Saturday, March 2, 2013

Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit - Long Term Care Benefits for Veterans

Veterans Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit -- Long Term Care Benefits for Veterans What Is the Aid and Attendance Benefit? The Veterans Benefits Administration offers a disability income available to veterans who served during a period of war or to their surviving spouses. This special benefit is officially called "pension" but is more popularly known as the "veterans aid and attendance pension benefit". For a pension benefit for veterans younger than 65, evidence of total of disability must be provided. Veterans 65 and older do not have to disabled.

The National Care Planning Council estimates that as much as 30% of the US population over the age of 65 would qualify for the aid and attendance pension benefit under the right circumstances. That's how many war veterans or surviving spouses of veterans there are. The benefit is such a well-kept secret that only a small fraction of these eligible veterans are actually receiving it. Death pension -- a benefit available to a surviving spouse-- is a lesser amount based on the same rules for applying for a living pension claim. In other words, the deceased veteran must have met the rules for pension -- with the exception of being totally disabled or over age 65 -- or have been receiving pension in order for his or her spouse to receive the lesser benefit. In addition, in order to be eligible or keep receiving the benefit, the surviving spouse must remain single.

Who can submit a claim? A claim is submitted by the veteran or by the veteran's single surviving spouse in the case of a death claim. A duly appointed service organization, an employee of the local regional VA office, or a VA approved agent may file a claim on behalf of the veteran or the spouse. A claim cannot be filed with a general or durable power of attorney. The application will be sent back requesting proper documentation for a VA power of attorney. The veteran must sign a document specifically authorizing a power of attorney for someone to submit an initial claim for him. Many chagrined children with a durable power of attorney have submitted claims on behalf of a parent only to have the claim rejected by VA.

What happens if the veteran is incompetent? If the veteran cannot submit the original application or sign a power of attorney for a surrogate to file an application, then a duly appointed guardian can complete the application. VA also allows the spouse, a parent or next of kin, or a friend to complete and submit an application on behalf of an incompetent veteran if that person submits the proper power of attorney request and indicates the applicant could be considered incompetent for financial affairs. Even though the veteran or surviving spouse may be incompetent for financial affairs, he or she should always sign the power of attorney request if he or she is competent to do so. VA may appoint a fiduciary to take over the claim and the affairs for the claimant if VA determines he or she is incompetent.

How does VA handle power of attorney? Employees of VA and veterans service organizations already have authorization for power of attorney to file an application on behalf of the veteran. They have forms for the veteran to sign to allow this to happen. An attorney representing the veteran in other affairs can also request a power of attorney in the proper format and on his or her letterhead. Any single individual may also submit a letter requesting power of attorney to submit an application if it is signed by the veteran and if the letter provides certain required information. There is also a VA form in the book support packet that can be submitted for power of attorney. All attorney requests submitted for power of attorney must state that the veteran is not paying a fee to file the application on his or her behalf.

What is an "aid and attendance" or "housebound" rating? A "rating" is granted by a veteran service representative where a condition exists that makes the disability more severe. Medical evidence is required unless someone is a patient in a nursing home, and then the requirement is waived. The rating allows VA to pay an additional monthly amount of pension or compensation to a veteran or a surviving spouse for additional costs associated with this disability.

How does one qualify for aid and attendance or housebound rating? The application form has a block allowing for a request for either rating. Submitting medical evidence in advance instead of waiting for a request from VA can help expedite the process of getting this rating. We have provided in the book support packet, a sample form that might be used for this purpose. This form is also designed around information that VA is looking for and may be a more effective presentation of the facts than typical medical records from the doctor.

What is the effective date? The effective date is generally the day VA receives an original application. If it takes three months for the process of approval or six months, it doesn't matter. The effective date still reverts to receipt of the original application.

When does payment begin? Generally, payments start on the first day of the month following the month of the effective date. This means that if it took six months to get approval, at least five months of benefit will be paid retroactively. VA requires automatic deposit of awards in a checking or savings account.

What happens if the veteran dies during the period of application? If the veteran dies during the period of application and the application was not approved prior to the death, there may be accrued benefits. If the regional office had all of the information in its possession that would have led to an approval, then there is an accrued benefit payable. Otherwise there is none. The full benefit is available for the month of death of the veteran and to a surviving spouse through an application on Form 21-534. This is the same form a surviving spouse uses for a death benefit claim for himself or herself. VA will award either an accrued benefit or death benefit to the surviving spouse whichever is larger. If there is no surviving spouse or dependent child, VA will pay the unreimbursed costs of last illness and burial to the person who paid those costs. A special claim must be submitted for these costs, not Form 21-534.

What is a veteran's federal fiduciary, and does that affect the application? For a veteran who is considered incompetent to handle his own financial affairs, VA will appoint a fiduciary to receive the money and pay the bills. A federal fiduciary is an individual appointed for this purpose, usually a spouse or a family member. In most cases -- except for the spouse living with the veteran -- there is an interview required and mounds of paperwork. This process can take a long time, and it is to the advantage of the person filing an original claim to request the appointment of himself or herself as a fiduciary or for some other appropriate person or organization to help expedite the process. VA always makes the final decision on whom it appoints as a fiduciary. In fact, the agency might well ignore court appointed fiduciaries. In general, the decision favors declaring the veteran competent and avoiding a fiduciary where at all possible.

What is the income test for pension? If the household income adjusted for unreimbursed medical expenses and a deductible is greater than the maximum allowable pension rate -- MAPR -- there is no benefit. In 2007, the maximum allowable rate for a couple with aid and attendance allowance is $21,615 a year. For a single it is $18,234 a year. Without aid and attendance or housebound allowance the maximum couple's rate is $14,313 a year and for a single it is $10,929 a year. Death pension rates are lower. People seeking a benefit with adjusted incomes greater than these levels will be denied.

Can a household with income above the maximum limit qualify for pension? A quirk in the way benefits are calculated can allow individuals and couples earning between $24,000 to $60,000 a year to still qualify for a benefit. It has to do with the treatment by VA of the very large recurring medical costs associated with home care, assisted living, or nursing home care.

What is the pension household asset test, and what can be done if the asset test is not met? As a general rule assets cannot exceed $80,000. A veteran or spouse occupied-house, a reasonable amount of land upon which it sits and a vehicle are exempt from the asset test. In reality there is no specific test in the regulations. Veterans service representatives are required to file paperwork justifying their decision if they allow assets greater than $80,000. Thus this amount has become a traditional ceiling. The service representative is encouraged to analyze the veteran's household needs for maintenance and weigh those needs against assets that can be readily converted to cash. In the end, the decision as to allowable assets is a subjective decision made by a service representative. In certain cases a benefit award could be denied even if assets are below $20,000 or $10,000 or even zero dollars. There are legal ways to get around the asset test if assets are too high. These are described in our book.

What proofs and documents are required with the pension claim? We have already discussed the requirements for power of attorney and fiduciary if they apply. In addition, an original copy of the discharge from service -- typically DD 214 or form WD -- is required and the discharge must have been honorable. If there is a question about the marriage relationship, a marriage certificate or other proof may be necessary. Birth certificates of dependent children are usually not required but may be necessary under certain conditions. A dependent child is a minor, a dependent student under age 23, or a totally dependent adult child. There are certain documents that need to be submitted to prove future recurring medical expenses and to prove need for aid and attendance or housebound allowances. VA does not furnish these documents nor provide any information that they are required. Sample documents that could be used for these purposes are included in our book.

Can someone charge to help fill out the form? Federal code and VA regulations prohibit an agent, advisor or attorney from charging a fee to fill out and file a claim for pension. Most practitioners or providers help their clients for free, sometimes in the context of solving other retirement issues or providing long term care services. Some practitioners offer application advice for a fee (which is legal) but will send their clients to a veterans' service organization to complete the application. Some assisted living facilities or home care providers also offer free advice or help and this seems to be an acceptable practice. An agent or attorney can also be paid by a disinterested third party under certain conditions to complete an application. However, a home care agency, assisted living facility or nursing home that pays an agent or attorney to complete an application on behalf of a resident or client does not meet the definition of a disinterested third party is in violation of the prohibition for charging a fee

How are assets, income and unreimbursed medical expenses determined? The applicant must submit details on the application of all income and all assets including retirement savings accounts such as IRAs. Almost any type of money received or anything received that can be converted into money is income. The only exclusions for assets are a personal residence (occupied by the veteran or spouse) and a reasonable amount of land it sits on as well as vehicles and other personal possessions. Personal possessions used as an investment such as a coin collection are counted as assets. Unreimbursed medical expenses can be almost any expense related to medical needs.

