Monday, December 31, 2012

What Happened to the "Care" in Care-Giving?

My father, a Parkinson's patient with dementia, requires 24/7 care. Early on in the course of the disease, between our health care system's hours for elder care in their own homes and my heroic mother, we were able to manage the requirements.

The past two years have evolved to the point where a live-in caregiver who works from Monday to Friday is an absolute must. Fortunately, the federal government, through the Live-In Caregiver Program, allows Canadians to sponsor caregivers from around the world, to help meet the growing needs for families wishing to keep their loved ones at home for as long as possible. Certain criteria must be met, but that has not been an issue in our case.

What has been is the quality of individuals who use this criteria to enter our country in terms of their true credentials; the ethics of the agencies that match caregivers looking for sponsors and families in need of caregivers; the certification process of caregivers now available in Ontario through questionable private academies; the caregivers sense of commitment and understanding of the importance of the role they wish to fulfill; and lastly the attitude and sense of entitlement that the newest crop of entrants bring to the interviews, having been coached by other caregivers living here in Canada, originally from their home towns, or their roommates.

My father's case requires some experience and knowledge of the nature of his disease, and patience. And more patience. In light of that, we offer a private bedroom, laundry facilities, home-cooked meals all made from scratch by my mother, opportunities to earn additional income if they wish to assist in other areas of the home, and open arms into our family's activities and events.

I say all this having gained a deep and intimate understanding of this entire process, as we have gone through over 14 caregivers in two years, over half of whom we thought we had hired, only to have no-shows on their start dates.

Several stayed between 1-4 days; one stayed up to the exact day she gained her OHIP card (health card that entitles them to free health care in Ontario, three months from arrival date into Ontario); two male caregivers stayed for the week it took for them to gain employment in a restaurant, their actual hoped-for role in Canada, even though they entered Canada under the guise of caregivers.

In the last three weeks alone, we have hired three caregivers, none of whom bothered to show up after having committed to the full-time role. In as much as it pains me to say this, the next statement is factual and you are free to draw your own conclusions: each of these 14 caregivers are originally from the Philippines, using different ports of entry to Canada, whether from Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, or elsewhere.

I wish I could say that this experience is unique to our family's, but it is not. We have spoken to many other families who have had similar experiences with similar frustrations.

Humour may be the only way to survive this, but when you are watching your mother deteriorate before your very eyes as she gamely tries to bridge the time gap towards the next caregiver, anger and frustration are emotions that more easily bubble to the surface. I, with my limited mobility, can offer absolutely no help, either.

But humour is the best remedy, and with that in mind, I will give you a glimpse into the series of questions exchanged between the last caregiver we thought we had hired, and my mother. Keep in mind that this is a 26 year old young woman, in Canada for all of one week, staying with her mother's two sisters in a community near by:

"My aunt told me that I think you should pay for my transportation costs each month, like a $100 more". Yes, because any hard-working Canadian kid, fresh out of school, with no experience, expects their employer to cover their transit costs to and from their offices/place of employment. What??

"I speak to my mother every night for an hour and a half. I need Internet service." A stranger in my parent's home, who wishes to be able to have access to their wireless network, in this day and age of hacking and identity theft. Check.

"I need to get my OHIP card. So, I should be able to start on Wednesday." They were speaking on a Friday, and the next business day was Monday. What exactly was she going to do between 10:30 a.m. Monday (which is all the time she would need to fill out the papers, and present i.d, offices open at 9:00 a.m.) and Wednesday morning? Ride the bus? Maybe that's why she asked for the $100 monthly transit allowance.

"Will I be alone here, or will you also be here?" Because my 73 year-old-mother needed to babysit her, while she was taking care of my father. Taking care of my father mostly involves watching tv with him or distracting him with puzzles, exercises or mind-usage games. So my mother had to act as a babysitter for a hired caregiver? Check again.

"When I go to my room at night, will anyone come in?" I don't even know where to begin. She has a private room, living in a home with a 77 year-old man who cannot turn over without assistance, who cannot raise his arms above chest level at best, and a worn-out 73 year old woman who is hard of hearing and resembles a skeleton at the best of times.

Oh, yeah, Misty the cat. A cat that comes with personality plus, and a hard-won reputation as a no nonsense dudette, but please. She doesn't touch or like to be touched. By family, let alone a misguided 26 year-old wanna-be caregiver.

Check mate!

A former business executive, transitioning to a less-abled life due to some back woes.

No longer young, far from senior. Middle-aged? When I looked up "middling" in a thesaurus, terms like fairish, run-of-the-mill, unexceptional, mediocre, protruding, so-so, straddling the fence and prosaic glared back at me in black and white.

Join me in my journey as I enter the Middling Ages, and try to disprove each and every one of those terms. Comments and sharing welcome on your stories about life in the Middling Ages!

New blog launch on the challenges we face caring for our parents. Details will be available on shortly.

Financial Planning for the Elder Care Years

Most financial planning calculators give you high marks if you have saved enough to live on 60-70% of your current income. But how many ask you to estimate elder care costs in the equation?

By becoming aware of:

Possible elder care costs
Medicare's Rx donut hole
Income limitations for Medicaid, VA benefits, state entitlements
The health of pension funds you have
Your health and family's health history
The role of long term care insurance

you can anticipate possible problem areas, avoid a crisis and sleep better at night.

Elder Care is Inevitable

Prudent financial planning must involve elder care. How many times have you heard an elder say something like, "I never thought I would come to this?"

Planning is not about negativity or doomsday prophesy. Rather, it is an eyes-wide-open look into how things are, may be or are very likely to be. And preparing for each so that no matter what happens, you will be as prepared as possible.

A sober assessment of your health, medical history and your family's medical history is a great place to begin.

Consider first what you can do now to maximize the chances that you will remain healthy for as long as possible. Implement these measures and stick with them.

Did you know that current medical research has found a different (and more dangerous) makeup of the fat that accumulates around our middle body than in the fat elsewhere on our bodies? It is easier to keep it off than take it off, so please do not delay.

Even perfect human specimens wear out over time. We see this in our skin, but of course it's inevitable elsewhere.

The fact is that you will need more and more elder care as you age. Both medical and non-medical.

Financial Planning Means Insurance

Non-medical home-based elder care costs anywhere between $10/hour if you hire yourself to $21/hour or more through an agency. Add R.N. to the credentials and costs rise 20% or more.

Medicare was never designed to cover 100% of medical costs, and home-based care is covered only in limited circumstances. What does one do?

Look now at what Medicare does cover for part A (hospitalization), Part B (outpatient services) and Part D (prescription drug coverage). Compare that coverage to your health conditions, your family health history and the inevitability that at some point, however distant, your body will not serve you as it does now.

Why now?

Early financial planning allows you time to create assets. Long term care insurance (an asset) is much cheaper when you are younger, for example.

Also consider how to fill the gaps in Medicare coverage. Medicare supplemental plans, called Medigap by some, are government-regulated private plans offered to fill in for co-payments and deductibles. Medicare Part C is Medicare Advantage Plans, private insurance that covers the Medigap areas plus more.

Some Advantage plans will cover prescription costs to help you avoid the "donut hole" in Medicare Part D coverage, where you are responsible for 100% of costs exceeding $2,830/year until your costs exceed $4,550/year. That's $1,720/year from your pocket. Stand alone Medicare Prescription Drug plans are another option.

What if Assets Run Low?

Medicaid is a state administered federal program supplying health monies for low income persons. The Veterans Administration has many programs available to vets and their families, but nearly all have income limitations. Most states have several state-wide and local programs to help lower income citizens.

Maybe you have a short list of possible retirement destinations. Use that list to check not only cost of living but also the elder care costs in each.

With Medicaid and possible VA health benefits in mind, see what sort of drain on your projected assets would be required to place you into their programs, and what the benefits may be. Finally, check on the facilities and services in each locality.

For example, some religious or organizationally affiliated assisted living or nursing care sites are state of the art yet cater to lower income members. Elsewhere you may find yourself not so fortunate.

Review the Plan

You or your financial advisor checks your nest egg periodically to see if your pension fund has been downgraded or the government bond you hold is in financial trouble.

Critically assess the components of your elder care financial planning as well.

Perhaps some family care on which you had counted has become less likely. Or you have suffered a disabling injury impacting your earning capacity or making it more likely that health services will be needed later.

Consider consulting an objective elder care professional to ensure you have covered all issues and to help you successfully manage the transitions of our elder years.

Keith Barnaby, Esq. is a web educator on topics related to elder issues, health, fitness, energy conservation, green living and gardening. He lives in Pennsylvania with his four teenage children.

His website is

Keith also owns and directs Elder Care Management, dedicated to helping seniors plan, execute and sustain a healthy transition into their golden years. Using his skills from a 20 year legal career and his work in scientific research and emergency care, he works wherever there is a need from his PA and FL locations. Keith speaks English, Spanish, and rusty French. A brief summary of his services can be found at under the Elder Care tab. You may contact him for a free consultation at

Home Health Care Jobs - Proper Procedure for Hiring

Nowadays, a large number of people are entering home health care jobs. They are getting into these jobs because some people are experiencing a hard time taking care of their older loved ones. This is why they end up looking for home health care nurses that can do their duties instead.

