Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Importance of Quality Home Care For Seniors

The Research Triangle region of North Carolina is known to be a hotbed of medical activity in the South. With highly esteemed medical universities, hospitals and institutions, area cities like Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary and Wake Forest are privy to not only outstanding medical care, but excellent senior living and home care for elderly populations.

When it comes to providing our sick and aging elderly with quality home care, Wake Forest has really nothing different than the kind Durham has to offer. All over the Triangle, in fact, there are wonderful agencies that provide qualified and experienced in-home caregivers to patients who need a little extra help doing everyday tasks, but would rather age in place as opposed to relocate to an assisted living situation such as a nursing home. And understandably so. Aging in place, in fact, is a growing trend among families in search of senior care. Cary to Tulsa, many senior citizens are finding it preferable to remain in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes rather than move to another living environment altogether, putting their health and overall quality of life on the line as they learn to adapt to new surroundings.

Families seeking home care, Durham and beyond, have plenty of options at their disposal. Of course, with all of those options, there are some tough decisions to be made. What kind of care is needed? Does the senior receiving assistance need help just a few hours a week, for instance, to run errands or perform household chores, or do they need someone round-the-clock to help with just about everything from cooking meals to personal grooming?

If you or someone in your family is in need of home care, Wake Forest and the surrounding cities have agencies that can dispatch caregivers that specialize in providing just what you require in quality care. Home caregivers are not only beneficial when it comes to helping out with the things that your elderly loved one either has trouble with or simply cannot do anymore, they also provide good company, something that can be absolutely invaluable to a senior citizen who is alone a lot, or perhaps has recently suffered the loss of a spouse.

Start by sitting down with your family and making a list of the things you both need and want from a quality home care service. Once you have established those criteria, you can choose from a large pool of resources, the quality of which can only be found in an area like the Research Triangle.

Written by Jenny Heart. Quality home care Wake Forest, NC: Receive senior care Cary NC, Alzheimer's elder care through quality home care Durham NC, Raleigh, Cary, Clayton.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Credit Score Before Home Shopping?

Financing is a priority you have to take into account if you want to buy a home. As there are still eminent signs of economic hardship, the way to pursue home buying in case of insufficient funds is to apply for a loan. And once again due to fiscal challenges confronting even the lenders, desirable mortgage plans are hard to come by. For fear of looming bankruptcy, lenders have implemented more rigid qualification requirements and process. If you want a relatively easier time in acquiring a loan to subsequently purchase a home, an impressive credit score should be on top of your list.

This numerical value represents your standing in terms of different activities involving money. This is an all-inclusive calculation of the ratio of your debt to your income, assets, liabilities and borrowing activity. Lenders give high regard to your credit score because this mainly reflects your financial stability and reliability. If you have good credit conditions, you have better chances at getting your loan application approved. The lender may even give you a relatively convenient mortgage rate.

An average good score is from 620 to 700, and any value higher than the said range is definitely remarkable. If you have a score nearing the 500-and-below range, you immediately need to find ways how to enhance your rating. About 35% of this score is attributed to your payment history. Thus, your first step to improve your score is to retrace your past payments, or lack thereof, and keep track of the present ones. Settle right away any balance that maybe way overdue.

One way you could easily check if you have pending delinquencies is to carefully review your credit report. Depending on the circumstances, you can get this report for free or with a minimal fee from a consumer reporting agency. You are entitled for one free copy upon request every 12 months. Check the Federal Trade Commission website for further details about this matter. Meanwhile, when you get hold of your report, go through all the details in it. Note that while this document maybe issued by an authorized finance reporting bureau, there are still incidences of errors detected in many credit reports. Even the slightest.01 addition or subtraction to your debts can possibly harm your score and loan application. Thus, any indication of incorrect or incomplete information must be disclosed right away to proper outfits in charge of your report.

The remaining 65% of your score is divided (not necessarily evenly) among the length of your credit history, new accounts and type of credit in use. Contrary to popular belief, keeping a number of accounts can actually do your score some good. Old accounts can especially help you to come off as a stable creditor. On the other hand, these accounts should be properly managed. You should also be extra cautious in opening new accounts. Note that such crediting activity is only a small portion of your score.

Managing your finances would be definitely taxing at first. But you will just fine if you are determined to prioritize improving your score. Later on in the process of recovering your creditworthiness, your goals to achieve a handsome loan and consequently to purchase a home would materialize right away.

The Real estate market can be an enjoyable, satisfying and lucrative experience for you. Whether you are a homeowner, a buyer, a landlord or simply a real estate enthusiast, get to know more about the latest in the real estate market now. Read more about it here: Bonita CA Luxury Homes.

Katrina Survisors and PTSD - The Pain Continues

Only 18 months ago, Americans were glued to their television sets, watching in horror, as the devastation to our neighbors played out in the Gulf Region of the United States. People and institutions from around the globe demonstrated their care and concern. Throughout the country, our people opened their homes, schools, shelters, and resources to assist those victimized by an unprecedented natural disaster.

As the governor of Arizona reiterated, "This is not a sprint, but a marathon!" Our new neighbors will continue to need ongoing assistance in the form of food, clothing, and hope for a new future. Like most horrific events that people experience (whether natural or not), the survivors will need time to process the trauma of this event.

One image portrayed on television still replays in my mind. I can still see the courageous rescuers cruising through the waters of a downtown New Orleans' street. They approach a house which has a water level just below the stairway to the front door. A man greets the rescuers, declines assistance from them, and proceeds to take a dust broom and sweep off the steps of his entry way.

That image, from the streets of New Orleans, characterizes the very nature of posttraumatic stress disorder. This poor man was continuing to play out his life like nothing had happened. Psychic numbing and denial had a firm grip on this victim, and he wasn't about to leave the only possession he had ... his home.

Although necessary, no amount of money and aid will make this pain go away for the grieving victims of the Gulf Region disaster. Only through time, and emotional support, will the painful reality of this trauma diminish. Many of the evacuees from this tragedy will need psychological assistance in order to be in a position to move forward with their lives. Is this country prepared to provide the support needed for the healing of our people?

In the years to come, we can expect to be faced with monumental emotional fallout from this natural disaster affecting our people. In order to assist those who experience PTSD, one must understand the features of the disorder. Here is a general overview of the symptoms:

o An initial response of psychic numbing and denial.

o An experience which involves the threat of serious injury or harm.

o An experience of intense fear, vulnerability, and horror.

o A persistent reexperiencing of the traumatic event within.

o Avoidance of stimuli associated with the event.

o Persistent symptoms of hypervigilence, a startle/arousal response.

o Increased agitation, anxiety, depression, and anger.

o Emotional withdrawal and social detachment.

o Reliance on a pattern of self-medicating through alcohol and other substances.

We know that some of the Gulf Region evacuees were suffering from mental disorders prior to Hurricane Katrina. These people need urgent psychological intervention to make sure that they are getting the necessary medications and counseling support for their disorders. Others, who have been overwhelmed by the emotional trauma of this catastrophic event, will also need psychological support. Various states and local municipalities housing evacuees will need to coordinate mental health efforts through a myriad of support agencies. Volunteers will need to be recruited and trained so that they can assist those who are experiencing the pain of Posttraumatic Stress disorder. If we do not address the mental health needs resulting from our neighbors' grief and despair, there will be no moving forward for the many that were touched by the power of Hurricane Katrina. Now that the initial shock of this traumatic event has come and gone, it is time for all of us to re-commit ourselves to doing what is necessary to help our neighbors in need.

People are not easily going to rebound and resume their lives as usual like the pace of other disasters - all dwarf in comparison to Katrina, including 9/11. More than a million people have been displaced and more than 400,000 have lost their jobs. We have parents and children still separated from each other. Young children are asked, "What's your mother's name and they respond with "mommy." As of the end of May 2006, there were still 1,753 children under the age of 18, the youngest a three-week old infant, who were still separated from their family.

Health care providers assume many roles in the midst of a natural disaster - caregiver, leader, comforter, and information source. As health care providers mobilize to help, we should be mindful of the losses experienced by those under our care. Interviewing with sensitivity is essential, and is the first step in assessing specific needs. The CAPS test (Clinician Administered - PTSD Scale) may be administered at some point to gauge the level of stress and determine where PTSD is symptomatic of the victim's emotional state.

Studies have found that the longer and more intense the threat to a person's life, the greater the likelihood of developing features of PTSD. The disorder is more common among people who are socially isolated, those with a history of psychological and physical trauma, and people with preexisting mental health problems, including depression and anxiety. Children who got out of the disaster early on will fare better than those who watched dead bodies float through the water, and who saw their parents lose control, or witnessed violence.

Providers can promote mental health by creating and sustaining an environment of safety, calm, connectedness to others, self-empowerment, and hopefulness. Workers should:

o Help people meet their basic needs.

o Provide simple, accurate information on how to obtain services.

o Listen to people who wish to share their stories.

o Be friendly and compassionate, even with difficult people.

o Help people contact friends and loved ones.

o Keep families together.

o Give practical suggestions that steer people toward helping themselves.