Are there any other reporting requirements? VA requires that any change in income or assets be reported immediately. The award is calculated for 12 months in advance, but at the beginning of each calendar year, a formal report called an EVR (Eligibility Verification Report) must be filed detailing all income, assets and unreimbursed medical expenses for the coming calendar year. For example if the award is granted in April for 12 months in advance, an EVR must be submitted in January of the next year that could affect the award amount for the remaining four months of the initial 12 month period. The EVR will be used for determining benefits for the calendar year on which it is based.

What is a veteran's federal fiduciary, and does that affect the application? VA can appoint a number of different types of fiduciaries to manage the funds on behalf of an incompetent veteran. A federal fiduciary is typically an individual such as the spouse or a child whom the VA is most likely to appoint. If VA is not notified with the application that the veteran may be incompetent and that a fiduciary appointment is requested, this could slow down the application and approval process.

Will the pension benefit pay a nonlicensed homecare provider? VA does not pay providers directly but provides extra income to make up for the cost of licensed medical care. Medical conditions or injuries or diseases that require a need for ongoing licensed homecare will allow the applicant to reduce household income by the cost of homecare making it possible to receive the additional income from a pension award. If the beneficiary has an aid and attendance or housebound allowance, VA will allow deductions for nonlicensed providers as well.

Will the pension benefit pay a member of the family to provide care at home? As explained above, VA will not pay providers directly but only indirectly through extra income. If the beneficiary receiving care in the home has received a rating for aid and attendance or housebound, VA will allow expenses paid to a family member for care to be counted as unreimbursed medical expenses to qualify for the benefit. The care arrangement must be legitimate and appropriate evidence must be provided.

Does the pension benefit pay the costs of a nursing home? The application form has provision for indicating residency in a nursing home and whether or not the applicant is eligible for Medicaid. VA will automatically apply the monthly cost of the nursing home in determining the pension benefit. If the applicant is single with no dependent children at home and is eligible for Medicaid, VA is required to stop any payment of full benefits and only provide the veteran with $90 a month.

Does the pension benefit pay the costs of assisted living? As explained above, VA will not pay providers directly but only indirectly through extra income. If the beneficiary receiving care in assisted living has received a rating for aid and attendance or housebound, VA will allow expenses paid to assisted living for aid and attendance or housebound ratings -- including room and board -- to be counted as unreimbursed medical expenses. The cost of assisted living being used as a retirement residence is not considered a medical expense. It does not warrant a rating and cannot be deducted.

What are the requirements to receive a death pension benefit? The applicant must be a surviving spouse or a dependent child of an eligible veteran. VA form 21-534 is used to apply for death pension, death compensation, accrued benefits, or dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC). The surviving spouse must be single. A surviving spouse of any age is eligible as long as the deceased veteran served at least 90 days during a period of war. They had to be married at least a year prior to death or have a child as a result of the marriage. There is no requirement for total disability for the surviving spouse nor for the deceased veteran to have been totally disabled or older than age 65.

How does one prove that unreimbursed medical expenses will recur every month? VA has specific rules for proving future recurring medical expenses. Information in our book outlines the type of paperwork that must be submitted for each type of long term care service. The book also contains appropriate forms for this purpose. Neither the claims form nor information from the regional office provides any guidance on the rules for proving future recurring medical expenses for home care or assisted living. One simply has to know how to do it. This one crucial step often makes the difference between a successful claim and a denial.

What if the veteran or spouse is currently receiving Medicaid? Our interpretation of the rules leads us to believe that VA will not consider Medicaid payments as income. However, Medicaid will consider the nonallowance portion of the pension to be income. This could affect Medicaid eligibility in income test states. There is evidence that some income test states count the entire pension benefit including the allowance as income. According to federal Medicaid rules this should not happen.

What happens when the veteran or spouse wants to receive pension & Medicaid together? Federal law requires that a single veteran receiving Medicaid with no spouse or dependent children can receive no more than $90 a month from VA. Veterans in state veterans homes are exempt from this requirement. The veteran with a spouse can receive the benefit to help defray the costs of a nursing home. As a general rule, the pension benefit would probably not work if Medicaid were paying the bill. But the benefit does work well for non-Medicaid nursing home beds and while the recipient is going through the Medicaid spend down.

This article is an excerpt from the book -- "VETERANS AID AND ATTENDANCE BENEFIT -- LONG TERM CARE BENEFITS FOR VETERANS" -- published by the National Care Planning Council and written and edited by Thomas Day, Council Director. This first-of-its-kind book is available in two editions -- the Standard Edition (209 pages) for the general public and the Professional Edition (443 pages) to be used as a handbook for advisors and care providers. Both books contain the necessary information and forms to complete an application for the benefit. The Professional Edition also includes citations from rules and regulations, hypothetical planning cases, asset reduction strategies and a software CD with benefit estimate software, all applicable forms and planning sheets. To review and purchase the book go to or type in your browser window

Thomas Day specializes in the area of long term care planning. As director of the National Care Planning Council and chief spokesman for the Utah Elder Care Planning Council he maintains a busy schedule giving advice to concerned caregiving families and conducting radio and reporter interviews. He is also responsible for maintaining several Internet sites one of which, is a frequently visited and popular site for long term care issues. The site currently is receiving the equivalent of 6 million hits a year. Tom is also busy writing articles and has completed three new books on long term care planning published by the National Care Planning Council.

Tom graduated from the University of Utah with a BA in physics and math and an MBA in finance. He holds a CLU designation from the American College. Tom and his wife Susan live in Centerville, Utah. They have seven children and 17 grandchildren.

Please contact Tom at 800-989-8137 or

Taking the Stress Out of Finding a Mortgage

We all dream of the days of buying our first house. Where will it be? How many bedrooms will it have? Our minds conjure up vivid fantasies about a perfect house. It seems like a dream come true... until we get to the mortgage. Finding the funding for your new home purchase can seem like daunting task for those new to the process. You will find that finding the perfect lending program for you will be easy once you know some simple information about funding.

The most important step that a person can do is a careful analysis of their situation. You should not only review your credit scores from all three agencies but also how much of a down payment you are willing to make. By knowing this information you can increase your options in funding which could save you money! Bring this information to your bank or mortgage broker.

There are several types of loans you can get for a home. One of the most common types is conventional financing. This will often require the largest amount of money for a down payment but could get you the lowest interest rate. This could be a good option if you plan to own the home for years due to the interest savings. Paying the larger down payment can also help lower your monthly payment.

Another type of home loan is FHA funding. This is a low down payment loan that often can be used with only a 3.5 percent down payment. This a great program that allows people with lower credit scores to participate. The down side to this program is the fees and costs to get the loan, or closing costs, could be higher than with other forms of funding.

The most important thing to remember is the more information about your situation you have the more opportunities you have available to you in the funding process. Use your knowledge to make the buying process as fun and profitable as possible!

Ryan writes articles about 95% mortgages and about the difficulty in finding 95 percent mortgages in today's financial climate.

Babysitter Service - What You Need to Know

Babysitter services are not uncommonly today. It is therefore impossible for you not to find a good sitter. The good services of your sitter however, depend to some extent on how you communicate with your sitter and how you treat her. Here are some good points to remember when dealing with your sitter.

Settle the Rate

Agree on is the sitter's rate. The rate will depend on a couple of factors. These include age of the sitter, number of kids to watch over, ages of the kids, amount of work to be done, hours of work and experience of the sitter. Unfortunately, there is no set rule for coming up with a permanent sitter rate. What you have to do then is to carefully talk to your sitter about an agreeable rate considering various factors. These days, it is usually quite unacceptable to pay a sitter below $3. You would have to pay over that depending on what you agree on.

