Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bundling Home And Auto Insurance To Save Money

If you own a home, you should have homeowner's insurance and, if you own a car, you should have auto insurance as well. Both of these items are necessary to protect you against many of the damages that may occur. This is so you do not have to pay significant out-of-pocket expenses for damages that may occur to your home as a result of a break-in, a natural disaster, or even fire. As for your car, you do not want to lose your hard earned assets in a lawsuit if you are cited to be at fault in a car accident. You also don't want your expensive car to be damaged by a falling tree or some other tragedy that results in you having to pay for the damages yourself. Insuring yourself can save you so much money if any of these things occur.

So yes, it is true that having insurance saves money and prevents a lot of headaches from occurring. So much money can be saved by having coverage that it produces a sigh of relief in those who have it and experience such a disaster as a car accident or a house fire. However, it is possible to save money on the policies themselves. It is just a matter of knowing how and knowing the right questions to ask. It is a simple thing that is really good to know because you could save 10% or more on your insurance, which can be significant when you take into consideration how much you pay on a yearly basis for your insurance.

Saving money

If you have your home insurance and your auto insurance with two different insurance agencies, move one of the policies now. However, there are questions you want to ask first before making the decision as to which policy to move. You want to ask each of your insurance providers how much of a discount they will give you if you bundle the two policies and if the discount applies to the entire amount or the premium of just one policy. Think about these things carefully because you can save money if they will take the percentage off of the entire premium amount instead of just one. However, you may run into the situation where one gives a bigger discount on one policy, so you may have to crunch some numbers to see which is going to save you more.

You may be able to negotiate with them. See which one is able to negotiate and see if you are able to receive an even better discount with one over the other. Once you crunch your numbers and you see who will save you the most money, you can then open either your home or auto policy with the one that will save you the most money and close the policy out with the other provider.


Unfortunately, not all auto insurance providers mention bundling to their customers. Even if the customer only has one policy with a particular provider, it isn't uncommon for that customer to have other policies with other providers. Although the provider may not ask, the customer can ask what would happen if they opened their auto insurance policies, etc. with them. Would any money be saved? If they say yes, that is wonderful because you can have all of your insurance policies in one place. If it is determined that no money will be saved either way, it may still be convenient to move your policies to one provider because your payments will not be so scattered around. All of your payments can be made as one.

We are the largest provider of home insurance in Canada. Experience savings when you purchase your auto insurance with us.

How to Select a Home Health Care Nurse For Mom

When caring for a senior gets to be too much for themselves or you as a caregiver, it is time to consider the help of a home health care nurse. This can be a daunting task and costly. So it is important to know what you are looking for. Here is help in how to select a Home Health Care Nurse.

Often it is preferable to use a home health care nurse for seniors, especially when problems are too much for them or yourself to handle. If you're trying to organize this for a parent, you're no doubt feeling some anxiety and hesitation about where to go for help. This is perfectly natural and there are ways you can alleviate your concerns before your hire.

Home health care provides a number of services including nursing care (full or part-time in the home) or other specialized health professionals. They come into the home and give treatment and check-ups to the patient, with some services such as transport also available. They can assist with things like grocery shopping, doctors' appointments and other assistance, depending on the agency.

One of the first things you may need to consider is how to pay for these services, and the additional costs that may be involved. The first thing you should find out is whether the agency is Medicare certified. This means that they have to pass quality control and tests to assure their work is legitimate and their staff are qualified. Then you need to decide what services you require for your senior.

If there is the need for personal care such as bathing assistance or supplementary services like shopping and cleaning then you'll want to find an agency that can provide it. You'll also want to make sure they have staff available at the times of day that your parent or senior needs the help.

It can be quite uncomfortable at the start for the senior as well, to have a stranger involved in such intimate moments of daily life. So it is important that they can meet with the agency and any nurses that will be provided, to ensure compatibility.

You can usually request a same-sex carer if your parent is concerned about this. Some older men would prefer not to have women caring for them and vice versa for the women - can you imagine a young man coming in to shower or dress you every day? Make sure you deal with an agency that will respect the rights and privacy concerns of your senior.

You'll be able to find care that ranges from permanent in home care provided all day, every day, to a half hour visit a couple of times a week - whatever is needed.

While you do not have to use an agency and can consider privately hiring a nurse to provide care, often an agency will have a number of qualification systems in place that will ensure their competency and reliability. They will require their people to undergo background checks, criminal checks and other qualification checks. You can request the information yourself but it can be harder to obtain, and often references may not be legitimate.

The agencies also will have immediate back up personnel should the primary nurse get sick. That can be a problem for you if you hire someone on your own.

Mark writes on a variety of topics including help mobility equipment. If you are interested in new mobility solutions you may want to take a look at Electric Lift Chair. Also, here is where you can go for a great selection in the Stair Chair Lift.

Real Estate - Buying What You Already Have Been Thinking Of!

We all sell things. We buy things that we like. We all do it all the time. So, it means that we are aware of the fact that how to do it. Buying and selling are like two favorite activities of beings on this earth. There are no major prospects while one is trying to put something on sale or buying something on sale. We bargain when we are not sure of the price. And there are others because it makes them think that they are smart. We all like to live at a heavenly place called home. What are we willing to put on line? Any probable answer would say things like our savings, our hope and our dreams. One would not like to argue that if somebody takes a step further and claims that he is not only going to build a house but life too. We all have seen people like them in neighborhood, in the next street or around the corner. They have invested everything and now are left with life, a house and few family members.

So, it would not be wrong to say that it all starts with a house and in all fair means it is also going to get stopped or completed at a similar place called haven.

The first thing that comes to our mind is what if I have no money or less of it. Yes, it was a problem but not today. Various financial institutions are coming with attractive programs to help people in need. Definitely, there would be formalities but that is fine, chances are open and wide. Another option that has become quite popular is lease purchase agreement. It clearly gives an option that you can first rent a place and if everything goes according to the plan, you can buy the place.

To buy a house is yet not an easy choice to make. Given all the facts and advantages, there is a long list of things to be prepared for. To buy a house and not to buy the wrong one seems hardly impossible. Whenever we go out on hunting a house, the only thing our mind is preoccupied with is please God save us from making a foolish mistake. Excitement level is so high that one tends to go the wrong direction.

The best available answer is to get the services of a professional agency and ask them to act on your behalf. You just take care of backstage activities. And once these agency people came with a decent option, pay a visit to that place and check every vital point before you sign on any documents.

There is also this philosophy that says that you can build any house as a dream house, so be ready to let your imagination go berserk and pick something that you have been waiting for all those years.

Happy home notion starts with the feeling of happy mind and body.

Any house is a collection of one's memories and life-tenure. Tuscaloosa Real Estate do the same. For more information visit

Elder Abuse In Nursing Homes - Two Best Ways to Prevent It

Baby boomers are starting to turn 65 this year. They are doing so at the rate of 30,000 per month. This rapid influx of seniors into our retirement is placing an enormous strain on nursing homes, assisted living facilities, long-term care facilities and whatever you want to call them. Not only is there a shortage of beds but there's a shortage of qualified staff to take care of the influx of patients.

Recently there was a lot of publicity raised by actor Mickey Rooney who testified before Congress on some of the problems he had. He did that to raise awareness of a growing problem. The problem is actually twofold.

It is well-documented that six out of every 10 nursing homes have some type of elder abuse. That can be manifested in a variety of ways from verbal, physical, psychological-practically any way that you can abuse somebody, it happens in a nursing home.

The second problem and you're not going to believe this; nine out of every 10 senior facilities has one or more convicted criminals. That fact from a recent GAO report! Scary enough for you?

There are two ways that you might be able to prevent abuse of your parents in a nursing home or other facility.

The first seems pretty obvious but it's very effective. That is to visit your parents on a frequent and regular basis and get other people involved in the process. The more visitors you have to keep an eye on your parents the better. Make sure they know what to look for and talk to the elders about what's going on in their facility. Not only will that provide evidence of something that is going on but may serve as a warning to anybody who might consider harming them.

The second way is to install a hidden spy camera. This may seem far-fetched to you but recently there was a case in Alabama where the daughter of nursing home patient noticed unexplained bruises on her dad's arms. She installed a hidden camera that caught a caregiver repeatedly striking her father and removing her dad's oxygen mask without authorization.

If you think these are isolated instances you are dead wrong.

A spy camera is the most effective tool in the marketplace today at catching people doing things they shouldn't be doing. That's why the CIA, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies use them for decades as part of their undercover sting operations. News organizations use them for undercover "stings" that are some of the most sensational stories you see on TV.

Hidden security cameras work for them-they will work for you. When are you getting one?

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15 Money Saving Techniques of a Professional Buyer Agent

We are all so skeptical we don't believe much of what we are told. We need the reassurance of seeing for ourselves proven results. At the least we require some sort of guarantee or commitment from any salesperson we are dealing with. Real estate is no different.