Avoid doing such things as:

o Forcing people to share their stories with you.

o Telling people what you think they should be feeling, thinking or doing.

o Making promises that may not be kept.

o Criticizing existing services or relief efforts.

PTSD is not a condition that is merely "in people's heads." We know from research that the response to danger or threats, the so-called "fight or flight response" malfunctions in people with PTSD, leaving them unable to switch off the intense emotional and physical sensations. They feel that they are in danger even after the threat has long passed.

The good news is that researchers, supported by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other agencies, have developed effective treatments for PTSD. These include medications and cognitive-behavioral treatments - talk therapies that teach people how to manage upsetting and unwanted thoughts as well as physical symptoms. There is a lot of work to be done. It is through the efforts willing volunteers that we will reach the goal of healing our people from this horrific event.

James P. Krehbiel, Ed.S., LPC, CCBT is an author, freelance writer and cognitive-behavioral therapist practicing in Scottsdale, Arizona. His personal growth book, Stepping Out of the Bubble is available at James can be reached at

Nanny Agencies

Nannies play an important role in many families: they are often nurturers, sometimes educators, companions and caretakers or even mentors. Some parents find it necessary to employ live in nannies, while others prefer to hire part-time nannies or baby sitters who work on an as-need basis. Whatever the terms of agreement be, nannies usually become so intimately related with their employers' families that it is of mutual benefit for both parties to make clear their respective expectations and limitations beforehand to avoid possible future disputes. This is where the Nanny Agencies play a vital role safeguarding both the employer's and the nanny's interests. Nanny Agencies are commercial professional institutions that interview, select, train and offer nannies for employment. People opt for nanny agencies not only because it's the quickest way of sourcing them but also because of the assurance that she'll be well trained in child care taking and her work quality will be ensured by the agency's supervision. Also in case of leave-taking or accident, the agency ensures another Nanny to attend to the child immediately without any causing any unnecessary anxiety to the parents.

Nanny agencies allow their customers (those looking for a nanny) varied options like a nanny screening services, including nanny background checks or a US work authorization.

While the agency recruits and advertises, you have the right to screen, interview, hire and order a criminal background search for any nanny you choose.

A nanny agency lists hundreds of open nanny and household staffing jobs across the US and beyond for the nannies to apply. Jobs vary from live in or live out to full time or part time nanny, elder care or housekeeping jobs. Customers can also sign up for a Family Match to find a Nanny of their specifications of age, culture, religion or race. Nannies can apply for jobs here using the online registration form. Most of the agencies are fully web oriented and operate online.

Various agencies introduce schemes and lure customers by free searches, advice or other offers. However, it cannot be denied that though they give credibility to their sourced Nannies, they definitely charge a good extra overall fee from the customer for using their services.

Other services provided by a Nanny agency are arranging home visits or a confidential telephone consultation with baby & toddler sleep training consultants or breast feeding advisors, pediatric first aid training, sleep nannies, organic baby food tuition and baby feed online advisor.

Nanny [] provides detailed information on Nanny, Nanny Services, Nanny Background Checks, Nanny Jobs and more. Nanny is affiliated with Mace vs. Pepper Spray.

Are You A Slave To Your Business?

If you own your own business and you're struggling with too much responsibility and not enough free time, you're not alone. Too many of us get caught up in working IN a business rather than ON it.

Here are eight tips for transforming yourself from a slave to your business to a business owner whose business runs without your being there.

1. Don't try to do everything yourself.

Yes, it's difficult in the beginning to find extra cash to hire people, but as soon as you possibly can, hire at least one part-time assistant to take care of the busywork, like phone calls, correspondence, filing and so on. Your mind needs to be free to think strategically - to look at the big picture and plan your next step - not spend time engaged in maintenance activities that don't actually bring in any cash.

2. Don't get stuck in perfectionism.

It's great when your product or service meets your own high standards, but you don't want to spend so much time fine-tuning it that your competition beats you to the marketplace and you end up looking like an also-ran. Accept 'good enough' for a start. Get it out there and then improve it as you go. Look at Microsoft's example: they launched Windows 'flaws and all', then sold new versions and upgrades to their existing customers as well as to new computer owners. All the big players do this. Why shouldn't you?

3. Don't think you're the only one who can do it.

When you do hire an employee or outsource a task, don't condemn the other person just because they don't do things 'your' way. Sure, it's good practice to get rid of unsatisfactory performers and continue looking for the best value for your money, but don't expect other people to be your clones. Everyone's different, and perhaps your employee or sub-contractor's method is better or more effective than yours. Your aim should be to surround yourself with people who are more talented than you. They'll make YOU look good and your business will benefit.

4. Don't let clients get away with not paying you.

People will come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid paying you. If your business can't always operate on a cash basis, allow a maximum of 30 days credit. Start with small amounts of product or service, and if the client drags out the payment process, cut them off and put them back on a cash basis. After 60 days call in a collection agency. Advise them of your payment policies at every step so there are no unpleasant surprises. Adopt a 'firm but fair' attitude. You're in business - you're not a charitable institution.

5. Don't let your ego get taken in by a joint venture proposal.

You may experience great rapport with a client and, depending on the type of service you offer, be tempted to consider a partnership or barter agreement with them. Sometimes this is appropriate - there may be a great opportunity just waiting to be seized - but you need to evaluate the situation carefully. Clients will sometimes offer you a share in the profits of their business to avoid paying you for the work you've done or plan to do. This is more likely in an online business where everyone seems to have joint ventures on the brain. The same goes for bartering. These exchanges rarely work out equitably.

6. Don't accept a sense of struggling as the norm.

If getting your business off the ground is hard going, or you find yourself stuck at a certain level of income that you can't seem to break through, perhaps it's time to step back and take a look at your beliefs and attitudes about money. Do you think you have to work hard for it? Do you believe you have to put in long hours if you own your own business? Do you secretly fear that you'll never 'get ahead'? What you think and feel dictates the kind of life you create. So don't gloss over this. This is just as much a part of your business success as producing a product or service and learning how to market. Visit the Wealth Mindset page on my web site for some strategies designed to change your negative beliefs.

7. Separate your working life from your personal life.

This especially applies to home-based businesses. If your office is located near a communal area like a family room or living room, consider the following options. Relocate it to somewhere more private, close the door when you've finished work for the day, or, if there's no door, buy some screens to hide it from view. The last thing you need while you're trying to relax is to glance over at your desk and see a piece of paper that demands your urgent attention. The temptation to tell yourself, "I'll just take a minute to take care of this" is often too hard to resist.

It's even worse if your office is located in a corner of your bedroom. You may be about to go to sleep when a fatal glance at the desk will suck you back into the dreaded workaholic vortex. The next thing you know it's 2am and you realize you're going to pay for your lapse in judgement tomorrow when you sleepwalk through the day.

Similarly, if you work from an office in another location, avoid the temptation to take work home, whether it's to 'catch up' or get a head start on the following day's tasks. Make a new rule: when 5pm arrives, work is OVER for the day.

8. Take time out!

This follows from the last suggestion. You must take some time away from your business. Don't get so one-dimensional that you eat, drink, think and breathe 'the business'. Soon you'll stop having to decline invitations from friends because there won't be any - they'll all avoid you because you'll be so mind-numbingly boring as you prattle on about your business to the exclusion of any other subject. So get a life, or at least revive the one you had before you started on your grand enterprise.

And consider this: when you die, it's highly unlikely you'll get any extra brownie points for working all those 14-hour days.

Marguerite Bonneville is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Her web site, Hidden Keys To Wealth, offers a range of resources for people committed to achieving financial freedom. Visit for NLP and wealth mindset tools, plus tips on choosing a wealth creation vehicle and a step-by-step guide to starting a small business.

How to Decrease Your Chances of Being Scammed by Work at Home Businesses!

Anyone can build a business online and there are many resources online making it easier every day. With all the information available online it can get confusing. The problem is how do you know if a home business is a scam or not. Work-at-home con artists have always preyed on stay at home moms, seniors, people with low or no income, people with no education or skills, and people who want an easy way out of their financial situation.

To avoid falling for work-at-home scams and scammers, look for the following warning signs:

* They never offer you regular salaried employment.

* Promise you huge profits and big part-time earnings.

* Assure you of guaranteed and endless markets

* Take your money and give you little or nothing in return except an empty pocket and sadness.

* No contact Info

* Overstated claims of product effectiveness

* Exaggerated claims of potential earnings, profits, or part-time earnings

* Claims of "inside" information and no info to back up claims

* Use personal testimonials but never identify the person so that you could check with them.


Processing medical insurance claims:

Typical Ad -- "You can earn from $500 to $1000 weekly processing insurance claims on your home computer for health care professionals such as doctors, dentists, and podiatrists. Over 90% of providers need your services. Learn more in a day!"

.You may be:

* Told that your work will added with insurance companies by a central computer.

* Told to buy software programs at crazy prices; a program selling at a software store for $69,

might cost you several thousands of dollars.