There are many ways to find a home care assistant. Most of the time, home health care employees are found directly or via home care agencies. These agencies usually have staff like nurses and social workers that can cater to your needs. On the other hand, employing an independent home health care assistant is more effective because it gives you more power over the kind of assistance you want.

You should properly screen your prospect home care employee is he or she has sufficient training, personality and qualifications. You should completely discuss the needs of the senior recipient during the interview. It is also important for both of you to have a written copy of the job description and the nature of expertise you are searching for.

Before you employ the person, he or she should be knowledgeable and skilled with the following home health care services:

1. General health management including the giving or applying of medication and other medical care treatments.

2. Personal care like dressing, bathing, oral hygiene and shaving.

3. Nutrition assistance including the preparation of meals, feeding and even grocery shopping.

4. Household chores like dishwashing, laundry, and light housework.

5. Companionship like reading books and newspaper or taking the senior on walks.

It is also important to let the employee fill out an application form with the following details: full name, phone number, address, date of birth, educational background, social security number and work history. You can also ask them for a copy of their senior health care certificate and any valid ID like social security card and driver's license.

These are the basic things you should require and conduct once you offer home care jobs. With these, you would get a qualified and reliable health care assistant. This way, you are assured that the senior will be cared for effectively and satisfactorily.

For more detailed information on Health Supplement try visiting a popular website that offers Health and Fitness related tips, advice and resources.

Relocating Our Homes

Many times we happen to relocate our homes from one locality to another in the same city or at times we move from one state to another in search of jobs and career. Uprooting your home and moving all the stuff and again resettling in a new place can be exciting at the same time quite a hassle and tiring. You have got to ensure everything is taken care of including inventory of your items, packing, transportation, closing up of all local things pending etc. When you are moving from one state to another it gets that much more difficult for you cannot keep coming back if you have left something pending.

When it comes to moving all the stuff, we naturally think that all we need to do is to hire a truck, get family and friends together to do the packing, load all the stuff and there ends the matter. The family can then follow the truck by road and travel by car. But then this may not be such a good idea. You will find it difficult to do so and more ever it might turn out to be more expensive than you thought.

There are many agencies that offer relocation services both at local level as well as across states, regional and national levels. These people are trained professionals who know how to handle relocation projects and manage all nuances.

These companies bring their own packing teams who know how to pack all of the items using packing materials and ensuring that they do not get damaged or break in transit. They are good at packing all of the stuff including appliances, equipments, furniture, utensils, chinaware as well as delicate show pieces, artifacts etc. Since they have required experience in doing such jobs day it and day out they manage to save on space and save you the money too.

What the professionals can complete in one or two shifts, you will take over a week to accomplish. They have the right set of tools, materials and teams that can come in at once, assess the inventory, categorize and pack them, label the cartons and make a packing list ready so that unpacking at the other end becomes easier.

The companies have different set of drivers and trailers that they use for long distances. These drivers are either on the roles of the company or are on contract. They know the routes they operate and ensure they deliver the consignment safely and in time. Moreover they are always in touch with the company and you will always know their position at any point of time. The agency also covers transit insurance for the consignment covering many risks at extra cost of course.

So think twice before you plan to get started with doing the project by yourself. You would have to run around for arranging all the things and spend on repairing or replacing things that get damaged enroot with no recourse to claiming damages from anywhere other than yourself.

Closing up home, closing all local things, moving entire family to a new home in a new city, finding schools for children and getting used to the new office environment takes up all your energy and concentration leaving you no time and energy for managing relocation too. You are better off giving this part of the job to a professional agency and having your plate full with manageable tasks.

Navigate the world of Truck tires for sale and roll up garage doors in my web blog.

Work From Home As a Medical Transcriptionist

Medical transcriptionist jobs from home are a great way to earn money while working in the comfort of your own home. With the fast growing need for transcriptionists, the medical professionals are looking to sub contract work to individuals or companies that offer these services.

A medical transcriptionist is responsible for listening to tapes of dictation from a physician, surgeon or diagnostic professional. This tapes may include patient histories, examination reports, diagnostic information as well as consultations. The transcriptionist must take these notes and prepare extremely accurate reports. They must have a full grasp of medical terminology and be able to identify errors or incomplete information. They tend prepare a report either digitally or on specially designed software for the medical professional to include in patients' files. The reports are also used to support medical coding, claims and billing procedures. The accurate reports will enable speedy receipt of payments from third party and governmental agencies.

In the past, medical transcription occurred in the office. This person may have also performed other duties such as scheduling or filing. With the greater amount of documentation required physicians have found that hiring companies that specialize in this type of work reduced their payroll and actually increased the overall productivity of the office.

To fill this increasingly needed job, many people have begun to receive the proper education and training in the medical transcriptionist field. By obtaining the training as well as certifications that are available, these individuals can choose to work at home, providing the same quality of services as if they were in the office.

There are many services that offer the health care professional access to these individuals that work from their home. These companies that can be found on the internet allow the medical professional to hire an individual as well as a person interested in working from home the ability to list themselves and their qualifications. These act as a clearing house to match the person to the doctor.

For the individual that is interested in medical transcription jobs from home, they can find numerous sites to list themselves or even start their own transcription business from the comfort of home. Working at home gives someone the flexibility to work when they want to. This is great for those that may want to work evenings and weekends. Alternatively, even for those that want to work during the day, but be able to incorporate their other responsibilities around the work.

There are many resources to take a look at on the internet for more information about working at home while performing transcription services. If you are an individual looking to begin or expand your career, there are many options available. If you are a medical professional looking to hire someone, you can find many reputable companies that will offer transcribing services.

The author has spent a lot of time learning about medical billing and coding and other related topics. Read more about medical billers at Shawn's website.

Work at Home With Medical Billing and Coding Training

Most of us often dream of having the comfort of working at home, with a secure atmosphere. But actually such expectations rarely turn to reality.

One of the most curious - and most highly sought out work-at-home career options are found in the Medical field. Medical billing and coding has been considered as a very important requirement by the medical industry. These careers are for someone who has interest to work in health care, but would wish to work in more an administrative role rather handling the patients.

The job of Medical coders is to maintain the records of patients by using a universally recognized coding system that ensures compliance with the federal regulation laws and meeting the insurance requirements. The Medical Billers are responsible for making sure every record is being entered and billed correctly.

With a computer system and the entire transcription equipment, the medical billing and coding professionals do their jobs seated anywhere. It may include the home office, a local coffee shop, or the front deck, or even the beach. This sounds really interesting.

One just needs to be enrolled to any accredited online school. Then they have to complete training online at flexible times. One can complete their coursework within a short period of time. Some medical billing and coding training programs may take one to two years to complete. But the flexibility of studying and conducting testing at your own pace is less intimidating than being in a classroom.

Many doctors or clinics are found to be outsourcing their billing tasks to independent work-at-home medical billing and coding professionals.

What does it take to become a Medical Biller and coder? Well, here are those requirements.

o Running a medical billing and coding business at home requires the focus, discipline and a can-do attitude.

o Medical billing and coding professionals directly influence when and how much doctors get paid by insurance companies, one is likely to work with more clients after having some practical experience under their belt.

o All the career goals connected to medical billing and coding business should be outlined and the steps to reach them need to be planned.

o One should take note of their financial resources before planning to spend the same for launching the home-based medical billing and coding business.

o Plenty of space or room should be available that is used exclusively as a home office.

o One should apply for their business license.

o The employers that require these services are mostly doctors, dentists or other health professionals or a clinic too.

o Networking will the best approach for generating leads. One should start sending out letters describing their services and giving a follow up through phone calls on regular basis.

o Industry contacts can be done by joining any professional organizations, talking to own family doctors, or even by taking job with a temporary agency.

Working from home as a medical billing and coding specialist surely gives you the leisure time that can be fully used to enjoy with family while still making a good earning too.

Take a look at Medical Billing and Coding Training or Medical Billing Classes for more information about the Medical Billing Career choice.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Simple Guide to Start Your Travel Nursing Agency

Ahead of the current mass shortage of nurses across America, travel nursing have markedly developed in an attempt to provide the necessary nursing workforce for healthcare facilities and patients in need of homecare health services. Travel nurses usually travel from one place to the other to fill temporary vacant nursing positions and fill in healthcare assignments in newly established medical facilities. A great proportion of American nurses nowadays prefer to find work through a travel nursing agency which can help them pick their own convenient working hours, travel to multiple work environments and gain tremendous experience through practicing several medical specialties.

To start a travel nursing agency, you don't have to be a nurse or a medical professional. The following outlines a simple guide to help you start a travel nursing agency.

Firstly, you will need to pay a visit to your state's secretary office to get a business license to enable you settle your nursing travel agency. It is also important to check your state health department to find out about other required licenses as the level of services provided by a certain nursing travel agency determines the types of state licenses required.

