Saturday, September 28, 2013

Caring For Aging Parents Long Distance - 8 Tips to Make Your Life Easier

If you're not just a hop-skip-and-a-jump away from Mom or Dad, you can still find an elder care solution that gives your parent independence and gives you peace of mind. Here are eight ways to make long-distance care easier:

1. Be ready - If you need to consult with Mom's doctor over the phone or through email, make sure you have important information at hand. When caring for aging parents, get the contact info for their family doctor, specialists, and pharmacists, as well as a list of the medications your loved one is taking. You may also want a copy of your parent's medical history.

2. Give your parent the info they need - Provide a printed sheet-in large print, if necessary-with important phone numbers, including those for doctors, pharmacies, and emergency personnel. Make sure it's posted near a phone and is easily visible.

3. Make copies of critical documents - From a will to a power-of-attorney, make duplicates of important documents, so you have easy access to the information you need when a caring for aging parents.

4. Have a back up plan - Part of any effective elder care solution is knowing how you'll deal with the unexpected. What happens if your planned trip to drive your mother-in-law to the specialist is derailed by a car repair? Enlist family and friends to act as backups for times when you can't be there for your parent.

5. Use technology - Your elder care solution should include the use of technology that makes life easier for you and your loved one. Consider investing in pill dispensers that provide audio and visual reminders or devices that automatically shut off a stove. Elder care solutions might become even easier in the future-tech companies are developing robots that would be stationed in a senior's home. A doctor, family member or other caregiver would be able to see and communicate with the elderly through a camera and a microphone mounted on the device.

6. Give mom the tools she needs - When caring for aging parents, invest in whatever tools your loved one needs to get through the day. Does Dad have arthritis? Purchase an automatic can opener. Is the glare from night driving too much for your mother? One elder care solution is to purchase glare-reduction glasses.

7. Take advantage of local resources - Contact an agency on aging in your parent's neighborhood. These groups can connect you to Meals on Wheels and other resources that provide help for families separated by distance. If there isn't an aging agency nearby, look for resources through local churches or community groups.

8. Consider hiring an in-home care service - These companies are the must-have elder care solution for many out-of-town adult children. In-home care companies will provide assistance with the everyday tasks dad might need help with-from grocery shopping to shaving. Some services will even offer companionship, such as playing poker with your dad or reading to your mom.

Gregory Weldy is an expert on guiding families through the challenges of finding elder care solutions. He has written an amazing Free report called, "Nursing Home Nightmares: Challenges of Caring For An Aging Parent". To claim you FREE copy, visit:

Adult Day Care - Services and Facilities For the Elderly

Centers for adult day care focus on providing elder care and companionship for senior citizens who require monitoring or assistance during the day. This can help family members or others caring for the elderly to be able to go to work, run errands, or have some personal time with the assurance that the senior citizen is being cared for and is safe. This program aims to delay or prevent the necessity of moving to a nursing home by offering alternative care, enhancing self-esteem, and setting up opportunities for socialization.

Types of Adult Care Facilities

Two types of day care exist. One type is called adult social day care, and it offers senior citizens social activities, meals, recreation, and some health-related care. The other is called adult health day care, and it offers elder care with more specialized health, therapeutic, and social services for senior citizens with severe medical disorders and disabilities and those more prone to requiring care in a nursing home.

Senior citizens who take part in these programs usually do so on a scheduled basis. Following is a list of some services offered in adult care centers:

Evening care
Health screening
Medical care
Physical therapy
Respite care
Medical management Adult day care centers are generally open during normal business hours. They may stand alone or be a branch of senior centers, nursing homes, home health care agencies, religious institutions, hospitals, or schools. Those providing the elder care may monitor medications, provide meals and snacks, perform therapy, set up social activities, and organize transportation to and from the center.

Is Adult Day Care the Right Choice for Our Family?

If you are wondering whether you or a family member can benefit from adult day care, the following case study might answer some of your questions. Paul is a 69-year-old man who has had a stroke. He moves in with his son, David, and daughter-in-law, Kira, for supervision and support, but since they both work, Paul needs a different type of care during the day. Their solution is for Kira to take Paul to an adult day care center in the morning and for David to pick him up after work. The center is able to monitor Paul's medications and provides lunch, some physical therapy, and social activities with other senior citizens while David and Kira are at work.

Adult Day Care Facilities: Choosing the Right Facility

When searching for the right adult day care center for you or your loved one, it's important to note that there may be vast differences among centers, so you may want to find out about each center near you. Visiting the centers and talking those providing the elder care and other families who take part in this program may help you determine whether a certain facility meets your needs.

Another important factor to consider is cost, which can range from $25 to $100 per day depending on factors like which services are included, where the center is located, and the type of reimbursement. These costs are generally not covered by Medicare, but some financial assistance may be available through federal or state programs such as Medicaid, the Older Americans Act, and the Veterans Administration.

Contacting your local aging information and assistance provider or area agency on aging can provide you with listings and information of specific centers located near you. The Eldercare Locator ( can help you connect to these agencies. This is also a helpful website to peruse if you're considering assistive technology as an option. Some area agencies can assist senior citizens and those involved in their elder care with finding and buying low-cost assistive technology, as can local civic groups, religious and veterans' organizations, and senior centers.

If you're looking for general information about adult day care and its programs, the National Adult Day Services Association can link you to a state adult day care association. You can reach this service at

The Caring Space

David Crumrine at the Caring Space
We are an organization that connects caregivers and care seekers, providing an easy and affordable resource for families seeking care for friends/loved ones and caregivers seeking employment.

Helping Seniors Stay At Home

Home care services are available to seniors disabled with ailments such as dementia, chronic disorders and other terminal disabilities. Simple tasks such as cooking, washing, grooming and housekeeping becomes difficult for the disabled. Caregivers are sought in such demanding situations to enable them perform their daily chores. Agencies offering senior home care have risen rapidly in recent years. A major cause of this rise for home care services is that elderly people do not wish to leave their familiar community and home in times of physically stressful situations. The caregivers are supervised and trained by home care agencies. They work as a team on a part-time, shift or full time basis and are available all seven days in a week. Home care services are economical compared to nursing homes and other care centers.

A variety of services are available with home care service agencies. Homemaker services include help in cooking, laundry, cleaning, shopping and other daily chores. Companionship service includes paid companions who either make phone calls or make a friendly visit. Personal care provides assistance in eating, bathing, grooming, dressing etc. Home health care services are skilled and include nursing; occupational, physical, and respiratory and speech therapy. Activity group services include games, shopping outings, trips and other activities. Live-in help services are ideal when the senior needs round the clock help and support. Salary, boarding and food are provided to such caregivers and their help is sought for food preparation, housekeeping and other services. Hospice care services provide medical, emotional and social services to the terminally weak seniors.

Senior home care agencies can be located through resources like Yellow Pages, doctor referrals, religious institutions, newspaper ads and through reliable friends and relatives. Keep a few tips in your mind before hiring any home care agency. Firstly, check whether the agency is licensed and whether they provide proper coverage for absent and sick caregivers. Secondly, meet the caregiver personally and check whether you are satisfied. Thirdly, be specific of the tasks to be undertaken and discuss the wages. Fourthly, request personal details and ask references for their punctuality, trustworthiness and ability to handle stressful situations. Lastly, make a personal check on their background. Do not be in a hurry to make any commitment because the lives of these seniors are precious to you.

Factors affecting health care cost depend on competition, location and requirement of skill services. Another important sector where a senior needs help is managing of finances, especially when mental and physical disabilities, and failing eyesight and diminishing memory, confront a senior. If your parent trusts you, you can seek permission and check for inappropriate medical payments. Look for failures to list important bank documents and income. Check for vast donations to religious and charitable organizations. Check for consistent payment to a person, which is possibly a vivid sign that the parent is financially exploited. You can also seek help of supervised and trained volunteers providing assistance in bill payment and budgeting, claiming medical insurance, legal and financial planning, preparation of income tax etc.

Choosing a Home Remodeling Contractor

Because of the housing crisis and poor economy, many Americans are bypassing buying larger new homes in favor of remodeling their existing ones. Now is a good time to take on a remodeling project: home construction specialists need work and raw material prices are the lowest they've been in years. But you don't want to choose just any construction company to take on your home: you want the best. Here are some ways to find the one that's just right for you.

Licensed, bonded, and insured

This may seem like a strange place to start, but really it isn't. You only want to deal with a builder whose company is licensed, bonded, and insured for your own protection. State Consumer Protection agencies across the country are flooded with daily complaints from homeowners whose builder has "disappeared" after taking their money and not completing the job. Protect yourself by only considering those builders who can show proof of being licensed, bonded, and insured.

Look for Referrals

If a family member, friend, or co-worker has had a good experience with a remodeling project lately, get a referral from them. A personal recommendation is a reliable one.