There was a time not that long ago that all agents represented the seller in residential real estate. As a buyer you had no control and were at the mercy of sellers, agents, title companies, mortgage companies and attorney's (unless you hired an attorney to represent you). "Caveat emptor" Buyer Beware was the law of the land and essentially how the real estate transactions took place. Major changes have occurred over the past 10 years where buyer agency has now become the normal and required practice in real estate transactions.

For a new home buyer hearing all of the scary stories about real estate and how you can be burned in the process its' hard for them to get their hands around the real benefits of buyer agency. With Buyer Agency you now have control you have your agent right where you want them under contract working for you not the seller. Best of all you can cancel the contract easier than the agent. With a phone call and fax to your agents Broker in Charge or by a complaint to the Real estate board you're on your merry way with apologies from every one involved.

What should you expect from your agent when employing the as your exclusive agent?

1. To seek property at a price and terms acceptable to you,

2. Presenting in a timely manner all written offers and counter offers,

3. Disclosing all material facts related to the property and transaction,

4. Accounting for in a timely manner all money and property,

5. Maintain confidentiality of all personal and financial information,

6. Comply with all laws and regulations,

7. Treat sellers honestly and not give them false information,

8. Non-Discrimination,

That's the standard contract stuff, how about the other things that will benefit you in buying a home?

Below are 15 techniques that professional Buyer Agents use to save you thousands.

1. Real Estate Team approach to the real estate business, Buyer agents, listing agents, customer care assistants, and a closing coordinator are needed to properly handle all properly the functions of a real estate agent.

2. Written guarantees, the best agents will put in writing 2 guarantees. A performance guarantee (i.e. Save you $5,000 on your home purchase price or they will pay you $500 at closing). A cancellation guarantee ( If the agent has not done everything they said they would and your not completely satisfied with their performance you can cancel the Buyer agency contract no questions asked)

3. Weekly communication at a minimum. A phone call, email or face to face meeting. With the agent or team member working on your transaction.

4. Multiple forms of contact for you of your agent: office phone number, direct phone number, fax number, email address, website, cell phone number. Names and functions of team members who will be working with you.

5. Emailing you daily or weekly new listings that come on the market meeting your specific buying criteria. VIP Buyers program.

6. Mortgage pre-approval, helping you with the process by giving you information and following up with competent mortgage professionals who can have the mortgage processed, delivered and closed on time.

7. Home Inspection, giving you information and following up with professional home inspectors who will meet your dead lines with complete line item reports and photographs.

8. Title company or Attorney, who can start the process on a timely basis to competently and quickly complete the title work report any deficiencies and work with the sellers and sellers agent to clean them up to meet the closing schedule.

9. Engineers Survey companies, have competent engineers who will complete the survey quickly and professionally and present any problems in a timely manner.

10. Phone numbers for all local utilities gas, electric, cable TV so you can have them transferred into your name in time for closing.

11. Schools phone numbers, addresses, websites and locations of schools public and private in the areas you are considering for your new home.

12. Hotels and apartments complexes convenient for you if there is a delay or while your new home is under construction.

13. Local information on parks, recreation, maps, newspapers, chamber of commerce, banking, shopping, grocery stores, restaurants.

14. Contractors and service providers, lawn service, house cleaning, widow washing, roofing contractors, plumbers, electricians, deck builders.

15. Hospitals, clinics, special needs for your children, parents or you.

Your agent should be in contact with you and be able to offer assistance or direct you to where you can get help without leaving you out on your own. Keeping in contact (communication) is what will make the house hunting and closing go smoother and lessen the complications.

Bill Carey a Broker/Investor/Builder. His over 30 years experience in Real Estate Sales, Investments and Construction offers a unique perspective to the processes of Investment Grade Real Estate. Bill and his family own resort rentals and hold a number of Off-Campus student rental properties in southern states. This started when our oldest daughter went away to school at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. The Carey family continues to buy and successfully rents student rental properties

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Hazardous Waste

Question: What items are considered household hazardous waste (HHW)?

Answer: Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients are considered to be HHW. Items including paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides contain potentially hazardous ingredients and require special care when it's time for their disposal.

As a country, Americans generate 1.6 million tons of household hazardous waste per year. These figures translate to as much as one hundred pounds of hazardous waste per household, stored in garages as well as in and around the home.

What are some improper methods of household waste disposal? Pouring them down the drain, on the ground, into storm sewers, or in some cases putting them out with the trash can lead to environmental contamination and pose a threat to human health.

It may seem obvious, but hazardous products should be kept in their original containers with labels intact. Household hazardous waste should never be mixed with any other products. In some situations, incompatible products can react, ignite or even explode.

When in doubt, it is best to refer to local environmental, health, solid waste or other appropriate government agency for instructions on proper disposal of HHW. Many communities now offer HHW drop-off programs and collection days. The following are some tips for recycling specific materials.

From drugstores to big box stores, Americans purchase nearly 3 billion dry-cell batteries every year to power radios, toys, cellular phones, watches, laptop computers, and portable power tools. Then there are wet-cell batteries, used to power automobiles, boats and motorcycles.

Batteries contain heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and nickel, all of which are environmental contaminants.

One way to reduce the number of batteries in the waste stream is through the purchase of rechargeable batteries. Each rechargeable battery may substitute for hundreds of single-use batteries. Rechargeable batteries are also easy to recycle.

What about cleaning products?

Most antibacterial cleaners, air fresheners, dishwasher detergents, oven cleaners, carpet cleaners and toilet/sink/tub/tile cleaners contain toxic ingredients that can seep into groundwater. Not only are most cleaning products bad for the environment, they can be bad for your respiratory health too. To minimize their negative effects, it is best to dispose of any unused products at a local HHW site. A better solution may be to buy or make your own greener cleaners. Regular soap is negligibly less effective than antibiotic soap in killing germs and not nearly as bad for the environment. Scrubbing toilets, sinks and tubs with vinegar or lemon juice and baking soda works well. Baking soda and water is also a safe and effective way to clean your oven or carpet.

Recent press reports have shown that trace amounts of prescription and over-the-counter durgs are showing up in our drinking water. The cause is the expired contents of our medicine cabinets being thrown away or flushed down the drain. An alternate disposal method is checking to see what local pharmacy will take back unused or expired drugs.

Compact florescent lamps (CFL) have become popular because of their energy efficiency. While newer CFLs contain lower mercury levels than older lamps, the amount is still too high to simply place bulbs in the trash. Home Depot has a CFL recycling program that allows the return of any unbroken bulbs for free recycling. The recycling of old electronics, also known as e-waste, can be disposed of at many Target, RadioShack, Best Buy, the Home Depot and Lowe's stores. eCycling is important because most components contain lead, which can contaminate groundwater and become a health hazard.

Because it is illegal to throw away paint or paint thinner in many states, this material should be taken to an HHW site. It may also be possible to donate usable paint to a local paint store to be remixed or sent to a Habitat for Humanity location.

Preston Sandlin is a home inspector and real estate investor in Charlotte NC. He has been performing home inspections and buying real estate in Charlotte NC for over 12 years. He is a member of the North Carolina Home Inspector's Association, the Charlotte Regional Realtors Association, and the BBB.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Saving Money With Home Health Care

Home health care has become a viable option not only for elderly people, but also for people of all ages with either temporary or long-term special medical needs. With such care, a patient can remain in the comfort of his/her home and still receive specialized medical treatment or assistance with personal care needs. Oftentimes this will be more acceptable to the patient when given the option of staying in their own home versus moving into a nursing home or hospital.

Home health care can consist of having a private-duty nurse come to the patient's home for extended care or help with a ventilator, IV's, gastrostomy tubes and other chronic medical needs. It can also involve the training of household members to give such treatments under supervision. Home personal care can be provided to help with meals or personal grooming as well as assistance with household chores such as cleaning or laundry.

Ask your personal physician or local hospital for recommendations when it comes to choosing a home care agency. Don't be afraid to question the agency about the training and supervision of their staff. Ask how problems are addressed and resolved and if there is someone on call 24 hours per day.

Choosing a home health care agency should not be taken lightly, but if you can find an appropriate fit for you loved one, a home health care agency usually costs only 1/5 of the cost of moving the patient to an outside facility. It has proven to be a cost-effective alternative to health care and usually results in a happier patient.

Donna has many interests in addition to writing articles. She also loves to collect various items such as contemporary art glass marbles and space race memorabilia. Please check out her new website related to antique clock parts at

A Typical Transaction When Getting a Quick Home Sale - Part 1

The process of selling your home is something that should be managed by a reputable and professional conveyance solicitor.

The home selling transaction process entails a number of separate procedures. In this article I will be discussing some of these procedures and then in the next article, I will be looking at the remaining procedures.

As a note; in each stage that I explain, I will be passing reference to both the buyer's perspective and the seller's perspective.

Initial stages

Buyer - Any buyer of a property must first provide their conveyance solicitor with you instructions. It is also the obligation of your solicitor to carry out necessary money laundering checks, so that you fully comply with the set Government legislation.

Seller - A seller should first order their Home Information Pack (if this is managed by your solicitor, then they will normally ensure that it is on your agents desk ready for them to market your property).