Secondly, it is crucial to affiliate with an insurance establishment that is specializing in providing insurance services to nursing personnel. This is important to ensure that all the contracts your nursing agency will take on will be properly covered. Nurses' Service Organization is a perfect example of an insurance carrier that can effectively endorse your business. Usually, high premium and insurance bonds are expected to be paid, so that your nursing travel agency is licensed to operate in a specific state.

After starting your travel nursing agency, it is important to carefully pick up nursing personnel that will represent your agency. Bear in your mind that travel nurses are independent healthcare service providers that should carry the appropriate licenses and qualifications to work in the healthcare industry. Always, double check the licenses of your candidates and ensure that all their state credentials are valid and updated.

Marketing your travel nursing agency is an important factor in determining the success of your business.

Design and print fliers and brochures that present your agency and the services you are capable of providing. Try to contact home care agencies, governmental health facilities and nursing homes explaining the role of your agency with emphasis on its operation system. Moreover, it is always wise to contact nursing schools and provide them information to pass to newly graduated nurses who might be interested in working with you. It is also beneficial to use the internet as a marketing tool that could be both powerful and of low cost. Posting jobs on online job boards and Craiglist have been proven to add to the success of many nursing agencies across America.

If you're ready to start your CNA Training & Certification, we have more great tools and resources on our website

Hiring a Home Health Care Employee

 Providing the primary care for an elder loved one can be difficult. When you cannot deliver all the elder care yourself and support from friends, family, and community organizations is not enough, it may be useful to hire a home health care worker. He or she can offer care from a few hours a week to 24 hours a day, and can provide many other helpful services. Types of in-home health care services include:

General Health Management like administration of medication or other medical treatments
Personal care such as bathing, oral hygiene, dressing, and shaving
Nutrition help like preparing meals, assisting eating, and grocery shopping
Homemaking services including laundry, dishwashing, and light housework
Companionship for example reading to the senior or taking them on walks

Recruiting and Interviewing Applicants

There are many avenues for hiring a home health care employee. Generally, home health care workers can be hired directly or through an agency. Home health care agencies often have a staff that includes social workers and nurses that will manage your care. However hiring an independent home health care worker is generally more cost effective, it will also give you more control over the type of care you receive. 

Senior home care workers should be carefully screened for proper training, qualifications, and temperament. Fully discuss the needs of the elder care recipient during an interview with a prospective home health care employee.  There should be a written copy the job description and the type of experience you are looking for.


Have applicants fill out an employment form that includes the following information:

Full name
Phone number
Date of birth
Social Security number
Educational background
Work history 
Before hiring, you should ask to see the senior home care worker's licenses and certificates, if applicable, and personal identification including their social security card, driver's license, or photo ID. 

References should be checked out thoroughly.  Prospective employees should provide the employer with names, dates of employment, and phone numbers of previous employers and how to contact them.  It is best to talk directly to previous employers, rather than just to accept letters of recommendations. Also ask the applicant to provide or sign off on conducting a criminal background check 

Special Points to Consider

Make sure the person you are considering hiring knows how to carry out the tasks the elder care recipient requires, such as transferring the senior to and from a wheelchair or bed.  Training may be available, but make sure the worker completes the training successfully before hiring him or her.

No one should be hired on a seven-day-a-week basis.  Even the most dedicated employee will soon burn out.  All employees need some time to take care of their personal needs.  No worker should be on call 24-hours a day.  If the elder care recipient needs frequent supervision or care during the night, a family member or second home health care worker should be able to help out or fill in.

Live-in assistance may seem to be more convenient and economic than hourly or per-day employees but there can be drawbacks.  Food and lodging costs must be calculated into the total cost of care, and it could be difficult to dismiss someone without immediate housing alternatives.  If you decide to utilize a live-in arrangement, the employee should have his own living quarters, free time, and ample sleep.

Job Expectations and Considerations

Before hiring a senior home health care worker, you should go over the tasks you expect them to perform and other issues, such as promptness, benefits, pay scale, holidays, vacations, absences, and notification time needed for either employer or employee before employment is terminated. If you work and are heavily dependent on the home health care worker, emphasize the importance of being informed as soon as possible if he or she is going to be late or absent so that you can make alternative arrangements. Be clear about notification needed for time off, or what to do in the case the home health care worker experiences a personal emergency that requires them to abruptly leave work.  It is important to have a backup list of friends, family, other home care workers, or a home health care agency you can call on.

Be clear about issues concerning salary, payment schedule, and reimbursement or petty cash funds for out of pocket expenses.  

You should spend the day with the home health care worker on his first day to make sure you are both in agreement over how to carry out daily tasks.  It would also be helpful to supply the home health care worker with a list of information on the elder care recipient such as: special diets, likes, dislikes, mobility problems, health issues, danger signs to monitor, possible behavior problems and accompanying coping strategies, medication schedule, therapeutic exercises, eye glasses, dentures, and any prosthetics. 

You should also provide the following information to your home health care worker: your contact information, emergency contacts, security precautions and access to keys, clothing, and locations of washing/cleaning supplies, medical supplies, light bulbs, flashlights, fuse box, and other important household items.


Another big consideration in hiring a senior home care worker is how he or she is going to get to work.  If they do not have a reliable car or access to public transit, then you might want to consider hiring someone to drive him or her, which might be more economical than using taxis.  Inform your insurance company if the home health care worker is going to drive your car when caring for the senior.  Your insurance company will perform the necessary driving background checks.  If the home health care worker is using his or her car to drive the elder care recipient, then discuss use of her or his car, and conduct a driving background check.

Insurance and Payroll

Check with an insurance company about the proper coverage for a worker in your home.

Make sure all the proper taxes are being drawn from the employee's check by contacting the Internal Revenue Service, state treasury department, social security, and the labor department.  If you do not want to deal with the complexities of the payroll withholdings yourself, than you can hire a payroll company for a fee.

Even if your home health care worker is working as a contractor, you are still obligated to report the earnings to the IRS.  Talk to your accountant or financial adviser about making sure you are following IRS rules.

Ensuring Security

You should protect your private papers and valuables in a locked file cabinet, safe deposit box, or safe. If you are unable to pick up your mail on a daily basis, have someone you trust do it, or have it sent to a post box. You should check the phone bill for unusual items or unauthorized calls. You should put a block on your phone for 900 numbers, collect calls, and long-distance calls.

Keep checkbooks and credit cards locked up. Review credit card and bank statements on a monthly basis, and periodically request credit reports from credit reporting agencies.  Lock up valuable possessions or keep an inventory of items accessible to people working in the house.

You can help to prevent elder abuse to your loved one by: 

Make sure the home health care worker thoroughly understands his or her responsibilities, the elder care recipient's medical problems and limitations, and how to cope with stressful situations.
Do not overburden the home health care worker.
Encourage openness over potential problems.
The following are possible signs of elder abuse or neglect: 

Personality changes
Crying, whimpering, or refusing to talk
Sloppy appearance
Poor personal hygiene
Disorganized or dirty living conditions
Signs of inappropriate sedation, such as confusion, or excessive sleeping
Mysterious bruises, pressure sores, fractures, or burns
Weight loss
If you suspect abuse, act immediately.  Do not wait until the situation turns tragic.  Investigate the situation by talking to the elder care recipient in a safe situation, or install monitoring equipment. Examples of abusive behavior include yelling, threatening, or over controlling behavior that could involve isolating the senior from others. If the situation is serious, you should replace the home health care worker as quickly as possible. If you fear the elder care recipient is in danger, he or she should be separated from the home health care worker as soon as possible.  Place the elder care recipient with a trusted relative or in a respite care facility. Make sure your loved one is safe before confronting the home health care worker, especially if there is concern about retaliation.

Report the situation to Adult Protective Services after ensuring the safety of the elder care recipient.  The police should be contacted in the case of serious neglect, such as sexual abuse, physical injury, or misuse of funds.

Supervising a Home Health Care Worker

The most important thing to remember after hiring a home health care worker is to keep the lines of communication open.  You should explain the job responsibilities clearly, and your responsibilities to the home health care worker. Do not forget that the home health care worker is there for the elder care recipient and not the rest of the family.  For live-in arrangements, the maximum amount of privacy should be set up for the home health care worker's living quarters. Meetings should be set up on a regular basis to assure that problems are nipped in the bud.  If conflicts cannot be resolved after repeated attempts, than it is best to terminate the employee.  In such a case, you may have to either place the elder care recipient in a nursing home temporarily or hire a home health care worker through an agency.  Reserve funds should be kept on hand in the case of such an emergency.  

General Eligibility Requirements for Home Care Benefits

Hiring a home health care worker directly is usually less expensive than hiring through a home health care agency; but if the elder care recipient is eligible and you wish to use assistance from Medicare, you must hire someone through a certified home health care agency.  For the senior patient to be eligible, three or more services must be ordered by a physician. Other factors or eligibility are the required need for skilled nursing assistance, or one of the following therapies: physical, speech or occupational. The elder care recipient's medical needs will determine asset and income requirements.

