Friday, April 4, 2014

The Underbelly of Unemployment

This is not a recommendation that unemployment assistance be stopped. I only want to point out the long term consequences of men lowering their living standards to continue to not work and ride out the government programs.

It is what is wrong with our welfare system today. We have three generations of welfare recipients whose major education is in learning to work the government welfare programs. They learn early on as they watch dad position himself to meet qualifications of various programs.

From the get-go men have been hunters. With no more to hunt for other than a job, too many are buying into the welfare life. Too many men are waiting for their jobs to come back. This is probably not going to happen. The job you had may be in China or India or with some intern at your old company, who took it half your pay.

Good mental health dictates that men work. Without a job a sense of worthlessness can set in. From this springs depression and a loss of pride.

First and foremost you need to accept whatever financial help you can get in order to live. At the same time, accept any job you can get to keep your work ethic alive, to keep welfare from robbing your manhood.

I have been employing men and women in different companies and at different levels of required skills for over 50 years. I find that the work-ethic of this nation has deteriorated beyond comprehension. The people have become obsessed with leisure. They inter this sense of "leisure first" into the minds of their children. All look forward to the weekends and plan all week exactly what they will do. There is available for today's child, Teeball, little league baseball, peewee league football as well as soccer.

Not many years ago, men and women read to improve their minds and subsequently improve their income. They had pride in doing a good job, impressing the bosses who handed out raises and promotions.

It is not too late for these improvements to be made. Believe me, there are jobs to be had. Room will be made for the right applicant.

In the meantime, see if you can market some talent or skill that you may have had as a child or from a hobby. If you like to mend and repair things around the house, you could become a handyman. Be careful though, you could get covered up with work.

Can you sell? There is always an opening for salespeople.

There are many opportunities in the home based business field. I have owned 3 auto dealerships, an insurance agency, a landscaping business, a mail shop and an Internet marketing company of health food supplements. The last two were home based businesses.

The first thing you have to do is use your head, then get up.

I have been a businessman for over 50 years. I have made successful entrepreneurs out of many employees for fellow business owners. I have lived through many economic up-heavels and have been amazed to find how the rules for success are not much different than they were in 1933. It was this year that I was born and he opened his own business from scratch in those darkest days of the Great Depression. He had no experience as a business man. Men of today are of little difference. It may be that the fire in their belly has been diminished from easy living.

Harold Mounce

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