Note; if you use a reputable conveyance solicitor, they should issue your contract on the same day that you are to start the property marketing campaign. They should additionally take care of any money laundering checks, so that you can ensure that Government legislation is complied with.

Dealing with the Contract

Buyer - your solicitor will receive contracts and other papers from the seller's solicitors and will ensure that any additional enquiries are dealt with promptly. They will ask the seller about possible defects in your proposed title, planning permissions and applications, road usage, water supply and main/electricity supply, which could affect your purchase. The Land Registry should also be contacted by your solicitor and any other additional agencies such as the coal board, water authority and environmental agency (etc); they will ask about the legal title to sell to you. After all of the necessary searches have been performed and the appropriate agencies contacted, your conveyance solicitor should make appropriate amendments to the draft contract submitted by the seller with the pre-contract papers, bearing in mind the searches that have been done.

Seller - Once the buyer has received the contract, your conveyance solicitor should contact them for their formal approval of the contract and the transfer deed. Instructions will also be taken from you regarding the proposed completion date (move date).

Pre-Exchange Preparations

Buyer - Your solicitor should check all of the papers and if they are satisfied that you are legally protected on your purchase of good title for the property, they will prepare a full report to you with contract for a signature and also request that your deposit is paid.

Exchange of Contracts

Buyer - The exchange of contracts is when a legally binding contract has been reached and will thereafter prevent you from losing the deal! It will be at this point that you agree on when your completion date will occur and thus ensure a synchronised exchange of contracts; the completion date must be agreed on before you commit yourself to the exchange. The contract and any deposits will then be sent to the seller's solicitors. Your solicitor will also prepare the Purchase Transfer Deed. The Purchase Transfer Deed is required so that the property is legally transferred from the seller to yourself; with this said, the deed will first be sent to yourself to sign and return, after which it will be sent to the seller for approval.

Seller - Your solicitor will maintain a synchronised exchange of contracts is met. The seller solicitor will also ensure that the completion date has been agreed upon before committal of the exchange is made. Your solicitor will consider and approve the transfer deed, asking you to sign it. This will only be done if your solicitor believes it is acceptable, so that your legal rights are protected.

In my next article I will be discussing the remaining stages to the transaction process.

James Blue is an experienced property developer that has helped many individuals, achieve a quick home sale for their property at many locations throughout the United Kingdom.

James is based in Hertfordshire and has been writing articles and information on the subject of property for many years. His website URL is: if you would like more information and tips.

Expanding Long-Term Care Options

Countries such as Denmark and Sweden have effective home and community based care systems in place were their social care services have independent living options. It is not uncommon for home health aides to visit their elderly several times a day. The problem is much of the senior care focus has been on hospitals and not the community. People often focus on getting care from hospital-based services and nursing homes instead of home-based health care. It was reported that as one-fifth to one-third of all elders placed in nursing homes shouldn't be there in the first place. Adult day-care and home health care is often a much better alternative for these elders. It is important that we invent an integrated approach to elder care that involves coordination of home health aides, physical therapists, and nurses.

There are several organizations providing models for this type of integrated care. One program called the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) has demonstrated the financial benefits of keeping the elderly at home. It takes nursing-home-eligible individuals with functional frailty and through coordination with a team of physicians, case managers, therapists, nutritionists, and home health aides, helps these elders to live at home. The program was so successful that it became a full-fledge HMO in 1998.

Social Health Maintenance organizations are other new low-cost alternatives to nursing homes. One example, SCAN Health Plan in Long Beach, California, combines case management with social support for elders. The Aging Network has been very effective in linking more than 600 government-supported Area Agencies on Aging with thousands of community organizations. Programs are being launched in nearly every community across America to support eldercare-givers. The Aging network is credited with coming up with adult day services, internet resources, and caregiver assistance information networks.

For more information concerning respite care and personal care attendates please visit or contact Lincoln N. directly at

How Long it Takes to Qualify For a New Mortgage After Foreclosure

Closely related to the question of if homeowners who lose a property to foreclosure will ever be able to qualify for a new loan again, is how soon they can apply for another mortgage. Thankfully, the answer to this question depends mainly on how much the homeowners are willing to work to repair their financial situation and how serious they are about establishing new, responsible credit histories. Borrowers who want to become homeowners again very quickly have resources at their disposal, while those who simply do not care can wait longer and pay more, but will still be able to get a new mortgage eventually.

How soon former homeowners can qualify for another mortgage after foreclosure will depend on many different variables, all of which relate to their financial condition following the loss of the home. In some cases, borrowers may escape foreclosure with their credit in somewhat decent shape, while other homeowners will have numerous charge-offs, collection accounts, and severe delinquencies that will make it much more difficult to qualify for any new credit for years. Much of this negative information, though, can be overcome either through a large down payment or through a serious program of credit repair.

The most important aspect of being able to get a mortgage after experiencing the loss of a house is for homeowners to begin a savings plan. With enough of a down payment, they will be able to qualify for any loan that they want, even for another home purchase within months of the original foreclosure. Of course, many banks will want at least a 35% down payment, but if the borrowers have the financial means to put down such a large amount, they will have a good chance of qualifying for a new loan despite poor credit and no efforts to improve their scores on their own. This may be the fastest way back to homeownership for most families, if they have the resources for it.

Realistically, however, putting down 35% when buying a home may not be in the realm of possibility for most borrowers. Savings, though, should be the first priority for any family after foreclosure, because the larger the amount they are able to put down, the better the interest rate will be and the more likely they will be to qualify for the loan in the first place. But while they are saving up for the next purchase, it is also important to work on the credit history and begin working to boost up their scores by removing negative information and adding positive credit use.

Credit repair and debt validation/consolidation programs can be started as soon as the owners have recovered from their financial hardship, and will have a positive impact on the ability to borrow money in the future. In fact, homeowners facing foreclosure should begin working on their credit as soon as they can, because the process can take from several months to over a year to remove some old inquiries and inaccurate or closed account information. The more accounts the owners have to resolve, the longer the process may take.

Although it will be difficult, if not impossible, to remove the actual foreclosure and defaulted mortgage payments from the credit report, former homeowners can focus on all of their other debts to create a more consistently positive record of credit use. Having numerous late payments, dozens of inquiries, and charged-off accounts assigned to collection agencies can drag down a score dramatically, but these may be the easiest records to remove. Even better, depending on the situation, if a lender or collection agency breaks the law, borrowers can often sue their creditors for at least $1,000 per violation, which can always be put towards the down payment savings plan.

But, if loan applicants have access to a 35% down payment, they can often qualify for a new mortgage anytime after foreclosure. The bank will not be so concerned with the credit history, as they are sure that they can sell the house for enough to make up any losses they would experience as a result of the homeowners defaulting. It is only when former homeowners do not have much money that they will need to work on credit repair or simply wait until they can get a new home purchase loan again.

With a serious effort at clearing up their credit histories, it may take from one year to 18 months for the repairs to make a significant difference, after which the borrowers can apply for a new loan. The terms may not be the best, and they may be required to put down a large part of the purchase price, but it will most likely be quite a bit less than 35%. Although it will cost a few hundred dollars of materials and postage to dispute and remove credit records, the savings on the new mortgage will far outweigh these small expenses.

However, if the foreclosure victims simply wait and do no credit repair, they may be able to qualify for a new mortgage within three years after the foreclosure. Again, they may be required to put down at least 15-20% of the purchase price, and the interest rate will be somewhat high, compared to if they had done more credit repair, but losing a home does not preclude borrowers from qualifying for a loan for the full 7-10 years a foreclosure stays on the credit report. Obviously, this is the easiest and least costly way to qualify for a new home again, but it takes the longest amount of time and the owners will be doing themselves no favors in terms of payment and interest terms.

The bad news is that it will be extremely difficult for former homeowners to qualify for a new mortgage within a year of facing foreclosure; their credit will just be too damaged and the loss of the home too recent. The good news, though, is that the more resources and work they put towards the effort, the quicker they will be able to purchase a new home and the better the terms will be. Foreclosure, as mentioned above, does not mean that a family will have to rent for the next decade -- with just a few months of work and a savings plan, it may be relatively simple to become homeowners again even after a foreclosure.

The ForeclosureFish website has been created to provide homeowners in danger of losing their houses with relevant and important foreclosure advice and information. The site describes various methods that may be used to save a home, such as foreclosure refinancing, selling, bankruptcy, short sales, loss mitigation, and more. Visit the site to read more articles about how foreclosure works and how the process may be avoided before it is too late:

In Home Care for Diabetics - 5 Important Diabetic Supplies

Once your doctor informs you that you have Diabetes, it will be imperative that you make changes in your life. It is very doable. In fact, you will be acquiring a much more healthful lifestyle in the process. Sure it may seem overwhelming at first, but you will be surprised it isn't that hard to do in the long run.

Here's a list of what your In-Home Care Specialist will have on hand for you:

1. Testing supplies. Your blood glucose levels will be checked regularly. I know at first it may be a bit scary, but it really isn't that bad. The good thing is you'll know what your numbers are on a regular basis to stay in good health.

2. You may need to take in more insulin to stay healthy. You will need glucose tablets or liquids, or syringes or needles.