Hiring Home Health Care Workers through Home Health Care Agencies versus Independently

Different health professionals can assess the elder care recipient's needs.  A nurse or social worker can help with design and coordination of a home care plan.  Your care manager, doctor, or discharge planner can help with services being covered by Medicare.  They generally help make the arrangements with a home care agency.

You should ask the home health care agency how they supervise their employees, and what kind of training their employees receive. Find out the procedures for when an employee does not show up.  Also ask about the fee schedule and what it covers, there may be a sliding fee schedule. Furthermore, find out if they have a policy for minimum or maximum hours. Ask the agency if there are any limitations on the types of tasks performed.

Especially if you have to pay for the care services yourself, find out if there are any hidden costs such as transportation.  If all the costs for hiring a care worker through an agency become too much, you may want to consider hiring directly. 

Hiring independent home health care workers is not only more economical than using an agency, but it also allows more direct control over the elder care.

The Caring Space

David Crumrine at the Caring Space
We are an organization that connects caregivers and care seekers, providing an easy and affordable resource for families seeking care for friends/loved ones and caregivers seeking employment.

Home Painting - DIY Vs Hiring a Professional

The physically challenging part of DIY house painting involves scraping off the old paint before putting primer or new paint on the walls. Scraping involves reaching out to the most obscure and remote areas. This part of the painting process can be done quite well if the size of the house is small or average. A large house will surely require the expertise of a professional house painter and a seasoned crew.

There is far more to surface preparation, color selection, paint application and clean up than meets the eye. Without the proven skills and the right equipment, taking on home painting as a DIY job can turn out to be a nightmarish experience - homeowners might underestimate the rigors of the job involved and end up breaking a few cardinal rules of home painting:

Applying water based paint over oil based paint which results in peeling and blistering.

Not using special primer when applying dark colors.

Painting over bare wood.

Painting over stains and water leaks.

Failing to remove old failing paint properly.

This leads to a situation where a professional has to be called in anyway to repair the damages done. A long lasting, quality paint job requires specialized tools and equipment and above all the necessary skills that come only with years of hands-on experience.

The cost factor

The most obvious advantage of DIY house painting is the money saved with costs of paint and equipment being the only expense to the home owner.

But remember that while the paint itself is not too costly, the other equipment like sprayers, tools, brushes and ladders do not come cheap. An alternative is to hire a professional paint sprayer from a rental agency at a daily rate.

It is tempting to consider the savings that can be achieved while comparing the hourly rate of a professional house painter and the expense and time requirements of a do-it-yourself project. If the house painter can complete the job within a few hours or days instead of weeks, then the cost savings may be justified.

Labor costs tend to be substantial while taking on the services of a paint contractor. However, a homeowner may not be covered by insurance if something were to happen. Conversely all reliable contractors carry their own insurance.

Other Pro-professional factors

A professional house painter and crew bring with them years of expertise that homeowners do not possess. They are therefore able to complete the job much faster. They also take the requisite care to mask off gardens, windows and other areas prone to be stained by spray. Erecting scaffolding (while painting exteriors) and operating professional paint spraying equipment is not as easy as it seems and requires some amount of practice to get it right.

If you enjoy painting and are good at it, you can convert house painting into a family project and end up with a lot of fun and a satisfying experience that provides a sense of ownership and responsibility. However, if you are one of the many that is unable to paint decently then opt for a professional painter for a clean and lasting result.

When it comes to home painting it pays to be realistic and the task is best left to professionals in the field. From exteriors to interiors, Custom Painting is experienced in all facets of house painting including maintenance jobs. As a full service painting company in the Greater Bay Area, Custom Painting is fully licensed, bonded and carry 2,000,000.00 dollars in liability insurance.

Custom Painting Inc. is a full service painting company that also installs custom moldings, doors, and window casings.We are also providing services for house painting, commercial painting and residential painting in Bay Area. For more details please visit us at

Talk to a color professional at Custom Painting today at 866-96 WE PAINT, for all your home and office painting needs and queries.

Roller Blinds - A Smart Choice For Your Home

Blinds are the necessity of the home. If you are looking for best window Solutions always go with roller blinds these are the best solution of your windows. Blinds they are highly great and can carry out needs of your home. These roller blinds are best for giving privacy, filter light and darken your sleeping room. It isolates U.V rays and heat of sun and protects your room and furniture from harsh rays. These blinds are also best at winter seasons it insulate cold waves to come in side. Roller blind are also considering best noise reducer. If you are living roadside or highway near or the noise of dog barking irritates you in this case you have to adopt roller blinds, these blinds are the best option to reduce outside noise and make your home a quieter place. These blinds are the most economical and effective and best to add the decor of your room. These blinds are best for student's room and for hostels and for games rooms the place you want proper concentration but the noise distracts your work in this case roller blinds are best option because it reduces outside noise and make room quieter.

There are large variety of fabrics available in the market which act as a noise reducer .generally roller shades are made up of thick material like burlap fabric, multiple layered plastic, bamboo or fiberglass sheet .Now a days roller window shades are available in may shades, colors, and styles so its is simpler to choose the blind according to your room decor. Best part of these roller blinds is its unique and easy handling operating cord which lifts easily .Roller blinds also be mechanized meaning that can be adjusted without pulling bottom side.

Roller blinds are good options for your windows dressing rather than using these old fashion curtains. These blinds occupy very less space and there look are elegant Blackout roller blinds are best for children bedroom. These blinds are good for those who work at night and need to sleep during day they are very much easy to install .if you want to install blind in your bathroom in this case water proof roller blinds are best they are water resistant and provide a good option for bathroom, but yes vertical blinds are not good and not recommended for your bathroom because of its wide gap above the sill which can interrupt your privacy. In market there are lots of options available you can choose appropriate blinds for your room.

Cleaning blinds are now a days very much reasonable you can search on internet or you can contact directly to the cleaning agencies they provide cleaning package according to your pocket. But if you are doing it by your own just keep in mind do not twist or bend the blinds. Do not use harsh chemicals and hot water, always use feather duster and see the results.

Conclusion: Roller blinds are best for interior decors and classic and ultra modern .It gives elegant appearance to your office and room. These blinds are best for providing privacy and protection from unwanted outside sound. Taking good care of blinds is very much essential. Clean these blinds with damp cloth, Clean them and see the wonder.

The author also writes on office blinds, vertical blinds and roller blinds. And if you want more information on window blinds or blind cleaners you can visit

What is a Nursing Agency and How Can it Help Me?

In recent years shortages of staff in the nursing profession has almost become the accepted norm. Even major hospitals and healthcare organisations are finding it increasingly challenging to get suitably qualified and experienced staff, especially for the more specialist posts that become available. Its sadly the case that a substantial amount of time and resources are now being devoted by these organisations in order to just keep staff posts filled. Thats why an increasing number of healthcare providers and major hospitals are turning to a nursing agency in order to off load this burden of work.

A Nursing Agency, or Nurses Registry as it is sometimes also refereed to, is a specialist form of recruitment agency which deals exclusively in sourcing and providing staff to the healthcare sector. The nurses provided are normally engaged by the nursing agency on a temporary basis and they make are then placed into positions that match their background, skill set and availability. Mostly, they are placed in hospitals but they can also be employed by care homes, dental practices or indeed anywhere that has a staff shortage that they are able to provide the appropriate cover for. Occasionally, the nursing agency may also be approached by an individual who requires home care; something that most agencies are quite happy to attend to. A nursing agency must be regulated by an appropriate body, in England this is the Commission For Social Care Inspection.

If you are a prospective employer, such as a healthcare authority or private hospital, then you should consider using a nursing agency to source staff as they usually have access to a large selection of well qualified and experienced nursing staff who are available at short notice. Because the agency maintains regular contact with their candidates, the time to filling a post is dramatically reduced compared to having to interview and select candidates yourself. The best agencies are all fully accredited and insured so there should be no issues arising from claims of negligence or inappropriate behaviour.

If you are a nurse looking for work, then a nursing agency can obviously provide you with a large selection of available posts, and advise you n which ones are most suitable for you. Many nursing agencies also secure higher rates for their candidates that they could get by working for the healthcare provider directly.

So, whether you are a healthcare provider who is struggling to fill vacant posts, or if you are a nurse looking for short or even long term work, then your first stop really should be a nursing agency for convenience, efficiency and peace of mind.

If you have short term staff shortages or if you are looking for work as a temporary nurse or healthcare assistant, then you first point of contact should be a nursing agency. There are many good nursing agencies that cover both local and national positions.

Can You Achieve Better Health Through Reverse Osmosis?

If you want to improve your health through reverse osmosis, you need some information. Home reverse osmosis systems have been suggested to remove the hazards in the public water supplies, but they are only so effective and there are numerous disadvantages that you should consider, before you buy.

The first consideration is the source of your drinking water. If you live in a rural area, not serviced by a public utility, you can protect your health through reverse osmosis. Home reverse osmosis systems remove many contaminants, as long as the membranes are in place and functioning properly.

