Saturday, November 2, 2013

How to Pay For Home Care

If you have just suffered a trauma or you feel as though your health is declining it may be necessary to think about home care. Today most seniors can stay at home longer then they use to. You can still maintain your independence while finding assistance in your local community. Help that comes to you is far better than going out of your home to receive it. You may want to get another family member to assist you in finding the right assistance in your home.

Finding Services in your area

You may be able to contact local agencies and companies that can help assist you in finding the right group, company or individual that can help you meet your needs. You should be able to find these local services in your phone directory or you can call your local hospitals to obtain a list of service agencies. These services can range from housecleaning to physical assistance and therapy.

Private Services in your area

Individuals who are trained and interested in helping the seniors stay in their home will advertise in the newspapers and on bulletin boards at their local grocery store so that seniors can call when they are in need of assistance. You can find assistance to a doctors' appointment, shopping, housecleaning, personal care, bill paying, outdoor chores, and more. The individual can help you around the house with almost any need you have.

Paying for Services

For most agencies and individuals there are charges that will need to be paid for services rendered. Agencies and companies may be able to bill your insurance for their services but individuals will need to be paid through you. There are several ways that you can handle your own cost for services in your home. You will first need to go over your budget and decide how much you can contribute each month to private care. Then you will need to decide what you will need done in order of priority. Once you have made your list you can start interviewing potential care givers for their services. Not everyone is right for you so it's very important to get to know those who are interested in coming to your home and help out.

Another way to handle the expense is to involve your family. If each family member could contribute $2o.oo and up per month toward your home care it would help you get the services you need. You and another family member can open a private account just for your health care. This makes health care easier to manage and cost efficient. It also gives the other family members who want to help out a way to help. If they live away from home it is hard to help long distance.

Have a family meeting once a month to decide if your needs are being met and if you have enough finances to handle the care you do need. When it is time to increase your care don't be afraid to ask for more help from your family. You need them now more than ever. They will feel better knowing that you are getting the help you need and deserve.

To learn more about this and other health related topics please visit the blog section of which specializes in all topics related to home healthcare especially in bringing together home healthcare providers with those in need of home healthcare.

Alzheimer's - Caregiving To Parents, Would You, Could You, Should You

Are you cut out for caregiving? Is Alzheimer's disease within your midst, prodding thoughts on how best to soothe your degenerating parent? Whether the latter resides with you, or at assisted-living or nursing residences, both of you require sustenance.

Having been her full-time caregiver, I am grateful that my Alzheimer's-affected mother, Mary, bestowed upon me that privilege. Over the past decade, I concentrated on fulfilling her palliative needs. When she died a few months ago, I was overwhelmed by mingled sorrow and awe. The realization kept striking me, how often her unconditional love for me had poured through her, despite her eroded brain. I would never have been graced with potent, surfacing expressions of my mother's devotion, had I not chosen the role of dominant guardianship.

Is an inchoate call nudging you, to minister to your elder's suffering, within close proximity to pain, on a round-the-clock basis? Knowledge is key.

(A) Self-Query Per Four Considerations:

Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia. The length and intensity of the affliction, and the individual's behavior patterns vary. Insurance eligibility barriers and insufficient income exacerbate an already worrisome situation. It's reported that close to $175,000 (and it's escalating) in subsistence costs will be expended during an Alzheimer's patient's lifetime. Currently, since 2002, the number of cases has crested to five million from four million. More families feel submerged by conflicted goals. Let's contemplate if an at-home program seems feasible for you as primary attendant.

First, Your Sense of Purpose: Does the thought of home care evoke a feeling of vocation -- or of obligation? Is your relationship with your parent such, that old inner wounds have healed, and will not jeopardize pragmatic chores? Will you respond with patience, fortitude, compassion? Is your genuine motive, guilt or filial love? Will other immediate kin feel displaced, by the necessary ferocity of focus you will direct towards the invalid?

Your Aptitude For Tending: Would you stay motivated, during periods -- and there will be -- when siblings, relatives, friends, cannot or will not proffer support? Do you think you could operate devices such as those testing blood sugar? Are you too squeamish to handle injections, bathing, dressing, feeding the shut-in? You love your parent, but do you like her or him -- like enough, to alleviate the heavy boredom that threatens to plunge the bed-ridden one into despair? Would you read the newspaper to your father, despite the fact you've only had two hours sleep, after allaying his fears all night? Would you amuse your mother with silly jokes, while secretly dispirited, having just deciphered the latest lab reports on her impairment? Would you remind yourself during a crisis, when your ward rebuffs, even insults you, that it is the sickness babbling, not your revered parent? Do you emanate balance, trusting when to insist on rules, and when to deviate? Is there adequate discipline in you to organize doctor appointments, and adhere to fixed intervals for administering medications? Would you be capable of dealing at times, with an ungovernable mind, yours as well as the dependent's?

Your Resilience: Do you experience claustrophobia, whereby being detained bedside, for hours on end, would affect you adversely? Have you the stamina to push a wheelchair through a mall? Do you possess the physical vigor to lift your parent from chair to bed to chair to bed, ad infinitum, during the day? Do you have creative inner resources, that will help you muster fun and laughter for the both of you? For example, I refused to view my mother as a victim; she was hampered by Alzheimer's but not solely defined by it. Humor and lightheartedness, her essence, would always be a part of her life, I had vowed.

Your Learning Capacities: Does a daily routine, a highly structured life, bore or benefit you? Would you consider yourself informed, avid for geriatric study, so that you may confer confidently with specialists, per their diagnoses and recommendations?

Also, could you separate your loved one from the realm of statistics? Would you uncover the degree to which this unique individual emits what I term an "R and T" factor -- being Reachable and Teachable? To my delight, my mother diligently recited her name, Mary, and recalled it ever after. Would you instruct a resilient, and willing parent? My mother had been an independent person. Confirming my instincts, she welcomed avenues, however minor, in which I could relinquish control to her. I would cut her food, then produce a serving spoon, with which she could scoop the morsels and steer them to her mouth. When radically enfeebled her last few weeks, confined to the armchair she favored over hospital-type beds, she let me curl her fingers around the utensil. Subtly I guided her hand, so that she felt she was feeding herself. It will startle you, witnessing a muted personality heralding itself against immense odds on rare occasions.

Your Modified Relationship: Could you bear living with someone you know, who doesn't know you? Will you accept your unsettling new identity, as a stranger who now must earn affection, formerly an offspring's entitlement? Will you risk interactions, with someone you love who will decide whether or not to love you back? Can you remain centered, even contented, in the present moment, where the dear one resides?

Thus, are you suited for caregiving? If so, and your desire to protect matches, if known, your parent's wishes, and your revenue sources accommodate the decision, you and your charge are truly blessed.

If circumstances dictate otherwise, such a boon is not exclusive to at-home environs. You may transfer home care skills to professional facilities. Your purposefulness in showering empathy, in your responsiveness to details others overlook, will matter indeed (visiting frequently, unwrapping treasures such as baby-soft blankets; re-adjusting the slant of mattress when you surmise your parent's discomfort; re-filling the water cup, quenching thirst before asked; scrutinizing the attentiveness of staff, or just sitting quietly, stroking his/her brow). Your fidelity immeasurably elevates the quality of living for an otherwise isolated, inactive, often speech-impaired frail being.

The proposals below may still be germane to your case, in feeding, guarding, and stabilizing conditions for your parent, during each of your encounters. Moreover, they reinforce the significance of self-care. Even if you dwell a sizeable distance from failing relatives, their fluctuating viability most likely weighs palpably on your mind, and you deserve to feel uplifted.

(B) Preparation:

Peruse magazines, books, and websites on the topic of caregiving. Seek out support groups, to heed the dilemmas and irony of parenting your own parent. If possible, enroll in a class on CPR techniques. Discuss with doctors, the merits of depression-screening to avoid confusion with dementia. Analyze visiting-nurse ramifications. If caregiving is not an option, appraise the value of Alzheimer's-geared assisted-living over nursing homes; go online and Google "Alzheimer's placement referral services" if need be.

Access intelligible articles from websites such as;; and Learn about an intriguing discovery, SORL 1, a potential gene factor that may trigger Alzheimer's. Discern activities appropriate for early stages, such as walking, or crossword puzzle-solving.

Investigate free transportation and other services, that governmental agencies implement. A few social, groups sponsor a one-day small "scholarship," meaning a paid, carefree caregiver's holiday spent any way envisioned -- buying a book, viewing a movie, dining in a café, whatever respite is most life-affirming for you.

Also, consult with close relatives and friends. Allow them to vent objections, and to reveal how they would like to contribute. The more everyone fathoms Alzheimer's disordered progression, and what to expect from each other, the more harmonious, the outcome.