Set Rules for Dealing with Kids

Clear and concrete rules and instructions. If you want your sitter to be effective, you have to tell her what you want. You have to be very clear and specific with your instructions. Tell her what you allow your kids to eat or to watch on T.V. Give instructions on what to do when your child misbehaves or refuses to follow instructions.

One good example is the schedule. If schedules have to be followed, then be sure to tell her about that. This may include schedules for naptime, sleep time, classes and snacks. If there are any special concerns such as a toddler that is prone to tantrums, then be sure to tell your sitter in advance.

Set Rules for the Sitter

Do you have specific rules in mind for your sitter to follow? Your babysitter service provider should also know if you have rules for her to follow. It is only natural for you to set some guidelines since she will be staying in your house. At the same time though, you should be prepared not to be too strict with your sitter. It would be very unreasonable for example not to allow your sitter to use any of your things in your living room or kitchen. The guidelines you should set may have something to do with the length of personal calls, sleeping on duty and having personal visitors while on duty.

Always Ask Questions

Have a brief chat with your sitter when you get home. Ask her how things went and if she enjoyed being with your kids. This would also be a good time to address specific concerns. Your sitter for example may have had a particularly difficult time with handling one of your kids. Ask her how she dealt with the situation and make sure to praise her if she did a good job at handling it.

Be Generous

Meals - Never forget to leave your sitter something to eat or drink. This is a basic courtesy. Even if you are paying her, it would be a sign of generosity on your part to offer her something extra. This is an especially good idea if she hasn't eaten her meal yet. Being extra kind and generous on your sitter would make her feel that only the best kind of service is expected from her.

Learn how you can find ads for babysitter wanted Find the top babysitter service online.

How to Find an Updated Real Estate Listing

Real estate listing is a way to find best possible deals for those who want to buy or sell any kind of immovable asset. This is a very wide sector and contributing effectively to the success of every economy. Investing in property is a wise decision but if it is taken with proper care and followed by deep research work.

There are many ways to find an updated real estate listing but finding suitable one is quite mind storming. Here are few effective ways to discover latest property rates:-

Online Directory- This is the best way to find a profitable deal and interaction with many potential customers. One can easily find different service providers and companies offering attractive deals.

Agencies and Agents- There are many agencies and agents offering their services. One may find them online and ask them for any related query and they will provide accurate solution.

Online Guides- With the help of online guides one can locate names and contact details of various property dealers. People are also provided with an option to take appointment of some professionals and meet them personally.

Media and News- This is an effective way to search various dealings because the information provided through media or news is always accurate and updated.

Consultancies- The establishment of various consultancies makes things easier because personalized attention is given to the client. Information is provided on the basis of personal details and investment limit provided by the client. One must make sure that accurate information should be provided at the time of registration.

Associations- These are specially designed regulatory bodies providing outstanding knowledge about real estate listing. One can interact with highly skilled professionals or experts in order to know best ways to grab profitable opportunity.

Conferences- This is an efficient way to gather appropriate know-how. This does not require personal interaction because people can discuss through online services.

Legal advisers- This is most reliable source to find best deal because they provide accurate information. This is a perfect solution for beginners because having a sound knowledge of all legal formalities is very important.

Online Articles- Those who want to collect core information should read some online articles regarding best ways to find updates real estate listing. Make sure that one is referring to high quality articles only to avoid any kind of confusion.

Audio and Video Galleries- This is the best example of latest technology as one can see and listen to the experience of previous investors. Some companies offer special presentations of their professionals in o order to educate people.

There are enormous ways to find latest property deals but this requires people to devote some time on research. There are some other factors also that must be considered well in advance, playing a crucial role in financial transactions. This includes study of current market trends, market fluctuations, effective comparison of similar properties and services rendered by different companies.

Mr.Deepak Gupta, realtor in Orlando FL provides listing of homes for sale Orlando and Kissimmee.

Selecting a Nanny - Interviewing Prospective Nannies

Interviewing prospective nannies is an important task as it is the best way to form a first opinion of a potential child care provider. The personality of the nanny you plan to hire is one of the most essential requirements, yet one of the toughest items to gauge.

If you opt to work with an agency for help selecting a nanny, the agency will select potential nannies for you to meet with. If you opt to find a nanny on your own, be sure to conduct a background check.

During the interviewing process, remember that you are not just learning about them, but they are also learning about you. Treat the prospective nanny as if they were already working for you. What to ask is really dependant on what qualifications you are looking for in a nanny. At this point you should have a few nannies to consider that meet your current requirements for things such as education and experience.

Following are questions to ask a nanny during the interview process:
Verify all information provided on the application or in their resume, such as inquiring about previous nanny positions.

Ask them about past situations, such as the worst situations they encountered in previous positions and why they chose to discontinue the nanny position.

Test them with "what if" scenarios, such as "What would you do if there was a fire in the home?" or "How do you handle injuries?"

Ask them questions befitting your requirements, such as "We are looking for someone that can help our daughter with her math homework. How can you help us with that?" or "We are looking for someone to work part-time during the evenings after our son is home from school. Are you able to commit to these hours Monday through Friday in a long-term arrangement?"

Asking yes or no questions will not give you the results you need to form a decision. Instead, make sure you ask open-ended questions. Take note of their tone - is it loud and forceful or quiet and laid back? Also, take note of their mannerisms - are they smiling and appear happy or grimacing in disinterest?

During the interview, mention every aspect of the job you are offering. Discuss the salary, hours, benefits, responsibilities, duties, time off, and much more. Talk about any issues or concerns the prospective nanny has in this regard.

Hilary Basile is a writer for at, you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life's major events. Whether you're planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you'll find answers to your questions at

Find parenting tips and resources at

Important Considerations For a Nursing Agency Business

Having a nursing agency commerce is not that dissimilar as you think it is. As long as you do the accurate things needed to powerfully start and run it, you will quickly obtain victory. There are lots of works attached with this trade such as planning, marketing, publicity, picking the right employees, targeting possible clients, charging clients, paying nurses and a lot more. Yes, there are masses of things to do to be able to handle your business well. It really takes a lot of setting up. Think of the best location, checking on the regulations of your state, find ways on how to market your business, create rules and regulations for your business, find staffs, find ways to target potential clients and many more. Prior to opening a nursing agency business, you must look into the rules and system about nursing business in your state. You must stand with the rules and system in order to avoid problems. Location is important, so you have to pick the right place in order to make sure to easily attract possible clients. Of course, you have to go to the location that can assist you easily draw your possible clients. Put up rules and system that can help you powerfully manage your commerce. Put up rules that your clients and workers should abide. Be tough and firm with your rules and system to avoid problems. You must let people know your business. Create business cards, and flyers. Put an ad on your local newspapers. These are few of the ways to promote your industry, there are a lot more. Go and discover of the finest ways to publicize your nursing agency business.

How to Effectively Advertise Your New Nursing Agency Business

If you at last decide to own a nursing agency business, well done then! It is true that with this industry you can income a lot from it and at the same time you can have lots of fun particularly if you have a spirit to care of others.

If you love what you are doing, you will absolutely obtain success with it. So, for individuals who wish to get success, this is the business for you.

In putting up commerce, you must have customers to keep the industry going. Now, in order for you to get clients, you must advertise your nursing agency business. Are you wondering on how to do it? If yes, just read on...

You must advertise locally. Meaning, you have to let the facilities in your community know your business. You can give the people in your neighbourhood your business card in order for them to know about you and your business.

Creating flyers is one first-class way of advertising a business. In creating your flyers, you must put the name of your business, your name, address, contact number and other significant details. After printing out, you can post it on bulletin boards, malls and others. Yes, flyer is an effectual way of advertising your business and the good thing about it is it is not expensive.

Putting an ad on your local paper is another good way of publicizing your nursing agency business. In making an ad, make it expert looking in order to attract potential clients.