Maintaining the membranes is one of the disadvantages, but if your source is visibly dirty, you need this step. But, additional steps will be needed, as well.

You see, you cannot completely protect your health through reverse osmosis. There are many contaminants that home reverse osmosis systems will not remove. Some of them are biological. Some of them are chemical.

Some microorganisms are not removed. The membranes can become contaminated by them and algae can also grow on the membranes. A disinfection step is required, along with sub-micron filtration, in order to completely purify.

Those of you who are have a medical condition that affects the function of your immune system need to be particularly careful. The Environmental Protection Agency suggests sub-micron filtration or bottled water with verifiable quality. In other words, either buy a point-of-use system with a sub-micron filter or call the bottling company to be sure that they use one.

There are so many things in the groundwater today that no one purification step can protect you. There may be some better health through reverse osmosis, but the treatment facilities already use this step. So, if you are serviced by a public utility, the idea of home reverse osmosis systems is redundant.

Assuming that you are serviced by a public utility, you may have many problems. Chlorine and THMs (the by-products of chlorination) are the two must common. Researchers estimate that more than 700 cancer cases per year are due to THM exposure, and that's just in Canada.

When it comes to increased cancer risk from THM exposure, you cannot protect your health through reverse osmosis. You need an adsorption step to block THMs, along with carbon filtration to block chlorine.

In many areas, the problem is lead. Lead contamination occurs after the water leaves the treatment facility. Home reverse osmosis systems will remove this threat, but the less expensive ion exchange process will also accomplish the task, while balancing the pH level and the mineral content. These are things that home reverse osmosis systems cannot do.

If you do decide on RO, you should be aware that they are expensive to purchase, install and maintain. They require electricity, so they will increase your electric bill. They create gallons of wastewater that will tax your septic system. If you pay a water bill, they will cause that bill to rise, because of increased usage and increased sewage.

If you can achieve better health through reverse osmosis, then by all means, go ahead and buy one. But, for most of us, they are unnecessary and impractical.

William Manning has spent the last 3 years completing his PhD in Nutritional Science. His thesis focused on the deteriorating condition of the water supply and how that affects human health and well-being. Visit his water purification blog at to discover which water purification system he uses and recommends.

How to Choose an Agency For Your Travel Nursing Jobs

It is common that traveling nurses are paid ten to fifteen percent above the average rates of nurses. Most pay falls between thirty to forty dollars an hour. That can amount to a good sum of money at the end of a year. Despite the higher pay, many nurses still look for ways to increase their earning potential. There are things that can be done to make sure that you are earning up to your fullest potential.

Remember, pay is more than just the amount of cash that you bring home every week. Pay includes benefits, housing, professional insurance, or anything else that would be a work related or even personal expense, which you would otherwise have to pay for. When trying to figure out how much you are being paid, it is a good idea to do a bit of research. Here are a few things that you can do to decide if the pay is right for you.

There is hidden pay in benefits. You can get detailed information on the health benefits that your agency offers. Take this information and find out how much it would cost you to get the same sort of coverage privately. Some agencies offer full coverage at no outward cost to you. They do this by offering it to everyone, but paying less than other agencies that do not offer the same sort of plan. If the benefits are important to you, you can do some simple math to find out if it is cheaper for you to carry your own policy, or accept a lower paycheck with a premium policy.

Not just health and life insurance can be provided by the agency. You may also be covered by the agencies professional insurance. Professional insurance is expensive and almost all health care professionals should carry it. It may be provided to you for free from the agency, at the cost of a few dollars of pay, or at a cheaper rate. It is up to you to determine if this benefit is worth the money. In some cases, hospital contracts may not be available if you do not have professional insurance.

Housing allowances are a great benefit. If you live in an apartment or house, and do not wish to move, you may get a housing allowance. The allowance is paid because normally they would have to rent an apartment for you in the location that you are working in. This is great for people in a location with several hospitals. They may be able to work at different hospitals, living in their own home and getting a housing allowance as a bonus.

Work the agency bonuses. Almost all agencies offer bonuses for referring people to them. If you like where you work, spread the word to your friends that are in the field. You may end up with some nice bonus money, from time to time. There are also bonuses to be had for holidays and overtime that are not available to regular hospital staff. This can add up quickly.

There are several ways to maximize your income as a travel nurse. You have to think about what your needs are. You may find that you may not make the highest cash pay. If you factor in benefits, bonuses, overtime, and allowanced, you may find that you are making more than you thought.

To learn more about RN careers, visit the travel nursing agencies page for more information and how to apply for a job.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Resources For Caregivers

Over the years I have witnessed many families struggle with the onset of illness of a loved one. Its unfortunate that making decisions are often left to the point where urgency is the primary motivator. In an ideal world the family would get together and have an open conversation about what alternatives are available. It is not uncommon for the primary caregiver to hide the extent of their loved ones disability, by compensating for their deficits actually causing the crisis situation.

Many people believe that Medicare will cover the care needed at home. It often comes as a shock to families when they learn that Medicare Home Health provides intermittent visits. For example if a patient is released from the hospital after breaking a hip Medicare, when ordered by the doctor, will pay for a skilled nurse, a physical therapist and a home health aide depending on the patients' needs. But the health care professionals are only in the home for a limited time, meaning that the patient may be without help the majority of the day and all night. So the question becomes what options do families have when they find themselves faced with this situation.

When family members are nearby generally speaking they share the burden until this short term condition gets resolved. If that is not the case there are home care agencies who employ Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides who can provide the needed care. In recent years there has been growth in the long term care insurance sector and some elders have coverage. But families should call for their loved one and learn exactly what the policy covers. Some require that certain activities of daily living (ADLs) be ordered by the physician. Our company verifies the coverage of patients so there are no misunderstandings. My experience has taught me that sometimes seniors believe that their policy will cover twenty-four hour care, when in reality the policy pays X number of dollars per day. Therefore, if the daily amount is $100.00, and the hourly agency rate is $20.00, the patient is covered for five hours care per day. Depending on the situation this may suffice, if not other options have to be explored.

Often when long term care solutions are needed state funded programs, usually under Medicaid, may be part of the solution. Each state has its own rules and regulations but every state has an Area Agency on Aging who can guide a family through the bureaucracy. Income and wealth are always a consideration and sometimes patients have to spend down there holdings to qualify. In the past seniors would move their assets to a family member to qualify but the laws have changed and this practice is no longer legal.

Tom Ramsberger is the Owner/CEO of Integrity Nursing Services, Inc.

Having earned degrees from the University of Denver and Truman State University in History and Secondary School Education he became the Chairman of a History department in suburban St. Louis. After eight years he accepted a position with Nursefinders of San Antonio, building it into the largest branch in their national network. He then accepted a position as the Southwest Regional Manager for the home care division of Kidde Corporation. He is celebrating his 30th anniversary in the industry.

9 Benefits of Home Health Care

1. Professionalism. You may be uncertain about handing over care of your loved one to a stranger, but our caregivers are certified and thoroughly screened, and receive regular 'in-service' trainings to keep their professionally-trained skills sharp.

2. Personalized care. Every good home health agency has a licensed RN on staff to oversee the caregivers and cases, and each patient's care is tailored to suit their specific needs.

3. Medication control. With a professional caregiver monitoring your loved one's health, there's no need to worry about whether or not they've forgotten to take their medication; Certified Nursing Assistants will carefully chart all medication and health information.

4. Nutrition and food preparation. Malnutrition can be a problem for older adults living on their own, either because they're unable to cook for themselves or can't get out to the grocery store. A caregiver can help prepare healthful, tasty meals, and thereby stave off easily avoidable health problems.

5. Transportation. A home health professional can make sure that your loved one makes it to all of their appointments ready and on time, and can pick up groceries and prescriptions-all the ingredients for a healthy life at home.

6. Company. Lack of social interaction can not only lead to depression in the elderly and disabled, but can also contribute to the deterioration of their mental capabilities. Friendly conversation and company will improve the emotional and mental state of your loved one.

7. 24/7 support. Clients will be able to reach their agency at all times, should there be an emergency.

8. Peace of mind. There's little that causes more worry than the thought of a loved one with diminished physical or mental capacities home alone; knowing that a friendly, professional caregiver is there can give you some peace of mind in knowing that your parent isn't alone.

9. Family togetherness. The stress of caregiving can wreak havoc on family bonds, and hospitalizing a loved one can leave family members at the mercy of visiting hours and having to travel to spend time with their spouse, parent, or child. Hiring a caregiver allows your loved one to remain in the comfort of their home, and can eliminate much of the stress and promote harmony within a family during difficult times.

Tom Najjar
CarePlus Home Health, Inc

Dos and Don'ts of Home Car-Wash and Feasibility Studies

The time constraints levied by today's fast paced life coupled with the convenience offered by professional car washes which are springing up in every nook and corner has reduced the need and necessity of washing your car at home. However there are still certain people who find time to give their car a personal clean up every few days for only this would give them utmost satisfaction. In fact you could turn the car washing process at home into a fun activity by involving your kids on a weekend. There are certain things to be considered before you start off.

