Saturday, March 16, 2013

Whiten Teeth at Home For Less Than 5 Dollars and Get Results Fast

Your teeth are perhaps your most important asset, they are one of the first things people will notice when they meet you for the first time. There is nothing more unattractive than a mouthful of yellow stained teeth.

What your Dentist forgot to tell you about teeth whitening.

With modern advances in dental care you can now whiten your teeth at home and get the same results as if you went to the dentist. The cost of teeth whitening at the dentists office is very expensive and multiple appointments are usually required to get the look you desire.

Messy trays and whitening strips are a thing of the past.

Who wants to walk around with a messy whitening tray for an hour at a time or try to use those uncomfortable strips where one size is supposed to fit all. A few years ago these were all the rage but now things have changed and are much simpler with the introduction of teeth whitening pens.

There are many advantages of at home teeth whitening pens.

* Used by many celebrities as the go to product for whitening fast.

* Most are guaranteed to whiten by a few shades very quickly.

* Very easy to apply, simply brush the applicator as if you were "painting."

* No dentist offices or costly follow up visits.

In the national news recently.

Many national news agencies have reported a spike in the use of at home teeth whitening products. Considering the cost of a dental visit which can be in the neighborhood of $400 per session, it is no wonder consumers are looking for other options. As people tighten their wallets they still want to look their best and these home whiteners seem to do the trick. Especially as technology is advancing the ingredients in these home whitening kits rival the quality of the expensive dentists options.

To find out more and how to get your FREE trial CLICK HERE [].

Increase In-House Nursing Homes Collections

The following nursing home collections report outlines 11 guidelines you can follow to increase the amount of in-house long term care collections your facility collects.

1] Have A Defined Long Term Care Collection Policy

One of the major causes of delinquent nursing home receivables is that the facility has not clearly defined to its residents/responsible parties and business office staff when the accounts are to be paid. If you are currently 'playing-it-by-ear', and have no consistent guidelines for your business office to follow - you are inviting bad debt. These guidelines should be made clear to both your business office and admissions staff. If you consistently apply your collection policy to every nursing home account, you will enjoy a large decrease in delinquent accounts.

2] Educate Residents/Responsible Parties On Your Policy Before Admission

If residents/responsible parties are not educated that their nursing home accounts need to be paid on time - then chances are they'll pay late or sometimes not at all. Make it crystal clear what day of the month that you bill, and when their payment is expected. Let them know the consequences of non-payment up front - not after they become delinquent. This eliminates potential future misunderstandings from your residents/responsible parties. Statement of your payment policy when payment is overdue is a strong first step in facilitating payment.

3] Invoice Promptly and Bill Regularly

If you don't have a systematic invoicing and billing system - get one. Many times the resident/ responsible party hasn't been re-billed or reminded to pay in a timely manner. This situation regularly occurs in homes where there isn't enough billing staff in your business office, or the staff is spread to thin to invoice or bill on a timely basis. It is amazing how much money is often left uncollected because the resident/ responsible party was never billed or contacted a second time.

4] Keep Accurate And Timely Payment Records

Once a resident is admitted, it is vitally important to maintain accurate and timely records on their payment history. If you see any deviation from past payment patterns, and especially if payments become unusually slow, immediate follow-up is warranted. This not only gives you an early alert to impending payment problems, it also gives you the chance for early intervention if there is an outside influence (i.e. responsible party withholding payment, etc...)

5] Contact Past Due Accounts More Frequently

There is no law prohibiting you from contacting a resident/responsible party more than a month. The old adage 'The squeaky wheel gets the oil' has a great deal of merit when it comes to collecting delinquent accounts. It is an excellent idea to contact late payers every 14 days. Doing so will enable you to diplomatically remind the resident/responsible party about your terms of payment and give you more chances to discover the real reason why they are late.

6] Develop A Systematic Plan To Follow Up On Past Due Accounts

Determine ahead of time what actions you will take and a defined time frame when the actions will take place. For example, at 15 days delinquent - make a phone call. Your business office can start with a 'courtesy' call to make sure the statement was received. At 30 days delinquent - send another statement with a message, "This balance is 30 days delinquent, please remit immediately." At 45 days your business office can call and make a stronger demand for payment. Having a plan and adhering to it makes both you and your residents/ responsible parties aware of the fact you expect to be paid on a timely basis.

7] Use Your Aging Report - Not Your "Feelings"

Many well meaning business offices have let an nursing home account age beyond the point of ever being collected because they 'felt' that the resident/responsible party would eventually pay. While there certainly are a few isolated cases of unusual payment situations, the truth is that if you aren't being paid, usually someone else is. So stick to your systematic plan of follow up. You'll soon know who intends to really pay and who does not. You can then take appropriate measures once you know where you stand.

8] Make Sure Your Business Office Is Trained

Even experienced business office members can sometimes become jaded when dealing with debtors. This usually occurs when the residents or responsible parties: have made and broken promises for payment, did not file information at the county office, avoided your attempts to make contact, moved with no forwarding address, or just flat out declared they have no intention of paying. Make sure your business office is firm yet courteous when dealing with the residents/responsible parties. Your business office could benefit from customer service training because they must 'sell' the residents/responsible parties on the idea that you expect to be paid. Make sure your business office is trained to not only bring the nursing home account current, but to also maintain good will with your residents/responsible parties.

9] Admit And Correct Any Mistakes On Your Part

Sometimes residents/responsible parties do not pay because they feel you have made a mistake. If the basis of the non-payment is a dispute over the quality of care, a mutually agreeable settlement between you and the resident/responsible party should be arrived at promptly. The resident/responsible party may use a minor dispute to withhold substantial payment. Insist that the undisputed portion get paid immediately, indicating the balance will be negotiated. This will not only help to collect payment payment, it shows the resident/responsible party that you are listening to his or her concerns.

10] Use Third Party Nursing Home Collections Intervention Sooner

If you have systematically pursued your delinquent nursing home accounts for 60 to 90 days from the due date, and they still have not paid, you are being delivered a message from your resident/responsible party. If you have implemented a good collections policy, you have requested payment four to six times in the form of statements, letters, phone calls and possibly personal visits. Statistics show that after 90 days, the effect of in-house collection efforts wear of 80%". That means that the time and resources of your business office should be focused within the first 90 days of delinquency where you have the best chance to collect the delinquent nursing home balances. From that point on, a third party can motivate a resident/responsible party to pay in ways you cannot, because of both the perceived and real consequences of dealing with a collection agency or attorney.

11] Remember That Nobody Collects Every Account

Even by setting up and adhering to a specific long term care collection plan, there are always some accounts that will never bee collected. By identifying these nursing home accounts early your billing staff a great deal of time and money. Even though a few may slip by, you will find that the overall number of slow pay and nonpaying accounts will greatly diminish, and that's a victory in itself!

Collection Agency Services offers you a wealth of information on how to select the best collection agency for your business.

Tips For Last Minute Travel Plans

There are moments when we plan a getaway at the last minute or we find out that we have to leave on a business trip with the next flight. This type of traveling can be both costly and also it can give you a lot of headaches. You will have to find the right accommodation in just a few hours. Of course, there will not be enough time to find out all the necessary information about the hotel and so on. Nonetheless, everyone likes to have a little adventure in their lives every once in a while so why not do it? Here are some tips that might make your preparations easier.

Packing your suitcase might be a challenge but you will see that it is very simple to take care of this. You should start with the essentials such as toothbrush, comb, medicine and cosmetics. Afterward you will need to think about how the weather is going to be where you are going. Pack variable things in case it might rain. Once you finished with this you might want to pack your camera, cell phone charger and so on.

See what are the best deals online. When you have a little time you can search the Internet and see if there are some plane ticket offers or some accommodation offers. If you simply cannot do all of these on your own you might simply want to call a travel agency and ask him/her to help you. Maybe she/he will have better luck.

When you don't know exactly where you are going, then you might also want to grab a travel guide with you. Also, print some things out the places that you can visit. They might come in handy if you don't know exactly what to visit.

Also, before you head out the door, see if you have you IDs, the passport, the travel insurance and so on. Check and double check your home before you leave in order to make sure that everything is OK. Traveling can be a lot of fun if you know how to plan everything.

Each of the bedrooms' offer the excellent facilities visitors have come to expect from an urban retreat like birmingham hotels.

Nanny Share 101 and What to Expect

A nanny share is when two families engage the services of a single nanny to care for both families' children. Nanny sharing is a creative way to save money and still have a professional in home childcare provider. With child care often being the second largest monthly expense, your mortgage being the first, families find sharing a nanny to be a great solution. It is a common misconception that having a full time professional nanny is out of a family's budget, but sharing, lowers the average costs to $300-$450 a week per family. Although this sounds great, it is easier said than done! Nanny Shares have many pros and cons, and only you can determine if it is the right choice for your family.