Do Some Research

If you don't have the luxury of getting a personal recommendation from a trusted associate, then you can do research about local builders on the internet. Take the time to really pore over their websites and look for the following:



--Awards or recognitions

--Their philosophy

--Does the builder's tastes and style reflect your own?

Any remodeling job involves not only a considerable investment of time and money, but also the addition of value and beauty to your home. Take your time when choosing a building contractor, and select carefully.

JT Masters Construction ( is the premier Los Altos construction and Los Gatos construction company, handling everything from renovation projects to building brand new homes.

California LiveScan, A Real Background Check?

California LiveScan is the state run system administered by the California Department of Justice for criminal background checks and is available only on workers whose work includes working with children, the elderly and disabled. These include law enforcement agencies, public and private schools, non-profit organizations and in-home supportive care agencies. There is no other statewide criminal check available for employers. All school teachers, public and private, recreational workers and nursing home workers must be LiveScaned.

Church pastors and nursery workers are also eligible to use the program. Most churches use LiveScan if they already use it for their affiliated church school. Organizations who use this program send their applicants who have been conditionally hired pending the background check, to a LiveScan vendor who fingerprints the applicant (the applicant puts their fingerprints on a scanner which electronically scans the fingerprint, hence the name) submits the applicant's data online to the state where a statewide criminal check is performed and, if chosen by the organization ordering the report, a nationwide NCIC (FBI files) check is performed. The resulting information is then sent to the participating organization.

This system is one of the best in the in the country, but the purpose of this article is to point out that it does have what I consider to be major flaws that very few people know about. I think that it is very important, especially for parents, to know the system's limitations in hopes that someday the state will tighten the loopholes and more children will be protected.

The LiveScan system places strict limitations on what information is available and how that information is distributed. The criminal history report is sent to the organization's Records Custodian, which may or may not be the person making the hiring decision and in larger organizations it us usually not the same person. The Records custodian is only allowed to tell the person making the hiring decision that the person has passed or failed the LiveScan. They don't even get to know why that person has failed the background check.

SURPRISING FACT # 1. CALIFORNIA LIVE SCAN DOES NOT REPORT ALL CRIMINAL HISTORY The state of California has mandated that only records related to the following categories are revealed by LiveScan: 1. Crimes relating to child abuse or elder abuse 2. Sex Offenders 3. Convictions or incarcerations in the last 10 years as a result of committing: theft, robbery burglary or any felony.

Now, on its face the list above looks pretty good, but let's go over some of the crimes that it doesn't cover and as we go through the list try to think of your child's nanny or her Sunday school teacher engaged in these crimes. Here's a partial list: Assault, Accessory to a crime, Aiding and abetting, Bad check writing, Carrying a gun without a license, Contempt, Domestic Violence, False impersonation, Medicare fraud, Stalking, Drug possession, Indecent exposure, Misdemeanor Prostitution, Lewd conduct, Disorderly conduct, Disturbing the peace, Vandalism, Trespassing, Malicious mischief, Public drunkenness and the list goes on. I don't know about you, but before I would hire someone to work with children I think I would want to know if they are a pot-smoking, bar-fighting drunk-in-public type person. Most people would agree.

SURPRISING FACT # 2. LIVESCAN DOESN'T CHECK FOR ANY CIVIL RECORDS. OK maybe now you are thinking that this California LiveScan doesn't cover as much as you thought and you would be correct. It also doesn't cover any civil court rulings against a person such as Restraining orders, Non-molestation orders, Order for Protection and Injunctions (for things such as stalking). You don't think that is important? The Family Violence Prevention Fund estimates that up to three million women are the victims of domestic violence each year and restraining orders are one important way that they can protect themselves.

SURPRISING FACT # 3 LIVESCAN DOES NOT CHECK THE CALIFORNIA SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY (also known as the Megan's Law registry). THE PRECEEDING SENTENCE IS NOT A MISPRINT; IT'S TRUE! You can verify this by calling the California Department of Justice and asking them. Their number is 916 227-4974. By now you are probably asking yourself, "How in the world can this be true? A state system designed to protect children doesn't even check for drug offenders, wife beaters and sex offenders? That is unconscionable!" Even as I write this I find it hard to believe myself. It doesn't even check the Megan's Law list for sex offenders who have moved to California from another state who are required to register.

BUT WAIT; THERE'S MORE. There are even two more area that LiveScan does not check or report. When it searches criminal records, it only searches records where a person was fingerprinted. For a minor, non-violent crime people are sometimes issued a notice to appear, just like a traffic ticket. People who are arrested in that way are not fingerprinted. I understand that when big cities do things like prostitution sweeps that they sometimes use that method for both the prostitutes and their "clients". Also, if an arrest is found on someone's criminal history and there is no corresponding disposition such as a trial verdict, plea agreement or sentencing information, they withhold the information from you. The following quote is off their website: "Unless otherwise authorized by law, where only an arrest record exists but the Department is unable to obtain corresponding disposition information, the Department shall suppress that arrest information and provide the authorized agency with a response that no criminal history information exists."

As a person who has been in the background check business for 13 years and the father of two college age daughters, I would have designed the system very differently to say the least. I certainly would not have designed in holes big enough to drive a truck through and potentially let criminals have access to children. The more I study this information the more I am convinced that the State of California is more interested in protecting the rights of criminals than protecting children and the elderly. In all my dozens of conversations with pastors, school administrators and law enforcement people I have only spoken to one person, who was truly aware of the built-in limitations of the LiveScan system. Most people assume that if it is the state-run system then it must be the best and most complete.

As I was re-researching the data to write this article I also found that it is possible for someone to have their sex offence crime expunged after serving their sentence, but would still be required to be registered as a sex offender. That is one more very convincing reason to check the Megan's Law list.

Again, if someone was background checking my daughter's teacher, coach, counselor or pastor I would want a more thorough check and I expect better from the State of California on behalf of all children.

THE ALTERNATIVE: Most organizations who use LiveScan have to by state law, but if you have a choice you should consider a private sector background check from a reputable company that gives you all of the criminal information on a county by county basis, checks the civil records, the Megan's Law list and records from any other state where a person may have lived.

Kit Fremin is the owner and founder of Background Check International. Since 1994 BCI has served clients a varied as: the LA Times, Department of Defense, TATA, Mars, Inc., the UN, the NTSB and Calvary Chapels nationwide. His website is: and he can be e-mailed at

Tips For Budgeting a Vacation For the Entire Family

Vacations can be expensive, and if you are on a limited budget, it may seem impossible to take your family on an enjoyable vacation. There are a number of ways that you can make a great family vacation affordable. These can allow you to treat your family to the vacation that they deserve without having to break the bank to do so. Here are a few ways that you can take a family vacation while staying within your family budget.

One of the most basic tips for planning a vacation is to introduce a vacation fund into your family budget. Even if you only give $10 per week to the fund, you still have $520 at the end of the year. This allows you to slowly accumulate money that would otherwise be unavailable for a vacation. You may choose to supplement the vacation fund with money from income tax returns or other money that would not normally be a part of your weekly income. This provides more opportunities for adding to your vacation fund.

Research your destination and discover the best time for traveling. There may be discounts available if you are flexible about when you would be leaving. This allows you to travel to your destination without paying full price. This can often save you quite a bit of money when you consider how much full admission prices can be for your entire family. Along the same lines, check to see if there are any airlines or hotels running specials that you can take advantage of to save money on your travel and lodging expenses as well.

Another option to help keep your family vacation within the confines of your budget is to choose a vacation destination that is not going to be exceedingly costly. Visiting state parks, beaches, and other public areas can allow you and the family to have fun and enjoy the time spent together without the added costs of amusement parks or other attractions. Be sure to consult both your spouse and your children when trying to come up with vacation ideas so that you know everyone can be excited about the trip.

While on vacation, consider packing sandwiches or supplies for making your own meals instead of stopping for every meal at a restaurant. Preparing your own meals can help you save a lot of money because restaurants become expensive after a while. This also provides your family with extra money for other amusements. If you still insist on eating your meals at the local restaurants, you can use the food you brought with you for light lunches or travel food. This can still help you save quite a bit of money in comparison to the cost of eating out for every meal. An added advantage is that certain foods such as fruits and bread do not go bad while you are away from home; by packing them for your vacation, you can avoid wasting food while you are away.

Depending on the vacation that you want to take, you might find that you do not have enough money to be able to afford everything that you need. Should you have enough room in your family budget to be able to add another monthly payment, you might consider taking out a small personal loan to help pay for your vacation expenses. Before you do this, however, you should make sure that you can afford the loan payment and that you are not going to be overextending your finances by trying to pay it off on time.

Shop around for quotes from different lenders so that you can get the best deal on the money that you borrow and compare the repayment terms carefully to find the loan that best meets your needs. Save this as a last resort in case the vacation you are planning is very important to the family, since borrowing money is a serious responsibility and can lead to major credit problems if you are not able to repay what you borrow. If you can afford to add the loan payment to your monthly budget and are able to repay the loan in a respectable amount of time, it can be perfectly acceptable to borrow a little bit of extra money to help make your family vacation dreams come true.