3. Blood pressure kit to monitor your blood pressure. Sometimes at a doctor's office, your blood pressure may be higher since you might be somewhat nervous there. You may be more relaxed by checking your pressure at home.

4. Diabetic socks to help with circulation through your feet. You don't want to have to worry about obtaining any sores. Diabetic sores are usually very hard to get rid of, so try to prevent them.

5. Diabetic safe sugar-free candy is allowed. Keep some on hand. If you have somewhat of a sweet tooth, they will definitely be appreciated.

As we get older it sometimes gets difficult to live alone. Senior Care or Companion Care is becoming more and more popular. Even if you live at home and have a disease that's difficult to deal with, you can still obtain good quality care in the privacy of your own home. In Home Care Agencies are prepared to help you every step of the way. It is certainly a great alternative to Assisted Living.

Horizon Care Services in Florida was created by Health Care Professionals whose in home care has been ranked as "Best in the Field!" Live your life to its absolute fullest, and do it all in the comfort of your own home. Here's their site:

Justine Jordan

Health Care Jobs in the USA

Health care jobs in the USA are highly respected and considered prestigious since these offer excellent job stability, wonderful remuneration and above all, ensure total job satisfaction. Today, hundreds of health care jobs are available in almost all the states of the USA.

In the U.S healthcare industry, job opportunities are steadily increasing in various disciplines including occupational therapy, speech language pathology and physical therapy. The exponential rise in the aging population as well as the ever increasing health problems are the main factors contributing to job growth in the USA.

To make the most from healthcare jobs in USA, you need to have basic qualification in the corresponding professions. Qualified candidates can hold a variety of positions in medical services, mental health services and therapeutic services.

Health care jobs in USA are available in a multitude of facility centers and educational institutions such as rehab centers, child welfare organizations, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, public welfare offices, fitness centers and social service agencies. The healthcare industry offers you permanent and temporary jobs, travel assignments in different locations in the U.S, and long term and short term employments.

The healthcare jobs in the USA offer you the opportunity to take up research in the course of your career. Through counseling and service coordination, you can assist people with various health problems. Healthcare professionals in the field of therapy can work in a multitude of areas

o To help individuals of all age groups with emotional, mental and physical disabilities

o To improve the quality of life for senior citizens with highly complex health problems

o To develop healthy family systems

o To diagnose and treat rehabilitation of athletic injuries

Now, candidates can take advantage of the health care jobs in USA and ensure career advancement, and enhance their living standards. Looking for health care jobs in USA? Then browse the Internet to find the right jobs that offer better pay, and guarantee a bright future. You can easily identify top recruiters who bring employments and job seekers together and find you the best placement in the U.S healthcare industry.

TheraKare, a well-known medical staffing provider in the USA, offers fast and efficient healthcare jobs placement solutions for medical professionals. Our healthcare staffing solutions are primarily focused on physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapist assistants, speech language pathologists (SLP), pharmacists and nurses.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Health Professionals

Health agencies can take care of a patient professionally. Many times, as we would like to take care of a sick member of our family, we simply could not afford to do for several reasons. If you really can't afford to stay home and take care of a family member who is sick, it would be a good idea to hire a health care agency to do the job for you. For people who are working and could not really get a leave from work for a period longer than a few days, taking care of a sick member of the family for a couple of weeks or until such time when he or she could function on his or her own is definitely out of the question unless that person would risk losing his or her job.

To take care of a sick member of your family, there are many advantages of hiring a health care agency. The best advantage of hiring a health agency to help you take care of a sick member of your family is that personnel of health agencies are skilled in taking care of patients. They know what to do in certain situations.

Furthermore, having somebody to take care of the sick member of your family will enable you to go back to work as soon as the member of your family is already out of any danger. You don't really have to risk losing your job but taking unauthorized absences from your work place. Another advantage of hiring a health agency to help you take care of the sick member of your family is that health care agencies have a pool of healthcare professionals who can give you good service. If you need a nurse to take care of your family member, the health agency can provide you with a nurse to take care of your patient for you.

Believing in good balanced diet, taking vitamins and minerals. Daily exercise, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, drinking enough water, meditation, relaxation, positive thinking, and trying to be happy.

Top Six Tips For Making Your Vacation Home Profitable

The vacation rental market is growing. More people are traveling nationally and internationally with each passing year. Hotels have this monotonous sort-of uninteresting feeling about them. Vacation rentals on the other hand have a personal touch to them and offer visitors more freedom than a hotel does. And, they are often cheaper. This could be a great business to get in. A recent report suggested that renting out vacation homes can be almost 90% more profitable than a regular home rental. However, it's always about risk-reward, right? There are things you need to know to run your vacation home business right to avoid getting burned. The responses to the six questions listed below will provide some answers for those new to vacation home renting.

1. Rule Number 1 - Get the right insurance

Homeowner's insurance for your vacation rental property is essential. There is no questioning that. But just like vehicle insurance or renter's insurance, there really are quite a few options out there. Choosing the right one can save you a lot of headache in the long run. And money too. The balance between premium and benefit in insurance is always a hard one to find. Determining your insurance needs is best done by consulting a number of insurance agencies, but make sure to prepare a checklist of questions beforehand. Insuring a vacation home is much more involved than a regular home. You have a new vacationer every week. You must be prepared to handle lawsuits from irate vacationers. You really can't make everyone happy however hard you try. Strong liability coverage will help you sleep well. Don't just sign the insurance paper as if it's a necessary evil. Understand what you are getting into. If disaster strikes, you should know what you can get away with and what you can't.

2. Marketing: Do this right. You don't really have a choice.

Any business, but especially a vacation home rental must advertise to be successful and remain competitive. Online advertising has proven to be a key way of reaching prospective renters. In other businesses, people still use yellow books and word of mouth heavily. In vacation homes, most people are not from the same area so they don't usually have the yellow pages and also may not know anyone from that area to get a recommendation. So where do they go? Google, Yahoo, MSN or AOL. That's who they search to find a nice vacation rental. That can be a good or a bad thing. To turn that into a favorable thing, market online. Consult with a good search engine marketing company. Get a website for your vacation rental if possible. Get your home listed on multiple sites. Use other techniques like radio/print/TV ads as well, but to a lesser extent perhaps. If done right, internet advertising can get you ten times better results than other techniques for a fraction of the price. You really need a good online marketing company though. There are too many out there that don't know what they are doing. It will help if you know some basics about advertising on search engines or have a friend or family member who does that can negotiate with your online marketing company.

3. Rental Restrictions: Be smart about this and avoid headaches.

You can stipulate certain requirements that renters must meet to rent your property. However, be careful not to make these discriminatory restrictions based on race or other such factors. That can get you into a lawsuit faster than anything else and you are almost assured of a loss. You can however set age limits, animal/pet, or smoking restrictions, depending on the jurisdiction that your rental is at. However, to avoid running a foul of the law, check regulations governing certain types of rentals. You can also change these restrictions periodically. Research the norm in your area. Often times, copying what other renters do in the area can be a good start.

4. Security deposit: Handle them carefully.

For vacation rentals, it is often a good idea to get a portion of the pay upfront as a deposit. Non-refundable or non-refundable is a question that you are going to have to answer. I personally like to keep smaller non-refundable deposits that I can deduct from the total pay. Often people pay checks that bounce. With a visitor every week you don't really have the time to go after people if there are problems. To avoid making a loss, always cask the security deposit check. That's a good way to know whether your renter is likely to pay the full amount.

5. Be clear and upfront about refundable security deposits

Many people also keep a refundable security deposit. If you do, remember that are only allowed to keep back the cost of the damaged item plus any fees associated with replacing the item. You can't just withhold the whole security deposit if damages don't equal the deposit. Be clear and upfront about this and keep all bills and receipts to prove why a specific amount was withheld.

6. Keep it clean

If done right, you can actually make a profit from this. Offer multiple options to your renters. No cleaning, full cleaning, partial cleaning. Also let them pick the frequency. Then based on that, charge them a markup over what you pay to your cleaners. There you go, now you have a cleaning service that you offer for your vacation rental and make money from it.

For many of the questions you'll have, it is a good idea to talk to a lawyer who will assist you in drawing up a standard contract and provide guidance on local issues surrounding rental of vacation properties. Don't hesitate in doing this. Just go in prepared for your meetings with lawyers and do as much work as possible yourself to keep the lawyer bills under control. These questions just touch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to starting a vacation rental company, but hopefully these will get you started!

Kenny Doucette writes about Florida vacation rentals. Check out Kissimmee Vacation Rentals and Destin Vacation Rentals today.