First step: Finding the right family to work with! Just like having to interview nannies you will have to interview families first. Here are some things you need to consider:

1. Age of the children - It is probably better to have children close in age so they can play together and become friends, but think about the pros and cons of having multiple children the same or similar age or the opposite.

2. Values - How much is the other family looking to spend on a nanny? What benefits are they willing to offer? You would be surprised at how families differ on the subject.

3. Parenting Philosophy - How do you want the children disciplined? What does your child like to eat and what does their child like to eat? Does one of the children have a food allergy? What are your rules regarding television? The families must agree on these items - different rules for children being cared for together is not possible.

4. Scheduling - How often do either of the families require a nanny? If your schedules do not coordinate, how is this going to impact you? How often does each family go on vacation? How is the nanny compensated when only one family is using her? Timing is everything.

5. Activities - Do both families allow the nanny to take their children on outings to the zoo or parks? You would be surprised at how many families do not want the nanny to take the child out. You must consider how this will affect your day.

Second Step: Once you have found a possible family you would like to share a nanny with you still need to think about the following:

1. The Nanny Search - Both families should get together and write a job description, work agreement and qualities they are looking for in a nanny. They should agree on how the nanny search will be executed and determine responsibilities for each step of the way. If an agency is used: the fee amount, who pays it, and any fee-splitting arrangements should be in writing. If an agency is not being used, make sure you agree on a process for screening, background checking and reference checking. During the interview process, the nanny should have the opportunity to meet all parties before accepting the position.

2. Where will the care be given? - some families rotate; others use only one home. If care will not be given in each family's home, consideration should be given to the wear and tear which will occur in the home where the care is given.

* Is that home maintained and clean to the satisfaction of both families?

* Is the home child proofed?

* Are there pets in the home? What care must be taken to protect all children?

* Who will be responsible for supplying the toys and replacing broken ones?

* What about meals which the children and caregiver will be eating during the day - who will provide the food and pay for it?

3. Salary - When a nanny is hired by 2 families her salary is usually higher due to the more complex situation, but when split between two families will still result in a big cost savings. Consider what happens if there are days where one family's children are not being cared for - is the same salary to be paid or is a lower hourly rate ok? The same salary is recommended, but this must be worked out ahead of time. Families and the nanny should coordinate the withholding of payroll taxes and consult a payroll company (GTM) or accountant to find out how to handle this appropriately.

4. Benefits - What benefits will you offer your nanny? How do you plan to coordinate vacations? If the host family is vacationing, will the nanny be required to go to the other family's home? Full time nannies expect to receive weekly pay for every week of the year, even if a family does not need her care on any particular day or week. Typical benefits include paid federal holidays and 1-2 weeks of paid vacation.

5. Illnesses - It is important to work out what happens when the children are sick. It will be possible that the sick child will be living at the home where the care is being provided that day. Will the care be given at the other home that particular day?

6. Communication - Open lines of communication are very important. Both families and the nanny should be comfortable in bringing up any issues that might arise. Make it a point to check in once a month and give regular reviews to your nanny.

7. Contracts - Both families should have a contract not only with the nanny but each other. This should cover all the details like salary, benefits etc, but also what happens if one family wants out of the share. Always discuss an exit strategy, including what the rights and obligations of each family are, when the relationship ends.


* More personalized attention than a day care and for less money

* Additional duties can be done like light housekeeping and laundry


* It is very difficult for two families to find a nanny they agree on

* There is the risk of being left with a nanny who was hired for a certain salary

Sharing a nanny can be the best of both worlds or more trouble than it is worth. Evaluate your personal goals and what you want to get out of your childcare provider. Can your provider meet your goals while caring for other children? After weighing the pros and cons you will be able to determine if this is the right avenue for you.

Jobs and benefits usually get lost in the mix when it comes to sharing a nanny, but Steve Krex said it best, "Help Me - Help You" and find out your benefits with several Nanny Jobs available to you by contacting the Chicago Nanny Agency.

Restoring Your Credit

If you currently have a bad credit, then it is necessary for you to restore your credit as soon as a possible to avoid further complications in the future. This is because a bad credit is can cause loan application denials, high loan interest rates, and troubles securing new credit cards.

Your credit rating is based on the FICO score that is given to you. If you take a look at your own FICO score and see a score lower than 650, you have just confirmed a bad credit score for yourself. If it is way lower than that, such as a 500, then that is a disaster. These numbers are calculated by credit reporting agencies based on certain factors, so if you want to improve your FICO score, it is only right that you work on those, which are your payment history, your total debts, the length of your credit history, your new credits, and the types of credit that you use.

Restoring your credit can be a really tough job, but it is really advantageous to do so since the benefits of a good credit rating can never be underestimated and will come in handy any time in the future. Basically, you have to lead a financially responsible life. This will take into account your spending habits and discipline concerning your budget. It takes a lot of will, patience, motivation, and determination to do this, so prepare yourself for a change of lifestyle if you really want to fix a not so good credit rating.

Other than starting with yourself, you can also do other things to help improve your credit rating. One of these is to retrieve your credit report copies from the credit reporting agencies that are responsible for your FICO score. These are three, and they are Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. Do not worry too much about obtaining them, because they can be availed for free annually. The reports contain substantial information regarding your total debts, late payments, and other problems that may have an impact on your final FICO score. Who knows, there might have been some mistakes that were overlooked, so make sure that you verify all the things that are listed in these reports.

Errors in credit reports are very likely to occur. Some of these may be as simple as your personal information, but others require careful scrutiny for them to be spotted. Other errors that may show up are closed accounts but appear to be open and debts that are not incurred by you. Take note of these mistakes with supporting proofs and documents. Report these to the reporting agency that issued the erroneous credit report and have these corrected to adjust your FICO score.

After that, take a look at your budget. Maintain a monthly budget that includes all your monthly bills and expenses, and do not forget to factor in emergency expenses. Put your focus on the more necessary things, and do not forget to always pay on time. In paying your debts, prioritize your home loans and then take care of the small amounts. You should also meet the minimum payments in all your credit cards. Close the ones that you do not have important use of, and when applying for new ones, use them responsibly.

It can take a long time to restore your credit to a good standing, but if you keep up with the aforementioned tips, you will be able to get back on a good financial track. Nevertheless, it is never too late if you act right now, so take some time to review your current lifestyle and financial obligations. Rancho Santa Fe Homes and Rancho Santa Fe CA can offer you a whole deal of information about the real estate market. Whether you want to sell your house, buy a property or rent one, getting all the information that you need will give you a great advantage.

Baby Adoption - How to Get Ready For Your Baby Adoption Home Study

When you begin the process of adopting a baby, one of the first things you will go through is the "home study". Although it seems like an incredibly intrusive process, it must be done to be certain that the baby and the prospective parents are well matched. According to the law, there are no exceptions; a home study must be conducted prior to adoption. The following are some things you should do to be sure the home study goes smoothly.

First, have a talk with your spouse about the adoption you are planning for. If you have no spouse, instead find a family member or a good friend and talk with them instead. What is the reason for this talk? Just to get all your experiences and expectations out on the table. It is important that you are absolutely certain that you want to go through with this adoption.

Next, investigate the adoption agency you are planning to use and any councilors they work with. If you have not yet selected an agency, ask friends or co-workers if they have had a positive adoption experience. You might employ the internet to find a reputable agency in your area. Some things you will want to know are their location and whether they are on a sound financial footing. This is good information for the councilor working on your case.

Carefully consider your lifestyle. One of the things the social worker will be considering is whether you are a good candidate for parenthood. Not everyone is. Of course, you do not have to bring up your deepest secrets; just be candid about what kind of person you are. This is a good time to visit your doctor for your annual checkup to be sure you are healthy enough to face the rigors of being a parent.

The social worker will delve into your personal life. He or she is not on a witch hunt, this is just the time when he must represent the interests of the baby. You are just going to have to go through this for the sake of building your family unity. Once you get through this question and answer session you can move along to the next step in the adoption process.

The home study might seem invasive and uncomfortable but it is all part of the routine. While you might not like it, you will have to get through it. It's just as important to you as it is to the baby that everyone makes a good match in order to establish a healthy family unit.

If you found this information on Baby Adoption useful, you'll also want to read about Infant Adoption.

Changing Paradigms (Beliefs) Means Opportunity For YOU...

" of the marks of a paradigm shift is that what used to be considered peripheral, moves to center stage." (Thomas Kuhn)

What Thomas Kuhn is talking about, in the quote above, is a perfect example of the major paradigm shift that has occurred in the peoples relationship to WORK. A paradigm can be defined as a commonly held belief . When I was growing up in the Midwest it was a paradigm (a commonly held belief) that the road to a happy life was to:

get a good education, get a good job with a big corporation

keep your nose clean retire in 20 to 30 years with a secure income for life.