Yes, in advertising your industry, you can find lots of clients. But in order to get a lot more and to uphold current customers, you have to provide great services; you must always satisfy your clients in order to gain success.

For More Information See: How to start a nursing agency, visit

Friday, March 1, 2013

I Love My Mother, But I Don't Like Her

I love my mother, but I don't like her very much. This is a common feeling for caregivers. Ussually in the dementia caregiving process there comes a point at which your parent no longer recognizes you, and you start to question why you are going through so much anguish when your own parent doesn't even recognize you. It may happen occasionally, and you find yourself prompting: "Mom, it's me Debbie, your daughter?" But when this starts happening with greater frequency, you may start to feel taken for granted.

However this is not the hardest part. Because the way the brain is affected, you may also experience vicious criticism, you may get cussed at, or experience paranoid accusations, even violence may occur. Coupled with irrational behavior, refusal to bathe or change clothing, demands to drive the car, or "sundowning" (when they unreasonably attempt to leave home), your parent may become someone who you would normally have nothing to do with. But you do it because its "family". But when you realize that they don't even seem to know who you are, then for many, it gets a lot hard to tolerate.

You may love them, but not like them. It's like a Science Fiction movie, where the alien possesses the body of a human. You are living with someone who looks like the person you love the most in the world, but they have now become like strangers to you. But if you are feeling this way, it is very important to pause and reassess the situation. Chances are a few years have passed since you first decided that you would be the primary caregiver for your mom or dad. But now it's time to ask yourself these important questions:

Does your loved one need more help than before? Bathing? Dressing? Grooming? Toileting?
Do you find that as time has passed you are doing EVERYTHING for them?
Do feel like you no longer have your own life?
Are you concerned or have you noticed that your own health is worsening?

If you said yes to any two of these questions, then YOU are the one that needs help, now. There are many people, places and agencies that can take care of your loved one. But how many people are out there that can help you? What happens to you if you get seriously ill and can no longer take care of your mom or dad? You should know that statistically, adults that are under chronic stress are at a much higher risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, even colds, flu and pneumonia. Not to mention that stress suppresses your immune system, opening you up to a long list of very serious conditions.

It's called "caregiver burnout" or "compassion fatigue" and it's time to start what we call Caring for the Caregiver. Regardless of your original decision to take care of your parent or spouse, you did your best but now it's time get help! There are many resources available for you to consider.

A good place to start is Or call your local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association and let them know about your situation. You are not alone, and there are many people who have paved the way for you. But you have to decide for yourself to follow that path. It's not going to get easier, why not start now?

Donahue Vanderhider, a Gerontologist practicing in Southern California, has a deep understanding and extensive knowledge of Aging and all its related disorders: both normal and abnormal. He has a Masters Degree from USC and postgraduate training in Clinical Guided Imagery, Metaphysics, and Neuro-linguistic Programming. He has also been on advisory boards to the Alzheimer's Association. His passion and life-long goal is to improve the quality of life of caregivers, especially those dealing with Alzheimer's. He can be found at

Expending Client Base in Interpretation and Translation Services

Networking with another professionals and companies is the key to grow freelance translation or interpretation business sector. It is also very challenging to develop steady cooperation with perspective clients since the market is overwhelmed with any type of translation services. However, if one possesses creativity, and knows which domains are demanding, and less competitive, he or she may find networking and self-promotion easier to conduct. By brainstorming an interpreter or a translator may discover, for instance that a Speech- Language Pathologist will need his or her services.

What does a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) do?

SLP evaluates, diagnoses and treats individuals who exhibit speech, language, voice, fluency, and swallowing disorders. Now, you may wonder why this professional needs your interpretation or translation services. SLP who works in culturally diverse areas such as Australia, Canada or United States (USA), he/she finds working face-to-face with an interpreter necessary. For instance, according to the U.S. Census Bureau there are approximately 50 million people in the USA who speak a language other then English at home. (American Community Survey, 2002).

In Los Angeles, one of the most diverse cities in the USA there are 150 languages spoken in public schools, and many cultural communities such as: African American, Armenian, Chinese, Korean, Polish, Russian and other. When working in US public schools, SLP is required by the law (Special Education Legislation) to conduct assessment in student's native language. That's when an interpreter or a translator plays an important role. An interpreter can be involved in many different tasks such as participating in process of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment when collaborating with SLP. One of the responsibilities is to translate spoken words from one language to another when SLP performs the standardized or non-standardized testing, and gives instructions to a patient. In addition, an interpreter will be involved in some type of analysis that will help SLP to distinguish between language difference and language disorder.

An interpreter therefore, will not only interpret words but also pay close attention to the production of sounds, language competence such as grammar, pragmatics of given culture and cognitive behavior of a patient. An interpreter will help SLP to determine if a mother tongue of a client is deviant, and if the "errors" that occur in second language are due to interference of first language. Moreover, an interpreter will be needed during an interview when SLP collects background information from a client such as medical, developmental history, speech/language acquisition history, and family and social history. Furthermore, an interpreter may be needed during treatment when SLP or a client decides that therapy in native language is necessary and beneficial. A translator may offer his/ her services to SLP since the questionnaire forms, consent forms, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and progress reports should also be presented in native language of a client who may not be able to read in his second language.

How can I network with those professionals? First of all find places that are cultural and linguistically diverse. Promote your services by contacting or even visiting public schools, private practices that offer speech/language therapy, hospitals, local clinics, rehabilitation centers, nursing care facilities, colleges and universities, state and local health departments, state and federal government agencies, home health agencies. Also, visit ASHA (American Speech Hearing Association) website.

The author Marian Marcinkowski is the President of He is the owner of and it is a global provider in translation solutions, providing translation services via network of professional freelance translators and translation agencies located around the world. it is a directory of freelance professionals.

The Rise of Travel Nurses and Travel Nurse Companies

The travelling nurses industry has already picked up. This has resulted into having a number of travel nurse companies soaring recently. Right now, both Canada and the United States of America are experiencing a shortage in terms of nurses. They have been experiencing this in the past coups of years.

Given this phenomenon, travel nurse companies are searching for nurses. These companies send the nurses that they are able to acquire to the hospitals that need this extra manpower. The nurses who are being sent in various locations are able to enjoy travelling as well as having a lucrative salary. They also receive different insurance such as medical, life, dental, health, and vision insurances. They are also being given allowances for their food as well as for their lodging. Aside from that, their trips towards their destination are all-expense paid. A retirement package may also be given to them as part of their benefits.

Depending on which company employs them, some of them may also enjoy allowances that will allow them to pursue graduate studies. Also, other companies give their employees bonuses for their loyalty or if they will be able to refer another worker to the company. In this way, the current nurses are being encouraged to stay. More than that, they are also able to help the company in searching for more professionals in the field of health care.

Since there is a shortage in terms of manpower in both the US and Canada, some companies do open up the employment to the other countries. The companies that are often being tapped are the Philippines, United Kingdom, South Africa, India and Australia. There are high standards that have to be met by the health care professionals. For the applicants who came from countries that are not English-speaking, they must first pass the exams that test their skills in comprehending and in writing English. In particular, three exams have to be passed. The first exam is the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). For one to pass the TOEFL, he must score at least 540. The second test is the Test of Spoken English (TSE). The passing score for TSE is 50. Finally, the applicant must also pass the Test of Written English (TWE), by acquiring a score of at least 4.0.

Visas are also being required. Since there is a shortage in nurses in the United States and Canada, these countries have been less strict in granting visas to nurses. Being granted with a visa means not having any record on criminality. Some companies also require the applicant to have a nursing license in his home country.

Oftentimes, companies do require a certain level of educational equipment and some working experience. The usual educational requirement for applicants is that they must at least have finished a 3-year nursing course from an accredited university. These graduates are expected to have backgrounds in psychiatric care, midwifery, paediatrics, adult clinical surgery, and adult clinical medicine.

Usually, traveling nurses receive a higher pay than the normal nursing staff. If the benefits will be compared to the ones being received by a nurse in his original country, it could be seen that it is exponentially higher. Aside from that, being one among the many travel nurses is also good because it brings more openings to other job opportunities.