(C) Appreciate Unforeseen Marvels:

Throughout your service to your parent, recognize the intangible jewels embedded in the experience. Yes, Alzheimer's brings beauty as well as burden.

Because you are supervising 24/7, you may witness wondrous occurrences unavailable to those who sporadically visit. Alzheimer's drowns memory. In my mother's case, I perceived that the insidious amnesia was not constant; forgetfulness flowed in waves. There were moments of billowing joy for us, when she suddenly would turn lucid, pat my cheek, utter my name, and hug me. Many days, weeks, months might ebb, before cognition upsurged again. Yet those idyllic moments of re-connection, sustained me.

(D) Accept Ends, And Beginnings:

As the disease advances, symptoms change, and no two illnesses mirror each other. The weakening effects of Alzheimer's may creep along or erupt in stunning form. A few weeks before my mother departed, her legs gave way with no forewarning. I am thankful that until then, she could enjoy shuffling to the wheelchair, with my aid. Before her last 24 months of tribulation, she displayed enough agility to stroll with me for morning "constitutionals" year after year.

At the preliminary levels of Alzheimer's, not just my mother but many others who remain mobile may tumble into terrifying phases of running away, or hiding. Only uninterrupted monitoring of their whereabouts will anchor them to safe surroundings. A childlike urge to pry goads them. If still strong, they might straddle the banister; climb out windows; toss a bowl at the t.v. screen to capture the attention of the people "trapped inside." They may become caught in the act of tasting inedible curiosities, such as a packet of dishwasher gel my mother chewed, which garnered her a swift visit to the hospital. You may have to re-think household design and customs. Clearing lower cabinets, fastening safety locks atop bathroom doors, inserting sturdy gates at stairways. At dinner, no chicken bones, no heavy glassware. How would you protect a toddler? Develop the same mind-set.

In the acute stages, a chronic pain inexplicably might vanish. Sometimes, your loved one may appear to rally, only to relapse, then re-group again. To avert a traumatic jolting from a false sense of hope, don't lose sight of the uninvited but inevitable big picture. Unless a new cure abruptly materializes, a medicine or miracle intervenes, overall direction for the invalid is downward. Whether you're religious or not, the well-known prayer, Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, proves consoling for many caregivers. I know it was and is for me. When the moment of parting arises, an awareness fortifies you, that you had provided, not just an efficient home-based hospice, but a haven, for your loved one.

In the days before her passing, for precious intervals, my mother would grip my wrist, while laboring to formulate the word "love." Our relationship had swirled full circle, with her maternal impulses roused, intent on emboldening me for whatever the future unveiled. Whether at the end she was asserting our biological ties or anointing me her "honorary" daughter, our link proves insoluble.

If you have spiritual inclinations, I encourage you to hold a constructive, even Bigger Picture in mind -- if you trust, as I do, in divine love, a tremendous reassurance will envelop you, With gratitude, we may sense that those whose passing we will mourn, shall explore a greater unseen eternal reality, savoring a vast capacity to be present to us, and cherish us. May you and your loved one resonate with peace.

Welcome to the writings -- Trusting they help. C. Gia is a professional free-lance writer. The latter has drawn upon, per this essay, over a decade's experience, in hands-on overseeing the welfare of her Alzheimer's parent. A new website highlighting her varied columns will be furnished in the near future.

Cash Vs Accrual Accounting

Most business owners file their taxes on a cash basis. The reason for this is so the business will not be required to pay tax on funds that have not yet been collected. This makes perfect sense from the standpoint of taxation. However, there are certain disadvantages to relying on cash basis financial statements for management and valuation purposes. Cash basis statements are often inconsistent, are not good predictors of cash flow and do not measure revenues that have been earned but not collected. Accrual based financial statements state revenue in the period which it is earned and expenses are stated in the period incurred providing a consistent and accurate measurement of financial performance. Revenue that is earned but not yet collected is stated as accounts receivable, an asset on the balance sheet. Cash basis financial statements do not adequately measure the true performance of the business since there is a misalignment between income and expenses.

Cash statements are inconsistent and can give a false impression of the company's current performance. Consider a scenario when the month has three payrolls instead of two and the full year's premium for liability insurance is due to be paid. On a cash basis, the financial statement would reflect a big increase in expenses that is not offset by cash deposits. It would appear when trending this data that the company's financial performance has declined, when in reality, it may have actually improved. Using the accrual method, each payroll would be expensed as the expense is incurred rather than when it is paid and the liability insurance expense would be evenly spread over a twelve month period. Cash basis statements can make it appear that the company's profitability is improving when in fact, the increase in cash could be related to an increase in collection of accounts receivable.

Cash flow as an indicator of performance can be very misleading. In a month where you have a dramatic increase in hours or admissions, your cash flow may suffer even though your profitability is increasing. Since the income and expenses are misaligned, your payroll would go up in a month of increased business but you may still be collecting receivables from previous months reflecting lower cash collections. The cash basis statement would show reduced profitability. Since accrual statements match the payroll expenses incurred with the revenue in the same period it is earned, the increase in profitability would be evident. On the other hand, if business is declining, the reverse situation can occur. As you collect revenues from prior, higher grossing periods, payrolls decrease as business decreases and cash flow improves. This can give owners a false sense of security. By the time a declining trend results in a negative cash flow, it is difficult to reverse the trend and the company may suffer devastating losses. By reviewing monthly accrual statements, these trends can be identified early and actions can be taken to reverse declining trends.

Cash basis financial statements do not track the collection of accounts receivable. Since accounts receivable is often the largest asset of a home care company, it is especially important to monitor it closely. Receivables that are not kept close track of are often never recovered resulting in unnecessary losses. By including accounts receivable as an asset on an accrual based balance sheet, business owners are more likely to take proactive measures to preserve this valuable asset. Changes in accounts receivable affect a number of important measurements that analysts use to determine the health and viability of a company. An accrual based balance sheet can provide information about how long it is taking to collect receivables and how likely it is that a company will meet its financial obligations over time.

For small businesses, it may not be practical for a CPA to compile monthly accrual based statements. It may make sense to have a bookkeeper trained by an industry specific financial consultant to enter the information in an accrual format. Accountants can also convert statements to a "modified accrual" format at the end of each year but this approach is much less desirable since it will not give you the information you need each period to better manage your company.

Accrual based financial statements are superior to cash basis statements for the management and valuation of your company. CMS even requires care agencies to utilize accrual accounting in the cost report filing. Accrual statements not only give a true picture of how the business is performing, but also provide accurate data for budgeting purposes and to predict future cash flows and trends. Accrual Based financials statements are an accurate, consistent and reliable method of measuring your company's performance.

Beth DaSilva is a M&A broker specializing in Home Health Mergers and Acquisitions. She is the president of Fleetridge Pacific, a M&A and Consulting firm based in San Diego, CA.

Checklist For Selecting a Home Care Agency

After deciding home care is the right option for you or a loved one, the next decision is which home care professional to choose. Phone books or internet searches reveal dozens or hundreds of options, so how do you narrow the field to find the best caregiver?

Independent Contractor or Home Care Agency

One quick way to reduce the list of choices is to decide between hiring a home care agency and hiring an individual to provide care.

On the surface, an individual caregiver may seem appealing. They are often less expensive than home health agencies, a help to families already struggling with high medical bills. However the cost of an independent caregiver doesn't include all expenses associated with care. The family must calculate and pay payroll taxes. The family may have to pay for a criminal background check. If the caregiver is injured on the job, the family may be responsible for another set of medical expenses.

A home health agency handles the above situations, leaving the family free to focus on caring for the loved one. Agencies can provide backup caregivers in the event additional care is needed or the primary caregiver is sick or on vacation. An agency is familiar with all care a patient might need and can provide caregivers of any skill level.

Professional Qualifications

Whether you are looking for services as involved as home nursing or as straightforward as companionship, the caregiver should have appropriate training and licensing to ensure your loved one receives needed services and is protected in an emergency. Ask about what training and experience the caregiver and the home care agency have had. Confirm the agency performs thorough background checks on their employees.

Medical needs don't care what time it is. You want a home care agency that is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Verify there is a support system in place to cover for the caregiver in the event of illness or other absence. Ask what the agency can do if you need emergency coverage in the event your loved one suffers an unanticipated setback.

Personal Compatibility

Too many clients overlook the importance of personal compatibility between the caregiver and the patient. These two people will be spending a lot of time together and clashing personalities not only create an unpleasant environment, but can create also stress that can endanger the patient's health.

A home care agency performs an interview with the family not only to gauge the level and type of service needed, but also to get insight about who the patient is. The agency will try to match patients with compatible caregivers but in the end no one can predict how two people will get along. If there is friction that can't be resolved, ask the agency for a replacement. This is no reflection on the caregiver's ability and is common practice in the home care industry.