That belief in corporate America's willingness and/or ability to "take-care" of us, is no longer valid. Anyone still holding on to that old paradigm is headed for great disappointment and failure.

The only person you can depend on to take care of you in future years is the person you look at in the mirror in the morning....YOU! No government, no company or benevolent corporation (now there's an oxymoron) is going to be there for you.

Major underlying shifts have been occurring in the economy of America and the world. Corporate downsizing, layoffs, offshore production, government realignments, shifts from a manufacturing/hard industry economy to an information and service systems economy with all the accompanying displacement in the work force, NAFTA, WTO... the list goes on and on.

All of these trends form a checklist of reasons for you to be taking ACTION today to assure your own financial well- being and security.

I am 61 years old....I do not expect Social Security to be around when I need it. The agency may be there (impossible to kill a bloated federal bureaucracy) but it will bear no resemblance to the agency that has provided for our parents. The benefits to us will be a fraction of what it should be... filled with means testing, qualifiers, etc. that did not exist in previous years....and will not provide even a bare subsistence income.

With all bleak forecasts, however, come the seeds of opportunity... this forecast is no different. The opportunity is the dramatic adaptability of the human animal. Seeing these major paradigm shifts, they have come to the realization that if they are to have a secure future for themselves, their family and loved ones, they must TAKE POSITIVE ACTION.

Everywhere we turn, we see vibrant new business opportunities emerging. Bright, educated, motivated people, are beginning to discover the ABSOLUTE NEED to start a business of their own and make the necessary investment of time, energy, and money into something that is financially lucrative, morally upright, and gives positive benefits to society as a whole.

As a network marketing distributor you are in a unique position, through your marketing efforts, to secure your own financial future, perform a morally positive service, and strengthen the values that are the foundation of our nation.

Network marketing distributors are given the RIGHT to pursue the above stated benefits. I believe you also have the RESPONSIBILITY to work hard and diligently towards the achieving of these benefits. You have the responsibility to yourself, your family, and your country.

You are much more than just a product/service based network marketing represent a CAUSE! It is our stated goal--- our RESPONSIBILITY--- to provide for the increased well-being of everyone in the world... as our time and talents allow.

The next time you look upon the face of a anyone that is not protected with your products and services, ask yourself this question:

"Am I living up to my responsibilities?"

If I may be so bold as to paraphrase John F. Kennedy.....

"Ask not what Network Marketing can do for you.... Ask what you can do for all mankind... through the entrepreneurial vehicle of Network Marketing!"


(C) Copyright 2005... Thom Reece is the creator of [ [] ] a major portal and training site for the network marketing industry . Thom can be reached by email at:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Defaulting on an Unsecured Loan

When a credit card payment is past due, the borrower will receive a friendly reminder from the creditor. At that point, a late fee has typically been applied to the account as a penalty to encourage the borrower to bring the account current by paying the past due amount. Assessing that penalty can also trigger a clause in the credit agreement allowing a rate increase by the creditor, and if reported to the credit bureaus, the threat of a universal default arises.

If payment is still not received by the creditor after 30 days, the creditor's collection efforts take a more serious approach known as "dunning." Dunning occurs when creditors actively pursue debtors through relentless communication to ensure collection of an accounts receivable. Typically, this phase includes calling the borrower multiple times a day at home and work, mailing or emailing demand notices for payment, or threatening to revoke the credit line. When an account is past due more than 120-180 days, the debt is written off and turned over to a collection agency or attorney under one of two arrangements. Usually, a creditor will sell the debt outright to a collector and end its involvement in any further collection efforts unless named as a party in a subsequent lawsuit. Alternatively, the creditor can retain ownership of the debt and the services of the collection agency or attorney are contracted with specific provisions defining the collection process.

Collectors under contract to the debt owner cannot vary from the conditions stated by the creditor, including any limitations on accepting partial payments from the debtor. For example, some creditors won't allow collectors to settle accounts under $1,000, or they can't settle for less than 60% of the balance. The collectors cannot file suit or accept a non-conforming settlement offer without the approval of the original debt holder. Whether working under contract or as the new debt owner, the collector begins a similar "dunning" process involving mass communications. The objective of the collectors is to locate the debtor, communicate the payment demand, and secure payment as fast as possible. Analysis shows that time is a critical factor in the likelihood that a collector will successfully collect the debt. The longer the default period, the less likely it is that the debt will be collected. The time factor also affects the value of the debt when purchased from the original debt holder by the collector, or subsequently resold.

Collectors evaluate each new account and prioritize the collection effort it will receive. They consider the amount of the debt, any other obligations of the debtor, and his or her financial circumstances to estimate the odds of successfully collecting the debt. The delinquent account is assigned a high or low priority. If the collection agency purchased the debt but fails to collect, either it is packaged with other debts for sale to another collection agency at a deeper discount or the company's attorney determines that a lawsuit would be the better option. If the collection agency only contracted its services to the original creditor, that company's attorney will discuss the account with the collection agency to determine whether filing a lawsuit can secure payment.

The decision whether to sue is primarily based on the amount of money owed, how much it will cost to sue, the debtor's current financial situation, and the attorney's assessment of the creditor's odds of winning the lawsuit and collecting a judgment. Filing a lawsuit does not constitute an automatic win for the creditor, nor does it ensure that a judgment will be granted against the debtor. The debt owner, therefore, must thoroughly review all facts and carefully plan the legal procedures to pursue.

If the creditor wins the lawsuit at trial or if it's not challenged, the creditor will be granted a judgment by the court against the debtor. With the judgment, the creditor can proceed to levy non-protected property that the debtor owns and has the right to immediately garnish wages. The debtor has a right to dispute the creditor's rights to collect, but can incur additional legal and collection costs if unsuccessful. Costs incurred by the debt owner can be added to the debtor's balance owned and include court filing fees, collection costs, attorney fees, and the annual interest rate that accumulated during the default period. The determination of the total judgment amount awarded and which property owned by the debtor can be subject to levy is determined by the judge.

Boun Vilailath, founder of Global Debt Systems, is a debt settlement expert who advocates for fair and ethical client-representation in consumer debt management plans. His firm improves the process of resolving delinquent consumer debt through training and outreach efforts designed to create a more mutually beneficial result for lenders, consumers, and debt settlement providers. For more information:

Bankruptcy Information

Bankruptcy is a situation in which someone who owes money will seek relief from their debts by going to court. Though bankruptcy can be good in some situations, it may not always be necessary. Just because you are in a financial strain does not mean you should immediately file for bankruptcy. There are some things you will want to take into consideration first.

Will I or Won't I?

There is no easy answer to whether or not you should file for bankruptcy. Before making a decision you should first consult an attorney or credit counselor. They will be able to look at all the factors involved with filing bankruptcy, including the advantages and cost. The amount of debt you have is one of the most important factors for whether or not you should file for bankruptcy. It is important to remember that there are many alternative solutions. One solution is to hire a financial manager.

The Financial Manager

Hiring a financial manager is a difficult decision for many people. They take control of your finances, and will pay your bills for you. They will give you a set amount of money to use for anything you wish, but their goal is to make sure all of your bills are paid on time. Using a financial manager is a good idea if you find that many of your problems come from being irresponsible with how you spend your money. Once your bills are under control, you will be given back control of your finances. If this makes you uncomfortable, you could simply use a counseling service. You also want to make sure you use a service that has an excellent reputation.

Many lenders will work with the borrowers in paying back the money owed. It can be difficult for a lender to get back all the money they loaned out to you, even if you file for bankruptcy. Taking you to court will cost them money, and is very time consuming. When collection agencies get back the money that is owed, they will often charge the lender fees, and this will reduce the amount of money they get back. Because of this, many lenders will waive certain fees or charges as long as you make your payments on time.

Refinancing Your Home

If you are the owner of a home, you should consider refinancing in order to use the equity to pay off your debts. This could be a great alternative to filing for bankruptcy. You are likely to get tax deductions for using this method of paying off your debts, and you will also be likely to have much lower interest rates over the long term. You should be cautious when choosing which debt consolidation company you want to use. Many companies will charge you huge fees up front and leave you with a loan that will take years to pay off.

Be Wary Of The Credit Repair 'Services'

You should also be careful with so called "credit repair" services. Any service which promises to pay off or eliminate bankruptcy from your credit history are likely to be fraudulent. They will end up taking money from you and perhaps making your credit worse than it was before using their services. It is important to only use services that are highly credible. Avoid fly by night operations at all costs. They will leave you in a world of despair and make huge profits at the same time. You should only file fof bankruptcy after you've talked to an attorney or credit counselor.

While bankruptcy can relieve you of the debts you owe, it will stay on your credit record for years, and it will be very difficult to apply for a job, home, or even a car. We live in a society that is very credit prone, and it is important to have good credit.

