foster care home study interview:

Personal History:

Date of birth and where you were born?

Where did you grow up?

What was it like for you growing up?

Do you have siblings?

What did your father and mother do for a living?

Who was the authority figure?

Were are your parents/siblings living now?

And many more.

Family Composition:

Here you will be asked some questions about each of your children and their character/personality, interests, socialization etc.

How they feel about foster children coming to live in their home.

Education & Employment:

What level of education do you have?

If you went to college, what did you take?

Etc, etc.

Relationship with Partner:

How long have you and your spouse been married?

How do you support one another.

What are your responsibilities around the house?

Who will be the main caregiver, or the one who is home for the children on most occasions?

And so on, and so on.

Parenting Style:

What is your parenting style?

Who is the authority figure?...


How do family members communicate, adult-to-adult, adult-to-children?

How are messages received and interpreted?

Problem Solving:

How do you deal with or solve problems?

How do you deal with family matters, such as, chores etc.?


Current Family Functioning:

Is their someone home for the children when they come home from school?

What types of activities do you and the family participate in? Friends, family, zoo, park, short trips, long trips?

Etc, etc.

Beliefs and Practices:

Do you have cultural issues?

Do you have any specific religious beliefs?

Would you be willing to do relief? Care for foster children for a couple of days in order to give other foster parents a much needed break.

So there you have it. This is only a sample of some of the questions you will be asked, but you can relax, and don't stress over it.

They do not expect people to be saints, afterall, no ones perfect, we have all experienced our ups and downs at one time or another. But what they do expect is honest answers!

Connie McKenzie is a part-time work at home mom. She has two beautiful adopted girls and a wonderful husband. My site offers foster care and adoption information, as well as lots of useful resources for those wishing to adopt a child. Child Adoption Matters because as her daughter says, "Child adoption does matter, mommy!
Above all else, be sure that you will qualify as a foster parent. Here is a list of the documents you will need to get after you have spoken with children's services.

Need to Conduct Free Criminal Records Search? Here is How to Get the Records of Anyone From Home

Are you trying to conduct a free criminal records search? There are several reasons why any one would want to conduct a free criminal records search. Some of these reasons are:

You need to run a check on a prospective employee - No one wants to trust their business to a criminal, therefore people want to be sure the person they are about to employ is someone they can trust.

You have been dating someone and you need to be sure if he or she is not a criminal. It may also be that you want to conduct a free criminal records search because your daughter or your son is going out with someone and you need to be sure if this person is "clean".

There are so many reasons as to why any one would want to conduct a free criminal records search. But no matter what the reason may be, you need to know it can be done but how?

First of all, do you realize that you are running a risk by placing your child in the care of a former sex offender, or that you would be jeopardizing the success of your business by forming an alliance with someone who has history of fraud? The importance of checking out the criminal record of anyone you associate with cannot be undermined. Fortunately, there are easy ways of going about this search which will give you peace of mind and assure you of total confidentiality.

One way to check for criminal records on a person is to search the Internet. You could search Google by putting the person's name and other details (like social security number and date of birth) in the search box and scanning what comes up for relevant information. This could prove useful as some newspapers with on line circulation could have run a story on the person if he was involved in a crime - some papers even have columns for people that were arrested during the week in their locality.

If this does not yield useful result then you might have to enlist the services of a paid criminal search service online. The fees are relatively affordable ( some time as little as $30 ) and you are assured of a thorough result as these services have access to the databases of prisons and related agencies all over the country. The great thing about using the paid services is that you can use them to conduct criminal records searches from anywhere you find yourself provided you have Internet access.

However, there are so many paid criminal records lookup directories but not all of these directories are good. The only public records lookup site we have used and recommend is Government resources.

Government resources is a directory that is able to help you find the details of the criminal records of anyone within minutes right from the comfort of your home for as little as $20 and they will give you 100% refund of your money if you are not satisfied with their service. Click Here to read a review about Government resources.

The Growing Popularity Of Russian Online Dating Agencies

To begin with it should be mentioned that today Russian online dating services are in great demand as westerners and Russian women are taking great interest in finding their life partner using online dating services. The development of the Internet makes the process of meeting new people easier, as one can stay at home browsing Russian online dating sites to search for their life partners. With one click of the button, you come across thousands of Russian women profiles and pictures who have posted themselves online. Online dating services seem to be a perfect approach as they both save time and give you the facility to select your favorite life partner without a personal meeting.