A vacation is a great time for a family to spend time together. Vacations are possible no matter what your budget is. When you are planning your vacation, try to put a few dollars aside each week. This helps you accumulate money over time that can be used towards you family's vacation. When you leave for your vacation consider packing sandwiches and other snacks. This can save you money since you do not have to eat at a restaurant for every meal. These tips can help your family plan a much-deserved vacation even on a tight budget.

Jeremy Foster is a freelance writer who writes about topics and tips involving the travel industry and vacation deals, often discussing specific subjects such as hotels and cheap flights.

Friday, September 27, 2013

When Do I Place My Elderly Parent In The Hands Of Senior Care Experts?

Planning care for an elderly parent is a difficult decision and one that many families confront, often with conflicting ideas, when their aging parent shows signs of decline. The only universal answer is, "It depends". There is no one answer that fits all. What does your parent want? If it's to stay in their own home, as is often the case, can you or other family members provide a safe environment and the necessary care to keep them there? Consider the costs to you, emotionally, as well as financially. Too often, a loving caregiver's health declines faster than the one they are caring for. If you are caring for your parent now or considering doing so, keep this in mind: you must recognize the stresses on you and your family; your spouse and children need you, too. Once your parent is gone, at some point they will be, will you still be there for your own family? Here are some things to consider and to discuss with other family members: siblings as well as your spouse and children.

1. What is your relationship with your parent? Are you or your parent often impatient, short-tempered, continually critical or demanding of each other? Or, are you caring for your parent now and exhausted?

2. Dementia posses challenges when wandering or other behaviors are beyond your control and are a risk to your parent and others. You can restrict their wandering by keeping outside doors locked as long as someone is with them, and it does not interfere with escape in case of fire or other disaster. You cannot lock them in a room or tie them down. Adult protective services will step in, as they should.

3. Does he or she require intimate personal care (injections, incontinence, bed sores, other wound care, etc) that goes beyond your ability to provide? Some people are able to remove themselves from the discomfort of those tasks and provide the care, no matter what. If that is not you, don't force it.

4. Fragile health requiring skilled nursing care is more difficult to manage at home, though not out of the question. If the doctor thinks your parent has less than 6 months to live, and you really want to keep them at home, you can engage the services of Hospice. They will provide the necessary skilled care wherever your parent is, whether it is at home or in a facility.

5. Social interaction with friends and family are important to all of us. For elderly people, who are limited in their ability to get out on their own, socializing with others where they live is important. If aging-in-place (remaining in their own home) means loneliness and isolation, then they are likely to decline more rapidly.

If any of the above applies, then hiring caregivers to provide in-home care or placing your parent in a care facility are your best options. There are numerous in home caregiver agencies. Hire a care manager to assess your situation and make recommendations. Assisted living residences are available, from homes in residential neighborhoods accommodating 5-6 individuals, to large multi-story complexes for many individuals and with many services. Some of them are sponsored by different faiths. Skilled nursing facilities, i.e., nursing homes, take individuals who, as the name suggests, need skilled nursing care. If your parent is transferred from an acute care hospital at the doctor's recommendation, then Medicare will cover the cost for up to the first 100 days. If you admit your parent from home, you must pay the bill.

I am a proponent for keeping a loved one at home whenever possible, if that's where they want to be. Trained caregivers are caring, nurturing people, and they are more removed emotionally, than you are. This distance enables them to manage the more difficult aspects of care while still treating them with respect, and hopefully humor. In my own experience (many others have reported this also), my father didn't listen to me, his "child", despite the fact that I was an elder care professional. He ignored me or often did the opposite when I made suggestions; but when his caregiver gave the same advice he would say, "good idea", and do it willingly. I stepped aside, supervising from a distance, and let it flow organically. When the time comes for you to make this difficult decision, discuss it with your parent, siblings - all of them, and your own family. If you can't all meet in person then have phone conferences, or email "conversations". Don't leave anyone out of the discussions - it will come back to bite you later if you do. If your parent isn't capable of making realistic decisions include them anyway. They need to feel included and know they have a voice in the matter.

I earned my M.A. in occupational therapy at USC, and then dedicateed my career to working with elderly and disabled men and women in hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes. I then cared for my own father as he declined, making modifications and providing care that allowed him to age in comfort in his own home.
Though I was well versed in the how-tos of providing care, that personal experience brought home to me the emotional challenges, as well. After his death at 92, I wrote a book, DAD'S HOME ALONE, Caring For Your Elderly Parent. It provides details and encouragement for others facing the many choices and issues involved in caring for an elderly loved one. The often humorous stories help to exemplify the challenges we all face when caring for our loved ones.
Read more about it at

Why Should Employers Use the Services of a Healthcare Agency?

The healthcare industry has gained prime importance with the growing awareness of health concerns among the general population. Hospitals, medical offices, nursing homes and other healthcare centers are kept busy, and the clinical responsibilities of their medical professionals seem to be incessant. There are times when hospitals and medical clinics are in dire need of temporary or permanent staffing solutions. In situations like this, employers should use the services provided by a reliable healthcare agency, which assists the healthcare industry in the recruitment of efficient medical professionals.

The recruitment of medical professionals is a challenging task. The supply-and-demand of qualified practitioners is one factor. Locating suitable candidates within a short timeframe is another key factor in filling a physician vacancy. Thus, the role of a competent healthcare staffing agency is all the more important. They provide time-sensitive and dependable solutions. Experienced healthcare recruiters carefully screen the qualifications and backgrounds of prospective candidates, thus assuring you of providing quality service whenever you need them.

In order to render invaluable recruiting solutions to medical centers, the staffing agencies maintain a panel of healthcare recruiters who are skilled in effective recruitment procedures. Their candidates are carefully sourced, and preliminary assessments and interviews are completed before they are selected for client presentation. Every effort is undertaken to identify dynamic, hard-working candidates who will perfectly meet the requirements of the specific position opening.

Apart from fulfilling specific recruitment requirements, there are several reasons as to why employers should engage the services of these care agencies. Recruiters handle many details associated with the recruitment process. The first is advertising the job vacancy. Ample amount of money is spent in creating advertisements that draw the most interest. Successfully completing the recruitment process often involves agencies' spending extra effort and time in completing their tasks.

In the light of all these factors, it makes perfect sense to partner with a reliable healthcare agency. The healthcare staffing agency not only saves the employers from all these hassles, but also reduces the bottom-line expenses of the medical centers. Along with all these benefits, the healthcare agency also saves employers precious time. These agencies are ever ready with their pool of qualified and talented healthcare professionals, and they always give excellent service in the hour of need.

High Paying Locum Tenens Physician Jobs at Jackson & Coker is a trusted name in Physician Recruitment and as a Healthcare Recruiting Firm has earned the Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval.

Wireless Security Systems

A wireless alarm system should be considered for the reason that it eliminates the hassle and confusion of wires. For persons new to surveillance technology systems, it provides an easy way to set up the system themselves, provided they follow the instructions given in the manual properly. Wireless surveillance systems these days have the latest technology and can adapt to any situation.

Investing in a wireless system has the following advantages, you save a lot as there is no need to find and hire an electrician to install the device, you can install it yourself if you follow all the instructions given in the guide to the T. attaching the systems also is not a problem as most of them can be wall mounted easily and are detachable, some of the advanced version are made so that even a burglar has difficulty recognizing it for what it really is, a device that is recording his every sneaky move.

Naturally in order to properly install surveillance you need to have some basic knowledge, you have a brain, and your brain controls all your current and future bodily actions. It is without a doubt the epicenter of your existence. Similarly in surveillance systems there is the control panel, this controls all the actions of the system once you have set it up, you in turn control the control panel, it receives signals from the devices that have been mounted, decodes them, and send back an appropriate response. Usually responses are in the form of higher sensitivity thereby increasing the visual and audio quality, zooming in on the target all while setting off an alarm or alerting the authorities depending on what you have programmed it to do.

Next is the keypad, this gives the current status of your newly installed surveillance system, using the keypad you can enter the codes to activate or deactivate all or specific portions, and a keypad that can control all the devices from anywhere.

A magnetic contact is something that will estimate the space between the area where the magnet is kept and the switch. The theory to this is that when the space between these two things that is the magnet and the switch increases an alarm will go off. The natural order of things is upset. It detects opening of doors or windows that enlarge the spaces thereby causing an alarm to go off.

Other advanced systems use various types of sensors. With motions sensors, the degree of sensitivity to movement can be controlled, that is you can program detect the smallest of movements like something small crawling on the ground or the more obvious movements like a person walking into the scene or an object shifting. They can be programmed to start recording as soon as motion is detected otherwise it stays on standby not wasting valuable recording space. These motion detectors are also sometimes connected to lights, the lights get turned on as soon as motion is detected. Heat sensors are sensitive to any thermal change in the atmosphere or if any obvious sort of thing with generating a lot of heat suddenly.