For More Information See: How to How to start a nursing agency, visit

Selling Your Home - How Much Should You Pay Your Real Estate Agent?

Although many home owners try to sell their house on their own, most properties are released on the market through real estate agencies. The work involved in selling a home is quite extensive, and if is not done effectively, the chances for a sale will be drastically reduced.

Hiring a real estate agent is still the most efficient way to sell your home. These qualified consultants know the property market, are familiar with the fluctuating home values in your area, and they can advise you on what buyers are looking for. It may be hard to believe, but trends change constantly. For example, white walls were once a 'must.' Today, they are frowned upon because they no longer represent style and warmth.

Experienced agents will highlight the strengths of your home; they also recognize the flaws, and can help you correct them. Sometimes, rearranging furniture, or repainting a few doors can make a world of difference, adding to the overall attractiveness of your rooms. Real estate advisers can also make suggestions on how to improve your yard, pool area and develop that all-important curb appeal.

When you hire a real estate agent, you will be presented with a listing agreement. The fee the agency proposes will be mentioned in that contract, so read it carefully. In some cases those listing charges may be 7 per cent of the final sales price, while in others, they can be more or less. Some brokers will even be open to negotiations. This is often the case for re-occurring business.

Listing fees often fluctuate, so do your research before putting your house up for sale, or settling on a specific brokerage firm. When you are dealing with a lot of money, dishing out one per cent less on fees can be enough to pay for your moving expenses, or new furniture for your next abode.

Irida Sangemino is an internationally renowned SEO copywriter, editor, and PR specialist. She is known for her unique style, her European flair, and well-researched articles. She writes about a variety of topics, including real estate. Contact:

The Coming Caregiver Crisis

An alarming crisis is spreading across America and the health care sector. In the face of alarming demographic changes, there will be an enormous increase in America's elderly population in the next few decades, while the traditional labor pool for caregivers -- women from their mid-20s to mid-50s -- will scarcely grow at all.

Federal statistics suggest that about 3 million people currently work in direct-care jobs, mainly with the elderly, as nursing assistants, home health aides and personal care aides. Experts project there will be demand for nearly 1 million more caregivers in the next decade, and perhaps a total of 3 million more by 2030 when all surviving members of the 78-million-strong boomer generation are older than 65.

But many local home health agencies, assisted living centers and nursing homes are already acutely aware of the crisis. As new facilities are built to accommodate the growing need, the question remains - who will fill the ever-growing demand for qualified, caring and dependable caregivers? The answer may surprise you - it could be you!

Anyone who has a love for people and a strong desire to help others, especially the sick and elderly, should look into caregiving as a career. Most of the nursing homes and home health agencies require that employees be a Certified Nursing Assistant, but many in-home nonmedical providers that are licensed as Personal Care Agencies do not require caregivers be CNA's. Most CNA programs range between 80 to 110 hours of instruction, with some hours spent performing hands-on care in a health care setting.

After completion of the course, a state certification written examination is required. Many CNA's continue their education and become licensed practical nurses or registered nurses. With the vast employment opportunities for all three of these health care professions, they are excellent career pathways for people who are truly dedicated to helping other people and looking for a satisfying and rewarding career.

In-home non-medical and personal care agencies such as Comfort Keepers, which are licensed by the state, do not require that caregivers be CNA's, but look for people with life experience. This is basically the ability to care for and interact with seniors on a mature, socially engaging manner. It is also a great part-time job for people who may be retired, or someone looking to supplement their income.

Because in-home assignments never follow a strict 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule, the flexibility can be very convenient for stayat- home moms or those with other obligations. For people asking themselves whether caregiving or nursing would be the type of career they would enjoy pursuing, working for this type of agency is a great first step.

For questions, or to inquire about becoming a caregiver, please call (801) 629-HOME or (800) 593- 6808.

Louie Frucci
Certified Senior Advisor
Simply Seniors News

Online Jobs - Work From Home

If you're hesitant to give up your day job, you could start a sideline business and see if it takes off. To uncover the internet work options that best suit you and your family, start with a bit of honest soul searching. A new business owner must be willing to work hard and not quit after three months if she hasn't made her first $100,000 yet!

Even new college graduates are negotiating for flexible hours when applying for jobs. The Internet and tech tools like email, web phones, laptops, and personal digital assistants make it possible to work anywhere - whether it's from a corner table at Starbucks or a home office across the hall from your baby's nursery. Not only are your choices more flexible than ever, but you have better ways to find the job of your dreams. Employment agencies specializing in flexible work alternatives are cropping up across the nation to help people in various professions achieve better career/family balance. And with the advent of online job boards, you can post your resume and scan the classifieds for home based opportunities at all skill levels - whether you're an MBA or a secretarial school grad. The newest trend is moms only job resource centers, owned and run by moms who are dedicated to helping you locate reputable employment with built in adaptability.

Insurance companies hire telenurses to field calls from anxious patients and recommend whether they need to see a doctor. They help insure patients receive proper care and return to work as soon as medically feasible. Teleradiologists work remotely to interpret digital X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. 

For the most part, the job application and interview process for at home medical positions is conducted online and over the phone. Compensation for home based medical positions is competitive with that of traditional healthcare providers. But it can be stressful work. 

While I can't call them scams, many of the writing jobs you'll see posted around the Web are looking for slave labor: "Write 50 Articles for $50". The ability to concentrate and work well under the pressure of deadlines is important. Most writers who work from home are either freelancers or established magazine staff writers. B5media receives more than 5,000 applications from new bloggers each month, but only a handful of their 350 writers ever quit. 

Here are some important requirements of a winning resume: 

State only those skills and experience that fit the specific job 

Tailor the resume and cover letter to the specific job 

Give only the information the job announcement requests. 

Internet entrepreneur Sandy Klocinski wants everyone to know they don't have to be a genius to make money with an online business. That's why she launched []. While it's a tongue-in-cheek website name, the information on the site is serious business. The site includes the top money-making Internet-based businesses now available---all which come with free website setup

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Finding A Home Care Agency For Your Loved One

Unfortunately getting old is a fact of life that we all have to deal with. Often when we get to a certain age we start to need a little help. Many elderly people do not want to go into a nursing home as they feel they can manage just fine on their own. The reality is often different and family members often recognise that an elderly relative needs help. In this situation a home care agency may offer the solution you require.

Home care agencies can help with many tasks including cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, gardening, bathing and prompting with medication. A reputable home care agency will be able to work with you to formulate a care plan which will ensure that your loved one receives the care and support they need.

When looking for a home care service you need to ensure that you are going to get the best level of care possible. The firm needs to be reputable and should be able to provide references from previous clients. Ask around friends, relatives, doctors and at the hospital, word of mouth is a good recommendation. You need to be confident that the person looking after your loved one is competent and will offer the highest level of care possible.

There are many home care agencies to choose from but when it comes to looking after a loved one you need to ensure that they are going to provide the best possible care and you need to ensure that they are suitably qualified to provide the care required.

To find out more information about Home Care, Home Care Services and Home Care Jobs [] please visit our website or call into your local show room.

Are You Caring For An Elderly Family Member Or Friend? Free Caregiver Support Programs Are Available

Many of the children of older Americans are exhausted with their caregiving chores. Limited sleep, juggling time with their own families, traveling from one house to's overwhelming. There's help, however, if they know where to look. Here's one very valuable resource.

Families -- not social service agencies, nursing homes, or government programs - provide the majority of long-term care (LTC) for older persons in the United States. More than 22.4 million informal caregivers provide unpaid help to older persons who live in the community and have various limitations.

These caregivers include spouses, adult children and other relatives and friends. The degree of caregiver involvement has remained fairly constant for more than a decade, bearing witness to the remarkable resilience of the American family in taking care of its own. This is despite increased geographic separation, greater numbers of women in the workforce, and other changes in family life. Thus, family caregiving has been a blessing in many respects. It has been a budget saver to governments faced with the challenge of covering the health and long-term care expenses of persons who are ill and have chronic disabilities. The economic value of our nation's family and informal caregivers has been estimated at $257 billion annually.