Proper procedure of washing your car at home

Take a note of the weather conditions prevailing on the day you intend to wash your car. It's advisable to avoid this process on a windy or extremely hot day. The reason is that these conditions would cause the water to dry up prematurely before you wipe it out yourself. This would lead to water spots on the vehicle. Likewise be careful not to park your car in direct sunlight which will again cause the same problem. Choose a shaded part of your home to park your car.

Keep all things necessary for the wash close by including a bucket, car wash detergent taken in the right quantity etc. Make sure your hose is fastened with a spray nozzle and as a first step wet your car thoroughly with it. Never run a strong jet of water on your car as it might result in scratches over the paintwork. Apply a sponge or 100% cotton cloth which you keep exclusively for this purpose on the car after dipping it in detergent. Never use towel rags or other pieces of used cloth for cleaning your car as they may carry dirt from previous usage which will be transferred to the car body.

Start washing from the top of the vehicle going round it and touching the lower areas as well. Rinse out your wash cloth or sponge in water frequently. Never allow the soap to dry up on the paintwork since it might leave blotches. Wash thoroughly the lathered section before you move on to the next. Ensure that the car is left wet all through the wash process. The drying procedure should be done by you with your cloth. If left to dry on its own, spots might appear. Deal with the lower body last together with the tires. Using another wash cloth or sponge for these parts is recommended as they tend to be the dirtiest. You can use a brush with steel wool for the tires to scrub off all the grime. A circular wheel type brush can be used to clean the openings in the wheel plates. Lastly dry the car with clean cloth.

Tips to ensure a safe and economical home wash

When you wash your car at home, the water usage is in fact more compared to a professional car wash facility. Taking this into consideration always use a hose sprayer with a lever that shuts out the water when you let go. Never use detergent soap which will destroy all the sheen and luster of the paintwork. Use glass cleaner for the windows and microfiber towels to dry them which will get them sparkling. Use a damp cloth to clean bird droppings or bugs which ideally should be done as soon as they are spotted. If you intend to give a wax coating use a clay bar by following the necessary instructions before you start the process to clean any stray dirt or dust remaining embedded in the paint work after the wash.

Environmental Considerations

Professional car wash centers are forced to abide with environmental laws and regulations. A home wash on the other hand produces a lot of waste water and effluents which flow into the nearby drains and eventually into rivers and lakes thereby polluting the water. Make sure you use a biodegradable soap to wash your car. Make a habit of washing your car on your lawn or over mud and not in your drive way so that all the toxic water is absorbed.

Is It really Feasible

Numerous are the arguments that have been raised against home car washes. A home car wash is supposed to use almost double the amount of water compared to a professional car wash equipment. Also these centers reuse water. They are known to be eco-friendly. But automated car washes are not without their faults. Some high pressure washes prove to be damaging to the car. Besides there are some people who thoroughly enjoy the entire process of hand washing their car and cannot be bothered to dole out extra money to a professional agency.

Yossi Drory Been in the car wash Business for the last 15 years

How 8 Dollars Sold Our House in a Single Weekend

Have you ever been in a position where you HAD to sell a house and you had to sell a house FAST? There are many reasons this might happen, but most frequently it's because we lost our job. With no income it's difficult to make all those payments, isn't it? When it happened to us we promptly listed our house with a Realtor for a 60 day listing. I never sign long listing agreements. If they don't get the job done quickly they aren't worth what they want you to pay.

Not only did we not get a buyer, we also didn't get any lookers. Then we tried another agency...and another...and another until we gave up on real estate agents. We figured we didn't have much to lose. We knew we had a good house, well staged in a good neighborhood but we weren't getting lookers. Real estate agents were just not showing our house to prospective buyers.

We also did not see our house being advertised much. It seems to be the norm for real estate agents to advertise less than they did at one time. I can have sympathy for their needs because they don't get paid unless the house sells. But many of us have a pressing need to sell as quickly as possible. It's important to get the word out to as many people...potential possible.

But real estate companies and agents are not advertising much these days. In rural areas near by where we live now there are about 100 houses for sale, about 40 more than average before the current real estate slow down. I might see 1/5 of the available properties advertised occasionally. Most lots are not advertised at all. Houses that are very dated might take years to sell even when they are exclusively listed with one of the many real estate companies in the area.

It's really depressing to try so hard to keep your house perfect and then have no lookers and no buyers. It makes you think there is something really wrong with your property. But wait! There is more to the story I was telling in the beginning. When our listing with the last "Million Dollar Realtor" expired with no buyer we gave up on "real estate professionals". They weren't doing what we needed them to do. They weren't getting the word out. We had to do it ourselves. We went for the tried and true.

We posted an advertisement "for sale by owner" in the local Sunday newspaper. A nice couple came and looked at our house, loved it and bought it for the asking price...the same price we had it listed with the real estate companies. Advertising your home, staging it well, and pricing it fairly will work for selling your home whether you pay a real estate pro or not.

The only thing we skipped was paying an incompetent and uncaring real estate agent who would have demanded we stage the house ourselves and price it carefully, too. Best of all we did not have to pay any agency 6% of our selling price.

That little advertisement was a great bargain, wasn't it? It sure got the job done and quickly, too. A lawyer took care of the legal details for a reasonable price and WE WERE DONE! A quick sale CAN happen. It did for us when the expensive option failed us.

Paula and her husband Ron have several real estate businesses including a real estate selling and buying information business. Get real home selling and buying advice (not theory) from someone who has done it successfully many times. Their websites include, Sell House Quick and Sell House Yourself

Organizing Tips for Eldercare Providers

While many seniors enjoy good health and are able to live on their own, some require the assistance of family members or outside caregivers, or have to move to an assisted living facility. No matter what your role is in helping a senior, even if it's to be a friend to someone caring for a senior, these organizing tips offer to help make the job a bit easier.

Organize medical information for doctor's appointments. Because seniors are often under the care of several doctors who may not communicate with each other, it can be helpful to bring complete medical information along to each doctor's appointment. This information might include test results, medication information, notes from visits to other doctors, etc. To make it easy to transport this information, consider storing it in a portable container such as an accordion file or a three-ring binder. Label the sections of the container with category names that will make it easy to quickly find any necessary information.

Organize medical bills. Since medical bills and insurance explanations of benefits (EOBs) aren't typically needed at the doctor's office, keep these items in a separate filing system, such as file folders in a filing cabinet or file box. You can staple the EOBs to the corresponding bill and file them according to the date of service or the name of the service provider. Although I don't like to create extra paperwork, if the EOB contains service for multiple providers or multiple dates, it's often easiest to make duplicate copies of the EOB so that the corresponding bill and EOB can easily be filed together.

Organize other information. Think about which facts besides medical information someone would need to know in an emergency, and gather this information in an appropriately labeled binder. Store this information in a secure place, and let family members or other appropriate people know where to find it. Items to consider include:

Contacts - names and phone numbers of family members, close friends, accountant, lawyer, household help, etc.

Financial - name of each financial institution and corresponding account numbers, safe deposit box and key location, regularly recurring bills, account numbers, and payment information

Insurance - include contact information for policy providers and location of the policies if not included here

Legal - Power of Attorney, Power of Attorney for Health Care, Will, etc. Note that appropriate people such as the named executor should have copies of these documents as well.

Take care of yourself and ask for help. It can be physically and emotionally draining to care for a senior. No matter how challenging your circumstances are, remember that it is never appropriate to be physically or verbally abusive. Be sure to give yourself regular time away from the situation by enlisting the help of:

Friends and family members - They can help with grocery shopping, transportation, errands, housework, cooking, etc.

Respite care provider - They give temporary care while you take a break from the daily routine of care giving.

State and local social service agencies

Support group of eldercare providers - Check out The National Family Caregivers Association and the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers

Professional organizer - I can help organize all of the senior's paperwork and set up the home for safety and ease of use. I also have access to lots of resources who can provide additional help.

Keep the proper perspective. Although emotions can often muddy the boundaries of what the caretaker's role is, it's typically to provide assistance to the senior so he or she can live as independently as possible. Keep in mind that unless the senior is declared mentally incompetent, they probably have the right to make unwise decisions with which you may disagree. Although it may be difficult, you may just have to stand by and let them experience the outcome of their bad choices.

Internationally known professional organizer, author, and speaker Sue Becker is the founder and owner of From Piles to Smiles?. She enjoys helping people live better lives by creating customized systems to overcome their overwhelming paperwork, clutter, and schedules. She specializes in helping people who are chronically disorganized, especially people with AD/HD. Sue is Illinois' first Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization.

Sue invites you to sign up for her FREE Starter Kit: 5 Proven Ways to Organize and Simplify Your Life at You'll learn simple ways to discover the freedom of an organized home, office and life. Check out the additional products available to help you put ideas into action at

Friday, December 28, 2012

In-Home Care

Senior citizens have many concerns as they grow older in their homes, but moving is difficult at any age. And a facility is not always necessary. Using senior home care is a simple solution for helping care for the elderly. In home care allows senior citizens to maintain their independence in the comfort of their own home. 