Author is a freelance copywriter. For more information on home care agency, please visit

Personal Security - Protecting Your Person

Personal security is a concern for many people. Statistics constantly point to the fact that a large number of people are susceptible to provoked or unprovoked attacks. Thanks to the fact that there are many devices available, it can be hard to know what kinds of things can best enhance your personal security.

Included below are a couple of types of personal security products that can help you feel safer or defend yourself in the event that you are attacked:

Pepper spray - These are effective items that are used by many people. Pepper spray is so effective that many different law enforcement agencies around the world use them. They are preferred by many because they are not lethal, like a gun is. However, they are still very effective. The user needs to be careful, however, to not accidentally spry in his or her own face.

Alarms - Would 100+ decibels get your attention? The answer: yes. This is why personal alarms are so effective. They are small, but definitely pack a big punch. Basically, these alarms work by removing a small pin if you are being attacked. It is so loud that people from a wide radius will hear it and will come to see what is happening.

Stun gun - There are some rules and regulations regulating who can have and use stun guns, but the fact is that these are definitely effective. A stun gun will pretty much render any attacker completely disabled. This will allow you to thwart an attack and have time to escape. Or if you are a police officer, this will allow you to subdue an out-of-control criminal and make an arrest.

The thing is that you can never really tell when you are going to need a personal security alarm like this.

Sometimes people put themselves in precarious situations where problems or attacks are more likely to occur. Still, other times the attack is completely random. If you ever find yourself in any of the following situations, having some kind of a personal security device may be a good idea for you:

Alone in a parking garage - Nobody likes to be alone. If you are alone and in the dark, that makes it even worse. You often hear of muggings taking place in parking garages. Sometimes it occurs as a person leaves work for the evening. People in these situations are often in danger because there is little they can do to protect themselves. Some kind of an alarm or personal security device can help scare off potential attackers because the sound will resonate throughout the garage.

On a blind date - A blind date can be exhilarating and nerve-racking for the same reasons. You are with somebody you do not know. Most likely there will not be any trouble, but you do not want to risk your safety. Having a can of pepper spray on your key chain or a discreet alarm is always good to have just in case.

Because personal security is so important, it is always a good idea to make sure you have a way to improve your safety.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for Web sites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background also includes teaching, gardening, and fashion. For more of her useful articles on home security, please visit Home Security, supplier of security systems, personal security, wireless security systems, and more.

3 Outstanding Home Based Business Ideas

Like many people, you may be interested in starting a home based business. Through this article, you are provided an overview with four outstanding new home based business ideas.

One home based business idea that you will want to keep in mind is establishing a travel agency. Thanks to the Internet, it is very easy to run a travel agency from the comforts of your own home. With the right software, you can operate your home business by utilizing the computer. Most reservations for customers can be booked using your home computer travel reservation system that operates off the Internet.

Another home based business idea that may be of interest to you is a pet daycare service. There is low start up costs with this one. This can either be done on your premises or you can develop a system whereby you and your staff take care of pets in their own homes. You can advertise your new business but sending out fliers or placing a small classified ad in the newspaper.

The third outstanding home based business idea that is gaining attraction today is sending out greeting cards for your local businesses for a monthly fee. A number of individuals have established very successful greeting card service businesses from their own homes. What you do is contract with local businesses to send out greeting cards to their customers on a regular basis and you charge them a monthly fee for providing this service for them. With this business, you will get a continuous monthly income.

Of course there are many other home based business ideas that you will want to consider if you are interested in establishing the best home based business bench for you. Just make sure that you do something that you are passionate about. Also do your due diligence by researching the market thoroughly before you dive in.

Krystine Lewis writes articles on several subjects including internet marketing and work at home job reviews. You can see more of Krystine's work at home ideas on her web blog and sign up for her free newsletter at

Friday, November 1, 2013

Services Provided By Home Health Care California

There are a number of home health care California facilities that are available, offering everything from personal care to health care. Home health care services involve therapy services and other skilled attendants, nursing care facilities. These have become important as people want to be home when receiving medical care instead of being admitted into nursing care units.

Home health care basically encompasses assistance with daily activities like bathing, dressing and walking. Services like shopping, companionship, pharmacy infusions and medication administration are also part of the services rendered by these companies. Many other related services that are advertised are speech and physical therapy, medical social services.

These facilities have come up basically to fill the gap of assistance that is needed by chronic or invalid recovering patients to remain at home. They support the needs of these people to help them recover and live as independently as possible.

In case, you are looking at a long term care for your child or parent, which can be emotionally and physically tiring. Evaluate your need and priority. For the main daunting task before every person who is looking for home health care California is to look around and compare the services offered according to the price charged. The best way to start looking in California would be to do a search on the web to come up with a few good options that can be followed up.

One thing that needs to be done before home care services are provided is to make the home safe for ill elderly people who might be living alone. Installing railings on the stairs, moving furniture to make adequate space, anti skid adhesive strips in the bathtub and bathroom, grab handles for safety may be a few things that become a help.

Other than that Adult day care facilities are also there where home care agencies provide supervision and medical care in safe environment, to those who are able to move around. It is a good way for you to get back to work while not worrying about the person being alone at home.

Another concern that is prime important is looking after the cooking and nutritional needs of the old person. Age and illness can become a deterrent for shopping and driving services are available with many agencies to help with these activities even though the person may not be ill or invalid. Prioritize your need and then look around specifically for the service that is needed.

Anita Choudhary has been freelancing and writing for over 4 years and can be contacted at

How to Sell Home Through a Realtor and Save Money

Economic conditions mean that more than ever before, people are looking to quickly sell their house, to improve their own financial situation, as well as their own piece of mind. The stress of a mortgage burden and uncertainty over whether prices will continue to fall mean the there is increasing pressure to sell home fast.

But we won't panic - there are things that you can do that will save you money, and also improve your chances of getting the price you want.

We will assume that you are going to use a realtor to help you sell your property. Please note, however, that this is not vital - you can go it alone, which would save you money. We examine that option in more depth in the links at the end of this article.

Carefully select your Realtor

Realtors are no different to any other money making business - they want your custom, which puts you in a position of power when it comes to negotiations. The first step is to identify 3 or 4 that you would be happy to represent you. Base this decision on reputation and ensure they are members of a recognised organisation. The National Association of Realtors is one good example, with over 1.2 million members across the United States. In the UK, a similar organisation is the the The National Association of Estate Agents. It is also a good idea to get a mixture of large companies and smaller, independent realtors so that you have a choice across a variety of services.

Negotiate Terms

You will then need to get quotes from them - don't be afraid to play one off against another. Some may charge a fixed fee, another a percentage of the sale. Some will use a mixture of both. Compare what the overall cost will be, should the realtor successfully sell your property. Once the realtor has given you the details of their charges, tell them what else you have been offered by a rival - they want you as a customer and will expect you to haggle. If they refuse to play ball, just inform them you'll take your business to their big local competitor and walk away.


When you are comparing the services of several realtors, never tell them what another service has valued your property at (and believe me, they will ask!). They will use this opportunity to play themselves off against a rival - remember, a higher valuation is only any good if you achieve it, and if you are looking to quickly sell house, then this may not be realistic. You never have to accept a valuation - if you think it is over or under valued, negotiate with the realtor until you are happy.

Getting the service you should expect

Once you have gone through the above tips, you should now be with a realtor who will do a good job of helping you to sell home fast, slow or just test the water. You may find, however, that you become unhappy with some aspects of the arrangement. Perhaps you are not getting as many viewings as you would like. If this occurs, tell the realtor that you are going to go multi-agency. They may attempt to put up their fees, but stand your ground. You can then approach other agencies, explain the situation and the deal you have with the current realtor, and ask for the same. Your property is now being marketed by more than one agency, which may well help the sale of your home.

Will Downing has prepared a website with more tips on how to quickly sell your house [] You may feel as though you want to go it alone without a realtor, in which case click on how to sell home [] to learn how to do it yourself.

Foster-To-Adopt - Private US and International Adoptions - How To Choose Which Is Right For You

Considering adoption can be overwhelming & confusing. Should I adopt from foster care, international adoption or private US adoption? It can seem overwhelming to have to choose and the answer for each family will be different. Information to help you decide which path is right for your family. Orphans, no matter where they are from, need a loving family - are you willing to be that family?