Joseph Kenny writes for the and provides more information on debt consolidation loans available on site.

Home Based Business - Shattering Financial Insecurities

Financial insecurity is common with unpredictable business cycles. Home based business owners should have the ability to handle the ever present risk of difficult financial conditions. Entrepreneurial ventures require time to provide financial security.

Difficult financial conditions can be overcome through appropriate management measures. Factors like appropriate budgeting, debt consolidation and credit negotiation must be considered.

Analytical Financial Practices:

Difficult financial prospects can be managed by developing a strong budget plan. An inventory of income from all sources should be prepared by home based business owners. Fixed and variable expenses should be carefully tabulated.

Spending patterns, unnecessary expenses and basic necessities should be evaluated. Fixed expenses include mortgage payments and insurance premiums.

All expenses should be tabulated to identify critical spending patterns. There should be constant efforts to balance checkbook and devise plans to save money.

Modified payment plan can be created with creditors to accommodate manageable debt repayment amount. Basic needs like housing, healthcare and food should be addressed without delays.

Resources for Capital Requirements:

Home based business owners can request family and friends to invest with a written agreement on repayment. The financing options available through the Small Business Administration boards should be considered.

Professional financial resources can be contacted for guidance and references. A new partnership venture with the availability of complementary resources should be considered for investment. Local business agents who would be interested to invest can help out small business owners.

Strategic partnering opportunities can always add to the success of a business venture. The Small Business Administration provides guaranteed loans to home business owners.

Common Financial Difficulties:

Debt problems can be solved through third party consultation when the situation gets unmanageable. Appropriate agencies considered for financial management should be referred with the Better Business Bureau and Federal Trade Commission to gauge credibility.

Extensions of credit can be availed through the payment of a certain amount of fee in advance. Efforts should be initiated to repay debts and improve credit report.

Money Management Resources:

Essential money management skills can be learnt from certified credit counselors. A payment schedule for debts can be formulated in consultation with creditors.

Credit counseling services can be appropriate for home business owners who fail to accommodate the desired workable budget. Difficult repayment plans with creditors and billings can be tackled through the above service.

Non-profit credit counseling programs are rendered by organizations like credit unions and military authorities. Free educational materials and workshops which are offered by the credit counseling organizations should be considered. Comprehensive cost cutting measures that do not affect the quality of the product/service rendered should be implemented.

The presence of a financial cushion can help accommodate needs at best for about six months. Ideal average savings should be about six months of living expenses. Home based business owners can overcome financial insecurity through self discipline and proactive measures.

Margaret Roukens
Skype me: marg_roukens

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Home Health Care Vs Facility Placement - Options in Elder Care

It always makes me sad to hear the families of an elder say "Mom made me promise to never put her in a nursing home". That is simply a promise that most families today cannot keep. If a caring son or daughter finds that they have to break that promise, they may feel guilty for the rest of their lives. Mom probably asked for that promise because the nursing homes she remembers were dark, institutional places which would be considered substandard in America today. Today's family structure and the financial challenges of elder care, make facility living a very common choice. When an elder shows signs of not being able to perform the basic activities of daily living, families or concerned professionals must step in. It is actually against most state laws for a professional to be aware of an elder in trouble without taking some reasonable action to secure their safety. There are many indicators that an elder is no longer safe at home alone. The basic litmus test is to ask yourself is: "Could this person save him or herself if their home were on fire? Would they be able to call 911 and communicate their exact location? If left alone for any period of time are they at risk for physical abuse or financial exploitation? Do they have the skills and resources to meet their daily hygiene and nutritional needs? The answer is "NO" for many American elders who live home alone.

Independence vs. Isolation

Many of my elderly clients who were trying so hard to maintain their independence by living alone at home actually maintained nothing more than an isolated existence punctuated by the occasionally call or visit from friends and family. This type of isolation was also coupled with medication errors or abuse, self neglect and unsanitary housekeeping. A person living in this situation will often "bloom like a flower" in the right retirement facility environment. It is amazing what three hot meals a days, social interaction, clean sheets and regular administration of medications can do for a person's mind, body and spirit. A person who lives alone is more likely to fall and lay alone on the floor for days without being found. A person, who lives alone may make poor choices such as keeping, (or worse,) spoiled food in the refrigerator. If a person lives alone, there are many signs of illness that no one will notice during sporadic short visits. Medical appointments may be missed and prescriptions left unfilled. Many people feel that they are honoring their aging loved one by letting them live alone, even though all the tell tale signs of self neglect are apparent. There is no honor or dignity in being found on the floor after one has laid in their own excrement for three days. Unfortunately, many families will wait for this type of incident before insisting on either home health care or facility placement. If an elder is physically or verbally abusive to family and care givers, they are much more likely to be left alone to make their own decisions, regardless of how dysfunctional their situation may be. Elders with difficult personalities are many times more likely to be abused by caregivers. They need more supervision, not less.

American Family Dynamics and the Pressures of Today's World

I hear people say "Americans don't take care of their elders like other countries do". Well that is not my experience. The adult children who consult with Geriatric Care Manager or other eldercare professionals are very concerned about their parents. They love them and they want the best care their money can buy. That's the clincher: what their money can buy. In America, caregivers, maids, etc,, are expensive. Perhaps in another country where slave labor is commonplace, people can afford plenty of care. But in this country it costs $12.00 per hour (or more) for a home health aide. At eight hours per day, that is $96.00 per day. That is $2,880 per month or $34,560 per year - more than the average working American earns per year. The average woman gets a social security check of less than $500.00 per month. Do the math and you will soon see that unless you are wealthy, many people cannot afford to keep their elders in their own home with a part time caregiver or even in their children's home with a caregiver.

Now couple this financial problem with another very real problem. Most middle income women in their fifties, who are caring for their elderly parents, are also trying to hold down a job, help their young-adult children and maintain a marriage. If a middle income woman stops working to care for her parents, she and her husband either cannot pay their bills or they must significantly reduce their standard of living. I know a few husbands who are fifty-something and feel they have worked too hard and too long to have their dreams of retirement evaporate because someone else's needs are suddenly more important than their own. Now that Americans have come to grips with the concept that it takes two incomes to live well in this country, they are more determined than ever to have a retirement. Paying $35,000 per year for a caregiver can take a huge chunk out of the retirement savings. Frankly, most people couldn't afford to do it even if they wanted to. Because most Americans' net worth is in the equity of their home, selling the family home is the most common way to finance elder care services. If the family home sells for $100,000.00 and the average cost of an Assisted Living Residence is $36,000.00 per year, an elder can afford to live in that Assisted Living for 2.7 years. Coincidently, the average amount of time a person lives in an Assisted Living before moving on to a nursing home is 2.5 years.

Many adult children, who do have the desire and financial means to bring their elders to live with them, still cannot. They cannot because the medical or psychological needs of the elder are beyond their capacity to manage. For example, if Grandma is sweet and docile by day, but "sundowns" or grows agitated as evening falls, this poses a difficult problem for the caring family. When some people experience dementia or other medical issues, they may stay awake all night. They sometimes wander out of doors or rummage through drawers and closets. This behavior will keep the whole family awake at night. If a working family cannot sleep at night, this situation will become intolerable very quickly. Some adult children have been raised by violent, aggressive parents who are now violent aggressive elders. Children who have been raised under these conditions need not feel obligated to bring their parents to live with them, despite the pressure they may get from outsiders who do not know the real story.

Elders and their families who are trying to make difficult choices about elder care benefit from a professional assessment from a geriatric specialist. Professional care managers can offer an objective opinion based on a clinical evaluation of the physical and cognitive status of the elder. Physicians, hospital case managers, facility admissions coordinators and social workers can also offer advice about appropriate placement of an elder or even suggest how to set up services in the home to best meet the elder's needs.

Home Health Care - Stay Home without Being Alone

At the very least, any elder living alone should have a medical alert system. This is a necklace or wrist band with a panic button that can be pushed in case of emergency. If the button is pushed a dispatch center receives the signal and makes and attempt to communicate with the elder through a speaker placed in the home. If the elder needs help or does not respond to attempts to communicate, emergency services will be dispatched to the home. Many services will also contact friends and family to notify them that assistance is needed. A good candidate for this device is one WHO DOES NOT have memory loss as memory loss makes it difficult to learn to operate new appliances.

There are two basic types of home health care services: Medicare and Private Duty:

Medicare Home Health is free but can only be accessed if ordered a physician. Medicare will only authorize the free home health services if specific events have happened such as a recent hospitalization lasting three or more days, or a recent change in health status, etc. Medicare will send a Registered Nurse to evaluate the elder and that nurse decides if other professionals such as physical therapists, social workers, dieticians, etc. should perform evaluations. Each professional will determine what services they will render and for how long. Medicare services are temporary in nature and are not offered on a full time basis. The average visit by the nurse, aide and therapist is less than one hour each. Even Medicare home health aides only stay long enough to bathe and dress the patient.