Ten Careers to Beat the Recession and Make You Money

Although unemployment remains sky high in the UK, a rise in house prices and new job vacancies in certain sectors would suggest that we are emerging from the recession. But what do you do when you have spent months seeking a job and have found nothing? Below are 10 careers that will help you beat the recession and most will be flexible enough to fit around your family needs or other commitments. Never has the term 'Work to live' had such true meaning until now that is. So, if you are stuck in a rut with your career going nowhere, read below for the jobs that are likely to help survive a recession:

1: Catalogue sales and Party Plan

Catalogue sales and Party Planning are great ways to make money. You need not be a natural sales person so long as you enjoy meeting new people, are organised and sociable. Depending on the business, you can start with catalogue sales at first and as you grow in confidence and your business develops you can eventually move on to Party Planning. As with most work, the more effort you put in, the more you get out. An added advantage of these forms of work is that they are flexible and can be done on a part time or full time basis; you get support from a Team Leader or Sponsor so you never feel alone and you get to do a job that you love, working for yourself. Party Planning companies include: FM Perfume, Ann Summers, Avon, Virgin Vie, and Oriflame to name but a few. What about people cutting back on spending during the recession? I hear you say. Well, whilst many people will indeed spend less during a recession, people also want to feel pampered and invest in themselves to cheer themselves up through hard times thus allowing themselves 'treats' to feel good.

2: Pound shops / Discount stores

Pound shops have been reported to be extremely successful during a recession as people want bargains and high quality products. No, I am not advising that you set up a pound shop, but it is certainly one good way to make you money in a recession. Think Poundland, savers, Lidls and Aldi who's sales have done very well during a recession.

If you intend on setting up such a pound shop or discount store, look at your location to ensure that there are no others in the vicinity as you may not wish to position yourself too near a similar shop unless you are selling different products or are able to make your business unique from your competitors.

3: Childrens Activities / Childrens after care service

Imagine a parent who works and has no family or friends who can collect the child from school and entertain them? That is why there is always a need for children related services which are tailored to the needs of parents especially those who are in work, working inflexible jobs. Recession has meant that many mothers have had to return to work soon after having a child or re-enter the workplace after years of not working. Because of this, there is a greater need for nursery places as well as childrens activities and after care services to keep children occupied. If you have a qualification to do a certain activity, hold a current CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) which conforms to Government regulations and guidelines, then you could rent a hall and market your activities in defined areas where your target group are likely to visit. When ensuring that the activity is tailored to the needs of children, you will need to conduct market research to gage the views and opinions of parents and carers. Once a demand is noted and feedback is positive, analyse your results and use that knowledge as part of your business plan.

4: Fast food/Take away

Now you may be saying to yourself that during a recession people eat out less, thus favouring to cook at home to save money. Whilst this is true, it is not always the case if you are offering people something different to what is out there already. If, for example you want to open a Caribbean food shop and there is limited competition in your area you can monopolise that. If the food is reasonably priced, features a take away option and the quality is high, with great customer service and service delivery then your shop will be more memorable because you stand out. When people don not want to cook they may choose to visit a take away, especially if it is easy to get to and convenient. Two such shops that have never been short of customers even in a recession are called Take Two and Ting and Ting. These two shops have the following in common which make them stand out and ensure that customers keep returning.

- They both offer efficient service. Especially if you are in a hurry and cannot wait long for your food

- The staff at Ting and Ting are warm, friendly and welcoming so you do not feel like a stranger and have charming charisma to draw people in

- Good choice of food for all tastes

- They are positioned in ideal locations and the type of food offered means that there is little to no competition

- Quality of food is high and offers value for money

- You can either eat in or take away

5: Become a Doula

A few years ago, media reports suggested that there was a shortage of UK midwives. This would heavily impact on mothers to be as they may have been sharing midwives which lead them to become anxious. Such a revelation caused mothers to seek doula's to help support them and their spouse's through the birth of their child. Doula agencies also responded to the need by offering to either train or refer new applicants to train to become doula's. So if you are a mother who has a caring and supportive manner, you may choose to train as a pre or post birth doula offering parents advice, support and even practical help, helping out with light domestic chores in the home so that the parents can spend time with their new baby. It must be noted that a doula cannot perform the same role as a midwife; however they are trained to offer parents practical and emotional support in a variety of ways. As mothers continue to have children and require one to one support, a doula will soon be seen as a necessity rather than a luxury service. To find out about training as a doula, contact the British Doula Association.

6: Ironing service

If you have a few hours to spare in the day and you enjoy ironing, you could offer an ironing service. There are many people who see ironing as a boring and time consuming chore that they would quite happily pay someone else to do. You only have to look at some of the adverts on Netmums to see that there is indeed a need for such a service. Consider doing door to door pickups and drop offs as well as a quick turnover in getting the clothes ironed. If you become good at it - word of mouth (a great tool for marketing) will spread thus bringing you in more business and money. If you find that there is competition in your area, look at how you can make your ironing service stand out from the others without adversely affecting the profit you make.

7: Home Tutor / Host Family

There is always a need for good teachers especially in Maths and, Science therefore whether you are already a teacher or a Degree Educated person you can offer home tuition in the subjects you trained in. This is a good profession where you may be able to work within your own area; the pay is from £20+ per hour and is flexible. If you have not taught before or it has been some time since you last taught, you will have to study the curriculum in your subject and be highly knowledgeable enough to teach and assist the young person but it is a great way to supplement your income. If considering this role, ensure that you have a current CRB check and fulfil the requirements of an agency in order to join.

Some agencies will pay you a greater sum of money if you even have a spare room in which to host foreign students and have a certain number of hours to dedicate to teaching English. Now, not all host family agencies require you to teach but some do and may ask that you are educated to Degree standard. You will be required to supply food, clean towels pick up and drop off students at school, but the money paid should cover a large portion of these expenses.

8: Debt Adviser

During the emergence and heart of the economic downturn, an increasing number of people sought help when faced with mounting debts, repossession, and loss of earnings; this lead to debt agencies advertising in National, as well as local newspapers. Adverts suggested that they could help people manage their debts and could suggest ways in which they could be cleared. The competition in this field was high but was in response to the growing trend and financial problems people were experiencing. Although, many debt agencies may have been acting unscrupulously during these times there were many that abided by regulations and guidelines. One company that I became aware of made applicants pass two interview stages and take a psychometric test before being allowed to train, as a Qualified Debt Adviser. If you were unable to pay for the course in full, you could apply for part funding. Once training was completed, you would be assigned work in your own area and work on a self-employed basis earning money according to the numbers of cases that were referred for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement, or where clients acted upon your advice. Now, I am not suggesting that this job is for you as you will have to conduct your own full and extensive research in this field however, it is a serious consideration.

9: Virtual Assistant

A Virtual Assistant assists small businesses with secretarial, technical or administration duties especially when businesses expand employers find that they need help with certain tasks that they may find overwhelming. Most virtual assistants work from the comfort of their own home on a flexible basis negotiated with their employer. So if you have a good background in administration, secretarial or technical work, you can apply your skills to this profession. Duties could involve answering phones, book keeping, and sending emails. The more skills you have, the more useful it may be to businesses. You may find that you could use your marketing skills and experience to advise a business on how to market to a different target market, or market effectively. Furthermore, using your skills and knowledge in PR you may be familiar with writing Press Releases for different mediums and audiences. The key is to look at your skills, qualifications and experience and ask yourself how can businesses benefit from your knowledge. What suggestions can you make to enable businesses to:

o Generate more clients

o Gain publicity

o Encourage website traffic and exposure

o Increase sales or service users

o Make service delivery faster or more efficient

As an increasing number of people seek self employment to fit around the needs of their family and other commitments, the need for virtual assistants is ever more needed.

10: Social Workers

According to media reports, there is a shortage of social workers after Victoria Climbie and Baby P's cases came to light. Many people were put off from entering this profession however the fact remains that there is still a need for well trained social workers to deal with vulnerable groups in society. You only have to look at the numbers of children in care to see that the need for social workers will not fade through the recession. One of the routes to social work is by taking a Degree in social work.

Samantha is a Certfied Life Coach specialising in career, parental and confidence building coaching as well as offering generic coaching. To find out more about this and to acquire further articles, please view Although this article makes reference to UK terms and information, the tips mentioned are applicable to a worldwide audience.

How to Attract the Cash House Buyers?

Cash house buyers could be a good option to choose, if you have decided to sell your house. Although you get a chance to sell your house to the property buyers, you can sell it quickly if you make your house look more attractive.

Even if You are not looking out for a traditional house sale, it helps to make your house more appealing. You need to remember to take a few things into consideration, if you really want to make your house look attractive. Moreover, it is the psychology of every human to feel attracted when something looks good and in perfect condition. They will tend to buy it immediately, sometimes even for a better price than the amount you might have in mind. The condition of your house is one thing that you should consider before you put your house to sale. Make sure that everything in it is functioning properly. Take steps to make your house look appealing on both outside and inside. This will attract the house buyers instantly and you will have all the chances of selling your house almost immediately.

You can add some extra items in your house to make it more comfortable and attractive. It is very important for your house to look unique among other properties in neighbourhood and ready for sale in the market. Spend some cash to upgrade the items present at your home and attract cash home buyers quickly. You can also add some landscapes, furnishings, accessories and other items to give an added look.

If in case, you are working with any traditional real estate agencies then you are expected to make some changes before selling your property. Though this is not the case when you are following a nontraditional method to sell your house, this can offer you a better chance to sell your house quickly. Make sure of the agreements that you need to have. When everything is proper, the cash house buyer make the payment within few days itself. They also take care of the legal fees that are associated with the proceedings.