Adopting from Foster Care

Why adopt from Foster Care:

There are 115,000 children available for adoption in the foster care system. (Number quoted is from Adopt Us Kids)

The requirements are often very flexible. You do not have to be married and whether or not you already have children does not matter. Your race, sex, and sexual preference (homosexual or not) does not matter. You can have many different medical conditions and still be a wonderful foster/adoption parent. (International adoption often bars those with medical conditions.) It does not cost much, if any money, to adopt from foster care. The training, home study & legal fees are usually paid by the state. If you do have to pay anything out-of-pocket, you will get reimbursed when you file your taxes by taking the adoption tax credit. (Visit IRS for more details) Children from foster care may come with monthly stipends (older children or those with special needs) to assist you with covering their expenses. For some children, this money will continue to be available, even after you have adopted them. These children are often also available for free college tuition (at a state school).

You can adopt children from your own state or from out-of-state. Children are often posted on websites, such as

How to get started - contact your state's Department of Family & Protective Services.

Things to consider about Foster Care:

You can choose to foster-to-adopt. Which means, you will have a child placed in your home as a foster child. The child will be in the process of being declared available for adoption. You will have an opportunity to have the child in your home before you make a final decision to adopt or not. The downside is, there is a small chance after the child is placed in your home that the birth family may choose to take the child back. This window of opportunity for the birth family is small - usually 6 months or so. Once that period is over, the child can not be taken from you. You will need to talk to your social worker to learn more about the individual circumstances of your child. Children were removed from their families and often come from abusive backgrounds. Children may have been physically, emotionally or sexually abused. Children may have been exposed to alcohol or drugs while in the womb. An excellent book to help you parent these children is "Parenting the Hurt Child" by Gregory Keck and Regina Kupecky. Only 3% of children in foster care are less than one year old. The odds of getting a baby are slim. 60% of children in foster care are over 6 years old. 60% of children are minority. (Numbers quoted are from the Adoption Institute)

Private U.S. Adoptions

Why adopt from private adoption:

Parents choose to give up their child for adoption and often pick out the family for their child. These adoptions are often through profit and non-profit agencies. You may also go through an adoption attorney. If you would like a newborn, this is often the only way to add a newborn to your family. Most private adoptions are for children under 6 months of age. Many times, the adoptive parents will be able to bring their baby home from the hospital. More information is available about the child. You will likely know information about the birth family, including medical history. More choice - you have a greater say in choosing your child. (In international adoption, a social worker will choose your child for you & you can only decline them if they have significant medical conditions.)

Things to consider about Private Adoption:

Private adoptions are not cheap. The price will vary depending on the agency you use, but are usually between $10,000 - $20,000. Also, these fees may vary greatly based on the circumstances such However, do not forget about the adoption tax credit from IRS. You may qualify to have a tax credit of up to $13,000. You will usually know who the birth parents are and they will (usually) know who you are. The birth mother is often the one who picked you! You will have the option of keeping in contact with the birth mother/family (an "open adoption"). Birth mothers can change their mind. However, this is governed by law & will be determined by the state that you live in. Most states limit it from the day the child is born up to 30 days later. You may not get to choose the gender. You may be matched with a child that is not born yet & the gender is unknown.

Adopting Internationally

Why adopt Internationally:

There are 143 million orphans in the world. (Number by Unicef)

You can pick the country you adopt from & your child's ethnicity. The most popular countries for adoptions are (listed in order) - China, Ethiopia, Russia, South Korea, Guatemala, Ukraine, Vietnam, Haiti, Kazakhstan, India. (Source - US State Department)

You may be able to choose their gender. Each country has different rules on this issue, but many will let you state a preference. If you already have a child, this may impact whether or not you can specify gender.

You can request a certain age. While newborns are unheard of in international adoption, it is possible to get a child under 1 or older. Most children will be closer to 1 by the time the are brought home, if you request a baby. There are many toddlers and younger children available (as well as older children).

Very unlikely, if not impossible, that a child once he/she is matched with you will be taken back by the birth family.

Things to consider about International Adoption:

It is expensive. No way around this - the costs are usually around $20,000 - $40,000 or more. You will pay for your agency, your home study, training, the orphanage donation to the foreign country, travel costs and more. However, for many people, the cost may be a deciding factor. If you decide this is the right option, there are many ways to raise the funds, including refinancing your home, no interest adoption loans, an extra part-time job, gifts from family & friends, fundraisers with your church, etc. There is a tax credit of up to $13,000 from IRS and many grants available.

Choose your adoption agency carefully. Some agencies are only out to make a profit, others are out to help children find a permanent home. Talk with others who have adopted using your agency. Research the agency on Better Business Bureau. Join adoption groups online & see what others are saying about the agency.

International affairs can greatly impact your adoption. A country that may be open for adoption today could change their laws tomorrow. Countries change their requirements for adoptive parents & this could interrupt your adoption plans. Visit for more information about international adoption.

This will usually be a closed adoption. You may know very little if anything about the birth family. You may not have any medical history about the child or their birth family. Sometimes, the child's birthdate is just a guess.

The requirements for international adoption are very strict. If you have medical or mental conditions, you may not be allowed to adopt. If you have too many children, weigh too much, have too many divorces, or even single or homosexual, some countries will not allow you to adopt. Each countries requirements vary, with China being one of the strictest and countries in Africa often more lenient.


There are 143 million orphans in the world. You can choose to make it 143 million - 1.

As you begin this process, be sure and talk with families who have adopted. If you do not know of anyone who has adopted, contact an adoption agency and ask for references. Some churches have orphan/adoption ministries where those who have adopted get together for support. They would love to have you join them and ask questions. Also, the internet is full of families who blog about their adoption. You can "follow" their blogs and see what they experience. One family you can follow is the Redden family as they adopt a special needs little girl from China.

Geriatric Care Management - Helping the Sandwich Generation Care for Mom

Susan was absolutely overwhelmed with working full-time, caring for her two grade-school children, and keeping her household afloat. Susan's 70 year old mother, Grace, had recently become ill. She was losing weight, showing signs of memory loss, and mismanaging her medications. Grace had always been independent and was resistant to help. Constant worry over her mother, and the friction between Susan and her mother caused by Susan "telling her mother what to do" was about to put Susan over the edge. Susan wasn't sure that her mom should even be living alone, but was unsure of her options. Her mother was resistant to every suggestion that Susan had. A friend suggested that Susan try a geriatric care manager. Susan searched the web to find a reputable geriatric care manager.

Geriatric care managers (GCM) are professionals, typically registered nurses or social workers, who specialize in aging issues. They offer their knowledge of elder issues and the local community to compassionately help families quickly pinpoint problems, prioritize needs, and offer solutions. GCMs provide assistance in finding resources, making decisions, and managing stress. GCMs also offer family mediation, communication with physicians and other medical providers, and crisis management. Geriatric care managers usually have great knowledge of the local elder care community and can steer families towards the best resources. They save time and money for the family.

In Susan's case, the GCM was able to take a huge burden from her shoulders. After the initial screening, the GCM met with Susan and made a plan that included daily in-home help, regular visits from the GCM for ongoing assessment, medication management, practical suggestions to deal with the memory loss(including proactive safety measures), and regular detailed communication with Susan. The GCM was able to candidly point out areas in which Grace needed help, and Grace slowly began to trust the GCM. Susan also hired the GCM to accompany her mother to doctor's visits and medical appointments so that her mother would have an educated advocate to ask questions and express concerns to the medical providers. Trust was built between Grace and the GCM, and at the appropriate time the geriatric care manager persuaded Grace that she needed to choose either a live-in caregiver or an assisted living. After exploring the options thoroughly with Susan and her care manager, Grace was able to choose and accept a live in caregiver. Grace was able to stay home with this help, living an active and happy life. Susan was able to focus on her children, assured that her mom was receiving great care. Susan and Grace both noticed that their time together was less stressful because the GCM was taking care of details that had earlier caused friction between them.

I would recommend the National Assosication of Geriatric Care Managers website to learn more about caring for your aging loved one, and for help in finding a reputable geriatric care manager. You should look for care managers who are credentialed and have local references with whom you can speak. It is also beneficial if the care manager has been active in the local senior community so that she has extensive knowledge of the local resources, as the resources will vary from city to city. Don't be afraid to check with the credentialing agencies to make sure the geriatric care manager is in good standing and current with their membership and license.

A Search For Ukrainian Fiancee - Pros And Cons Of Resorting To Ukrainian Dating Agencies

Of course, the most comfortable and affordable way to do the search for your Ukrainian fiance is from the comfort of your own home. Here is where online Ukrainian dating agencies can provide you with excellent tools and opportunities for carrying out your search. However, before engaging in this fascinating, exciting, but also times consuming and costly search of the ideal lady you should definitely learn more about some pros and cons of resorting to online dating agencies services.

Here we go. As I have already mentioned, online dating agencies can provide excellent solutions for international dating, because they can help you to meet dozens and dozens of beautiful ladies from all over the world even without having to leave your home.