Private Duty Home Health can be arranged on a full time, part time or live- in basis. Many Long Term Care Insurance policies will pay for home health care. The amount of care one can get and the duration of the services varies depending upon which policy they purchased. If someone does not have insurance, they must pay out of pocket (or private pay) for any services. Typically a private home care agency will offer services at a minimum of four hours per day. Typical eight hour shifts are 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm and 11pm - 7am. Many elders complain that an agency sends them a different caregiver each day. In order to avoid having the same aide, that as much as possible, order care every day for at least eight hours. This will allow the agency to schedule the same person for all your shifts. Because labor laws do apply and the agency would have to pay overtime for time which exceeds 40 hours per week, you will most likely have at least two to three caregivers on a full time case. The average hourly rate is $14.00 per hour. A live-in will cost about $150.00 per day. A live-in lives in your home and drives your car (or theirs for a mileage fee) and you are expected to feed them as well, even if you go out to dinner. By law, a live- in is entitled to two hours per day of free time. They can do what ever they like, including leaving the house during their break. If this arrangement will not work for your situation, consider hiring an aide around the clock. Around the clock care is typically delivered in two twelve hour shifts which are done by two different caregivers.

One aide comes to the home from 8am until 8pm and is relieved by the second caregiver at 8pm until 8am. Around the clock care can be delivered in many schedule formats. A live- in is expected to have their own private bedroom and bathroom although many agencies are flexible on this issue. The live- in is expected to be awake all day and have at least 7 hours of sleep at night. If the elder does not sleep at night, a live- in arrangement will not work. One option is to have the live in ($150/day) plus hire a caregiver to come to the house and stay up all night with the elder ($14.00. hour for eight nighttime hours). This costs $112 + $150= $262.00 per day. The only other alternative is to have around- the- clock care which will cost $14.00/hr X 24 hr=$336/day. Adding the eight hour night shift to the live in, saves about $3,000 per month. The Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension is available to qualified veterans who need a caregiver in their home on a regular basis.

Types of Adult Housing and Facilities:

Independent Living Facilities usually offer small apartments with some meals included in the price. A person who lives in an Independent Living Facility is expected to manage their daily care needs on their own, but the staff would readily recognize if needs increased and assist the resident in obtaining the needed help. Some facilities have extra care services available for additional charge to help the resident "age in place." Others may ask a resident to move out if their needs exceed the scope of that particular facility. Limited transportation is usually provided although many residents are still driving when they enter an Independent Living Facility. These facilities may cost anywhere from less than $1,000 per month to over $5,000 per month depending upon the luxury amenities and location.

Assisted Living Facilities usually offer hotel size rooms with the option to share a room or pay extra for a private room. Three meals and snacks are usually provided as part of the price. Residents are expected to need some assistance with their daily care needs. Medication administration is strictly supervised. The State laws dictate who can live in an Assisted Living. The State does not want Assisted Living facilities to house nursing home candidates or Nursing Homes to admit people who could function just as well in an Assisted Living Facility. Assisted Living residents must be able to walk and transfer ( from bed to chair or chair to standing) with the assistance of only one other person. An Assisted Living resident can be left alone in their room for two hours or more. Nurses aides are on duty around the clock. Registered nurses or Licensed Practical Nurses are on duty at least during the daytime. Many medical services may make rounds and visit residents at least monthly. It is not uncommon for an Assisted Living resident to never have to leave the building for a medical or beauty appointment. Prices may range from under $1200/month to over $8,000/ month, once again depending upon the amenities. Medicaid has a program called the Medicaid Waiver which can pay part of the cost of the Assisted Living. However, funds have been historically limited and waiting lists can be long. The Veteran Aide and Attendance Pension is designed to financially assist qualified veterans who need the services of an Assisted Living facility

Dementia Specific Facilities are designed especially for the memory impaired resident. The building, floorplan, furnishings, décor, activity program and even the lighting have been scientifically engineered to enhance the lifestyle of residents with dementia. Many Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes offer a dementia program or dementia unit, but there are entire facilities which specialize in this unique population. Dementia Specific Facilities can be either Assisted Living Facilities or Nursing Homes. They are secure in order to prevent residents from wandering off the property and getting hurt or lost. The price for this extra level of care is usually about $1,000 to $2,000 more per month than a non-specialty building.

Nursing Homes are State regulated and are inspected at least annually. A person who needs a nursing home generally cannot live safely in an Assisted Living environment. A typical resident is either wheelchair bound or bed bound. Those who can walk around freely may need the nursing home environment because they need constant medical supervision. The medical component of this environment is similar to a hospital or hospice setting. The emphasis is on rehabilitation or custodial care rather than socialization and activities. The ICP Medicaid Program (institutional care program) will pay for the room, board and medical costs of those residents who meet the financial and medical criteria. It is possible to plan in advance to help an elder meet these strict criterion.

Financial Realities

Keeping an elder at home with a caregiver can be the most expensive option of all. Many families feel keeping their loved one in the comfort of their own home is priceless. If a paid caregiver cost $14.00/hour, eight hours per day is equal to $2,880.00 per month. Around the clock care exceeds $10,000 per month. Independent Living Facilities cost an average of $2,300.00/ month and provide no personal assistance. Assisted Living Facilities range from about $2,500/month to $5,000/month and provide limited care. A Nursing Home (without ICP Medicaid assistance) can cost from 5,000.00 to $7,000.00 per month and will provide total care.

Anyone considering hiring home health or moving an elder into a care facility of any type should have their elder's current needs assessed by a qualified professional who can ascertain the elder's current medical/psychological and financial needs and anticipate future needs/solutions. With careful, realistic planning, caring for an elder does not have to be a financial or emotional nightmare. Making the right choices for you and the elder you care about is easier when you enlist the help of people who know the eldercare community and all that it has to offer. Geriatric Care Managers and Elder Health Care Professionals Committed To Providing Senior Care Management, Guardianship, and Long Term Care Planning. Also can call toll free at V.I.P. Care management, inc. 1-877-588-5158.

Home Loan Modifications - Beware of Shady Companies

If you are like millions of Americans facing foreclosure and seeking help, please take a moment to get the facts on the innumerable scams popping up everywhere! This is undoubtedly a very frightening and stressful time for homeowners and the sad fact is, that is exactly what causes scam artists to get rich! When we are overstressed, in a panic, desperately seeking help at every turn, we become vulnerable to the sharks! Don't be their next meal ticket! Take a deep breath; we can keep the sharks away by understanding how these home loan modifications plans are supposed to work.

The most important thing you should know if you are looking for a home loan modification plan is that THEY ARE FREE! President Obama's home stimulus package includes a "Home Affordable Plan" that is free if you qualify. Don't be fooled into paying up front costs or processing fees!

It can seem overwhelming at first, even a bit daunting to most of us. The Scam artists/sharks, count on the fact that we want someone else to have the expertise, the experience and the ability to do it for us. That is where they get you! You pay them an upfront fee to take care of everything so you have nothing to worry about right? WRONG! A company in California claimed to have a success rate of 95%. They also claimed that an attorney would work on your case, and that your home would be saved. That was their claim, but the reality is a harsh pill to swallow! In a mere 11 month span this shark took in 12 million dollars, and never even had an attorney look at the paperwork. Albeit they did have a few loan modifications completed, the majority (which is thousands and thousands of homeowners) never even received a call back after paying the upfront fees! Rest assured the FBI is investigating and has take action by seizing these particular companies' assets!

The only protection you have against becoming a victim of these and other circling sharks is to be prepared and well informed! It means taking matters into your own hands; it means doing your homework, and getting the facts. This is your home, your security, your future, it is up to you to step up and do what it takes! Of course, the federal government and the state agencies are shutting down the sharks, but it will take time to stop them all. It's easier than you think to get the information and work directly with your lender. The end result could be a lower interest rate, as low as 2% for up to 40 years, which means a lower monthly payment also. The rewards and security these home loan modification plans offer are well worth taking a few moments, doing your homework and taking the first steps!

To save your home, click here to learn how to qualify for Obama's mortgage modification loan plan.

How to Choose the Moving Services at Low Cost?

Relocating sometimes can be painful if you do not take up the right procedure. Previously people used to do all the packing and moving on their own and this used to be time consuming as well as tiring. But now things have become easy due to the various moving companies available these days.

These companies are present in your locality as well as throughout the country. You just need to choose the best company in your locality. You can find information about these companies from the internet.

Moving is quite a tiring job because first of all you need to pack all the things properly and then cross check whether anything has gone missing. Then you need to load it on the vehicle used for moving the belongings. You must always be with the vehicle to make sure that the things are transported properly and carefully.