The enactment of the Older Americans Act Amendments of 2000 established an important new program called the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). The program calls for all states, working in partnership with area agencies on aging and local community-service providers, to have five basic services for family caregivers. These services include:

Information to caregivers about available services;

Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to services;

Individual counseling, organization of support groups, and training to assist the caregivers in making decisions and solving problems relating to their caregiving roles;

Respite care to enable caregivers to be temporarily relieved from their caregiving responsibilities;

Supplemental services, on a limited basis, to complement the care provided by caregivers.

Currently funded at $155,200,000, this program has served more than 275,000 caregivers nationwide. Efforts regarding NFCSP have resulted in new partnerships, improved access to services, outreach to special populations, and the provision of services to respond to the unique needs of families.

Eligible Populations

Family caregivers of older adults
Grandparents and relative caregivers, age 60 years or older, of children no older than age 18 (including grandparents who are sole caregivers of grandchildren and those individuals who are affected by mental retardation or who have developmental disabilities)

Who to Contact for Help

Older persons and caregivers can call the Elder Care Locator toll-free at 1-800-677-1116 or visit

About the Author

Richard D. Hughes is a graduate of Indiana University and the University of Denver College of Law. He has hosted scores of seminars, workshops and panel discussions on a variety of topics including probate avoidance, tax savings, disability issues, asset protection strategies, Medicaid law and trust planning.

For the latest information on Colorado Living Trusts and strategies for paying for Long-Term Care in Colorado, please visit Mr. Hughes' Colorado Elder Law web site and request your FREE copy of The Guide to Colorado Medicaid.

How To Choose The Best Senior Housing For You

Going through life's sunset presents many daunting challenges and consequences. You will have to face financial constraints and inflexibility due to limited source of income, fixed social security benefits, facing the high cost of health care and preparing all those legal documents through power of attorney in cases when you can no longer carry out duties normally attributed to a healthy person.

1. Types of Senior Housing

One of the things that concern most people reaching old age is the type of housing they need to choose which will perfectly match their needs depending on their level of activity and preference. There are housing for active individuals and couples, and housing for individuals or couples who prefer living within a usual community.

2. Independent Living

Some are into independent living through apartment and some choose to stay on their own house under the supervision or care of someone, as in caregivers or other geriatric care managers. Some who do not have a place to stay are left in nursing homes and cared for by individuals working for a state government and others who are left in a nursing home managed by a non-profit organization. Special cases are given for individuals afflicted with Alzheimer's disease and people with terminal illness.

3. Care Programs

Others choose to be in a continuing care program where a complete medical program and activity are performed all throughout old age. This is mostly a supervised housing program where a lifelong nursing and medical care are provided for each individual.

4. What Program Is Best For You?

Your preference will most likely matter in senior housing decisions you'll have to make. If you have a couple entering such stage, your decision will be a bit tough for you have to consider other party's decision. Your family may take part of the decision process as well and provide you more options to where you can spend the rest of your life under the care of a health care individuals or put you on a continuing care program to supervise your safety along this period. Agencies are available in the management of availing for senior housing facility. A brief consultation with senior housing representatives will give you a wealth of information you can use in your decision process.

5. Factors To Consider


The choice of an appropriate housing program depends on your taste of environment, be it in a rural area or in a more advanced societies.

While statistics shows that majority of retirees still go for areas with less stress and outside the city's busy life, a growing number of individuals are somewhat extending their participation in the society and choose to mingle with the very changing metropolitan world.

Level of Activity

Couples or Individuals who wants to be on a more relax environment go to rural areas free of hassles and stress of the modern world, while a considerable number of individuals are becoming more and more open into associating themselves to the busy metropolitan society. Apartment types offer this kind of convenience for active individuals and couples. Condominiums, conventional family homes and mobile homes are some of the most common apartment types.

People living in this community are more exposed to the many benefits of the government's retirement program. Senior communities allow them to take advantage of facilities related to fitness, and other amenities not present in a more monotonous housing programs. Citizens of this type are exposed to these pleasantries such as spa, pools and tennis and golf courts. They are also provided with an accessible system of transportation and are a number one participant in a number of social activities. Many individuals are noted for they play an active part in a certain social movement as in the case of non-governmental organizations.

Pre-existing Medical Conditions

It is but usual for elders to suffer a number of age-related illnesses. What's worse is, a number of diseases common among elders is the ever-popular Alzheimer's Syndromes (Alzheimer's Care Program). Some even are incapable of carrying out normal activities like cooking, bathing, and cleaning so they are kept in an Assisted Homecare Program. In this type of care giving facility nursing specialists provide basic services such as the above activities which they cannot perform. Additionally, medical services are also administered.

Terminally ill patients (Hospice care system) are also given special attention using unique treatments; mitigating pain characteristic of the disease's symptoms. Others who can afford the services of a professional caregiver may take the Home Care Service Program. This allows ailing seniors get the service of a caretaker at the comfort of their own home. This option is the least program taken advantage of today.

For more great senior housing related articles and resources check out

Your Long-Term Care Insurance Plan

A vital ingredient in any successful long-term care insurance plan is to have an affordable policy without sacrificing good coverage. If you receive quotes from several highly rated insurers and yet find that the premiums are still too much to bear, there is no need to panic and assume that long-term care insurance costs too much. You may be able to adjust the benefit amounts of the original quotes to bring the premiums more in line with your expectations;and ensure an affordable policy. One way to lower premium costs is to make sure you know what the actual costs of care are in your area.

There are many statistics used when discussing long-term care costs and often these are based on national averages. The actual cost of home care, assisted living facilities and nursing homes in your particular area may be much lower. You can find out about local long-term care costs by either downloading the latest Genworth Cost of Care Guide or by calling a few local home care agencies and long-term care facilities to ask for comparison rates.

Another way to lower long-term care insurance premiums is to use a shorter benefit period. Many consumers feel that unlimited benefits are necessary for good coverage. A recent study published by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance in their 2009 Sourcebook revealed that only eight percent of those who buy a three-year benefit period exhaust the policy and still need care. Only a little over one percent of those with a five-year benefit period will see their claims closed due to policy exhaustion. This means that lowering the benefit period can be a practical way to lower insurance costs without sacrificing vital coverage.

Another way to bring down long-term care insurance premiums is to increase the elimination period (the number of days after your care begins that precedes the insurance company's first payment of claims).

Almost ninety percent of individual long-term care insurance policies use an elimination period between ninety and one hundred days according to the same 2009 Source book referenced above. If your initial quotes used a thirty-day or sixty-day elimination period, you may be able to significantly lower the premiums by choosing a ninety-day elimination period instead. There are other ways that an experienced long-term care specialist can help make this kind of insurance more affordable for you. If you ask for suggestions on lowering your premiums, the specialist will be happy to work with you to craft a long-term care insurance policy that is effective and affordable.

Please visit the Gilbert Guide for the very best in Long Term Care and for more information about Home Care.

Home Healthcare and Patient's Rights

Home healthcare in Illinois patients have the right to be notified, in writing, about their obligations and rights before their treatment begins. The family or guardian can exercise the patients' rights when the patients have been judged incompetent. Advocate Home Health Service has the obligation to both protect and to promote their patients' rights. These rights include the right to have dignity and respect: home healthcare patients and caregivers have the right not to suffer discrimination based upon race, sex, religion, age, place of national origin, or handicap.

Patients and caregivers have the right to dignity and mutual respect, which includes respect for their property. Advocate associates are not permitted to accept tips, gifts, or to borrow from patients. Patients have the right to receive care based upon honesty and ethical conduct. They have the right to be involved in resolving ethical issues about their home care. They have the right to be informed of complaint procedures they can follow to report problems involving the care being administered; and they have the right to know about disposition of their complaints. They have the right to voice grievances with no fear of reprisal or discrimination for doing so. They have the right to know the telephone number of the Illinois healthcare hotline which handles complaints and questions about home care agencies.