Motion detectors can be programmed to alert the nearest law enforcement agency in case a break in has occurred. Most times these sensors are used in areas that are visited less frequently. The signals are sent to the control panel which uses codes that have been preinstalled to contact the authorities and also sets off loud sirens if you wish. You can never be too prepared especially when you will not be in town. This gives a small concession to your mind that your home or office will be taken care of.

Abhishek is a Home Security expert and he has got some great Home Security Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 104 Pages Ebook, "Home Security Made Easy!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Software for Senior Care

It's a fact that the US population is growing older. Millions of baby boomers are rapidly reaching retirement age and need care in daily living. As a result, retirement homes, centers and assisted living facilities are growing.

To aid these centers in meeting the needs of their aging clients, software developers have created tools to help administrators run their facilities. They have created programs that will ease the job of handling budgets and other details.

It costs time and money to process all of the paperwork involved in running a senior living facility. Often extra costs are incurred that can be avoided with efficiency measures.

If you use software created for the senior care industry you will have the ability to track your costs and income easily and conveniently. You can budget more precisely. This can mean a reduction in areas where you are wasting money.The software will also help cut down on excess paperwork. It has built-in files that create records stored online so you don't have the burden of paper files. It features touch screens and swipe cards for easy access and to store in a agency-wide database. Simple forms are used to make the system run smoothly. The more often you use the automatic-data-transfer the less information that will need to be transferred manually. This gives you more time and ensures accuracy. The system also cuts down on the number of forms needed and handled daily. Software for senior care are also beneficial because they offer a chance for more personalization. Not many people actually like to do paperwork. This software reduces the time you spend behind a desk and frees nurses and administrators to spend more time with residents.

When you're doing less desk work and you are able to do the work you enjoy. Software for senior care is a way to perform the necessary but dreary work go faster while maintaining accuracy. Wine goblets during small bathtubs? Why not!

What You Need to Know About the Tax Matters When Selling Your House

Considering your tax matters isn't exactly something that is on the top of your list when you are looking to sell your house. What's first and foremost on your mind in this stage, other the huge fixation on the words "sell house", is just how fast you can sell the house itself, and for how much. Taking into consideration the effect that taxes have on the actual sale often comes as an afterthought, and is often a lesson that tends to stick to people for a long time. With this in mind, it may be a good idea to first consider whatever it is that is sure to have an effect, whether profound or nearly insignificant, on the actual sale itself, since taxes seem to have this uncanny ability to balloon all of a sudden before you even have time to consider how you incurred it in the first place.

Tax matters involved in the sale of a house are many and myriad and it would take a considerable amount of time and understanding to fully appreciate all of them, so here is one of the most common and viable example of an important tax matter when you are starting to get into that "sell house" mode:

How long have you had the house?

If you have been living in the house for less than two years and you sell the house for a profit, the entire amount of your profit may very well be taxed. However, there is a chance you can avoid federal taxes by filing a claim for a reduced gain exclusion. To further help homeowners seeking to make a sale, the IRS has made it quite easy for people to qualify for this exclusion. The prime benefit of this is that the entire gain from the sale of the house may very well be sheltered from being categorized as a "premature sale".

This reduced exclusion applies to instances wherein you are apparently making a premature sale due to the following conditions:

A premature sale by reason of change in place of employment - this is an automatic consideration, provided that it passes the distance requirement for consideration, which is that the new place of employment should at least be 50 miles away from the former residence, thus prompting a move to a nearer residence. Another automatic consideration that falls under the distance requirement is if the new place of employment requires that you be on call or be able to rush to the place of work in a short period of time.

A premature sale by reason of health matters - The new regulations state that those who may apply for the exclusion can do so if they have a need to move because of they have to obtain, provide, or facilitate the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, or treatment of a disease, illness, of injury of a qualified individual. By qualified individual, the regulation means the owner, the spouse of the owner, and any co-owner of the house in question. This condition also includes if the qualified individual is selling the house because of a need to obtain or provide personal or medical care for a qualified individual who is suffering from any disease, illness, or injury.

A premature sale by reason of unforeseen circumstances - The new regulations will also take into consideration the fact that the sale of the house was because of the following unforeseen circumstances: a qualified individual dies, a qualified individual becomes eligible for unemployment compensation, a qualified individual experiences a change in status of employment or status of self-employment that results in the inability to pay for housing costs and basic living expenses, a qualified individual is divorced or legally separated, a qualified individual's pregnancy results in multiple births, the residence is sold after being seized or condemned (such as by a government agency), and the residence is a casualty of a man-made disaster, an act of war, or an act of terrorism.

Nick Stoles writes regularly on Real Estate related topics like Importance of a Comparable Market Analysis [] in Selling Your House. If you want to learn more about Selling Houses and how to maximize your returns, then visit [] for more information.

Overcoming Bathing Challenges

Well, let's face it: bathing is an essential part of life, but as your older loved one continues to age, convincing them to enjoy bath time can become increasingly difficult. This may be because they are fearful of falling, embarrassment or dementia issues may cause fears of bathing.

Preparing the bath, having all necessary supplies and standing outside the bath area may be all that is required. On the other hand, you might be called up to do it ALL.

So first, let me say that it is not imperative that YOU do it all. If your loved one is not comfortable with letting you help, or if YOU are not comfortable in helping (as was the case with MY father), consider enlisting the help of a home health care agency. Your loved one would prefer that option as well. Many agencies are willing to send a well-trained caregiver into the home for a reasonably priced shower visit. If your loved one is cognizant, sit down and have a discussion about what they would prefer. Also ask if they would prefer a shower or a bath - remember that elders of this current era were used to bathing in tubs, sometimes ones whose water was shared by several family members on a Saturday evening - the last bather, suffering the coldest water. (If you are bathing a dementia patient, this might be their memory of bathing.)

Also, let me add that bathing is not necessary every single day. If proper toileting care is done daily, baths can be done less frequently. Sponge baths may also be used.

If your elderly loved one is unstable in gait, or tires easily, there are a few pieces of equipment (s)he would probably find very helpful. The first is a grab bar. Grab bars are absolutely essential and fortunately are now available in lovely designs so that your bath doesn't look like a hospital room. Your loved one can use this to step into the shower carefully, and also to catch his/her balance. Great Grabz is a company that offers some very nice ones. (Remember: if there is NOT a grab bar, a senior will opt to use the towel rack and I guarantee you that the bar will come out eventually and your loved one will fall.)

Another essential for shower safety is the shower seat. The elder can sit down throughout the shower, or just sit down for a couple of minutes if (s)he gets tired.

An adjustable shower head is also helpful, especially if your loved one showers sitting down or if someone is helping them to bathe, but keep in mind that these adjustable showers heads may be confusing to dementia patients. Lastly, be sure the shower floor is not slick. If it is, get a textured mat to keep your older loved one from slipping.

Often, as showering becomes more difficult, the elderly may try to avoid it altogether. If your elderly loved one suffers from Alzheimer's disease or dementia, he or she may also refuse to shower. This, of course, is not a good option. Staying clean is not only important for keeping your loved one feeling good about him/herself, but hygiene is an important part of staying healthy. Sometimes, simply obtaining a "prescription" for bathing from the doctor may actually do the trick. Other times, that doesn't work. Remember to adopt a casual attitude about bathing so that the loved one does not become nervous each time the subject is brought up.

If your loved one is unable to get out of bed to shower, sponge baths are an option. Remember to have all your necessary items at the bedside before you begin (this reminds me of when I was in nursing school, was a total Klutz and forgot the soap. I had to run down the hall to get it... meanwhile the poor patient was disrobed and wet!)

If you are unsure of how to assist your loved one in the shower, or assist with a sponge bath, the American Red Cross and their partners offer a video series on caring for elderly family members, including a segment on bathing.

For those with memory loss, consistency is important. Be gentle and patient, as they may not remember having been helped with bathing before, and it could be agitating. If you are bathing them, consider keeping them covered up, aside from the body part being washed. This may help put them at ease. Also, sometimes deep water, or water splashing on the face can bother them. Be sure to pay attention to what makes them uncomfortable.

One last consideration is which products to use for your loved one's bath. If your loved one has dry skin (and most elders do at this age), be sure to use warm (not hot) water for bathing, and a gentle soap. Apply lotion after each bath to avoid itching and dryness. Look for lotions that include fatty acids, as these help keep the skin moisturized, and be sure to avoid lotions with scents as these can irritate the skin.

In addition to being necessary, bathing can and should be a refreshing, pleasant experience for your elderly loved one. By applying some of these simple ideas, you can do your part to insure it is.