It is important to say that some sites are meant for chatting services only. Others seriously work out to bring people closer to each other. Online communication is developed gradually and eventually relations reach a stage of marriage. These dating sites are open for registration from any country. Russian women are the ones who are seen using such Russian online dating services as they want to marry a western man and lead a happy family life.

These Russian online dating agencies provide a wide range of services to their clients. Of course such sites maintain high confidentiality and ensure privacy. Russian women personal information is protected when they are posting their profiles at such sites. All profiles are also verified by these agencies so that nothing fake turns out later that may cause a problem. The best part of these agencies is that registration is free of cost. Most of Russian women who visit these sites are single or divorced. Russian women are preferred by foreign men as they are family-oriented, loyal and caring. With online chat facility one can also have a chat session with Russian women and it will be private conversation too.

Russian online dating services are very popular now in many countries. Most of such sites offer online services that include taking personal attention to each client. Some sites are free and some of them are not. But those who provide paid services strive for higher quality. The services are proved to be of high quality even if the prices are affordable. One is sure to get output by joining such Russian online dating services.

Another benefit with Russian online services is that people from all over the world meet here at one platform. They get to know the language, likes, culture and tastes of different countries. Most chat sessions may not end up into a serious relationship but may end up in a friendship note too. Technology has really contributed much into the process of uniting people representing various countries. So, to get a perfect life partner from Russia, one has to start searching for some good Russian dating sites and get registered there.

There are many articles online that prove that Russian dating agencies are gaining popularity. But the most effective proof is that more and more international couples appear in real life. It is evident that they meet each other with the help of online dating sites. And that is really great that such services exist in our life now. They break all the barriers.

With the appearance of BeHappy2Day in the web Russian online services have become more available for all men.

Anything Your Heart Desires - It's Graduation Time

What kinds of people make you crazy by projecting theirs fears, joys, anxieties and mood swings onto you while you're pursuing your academic desires? This is undoubtedly one of the most profound experiences in your journey. What they are searching for cannot be found; even in a universal dictionary with thousands of words to choose from. But, an invitation to find a way to come down from it all can be acquired by passively suggesting - it's graduation time, go ahead and cry.

They might need it, after all those people are the ones who have been cheering you on through your entire academic career. Yes they care, about your existence, and about what the future holds for you. There is that one defining moment that no one dares to try and articulate. It's that moment when everything around you is busy; people are chatty and everyone wants to know if you need anything and if everything is alright. You might give swift and ready made responses that you've seen in a television commercial to avoid a moment of vulnerability. That place where belief and disbelief joins forces; and all the things realized are what you can only know to be true - you really did it and you are graduating.

Every assignment, compliment and criticism are all the obstacle courses you took on were because you believed in higher learning. You set out with the intention to clarify your purpose and apply it to the needs of the world. These are all the selfless acts of someone who has an internal drive to contribute something of value to help the world keep turning.

There is no way to determine the magnitude of the rewards you will attain from your efforts. But, it is important to understand that more often than not; the rewards you receive will come in the form of yet another learning experience. Your peers have studied you and know what your talents are because you've openly shared yourself with them. There are no requirements to go out and buy more school supplies, just stay open to learning. Your positioning in the world has to be formulated and you have to be awake in the experience.

Aligning yourself with a diversified and talented group of characters is a very promising position to have. More often times than not employees look to their personnel as their first resource to fill job openings. Because their staff has already opted in to the work objectives of the agency; those same employees have acquired the stamp of approval needed to certify the qualifications of another. Study time takes on a whole new meaning when someone is given an opportunity to remember how dedicated and efficient you were to the quality of work you produced.

There are a number of opportunities to really take a hard look at how the experience is shaping your character. This is the most important part of your education; and where the real work truly lies. It speaks directly to the success of your career and the type of lifestyle you will create for yourself. While it's wonderful to be liked and remembered by your peers the priority of the matter is your own appreciation for who you truly are and what you bring to the table. Be sure that the reflection staring back at you while you're brushing your teeth is someone you respect.

A great deal of energy has been placed into honing your craft. The uncertainty about how and if the passion you felt before you began the journey will sustain you is normal. What most are wondering is if they can give themselves permission to do it all over again after the deed is done. Having the courage to consider the thought will prove to be the strength behind a variety of career paths that will be proposed to you. And, the most powerful characteristic to take into your new chapter is not being afraid to reinvent yourself.

At the end of the day everyone wants the same thing. They all want to be assured that everything is going to be alright. Everything that it took to get to this point will undoubtedly benefit your future and it only depends on what you will allow the experience to mean to you. Go ahead and cry it's graduation time - tears of relief and joy are very practical.