Ukrainian dating agencies in particular offer their clients large databases of beautiful Ukrainian ladies, willing to correspond and start relationships with foreign men. Among the substantial advantages of resorting to the services of these dating agencies is their ability to provide a range of concomitant services, such as translation of your correspondence and phone conversations, special mailboxes for corresponding with their ladies, flower and gift delivery services, etc.

Some of the larger companies many even serve you as your tour operator, making all the travel arrangements, such as air fare, hotels, taxi's, visas, shopping, sightseeing, etc. Moreover, they would arrange for you meetings and special events with several dozens of ladies present, where you can personally meet many of them and decide which ones you wish to correspond and get a closer acquaintance.

All the above-mentioned pros sound very exciting and promising. Even though many men do have very positive experiences resorting to the services of Ukrainian dating agencies before making a start on this trip, you still should learn more on the major cons of such companies.

First, you should be aware of the fraud you may have to deal with engaging in online international dating. As in any other business, there are people who take their jobs seriously, but there are others, who are in search of making money fast and easy. These people generate dating fraud and scams. So if you do not want to risk your money, time and get your feelings hurt, you better be careful as to which Ukrainian dating agencies you select and learn more on some of the ways you may be scammed.

Among the most popular scams, there is faking identity. People may upload the photos of beautifully looking ladies, but sometimes you may be unpleasantly surprised by discovering that you were corresponding with a man instead of a pretty lady! So always carefully read all you can about Ukrainian dating agencies you wish to work with. Read about their history in business, their About us, Privacy Policy and FAQ pages. Find out if they take the fraud problem seriously and have developed any fraud protection programs.

Follow these guidelines and this will help you to make your international dating safe and much more pleasant for you.

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Home Improvement Grants - What Are They?

Wouldn't it be wonderful to renovate your home and let someone else pay for it? In many circumstances you can do just that! There are dozens of programs available today through local agencies, state governments and the federal housing authority that allow homeowners of every economic status and area of the country to apply for grants and/or financial aid packages to help pay for personal renovations and remodeling on your private home.

Some agencies limit their funding for projects in specific areas of interest such as the revitalization of certain geographic areas; historic preservation; handicapped accessibility; low-income housing renovation; etc. Others offer funding to homeowners who own homes built before a certain year; located in a specific neighborhood or that may require a specific type of renovation such as insulation; roofing; electric; plumbing;' siding; etc. The key to finding funds for your specific home remodeling project is to locate the agency or organization that offers similar grant programs.

For instance, if you are interested in making your home more energy efficient consider contacting your local utility companies; "green" organizations or state housing authority t inquire about any funding programs they may offer.

Interested in purchasing an historic home, but not sure you're wallet is ready to handle such an expensive revitalization project? Talk to your local and state historic commissions and revitalization agencies for help. Many offer grants to historic property homeowners to bring these historic homes back to their previous grandeur.

It's not uncommon today for many homeowners to need to make their existing property accessible to an older family member who has become disabled and no longer capable of caring for themselves alone. Grants are available by many disability and older American organizations and agencies to remodel current bathrooms; add sufficient ramps and so on in existing homes.

Who's eligible for these types of home remodeling grants? Virtually any American citizen who is 18 years or older and either owns or rents their home and meets a funder's specific grant requirements. I usually requires filling out a short questionnaire to determine eligibility, followed an official assessment of your needs and request.

Depending on the agency that's offering the grant, and the amount being requested, you may be required to submit a detailed plan of your project including a substantiated budget and a variety of personal financial information including current pay stubs and federal income tax returns for the last one to three years. The entire process can take anywhere form a few weeks to a year or more.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Doctors Answering Services Can Meet the Needs of Hospice Care Agencies

If your business provides hospice services to patients and their caretakers, you are in a healthcare area with special needs. As you search for a doctors answering service, it is important to find one that caters to the unique needs of hospice care.

Hospice and home-healthcare callers can be patients or family members reaching out for advice and counsel during very stressful times. These people are part of a very vulnerable and special group. They need to be treated with great care, understanding and respect. A doctors reply service that specializes in this industry should be equipped to provide prompt and compassionate care.

Agents of a doctors answering service specializing in hospice care should receive special training so that they have not only knowledge about the industry but an understanding of what to expect from callers before they handle those calls. Ask how the doctors answering service you are considering trains its agents. Be sure role playing is a large part of the training program the agents complete so they are familiar with the different types of questions and concerns that hospice patients and their caretakers might have.

Another important factor when choosing a doctors answering service is the technology being used. Long gone are the days of standard-fill "message tickets." Look for a service with software that allows agents to capture all critical information and then guides them through specific protocols based on the answers to questions. This ensures accurate call handling by the doctors response service.

More and more hospice agencies and facilities are seeing the benefit of customized client call reports. Your doctors response service should provide reports that show the client's information and needs, which staff member was dispatched, how they were contacted and the response time. These reports are very helpful when measuring performance of the hospice staff and the level of care to the clients.

A doctors answering service should have measures in place that ensure 24/7 coverage. This means having back ups in place for when electrical outages occur, when interruptions in phone service happen and when software and hardware failures develop. Many doctors replying services will have solutions that include back-up generators and off-site, back-up plans.

Don't forget to consider your callers bilingual needs, too. What language is predominate in your market, and does the doctors answering service provide the support you need? Especially during a stressful time such as hospice care, patients and family members may be more comfortable speaking in their native language. Find out if the doctors answering service offers the flexibility of 24/7 bilingual services so you know if it is an option now and in the future.

Finally, you want to be sure the doctors response service is experienced and able to provide references, especially ones in the same industry. This is a company whose agents are a critical link between you and your clients, and you need to know quality service is only a phone call away, 24 hours a day for your hospice patients and their caretakers.

Judy O'Brien is a freelance writer for Alert Communications, which offers a variety of doctors answering services, virtual receptionist services and call answering services.

Cheap Car Insurance - Get Your Due

Financial management, within the house or anywhere is perhaps one of the biggest challenge that anyone can face. It isn't easy shaking off the continuous burden of mounting expenses. Careful planning and ample precaution is required to be financially safe even if you can't ward off unseen unfortunate events. Putting these words into action, at least when it comes to tackling expenses for your vehicle, Cheap car insurance promises to rescue you from getting waylaid by sudden financial setbacks.

A cheap car insurance is the best way to make sure you remain in an advantageous position even when your car takes a solid beating or is stolen. By making quite a minimal payment, you can now comfortably be reimbursed with the value of your car in case of any accidental damage or theft. So, whether your car is in the most battered shape and needs some high-cost repairing or it has been lifted right from your driveway, you can be sure that your financial woes are over with this insurance.

A cheap car insurance can fall under either of the two classifications of a fully comprehensive type or a third party kind. Both of them depend on factors like the repair cost against the increased insurance premiums to be chosen. There are other factors that require lower payments from you. Factors like the make of your vehicle, your driving history and the purpose of its utilisation goes on to decide the degree of risk you would fall under.

A number of agencies in the UK offer their unique policies under Cheap Car Insurance In order to choose the best for you, a good amount of research and comparison of the offers is required.

Allan Elvin is an MBA in Finance and has a rich experience of writing on topics related to finance. He professes special interest and expertise in Cheap Car Insurance and Car Insurance and in guiding you on its various details.

A Few Tips on Making an Offer to Purchase a Home

When you finally decide to make an offer on a home, it should be an exciting rather than a nerve-wracking experience. In the case of first time home buyers, this is one of the most serious steps that you are going to take on your way to becoming a homeowner. However, the way is perilous if you do not take steps to protect yourself when you make your offer.

Something to keep in mind is that you should always protect yourself and your cash deposit by placing conditions in the offer to purchase that you are going to submit to the seller. Things that you might think about getting included in the offer are phrases such as conditioned upon being able to obtain financing and conditioned upon home inspection. It is essential to include terms that are going to protect you because you are likely to lose your cash deposit if the sale should fall through.

Most real estate agencies use standard offer to purchase forms. If you read the form carefully, which you should always do with any legal form, you will find a phrase stating that the seller may retain all or a portion of the earnest money deposited herewith as liquidated damages if the Purchaser(s) refuse(s), or otherwise fail(s) to perform according to this Sale Contract, or some variation thereof.

On the other hand, you do not want to make your list of conditions too long or put things in it that are not really important. If you do, you will be risking the purchase because the seller might not take interest in your offer and look for one with less onerous or not so many conditions.

Look over the offer to purchase form and make sure that it is done according to your most pressing needs and conditions. Request the necessary information about the property such as the exact address and description. This is where you will make your deposit, but try to make the amount as small as possible since you might lose some or all of it. However, do not make the deposit so small that the seller will think you are not serious about the purchase.

There is a section on the offer that will include conditions of sale or contingencies. This is where you want to be sure that all of the conditions or contingencies include either subject to or conditioned upon, or any variation thereof in case there are issues with the property, the title, easements, zoning, or your finances.