Damien is real estate expert, with 15 years in the real estate market, and has seen many people buy and sell their homes with creative techniques. To further expand your knowledge of the real estate business and how you can be more informative to your buyer, check out Sell House Fast

Home Buyers Guidelines

As a Licensed Salesperson in New York State, I am constantly coming into individuals with varying degrees of interest in the house purchasing process, from those actively seeking a new home (or first home) to those who are merely curious. This article will address the needs of those who are seriously interested in purchasing a home.

Firstly, a buyer should realize that it is his choice and option as to what type of agent to deal with. One type of agent is known as a Seller's Agent. This type of agent has been "enlisted" by the seller of a house to represent his interests in the sales process. By definition, a seller's agent owes the seller the following fiduciary duties: undivided loyalty; confidentiality (non disclosure of any personal information regarding the seller); full disclosure; of course, reasonable care; obedience (to the client's- i.e. the seller's legal wishes and needs); etc. While a seller's agent must still be honest, fair and act in good faith, and disclose any material issue that affect the property's desirability, this type of agent's primary allegiance is to the seller. This type of agent may also at times be referred to as a Listing Agent.

A Buyer's Agent is "hired" by the buyer to represent his interests. This type of agent actively negotiates in the best interests of the buyer. He has the same types of obligations and allegiances to the buyer as the seller's agent has to the seller. While a seller's agent represents the seller and his interests primarily, the buyers agent has an allegiance to the buyer, and does not represent the seller.

A Broker's Agent is one that cooperates either with the listing agent or the buyer's agent, while not working for the same firm as either the listing agent or buyer's agent. This type of agent does not have an allegiance or direct relationship to either the buyer or seller. Because of this and the fact that the buyer or seller do not give instructions directly, this agency situation does not involve any type of "vicarious liability" (direct responsibility for actions of another), and therefore either the buyer's agent or listing agent will have the responsibility regarding liability for this agency type.

The last type is a Dual Agent, who is permitted to represent both the buyer and the seller, as long as both give written and informed consent. Obviously, this type of agent will have limited fiduciary duties compared to other forms of agency. Dual agents must fully explain any possible conflicts that this might present, and the steps and care that will be taken. Some Brokers, in order to avoid the appearance of conflict, use a situation known as Dual Agents with Designated Sales Agents, with a separate agent handling the buying and selling aspects and interests.

Buyers must also begin their search by getting pre-qualified for a mortgage for a specific amount, so as to know what price range they should be searching in. While some buyers appear hesitant to fully confide their information to their Realtor, if that is a concern, then a Buyer's Agent agreement and arrangement is the way to go. Truly interested buyers should ask their agent to provide them with "comps" of houses that have recently sold in the area, as well as on the market presently, so that any offer made will be realistic. While it is acceptable to give a significantly lower than asking price for a house that appears overpriced based on comparable houses, doing this will fairly priced houses will generally result in a "souring" effect, if the buyer is actually truly interested in a particular property.

Buyers should understand that a Seller, once he receives an offer in writing, can either accept the offer, reject it, or propose a counter- offer. Then the procedure begins again. Buyers should consult their professional agent for suggestions as to the best way to proceed.

Richard Brody has over 30 years consultative sales, marketing, training, managerial, and operations experience. He has trained sales and marketing people in numerous industries, given hundreds of seminars, appeared as a company spokesperson on over 200 radio and television programs, and regularly blogs on real estate, politics, economics, management, leadership, negotiations, conferences and conventions, etc. Richard has negotiated, arranged and/ or organized hundreds of conferences and conventions. Richard is a Senior Consultant with RGB Consultation Services, an Ecobroker, a Licensed Buyers Agent (LBA) and Licensed Salesperson in NYS, in real estate. Richard Brody has owned businesses, been a Chief Operating Officer, a Chief Executive Officer, and a Director of Development, as well as a consultant. Richard has a Consulting Website ( ); a blog ( ); and can be followed on Twitter.

All Texas Home Insurance is Not Created Equally

The other day, I spoke with a mortgage broker regarding getting his business and working with his clients. I explained the normal sales pitch. You know, my agency has great service, great policies, and great rates. You've heard it before. He told me that was okay, but he only cared about the great rates.

Face it, Texas home insurance has increased over the past few years. In a recent article published in the Dallas Morning News states that the following:The National Association of Insurance Commissioners released Monday showed that the average annual premium in Texas for the most common homeowner policy was $1,409 a year, considerably more than the nationwide average of $804.

Even though the most common Texas homeowner policy can be rather expensive, there are some things that consumers can do to lower their costs without compromising their insurance coverage. For the mortgage broker that wanted me to simply save his people money without regard for the type of policy I write I say to you, I will not compromise my client protection for the sake of a quick sale.

When you shop for home insurance in Texas here are a few tips to look for when you look at different insurance policies:

Fire the Fire Policy - A Fire policy or a DP policy is an insurance policy that covers the dwelling only. Typically, insurance agents have to add liability to the policy manually or by endorsement only. The primary use of this policy is for landlords that do not want contents coverage because they figure their tenants are going to get their own renter insurance policies.
Home Owners Policies are for Home Owners - Home owners policies come in several forms. The common thread for Texas home policies and other home policies is that they typically have dwelling coverage for the home, other structures coverage for out buildings, contents coverage for your personal contents, medical payments, and personal liability.
Letters are for Texas Home Insurance Policies - Typically, Texas Home Insurance policies come in the forms HO-A, HO-A+, HO-B, HO-T, and HO-C. There are other home policies out there, but until recently these were the most commonly written policies.
Numbers are for National Policies -Companies are now offering national forms that offer even more flexibility than before. Texas insurance companies like The Hartford, and Travelers, have begun writing HO-2, HO-3, HO-4, HO-5, and HO-6 policies. The policy languages are similar Texas Home Insurance policies, but the coverage reflects companies outside Texas are writing.

With all that said, some big companies have their own policies that do not fit into either category. If you are insured with either of those companies, you can always compare those policies online at Otherwise, always talk to an insurance agent that knows what is going on and can give you an honest policy review. As a Texas independent insurance agent, it is my job to make sure that my customer has the right coverage, at the right price. Independent insurance agents have a number of different companies available that Texas homes policies and National policies that will protect you according to your individual needs. If you cannot find a good agent to compare your home policy online, you can visit me at

David Berry is a freelance writer and licensed Texas Insurance agent. With 15 years of experience in the insurance industry, his agency specializes in helping find low rates on the auto, home, and life insurance. You can read more of his original posts on his website at

Two United Nations Refugee Agencies - Why? (For Good and Evil?) UNHCR and UNRWA!

Attempting to mitigate the human tragedies of millions of displaced Europeans after World War II, a UN agency, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) was established, initiated in December 1949 by Resolution 319 of United Nations General Assembly and formed on 14 December 1950. The objective and mandate then (and still) is noble, humanitarian and non-political - "to provide international protection and to seek permanent solutions for refugees the world over".

However, after the Arabs were defeated in their 1949 war against Israel (five Arab armies attacking after the Jews accepted the UN offer of a homeland and created Israel - the Arabs refusing the same offer to the Palestinians), a special UN agency with unique provisions was created - just for the Palestinian Arabs. Rejecting UNHCR, the influential Arab League demanded and obtained a special UN agency (UNRWA) "United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: UN Resolution 302 on 8 December, 1949, stating, "a relief and human development agency, providing education, health care, social services and emergency aid to 400,000 Palestinian refugees living in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

(Note: for 19 years after the 1949 war, Gaza was controlled by Egypt -despite having the same religion, language, background and culture, no Arab country would accept the Palestinians, forcing them to be wards of the United Nations.)

UNRWA is the only agency that is dedicated to a specific ethnic group of refugees (Palestinian Arabs) from a specific region or conflict. It is separate from - and much, much larger in funding, staff and political influence than UNHCR, although it oversees only a small fraction of UNHCR refugees. The unique criteria for UNRWA (clearly tailored to an Arab League political agenda), is that "beneficiaries had to have lived in the British Mandate Area of Palestine for at least two years before fleeing, and must have lost both home and livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab Israeli War, or be the descendant of someone who had." (No other refugees the world over can claim similar entitlements.) The UNRWA definition of eligibility -pointed out by critics - is that it serves only to perpetuate and aggravate Arab-Israeli friction (even non-refugee Palestinians may qualify for UNRWA benefits), its "rights of return for forever generations" indicates a hidden objective - to achieve by diplomacy and time what the Arab armies could not accomplish by war - the eventual replacement of a majority-Jewish Israel with another majority-Muslim state (the 57th). Clearly, UNRWA, in contrast to UNHCR, was clearly not set up to help Palestinians achieve happy lives, but to keep them as perpetual political pawns, a continual and increasing irritant, forever blocking a real peace with Jewish-Israel.