Shelley Webb has been a registered nurse for almost 30 years, with experience in the fields of neonatal intensive care, dialysis, case management and eldercare. When her father came to live with her in 2005, the advantages of her medical experience became clear. Due to his dementia and congestive heart failure, her father was not able to care for himself alone any longer and so she took over these duties.

Having experienced the helplessness, frustration, overwhelm and even loneliness that caregiving for an aging parent brings, Shelley is well aware of the emotional and educational support that caregivers need and so she began The Intentional Caregiver web site. With its weekly newsletter, daily news updates and monthly audio interviews of experts in eldercare and supporting services, Shelley strives to encourage and educate caregivers so that they can be empowered to provide the best possible care for themselves while caring for their aging loved one(s).

Please see:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

3 Cures For Bad Debts

Bad debts are a festering wound in your business insidiously leeching both your time and your profits. And like any infectious disease there are three key levels of intervention which must work seamlessly together to not only eradicate the disease of bad debts but also prevent it from re-infecting your business in future.

Leave any one of these three levels of management out and you'll remain both vulnerable to parasites and powerless to stop them.

Level 1 Debt Management: Immunization

Just as there are vaccines to prevent diseases taking root, there are powerful tools to boost your defenses against bad debts. For total protection your business needs to be armed with all of the following instruments as well as systems to use them...

Terms of Trade - No matter how big or small your business, if you supply goods or services comprehensive Terms and Conditions of Trade will protect you and your business from financial loss. In essence Terms of Trade is a legally binding document that sets out the essential conditions under which you and your customers carry out business together.

It's important to understand that this involves more than just credit abuse. There are 52 acts of legislature which can be potentially abused. Accordingly your Terms of Trade must close-down each and every one of these potential pathways of infection.

Online Credit Checking - In line with the adage of "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," before extending any form of credit to a new customer it's critical that you screen them for credit worthiness. The fastest, cheapest and easiest way to do this is by being set-up to conduct online credit checks on the spot. However, to carry out credit checks your Terms of Trade must clearly authorize you to do so. If they don't you'll be in breach of the Privacy Act and in turn be liable to pay a $200,000 penalty.

Personal Property Securities Register - For a measly $3, you can wield an enourmous amount of power over both your goods and you debtors. Yet most businesses remain clueless to the PPSR's power as well as how easy it is to use it.

Comprehensive Documentation - Finally to fully fortify your defenses against bad debts, depending on the nature of your business you need at least three of the following documents: Application for Credit; Quotation/Work Authorisation; Quotation Variation; Job Completion; Personal & Corporate Guarantees; Authority to Supply Goods; and Agreement to Hire.

Prevention is without doubt the most neglected layer of protection and it's absence dramatically undermines the effectiveness of the following two defenses. Conversely, having these tools in place arms you with the full power of the law to both prevent and recover bad debts quickly and affordably.

Level 2 Debt Management: Home Remedies

As with minor infections, there are quick and easy remedies to heal the wounds of common bad debts. The best "home-cure" for recovering bad debts is a rapid-fire prescription of 3 potent antibiotics.

Debt Antibiotic 1: Debt Reminder Letter. Prescribed as soon as debt falls overdue.

Debt Antibiotic 2: Debt Follow-Up Phone Call. Dispensed if debtor does not respond to reminder letter after 7 days OR they default on repayment installment.

Debt Antibiotic 3: Debt Final Demand Letter. Administered if debtor does not respond to follow-up call within 7 days OR they default on repayment installment.

It's critically important that you adhere to this simple yet powerful three step formula. Under absolutely NO circumstances should you dispense more than 1 reminder letter as doing so will not only encourage slow payment, it will also dramatically reduce your chances of recovering your account in full.

Level 3 Debt Management: Transfer To Intensive Care Unit

Whilst Level 2 will adequately clear-up conventional unpaid accounts, there exist more virulent debtors who remain resistant to these home remedies. These debtors are toxic and they need to be cut-out of your business ruthlessly.

To this end as soon as the final demand deadline passes without the debtor settling the account you should instantly refer the debt to a crack surgical debt recovery team.

Now like any health professional, while they may all have comparable letters after their names, they don't all possess comparable levels of skill. To this end, when selecting a debt collection agency to recover your accounts be sure that they posses all threea of these skills...

They are equipped to handle disputed debts. Most agencies will either refuse to touch such debts OR they'll charge you a small fortune to chase them. Insist on agencies that routinely treat disputed at no additional expense.

They guarantee collection of your debt. Note: "No Collection = No Commission" is NOT a guarantee of collection. Rather it is a worthless cop-out. Insist on guaranteed recovery where the collection agency actually shoulders the risk.

They provide a 30 day window where they don't charge you or your debtor a cent of commission on money collected during this period.

Important: never deal with a collection agency that insists on charging commissions on collections from day one on all debts.

In short, if you want to recover the maximum amount of your accounts quickly and affordably you simply must have all three levels of protection working seamlessly for you in your business.

Publisher of the world's only free online multi-media debt recovery training course for business owners Dr Angelo Ioanides (a.k.a. The Debt Doctor) is a leading authority in accelerating and magnifying business cash-flows. If you'd like to possess the tools and knowledge to recover your debts in-house faster, more affordably and with dramatically less stress than they've ever experienced be sure to visit The Debt Doctor's blog. To learn more about in-house prevention and recovery as well as to receive free debt reminder and final demand letters simply visit The Debt Doctor's free debt collection letters blog posts.

Unwelcome Guests: Furry Visitors; Part III

The safest and easiest way to keep animals out of your home, is to eliminate all points of entry. Bats and mice can fit through openings that you might not even get a finger into! High-grade caulking, sheet metal and wire mesh are among the more popular materials you can utilize. Keeping food, garbage and water under cover will make your home less desirable to animals.

Look for bite marks on doors, window frames, wiring and food packages. Droppings may be visible and sounds may be audible, especially at night.

Pest Control

Traps can be set, but make sure that you obtain the correct trap for the job. Provincial laws state which animals can be trapped and/or relocated. Poisons must be used with extreme caution. Make absolutely certain that children and pets will not be inadvertently affected by poisonous bait. Take care when extricating live animals from traps. Wear gloves and a face shield. Rabies is prevalent among several species, such as skunks and foxes.

If in doubt, contact a licensed, professional pest control agency. Pest control companies and individuals are listed in the Pest Control Services category of the Yellow Pages.

Copyright Gil Strachan - All rights reserved.

Gil Strachan is a professional home inspector, representing Electrospec Home Inspection Services in east-central Ontario, Canada since 1994. Visit to learn more about home inspections. "The Home Reference Book"
You can probably find a home inspection for a little less than what we ask, but you probably won't find the Home Reference Book. A $60 value, this solutions-oriented reference tool comes free with every inspection we perform.
It's the first tool you should have around the house!

Healthcare Staffing Agency and Medical Recruiters - All You Wanted to Know

If you are a healthcare professional or just starting your career, healthcare staffing agency would turn out to be of great help finding you your dream job. In fact, these agencies are extremely helpful for both the employers and the job seekers. The employers rely on their services and get matching professionals without spending lots of money and time on arranging interviews and selecting candidates. On the other hand the job seekers get their desired job and even those who want to have a break, opt their service.

There are many other advantages that are associated with joining a healthcare staffing agency. If you are a professional, you can get part time, full time, temporary, permanent or jobs in public or private organizations. You can get the job that you want to have in present situation. You can also give your preferences and choices so that whenever there is any vacancy that matches your profile, you will be called for.

If you belong to the management group of any healthcare center or hospital, you can get a candidate that fits in your requirement. You do not have to bother about the interview and selection of candidate as well as monitor the work of the professional provided by the agency. The healthcare staffing agency takes the whole and sole responsibility of the candidate and takes care that the staff members are provided on time and without any hassle or fuss.

Today, most of the hospitals and healthcare centers rely on the healthcare staffing agencies on the supply of medical staff and professionals to carry on their work. Although there are medical recruiters in different agencies, the healthcare industry relies most probably on the medical recruiting websites for the fulfillment of their demand for staff and professionals.

If you are interested to serve as a medical recruiter, you will not find it difficult to set up a company and you will find that everything is done pretty quickly too. You will have to market both the facilities - for job seekers as well as for hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare centers as a medical recruiter.

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher on the topics related to healthcare staffing agency and healthcare staffing agencies.

Tips For Decorating Your Homes

The home décor is a truly important component of the home improvement and clean living. You can buy a house and fit it with all modern luxuries but you cannot call it a home till it gets those necessary elements which make it a nice cozy home. That important component is the home décor.

Home decoration begins with a few basics things to be taken care of. The real start to that process is by getting things organized. To get organized at home you need to buy a few things so that put things away neatly. That organizing of the house is the basic to everything a nice house requires. If you do not have time yourself you may in fact want to have a professional organizer.