I hope you found this article helpful. For graduation comedy and educational information see us online.

Senior Citizen Assisted Living Facilities

Assisted living is an alternative living arrangement for senior citizens requiring moderate elder care, including help with activities like eating, getting dressed, bathing, and using the bathroom as opposed to the more intensive care provided in nursing homes. This type of care serves as an intermediate between in home care for the elderly and the elder care provided by a nursing home. Facilities for this type of living may be in connection with retirement communities, nursing homes, home health care agencies, or complexes for senior citizens, or they may be separate facilities. This type of elder care is known by many names, such as residential care, board and care, congregate care, and personal care.

Assisted Living Facilities

When looking for an assisted living facility, you can usually expect to have your own room or apartment, provided meals, a staff of caregivers for support, and some or all of the following services:

housekeeping and laundry
recreational activities and exercise
guidance and monitoring of health care
reminders about or help taking medication
support with dressing, bathing, and eating

Choosing the Right Assisted Living Community

With these ideas in mind, it is important to choose the right facility for you. Each facility may have different ideologies of caring for the elderly, so not every facility may be a match for the kind of care and services you are looking for. When searching for elder care in an assisted living facility, there are a number of ways to determine whether a certain place will provide you with the comfort, security, and level of care you need:

Think about your future needs and determine whether the facility can provide the right kind of care for those needs.
Figure out whether the facility is near family, friends, and shopping centers or other businesses you'd like to walk to.
Are there admission and retention policies that do not allow people with severe cognitive impairments or physical disabilities to live there?
Is there a written statement of the philosophy of elder care of the facility, and do you agree with it?
Make more than one trip to each facility you are considering, sometimes unannounced.
Try to make some of those trips during mealtimes to check out the quality of food and service to the residents.
Take note of interactions between residents and those providing the elder care.
Ask whether each facility offers social, recreational, and spiritual activities based on your interests.
Talk to residents.
Find out what kind of training caregivers receive and how often they are trained.
Review state licensing reports.

Researching Assisted Living Centers

If you have concerns after performing some of the preceding suggestions-or if you would simply like to be thorough in your search-you may also wish to consider the following:

Call your state's long-term care ombudsman as well as the local Better Business Bureau to ask about recently issued complaints against the facilities you are considering.
If a facility is connected to a nursing home or home health care agency, you may want to find out more its counterpart. You can find information about nursing homes on the Medicare website (

Assisted Living Financial Considerations for Seniors

Another aspect of assisted living facilities to consider is cost. Assisted living is generally less expensive than nursing home care, but more expensive the in home care for the elderly. The usual range is anywhere from $10,000 per year to over $50,000 per year, so it is important to know what you can afford and how much each facility costs. Another thing to know is that there may be fees not included in the basic rate. It will be helpful to figure out how much extra you will have to pay to live in a certain home.

Insurance may help cover some of these costs, but usually charges are covered primarily by the senior citizens who decide to live in these residences or family members responsible for their elder care. Some facilities also offer financial assistance programs, which you may want to inquire about.

Medicare does not cover the costs of these residences or the elder care provided there. Medicaid-the joint federal and state program that helps senior citizens and people with disabilities pay for health care when they are unable to afford it-may cover the service component of assisted living in certain states.

It is important to consider the different options in elder care. If cost is a concern, it may be helpful to consider in home care for senior citizens. This type of elder care may provide sufficient care for your needs in the comfort of your own home. If the degree of elder care provided by in home care or an assisted living facility does not meet your needs, consider a nursing home.

The Caring Space

David Crumrine at the Caring Space
We are an organization that connects caregivers and care seekers, providing an easy and affordable resource for families seeking care for friends/loved ones and caregivers seeking employment.

Caring For Aging Parents - Prevent Nursing Home Nightmares

The headlines are scary. From cigarette burns to sexual assault, elder abuse is one of the more heinous crimes in our world. If you have the responsibility of caring for aging parents, the worry of how your loved one is being looked after can keep you up at night.

You can protect your loved one, though. Caring for aging parents starts by recognizing the signs of abuse as well as risk factors that potentially create an abusive environment.

Sexual Abuse

An elderly woman's pelvic bone was broken during a sexual assault by another patient in an Illinois nursing home in 2006. In another case, an employee at a care facility was convicted of raping and assaulting a 90-year-old woman.