For UNHCR (non- Palestinians), World War II created a flood of refugees: in 1956 there were refugees from an uprising in Hungary; then Chinese refugees in Hong Kong; then Algerian refugees fleeing to Morocco and Tunisia; then large refugee movements in the 1960s, triggered by de-colonization of Africa. During the 1970s, the world's refugee growth continued, UNHCR operations being spread thinly around the globe: a mass exodus of East Pakistanis to India; then the Vietnam war with additional millions of fleeing refugees. The 1980s also saw new refugee challenges for UNHCR, aggravated by many newly independent states which openly rejected resettlement of their own people, fleeing inter-ethnic conflicts. The targeting of civilians by Islamic terrorists added significantly to displacements of minorities; local conflicts resulting in large numbers of refugees from Asia, Central America and Africa. The end of the Cold War also caused a marked increase in inter-ethnic conflicts as the monolithic USSR broke apart, causing a huge flood of fleeing displaced persons. More recently, the genocide in Rwanda resulted in a massive refugee crisis, again highlighting the difficulties for the relatively small UNHCR staff - especially as many "rich" nations erected restrictive asylum barriers. Thus, the mandate of UNHCR (all other refugees) has continually strained its small staff to provide humanitarian aid to "internally displaced persons" (IDPs). In summary, UNHCR presently has major missions in South Sudan, Chad, Lebanon, Darfur, Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kenya - but employs a staff of only about 6,300 people, spread over more than 110 countries (averaging 57 per country).

In contrast, UNRWA, concerned only about Palestinians, provides massive funds for but a tiny fraction of UNHCR's refugee total, but dominates the entire UN sphere of influence in staff size, funding and politics. Initially defined in 1949 as responsible for only "400,000 Palestinians fleeing Arab-Israeli wars", UN records show significant growth (due to the "descendant, right-of-return" clause): in 2004 to "4,000,000 qualified Palestine refugees", the present number is over 4.5 million, an eleven-fold increase. Thus the United Nations provides benefits in 59 refugee camps in Mid-East Arab countries. UNRWA was also responsible for displaced Palestinians in Israel following the 1948 war; however, in 1952, the Israeli government took over responsibility and costs.

Comparison, UN Agencies - Since its formation by the United Nations in 1950, UNHCR (non-Palestinians) reports it has helped an "estimated 50 million refugees restart their lives" - a 2007 UN document states that over 21 million refugees were under its mandate. (Note: the fact that the number of UNHCR refugees in 2007 had been reduced to less than half of the 50 million total aided, contrasts dramatically with UNRWA, where the number of Palestinian "refugees" increases every year, with every birth.) Despite the comparatively few refugees under its jurisdiction, UNRWA (Palestinians only) dominates the UN as its largest agency, wielding enormous (anti-Israel) influence. Critics, including US Senators and Congressmen, have complained that the contrast in function and achievement - in light of the politicized staff and funding - makes it clear that UNRWA's objective can be only to steadily increase political pressure upon Israel - not to resettle the Palestinians into building meaningful lives, but to keep them as "poor, pitiable refugees" - to eventually set up the demographic demise of Israel and replacement by an Arab-Muslim-majority "Palestine". Such influence provides explanation to the dominant activity of the UN - seeming to be anti-Israel resolutions. Critics complain that UNRWA perpetuates Palestinian dependency upon the UN, indoctrinates anti-Israelism in Arab school-children by demonizing Jews and Israel, supports militancy by hiring known activists, and even helps fund known terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. UNRWA operates the largest school system anywhere, employing more than 17,000 as teaching and support staff in 663 schools. With 99% of UNRWA's local staff being Palestinians, there is no dispute that its payroll must include members of terrorist organizations - also with admitted lax financial controls, it is known that money from Western governments are funneled to terrorist organizations, and even, unwittingly, for purchasing arms for Hamas and Hezbollah.

Recent official data of UNRWA vs UNHCR are as follows: staff sizes, UNRWA-29,000 (handling only 9% of UNHCR's refugee clientele - grown to 4.5 million Palestinians from the original 400,000), vs UNHCR, only 5600 despite it being Responsible for 21,018,589 world-wide refugees (January 2007, UNHCR report): eight million in Asia, five million in Africa, 4.7 million in Europe, 3 million in the Americas and Caribbean. Most interesting is the following UN ratio data - 4000 world-wide refugees per UNHCR staff member, compared to only 180 Palestinian refugees for UNRWA, The effects of the humanitarian objectives behind UNHCR versus the political agenda behind UNRWA - both 61 years ago - are becoming more and more consequential - for good and evil.

Aaron Kolom qualifies as a "rocket scientist" with over 50 years aerospace engineering: Stress Analyst to Chief of Structural Sciences on numerous military aircraft, to Corp. Director Structures and Materials, Asst. Chief Engineer Space Shuttle Program through first three flights (awarded NASA Public Service Medal), Rockwell International Corp.; Program Manager Concorde SST, VP Engineering TRE Corp.; Aerospace Consultant.

Aaron L. Kolom - from Brainwashed* and Miracles**

* The Perceived Mind-Set of the Secular Elite re Darwin Evolutionism!
** To Believe in Them - Have Faith - In Science and Logic!

Visit website at to learn a bit about Science vs the Bible, from conflict to confirmation.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Residents Guide to St Michael, Minnesota

There are many up and coming cities in the Minneapolis metro area and outstate regions, one of these communities that is of interest to many new home buyers is St. Michael, Minnesota. St. Michael provides the feel of a close knit, smaller community but is well within reach of Minneapolis (30 miles) and the connecting suburbs. Here are some of the important things that people who are looking for a new home builder in St. Michael need to know.

City Stats*

Population: 9,099 (year 2000, estimated around 15,000 currently)

County: Wright County

Median Age: 31.4 (Wright County)

Median Household Income: $77,330

Median House/Condo Value: $255,000

Real Estate Property Taxes: $1,664 (year 2000)

*Retrieved from

Economic Development

The City's Economic Development Authority (EDA) promotes the retention and expansion of existing businesses while attracting new businesses to the community in order to promote a diversified tax base, job opportunities, and convenient shopping for residents. The seven-member EDA consists of two Council representatives and five residents appointed by the Council.


Neighborhoods in St. Michael offer a place where residents can enjoy family life in spacious backyards and enjoy miles of hiking, walking and biking trails. This is a community where families care for their homes, their community, and each other. There are many great neighborhoods in the area designed by Minnesota new home builders Hans Hagen Homes, Ryland Homes, Rottlund Homes and Liberty Homes.


Residents of St. Michael are just minutes away from distinctive shopping and impressive savings at the Albertville Premium Outlets. This destination shopping area features a complete spectrum of national brand outlet stores for designer fashion and sportswear, kids' clothes, food, house wares, home furnishings and more.

Parks and Recreation

St. Michael has a great park and trail system designed to take advantage of the area's natural resources and provide a wide range of recreational activities for people of all ages and interests.

The City works collaboratively with the City of Albertville and ISD #885 to provide recreational activites for the entire community through the Family Youth Community Connections (FYCC). FYCC organizes activities and programs throughout the year, including Reading in the Park, Arts in the Park, Plays, Father/Daughter Dances, etc.

St. Michael is fortunate to have a number of regional parks that provide a wide range of activities and valuable open space.

o Pelican Lake Waterfowl Refuge

o Beebe Lake County Park (Wright County Parks)

o 2,600-acre Crow-Hassan Park Reserve (Three Rivers Park District)

Library of St. Michael

The Roy Simms Community Library is a fully accessible library in the Colonial Mall (same building as Subway and Mr. Movies), in downtown St. Michael.

The library is part of the Great River Regional Library system, which has 31 locations throughout the service area. The GRRL has more than 700,000 items, which include books, music cassettes, compact disks, books on tape, videotapes, and periodicals that can be accessed by patrons.

Senior Center

Programs are offered on varied activities, trips, health, education and recreation. The Center is a place for seniors to meet others, gather for fun and information. There are no membership fees. The Center is a joint program of the City of St. Michael and Senior Community Services. The programming is done by staff of Senior Community Services, which is a United Way Agency. Volunteers are needed to assist with programs and monetary donations are always appreciated.

There is a lot to do in St. Michael; there are great restaurants, plenty of shopping, low crime, good schools and most importantly a close, friendly community that will welcome any newcomers.

Jason Beack is the Marketing Coordinator for Hans Hagen Homes, a Minnesota custom home builder and Minneapolis new home community company. Hans Hagen Homes has new communities in St. Peter, Blaine, and Cologne, Minnesota as well as Hudson, Wisconsin. To learn more about St. Michael, Minnesota and Hans Hagen Homes visit

Type From Home Jobs - Who Needs Your Services?

Probably you are intrigued by something you have heard or read about type from home jobs. Are such opportunities really out there? The fact is, right here, on the Internet, you can find several people who might need your typing and transcribing services. Now, if you can type well, without errors and be very neat in what you do, then there are jobs for you. The speed doesn't matter much, but it is good to have a speed of at least 40 wpm if you want to earn substantially, because in this world, you earn as much as you can type.

So, who might require your typing services? Since you are planning to work over the Internet, here are some people on the Internet who might want type from home services.