* Required to pay for expensive training sessions

* Pressured to make a decision immediately.

The promoter may delay the processing of your job, citing a backlog or mistakes in your work. Most likely, the expensive training sessions are a waste of time, and the market for your services is very small or doesn't exist. There may also be no central computer as advertised. You may be left with no way to deliver what you have promised to your clients or customers.

Assembly work at home:

Typical Ad -- "Assembly work at home! Easy money assembling craft items. No experience necessary."

This scheme requires you to invest hundreds of dollars in instructions and materials and many hours of your time to produce items such as woodwork, toys, and jewelry for a company that has promised to buy them. Once you have purchased the supplies and have done the work, the company often decides not to pay you because your work does not meet their "standards." You are then left with merchandise that is difficult or impossible to sell. Not to mention cheaply made.


If you become a victim of a work-at-home scheme, ask the company for a refund. If they refuse or give you little response, tell them you plan to notify law enforcement officials.

Keep careful records of everything you do to recover your money. Document your phone calls, keep copies of all paperwork such as letters and receipts, and record all costs involved, including the time you spend. If the company refuses to refund your investment, contact:

* Your local or state consumer affairs agency;

* The U.S. Postal Inspection Service;

* Your office in the state where the company or state's attorney general's office

* The advertising manager of the publication that ran the ad you answered.

* Your local Better Business Bureau;

Selena Gorstopo 29 yr old Entrepreneur and owner of three legitimate at home businesses. Tired of being scammed by work at home businesses? For more info on legitimate online work at home businesses go to []

Friday, April 4, 2014

Boutique Vs Mainstream Real Estate Agency - How to Choose

Your home is most likely to be your most valuable asset, which is why when it comes to buying or selling it is no surprise that most people enlist the help of a professional Real Estate Salesperson to take care of the sale. When choosing a Real Estate Agency it is important to do your homework first so that you choose not only a company but a salesperson that you trust to work hard to get you the best result possible.

Boutique vs Mainstream

There are arguments both ways for which type of Real Estate Agency is better. Boutique agencies will argue that they are able to be more flexible and therefore can be more accommodating to your needs as a vendor. They will most likely argue that a mainstream company is too rigid and inflexible and not able to offer you the personal service they can. If you talk to a mainstream company they are likely to argue that because of their size it will be more beneficial to you as a vendor, especially when it comes to getting good deals when it comes to marketing and will argue that their mere existence is proof that they know what they are doing and are extremely successful.

Probably more important than the company is the Salesperson. Finding a salesperson that is the right fit for you is the most important factor. So how do you know what to expect if it is your first time selling a property? What should you expect from the Salesperson and in turn the company they work for? Recently in New Zealand the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) was set up to regulate the industry and make sure that all companies and Salespeople behave in an ethical way and always put their clients first. The REAA have released a booklet which is a guide to Real Estate Agency Agreements which explains what should or shouldn't be included in a listing form. There is also a second booklet which explains the ins and outs of a sale and purchase form. If in doubt at any stage you should consult a lawyer.

In conclusion there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing a Real Estate Agency to sell your property. If you do not have a preferred Salesperson, check out who is successful in your area. Do the open home circuit to see how they treat you as a potential buyer, then ask to meet those you short list, asking for their views on selling your home, check references and select the one who 'fits'.

Written by Simon Damerell, co-principal of Ray White Ponsonby Real Estate. Ray White Ponsonby - Real Estate Agency Auckland, New Zealand serves popular Auckland inner-city suburbs. This small, unique and increasingly sought after geographic area offers proximity to the city centre, the harbour and the lifestyle increasingly desired by Aucklanders. Ray White Ponsonby Real Estate employs a knowledgeable team with a collective experience in excess of 250 years to help buyers find the ideal property. With a clearly defined marketing strategy Ray White Ponsonby Real Estate also works to get the best price for each and every vendor that they list.

Home Health Services

Home health services are now becoming popular as a response to the growing need for trained medical personnel to attend to family members' needs for care and attention. The services can be given to the elder or to a family member who has just returned home from hospital treatment but still needs direct medical attention to monitor the condition. With home health services, the home can become an extension of the hospital in terms of care, attention, support and expertise. Here, high level of medical assistance and quality care are given at the most convenient and comfortable place - the home.

There are many home health services that can be availed of. Most hospitals already provide such services when requested by patients. These services include the following:

1. Professional Services

These services include the traditional nursing care and attention, occupational, speech and physical therapy, health aides or caregivers and social workers. As these professionals practice their profession in your home, they will also provide the necessary education to the patient for better understanding of the illness and how to best recover from such.

The medical personnel are trained in all aspects of patient care and they know the specific treatment and attention needed at the given time. This is what makes home health services different from ordinary care giving services. The medical expertise assures you of high level of quality and experience in handling different medical situations.

2. Pharmaceuticals and Infusion Therapy

Skill and compassion go together as trained medical personnel administer home health services to your loved one. The treatments can include transfusions, pain management, antibiotic care and chemotherapy. The treatments include the practice of psychology for patient preparedness and acceptance. This is the expertise that only trained medical personnel can provide and this is part of the home health services given by reputable agencies.

3. Hospice

Pain control, symptom management, bereavement and other needs for those who have terminal conditions are given as part of home health services. Compassion and care are always present to help families cope with difficult situations.

4. Respiratory Care

Since respiratory system illnesses are delicate and would need the expertise of certified respiratory therapists, this is included in the home health services provided by agencies and hospitals. This allows a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the condition with the therapeutic procedures administered with utmost care and expertise.

5. Management of Chronic Illnesses

Conditions that include asthma, pulmonary disease, coronary failure, wound care, cystic fibrosis and diabetes would need expert management. You cannot just entrust your loved one to somebody who does not understand the nature of these diseases. It is best to have personnel to administer all necessary treatments to help ease the condition and at the same time practice good psychology for patient understanding. This is one of the home health services that require high level of patient attention.

With home health services, you can make your ailing or old family member enjoy the comforts of the home and not dwell too much on the sickness. Hospital setup can sometimes add to the negative psychological condition and can make the situation worse. With the home environment, personalized and sincere attention is given as part of home health services that you can avail for your loved one.

Christine Crotts enjoys having evenings out where she can wear the jewelry her grandmother handed down to her. Christine has written a site containing reviews on silver cross necklace, as well as diamond cross necklace.

The Underbelly of Unemployment

This is not a recommendation that unemployment assistance be stopped. I only want to point out the long term consequences of men lowering their living standards to continue to not work and ride out the government programs.

It is what is wrong with our welfare system today. We have three generations of welfare recipients whose major education is in learning to work the government welfare programs. They learn early on as they watch dad position himself to meet qualifications of various programs.

From the get-go men have been hunters. With no more to hunt for other than a job, too many are buying into the welfare life. Too many men are waiting for their jobs to come back. This is probably not going to happen. The job you had may be in China or India or with some intern at your old company, who took it half your pay.

Good mental health dictates that men work. Without a job a sense of worthlessness can set in. From this springs depression and a loss of pride.

First and foremost you need to accept whatever financial help you can get in order to live. At the same time, accept any job you can get to keep your work ethic alive, to keep welfare from robbing your manhood.

I have been employing men and women in different companies and at different levels of required skills for over 50 years. I find that the work-ethic of this nation has deteriorated beyond comprehension. The people have become obsessed with leisure. They inter this sense of "leisure first" into the minds of their children. All look forward to the weekends and plan all week exactly what they will do. There is available for today's child, Teeball, little league baseball, peewee league football as well as soccer.

Not many years ago, men and women read to improve their minds and subsequently improve their income. They had pride in doing a good job, impressing the bosses who handed out raises and promotions.

It is not too late for these improvements to be made. Believe me, there are jobs to be had. Room will be made for the right applicant.

In the meantime, see if you can market some talent or skill that you may have had as a child or from a hobby. If you like to mend and repair things around the house, you could become a handyman. Be careful though, you could get covered up with work.

Can you sell? There is always an opening for salespeople.

There are many opportunities in the home based business field. I have owned 3 auto dealerships, an insurance agency, a landscaping business, a mail shop and an Internet marketing company of health food supplements. The last two were home based businesses.

The first thing you have to do is use your head, then get up.

I have been a businessman for over 50 years. I have made successful entrepreneurs out of many employees for fellow business owners. I have lived through many economic up-heavels and have been amazed to find how the rules for success are not much different than they were in 1933. It was this year that I was born and he opened his own business from scratch in those darkest days of the Great Depression. He had no experience as a business man. Men of today are of little difference. It may be that the fire in their belly has been diminished from easy living.

Harold Mounce

In-Home Child Care Versus Daycare

During 1970's, women sacrificed by leaving their homes for work for an employer who only paid them approximately one third less than any male worker. Sometimes, these males even have lesser qualifications. However towards the 2000's, women are leaving the workforce so that they can take back the responsibility of raising their children.

But the problem is some do not have the capacity to set up a home-based business or to quit their jobs. Therefore, they have the option of either leaving their babies in daycare or opting to hire a babysitter.