If you're caring for an aging parent, you know that few things are more stomach-churning than the thought of sexual abuse against the elderly in a nursing home. Sexual abuse includes rape, indecent touching, and sexual assault, as well as coerced sex or forced nudity.

If the person you've hired to help in the caring for aging parents is sexually abusing your family member, here are some of the signs: inappropriate affection by a home employee, bruises on the inner thighs, breasts, buttocks, or genitals, torn or stained clothing, or fear of a particular staff member.

Emotional abuse

When those caring for an aging parent intentionally inflict mental anguish or distress toward your loved one, the result is emotional abuse. This form of abuse includes humiliation, threats of violence or sex abuse, insults, and forced isolation.

Caring for aging parent strategies should include being aware of the signs that a caregiver is emotionally abusing your loved one. These warning signals include out-of-character anger, silence or sullenness, unwillingness to talk openly, confusion or disorientation not due to a medical condition, and fear.

Physical abuse

The allegations are shocking. The nursing director of one California home has been accused of restraining elderly patients by giving them powerful drugs, resulting in the deaths of three of the residents. The state's attorney generals said the director drugged one of the patients simply for glaring at her.

From shoving and hitting to kicking and spitting, experts say physical abuse is the number one type of abuse directed at the elderly. Bruises, burns, puncture wounds, and unexplained weight loss are all telltale signs that the person you've trusted in caring for aging parents may be abusing your family member. Also, if your loved one is reluctant to discuss how they got an injury, it can be a sign of physical abuse.


In 2001 a nursing home resident wandered into a courtyard after employees had disabled alarms so they could smoke outside. The door locked behind her, trapping the woman, who had a heart ailment, outside. The result of the negligence? The 88-year-old died of exposure.

In short, negligence happens when the staff doesn't do its job. One of the more common forms of abuse among those hired to help in caring for aging parents, some of the signs include obvious malnutrition, patients not clothed properly, the smell of feces or urine on the resident, and untreated medical conditions.

Financial exploitation

From forging a senior's signature to coercing an elderly person into signing a will or other contract, financial exploitation is another nursing home nightmare. Signs of financial abuse by those you've hired to help in caring for an aging parent might include inappropriate bank account activity, obviously forged signatures, or recent changes in legal documents-especially if your family member is incapable of making informed decisions.

Protect your loved one from abuse

Experts in elder abuse say that there are some risk factors that indicate a facility or its employees have the potential for abusive behavior. As part of your caring for your aging parent, watch out for facilities with poor building maintenance overcrowding, high employee turnover rate, or high employee absenteeism.

Anytime you suspect those charged with caring for your aging parents are being abusive, contact local law enforcement as well as your local agency on aging.

Gregory Weldy is an expert on guiding families through the challenges of caring for an aging parent. He has written an amazing Free report called, "Nursing Home Nightmares: Challenges of Caring For An Aging Parent". To claim your FREE copy, visit:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Care and Feeding of a Home Care Provider

How did you become a care giver? Well like so many tasks that we tackle in life we put on our big person pants and get on with it. There are enormous amounts joy and laughter involved in being a family care giver as well as being connected to your aging loved one like no one else in the family. There are special times, shared stories and an opportunity to extract family history that will be passed on to future generations. But there are times of grief, self pity, frustration, resentment and even anger that also have to be considered. Taking care of family, whether they are nine or ninety, is what we do. Please make note of the helpful hints I will give you at the end of the article to help you survive in your new role.

Family care givers usually acquire that title through a set of circumstances, events and the every popular family dynamics. The circumstances could be that you are the only child living close to mom, the event could be that she fell and the family dynamics could be that your brother just has "too much going on in his life" right now to even think about moving back to help. But we all have choices in life and your decision could be that you have chosen to take care of mom. Not out of guilt but out of desire. Once you have made that choice then that is where the excitement begins. When someone attacks a family predicament with passion and creativity then the outcome will be better for all concerned.

When you think of someone in need of a home care provider most likely you think of the elderly. In fact there are over fifty million Americans who have difficulty in performing the activities of daily living due to age, illness or a physical disability. And with over ten million of those folks age is not an issue, it is illness or a physical disability. For everyone receiving care I would bet that there are at least two others providing it.

We are living longer. Someone born in 1945 could expect to live until they were 66. Someone born in 2015 will have a life expectancy of 79 years. We are living longer but sometimes it's not all that great. As director of a home care agency I have to opportunity to sit and chat with many of our senior clients. We provide home care for one of our clients in Phoenix who will be 90 in a couple of months. She has medical issues, vision and hearing issues but the one thing she complains about the most is fatigue. During one chat she scrunched up her face in anger and said: "Why can't they find out what is wrong? With all the doctors I am seeing why can't they get it right?" She is currently taking sixteen different medications.