Always think about things that are important and serious to you during the offer process. If you have a competent and professional real estate agent, he/she will be invaluable at this stage because he/she will be the one who will provide you the guidance you need.

You can always go to a lawyer specializing in real estate to make sure that everything was done according to relevant law and the legal statutes in your municipality, county and/or state. Once you find that things are acceptable to you and that they include the things that are most important as far as you are concerned, make your offer and see if it is accepted.

If you are looking for great real estate, go to Westwing Mountain Homes for Sale and Westwing Mountain Luxury Property.

Build Your Home On A Strong Foundation: Go For Bad Credit Mortgage Loan

Whenever you apply for a mortgage loan, a lender will definitely cross check your credit score from the credit reporting agencies, such as FICO. Your credit rating is a crucial factor influencing approval of loan and the terms and conditions of the loan. It is difficult but not impossible to get loan in case you suffer from a troubled credit history. Many lenders are willing to offer loans to such borrowers.

Bad credit mortgage loan is especially designed for those borrowers who wish to mortgage their existing home to get cash or want to purchase a new home mortgaging the same but have a poor credit rating. Lenders of bad credit mortgage loan offer loan based on your financial status and individual circumstances. It will be easy for you to avail a loan if you have a stable income or some valuable property to put forth as collateral.

The woes are graver for the first-time buyers [] having a bad credit history as they have lean finances, no home to offer as collateral and inexperience in buying home. For first-time buyers, there are first-time buyer mortgage loans available in the market.

There are basically two types of bad credit mortgage loan

• Cash out mortgage refinancing loan

• Home equity loan

You should take into care a few things when you plan to go for a bad credit mortgage loan. Try to look for a property that has good equity value when you purchase it. This will enable you to get a loan easily and at favourable terms and conditions. Consult a mortgage broker who will guide you to avail the best mortgage deal from a lender. Mortgage brokers have relationship with flexible mortgage lenders and thus are a big help in availing a favourable mortgage loan deal for the borrowers having a poor credit history.

Last, but not the least, you should try to improve your credit rating so that you face minimum hassles in getting a loan in future.

The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles on the finance industry. He has done his masters in business administration and is currently assisting First-Mortgage-From-C4F as a finance specialist.

For more information please visit at:

Buying Homes for Sale: What You Need to Discover About Lead

You may not be too familiar concerning lead if you're a first time buyer of Weatherford homes for sale, specifically the laws about it in relation to homebuying. Lead can be very hazardous. How much an individual gets exposed may possibly cause various illnesses like damage to the brain as well as harmful effects to someone's nervous system, behavior problems, slowed growth, headaches, difficulties throughout pregnancy, high blood pressure, problems with digestion, soreness in the muscles and joints, etc.

Any person can be vulnerable to the hazards of lead; however, those who are very much in danger are children, specially babies who put just about anything inside their little mouths such as, chips of paint that may have lead.

There are numerous methods wherein an individual might be exposed to lead. One of the usual way is through lead-based paint. Due to the danger, the government forbade the use of such type of paint in homes in 1978, but earlier that time, several residential structures apply lead paint. For the protection of home buyers, regulations were submitted that require sellers to give lead disclosures for houses built prior to 1978.

In the laws concerning lead paint disclosures, sellers are required to reveal in writing every recognized specifics that is related to lead in the house. If there are tests done, the findings must be disclosed. Sellers or real estate agents should also provide home buyers a copy of the pamphlet "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home" from the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA.

Lead-based paint that is intact, which means there's no deterioration, flaking, or flaw, doesn't pose any dangers to the health. So if you are planning on buying a home that contains lead paint, it is advisable to precisely be aware of the following:

- Cracking, chipping, or peeling paints

- Areas in the property that are at risk to wear and tear that can trigger flaking or exposure to underlying layers of paint on fences, terraces, door frames, window sills, stair railings, and banisters

- Dust from lead resulting from rubbed or scratched paint

- Lead in the property's soil throughout the vicinity that is due to cracking lead-based paint on the exterior (this may be extremely treacherous for kids having fun outdoors and also, in a chief position to be carried inside by shoes)

When getting a house in Weatherford real estate, you are supposed to know the other possible sources of lead apart from lead paint:

- Lead can be located in the water if the water pipes contain lead or lead solder (lead can't be distinguished by odor or taste so be sure to have the water tested)

- Old tinted furniture or even toys

- Industrial units emitting lead in the air

- Hobbies using things that have lead, like furniture refinishing, stained glass work, and pottery

In addition, it is required that sales contracts give buyers time of up to ten days to examine for any lead hazards in the property. Even if homebuyers are not required to inspect for lead, they should be given a chance to execute such an assessment. Make sure that you hire an inspector to carefully examine the property.

Karen G McDaniel is a freelance writer who specializes in writing content about real estate, business and investment. Check out great Weatherford homes for sale and Weatherford real estate listings.

Entrepreneur Opportunities Online - Cashing in On Forex Trading

For the entrepreneur who has some knowledge of the stock market world trading on the Forex can be the consummate online business.

First a little background on the Forex market, the only similarity between the Forex market and the NYSE is that they both deal in stocks. This is where the similarity ends, the Forex deals in many other commodities, you can trade in precious metals, agricultural commodities, stocks, bonds and even currency.

In fact trading in currency has become an exceedingly lucrative business that can be run from the comfort of your own home. Unlike stock brokers on the NYSE you do not need to spend years in college earning a degree in economics, followed by long apprenticeships before you can trade on the market. While it does take some time to learn the tricks of the trade with just a little time invested you can get started.

Because you are your own "broker" you can start trading as soon as you have the appropriate software installed on your computer. There are many companies online that will supply you with the software for trading, in the trade it is known as a platform. When you are just starting out and are looking for your platform make sure you do your research, find a reputable company that offers a free set of training software. This training software should allow you unlimited practice in a live fantasy market; then take as long as you need to practice trading in your chosen commodities.

Once you feel you have mastered the market in your practice sessions it is time to make the move to real time trading. If you picked carefully your platform will allow you to make instant deposits into your account. Another thing you should look at when choosing a platform is, how much of a pip spread they are going to offer you, as the tighter the spread the less money they take for making your trades. These companies are not like brokers they do not take a commission per se, they make their money on the pip spread, which is the difference between the buy and sell price of your commodity.

To be an effective trader you should be prepared to invest in several commodities at the same time, putting all of your eggs in one basket is not a very good idea unless you are extremely knowledgeable and even then it is very risky. As an example of the kind of money that is traded on the Forex, the currency market alone trades over $2 trillion every day, so there is money to be made.

Investing small at first until you get familiar with the markets, is a very good idea and keeping an eye on world news can be a great help. For many of the markets any major news item can have immediate effects on the markets so if you know early on what is happening you might be able to profit from it.

The Forex market is not for everyone but if you have a good head for numbers and have thought of playing in the markets, this business could be the ultimate entrepreneurial online opportunity for you.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How to Start a Hospice Service

Hospice is a noble service which has a philosophy of providing care to those who are terminally ill and making their end of life days comfortable and less traumatic. Such care is possible at the home of the patient, in a nursing home, hospital or even at a hospice facility. Support services will have to be provided as per the patients needs and for this trained and qualified personnel are required. The care provided here is not a cure for the illness but is to improve the quality of the last days of the person life. And keep them as comfortable as possible.

To start a hospice service one would require a license, a marketing plan, and some educational programs to reach out to the care givers, a board of directors, funds, qualified and experienced staff and volunteers. To obtain all this, quite a bit of effort would have to be put in, starting with a proper plan for the program. Once this is in place one would have to assess the size of the hospice service which is required in the locality and the funding for it.

The proper agency would have to be contacted for the license and certain forms would have to be completed along with the fee for the license. Documents to confirm certain information will have to be attached to the form with proper certification that the information provided is correct. Once this is done the license for the hospice service will be given to operate it.

Outreach programs will have to be organized to increase the awareness on palliative care for terminally ill people. Staff will have to be appointed with special skills and with a compassionate nature to deal with people during the end of their life. A lot of volunteers may present themselves to help in this kind of community service as it will appeal to many to be of use to those who are at the end stage of their life.

For more information, visit They offer information on Hospice Care, including locating Hospices in your area.

General Information About Care Givers Or Medical Health Care Professionals

Medical assistants and nursing aides are quickly becoming a very lucrative and promising career option. If you are the kind of person who gets true satisfaction from taking care of people then it may be a field that can interest and challenge you. These health care professionals are needed in many different institutions and are extremely high in demand.