Daycare is an affordable option for working families because available financial assistance is provided to them. Based on my experience, there is no way for a "provider" to give adequate love, care, attention and shower affection to different children who have their different needs all at the same time.

Now picture that your precious child is in that environment where his needs cannot be possibly met 100% and you're supposed to leave him there everyday and you go to work without the feeling of guilt. I think this is impossible because you have the valid reason to feel guilty. You will absolutely feel guilty because you are aware that you are not doing possibly everything you can to ensure that your child receives the best child care available.

Did children who went to daycare for a long time survive? For sure they did but are their potentials tapped, are all their needs met, and did they receive the love they deserved? Think about it, maybe there are other viable alternatives for parents who do not want to leave their precious children in daycare.

Hiring a babysitter or getting a trained nanny to come into your house is one option that enables your child to remain in a safe and comfortable environment. One downside that we have seen and heard about is the fact that some babysitters do tend to to be abusive in the parent's absence. It is therefore suggested, especially with today's technology, that a nanny cam be installed and used. Let the nanny know at the start of his or her work that you have a nanny cam. Anyway, an honest and dependable professional will not have a problem with this at all. But some person will tell you that you are invading your nanny's privacy. Just always remember, it is your house and your child. You do not have to befriend your provider; it must be strictly a professional business relationship.

Hiring a nanny or babysitter from an agency will give an additional sense of security for your family. Agencies do charge a slightly higher cost but just think of it as you paying for the customary background screening, as well as the guarantee, and feeling of assurance that your child will always be well taken care of while you are at work.

In conclusion, whether it is daycare or in-home child care, the best option is to put your child in a safe environment that is comfortable for him, where he is loved and his needs are met.

Learn How To Start A Daycare, visit

How to Find a Babysitter Or Nanny Without Paying For Agency Fees

Your child deserves the best nanny or babysitter that you can find. For your peace of mind, you also need to find somebody who is perfect for the job. You need to make sure that you are leaving your child to someone who can take care of him and keep him safe while you are away. This is why most parents opt to go for nanny agencies to ensure that they are screening candidates who have already been pre-screened for their credibility.

A nanny agency can bring you suitable matches according to your requirements. With its diverse database of potential candidates, you are bound to find somebody in its roster who will be able to live up to your expectations. But the thing is you need to pay for its services to take advantage of this benefit.

But you don't really have to spend a lot in order to find a good babysitter for your children. In fact, there are several venues where you can find one without paying an agency to match you up. Here are some ideas.

Recommendations from friends and colleagues

Before you go to an agency for your search, you want to ask for recommendations from family, friends, and colleagues who have children as well. Ask them to refer you to babysitters and nannies they have employed before to give you a good head start in your search. After all, who could better give you suitable candidates than those who have already employed babysitters and nannies before?

Local community groups

Health care facilities, YMCA, and other local community groups tend to provide babysitting and childcare seminars regularly. Find out if there is one being hosted in your area and request for a list of local babysitters who have participated in the event. This is one way to make sure that you're talking to potential babysitters who have gone through proper training in handling children or administering first aid.

Go to the local colleges and universities

If you live near local colleges or universities offering degrees in child development, health care, or primary education, you can take your search for a good babysitter or nanny to these places. You can contact the school's counselor or post an opening at the university's job board to invite students to apply for your request.

Going online for your nanny search

Another convenient way to search for a suitable babysitter is by going online. The Internet is home to a wealth of information on babysitters and nannies. There are a lot of online bulletin boards where you can post your request or even seek candidates who are ready to offer services. Try online classified listings such as Craigslist or you can also go to websites especially made for parents.

Babycenter, for instance, offers relevant information on how to find babysitters and nannies in your area. Participate in the local community forums in the site to get referrals from other parent users about finding nannies. You can also go directly to babysitter and nanny search sites on the Internet. Many of these sites would not charge you as much as a local nanny agency would and there are even those that offer free services.

Get instant access to thousands of qualified babysitters around your area now by visiting []

9 Facts Everyone Should Know About Herbal & Home Remedies

In the last few years herbal remedies have become very popular as an alternative treatment for a variety of illnesses and health issues. Natural health stores have popped up from coast to coast and are now quite predominant on the internet as well. Herbal remedies are offered as a treatment for everything from the common cold to more serious health issues such as cancer. Before you rush out to purchase herbal remedies, there are a few things you should know about herbal remedies, their effectiveness and possible dangers and risks that you may encounter by taking them.

One of the most important facts about herbal remedies that consumers should be aware of is the fact that, unlike other treatments, they are governed by any governmental agency. This means there is no quality assurance system in place to insure that the herbal remedy product you purchase contains nothing that would harm you, or even works for that matter.

Many herbal remedies are advertised with amazing claims of effectiveness and some even come with reported clinical trials to back up those claims. What consumers are generally unaware of is that the suggested clinical trials were performed by the marketer themselves, and not a non-biased third party lab. This means that the herbal remedy may be no more effective than a sugar pill.

Furthermore, quite a few herbal remedies have adverse affects whey combined with other medications; particularly prescription meds. This information is generally not released by the marketer of the herbal remedy and it's highly possible that a consumer would never know they were ingesting a deadly cocktail by mixing an herbal remedy with the medicine prescribed to them by their doctor. A surprising number of herbal remedies, including St. John's wort, Ginko biloba and Ginseng have very dangerous side effects when mixed with antidepressants.

Ginko biloba has been known to cause problems with bleeding and could be particularly dangerous for someone about to undergo surgery or who is already taking any type of blood thinning medication. As frightening as these facts are; consumers rarely get this information from the labels of herbal remedies.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration specifically prohibits the manufacturers and marketers of herbal remedies from claiming that their product is able to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any kind of disease or illness. This doesn't stop many companies from coming as close to that line as possible; or even going over it. Consumers should be wary of any herbal remedy that claims any of the above.

Herbal remedies can provide positive benefits when used carefully and wisely. Consumers can safely use herbal remedies by taking the time to research the product, its effectiveness and drug interactions. Also remember to thoroughly read the product label. Some companies attempt to increase their profit margin by including fillers, such as sand, with the product.

If you aren't sure whether an herbal remedy will interact negatively with the medications you are already taking, ask your physician. He or she will be able to let you know whether you can safely take the product or not.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News [] where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Discover How Savvy Work at Home Moms Earn an Income From Home

The obvious answer is by working. However, it is more expensive to leave your home and go to work these days. Between the costs of work clothes, gas, lunches, day care, and car maintenance you are only left with just small change as a pay check. According to the National Child Care Agency, the average cost of day care per child is $200 per week. So if you are working 40 hours per week at $10 per hour, you really end up making $2.50 per hour. That's an amazing $7.50 per hour taken away from you for day care alone. I won't scare you with the average gas usage per week, but I'm sure you are fully aware how it affects your weekly budget.

So, How Do Savvy Work from Home Moms Earn a Respectable Income from Home?

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Ever thought about a home business? Well why not join the ranks of telecommuters by changing that spare room into a home office. Becoming a self employed mom is easier than you think. Some companies now allow employees to telecommute from home a few times a week. But wouldn't be savvier to work completely from home, make your own hours, and be the owner of your own time? Home-based business opportunities are numerous. You could become a virtual assistant, a tutor, provide services out of your own home, or even do something more innovative like teaching baby sign language. You get to choose your own destiny! Not only will you be in business of being a mom; you will be a mom in business. Becoming a CEO mom is fun, exciting, challenging, and frightening all at the same time.

How Can Work from Home Moms Know What Is Legitimate and What Is a Scam?

Many work from home opportunities are legitimate, but don't have the support necessary for home workers to succeed. Some are downright scams. How do you protect yourself from falling victim to unscrupulous crooks? First, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Given today's technology, there is real money to be made in home enterprises; however, the odds are highly against pulling in a six-figure income by working only two hours per week. Second, websites like Work at Home Enterprising do an excellent job of vetting home-based businesses. Third, check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints have been lodged against the business. These steps will ensure that you have a legitimate opportunity to earn an income from home.

Although you may have many fears in building a home enterprise, Career Kits are available to give you proper guidance on how to start and operate your business. You can finally gain your financial freedom all from the comfort of your own home! Statistics with the Department of Labour show that more and more people are choosing a life of employment liberation. When you become self-employed you feel a sense of financial security. There are no worries of company mergers or a younger person replacing you. Never again would you feel guilty for leaving your sick child for someone else to care for.

How Could You Lose Working from Home?

Working in the comfort of your own home, saving money while making money, and spending that quality time with your family that is so needed in children today. Having a job from home also teaches your children how to be hard working and responsible through the fine example of your home office. Plus, as a work at home mom you are more likely to be able to monitor your child's activities outside of school. According to the National Crime and Victims Bureau, there is a higher rate of juvenile delinquency in latch key children. Latch key children being the term used for children raised in day care centres. These children grow up feeling neglected and never get to know the true concept of good family values. They have difficulty understanding your values and morals and distinguishing right from wrong. This leaves them easy prey for criminals and unscrupulous people. Luckily, your supervision and guidance can keep your kids safe.