Finally the unloading part and keeping the things at the right place in your new home. The process is not only tough but is also long. It is quite difficult for a single inexperienced person to perform all these tasks together.

This is the reason why you can hire moving company professionals who can help you complete the task without your supervision. They are usually the experts in this field. Some people move from one locality to the other while others move from one country to the other.

For this you should contact the cross country movers. They can help you take your belongings from one country to the other easily without any problem. But for this you need to make sure that you consider certain things before choosing the company.

There are certain tips which you can follow while choosing your moving company. First of all make sure that the moving services have a good reputation in your locality. You can check out these facts from the local organizations which regulate these businesses.

They will be able to confirm you about the reliability of the company and the quality of service they offer. You also need to find out whether the company has clean records. Secondly you need to make sure that the service you choose is ready to go to any place you want it to go.

If you are moving out of state then make sure you choose interstate moving company. You should always check with the mover to make sure that they are always willing to drive their vehicle to your destination. While you choose the moving company then you should make sure that they also offer packing services.

There are certain fragile items present in your home which needs proper packing. These items might break at slightest provocation. These packers and movers also make sure that the items do not get damaged during the transportation.

Internet is one of the most authentic sources to perform a research regarding these moving services. They can also help you get quotes from various companies. This can help you save money while relocating.

Looking for valuable information on luxury real estate? is your ultimate destination.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Utilizing Website Flipping and Other Online Strategies For Your Business Home Internet Marketing

These days , free-lancing is common with lots of people who have the ability and the work experience to make a home-based business. Thousands of valid firms offer real roles for home employees, and there's an easy way to distinguish a swindle from a genuine home online marketing opportunity. Fraudulent activities have multiplied lately given the wide coverage the web allows for. Scamming traps and spook corporations can be evaded if you'll be in a position to run your small business in the guidance of some safety rules. Now, apart from using online techniques like website flipping, having backlink concepts, selling websites, etc, real work at home projects are possible and you can identify scams, and these are some suggestions to make things simpler.

Firstly, you can camouflage swindles in so many different ways. They can be traced down by those vague working hours, contract obscurity and confusing payment conditions. A genuine online marketing opportunity will have clear pointers for every one of these elements. Avoid filling in your private contact data on assorted forms required by a company. Only divulge contact info if you have explanation of the business legitimacy. The Better Business Bureau can help folks in the U. S. and Canada to discover the legitimacy of a certain business. If it is present on the official lists, move on and discover what kind of business opportunity they offer.

Don't think about those "get-rich-quickly guarantees", because this is another great parable of the net. Many speculators seek methods to make a fortune online, but there's barely any online marketing chance to fit that outline. A part-time job with exceedingly high earnings is too good to be true. Never fall for such fake guarantees, as it doesn't signify where you are. Remember that money will only come through hard work.

In case you have made a small enterprise and you want business selling recommendation, you may consider addressing a professional agency. A true online marketing opportunity is not invariably available in promoting help. We can only conclude that you should place your trust with the utmost care. If you don't, you risk to lose cash and worse, your business.

Check and double check all your collaborations, and you'll be safe from harm. And, you will be able to distinguish better when a business home Internet marketing opportunity comes your way. Applying these useful tips as well as online strategies (such as website flipping, having backlink ideas, sell and buy an internet site, etc.) will help you lead your own web business to the top!

Dori Thompson is an expert on website flipping and other online marketing strategies. For more information, visit Flip Mastery.

How Nanny Services Improve Employee Productivity

Encouraging key employees to employ a nanny to take care of their young children can benefit organizations with increased employee productivity, retention of qualified talented employees, and increased profitability. Key employees are vital building blocks and help in sustaining the organization through tough times and in leveraging opportunities. Effectively addressing their child care needs will motivate, energize, and engage the employees to work efficiently and productively. By having a nanny to take of their children, the employees can remain fully assured about the safety of their loved ones and work productively with complete peace of mind. Also, it helps significantly reduce employee turnover rate, absenteeism, stress etc.

Improves Morale of Employees

A nanny takes good care of the children in absence of their parents. Children are engaged in productive activities, games, reading, writing, etc... and all of their dietary and nutritional requirements are met. The employees can proactively work with productivity as they are fully assured that their child is in safe hands and getting personalized care and attention. This improves the morale of employees as they value the organization for improving their work-life balance. As child care is an important factor for working parents to focus on their career, encouraging employees to have nanny for their children can effectively address this concern. Thus, the employees can work harder to their full potential without bothering about child's safety and health.

Increases Employee Attendance

Organizations encouraging employees to employ a nanny can witness increased employee attendance as their child care concerns are addressed. Working parents remain absent from duty in case child falls ill or due to some unpredictable circumstances. Many times employees leave early or report late on duty due to sudden illness of children. Employing a nanny enables the employees to attend the office even in case of illness of children. Having a nanny at home makes an employee feel satisfied and relaxed as nanny can take good care of their children. The employee attendance increases as they feel positively for the company that takes care and understands about their family responsibilities. High commitment level can be seen from employees who get benefited from encouragement by organizations to have a nanny.

Reduces Stress for Employees

Many couples have a tough time balancing the work and family responsibilities after having a child. This leads to significant amount of stress as they have to match the expectations of their demanding profession and also handle family responsibilities. Having the services of a nanny help them strike a perfect work-life balance. The health and safety of the children is the primary concern for working parents. A nanny with her expertise and skills can take care of a child or children even in case of emergencies. Moreover, keeping the child at home ensures that the child gets protected from germs or pollution and falls ill less frequently. A nanny can perform other household chores like tidying up the house, preparing meals, taking children to school, doing laundry, etc... which can reduce considerable stress for working parents.

Addresses Challenges of Having Children

Working parents will face lot of challenges after they have a child. Some parents either quit their job or reduce their working hours in order to look after their children. Most working parents cannot work overtime, work on weekends, and go on business trips due to the responsibility of taking care of their children. A nanny can effectively take care of the children while their parents work. Thus, parents can pursue their careers and also fulfill emotional, social, educational and financial needs of their children.

The employee turnover rate can be reduced as working parents will have loyalty to company showing commitment to address their child care problems. Qualified talented employees can be retained within the organization by initiating steps like giving a pay hike to meet the expenses after hiring a nanny. Even the cost towards hiring and training can be reduced as existing productive employees can be retained.

Crunch Care is the premier caregiver staffing service in South Florida. We pride ourselves in our flexibility and ability to fulfill almost any type of home based companion needs. If you are looking for home care Fort Lauderdale or elder care South Florida, we believe we are your best choice.

Running a Home Care Agency

Home care agencies specialize in providing personalized care to patients in the vicinity of their homes. Patients can have the best of both worlds and gain health care while being in proximity to their friends and family. The comfort of being in a familiar place makes their recovery much faster and also ensures that close relatives are not burdened too much for providing health care. If this area of health care has always fascinated you, you can decide to open up your own home care agency to provide such assistance to people who require aid. This can be quite a lucrative proposition and can kick start your career in a big way. Following are some of the steps to keep in mind before you can start your own home care agency:

If you have a medical background and possess some experience in this field, opening up a home care agency becomes much easier. However, even if you are completely new to this field but have an urge to help people in need, you can still open up a successful home care agency that although does not provide medical care but offers other services like sanitation, personal care, help in cooking, bathing a patient, etc.
You can look through your files and browse through your qualifications to scout for anything that may be suitable to this field. Any voluntary nursing experience or any other such knowledge can be very helpful in this regard.
The next thing that you need to decide is the kind of services that you are going to be providing. You should then get brochures and pamphlets published listing all the tasks that you will be willing to do. You should also mention whether you are going to be providing specialized medical services or general healthcare services.
You then need to figure out your budgetary requirements and determine how much capital you are willing to invest into your home care business. If you have a large amount of funds at your disposal, you can open up a home care agency on a large scale with a workforce of around a hundred people. On the contrary, if your budget is slightly lower, you can even have a limited staff and provide selective home care.
The recruitment of quality staff is very important and can make or mar your business. You can advertise to invite job applicants and then fish out those that seem capable and suitable. You should conduct a thorough check on the people you employ and ask to see detailed references from previous employers. Employees who have previous experience in the nursing field are likely to do the job in a more effective and efficient manner.
You cannot afford to ignore the legal aspect of your home care agency. To look after such details, you can hire a professional to help you get the documentation ready that may be required to obtain a license or permission from the state to run your agency.

Harvey Worthington is an expert copy-writer and has been writing for over twenty years. He specializes in articles about internet marketing and any interesting niches he comes across to share with readers. This articles was written for Castro Valley Homecare agency HomeAide Home Care, Inc.

Adopting A Toddler

People looking to adopt a child into their homes may also consider adopting a toddler. Adopting a toddler may help lessen the burden on adoptive families in terms of late night feedings and diaper changes. This will give couples the chance to manage their time better.