Voice Transcription Jobs

Some people take audio interviews and then want these to be transcribed for the Internet. Maybe they want to put these things up on their websites. They would want a typist to do this job for them-listen to the interview and then transcribe it word for word. You could do this job, only that you need to be careful about what you hear. Every word needs to be mentioned when you type it out.

Movie and Television Show Transcripts

Television shows and movies have their transcripts all over the Internet. These are basically used by entertainment-based websites, and are even sold in a downloadable format, or given for free. Here too, you will be given copies for the movies or shows and you will have to listen to them and transcribe them. This can be an interesting and fun job as well because you are watching the movie or show as well. An extension of this is a translation job. You could transcribe the dialogs and then translate them into other languages that you know. There are people looking for such services all the time.

Legal Typing Jobs

Lawyers constantly need their clients' interviews transcribed. Since they usually are in a hurry, lawyers often take audio recordings of these interviews, but then to enhance their value, they want it to be transcribed. If you could get in touch with a popular legal agency, you could have a steady flow of such typing and transcribing work.

You may not have to listen all the time too. There could be handwritten things that you may need to type sometimes.

Data Entry Jobs

A lot of data entry jobs need you to find information (or sometimes it is directly provided) and then you type it into a specific form or directly on some online location. This is a seemingly easy typing from home job because you are not supposed to do any research or even listen to something that requires hanging on to each word.

So, these are some typing from home jobs that are available on the Internet. Make your accounts on some of the popular freelance jobsites out here and you will see interesting notifications pouring into your inbox each day.

Les Foster writes passionately about money-making ideas that could be written from home. You could read more informative articles from him, such as this one on type from home jobs. by clicking on the link and visiting his website.

Assisted Living: Benefits Of In-Home Senior Care

When it comes time to face the important family decision of how to care for an aging cherished one, the choices are limited. You can either place them in a nursing home, move them in with you, or hire an in home elder care company to take care of their day to day needs. Many people are only aware of the first 2 options, and often choose one of the two, despite the well-known challenges to each.

Most people are aware of the common problems with putting an elderly family member in a nursing home. They get lonely there and the quality of care is often sub-standard. After all, it's hard for someone to be comfortable in a strange place where they don't get to see their family members very often.

Moving your loved one in with you has its own set of challenges. Unless you and/or your spouse are not working and have no kids to care for, there is often very little time to care for their growing health concerns. Add to that the fact that most people are not health care professionals and do not specialize in elder care, so even if you had the time, you may not have the capability to properly care for your loved one.

This brings us to in home care. Many people have heard of it, but it is a developing service and few are familiar with how it works and how it may benefit your loved one. Here are 3 of the biggest benefits to hiring an in home senior care agency to look after your loved one:

1. Reduced stress and anxiety on your family member

It is well known that moving to a nursing home can put a lot of stress on your aging loved one. This can often exacerbate the health issues they are facing and lead to further medical problems. Allowing your family member to receive elder care in the comfort of their own home will take away that stress and allow them to enjoy the same independence and quality of life they have become accustomed to.

2. Care is customized to the needs of the individual

Unlike large institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes, an in home senior care agency offers one on one support and care for your loved one. This allows them to tailor a health care plan to fit their needs. This insures that your loved one receives personalized care from a nursing professional who has a passion to serve the elderly.

3. In home care is a cost effective option

Since your aging family member receives their senior care at home, they will not be stuck with the outrageous hospital or nursing home bills that eat up all their savings and many times cause the state to take ownership of their house. In home elder care can be had at a fraction of the cost of these other options, saving your loved one and the entire family a fortune in medical bills.

These are just a few of the many benefits to hiring an in home senior care agency to look after your aging loved one. If you are facing the difficult decision of how to care for an elderly family member, in home care is an option well worth considering.

At Senior Helpers of NJ, we provide the best In Home Senior Care NJ has to offer. It is our greatest pleasure to give our Elder Care NJ clients the assistance they need to safely live at home where they belong. We ensure that our clients receive affordable, dependable care that helps them live dignified, independent lives.

Live-In Housekeepers - Keys to an Easier Life

Live-in housekeepers are sprouting in many homes. This is because more and more people are coming to realize the convenience of having a full time help at home. Besides that, there are many other reasons why it becomes a practical need to employ the services of live-in housekeepers.

Maintaining live-in housekeepers, though, can entail a lot of cost. In the United States, for instance, only the wealthy lot can afford to hire a full time housekeeper. In other countries, too, housewives are taking full responsibility of their homes because they cannot afford to pay the services of a full time maid.

In the event that you would also like to experience what it's like to have housekeepers living in your home, it is necessary that you conduct a thorough interview and background check. Certainly, you would not want to let just anybody living in your house twenty fours a day; thus, you should be able to find out if you can trust your housekeeper with your life.

As a guide, you should ask the potential candidates basic background information. Ask them how long have they been in the housekeeping business; the employers they have worked with, and the reasons why they have left their employers (assuming, of course, that they are previously employed). You should also let them know the amount you intend to pay them with, and your expectations of them. It is always better to lay things out in black and white to prevent problems in the future.

It may also be important to ask your applicants their feelings towards basic household chores, such as cleaning, cooking, taking care of children, and the like. Look at them in the eye as they deliver their answers so you can evaluate if they are responding honestly or not.

Another must-do is to have them fill out an application form where they can state their full name, address, contact number, social security number, and any other important details. Then you should also verify if they have a valid work visa.

It can be very stressful to go through all this process by yourself. If you have enough money to spend, you can employ the services of certain agencies to help you find live-in housekeepers. These agencies are usually equipped with materials and manpower, and they can even do the pre-screening and background checking of your applicants for you.

These guide questions are very practical and necessary in order for you to spot the best live-in housekeepers for your home. Keep in mind that if there is somebody else besides your family who will live under the same roof as you, she'd better be somebody you can depend on.

To find the right live-in housekeeper [] for your home, visit this government licensed domestic helper agency Bahamas online now.

How to Avoid the 7 Most Critical Buyer Mistakes

1. Have your credit checked early in the process. Most people do not know their credit scores or what really determines a good credit score.  It is not enough to get a free credit report from a single credit reporting agency.  It is important that you have a mortgage planner obtain a tri merge report.  This will provide scores from all 3 reporting agencies.  Typically the lender will take the middle of the three scores when qualifying an applicant.  It's important to determine if there are credit issues early on.  Many times they can be corrected in a matter of weeks and will raise your score.  A low credit score can cost you many thousands of dollars in mortgage interest.

2. Be careful not to make any new purchases on credit.  As the prospect of buying your new home comes closer you will begin to think of all the new needs you'll have.  Perhaps it's larger so you'll need new furniture.  Maybe new appliances or even how a new car will look in the driveway.  Don't laugh, if it hadn't been done by my past clients then I wouldn't have mentioned it.  Do NOT accumulate new debt before you close on your new home.  New debt lowers credit scores and will throw off the debt to income ratio that you were qualified with.

3. Know your Mortgage Planners experience and ability.  It is vital to have someone with experience handling the largest purchase of your life.  Sometimes people will have a friend or relative that's in the "business".  Often this is an inexperienced person trying to earn part time income.  It is important to have an experienced Mortgage Planner on your side to consult, negotiate and oversee the details of your transaction.  Find out what credentials they have.  Are they licensed?  Do they have a certification in the particular loan programs you are interested in.  How long have they worked full time in the industry?  Your Mortgage Planner will be responsible for your largest purchase - make sure that you have confidence in that.

4. Thinking there are only 1 or 2 Loan Options. Many buyers assume that there are only a couple loan options available to them.  Perhaps they are told by a bank that they need 10% - 20% as a down payment and so assume that they must continue renting until that have that money saved.  Make sure that you speak to an experienced Mortgage Planner to determine ALL your options.  Today, there are dozens of home loans available.  Some that require no down payment at all.

5. Be aware of how subtle changes will affect your score.  Show caution in having your credit checked.  It is important to have it done by your Mortgage Planner for pre-approval but after that be careful.  Lenders will view multiple credit checks as a sign that you are trying to obtain credit and will subsequently lower your score.  Never close a credit account prior to obtaining your mortgage approval as this will lower scores also.

6. Do not Purposely leave out important credit details.  Your Mortgage Planner is on your side.  Past credit problems may be embarrassing but they will show up somewhere down the road.  Be sure to explain everything so you can have a plan of action ot overcome it.  Give them the information so they can provide you with the best possible interest rate and service.

7. Get a Mortgage Pre-Approval.  Preapproval is a necessary ingredient in negotiating the best deal possible with the seller.  A seller will want to see your approval certificate to know that you are negotiating in good faith.  It is simple to do and free.  It is done over the phone and will give you a greater sense of freedom as you shop for a home.

Rob Kosberg is a Veteran Mortgage Consultant whose career spans 20 years. Rob's business is 100% referral with thousands of satisfied clients and over $200,000,000 in Real Estate Transactions closed. Before you go any further, be sure that you get the full story and check out Rob Kosbergs' Detailed FREE Report on Buying your Dream Home with a Zero Down Mortgage or for up to date Mortgage info visit his Mortgage Blog