Next comes the overall design of the house. You cannot have an antique look in one room and a modern look in another room. Too many such changes are not pleasing for the eye. Again if you do not have an eye for such things then get an interior designer do the work for you. But be warned that the interior designer will do it once and you will have to maintain the original design. It requires hard work and effort to do the mundane tasks everyday around home.

The other option is to employ a household cleaning agency. These cleaning agencies charge on an hourly basis or by per visit basis. You can call them up a week in advance and they will clean the whole house.

Coming back to décor of the house light shades and lamps play an important role in the living room and the bedroom. Make sure that you buy good stuff which has adequate amount of lighting as well as gels well with the overall look of the place.

To add some ecological balance to the house it is good have some plants artificial or real in the house. The real ones definitely require effort for maintenance and upkeep but they are definitely worth the effort. These plants give that much needed natural ambience to the room. Make sure that you have a combination of big and small potted plants to complement each other.

Another important aspect of the home is the flooring so make sure that you have good flooring and that also meshes with the décor of the house. Wooden flooring is good for certain types and carpeting is good for certain houses. Carpets in general require more upkeep than the wooden flooring.

The author writes about water fountains maintenance and also suggests as to how to do maintenance of indoor water fountains.

Personal Protection For Women, Men, Elderly and Children

Protecting yourself in today's society is not a luxury IT IS A NECESSITY. Today's lifestyles and the social environment suggest that all of us could be a potential victim at some point and time in our lives. All of the elements are present.

Almost all of us have read about or heard on the news or personally know someone who has been victimized. Missing is the element that most people do not carry or possess even the simplest piece of equipment to protect themselves. This could be a safety flasher, an audible tone, window security, door braces, mace, stun guns, stun batons, tasers, animal repellents to name a few. Too often we leave ourselves vulnerable.

While I am set up at flea markets I am always approached by someone with a story "If" my daughter, sister, aunt, mother, grandparents, brother, husband, or neighbor story had protection products maybe whatever happened to them would not have happened. "We didn't know these products were available". A big concern of mine is that by the time I have heard these stories, it is well after the fact of someone being victimized. People have told me they didn't know where to get personnel protection products. Some people didn't know personal protection products were available. I remember one woman telling me she called her local town police agency requesting where to get "dog spray", she was told they had no idea.

In today's economic decline both parents for the average family, elderly, the single parent and the one-person household are out in public to work. Many are forced to work late hours, a second job, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Those who are older, weaker, very young, disabled and smaller in stature are easy prey for perpetrators and predators. Often perpetrators and predators know your surroundings equally or better than you do. There are many self defense schools that offer short term self defense classes.

One of the best speakers to hit home about self defense and self preservation was at a womans conference in NE Indiana. One of the speakers included a female black belt who provided one of the best speech presentations that I have heard on survival and avoidance in personal attack situations. There are numerous videos and books available on self defense and protecting yourself, family, and home.

When my mother was still living at the ripe age of 78, she fell prey to may solicitors and predators. Had she been armed with a voice changer, most of the callers thinking that they reached to wrong number would have hung up. The same result would have been reached by changing her voice and talking through the door as opposed to opening it. Our elderly population is sought out and targeted by predators. I would love the opportunity to stand in their place and have a chat with those callers and even those who are at the door.

Our society would benefit from more proactive approaches to crime prevention and alternative methods that many do not know exist.

Carla Mattingly sells personal protection equipment, home safety products, business security, surveillance, Jewelry, Perfume Oil, Aloe-Esta and a host of health and well being products. Find out how to protect you family, yourself and others by visiting our Web Site at

How to Select the Right Home Based Business

The selection of the right business is a subjective decision. What may sound like the right choice for one online entrepreneur may not be the right for another. The choice of an online business venture is based on the availability of skills, resources, revenue generating capacity of the online business, a personal desire to pursue the idea, and the legal validity and sustainability of the idea in the long term.

Most online business propositions revolve around existing products and services. There is plenty of expertise and guidance material available to start a home based business regarding these products or services. In some cases, templates and checklists have been developed to make the process of setup very smooth. For online businesses and those intending to have an online presence, there are several hosting options catering to the specific needs of this segment.

There is a significant difference between a purely online home based business and a home based business that has an online presence. The former offers its services and products only through the internet. The latter has a physical presence based at home but also uses the internet to boost its revenues. An online business makes sense when you do not have the space or resources to set up an office. Most of the online home based businesses find it more convenient to sell services rather than products, since they can avoid the tasks of stocking and shipping products. On the other hand, a home based business like that of a property agency, could have a website with details of properties. A physical presence is essential in this case, to show the customer around, but revenues are higher on account of the internet presence.

Choosing an online business idea is also dependent on the demand for the product. For instance, if you are a nanny, and you set up a website offering tips on child care that also sells baby food - your business depends ion the manufacturer of the baby food product. If the manufacturer is weighing the options of moving to a new product platform and plans to discontinue service for the existing products, the demand on your website is likely to diminish soon. Hence it is necessary that you tie up with reliable providers with a good rate of success.

Eke Ibiam is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Eke and her team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Eke, visit: []

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Benefits of Getting Temp Jobs

People tend to look at temporary jobs, otherwise known as contractual, seasonal, temp or freelance jobs, with disdain considering the fact that they do not offer health benefits and they typically have high turnover rates. What they don't know is that contractual or temp jobs offer more than what they seem to appear, especially in this rough times where numerous employees are becoming laid off. In fact, the increasing demand of temp jobs has given hundreds of unemployed workers a chance to earn instead of wallowing in depression over job loss. There are a number of benefits that you can obtain from getting temporary jobs.

You are guaranteed to have a job before the day ends.Whatever your field of expertise is, you are bound to find a contractual temp job. There are more and more companies that are looking for clerical employees including secretaries, copywriters, data encoders and transcriptionists. Even hospice units, intensive care units, hospitals and nursing homes are looking for medically trained individuals who can provide services for a limited period of time.

You have a flexible time frame. Temp jobs typically provide versatility in terms of time. You will have control on the time you spend on the job and you can choose assignments to your liking. You can choose your days off and you can choose when to work. You can choose to work harder or work less, depending on the amount of time you have.

You will have higher rates compared to those in permanent positions. If you compare the wages people in temp jobs earn on an hourly or a daily basis, to those who are employed in permanent positions, you would know that those in temporary jobs often have higher rates. This is mainly to compensate for the lack of benefits that most permanently-employed workers have.

You can avoid getting trapped in depression. Most people who lose their jobs or are having a hard time finding a job tends to become depressed. If you're working, albeit temporarily, you will have less time to be depressed and more time to actually earn money that you need to spend for your daily expenses while you search for something more permanent.

Temp jobs are the current solution to the state of increasing unemployment rates. Don't just rule it out of your priorities. Try it and you just might find yourself happily earning an income. Drake Recruitment has assisted organisations fix wide-ranging human performance problems, staff their organisations efficiently and effectively, and realise targeted objectives since 1951.

The company begins with a business needs analysis that pinpoints specific performance improvement opportunities. This offers insight into how they can provide solutions in the form of temp jobs to your organisation's problems and realise its planned goals and objectives.

Tips For Choosing a Quality Child Care Center

Typically in a double-income home, the parents must both choose to return to work at some point. Studies from the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies show that 62 percent of American mothers with children under 5 years of age are currently in the workforce. Increasingly, therefore, child care centers are becoming an essential part of a child's development, and intrinsic for many families in raising a child.

The following are some tips to enable you to narrow down your exploration of child care. If it is such a priority, it is also a choice that needs to be made carefully.

Where to Look

Begin by trying to collect references from other parents in your neighborhood. This works both to find some good centers or daycare homes in your area, and to eliminate options. Another place to look is the Child Care Resource and Referral Center, which is an organization that helps parents to choose what is best for their child care needs, and includes a listing of some of the best child care centers in your area.


Gather pertinent information on the centers before visiting them. This includes exploring whether or not the centers are adequately licensed by the state, and what information the state has on the center. Most states have clear laws concerning the requirements of the child care worker, as well as factors such as cleanliness in the center, quality of food provided, and proper safety procedures. The state should also be able to provide for you any violations the centers have had. Again, the local CCRR can provide you this information.


Take time to visit and to ask questions - as many you need to feel comfortable making a good decision. For example: what is the ratio of employees to children? What is a typical group size? What are the qualifications of the employees? Is this center accredited? What is the employee turnover rate? What are the safety procedures?

Read the Contract

Discuss anything that concerns you or seems to be missing.

Observe the Children

This is an excellent indicator of the quality of the child care. Do the children show respect to the caregiver? Are they generally happy? What is a typical schedule for the children?

Call References

Previous clients can give an excellent perspective.

Stay Involved

Once you decide on a caregiver, remain involved in the process of caring for your child. Request updates on your child as often as possible. Also, consider volunteering for special outings if possible.

Here are a few terms that are helpful to know before you start your search:

Accreditation: a recognition of a care center for voluntarily abiding by certain standards.