Hospitals require nursing assistants or care givers to help share the burden that is put on the nurses on the floor. Also, when a nurse finishes his or her training and is completely licensed the training doesn't really stop there. Once hired, their training continues on the job and it takes a while before they are ready for active duty. In the case of a nursing aide they are completely proficient in the tasks they have been trained for right from the beginning. They do not need any further training and though they are to be supervised by a licensed nurse they are a lesser headache for the hospital. Also, they are paid less than the nurses thus reducing the financial burden on the institution.

Old Age Homes and Psychiatric Institutions also have a great demand for these care givers. They are completely proficient in carrying out most of a nurse's chores and tasks and are trained in a manner such that they can take very good care of the patients. Because of the fact that they get paid less than full nurses the institution can hire more professions in the same budget increasing the patient to medical professional percentage. This is good for business but above all it is good for the patients because they can get personalized attention.

These health care professionals are also used for domestic medical care. This means that they are hired by individual homes to take care of ailing family members. Care givers predominantly carry out this job and are more known for this than any other aspect mentioned earlier. There are a number of agencies that can assign these professionals to any household that has a requirement for them. In homes where there is a member that has a chronic disease or is in the recuperation phase of a bad injury, a health care professional will be required to help out. In this case the professional can be a part-time or a full-time nurse.

A part-time nurse is one that is assigned to look after the patient's medication and general welfare in the time period during the day in which a family member is not around. This means that usually during work hours the patient's care is in the hands of the nurse but once the family member returns home the nurse can leave. A full-time nurse however usually lives in the patient's home because it's his or her duty to look after the patient 24 hours a day. Any medication and physiotherapy regimes that the patient needs to follow are to be monitored and carried out by the professional as part of the duty.

This is our humble story about being a live in caregiver Canada. We strive to provide the best care possible for your loved one.

Luscious Lashes Tips

Big, bold, full lashes have been seen everywhere lately and it's no surprise to us that a multitude of lash-enhancing products have also recently hit our shelves, promising the consumer that gorgeous 'doe-eyed' look that we are all currently craving.

These days we don't just want to make up our lashes, we are also becoming aware of ways to care for them better. We have a few tips on both how to enhance, and how to look after your lashes, for those who wish to make the most of their eyes.

Lash care

1) Number 1 rule of lash care - always remove your eye makeup before bed! Going to bed wearing mascara will eventually damage your lashes so be sure to remove it thoroughly with a gentle product designed for this purpose.

2) If you are wearing non-waterproof eye makeup try using a cotton pad with a little warm water and a splash of olive oil added to cleanse. You can also use this method as an overnight lash treatment. Olive oil will help to condition your lashes, keeping them soft and preventing breakage.

3) Change your mascara every three months to prevent the spread of any bacteria that may end up in your product.

4) Avoid rubbing your eyes. The whole eye area should be treated as gently as possible to prevent breakage and lash loss - and of course, wrinkles!

Lash wear

1) Try one of the new conditioning mascaras on the market to treat your lashes to extra nutrition while you wear.

2) Try using two different specialist mascaras in two total coats on your lashes: one volume-enhancing product and one for length.

3) Curl your lashes to open up the eye. You can use an eyelash curler or you can have them permed for a longer lasting effect.

4) Try having your lashes dyed if you are very fair. This technique can be a good substitute for mascara for those who favour a subtler, more natural look.

False lashes are still a big story this season. If you want to give it a try be sure to give yourself plenty of time, as fitting false lashes can be a very fiddly and frustrating job the first few times you attempt it.

Alternatively you could as a professional to apply them for you the first time, noting her technique before you give it a go at home. You can actually get permanent individual lashes applied these days, which look fabulous, though it can be pricey.

About Models Direct

Models Direct is a talent and model agency for female models, male models, teen models, child models and baby models for advertising, fashion, film, TV, promotional and photographic modeling work. We are a Government-regulated Model Employment Agency... not an online showcase, we're the real thing!

Please find out more on our website or call us on+44 (0)871 224 6000.

Successful Renovation

1. Planning Renovations

Any project will be more successful, given well-defined goals. In every household project, the following three points can be applied:

FORM: What do you want it to look like?

FUNCTION: What do you want it to do for you?

COMPATIBILITY: What factors exist that might limit what you can do, and will the finished product look good on your house?

Once you've completed this part of your homework, it's time to decide if you'll built it yourself, hire a contractor, or be your own contractor and perhaps sub-contract some of the work. Sub-contracting may sometimes seem to over-complicate things and even look wasteful, but just remember - some jobs can look deceivingly simple until you actual get into the nitty-gritty of them. A general contractor's job is to co-ordinate and orchestrate the whole schmozzle to completion.

2. Finding A Contractor

My card...The process of finding a good contractor is essentially the same, whether you decide to hire a general contractor, or one or more sub-contractors. The best reference for a contractor is word of mouth from a satisfied client. If you don't know anyone who has had renovations or repairs done in the area you need, look for work trucks or signs in your neighborhood. Knock on doors, and ask the homeowners if they are satisfied with the work being done. Once you contact a contractor, ask for references, and follow through by calling their previous clients with a set of questions that will give you the information you are looking for.

The following are samples of questions that could be asked of any reference:

1. Did the job come in at the quoted price?

2. Did the job come in on time?

3. Was the work site left clean each day?

4. Was the quality of the workmanship satisfactory?

5. Was the quality of the materials used satisfactory?

It is always recommended that you talk to more than one company, so that you have a basis for comparison. Listen to their technical information, and note their customer relation skills. If the contractor doesn't do a very good job of communicating with you before you hire him or her, there may be a higher likelihood of miscommunications during the work.

Sometimes the best companies will be very busy and you will have to wait for their services. Other times, good companies may have time slots between large projects that smaller jobs can fit into. Ask what the company's schedule has been like for the past 6 months to a year. Reputable companies are usually busy all year round in any economic situation.

3. The Estimate, or Quote

Meeting the Contractors

Remember that the contractor you choose could be spending a lot of time in your home, so look for someone you feel at ease with. You should meet individually with each potential contractor. Be prepared to discuss products and designs; know what you want and how much you can spend. Take note if the contractors are on time, if they listen and answer questions, willingly give information about their company and their customers; and if they seem to have any aversion to your ideas.

The Estimate

This is where you'll likely make your choice of contractor. Each potential contractor will present a proposal, including design and cost information. Review the estimates, ensuring that they accurately relfect your wishes, and make comments and/or any changes that are required.

How Are Jobs Estimated?

Work that involves structural changes to the home, custom designs, or enlargement of some of the mechanical systems is typically quoted by the job. It can be very difficult for a contractor to know exactly how much time an intricate custom job will take, particulary if a number of trades are required, and the different parts of the job are interdependent.

Get it in writing!Simpler, straightforward jobs are often quoted by the square foot. Examples are laying sod, painting, roofing, drywall or refinishing floors. The quoted price will typically be set to include everything (ie. labour, materials, travel, etc.).

Smaller jobs may also be quoted buy the hour, and if the job is fairly routine, such as installing addtional electrical outlets or drywalling, the figures are typically in line. In this situation you will pay the tradesperson for time, plus the cost of the materials used in the project.

The Final Design and Quote

If you have a contractor with good references and the estimate looks good, you now need to get a firm quote, including final designs. The design should include detailed specifications for the work and the materials to be used.

(Another option is to have an architect or designer produce the plans and ask the contractors to bid on the job, based on these plans.)

Make sure the final specs are accurate and reflect your wishes, and make your final comments and changes. After you accept the final quote, the cost of further changes will likely be added to the job. Ask how long the stages of the work will take, so that you can monitor progress.

4. The Paperwork

Cash is King, however...

... take care, lest the cash deal of the century turn into the mistake of a lifetime! One reason for cash payment is the avoidance of paperwork and taxes. Taxes and other legalities aside, the absence of contracts and permits can be extremely risky.

Ooh, I love to save money!Cash contractors often don't pay Workers' Compensation fees, and you could be held legally responsible for any worker injured on your property. If the contractor gives you the product warranty cards, you'll be covered for defective materials provided they were properly installed, but don't expect good follow-up service on a cash deal. You would also have difficulty supporting any legal actions without any paperwork. The overall quality of a project may be compromised in the absence of paperwork, and cash paid in advance (rather than by cheque) will be all but impossible to retrieve if things go sour.

Building, plumbing and electrical codes may require that all or parts of your project be performed by licensed tradespeople, and sometimes licenses are required to obtain the permits. If the tradespeople aren't licensed, the contractor probably isn't insured. And if your contractor isn't insured, then depending on the nature of the job, neither is your house while he works on it.

The Contract

Agreements in writing are less vulnerable to miscommunications, than are verbal ones, and far easier to enforce. Some of the points included in a good contract are:

1. Full job description, including all aspects of the work; demolition, renovation, reconstruction and finishing.

2. Material specifications, including type, model, number, color, and size where applicable, and who's supplying what.

3. Start and finish dates.

4. Payment schedule; 40/40/20 is generally acceptable.

5. Permits, and who's responsible for obtaining them.

6. Clean-up and trash removal.

7. On site behaviour.

8. Change order clause: Have any changes to the original job specifications in writing with a requirement that you "sign off" any change before the work is performed.