Care giving is a job. It's might not be a job that you applied but now that you have it you are looking for some guidance. If you have children then that was a conscious decision you made to bring children into the world and that you would be their care giver. Now men, don't get mad at me but statistically speaking family care givers are female. In fact over 65% of family care givers are female. If both your parents are living then the family caregiver is the usually the spouse. In over 70% of elderly men it is the spouse who provides care but that drops to 33% if the wife needs the care.

Think of the jobs you do when you are a mom, that is besides your paying job out of the home. Now these are the additional jobs you take on as a family care giver.

Accountant and money manager. At the very least you will be making sure the bills are paid so the heat doesn't get shut off in the winter. But most likely you will be paying bills, transferring funds from savings to checking and making sure things don't go into default.
Medical adviser. Doing internet searches to make sure that the new supplement she is taking isn't conflicting with the blood pressure medication.
House keeper. Getting the crud off the stove because while mom was an excellent house keeper back in the day, she just can't see the splatters of spaghetti sauce that has crusted over.
Personal hygiene assistant. At the very least doing standby duty while she showers or bathes.
Cook. While she can still operate the microwave a nice homemade casserole is always a treat.
Driver. Many, many doctors appointments, lab tests and then there is grocery shopping, pharmacies, etc.

These are just some of your new duties that you will take on along with responsibilities to your family and your job. Have you heard of the "Sandwich Generation" well you're it. Sandwiched between your children and your parents.

But don't fret there are other family members to help right? In a perfect world all will be there to help. We had a client who had terminal cancer with really only a short time left. We provided overnight home care for him in Peoria, AZ; his wife had passed on several years earlier and he now lived alone. He had three children who were now in their sixties who lived not to far away. Hospice of the Valley visited often providing palliative care. His children would rotate during the day to provide care and we provided care givers for the overnight hours until one of the children arrived the next morning. He was covered with loving care 24/7 and passed in his sleep one night. In this situation the family care givers through many family meetings divided up the duties and also brought in professional help so that they could still spend quality time with their dad until the end.

We have another client who lives in an independent living facility here in Glendale, Arizona that we provide about twelve hours of home care a week. She also has three children in their sixties; one in Portland, one in Oklahoma and one here in Phoenix. The one in Portland supplies no support or help whatsoever, the one in Oklahoma calls mom once a week and the one here is dealing with insurance, prescription issues, trying to keep mom from spending too much money and doing supplemental grocery shopping to fill in what our care giver does.

So with all this new info to chew on, what's next? How about a mini-survival guide?

Survival Guide for the Family Home Care Provider

Get other family members involved. If you have siblings I am sure that you have learned over the years what buttons to push to give them a jab. This is not the time for that. Lay it out as a a project that effects the extended family and ask them specifically what they can do to help. Many times when you ask for help you have a task that you need done and they will come up to that mark but no further. If you have clearly defined areas of involvement and ask them what they can do, you might be surprised that they will exceed your needs. If they are too far away to physically help then maybe they could send a couple of hundred dollars a month your way to buy some respite care from a local home care agency.
Use mom's social network. Does she still have friends and neighbors that are active? Maybe one of them could do some grocery shopping once a week or take her to get her hair done.
Use available resources. Do an internet search for local agencies like the Area Agency on Aging, Alzheimer's Foundation, etc. Also look into church organizations that might have a volunteer group to help with the elderly. There are hundreds of on line communities (some of which I write posts for) that offer Q&A help from their members. You are not alone in this, there are many others that have the same problems and can offer advice.
Get some time off. Remember this is a job and you need a vacation. Even if it is only a long week end there are many home care agencies who can supply you with experienced care givers to give you needed respite.
Make a schedule and stick to it. If mom calls and says she is out of mayo, you don't have to run over there on your lunch hour to get it for her. Tell her to add it to the grocery list and you will pick it up on the normal shopping day. Once you start doing this she will understand that there is a structure and will comply with it.
Prepare for the future. If mom only needs a little help now and then use this time to look at what the future looks like. Have you found a qualified home care agency when and if 24/7 care is needed? Have you contacted Hospice to see what services they offer and when it would be appropriate for them to enter the family of care givers.

You are a family care giver but you should think of yourself as the primary care giver not the only care giver. Allow others to help. If you develop a mindset that it is easier for you to do it yourself you will become grumpy and resentful and that is no way to remember mom's last years.