Another benefit is knowing that you have provided a home and a loving environment for a child that needs your care and nurturing. Most toddlers are available either because they have not been able to get matched as infants, they have recently suffered deep loss or they fall under the "special needs" category of children up for adoption.

If a couple is interested, they can do so either through public agencies or social services, through private institutions and even from a foreign country.

Adopting a toddler from public agencies

Through public agencies or through social services more often than not means that the child may have special needs. A child with special needs is a term usually used to describe children that have disabilities that entail either special care and medical treat, special education and the like.

Toddler that falls under this category ensures that at least one of the many children with special needs will find the loving and caring home that he or she deserves. Many infants with special needs grow up in foster care instead of in permanent establishments and adopting a toddler gives them the opportunity to escape this fate.

Adopting a toddler through private and international agencies

New born infants are the most common matches and goals but adopting a toddler is also possible through this process.

Adoption through independent or private adoption will ensure a speedier process due to more autonomy from agency regulations and rules.

To be able to do so privately, the prospective parents need to acquire the services of a lawyer. An international adoption can also be done with a lawyer but having the aid of a reliable and trustworthy agency will help a lot in this endeavor.

Disadvantages in adopting a toddler

While great lengths are taken to ensure the best interest of the child, foster care may not always provide their needs.

Adopting a toddler means that the child is presently in foster care and may go through an adjustment period when brought to your home. This is different from the experience of adopting a new born where in most of the time, the adoptive parents are able to take the baby home from the hospital after they are born.

A disadvantage and risk to adopting a toddler in this case is that the adoptive parents will have little to knowledge of the child's medical history and background, not to mention that the adoptive couple will not get to meet the child's birth mother to find out certain details about the child that may be helpful in the future.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Charlene J. Nuble

If you need to know more about adoption, please go to: Adopting A Toddler...

Mountain Residents Embrace Green Living

Sustainability, green building and energy efficiency are all words becoming part of today's mainstream consciousness. As global environmental awareness spreads, certain regions of the U.S. are acting as leaders in the green living movement. One of the nation's hotbeds for alternative energy is Western North Carolina (WNC), home to the city of Asheville.

According to an article by Dale Neal, "Video Touts Region on Green Economy," in the February 22, 2008 Asheville Citizen-Times more than 80 green builders are based in WNC. In the 7-minute video, Neal mentions, titled "AdvantageGreen," is directed by American Green TV's Kurt Mann and discusses green building practices in and around Asheville, North Carolina.

The video features three WNC solar energy companies and highlights three major projects: FLS Energy's installation of solar panels on a Greensboro hotel, Appalachian Energy's installation of solar hot water systems on the roofs of Arby's restaurants and Sundance Power's installation of solar panels at Deltec Homes.

Simple Ideas for Living Green

Living a more earth friendly and healthy lifestyle is not as difficult as many people believe. Green building methods and alternative energy systems are increasingly affordable for the average citizen. There are even ways to make an existing structure more energy efficient whether it is a residential home or a commercial building.

Energy Star Efficiency Standards

One of the easiest ways to improve energy efficiency is to purchase products recognized by the Energy Star program. Energy Star is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and gives special certification to products that offer the highest level of efficiency in a particular category. All products certified must meet specific guidelines and are then allowed to carry the Energy Star logo. For more information about Energy Star, visit:

Energy Efficient Lighting

Natural light is the simplest way to save energy at home. Consider the size and location of all the windows in your home. Well-placed skylights or atriums also increase natural light and electrical efficiency. Although it is easier to make these considerations when building your home, you'll be surprised at how quickly an investment in a smart, energy efficient renovation can pay for itself.

Energy Efficient, Green Living with Passive Solar and Passive Cooling

Passive solar and passive cooling are excellent strategies to maintain energy efficiency. Passive solar optimizes the use of heat-trapping materials. Many aspects of a home affect heating and cooling, even the direction it faces can decrease energy costs.

When choosing a passive solar solution, remember basic facts like homes facing the South are warmer than homes facing the North. Homes facing the East are warmer in the morning and those facing West are hotter in the afternoon. Passive cooling is facilitated by the wind in higher elevations. Mountain slopes facing away from predominant winds provide shelter and warmth. Slopes facing predominant winds are cooler.

Properly insulated walls, windows, roofs and floors are also crafted to attract or deflect the sun's heat. Special window glazing can increase heating efficiency in the winter and shades or blinds affect cooling in the summer. The correct use of ceiling fans in the appropriate season can also improve energy efficiency.

Energy Efficient Landscaping: How Trees Support Energy Efficient Homes

The trees in your yard also support energy efficiency. In an article titled "Passive and Proud: Green Energy Ideas for Your Home," writer and Northern California real estate agent Carolyn Gjerde-Tu of Discover David Homes, states, "Landscaping is another important consideration when thinking about energy efficiency. Deciduous trees (leafy in summer, bare in winter) provide wonderful shade for your home in summer, but allow the sun to help warm your home in winter. Plant these trees on the sides of your home that receive the most sun. Evergreens can also provide an effective break from chilling winds in winter."

An Energy Efficient Initiative: NC HealthyBuilt Homes

NC HealthyBuilt Homes is an initiative supported throughout the state by the North Carolina Solar Center, the State Energy Office, the Asheville Home Builder Associations and the Western North Carolina Green Building Council (WNCGBC). According to the WNCGBC web site,, the NC HealthyBuilt program promotes improved energy efficiency, indoor air quality and environmental accountability.

Energy efficient building also offers a number of federal and state tax advantages. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE), is a comprehensive list of tax and homeowner incentives. North Carolina and Asheville information is carefully detailed in the database along with other cities and states.

Energy efficiency is a simple, affordable way to begin living a healthier, greener lifestyle. Whether you are building a new home or searching for a way to increase the value of your existing home, an investment in increased home efficiency is an investment in the future.

Charlie Ball has a background in residential, retail, and commercial development and his focus is in environmentally sensitive development that preserves settlers history and heritage. He and his wife Troy developed low density residential properties in the Austin area, incorporating conservation easements into their designs. Charlie has been personally involved in the design of Whisper Mountain, just outside of Asheville North Carolina, the site of the Southern Living 2008 Idea House. Visit Whisper Mountain at or email

What is In-Home Childcare?

New parents today are facing the difficult decision of who to care for their baby. There are many different options for working parents who need childcare. In-home childcare is an option that is often times overlooked.

In-home childcare is a situation in which a caregiver comes to your home to care for your children. With in-home care, your children receive one-on-one attention from a familiar person in their own home environment.

Unsure if hiring a nanny, au pair, or sitter is right for you. If you answer yes to any of the following situations we recommend an in home childcare provider.

Do you want your children at home with one primary caregiver?

Do you feel that a day care center is not appropriate for your children on a full-time basis?

Do you have a child that you feel is not ready for out of home care?

Do you have any children who need special care, such as for a physical handicap or behavioral problem?

Do you have two or more children who need care?

Do you need child care in your home after school?

Are you willing to pay $450 to $650 per week for full-time childcare?

An in-home caregiver's primary responsibility is the care and nurturing of young children. This is a person from whom your children will grow to love and take guidance. You and your children should feel comfortable with and accept this person as part of your home environment. is web based nanny agency that takes parents step-by-step through the process of hiring a nanny, sitter or au pair for their home.

Debbie Hipp, Director

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Home Health Care For Kids With Special Needs

Pediatric Home Health Care: An Overview

Children with complex medical conditions often need skilled nursing services in order to be cared for in the home setting. This means skilled professional nursing care but it also means a team of respiratory, occupational, physical, and speech therapists may contribute to the care of the child at home.

Pediatric Home Health care...What it isn't:

Pediatric home health care is a professional specialty often misunderstood as a babysitting service rather than the skilled nursing specialty it is. Another fact that is also misunderstood and often understated is how well these fragile children do developmentally when cared for in their own homes surrounded by the love and care of family and friends.

Pediatric Home Health care... What it is:

Pediatric home health nurses virtually run a mini- intensive care from the bedrooms of these medically fragile children. Pediatric home health nurses who provide hourly shift care in the home for children medically challenged often must care for a ventilator dependent child, one who depends on a tracheotomy to breath, or one who depends on a gastric tube for feeding and nutrition. These kids require constant monitoring for adequate breathing and oxygenation and often require frequent suctioning. Skilled nursing in the home setting allows for the parents to go to work, attend school, or get some much needed sleep.

"The challenge in pediatric home care moves from basic survival (breathing) to addressing and enhancing developmental potentials for these medically fragile children in their own home setting." states Tina Gonterman, RN AVP Loving Care Agency.

Federal Guidelines...What this means:

Skilled Pediatric Home Care Agencies abide by federal and state guidelines for Medicare and Medicaid providers. What that means for parents is that the agencies must have strict policies and procedures that they follow in order to be approved to provide skilled nursing for their child.