Planning Ahead

While planning ahead is sometimes difficult because you may not know how or when your needs will change, consider the type of assistance that may be of use to you in the near future. Regardless of your situation, begin by thinking of any illnesses you may have such as arthritis, diabetes, or heart disease. Talk to your doctor and brainstorm how these conditions may affect how you are able to take care of yourself. Perhaps you will need help getting dressed, preparing a meal, or remembering to take your medicine. This sort of assistance can easily be addressed in your own home using in home care. 

As you continue reading, you will learn about the different kinds of in home care available in your area. You will also learn about the resources especially for senior citizens, from your community to your Federal Government. If cost is a concern, we will provide suggestions for free or low cost services. We will also provide information on assistance that may cost more. There are some benefits that provide in home care for senior citizens and they may apply to you. Be sure to share this information with family members and friends, and use this as a means to begin talking about your present and future needs. 

Helping Older Relatives Stay in their Home

Everyday activities can become difficult as a person grows older. For many senior citizens, taking care of their homes and themselves becomes more and more challenging. If this is happening to any of your relatives or family friends, talk to them about getting assistance. Think about how you and others can help, and offer your assistance. Talk to friends who may have loved ones undergoing the same life changes and see how they are handling the care for their aging relatives. Then, get together with the person who might consider in home care pand decide together what to do. 

Staying in Your Home

In home care can provide you with almost any sort of assistance you may want in your home, usually for some cost. Below, there is a list of common concerns senior citizens have when living at home. We provide different suggestions and services to make living at home easier. 

Personal care. This includes washing your hair, bathing, and getting dressed. Perhaps a relative or friend can help, in other cases, it may be necessary to hire an in home health care aide to assist you for a short time each day. 

Homemaking. This includes daily activities like household chores, shopping, and laundry. Certain grocery stores or pharmacies take phone orders and will deliver items. Cleaning services provide employees to hire and some will help with laundry. Also, there are laundry services that pick up and deliver clothing. Usually, in home health care aides and caregivers help with these chores as directed. 

Meals. This includes preparing food. It may be possible to share cooking with friends or family members a few times a week. Senior citizen centers, churches, or synagogues sometimes serve meals. Eating out with others is also an option. If it is difficult to get out, you could either ask a friend to bring a meal every now and then or look into Meals on Wheels programs that deliver hot meals to your house. Also, in home health care workers will generally provide meal preparation as directed. 

Money Management. This includes paying bills from utilities to doctor's bills, and health insurance claim forms. Many banks will directly deposit the payment for regular bills, like rent or mortgage and utilities, directly from your checking account.  Asking a trusted friend or relative to help may also be a possibility; if not, financial counselors or geriatric care managers can assist you. Make sure that the person you hire was referred to you by a trustworthy source. 

Health Care. This includes taking medication. Some senior citizens find it helpful to set an alarm clock to remind you to take your medicines. If you need additional services, you may be able to hire a home health care aide. If you just got home from a hospital stay and need additional care from a home health aide, Medicare might pay for this service short-term. 

Getting around. This includes getting around at home or in town. An electric chair or scooter may be covered by Medicare. Also, if you are not able to drive there are volunteer escort services available, or you may take public transportation or taxis. Asking a relative or friend to take you is another option. 

Staying Social.  This includes remaining active and social. Senior citizen centers provide many activities, and will help you connect with other senior citizens. If you cannot leave your home it may be good to have regular visits with a friend or family member. Volunteers from your local place of worship or community center also provide companionship. 

Safety. This refers to avoiding crime and elder abuse. It is important to contact the police if you experience elder abuse; this includes physical, sexual, financial, or emotional abuse and neglect. Or, if you are worried about becoming sick when you are alone and unable to call for help, an emergency alert system may be a good solution. You wear a special button that, when pushed, calls emergency medical personnel. Hiring a trustworthy in home health care aide is also a good way to ensure your safety. 

Outside Care. This includes adult day care. If you live with someone who works during the day and you do not want to be alone during that time, adult day care may be an option. Sometimes the day care center will provide transportation to and from your home. 

Housing. This includes changes to the house to make it easier to live in. A ramp may allow easier access than stairs. Grab bars in the bathtub or shower help one maintain balance. Nonskid floors make the floor less slippery. More comfortable door and faucet handles can help ease pain associated with conditions like arthritis. Senior citizens can get help paying for these changes, check with your State housing finance agency, community development groups, State Area Agencies on Aging, or the welfare department. 


Use your resources, below are a list of people and agencies that may be able to help you. 

People you know. Many senior citizens rely on family members, friends, and neighbors to help them. Those you are close with may be able to help find the best way to meet your needs. 

Community and local government. The government provides many services for senior citizens, some of these may be found in your community. Social workers and health care professionals may be able to provide suggestions. Contacting your state and local offices on aging or social services, as well as your local Area Agency on Aging, may also prove helpful. Finally, check with your local church, synagogue, or community center, these groups may provide services for senior citizens. 

Geriatric care managers. Specially trained geriatric care managers help assist with and coordinate senior citizen elder care for a cost. They will help you to make a long-term care plan and find the services that are appropriate for your needs. When family members are not close by, geriatric care managers can check in with you from time to time and oversee your cother elder care services such as in home health aides. 

Federal Government. The Federal Government provides many resources for senior citizens. The Internet is a good place to look. If you do not have access to a computer at home, often libraries and senior centers have computers for public use. Also, it may be helpful for a neighbor, child, or grandchild to assist you. The Eldercare Locator, your local Area Agency on Aging, and Medicare may be good places to start. 

Home Health Care Agencies. Home health care agencies coordinate and provide home health aides to assist senior citizens in their home for a cost. They often have a staff that includes social workers and nurses that will manage your care.

In Home Health Aides

When support from friends, family, and community organizations is not enough, it may be useful to hire a home health aide. They can provide care from a few hours a week to 24 hours a day. They assist with personal care like bathing, oral hygiene, dressing, and shaving. They can also give nutrition help by preparing meals, assisting eating, and grocery shopping. They can help with homemaking, such as laundry, dishwashing, and light housework. They provide companionship, like reading to the client, taking care of pets, taking out on leisure outings, and running errands. And finally they can help with general health management, such as administration of medication. 


Some types of services are free while others may be expensive. When planning, it is important to consider how to pay for these services.  Medicare, Medicaid, private "Medigap" policies, private health insurance, or long-term care insurance may cover some of the services you need. Otherwise, you will have to pay out of pocket. Still, paying for some of these services out of pocket may be less expensive that moving into an assisted living or long-term care facility. 

The Caring Space

David Crumrine at the Caring Space

We are an organization that connects caregivers and care seekers, providing an easy and affordable resource for families seeking care for friends/loved ones and caregivers seeking employment.

Collecting Signed Jerseys Is A Fun Hobby But Watch Out For Fakes

The hobby of collecting signed jerseys is a lot of fun, but you must be careful to get the real thing. If you are getting the autographs yourself then obviously you know that the signatures are real. However, if you are buying items from someone else, there is always the risk that they may be fake.

Getting a jersey signed by a professional athlete can be a challenge, but this is part of the fun. Many players are more relaxed and will sign during training camp, but not during the regular season. Some will sign after a game if you can catch them. Most will not sign out in public, especially while eating in restaurants or when with their family. Regardless of the circumstances, always be polite and say thanks. Do not expect to chat.

Getting a jersey signed in public situations is hard unless you are wearing it. If you have the jersey on, a player can easily sign, just be sure to hold the area in place so it doesn't bunch up. If you are carrying it, there has to be an area to spread it flat. This takes time and if you aren't paying, the signer will be gone.

Some players will absolutely not sign for anyone unless they are paid. The only way to get these signatures, usually from star players, is at an organized signing or memorabilia convention. Teams have events occasionally, and while they may be free, they are generally just for season ticket or seat license holders.

Sometimes rookie and draft pick signings are open to the general public. These are great for collecting signed jerseys. The players may become future stars and you could have a valuable item in your collection.

Memorabilia conventions and card shop signings require you to pay up front. Depending on the star power of the player, the prices can range from five dollars for a signature on a sports card up to several hundred for an autograph on a jersey or helmet. Generally with a paid signature, you either get a certificate of authenticity or have the opportunity to pay an extra fee for one.

You can also buy signed jerseys. These are available at conventions, through collectibles websites, or via on-line auction. Beware of fakes. There is huge money in counterfeit items. The FBI and local law enforcement agencies have busted several crime rings over the years. Buy only from reputable sellers. Check references and reviews. Always get a certificate of authenticity and if possible a photograph of the athlete signing the item.

Being able to prove your items are authentic is crucial. This is especially important if you plan to preserve them and display them, or sell them. Anytime you can get a photo the item being autographed it is a plus. This is easier now than in the past with camera phones.