With a little help, you can establish a home business and be there to teach and inspire your children. Being successful at self-employment also gives you a personal sense of accomplishment. Take the challenge and reap the rewards and benefits that you and your family deserve. You can reach the dream that so many others desire! If you close your eyes I bet you can smell your fresh cup of coffee, made just like you like it. Feel the warmth of your soft flannel pyjamas and slippers instead of pantyhose and heels. All of this while working from home and earning money for your household. Start your life as a savvy entrepreneur and join the ranks of the self-employed today!

Cesar Campos specializes in reviewing and trialling the best work from home opportunities available online today. He also offers SEO support to advise you on the most effective strategies to help you achieve high SEO rankings.

For more information on viable home business ideas and career opportunities for stay at home moms, please visit: Work from Home Business Australia

101 Tips for a Smoother Home-Buying Process

I created this list for two reasons. First, I want to give you a good understanding of the home buying process from start to finish. Secondly, I want to help you identify those areas where your knowledge-level is lacking, so you can conduct further research on your own.

Preliminary Considerations

1. Learn the home buying process in advance. You'll make much better decisions with a better understanding of the process.

2. Learn the lingo while you're at it (especially all the mortgage terms). You'll have a smoother home buying experience if you "speak the language."

3. Obtain your credit report. To get copies from all three credit bureaus at once, visit

4. Review your credit report. Make sure there are no errors. Check everything from the administrative information to the credit history.

5. Fix errors quickly. If you find an error on your credit report, go to the company's website where the report came from (TransUnion, Equifax or Experian) to contest it. Don't delay.

6. Run the numbers. Use an online mortgage calculator to get an idea how various mortgage amounts translate into monthly payments.

7. Check your debt-to-income ratio. Mortgage lenders prefer your overall debt to be no more than 20% of your net monthly income. If your debt is more, pay it down as quickly as possible.

8. Start saving your cash. Mortgage lenders like to see that you have some cash reserves on hand, and you'll need them for any unexpected fees or costs that might arise.

9. Get pre-qualified. Pre-qualification is an informal review of your finances by a mortgage lender to see what amount you might qualify for.

10. Avoid new lines of credit. Don't sign up for new credit cards or make any large credit purchases while you're "under review" by a mortgage lender.

11. Add to your Internet favorites or bookmarks. Few websites contain as much helpful home buying information for first-time buyers.

Finding a Real Estate Agent

12. Ask friends or family. People who know you well are in the best position to recommend an agent who is right for you.

13. Talk to multiple agents. Don't think you have to sign on with the first agent you meet.

14. Ask how they search. Make sure your agents is going to use every means possible to find the right home for you. That means using the MLS in addition to their preferred listings.

15. Ask how they network. An experienced agent will often be part of a vast network of real estate professionals. This can sometimes help you find a home before it's even listed.

16. Ask about mortgage connections. It will save you time and headache if your agent can point you toward a good mortgage company.

17. Read paperwork carefully. At some point, your chosen agent will ask you to sign an agency agreement. It's usually a boilerplate document, but be sure to read it carefully all the same.

18. Consider the "vibe" factor. You might be working with this person anywhere from 2 to 12 months, so it certainly helps if you like them on a personal level.

19. Exchange cell phone numbers. You should have your agents cell number in your wallet, and vice versa. You don't want to miss an opportunity simply because you couldn't be reached.

House Hunting

20. Create a "need vs. want" list. Make a spreadsheet or checklist of the things you need in a home, versus the things you want. Print a copy for each house you visit and check items off.

21. Practice self-reliance. Don't over-rely on your agent when it comes to finding a home. Get out there and do some hunting yourself. It's a necessity, but it's also exciting!

22. Use multiple channels. The more channels you use to search for a home, the better. Read the newspaper, cruise the neighborhoods, and surf the web.

23. Use the Internet to your full advantage. Bookmark the real estate listing sites you find most helpful. Visit them once a day and write down new homes that meet your criteria.

24. Create a Google Alert. Visit Google's home page, click on "More" and find the Google Alerts. Enter real estate phrases for your area, and you'll get daily updates with news and info.

25. Feel free to snoop (sort of). When house hunting, it's okay to peek into dark corners, basements, storage sheds and the like. Respect the owner's privacy, but see the whole house.

26. Ask plenty of questions. Don't be shy about asking the sellers questions, if they're home.

27. Validate the asking price. It's called an "asking price" for a reason. Compare it to recent sales in the area. Your agent should be expert at this.

28. Consider shopping, dining and the like. Is the home near the places you frequent, or will it be a long drive?

29. Consider the commute. If you're a daily commuter, distance is a big consideration.

30. Visit during rush hour. Is the home hard to access or exit during rush hour? Is there a lot of traffic noise?

31. Check out the zoning. Are you surrounded by residential areas, or is there a soon-to-be-used commercial zone right across the street?

32. Research the neighborhood, not just the house. Neighborhoods impact property value as well as your own happiness.

33. Research taxes. Sometimes, two neighborhoods right across the street from one another will have different tax situations. Don't make assumptions.

34. Research future development. Will that nice meadow down the street be a highway extension or shopping mall in two years?

35. Bring a "disinterested witness." A level-headed friend or family member will help you judge the pros and cons of each home.

36. Avoid "The One" syndrome. Don't pull up to a home and say, "This is the one!" It might be, but you need to be cool-headed and open-minded during your first visit.

37. Bring a digital camera. It's a great way to record the details of each home for later review.

38. Bring a notepad. Jot down some notes about each home, and label each page by address.

39. Ask about ghosts, poltergeists or other forms of haunting. Just kidding.

40. Think five years ahead. Will the home still suit your needs if your family grows?

41. Play home inspector, casually. The full inspection will come later, but you should at least give the "big ticket" items (roof, heating system, etc.) a glance when visiting.

42. Keep an eye out for mold, standing water and other symptoms of disrepair.

43. Research schools. This is important whether or not you have school-aged children. Schools affect property values.

Making an Offer

44. Base your offer on evidence, not emotion. Remember, the lender will appraise the home later on. If it appraises for less than you've agreed to pay, you'll have problems.

45. Use your agent's experience. It might be your first offer, but your agent has probably seen dozens.

46. Discuss contingencies. Will your offer be contingent upon something, like the sale of your current home?

47. Prepare for all possible responses. What will you do if the seller makes a counteroffer or rejects your offer outright? Conduct "rehearsals" for each scenario.

48. Move quickly (but cautiously) in seller's market. Delays can cause a home to slip through your fingers.

49. Plan the closing date. This will normally be agreed upon during the offer process.

Choosing a Mortgage

50. Study the different types of mortgages, especially the pros and cons of each.

51. Consider your staying time. How long you plan to stay in a home will often determine which type of home loan is best for you.

52. Learn about new mortgage packages. A variety of "creative financing" loans have emerged in recent years. Learn about them.

53. Shop for the best interest rate. Mortgage lenders will offer different rates based on how comfortable they are lending to you. So shop around.

54. Read up on RESPA. The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act protects you from unethical lenders. Familiarize yourself with it.

55. Consider paying points. A point is one percent of the loan amount. Paying points can lower your interest rate. Look into whether or not it's a good idea for your situation.

56. Don't go it alone. Ask your agent for advice. Talk to friends and family who've been through the home buying / mortgage process before.

57. Factor in PMI. If your down payment is less than 20% of the loan amount, you'll probably have to pay private mortgage insurance (PMI).

58. Visit the mortgage section of You can learn about everything mentioned above, in much greater detail.

59. Watch out for unethical lenders. Talk to your agent or real estate attorney is something seems strange or too good to be true.

The Mortgage Application

60. Be honest. Don't let anyone talk you into falsifying information on your mortgage application. You'll be the only one held accountable.

61. Ask questions. And ask them again, until you're comfortable that you understand each part of the application.

62. Read the fine print. Often, the most important parts of an application are in the fine print. Don't let these details go unnoticed.

63. Don't sign blank areas. If a section of the mortgage application is blank, either 'X' it out or leave it unsigned.

64. Keep a copy for yourself. This applies to all documents during the home buying process. Start a folder with copies of everything.

65. Get a truth-in-lending statement. After you apply for the loan, the lender is required to give you an estimate of the total costs associated with the loan.

66. Plan for more than truth-in-lending statement. Unfortunately, it's common for the actual costs of a loan to be more than the lender's estimate. So plan for more.

The Home Inspection

67. Get a home inspection! At around $500, it's a small price to pay for peace of mind.

68. Hire a certified inspector. Anyone can claim to be an inspector. So make sure yours is certified by a professional organization.

69. Tag along if possible. You'll learn a lot about the inner workings of the home.

70. Categorize discrepancies, based on whether or not you want the seller to fix them.

71. Be realistic with repair requests. In a seller's market, you may not get all the repairs you want. So be realistic with what you're asking.