Age groupings: infants are birth to 12 months, toddlers are 13 to 36 months, preschoolers are three to five years, school aged are first grade to 15 years, mixed ages are care groups with children that are least one year apart in age.

Babysitting: in-home care give on a temporary or occasional basis, primarily for safety over learning

Caregiver: an employee who takes care of children.

CCR&R: an organization that provides resources to parents about child care, and helps with financial assistance, provides referrals, and information on licensing requirements.

Child Development Associate: an employee who has finished a CDA course and has been given a CDA credential.

Corporate: child care financed partially or wholly by a parent's employer.

Family: care provided in a provider's own residence.

In-home: care provided in the home of the child's parents.

Informal: care provided by friends are relatives that is not regulated as a child care provider is.

Licensing requirements: state or local standards which providers are required to meet to continue in business.

Non-traditional child care: care provided during non-traditional working hours such as weekends, early hours, or late hours.

Sherilyn Fry is a mother, teacher, and child care provider in Walnut Creek, CA. She runs a walnut creek preschool [] for young kids, encouraging fun learning experiences, creativity, social skills, self esteem, science including cooking projects, reading and math skills and more. To schedule an appointment to visit, please call Sherilyn at 925-938-1174.

Options For Senior Living

Assisted living and retirement communities are not regulated by the federal government, so each state has different rules for senior housing. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environmental Health Facilities Division divides senior care centers into six categories. They use these categories to decide how they fit under the state health laws, and what kind of health care practitioners should be regulated. The six categories are Adult Day Programs, Assisted Living Residences, Home Care, Home Health Agencies, Hospice, and Nursing Homes.

Shorter term senior care facilities are called Adult Day Programs, which take care of seniors health, social, and psychological services. Adult day care can be used as an alternative to long term assisted living. Instead of the patient living on site, they just use the site's facilities and services.

Assisted living residences is the name Colorado gives to assisted living communities that give seniors their own place, with common assistance services like bathing and dressing assistance as well as medication reminders. Colorado Springs retirement communities are often of the assisted living variety. These are popular with seniors because they get independence with help where they need it. Other common services include organizing community activities, a safe environment and food services.

Home care is also defined by the Health Facilities Division. Medicaid waivers may provide for personal home care as an alternative to Colorado Springs retirement communities. The homemaker provides services that the senior cannot do themselves. Like bathing or assistance getting around. These are non-skilled services that do not require a licensed medical practitioner. Colorado does require them to take 20 hours of training, but this is nowhere near the level of care available in Colorado springs retirement communities.

Home health agencies are the home care that comes from medical professionals. It could be to help someone recovering from an illness, or a senior requiring regular medical care. They provide skilled services like therapy.

Hospice is for terminally ill patients. Colorado law requires individuals entered into hospice to be under a doctor's care. The aim of hospice is to provide supportive a palliative care to try and give some symptom relief. Hospice services can be given both in home and in a licensed facility.

The last regulatory definition under Colorado senior care is the Nursing Home. These are for patients requiring continued medical care. They provide long term care as well as short term rehab services. Some nursing care facilities have special departments for those suffering from specific problems like dementia.

After working in a Colorado Springs assisted living community I came to respect what both the workers and residents do in their daily lives. Retirement has to be taken on aggressively. I also write a Colorado Springs retirement community blog about senior living.

Finding the Domestic Staff You Can Trust

Your domestic staff - the people who keep your yacht or villa ready for you, the crew members, drivers, nannies and other support staff who make your international lifestyle easier and more enjoyable. You trust them to look after you, your family and your guests every day. In many cases, they're part of the family, so it's imperative to make the right choice.

The benefits of using good domestic staff agencies

With so much at stake, finding the right domestic staff agencies is the key to hiring the staff you need for long or short-term appointments wherever you are in the world. What should you be looking for in an agency? Here are a few ideas:

Great reputation
Local experience and international capability - from Antigua to the Côte d'Azur, they'll know their way around your world and have detailed local recruitment knowledge.
A solid reputation
Excellent references
A wide range of high quality domestic staff
Friendly, helpful; service
High calibre staff
From the temporary chauffeur who drives you up to the Hotel de Paris during Monaco Grand Prix week, and a valet who specialise in caring for designer bathroom accessories, to your housekeeper in the UAE, the best agencies will intuitively find the right people for your exclusive international lifestyle.

Choosing the perfect yacht crew agency

It's the same for your yacht staff. On a long cruise, or a weekend in the Channel Islands, interpersonal chemistry has to be perfectly matched to the skills you need from your yacht crew. Your crew agency must have a perfect understanding of your needs - from a cook to a captain, they'll need to have the experience, knowledge and contacts you need wherever in the world your voyaging takes you.

Educated Nannies - only the best for your international childcare needs

Whether you're at home in London, skiing in Gstaad or cruising the Aegean, it takes a special kind of person to look after your children the way you want. Nowhere is it more important to make the right choices than when matching your children's needs with a suitable nanny. As a busy person with an international lifestyle, you expect the highest standards of education, bearing, etiquette and personality. Only a select few domestic staff recruitment firms will meet your standards - the challenge lies in finding them.

Quickly find leading domestic staff agencies

When your peace of mind, and your children's wellbeing, is at stake you need to quickly find a domestic staff agency. Few things beat a glowing personal recommendation from someone you trust. Often, however, you'll need to search the internet. A Google search will throw up a mass of possible domestic staff recruitment businesses around the world, but how do you choose amongst them? When time is of the essence and you need the right person fast, the answer may lie in an established online directory. Sites such as the Super Yachts Directory specialise in domestic staff services for the most exclusive and internationally mobile families. Families, in fact, just like yours.

Patient Care Assistant or Technician Programs

If you want to take care of patients but don't want to become a doctor or a nurse, you may want to consider patient care assistant/technician programs. As a patient care assistant or technician you will work in a doctor's office, hospital, nursing home or other facility that offers patient care. Your duties will include assisting with lab specimens, helping with various hygienic needs, taking vital signs and performing other functions that are important to direct patient care. Your skills will be in demand, and you will be able to begin working right away after completing an accredited training program.

The first step to becoming a patient care assistant or technician is finding the right program. Make sure the school you choose is accredited, the classes work with your schedule and the cost of tuition will fit in your budget. You may find programs at community colleges, health agencies or local health care colleges. At the end of your coursework and examinations you will become certified as a PCA. Some of your courses may also be applicable towards a LPN or RN program if you should choose to pursue that later on.

Patient care assistant/technician programs prepare students to administer CPR, assist in medical exams, conduct lab tests, lead clinical exercises, perform first aid, take vital signs, withdraw blood and undertake various other important tasks. At the end of the program you may also need to pass the Certified Nursing Assistant exam to a get PCA job in certain states. You will need to have mastered all the practical skills and have the writing ability to pass a written exam. Then you can apply for a state license, if applicable, and begin interviewing for jobs. Considering the shortage of trained healthcare professionals in the nation, you should be able to find work right away.

In this profession you can expect to find steady work and get good benefits as well, but you may start out making less than $30,000 per year. With experience and merit, however, there is no reason you can't make more than $40,000. Perhaps this could be the right career for you.

Find top nursing schools in USA and Canada which offer nursing degree courses in patient care assistant technician programs at Choose the best nursing school in your preferred location and start your path to a rewarding career.

Sweet and Short Home Buying Guide to Cover Main Points Before Taking Any Decision

We all know home buying is the most important decision in our life. This kind of decision does not come often and we have to be careful before making the decision. We must be aware of latest market trends and scenario of real estate and other factors that possibly affect your thoughts about buying home and actual affects in future based on past decision. So here we are going to cover all these stuff in little detail. Since, I am not going to cover all points but some basic points that you must be aware of.

In past due to less communication and news many people have thought that they have paid too much for the home that they bought and some sellers thinks that their home worth much at time that they have sold. you should be aware of the plus and minus point of the market and its estimation price of future after some time.So same thing does not happen with your and you get full satisfaction of what you have dome whether you bought home or you sold. So here are some points.

Estimate the price of particular place

Before direct asking a price of home, you should have little knowledge about real estate prices and current land price for particular areas. You can visit many government sites which provides genuine price for different location or you can estimate little by observing some factors. You can check economical growth in specific state or place. You can look out for places in neighborhood. You can estimate from infrastructure of that area like no. of private and public schools, hotels, shopping malls and restaurants. These are the things that are not much necessary but if you have knowledge you can get more confident while communicating with professional realtors or any agency.

Know the exact price or budget that you can allocate for your dream home

It may possible that this question seems to be funny when you think about it but you are wrong. There are many real estate agents who take very high commission and not show you the hidden coast before payment. So it is important to know exact price you need to pay. Most of the people think of borrowing home loan from bank or any private agency. In this case you need to sit with trusted mortgage agent and have to plan your budget and interest that you need to pay on that home loans. So you can have your range on finance and can buy dream home in that range.