Collecting signed jerseys is a pleasurable activity for any fan. You may display your jersey by wearing it, as some do. You can frame it and put it on display. You can also try to sell it. In any case, the pride and joy of having gotten the piece is priceless.

Looking for Steven Stamkos autograph? Be sure to visit the biggest selection of Hockey autographs online to get your favorite.

The Dream of a Home Business

Having a home business is the dream goal of many people who need to work but are tired of the grind - corporate or otherwise - that is part of being employed by someone else.

In the not-so-dim past, a job gave us the security of a weekly, biweekly or monthly paycheck. Our employers provided medical and dental insurance, paid holidays, sick leave and vacations. Some lucky employees got stock options. We were all assured of company pension plans to take care of us in our retirement along with Social Security benefits from the government.

We had a job routine, worked in the same office with many of the same people and celebrated each other's birthdays, weddings, new homes and other events. Each of us had a place in the company structure and we were assured of keeping this job for twenty or thirty years - or as long as we wanted to stay. Not any more!

Now the only definite aspect of being an employee is continuous change. Co-workers come and go as people move to different areas of the city, state and country. Employers have severely cut back on fringe benefits. In many organizations, pension plans are now nonexistent.

The airline industry which was once rock-solid has had a number of bankruptcies. TWA, Eastern and National airlines among others have disappeared from the skies leaving their employees jobless. Pension plans of retired employees were turned over to a governmental agency for administration, which resulted in workers receiving only 50 cents on every dollar they had previously been receiving.

Automobile giants General Motors and Ford plan huge layoffs of 30,000 and 40,000 employees respectively with numerous plant closings in the offing. Additionally many jobs in the computer field are being outsourced to Third World Countries, thereby causing further job losses in the United States and adding further stress to our economy.

The only true security in our current economical climate is a home business. There are a number of benefits in working out of your home:

o No time wasted in commuting.

o No need to travel in bad weather.

o You do not have to spend money on gasoline.

o No wear and tear on your car.

o Work at your own convenience. You do not have to work on someone else's schedule.

o You do not have to buy a working wardrobe.

o No boss telling you what to do - and when to do it.

o Take an afternoon nap if you are tired.

o Stop and take a snack break at any time.

Anyone at any age can work at a home business. It is especially ideal for stay-at-home moms, retirees and the physically challenged. For those who are already employed, it can bring in another source of income.

When you work for a boss, no matter how much money you bring in for him or her, you may still earn the same salary. When you work at a home business, your extra effort translates into more money for you. If you decide to work long hours, you reap the financial rewards.

Ms. Beecher has authored many articles on debt relief programs and believes in proper due diligence before signing on with any debt or credit counseling program. Her goal is to spread the word regarding reputable programs offering debt help. Clear Debt Solution provides debt settlement programs that reduce debt through negotiation.

Safe Work From Home - The Perfect Part-time Job

If you are looking for a part-time job to supplement your income, then a home-based business is a safe, lucrative solution for you. So many part-time jobs today involve cold calling to set up home visits or door-to-door sales. In today's desperate economy, going to a stranger's home could be potentially dangerous.

Working from the comfort of your own home is a safe way to earn extra money to pay bills, save to purchase a home, or take a family vacation. With so many options to choose from, there is an opportunity for everyone.

The Internet provides some of the best options for home-based opportunities. Many reputable, well established companies offer programs as direct distributors or contractors. Be careful not to select the first program or opportunity you see. Careful research will save you a lot of time and money.

Make sure that the company is registered with the Better Business Bureau or other reporting agency to verify the validity of the organization. There are so many scams and con artists lurking on the Internet. Take care not to become a victim of fraud. Verify all of the information provided by the organization with the BBB and check to see if any complaints have been filed against the company and if they were resolved.

Be careful when dealing with organizations asking you to wire money to them to pay for sign-up fees as is usually the trademark of a scam. Home-based employment offers for secret shoppers and bank payment processors have also become the latest tools for international con artists.

Unless you have verified that the organization is a legitimate company, don't give out personal information such as your address, marital status, age, occupation, bank accounts, credit card numbers, social security number or other identifiable information that could be used to defraud you. Most importantly ask questions and follow your gut!

We have put together a list of some of the most reputable and successful home-based businesses. For a complete list of these businesses, please visit

Ali Hinds is a global business and marketing strategist. For additional resources and strategies, please subscribe to my blog at

Can You Still Make Gifts to Your Grandchildren?

"I have been paying for part of my grandchildren's college tuition. I make the check out directly to the college. Will my grandchildren have to give back the gifts if I go into a nursing home?"

The answer to this person's question would depend on when she needed Nursing Home care and her health at the time she made the gifts.

Under the Medicaid law, any gifts you make within 5 years prior to applying for Medicaid coverage of Nursing Home costs, are presumed to be for the purpose of depleting your life savings in order to qualify for Medicaid.

If the grandmother did not need Nursing Home care until more than 5 years passed from the date of the gifts, Medicaid would not be able to penalize the gifts.

If the gifts were made within the 5 year lookback period, then in order to avoid the imposition of a transfer penalty by Medicaid, either the gifts would have to be returned or the grandparent must prove that the gifts were for a legitimate purpose and that Nursing Home care was not foreseeable based on her good health.

The law center recently won a Fair Hearing Decision against the Medicaid Agency on this issue of making gifts.

In our case, an 89 year old woman fell and required Nursing Home care. She was in good health before falling. During the 5 years before falling, she made numerous gifts to her son who was in poor health and often unable to work. Her gifts were to help him pay his mortgage, insurance and property taxes along with some household expenses. She also made gifts to her grandchildren to help them with college.

The Medicaid agency penalized those gifts on the grounds that based on her age, an 89 year old should foresee the possibility of needing Nursing Home care. New York State, in its Fair Hearing decision, reversed the County Medicaid agency and held that the gifts were legitimate and not for the purpose of depleting her assets for Medicaid.

Therefore, the Medicaid law does make gift giving riskier for our elderly, but with the right facts, such gifts can be defended.

With a properly designed Irrevocable Family Trust, assets can be transferred to your Trust while you are healthy. After 5 years have elapsed, your Trust assets will be protected. The Trust can then make gifts to your family members after this 5 year period has passed even if you are no longer in good health. Thus, a Trust can be a good vehicle to preserve your gift giving options for your family for the remainder of your life.

The Koldin Law Center

Advantages of Being a Work at Home Mom

Are you a mom and struggle with juggling child care, work, appointments, and maintaining a household? If you are like most moms, the answer is probably yes. With the way the economy is right now it is near impossible for women to be the "stay at home" mom and for families to be able to survive on one income. Not to mention single moms trying to raise children and having to do it on their own. Moms have gotten really good at multi-tasking and doing what they can with the demands that they are faced with. I am confident in saying that this certainly has not been done without blood, sweat and tears! If you have been thinking about the possibility of working from home, you are not alone. You might want to take a look at the advantages of working from home as a mom and weigh the disadvantages to see if it is something that might be right for you.

Here are 5 advantages of working from home for moms.

Savings on Daycare Costs- According to data from the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, many families are spending upwards to $14,000 a year for child care alone. The cost varies per state and is determined by how old your child is. Child care for babies and toddlers is quite a bit more expensive than it is for pre-schoolers. Depending on your income, many moms may have little left over after incurring the costs of childcare.

No Commuting- How much time do you spend sitting in traffic or commuting to work on a daily basis? Wouldn't it be nice to spend that time doing something productive? Working from home allows you the luxury of not having to spend any of your valuable time sitting in traffic. Another bonus is that you will save money on gas and the wear and tear on your vehicle.

More Flexibility- You get to make your own schedule and don't have to answer to a boss or ask permission to come in late to work because you have to take your child to a doctors appointment. You will be able to schedule your work around all of the activities and events in your life. Imagine being able to make it to all of your child's sporting events or the school play. If you want to take a vacation you can do it without having to request time off or use up any of your "vacation days." If you are a night owl and are more productive at three in the morning then you can work during that time. On the flip side if you want to sleep in on a Wednesday you can do that too.

Save on Lunches and Work Clothes- Between eating out and buying clothes or uniforms for work you are spending a pretty penny. One of the conveniences of working from home is that you don't have to pack a lunch or spend money eating out. Depending on your profession it can cost quite a bit of money to keep a professional wardrobe. Working from home allows you to wear what is comfortable without limitations.

Make as Much or Little Money as You Want- As the owner of your business you can decide if you want to work part time or full time. You are in the drivers seat and how productive you want to be is up to you.

These are just a handful of advantages for being a work at home mom. There are many more advantages that are not listed. If you are a mom and want to be more in control of your time and have a better quality of life you might want to consider working from home.

To learn more about Work at Home Moms [], visit Mary's Yoli [] website.

About the Author: Mary Cascio is a successful home based business entrepreneur and international business builder. She works with top internet marketers from all over the world and has an exclusive online marketing system in place that has helped her to create a team of successful entrepreneurs who enjoy the luxury of working from home.