9. Arbitration: Aree how disagreements will be handled before the work begins.

10. Contractor's insurer and policy number.

5. The Work MORE POWER!

Problem Avoidance: If you've carefully chosen your contractor, and made adequate preparations (including making the site ready for the trades people and workers), this part should be easy! The actual work should closely follow what was written into the contract, however you still need to monitor the ongoing project, and in some cases you'll be required to make additional decisions. There are often unforseen difficulties, or you may simply wish to ask for changes as the work proceeds.

Site Preparation: Remove furniture and stored articles from the work area, and cover carpets and other items that may not be moveable. It is in your own best interest to make arrangements for storage, clean-up and refuse areas convenient to the work area.

Project Coordination: Effective communication is the greatest secret to successfully completing any project. Maintain regular contact with your contractor(s) so that the unexpected can be dealt with expediently.

Hidden Conditions: A thorough inspection performed in conjuction with estimation should preclude any major changes, however there are structural and mechanical conditions initially hidden from view, which even the most experienced renovator may not be able to predict. Be prepared to negotiate changes for "hidden conditions".

What to do if a problem develops:

1. Bring all problems, perceived and real, to the attention of your contractor(s).

2. Is it major or minor? If minor, and the contractor is present at the time, discuss it and negotiate a resolution. If it's minor, and/or looks like it can wait, start a list of minor observations that you can bring to his or her attention when appropriate.

3. Major problems should be dealt with immediately. If your contractor is not present at the time, make every effort to contact him or her as soon as possible. This may avert furtherance of the problem.

4. Given that your contractor responds satisfactorily, carry on. If not, try again and if necessary, write a letter. If you still don't get satisfaction, look to a third party such as the Ontario Renovators Council or the Ontario Home Builders Association. These agencies should be approached only if you are certain that a resolution cannot be achieved with the contractor. Legal counsel should be an absolute last resort. There's no use making a mountain out of a molehill, and thereby delaying succesful completion of the project.


careful contractor selection + a good contract = successful job

Copyright Gil Strachan - All rights reserved.

Gil Strachan is a professional home inspector, representing Electrospec Home Inspection Services in east-central Ontario, Canada since 1994. Visit to learn more about home inspections. "The Home Reference Book"
You can probably find a home inspection for a little less than what we ask, but you probably won't find the Home Reference Book. A $60 value, this solutions-oriented reference tool comes free with every inspection we perform.
It's the first tool you should have around the house!

Caring For Someone With Alzheimer's

It's very easy to say "I'll never put Mom in a nursing home" when she's healthy. But if you're one of the many family caregivers of someone with Alzheimer's, that promise may not be easy to keep.

One of the most important things to consider is the safety of your senior parent. Many people try to handle everything on their own, thinking "It's my responsibility". But too often, we see that people wait too long. Don't wait until something happens, possibly causing serious injury. As the manager of a home care agency, I've seen this very thing happen all too often. I get frantic phone calls from family caregivers that have loved ones with Alzheimer's in the hospital after a fall. Their loved one is being discharged and they don't know where to turn for help.

How can you avoid having this happen to you? Become proactive. Instead of reacting to your circumstances, take steps to be prepared. Educate yourself on your loved one's disease. For example, you might get frustrated answering the same question for the tenth time. But your Mom thinks it's the first time she's asked. You need to respond and react each time like it's the first time the question was asked. Contact your local Alzheimer's Association or Red Cross for information that can arm and prepare you.

Learn how to ask for help. You might be trying to do too much yourself. Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's requires a great deal of patience and sacrifice, and one person can't do it alone. Don't feel guilty asking for help. You'll be doing your Mom more good having help on your side. With your Mom's symptoms of forgetfulness, confusion and debilitation comes your symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. Maybe you can ask a friend or family member to sit with your Mom to give you a much needed break. You can also contact a home care agency that can provide someone to assist your Mom with her care. These caregivers can also engage your Mom and participate in enjoyable activities with her.

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's isn't easy, but you don't need to do it alone. You're only human and arming yourself with information, skills, resources and assistance will help you to know you're doing everything you can to provide your Mom with the best possible care. It may just help you keep that promise not to place her in a nursing home.

Murphy Ortiz is the manager of Family Choice Home Care. For more information about senior safety or home health care in New Jersey or Philadelphia, go to []. or cal 856-273-7700

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Credit Repair - Always Remain Cautious For a Possible Scam

If you are looking for a new loan and not getting it approved due to bad credit then its time to opt for credit repair services. Credit repair is getting common and highly essential these days. You can not available an instant loan if you have a bad credit. There are many credit repair service providers in the market that can help you out from this situation. But there is a bad fact always associated with credit repair and you need to become really watchful for such reasons. You have to become very careful about your credit report because scam is what can catch you and you never know when this is going to happen with you.

Experts are suggesting that people can repair their bad credit at own end. There were issues when people opt for credit repair service and find themselves in a scam. With credit repair service there is a huge possibility for identity theft. If you are opting for credit repair service then don't split your personal information with the concerned company or the person that is a stranger to you. Or don't ever try to offer the rights to them to handle your financial matters. The most important thing you need to remember is that most of the credit repair services promise to pick you out form the debt, but they never promise to enhance your credit status. The reason is that raising your credit status is in your own hand. So, be cautious while going for such services.

These days, with bad credit or even with good credit report people may find problems while opting for home loan or mortgage. In this regard all you need to do is that try to find out a perfect home loan lender for your purpose. Well, to find out the right home loan lenders you need to accomplish few researches so that can get the right deal. If you are searching for the home loan first time ever then go for different home loan lenders and compare their prices to find out the most suitable deal for you.

Also if you need instant cash then insurance sectors do have provision for people. If you are having any emergency or needing the cash instantly then immediate signature loan can help you in a good way. These days, you can fill up the paperwork over the internet and can make yourself eligible for an immediate signature loan. All you need to offer few basic information along with your income statement to get qualified for such loan facility. Before that you may need to go for a credit repair if you are going through a bad credit score. Always consult with the agency that is going to assign you with an immediate signature loan for better result.

There are many insurance sectors that can bring you a good and free credit report All you need to look for them online for a home loan lenders for improving your credit score and get immediate signature loans.

How Does Work At Home Position Placement Work?

So here I am your usual down on his luck computer salesman who was bitten by the recession bug. I didn't want to be unemployed mind you, I had worked for my company for 15 years being a top motivated earner, and it's just that this recession hit all of us in the industry so hard that the store had to close down; I mean they weren't even requiring us to make a quota anymore. Imagine that, we didn't have to meet a quota, that's when we knew were in trouble and what later lead to my work at home position placement.

I'll tell you that it was rather humbling being stuck at home sending out resume after resume, tens, hundreds and I swear I must have hit thousands, because I remember buying a lot of computer refill ink and paper along with all the stamps that I licked. Well I wasn't worried about this much; I basically just went about a routine of trying to find job openings online or mailing out resumes every morning. This became a routine of rejection for a few months until my next to last month of unemployment, I wasn't able to get an extension, so I really had to try to do something, and maybe even drastic if it came to that, I could not lose my house and home, where would my family go? I tried searching Google for any home based business opportunities and came up a few sites that offered information on work at home position placement. Now it took me a while to find a few good websites, by good I mean the internet is filled with a lot of junk, but after wading through piles of junk websites I was able to find a few that actually helped my cause.

These sites gave me an instructional guide to the whole thing. I would basically be accessed by an agency with any skill sets that I had to offer. One big bonus was that I do computers for a hobby, I have since a long time ago, so I was immediately placed from this company as a remote computer technician for my work at home position placement. It was awesome; I would still go about my daily routine of browsing the web for available jobs and if my computer screen popped up with a message that I had a client waiting for technical help I just put on my headset and gladly helped the customer. I received payment for each satisfied customer, of course if there were any negatives with this service the company could decide to refuse commission payments, but that is why I always offered great customer service. After this became successful for me for a few days I decided I wanted more work but during my downtime, waiting around for clients was okay, but I wanted to maximize my time as well so the company offered a few transcribing jobs that I could complete within a time period. This was great! I was basically taking care of what I needed along with trying to find that elusive post-recession job.

Well in the end the job offers never came but these work at home position placement abilities were great to ward off the debt collectors. I can function fully just working with this company for now, I am thinking about trying to send more resumes out, but at close to a thousand sent, I think I'll wait till the recession is over, in the meantime I'll be doing this, if you want a great website with relevant information you can check out