So, above are the most important factors that you should be aware of. there are some other factors too that you should give little attention like population and the kind of people in neighborhood of the area where you are planning to re locate or planning to buy a home.Another factors that you should keep in mind is the pulse of the market. You should be little aware of the growth in price that your home would be worth in future. You should also check public places like gardens, parks and hospitals and hotels. So, all these are the factors that you should be aware of. I hope this article gives you little ideas before your important decision of buying dream home. If you want to get specific tips in Colorado spring real estate then I am going to explain in next article. Colorado Springs Real Estate Colorado Springs Real Homes

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

RN Jobs - The Lucrative Health Care Career Opportunities

A registered nurse is a medical professional who is responsible for implementing the nursing practice through the use of nursing processes together with other health care professionals. Registered nurses (RN) make up the largest health care occupation.

They provide advice on how patients can manage their illnesses and also on post-treatment home-based care. Occasionally, they will educate the patient and the family on the diet, exercise programs and self- administration of medicine.

To qualify as an RN, one needs formal nursing training. The educational paths to becoming an RN include a bachelor's degree which is usually a 4-year course or associate degree program that takes 2 years or diploma in nursing that is completed in 3 years. These courses should be taken from an accredited nursing school. The graduates then go for further training to qualify as nurses in the area of specialty. Most registered nurses who hold an associate degree or diploma usually enroll in the bachelor's program after some years in the practice.

Apart from gaining the college education, one needs to be fully certified before becoming a registered nurse. Certification is subject to sitting for and passing a national licensing exam known as NCLEX-RN. RN's are free to get licensure from one or more states which can be through the licensing exam or by endorsement of a license that was already issued in another state.

Being a registered nurse is not all about the academic qualifications but it's also a calling. A RN should be a patient and understanding person who is able to provide adequate health care to even the most difficult patients. The ability to cope with the stubborn patients is an in-borne attribute that is inherent in most RNs. An RN should also be a detail-oriented person who is able to notice even the slightest change in patient behavior. He/she should also be able accurately assess conditions and determine the favorable consultation.

RN jobs are readily available considering that this is the largest heath care profession. In a typical hospital, 59% of all the health workers are RNs. Furthermore the registered nurse career is very flexible in that the registered nurses can be employed outside health facilities. This include; in homes as personal health care providers, in offices of physicians and in industries with high numbers of workers and large educational institutions. Others work in government agencies and social assistance agencies. Travel RN jobs are also a lucrative opportunity that's undertaken by most RNs. The advantage of being a travel RN is that one gains diverse professional experience from various health facilities.

There is a great chance for career advancement available to RNs. Most of them start as licensed nursing aides or practical nurses then proceed for RN degree programs. After gaining experience through several years most of them are promoted to higher ranks mostly in the management and administrative positions.

To learn more about careers as a Dialysis RN, visit the Dialysis RN Jobs page for more information and how to apply for a job.

Why Wear Yourself Out When You Can Hire a Maid?

A maid is a great investment whether you are a hardworking business woman or a full-time mother running around taking care of the children. Cooking for a family, keeping a house clean, and working full-time are all exhausting feats.

During the chaos of the week, there is little time to take care of the most important individual who keeps the household together - you. At what point do you find time for pedicures, manicures, massages, workouts, and getting your hair done? It's about time you looked into hiring a maid to free up some time for yourself and escape the commotion at home.

The fantastic part about hiring a maid is that maids are convenient, easily accessible, and at your beck and call whenever you need them. Schedule a weekly appointment to get some time to yourself when you find out your parents are visiting last minute to spend quality time with the grandchildren.

Don't want every nook cleaned before the visit but would like to see the floor rid of toys? Feel free to tailor each visit to your needs. Because your needs and household are different from every other household, a maid will work hard to not only work around your schedule, but around your cleaning style while ensuring your life is stress free - at least from the cleaning.

Contacting a cleaning service company might be a good option if you want to avoid scheduling around the work hours of a self-employed maid. Maid service agencies offer customizable services at affordable prices. Customizable cleaning is an excellent opportunity to stay within your budget around the busiest times of your year.

Because a maid is representative of the agency, the quality of work will be consistent and you will always be satisfied. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you are rich or not; a maid service agency will work within your budget to satisfy your cleaning needs.

Now imagine your life with a maid and an impeccably clean house: no more toys lying around in random places, immaculate beds, and crisply folded laundry. Enjoy the spare time to relax and spend some quality time on yourself when you hire a maid to do the household chores.

Insurance Unit Mangers Training - Resist Insurance General Agency Manager Ethics

Insurance Unit Managers face a deep internal ethics battle. They can certainly give the insurance general agency manager results, although the methods oppose their personal ethics. See the explosive conflict of interest challenging insurance unit managers within an agency.

The insurance  general agency manager exerts absolute control over the life and health agency operations. His focused concentration is on maximizing insurance production. His lieutenants, selected by him to help direct the agency force are titled insurance unit managers. An insurance unit manager has to deal with conflicting figures in his mind. You could say these figures are an angel and a devil, which constantly fight to get their point across. Managers have a duty to properly train insurance agents to write quality cases. On the other hand, their agency general manager is judging them little by training and constantly referring to the quantity of premiums written.

Many career insurance companies have a reward system for the best training manager helping the insurance general manager. This means the unit manager with his or her team of agents must show significant, steady, and exceptional production growth. In turn, the general manager might then push for a nice compensation incentive. This incentive would be activated by the insurance company taking his recommendation for his "best" unit manager to head up a new office. Both the agency manager and the unit manager get rewarded.  Without doubt, this golden carrot is a gigantic ego and financial upgrade few insurance unit managers could resist trying to grab. 

The training managers usually number two to four at most. However, their mindset is not all set on the same channel. Frequently one will come along with the drive to please the agency general manager no matter what it takes. From personally at one time  being a unit manager, I can express from personal observation what some of those driving ambitious attempts to acquire new business often entailed. Personally, my ethics would not let me mimic these same procedures.

The purpose of managing a unit of agents was to train them to successful write insurance plans on their own. This required going along on appointments and keeping lips firmly tight when an agent started going astray.Later recommendations were made by the trainer on how a possible sale could have been made. On the other hand, the aggressive manager would either do the complete presentation his or her way, or jump in and take over when a problem occurred. Of course more sales were made using this method. Even though the agent received no actual training, the general manager loved the new insurance agency sales premiums.

On applications done with an agent, the unit manager also cosigned the application. A home office underwriter usually issues these policies with less inspection, as the training manager certainly should know what acceptable risks are. On many occasions, an applicant had a health condition on a medical policy application that needed further explanation or honest reporting. The aggressive manager would step in and tell the applicant that the particular question really did not matter. Therefore, a policy that would have been rated for higher premiums or rejected was issued quickly at standard rates.

Why would this aggressive manager care? The "writing agent" would probably be long gone before a claim for this condition was ever submitted. In turn, here were more premiums stacking up on a case that probably could not have been placed if the underwriter gave close scrutiny to the application. The agency general manager again was happy with even more premiums being collected.

When it became hard to come up with good leads, an aggressive manager could always do a life insurance review appointment with a client of the company. Having access to agency records, the manager could cherry pick a nice juicy policy. Then he would have a training rookie agent set up the appointment. There was already a tricky goal in mind for the training manager. REPLACEMENT was the goal. He told the client the company was discontinuing the current coverage. The plan he presented, with a slight increase in premiums was the new official policy. The policyholder was instructed not to renew the old policy when it became due.

The agency manager was informed incorrectly that the company client agreed to buy additional life insurance coverage. So chalk up on the board another successful sale for this team. The home office of the insurance company had no knowledge of the scheme to rewrite insurance where they would again have to pay out first year commissions. The agent was not about to squeal, this was well-needed cash. The perfect crime that the devil made the unit manager do was a major career booster.

Using a combo of these three devious activities, there was no way another training manager with any personal ethics could even come a close second. Doing the right thing certainly does not always make you appear the smartest or the most qualified. 

In this case, the unit manager was recommended for promotion. Soon after, when the home office opened up a new agency office a few hundred miles away, he became the proud new agency general manager. 

A couple years later, as an independent managing general agent,  I was no longer with the company. Nonetheless,  I received some interesting news. This big insurer was taking a new approach. Instead of expanding, many of the lesser established offices were being immediately eliminated. The office this once aggressive unit manager presided over was one of them. 

Sometimes good ethics are not rewarded fast, but with time dividends are received.

Well published author, Don Yerke likes to concentrate on what you don't know or what no one else dares to print. Tell it like it is.

Watch for his new paperback book debuting on Amazon this summer. It is loaded with great insurance marketing, brokerage, sales, and recruiting information.

Come and get your FREE "Think and Grow Rich" Ebook by Napoleon Hill instantly.

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