Agencies must also follow OSHA standards for occupational health and safety. The agency and the staff employed must be compliant with dozens of specific regulations in order to be approved to provide the care needed for a medically complex child. These guidelines and regulations are put into place so that skilled and safe care can be given to every child.

Professional nurses including RN's, LPN's, Respiratory Therapists and developmental therapist working in home care must be at the top of their game when it comes to caring for these children in the home setting, It is a mini intensive care for some of these kids with ventilators, monitors, suction machines, nebulizer machines, tube feedings and pumps and a variety of other equipment needed in the home to provide adequate care. The children are often on numerous medications, have adaptive equipment for mobility, and need moved from bed to chair to bed again several times within a shift often being accompanied to the school setting as well. The care for a child at home is a complex and challenging task, as skilled nurses care for every bodily function and provide for the needs of children who cannot care for themselves.

Terri Forehand is a registered nurse specializing in critical care, pediatric critical care, and pediatric home care. She is a freelance writer based in Indiana. Visit her blog for parents and kids dealing with illness and loss at or her blog for beginning writers at Contact by email at

The Questions to Ask to Find the Best Dog Boarding Kennel

When you need to leave your dog at a dog boarding kennel, you want to make sure that you have chosen the absolute best fit for you and your pet. In order to do that, you need to ask the right questions, clearly communicate your desires and your dog's needs and make sure you get the answers you want. Be upfront about any specials needs your dog may have, it will help you find a kennel that is willing to individualize your pet's stay. The following questions are a good base to start with; you may have some questions of you own to add based on your individual needs.

1. What are your professional affiliations? An affiliation with the Pet Care Services Association (formerly ABKA) lets you know that a dog boarding kennel has a higher standard of professionalism and ethics. You can also check with agencies such as the Better Business Bureau which could have information about any complaints filed against a kennel.

2. Describe your emergency care procedures. In case your pet gets ill or hurt, at what point does the kennel staff decide to call a veterinarian? Which vet do they will call when your dog needs help? Make sure the kennel staff is made aware of any special medical needs your dog has.

3. What are your vaccine requirements? Find out what shots are needed and what kind of proof you need to provide regarding shots. A reputable dog boarding kennel will require current rabies vaccination, Bordetella bronchiceptica (kennel cough), as well as annual booster shots. Make sure you allow enough time to get your dog to her vet for any shots or boosters she needs.

4. What exactly am I paying for? Some dog boarding kennels charge a flat rate and some base fees on the weight of the dog. Sometimes, there are additional fees to walk your dog, to feed your pet their own food, to administer the medications, and to give any extra attention needed.

5. What types of special care will you provide? Will the kennel administer your pet's medication? (Note: a reputable kennel will require that the meds are in their original container with the vet's name, number and instructions.) Will the kennel allow you to bring your own food for your dog to eat during their stay? Will your dog have a 'going home' bath before leaving the dog boarding kennel?

6. What will the kennel staff do to help alleviate some of your dog's anxiety? Are you allowed to pack your dog's favorite toys, their own bed or blankets? What will the dog boarding kennel personnel do in case your pet does gets over anxious? Most dogs will experience a certain level of anxiety, you know your dog's disposition and how important this issue will be for you. Some dog boarding kennels may be better suited for you than others if you have a particularly nervous dog.

7. What do you do for social activity and exercise? What kind of playtime will your pet have? How does the kennel staff decide which playgroup they will be placed in? Are dogs allowed individual playtime? How often do they get outside (twice is the absolute minimum)? Make sure your dogs will also given enough down time to catch a nap, relaxation is just as important as activity. Finding the right dog boarding kennel for your dog is vital to ensure that he will have the best care possible. The right one to choose is the one that will be able to suit your individual requirements based on your questions. Once you find a great Richmond dog kennel you will be able to leave your dog there and feel confident that he will be well taken care of.

Harriet Pittman is the owner of A Stay in the Country, which is a premiere Dog Day Care in Richmond Virginia and voted one of the best Richmond Dog Kennels. Get a free Special Report on the 5 Mistakes that Pet Owners Make When Selecting a Dog Kennel, and a Customized Pet Profile at:

The Wave of the Future in Monitoring Patients - Decreasing Liability and Enhancing Patient Safety

We must all appreciate the enormous tasks faced by those in the health care industry in relation to caring for those patients with Alzheimer's, Autism or other similar conditions. One of the greatest issues faced today is safety. Many facilities such as assisted living residences, hospitals, home health companies and nursing homes can now use location based personal trackers to help in maintaining the well being of their clients. The risk of wandering is one of the greatest liabilities in caring for those who have Alzheimer's, autism and other such disabilities. The insurance costs alone for the liability that each institution faces has skyrocketed based on exponentially new cases diagnosed every year.

In the past, most hospital facilities and assisted living environments have used 'bed checks'- a sensor that alarms when a patient leaves their bed, which of course is of some value and was the only sentinel available. One of the critical issues that the health care industry faces is the ability to track clients when they go missing. The way the system operates today is that the bed check will send out an alarm to the central monitoring stations but it is too late since the patient has already left their bed. The underlying situation is there is no way to track the patient once they have left the designated area. With location based personal trackers, caregivers will be more adept in locating these individuals.

Just as facilities currently use telemetry to monitor cardiac events of multiple patients via computer they can now also monitor multiple at risk patients locations using personal tracking devices. This ability greatly reduces the need for one to one nursing care in these incidents as nurses are frequently paid to sit and watch a confused patient just to make sure they will not wander off.

The location based trackers are not just for those with Alzheimer's, dementia, or autism. As many people in the patient population are also at risk for becoming confused and could potentially wander, such as those with hypoxia or under the influence of certain medications. Even a urinary tract infection can cause confusion in an elderly person. By using this technology, healthcare facilities will be able to better utilize staff, decrease liability and most importantly, help preserve the safety of its clients.

Today both private and public facilities can use the same technology being utilized by National Security, Homeland Security and even your own local law enforcement agencies. One of the greatest benefits to utilizing location based service devices for the healthcare industry is providing an added degree of personal security which seems to become more relevant each day as the population of those with cognitive disorders steadily increases. By embracing this technology hospitals, assisted living facilities and nursing homes can greatly reduce their liability while at the same time enhance patient safety. This would also be a great marketing point as these facilities can advertise that they offer this superior added protection. All these products are available at LifePROTEKT.

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Carolyn Mullins

Carolyn Mullins

What Is In-Home Care?

In-home care refers to care given to individuals - mostly elderly seniors - in their own home, making it possible for them to remain at home rather than move into a residential, long-term, institutional-based facilities. These agencies render a range of companionship, personal care and supervision services in the comfort and convenience of a person's own home. Most individuals prefer home care over institutional care, if given the choice.

In-home care from a professional agency is appropriate whenever a person prefers to stay at home but needs ongoing care that cannot easily or effectively be provided solely by family and friends. More and more older people, electing to live independent, non-institutionalized lives, are these type of services as their physical capabilities diminish, through an agency.

Care in the home may include some combination of skilled health care services and non-medical or assisted living services. The phrases, In Home Care, Home Care and Home Health Care have been used in the past interchangeably regardless of whether the person requires skilled nursing care or not. Today, however, there is growing understanding that "home health care" means skilled nursing care, and that "in home care" means non-medical care, personal care, custodial care or domiciliary care. These differences are important because they help determine the appropriate level of care provided, which in-turn will determine the actual cost of care and also the funding sources available to pay for care.

Non-medical care services include personal care, companionship and supervision, as well as help in the home with the tasks of daily living such as meal preparation, medication reminders, laundry, light housekeeping, errands, shopping, transportation, and companionship. Activities of daily living (ADL) refers to six specific activities (bathing, dressing, transferring, using the toilet, eating, and walking) that reflect an individual's capacity for self-caring. The number and severity of a person's ADL assistance needs often is used to determine eligibility for Long Term Care insurance benefits or may be used as part of an assessment tool by an in-home care agency to determine the agency's charges for in home caregiving services and also to appropriately staff assignments with qualified caregivers.

Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) refers to six daily tasks (light housework, preparing meals, taking medications, shopping for groceries or clothes, using the telephone, and managing money) that enables the individual to live independently in their home. While there are differences in the terms describing aspects of in-home care or home health care, in reality, most elderly individuals needing one type of caregiving, will eventually need both at some point.

If you are considering hiring an agency to help a parent or other loved one remain home, there are things you need to think about and questions you should ask in order to get the highest quality available. You want to select a qualified in-home care agency that will provide the services you need at the cost you can afford. These agencies can lighten the burden of caring for your loved one and provide peace of mind to your family.

To find all the caregiver agencies serving your home, or the home of your loved one, visit