Patients have the right to be notified, in advance, about the type of care which will be given; the caregivers who will provide it; and the frequency of proposed visits. They have the right to be notified of any change in the care plan before that change is made. They have the right to be informed, in writing, about decisions regarding medical care, including the right to either accept or refuse a medical treatment, and the right to advance directives. They have the right to refuse treatment without fear of discrimination or reprisal, and to be involved in any decision to withhold resuscitation or withdraw life-sustaining care.

Chicagoland healthcare patients have the right to receive the Privacy Act Statement for Health Care Records. They have the right to confidentiality of their medical records, as well as information regarding their health, financial and social circumstances, and what happens in the home. They have the right to expect that the home healthcare provider will release information only as authorized by the patient or required by law. They have the right to be informed of what payment may be expected from Medicaid, Medicare, or other payers. They have the right to be informed of what charges Medicare does not cover, and for which they may be liable. They have the right to receive this information, in writing, prior to the initiation of care, and within thirty days of the date when the home health care provider becomes aware of any change. They have the right to access upon request all bills for services which the patient has received, regardless of whether these bills are paid by the patient or another party.

Home Healthcare in Illinois [] patients have the right to receive the highest quality care. Illinois healthcare providers have the obligation to assure that all Chicagoland healthcare is administered with the highest degree of sensitivity to the patients' needs and rights. For more information about Home Healthcare in Illinois, visit Riverside Medical Center.

It's Not Always Easy to Find Child Care Providers

Just recently my daughter had her very first child. She had the first three months off for maternity leave from work, but after that was intending to go back full time. Of course when she does start back to work she is going to need to find child care for her new baby, talking to co-workers she found out good child care providers can be difficult to find. She preferred that her baby find a place in a home setting so she began her search calling child care providers licensed by the local social services agency.

She started by calling social services and asking for the list of child care providers that are in her area. What she was told was a big surprise to her, she was going to have to pay for the list. Since social services actually charges for the list it is quite extensive. It lists names, phone numbers, addresses, and the details from their license. Some of the details included are how many children they're licensed to care for as well as the names of any child care aids in their employ. She brought the list over to my house and we started the search looking for the right child care provider for her new baby.

Our first step was finding child care providers on the list that were close to her home. Most of the day cares were either full or were already caring for a young baby. Child care providers care allowed to only care for 2 infants at a time. When we spoke with one provider she told us that she had an opening in approximately six months, and we could go on the waiting list. My daughter agreed, but now she had to find an interim solution for those six months. We found someone with an opening , how ever it was in the opposite direction that my daughter must travel each morning to work. While this was going to add on an additional 40 minutes in the morning and afternoon to her commute she was running out of options. She had no idea it would be so difficult finding a child care provider, if she had she would've started the process a lot earlier.

After spending 2 weeks driving the additional distance every morning and night, trying her best to adjust to getting herself and the baby ready in the morning my daughter decided their must be a better scenario then this. Then it was suggested to her to try a day care center, at least until the opening in her area for the infant opened up. There was a day care center very close to her office, only 3 blocks away. She took the time to drop by and visit the center and was very pleased with the level of care taken with the kids. Also she'd be able to go see the baby on her lunch hour every day because of the location. She decided to give the day care a try. After only a month she was so happy with the situation she decided to remove her name from the nearby child care provider in her neighborhood and just rely on the day care center.

For more articles and information on family and parenting topics visit our website at Family Success Tips []

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Autism Services - Why Do We Need Provider Agencies?

Provider agencies for the various services someone with Autism might need are used in many places. Although there are other options, provider agencies are a fact in most places. Learning how to use them for our child's greatest benefit is important. Provider agencies provide a layer of protection for all the entities involved.

A provider agency can provide an autism service called case management or service coordination. The case manager works with a family or the individual with Autism to look at what services are needed and desired. The case management provider agency also makes sure that they have the education and training to provide those services according to state policy.

These two things can be a great relief to the family because they will not need to know the information or fill out the paperwork themselves. Of course case managers can also help families with many other issues.

Another provider agency a family might run into is the agency that provides personal care attendants. The good part to have a provider agency to do this is that they handle more paperwork, training for the personal care attendant, and payroll. Although the parent is still the onsite supervisor in their home the provider agency handles all the employment related tasks.

There are other types of provider agencies. The protections these agencies provide are so important though. They keep updated on the latest state and federal requirements for Autism Services. They handle the payment parts so the state or federal government does not have to ask parents what happened. The provider agencies provide an extra spot in the support circle that children with Autism need for the long term

Would you like more free information? Please register here:

Mylinda Elliott is the parent of five children. The third of the five has Autism which was diagnosed early on. The fourth of the five children has Aspergers. She is a self taught expert on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Mylinda Elliott has also worked professionally in the disability world for the past fifteen years. She is considered the "Go To" woman for advice or resources on disabilities.

So You Want To Work From Home?

So you want to work from Home! Why? This is the question you should answer before you set up a business that can be run from a home.

Is it because you are fed up of working for a boss and know you can do a better job running the same kind of business? If this is the case remember starting up a business should not be a way of buying yourself a job. There are many costs and heart aches with becoming self-employed

Maybe it is because you have young children and you feel you would be able to run a business at home while taking care of their needs. This is a reasonable assumption. But running a business from home can never be part-time. If your children are of the age where they cannot look after themselves you will need a Nanny to take care of them while you are running the business.

Have you been made redundant with a reasonable payout, looking for some business that can be run from home? Maybe you think you will become a Consultant in your chosen field. This is a useful fall back but a lot of planning and research is required before you can change your home study into your business premises and start advertising for work.

The three reasons I have just mentioned are why most people choose to work from home. They are all valid but as you can see there has to be thought given to the decision. However, there is one important factor that most people don't consider 'do you have enough money to support yourself until the business becomes viable'?

If you can establish that you have enough money to cover your costs until you can draw an income from your business then any dream is possible. Your next step should be to draw up a plan of how you will set up the business and how it should be run. Remember, you are working from home but you don't need the business to encroach on your home life.

I have heard many people say the worst thing they did when they started their business at home was not to get another phone. Rule number one: Always have a business phone separate from the home phone. Even if you work with a mobile, make sure the mobile phone is different from your personal phone. Believe me there is nothing worse than someone ringing you at 11 o'clock at night to cancel an appointment or ask a question. If you have an answer phone or voice mail that problem is solved.

You will also need to define your hours. You won't have travel time to worry about, but that doesn't mean you should work more than the regular eight to nine hours a day. You need to spend quality time with your family. Decide a time when the office will open and when it will close. You might not stick to those times precisely when you first start the business, but you will be grateful for that decision once your business is starting to make money.

Write down how you see your business in ten years time. This might sound silly but if you do not have a plan to grow, you never will. Remember the business might be run at home but it should never be just a job. In ten years you should be aiming to have a business that is making enough money so it can be sold. If you are not looking at it that way you should be working for an employer. Without some incentive there is no point in establishing the business in the first place.

After planning how big you want the business to be in ten years, work out a growth plan. I know of many people who work from home, all they have is a job, not a business. They make an income but the business is nothing without them. If they are sick, no one gets paid. You need to have a growth plan so you can eventually get to a stage where you have people working for you that can be allowed to get on with making you money.

Sound difficult? Not really. But you can see that planning is the required element. Many people say they would love to have a business and work from home, but like anything you need to plan to achieve it. Once you have made up your mind then discuss it with someone who can pull your ideas apart. Don't get disheartened, it is a good way to make you review your plan and make it plausible. Adjust the concept accordingly then go to it.

Work out and register a business name; something that tells what you do but doesn't include your personal name. Once you start making a profit you can instigate a logo. That can be costly but gives you more impetus.

Try and set up your business so you are unique in someway to every other business in your field. It will help when you start your promotions; you will have something to sell and encourage people to use you.

I can recommend working from home. But never let working from a home office determine the caliber of the business. Do the research and the planning. Think professional and big and you will soon have a blossoming organisation of which you can be proud.

I hope you found this article interesting. My name is Julie Finch-Scally and I am the franchisor and founder of The Duster Dollies. The Duster Dollies is a cleaning business with a difference. We are booking agencies for domestic cleaning. This means you don't actually do the cleaning.