72. Get a termite inspection. Make the offer contingent upon a termite-free inspection.

The Home Appraisal

73. Understand the appraisal process. It's for the lender's protection, but it will also tell you if you're overpaying for the home.

74. Have a plan for under-appraisal. You can pay the difference, the seller can lower the price, or you can walk.

Pre-Closing / Pre-Settlement

75. Read up on closing procedures. Start with a refresher on RESPA.

76. Talk to friends and family who've been through a closing process. Learn from them.

77. Stay in touch with your lender, your agent, and the escrow company. Make sure they have all the paperwork they need to avoid delays.

78. Keep saving your money. Real estate closings often come with unexpected costs.

79. Be on the lookout for your HUD-1 statement. You should get one several days before closing. It will list the total amount due at closing.

80. Transfer utilities. Now might be a good time to start putting the utilities into your name.

81. Get hazard insurance. Most lenders require it, but it's mainly for your own protection.

82. Conduct your final walk-through. Make sure all requested repairs have been made.

83. Get a certified check for the amount due on the HUD-1 statement.

84. Confirm the time and location of the closing.

The Closing / Settlement Process

85. Bring your ID. The escrow company will probably want to verify it.

86. Don't forget the check!

87. Bring some blank checks, just in case unexpected costs or fees arise.

88. Don't feel rushed. Escrow companies do it for a living, but it's probably you're first time.

89. Read thoroughly. People make mistakes, so read each document carefully (especially the bottom-line amounts).

90. Ask questions. You're not being a pest for asking a lot of questions. You're simply looking out for your finances.

91. Don't make assumptions. For example, just because you agreed to buy mortgage points for a lower interest rate, don't assume it has been processed that way. Check the paperwork.

After Closing

92. Follow-up on your utility transfer.

93. Complete a change of address form for the postal service.

94. Notify friends and family of your new address. Postcards and emails work well.

95. Get a safe deposit box for your important documents, like your homeowner's insurance policy.

96. Set up auto-pay for your mortgage payments. It will be one less hassle to worry about each month, and it will also help you avoid missing payments.

97. Go meet the neighbors. If your neighbors don't come and introduce themselves, go say hello. Remember, these are the people who will keep an eye on your home when you're away.

98. Ease into your mortgage payment. Before filling the house with new furniture or electronics, give yourself a few months to adjust to the new mortgage payment.

99. Do the happy dance (whatever your version might be). Just remember to stretch first.

100. Break out the champagne, or your preferred non-alcoholic beverage.

101. Exhale.

* You may republish this article if you retain the active hyperlinks below. Copyright 2006, Brandon Cornett.

About the Author
Brandon Cornett is the editor of You can learn more about the home buying process by visiting

Domestic Cleaners Will Take Care of Your House Cleaning Concerns

When you come home from a hard day's work, the last thing you wish to do is concern yourself with the household chores. There's nothing worse than seeing a pile of unwashed clothes or dirty dishes in the sink when you walk in through the front door exhausted.

You wish the cleaning fairy would come along and do the domestic cleaning for you, while you curl up onto the sofa with a nice cup of tea and the TV remote.

Well, the truth is there's no such thing as a cleaning fairy. However, the next best option is to hire a professional house cleaner. They can visit your home at a time that is convenient for you and above all, they come at affordable rates and many years of experience.

It's very easy to find reliable domestic cleaners that operate in your area. All you have to do is search online for domestic cleaning agencies. By giving these household cleaning companies a call they can provide a free quote for a domestic cleaning service that is tailored to your needs.

The domestic cleaners can take care of all the tedious chores that you would rather avoid. Plus they can visit as little or as often as you would like; be it a daily, weekly or monthly basis. They can even show up just before you leave for work so that they will not disrupt your routine.

Before a housekeeper is hired by a domestic cleaning agency they must go through rigorous vetting procedures, providing relevant documents to show that they are eligible to work within the UK. They also undergo full training, especially in health and safety.

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, the domestic cleaners can remove all allergens such as dust or animal fur.

If your bathroom is suffering from mould, the domestic cleaners will take care of it using environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Domestic cleaning services can do a lot to take the load off your mind. They also provide a thorough one-off spring cleaning service.

Copyright @ Milla G5 Cleaning Agency

Dayana is the article editor for Milla G5 Cleaning Agency in London. She works part-time for the company while completing her studies. She enjoys writing and is eager to learn new ways of promoting the business.

The Child Care Maze - Making the Right Choice For Your Child

One of the most challenging times of parenthood is finding the right child care for your little one. This is no easy task and puts many a parent in a stressed-out state. It can also be an extremely expensive endeavor should you go through an agency or paid service.

These days there are three main options for Child Care:

Stay-at-home Mom/Dad

The most obvious is of course one parent staying at home and taking care of your child yourself. This is by far the most rewarding and arguably best option as most people would say that no one can truly substitute for a parents' care. However, sadly nowadays, this option is becoming less and less viable for the average working family. Thus, we consider our next best options.

Hiring a Nanny / Babysitter

Hiring a Nanny to care for your child is a very popular choice these days. There are many advantages to hiring a nanny such as greater one-to-one care and having your child stay in an environment she is already familiar and comfortable with; your home.

When hiring a Nanny there are many things to consider: Should I hire locally or sponsor one from abroad? Should I hire a nanny to live-in or live-out? Sponsoring a Nanny from abroad usually means the Nanny is more likely to stay with you for the longer term and will typically work for a lower salary. However, hiring locally is often less hassle and allows you to meet the Nanny ahead of time and be sure she is the right one for your family. A live-in nanny will typically cost you less since her accommodation costs are taken into account in her salary though having someone living with your family is a very personal choice and certainly not for everyone.


Another popular option is putting your child in the hands of child care professionals at a certified daycare center. The number of daycares in recent years has been growing rapidly, though not fast enough for most parents. The main advantage of a certified daycare center is that your child will be in an environment that is regulated and required to be of certain standards. Your child will also be with a number of other children where she can play and make friends.

An alternative to the traditional daycare center is a home daycare. A home daycare is a smaller daycare typically operated out of someone's home, often by another mom or dad. Home daycares have some advantages over a daycare center in that they have a smaller number of children in a home-like atmosphere. This often allows children to have a better chance at bonding with each other as well as the child care provider.

Making the "right" choice

Finding the right child care for your child can be a daunting task. As with most things there is no right choice for everyone but there is a right choice for you and your child. Researching all of your options, speaking with other parents, knowing your child, and using your own parental intuition will assuredly aid you in your search for the best child care for your precious one.

Charlotte Ball is author and webmaster for Nanny Flower & Nanny Flower Canada. To start your search now, please visit Nanny in New York or if in Canada Nanny in Canada

Three Minutes in a Doctor's Office - Applying "Best Practices" From Pharmaceutical Sales

Depending on your source, referrals for home health care from physicians or their offices account for an estimated 15-25% of all home care referrals. For free-standing agencies competing against strong hospital based agencies, it often is the most successful path to choose when looking to build their referral base. Home care agencies, however, need to take heed - targeting physicians for home care referrals can be both a "hard sell" and an increasingly grueling climb upward. The marketplace is crowded with an army of pharmaceutical and medical device representatives - all clamoring for a few minutes of a physician's time - and marked by increasingly limited access to physicians, especially for home care marketers or liaisons.

Yes...your home care agency is competing with pharmaceutical agencies!

Home care agencies find themselves competing against pharmaceutical companies in order to gain just a few minutes of a physician's, or his office staff's time. These "pharma" companies invest in intensive and expensive "wooing" backed by their significant training resources and marketing muscle just to gain a few minutes of face time with a physician. Many a liaison can tell you how often they are forced to "cool their heels" in a physician's office while a small army of pharmaceutical representatives glide in and out. To illustrate just how crowded the physician market is becoming, here are some composite figures pulled from research studies completed by pharmaceutical sales industry experts Scott-Levin Inc., INCOMM and Datamonitor:

On average physicians see 10 representatives a month
Currently there are about a 100,000 pharmaceutical reps in the United States who see over 830,000 physicians.
A pharmaceutical rep will often target 120 physicians to be seen on a 1 week to 2 week cycle.
Scott-Levin also estimated that pharmaceutical companies spend about $100,000 in promotional spending for every 11 physicians!
An INCOMM study of 500 pharmaceutical reps identified how much time a representative typically gets with a physician during an office call: 26% said less than one minute, 63% said two minutes and 11% said three to five minutes.

Limited physician time, limited physician access

With hospitals and large practice management companies increasing the pressure on physicians to reduce the time devoted to activities not related to patient care, physicians (and their gatekeepers) have no choice but to limit the time they spend with marketing and pharmaceutical representatives. Physicians are also "time-challenged" by the demands of an aging population. It is estimated that by 2011, most doctors will spend at least half of their time caring for older patients. Some of this time will not be billable, and "frequent flyers"- patients who call their physician's office frequently or require a lot of attention from their primary care physician, will continue to put a burden on the practice.

What does this mean for Home Care Marketers?