Michael Simpson is Director of Visiting Angels in NW Phoenix. They are a home care company providing non-medical in home care for seniors allowing them to stay in their home without going to a assisted living facility. Simpson is in direct daily contact with his caregivers and care recipients and is close to the issues and problems that seniors have to deal with. Their phone number is 623-266-9304 and the website is and can also be found on Face Book at

Health Care Jobs at Home

Home health care is a rapidly growing profession and employs the services of many different types of healthcare workers such as nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, and social workers. Probably the most common job is that of the health care aid from home.

The job duties of the home health care aid are very similar to the duties performed by a nursing assistant in a hospital setting. Their responsible is helping the patient accomplish his activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, eating, and ambulating. They may work a full 8 to 12 hours at one patient's house and may even return to the same patient every day. Other aides are more mobile and may visit several patients in one day and have different patients from day to day. Most states require them to have some sort of basic training and be licensed before administering care to patients. The regulations vary from state to state.

Another home healthcare job is that of the home health care nurse. These nurses are specially trained to perform evaluations of patients to determine if they are progressing well in the home setting. Nurses also administer medications such as shots and IVs. They care for patients on life support systems and may work a full shift with a patient on a ventilator and may accompany the patient on short trips out of the house if the patient is mobile. A home health care nurse can provide nursing care or spend her shift traveling from patient to patient doing the required examinations that are required for continued insurance coverage.

Health care from home jobs can be obtained through local hospitals or with agencies. Agencies may sometimes offer better incentives than when working through a hospital such as daily pay and a higher salary in lieu of benefits.

The outlook for home health care jobs is good for the future since insurance companies are looking for ways to cut healthcare costs and the baby boomers are entering their golden years, a time when the need for health care increases. Home care is less expensive than hospital care and more acceptable to the patient so it is easy to understand why this area of medical care is applauded by patients, healthcare workers, and insurance companies alike. Home health care jobs offer a change of pace from hectic hospital shift work and allows the nurse or aid to work one on one with patients and really get to know them and their families. Home health care jobs can be very rewarding and give the care provider the sense that they are really making a difference in someone's life. Learn more tips at

Licensure Of Day Cares - Why It Plays An Important Role!

Most states require that day care providers meet state licensing regulations for health and safety in order to be allowed to operate. As a day care provider, you need a Day Care License to operate. However, depending on the number of children in care, a home day care provider may only be required to be registered with the relevant local state agency for child care services.

Day Care License regulations and requirements differ from state to state, so you'll need to find out what the Day Care License requirements are for your state.

The fastest way to find out about Day Care License regulations for your state is to contact your state's licensing agency who will put you in contact with your local agency. They will put you in touch with the relevant licensing agency that will normally mail you a package containing all the information you need plus application forms and a document with Day Care License regulations. They may also be able to tell you whether your home daycare requires licensing or just registration. Alternatively, you can contact the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education to find out information about your state's home daycare child licensing regulations.

The goal of child care licensing is to ensure the safety and developmental well-being of children while in out-of-home care.

Licensing laws vary from state to state and provide a baseline of quality below which it is illegal to operate. Before making a final choice, parents should contact their state's child care regulatory office.

Childcare license is important to meet the minimum standards and requirements of each state. Licensing gives the worker formal credentials for their position, and allows them to work independently. Some childcare providers and workers may choose to work out of their homes or open up their own business. In this situation, a day care license is usually required. In most cases, obtaining a childcare license requires completing a formal application and providing various attachments.

Begin by contacting the child welfare agency in your state to determine what the requirements may be to become a Licensed Day Care Provider. Most often, the application process involves a few pieces of paper, attendance at a state approved orientation, obtaining CPR certification, and then a background check to confirm the non-existence of criminal background, especially those involving sex related offenses.

While your application for licensure as a day care provider is in processing, you can begin to prepare your home for the essential safety requirements most states will require at inspection. First, be sure all floors are well covered and, if using hard wood floors, planks are free of debris and safety hazards.

Home day care businesses have become a great avenue for women, and even men, to become entrepreneurs and work out of their homes. As a much needed service in the United States, home day care business provides care for not only small children but also for aging adults.

When considering the start of a home based business, it is important to check with your state's licensing department to determine what, if any, licensing opportunities are available as, with licensing, the exposure and credibility of your home day care business will improve exponentially.

Abhishek runs his own successful Daycare and he has got some great Daycare Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 66 Pages Ebook, "Understanding Daycare Inside Out!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.