The "Aging of America", business realities of running a practice in a managed care environment, and marketing clout of pharmaceutical companies has created a unique environment for home care agencies in regards to marketing services to physician practices. In particular, pharmaceutical companies have saturated the market to the point that physician practices have been "conditioned" to expect certain things from all health care marketers.

Here are some examples of this sales conditioning and suggestions on how to more effectively market home care service:

Physicians have been "conditioned" to expect marketers to be well prepared

Successful marketing to physicians is not a haphazard, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants proposition. Home care marketers operate in a complex world where they must craftily weave numerous three-minute meetings into long-term and "referring" relationships. Pharmaceutical companies spend significant money in training for their sales representatives, often providing elaborate sales "scripts" and "word tracks." Home care agencies should also encourage their marketers to develop their own scripts, "elevator pitches" and open ended questions.

Physicians are "conditioned" to expect expensive "wooing"

The deep pockets' of pharmaceutical companies has created a marketing environment where gaining access to a physician and their staff often involves providing meals or lunches. Unfortunately, physician practices are not able to discern the regulatory environment that home care offices operate under. This can be tricky for home care marketers. Be very, very careful in providing lunches to physician practices. Elaborate lunches can be construed as an inducement to refer. Make sure that if you are find yourself squeezed into a tight spot and feel a need to provide some sort of "refreshment", that you are also providing good educational information about home care in general, or other valuable health or patient care related information, and not just about your agency in particular.

I suggest you take the time to evaluate what you really get out of "lunch and learn" programs. Many large practices will have lunch provided to them on a daily basis, by some vendor or another. If you ask a key staff member if they had lunch brought in on the last day they worked in the office, and they cannot tell you who provided them with lunch, I can almost guarantee that this a strategy that will NOT yield referrals to the agency.

Physicians are "conditioned" to expect "regular" call cycles

Physicians and their staff see particular representatives on a routine basis. They have come to expect this. Although it may not be practical for a home care agency representative to see a physician as frequently as on a two week cycle, home care marketers can build physician relationships by having a routine, or call cycle, set up. The call cycle should be based on days that the physician or key staff see representatives, and most importantly, the marketer must be disciplined to maintain the routine. Your marketing visit will eventually come to be "expected". To be successful at this, the home care marketer needs to build an "action plan" based on a call cycle, or a plan with action items or deliverables that the marketer provides on their call cycle. Providing a simple list of the patients the agency has seen each month, "referral feedback," detailing specialty programs, outcomes data, and other industry information can be part of the "deliverables" that a home care marketer provides within their call cycles.

Physicians are "conditioned" to expect marketers to build relationships within the entire practice

Although physicians have the ultimate "power of the pen" in their exclusive ability to certify orders for home care services, it is often other staff members who actually direct home care referrals. Office Nurses, office practice managers, surgical boarders and physician extenders such as nurse practitioners or physician assistants usually are key targets for home care marketers to cultivate a relationship. It is important for home care marketers and liaisons to have a good Contact Relationship Management (CRM) system in place to help them keep track of all the contacts within a practice. It also makes sense for a home care agency to participate in events where these individuals go to receive industry updates such as local chapter meetings of the Medical Group Management Association or other practice management educational forums.

Physicians are "conditioned" to expect marketing materials that are directed toward them

Many agencies fall short of providing their marketers with all the tools they need to do their job. Many marketers are expected to build relationships with physician practices armed only with a business card and a brochure. It only makes sense that a marketer will need several pieces of collateral to support a call cycle as described above. To make matters worse, their brochures are often written with the consumer in mind, not the physician. Physicians respond best to materials that are clearly directed to them, with important information delivered in a concise headline and bulleted format so they can quickly g the most important information.

Pharmaceutical companies will often "post" or tack up their formulary information in designated areas. We recommend having information about making home care referrals, such as criteria under Medicare, when and how to make a home care referral (to your agency of course) that is "branded" with our agency's contact information. Spending a little money on this piece to have it properly designed and professional looking can go a long way in gaining referrals.

Physicians are "conditioned" to expect marketers to be an educational resource

It can come as a surprise at how much of an opportunity exists to educate physicians on home care services. For example; Ask your marketer or liaison how often a physician or one of their staff members has said, "Well, we just let the hospital take care of the home care referral." Your first reaction to that statement may be that the practice intends to refer only to the hospital based agency. But look a little deeper! What about patients that need home care and have not had a hospital stay? Clearly, there are many practices that don't understand that home care services can be provided to patients being seen in the office without a recent hospital stay. Provide these practices with information about criteria for home care, plus common diagnosis or conditions of patients they see in the office that may warrant home care services.

Physicians are "conditioned" to expect and appreciate "specialty programs"

In fact, findings from a Scott-Levin study of 6,000 doctors found that over 60% of the reps they see are "specialty reps" and 90% of those physicians preferred to be visited by a specialty rather than a general sales representative. Even for home care companies that are generalists, having a specialty program can be key to generating referrals from physician practices. Physicians will often need a reason to make that first referral and a specialty program can be that huge reason to refer. And we all know that the first referral is always the most difficult to acquire!

Physicians are "conditioned" to expect that you will make it easy to refer

Having tools such as fax referral forms, on-line referral forms, physician portals, a dedicated intake nurse or "point" person, can be great ways to make sure that physicians or their staff always have a great experience in working with your agency. Your marketer should ask the office staff how they prefer to make a referral and then have several referring options available. Whatever you can do to make a physician or their staff's life easier and not waste their time will go a long way in building your relationship with them. And always, a simple "thank you for the referral" can go a long way!

These are just a few suggestions that can go along way in developing a better ROI for agencies that use liaisons or marketing representatives in calling on physicians. To learn more sign up for the webinar, "Home Health Marketing Basics: Physician Marketing" at

Lori Moshier is founder, owner and principal consultant of Novaetus, Inc., a marketing, sales, public relations and customer service consulting firm. She and has over 25 years experience in marketing and sales primarily in healthcare fields of home care and pharmaceutical sales and marketing. Prior to forming her consulting business, Lori worked as the National Sales Manager for a Fortune 500 provider of home health and staffing services. She has also worked as a Marketing Manager for a $4.5 billion dollar healthcare system with hospital and home care locations throughout the U.S., and as a regional business development manager for $20 billion pharmaceutical distributor.

To learn more bout Lori or Novaetus, or to download a copy of the "The 44 Best Questions to ask on Home care Sales Call" visit

Best Business Package

During these rough economic times many individuals are looking to supplement and/or earn an income by starting an internet business. Web based businesses are the easiest to start and the hardest to succeed in. Our "guide to internet sales" is designed to assist you in your quest to excel. We teach you how to;

• Choose the right product(s) to sell

• Create an effective website

• Optimize your website

• Alternate sales techniques

• Learn from competition

• Develop worthwhile database

Product Choices

You can't do a thing until you determine which product(s) you want to sell. Find a product you like or have experience with and determine if there is a market. Trying to sell a product you have no interest in is difficult if not impossible. Don't do it!

How to choose the product you want to sell.

• What do you know about

• Is it tangible or intangible (an intangible is much harder to sell)

• Is there a market for product

• Competition

• Are there affiliate programs for product

After you have your product its time to decide whether you are going to compete with what is already available with a completely new website or become an affiliate through an affiliate program either directly or through an affiliate manager like those above. An affiliate program is nothing more that a sales agreement between you and the product owner that you will market their product(s) and receive a commission usually between 15% and 75%. Scan the products that interest you and then go back to determining their popularity. If you already know the product you want to sell go to their website and sign up for their affiliate program directly if there is one available. If they don't have an affiliate program you can write them and ask if you can represent them.

Creating A Website

Now that you have decided on the product(s) you have some knowledge of, are interested in promoting and determined there is a good opportunity in representing, it is time to start the fun part; selling on the web! If you have decided on becoming a affiliate representative you can use their website, just establish a link to it and start "search engine optimizing" (SEO); if not you need to design and produce a website. Before you do either you need to determine what your new URL will be. I found that the best place to go for all your needs is It has by far the best tools at the most competitive prices. I use it for all my needs including hosting, website site building, tracking, registrations, merchant banks, traffic, really terrific customer service and so much more.

Pick a website name that includes the primary key word(s) you wish to use but keep it short so people find it intriguing, remember it and is easy to write when they want to visit. MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER IT as soon as you decide on a terrific URL, you don't want it stolen while you are designing a website all around it. Don't be disappointed if it is not available, billions are already taken and you may have try many times before you find a great one you can use.

• To determine a market go to Google or Yahoo search your best projected keywords, check how many websites there pointing to that product, what is their popularity and how many hits they get.

• It is up to you to decide if the market is there but price is a consideration, obviously there are going to be a lot more hits for "Fords" than "Rolls Royce".

You are going to learn about the following methods for successful website selling and promotion.

• Adsense

• Affiliate Programs

• Articles

• Blogs

• Classified Ads

• Forums

• Links (Relevant)

• Link Anchor Texts

• Pay Per Clicks

• Safelists

• URL's

• Product Choices

• Self Help Programs

• Auto Submitters

• Auto Responders

I repeat, never send money until you have checked thoroughly their reputation and never ever believe their claims that your money will be happily refunded with no questions asked, that's just bull, you will never see your money. To check something out go to their blogs or go to Google, Yahoo, MSM (GYM) put in their website URL and scan first 100 listings, usually you will find anything negative about them if there are any.

Search Engine Optimization

There is only one way to get significant amounts of website traffic and that is to succeed in attaining a high page listing for your key words on Google and Yahoo. Many organizations do offer legitimate SEO services but they charge considerable fees. Because of these fees the scammers also charge large amounts but give you much less. It takes 2 to 3 months before you see any real results which allow these frauds to string you along and sometimes procure even more fees. A very good indication, although not perfect is to research how high up on Google and Yahoo they are. Ask for names of some of their clients and see where they are. If they refuse due to "confidentiality" run away from them. Also ask for the keywords they use.

Another way to pick an SEO company is to find a new company who is hungrier than the giants and charge less to gain a reputation. One company we found who seems to be very good with great management is "BestBusinessPackage" who does an entire business package including, hosting, email, complete website with content, SEO, business plan with review and critique of your business model all for $599. They will also provide credit card processor for a relatively small fee.

You can also do everything yourself but beware it takes an enormous amount of time, effort and computer savvy to do it. Go Daddy offers a terrific program to help neophytes called "Traffic Blazer" in conjunction with their "Website Tonight" program.

There some alternate methods but again they take a lot of time and will only be successful for a small percentage of website wannabe's. These include but are not limited to articles, press releases, blogs and web based classified ads. It will take a bit of practice and some writing skills to utilize these. If you do decide to use these methods please make sure you spell check everything you write, there is nothing that turns off a potential customer than poor spelling.


Websites development can cost anywhere from a $1000 to hundreds of $1000's although with moderate computer knowledge and some creativity using available software or the extra services some hosting companies provide it can be done. It is not easy and will take you many frustrating hours to accomplish. We do suggest getting a website designer as your website is the only link between you and your customer. We suggest you reread the SEO section of this article for an inexpensive and reliable alternative to doing it yourself.

New Corporations

Many entrepreneurs think the first thing they need is a new corporation, this is not true. The first thing you need is profit; there is always time to form a company when you are generating income then you can form a simple "Sole Proprietorship" or Limited Liability Company. Corporations are only needed to protect your personal assets and certain tax benefits. Check with your accountant.

Attorneys charge a substantial amount to create a corporate identity for a business but it can be done online in a few minutes for much less money, time and effort. If you want to set up an offshore corporation be very careful as there are numerous scams for these.

Merchant Accounts

Before an online business can accept credit cards they must establish a relationship with a credit card processor commonly called a "merchant account". Sometimes these can be difficult to attain particularly when you sell a "high-risk" product (travel, adult) now it has become even more difficult with any product or service due to the reluctance of financial institutions to incur more credit card debt and especially with a new company.

Internet thieves are capitalizing on this and charging hundreds of dollars to set up a relationship with sometimes unscrupulous processors who promise low fees omitting the add-on fees when you get your first statement. There are many ways to establish a direct relationship with a credit card processor who charges a very small set up fee, usually less than $75 and a small percentage 2.5% - 5% of each transaction which is standard through out the industry. Affiliate Programs

When a company wants to get more internet sales agents they offer an "Affiliate Program" whereas another internet advertiser selling a complementary product can sell theirs also (example: travel agency selling their luggage). The affiliate then earns a commission on every sale. You can make some money with them but the conversion rate is minimal. An affiliate program set up is free, if there is a charge find someone else. For best results go through a third party company which represents and handles payments for affiliate programs; one of the better ones is "Commission Junction" -

Classified Ads

Don't use any classified ad services that charge; there are numerous free services that are very good. They are particularly good for generating high placement on popular search pages. Just search for "free classified ads" on Google or Yahoo.

Reciprocal Links

Links are only good to assist your optimization efforts as most search engine algorithms take backlinks into account when spidering your website. Website visitors rarely pay attention to links since they are only coming to your online business for what you offer. Keep in mind that these links are also encouraging your visitors to go directly to the link provider and any links they have with a competitor of yours.

Pay Per Clicks

PPC's are advertisements on search engines for which you pay for each visitor you get as a result of your ad. We find these absolutely worthless and extremely expensive. Although it generates traffic to your online business the conversion rate is abysmal and only makes money for the search engines.


Safelists are lists which encourage members to visit your site and vice versa. It is a never ending cycle which absolutely overwhelms your inbox. Very few are read as the response is so overpowering some Safelists contain hundreds of thousands or even millions of members and are just deleted You will ultimately come to hate it as you will eventually appear on every SPAM list imaginable. The only organization that makes money is the purveyors of this atrocious waste of time and money. We tested 3 and got over 1000 emails a day none of which had anything to do with what I was selling although I requested only targeted emails relating to my products. It was a horrific experience!

Auto Responders

Unless you generate an enormous amount of traffic you do not need this we find that a scheduled follow-up is much more productive and can be done at virtually no cost through your email account. Go Daddy offers a very good mass mailer you can use with your data base. For ideas on how to develop a worthwhile data base go to "Best Business Package" listed on Google and Yahoo.

Offshore Banking

Companies that prompt you to do this are some of the worst scammers. They get a large amount of upfront money and very rarely deliver. The following was just revealed on 2/18/08 which proves these type accounts are no longer safe. "UBS, the largest bank in Switzerland, agreed on Wednesday to divulge the names of well-heeled Americans whom the authorities suspect of using offshore accounts at the bank to evade taxes. The bank admitted conspiring to defraud the Internal Revenue Service and agreed to pay $780 million to settle a sweeping federal investigation into its activities".

Conclusions and Recommendations

Throughout this article we recommended individual companies we use who provide terrific products and service at no or minimal costs but like most enterprises they require an enormous amount of time, effort and perseverance. There is one organization I found which provides a complete business package at a very reasonable price ($699) for new or existing entrepreneurs who don't have the experience, knowledge or time to do it themselves. The name of the company is [] you can find them on Google and Yahoo. I thought this price unbelievable for what you get but when I sampled their services and found they were a group of retired American business executives who do this as a hobby I became a believer. Check them out you will be very pleasantly surprised.

This article was written not to discourage web based business entrepreneurs but rather to give them a heads up about the too-good-to-be-true scams. There are no quick and easy ways to make money on the Internet to succeed takes an unbelievable amount of hard work, perseverance, knowledge and dedication. It is not easy but the rewards in both money and the pleasure you get from creating a successful business are well worth it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Home Foreclosure - Why You Must Do All You Can to Avoid It

The bottom line is a home foreclosure means losing the roof over your head. It must be your prime concern. Home means many things, but one feeling we all have about our homes, humble or grand, is the notion of the cave; somewhere safe to scuttle back to, to re-group, to make our plans, the place we want to be when sad or frightened. Losing all this, at a time when you most need it, could be crushing. There's help out there for you, but you must drive the campaign to save your home from foreclosure. However impossible it may appear right now, do not give up!

There are steps you can take to halt the process even while you hold the foreclosure letter in your hand because the outcome is not inevitable. You are urged to carefully consider the consequences if you lose motivation and resign yourself to think "I cannot save my home from foreclosure".

You may not have yet considered the extra expense involved in losing your home. If you are lucky enough to find a rental agency that will accept you, you now have to fund removal costs, find a large deposit and pay some months in advance. There are good reasons why I mention 'if you are lucky enough'. Your reference will show your involvement in the home foreclosure process, and that you are, therefore, probably not a good rent risk! In addition, finding a rental property that will accept children, let alone the slobbering, muddy family Labrador, is often very difficult and will incur additional deposits. And all the while, you will still have to make payments on your debt.

Never underestimate the impact home foreclosure has on family life. It's not a joyfully planned, eagerly awaited relocation that your family has dreamed of for years. This is a wrenching away from everything familiar, and will definitely involve some downsizing. A 2 bedroom apartment will not hold the entire contents of a 4 bedroom house. The Labrador will probably have to go too. Finding yourself part of a new and unfamiliar community, when you may already be feeling vulnerable, increases painful isolation. If you have to accept housing some distance away, your children may have to change schools. Although resilient, children will know the underlying cause for their upheaval. The stress and anxiety is bound to cause many reasons for arguments and family discord. Many families do not survive the home foreclosure process intact. Feelings of guilt, helplessness, resentment, shame and anger may never completely disappear.

If you find yourself asking 'Why am I trying to save my home from foreclosure? It would be easier to just let it go.' The impact on your family, your finances and importantly, your health, must be considered. The stress of fighting your corner cannot be worse than the impact, on both your physical and mental health, of losing everything you have worked for. To save your home from foreclosure, is a hard road to take, but look what's at stake?

Think about this very carefully and make sure you have explored all your options fully before giving up because home foreclosure is definitely not the easier option. Home foreclosures are a scary time for everyone. Find help and advice on how to save your home from foreclosure and move forward on a clearer path.