I have written a Cleaning Business Guide which might help you with ideas as to the kind of business you can start from home. You can get your free eBook of The Guide from

All you have to do is ask.

Hi I am Julie Finch-Scally. I started my own business from home in 1993. Since then it has grown from a small business to a franchised organisation. It was my intentions right from the beginning to become large enough to be a franchise, and I managed to do that within my ten year business plan. Running a home business can be achieved by anyone, but you do need a plan.

Has Your Upline Been Costing YOU Money?

Now is the time to Take CHARGE of your own time and money and escape the CHARGE Cards and expensive, old business building methods that you have been working so hard at duplicating? Does your upline REALLY care what METHODS that YOU use to help build their Passive residual 6 figure annual income? Well, believe it or not THEY Do Care!!


Even though they really do Care a great deal for YOU and your success being coupled into their success, They have been duplicating exactly what their mentors have taught since way back in the 80s?

They also Care very much that they may lose track of your activity and be unable to LEAD you the only they have ever known how! That is very understandable, because they can only guide you and PLUG you in to THEIR business model, systems, and marketing/compensation plan.

Well of course that COULD be a concern if. Let's say you are involved with them in ABC Company and you used any kind of tactics at all to bring new prospects in to the XYZ Company. That is downright unethical and just plain wrong. Your upline did not invest their money and time into you to use those talents to build a different organization in another company.

BUT THAT is not my point here.

WE definitely want to reward your upline for all their time, invested as well as faith and respect for us to allow us on their team anyway. And if we are using 21st Century technology and WEB 2.0 to build our business as well as theirs in the same ABC Company,

it is just ridiculous that some uplines will even stop working with the creative people because they are "not a fit" They will be an outcast. They will be banished from the village. How dare them for even 'Suggesting Doing Something Other' than exactly what has been weighing down the entire team for months and years up till now?

They were never taught anything about MARKETING or even SALES. They avoid the word Sales so much, that some Super Sales People don't join a team because they were told FLATLY up front that "NO, there is NO Sales required in this company"!

I guess the services and products all grow legs and feet and walk into people's homes and help them make the credit card transaction on the Internet out of total blind faith.

WOW where do I sign up?? It would be worth the application fee just to witness that miracle! God love your upline! However, they have really only been trained and told that to START and BUILD a Multi-Million Dollar Home Based Biz, they just simply need to approach family, friends, co-workers, in-laws, outlaws, and even in some cases, your worst enemies, (if they are within 3 feet of you.)

Oh yes, the good old 3-foot rule! What an amazing concept. Is that just out of striking distance?

I guess the 2 foot rule got confusing and not a p[art of the game plan.

Did that mean everyone with 2 feet is a Target?... I mean Valuable Prospect? Or, was it getting too close and getting in the space of the Victim? ... I mean Valuable Superstar Team Member and a possible punch in the nose? Oh well, I am not going to spend any time researching that issue.

When you try to either INVITE or CONVINCE people why they should suddenly change their whole lifestyle and sign up into your ...

"Newfangled - Home - Based - Internet - Network - Marketing, Multi- Level, Part-Time -- Direct - Marketing, (NOT a Pyramid- Scheme- By Any MEANS), That - Has - A PRODUCT or SERVICE - That - Actually - Sells - ITSELF, And - it - Only - Requires - That - YOU - Know - JUST "3 People" in the Entire World - to - Become - a - MILLIONAIRE - in- Only - 3 to 5 - Years - Business"

What a mouthful.

That is about how it sounded to the listener. It can be a little overwhelming to any normal person. You always seem shocked that they don't see just how fantabulous it really will be for everyone everywhere if they just agree to follow you even though you just got started yourself less than a month ago.

Wow, you did what your mentor told you exactly to do, and you did it exactly how they told you! You even memorized a script or had a set of index cards, just in case that next millionaire in the rough should bump into on the street.

Gee, can you be that TERRIBLE at doing such a simple task? You were told that absolutely ANY 'BODY' can succeed in this business opportunity! How can you be the ONLY person in the whole word that doesn't have the right stuff? What a poor example of a confidence builder that turned out to be.

Your upline spends their time recruiting more ANY 'BODY's' and has more focus on that than showing you exactly what weaknesses need to be strengthened to guide you to that 6-figure income (that they have not earned yet).

Why does this not work?

Is it any wonder that stats still show that 95% of all Network Marketers quit in the first 6-12 months?

Actually that is truly a no-brainer.

The question that needs to be addressed is:

WHY does the upline continue training and drilling and practicing that business model method over and over and over again and then wonder why there are not very may people around requesting their great guidance and leadership? It is said that if you do not help people share yours faith and vision and work with you on a common goal, because they had no reason to follow you,. You are on just a big long walk all alone.

NOW ***

Would you like to know how to throw all that out of the window today? Would it be worth your time to look at FREE information on how to spend the rest of today, learning the skills and methods to actually get on your internet in the comfort of your own home and begin learning how to attract prospects into your Network Marketing business and have them paying you to be prospected?

That information is available in a couple series of e-books, online Webinars and recorded trainings.

Now if your upline stumbled upon this and saw the power and the simplicity, I am sure they would be thinking of how to sell this to their downline. They could seriously justify selling this new business model method for $1,000 and when their team implemented it, there would be no problem justifying that cost.

Well here is something that would really frost that upline of yours. I am probably not even in your upline or your downline, however it is important to me that you get to learn these proven highly successful steps for FREE.

The economy is at the point now, where the jobless and homeless statistics are getting way out of proportion. We need to help one another. No Government agency, official or employee will be giving us any relief from the upcoming nightmares.

Let's work together and get everyone on the right track and let everyone truly control their very own destinies regardless of al the gloom and doom being perceived out there efve4ry day.

Contact me if you are interested in looking at any of the information that I have available online for FREE

See you at the top!

Keith Davey is an Internet network marketing coach offering education and tips to build business and utilize the best 21st century technology to attract prospects to your business model. More information at

Helping Tips For a Successful Florida Residential Real Estate Acquisition

Florida is considered as a prime location for home acquisition in the region. The tropical climate all year round is perfect for various activities that those in the area might find to their liking. If you want to make sure that you get the perfect home, all you need to do is to follow these helpful tips to get you started on your acquisition.

Tip # 1: Plan In Advance

We can never deny the fact that Florida offers prime properties in assorted locations. From Miami Beach to Sarasota, the options are practically limitless if you don't know what you're looking for. Such residential properties in the region include single-family homes, apartments, condos, bachelor's pads, and so on.

For starters, you need to determine what type of residential unit would be perfect for your needs. Check out the different residential properties in various locations by searching them out using the Internet. Consider the architectural design, home feature, built-in amenities, landscape, and the facilities in the surrounding areas that you might possible need if you plan to settle down in the region.

While you're at it, you might want to settle your finances first, since the prime residential properties in Florida can be quite expensive. The best choice in Florida home acquisition is through a mortgage loan. Look for a financial lender that can offer you affordable interest rates and payments terms that won't strain your budget while purchasing a residential property for your very own.

Tip # 2: Consult A Real Estate Agent

You can hire a real estate agent to look for the perfect home for you if you want to avoid looking for them on your own. These real estate experts are well connected with real estate firms and developers in Florida, and can look for these properties in a shorter period of time.

Provide them with your home specification, budget, and preferred location so that they can narrow down their search. When they have all the properties at hand, they will be showing them to you one-by-one and will be offering you some advices on how to acquire them on your own.

If you let them take care of the entire deal, they will prepare all the necessary requirements, as well as meeting with the home seller with your best interest at heart. Considering that real estate agents are familiar with legal agencies and real estate bureaus, they can expedite the legal process in home acquisition in record breaking time.

With careful planning and a little help from real estate agents, you can easily pick out the perfect family home that will suit your needs -- less effort. -- Florida Residential Real Estate

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

How to Choose a Home Health Care Service

Whether you need help recovering from an accident, surgery, or need long term care for a chronic illness or disability, home health care is often a viable option that has been gaining popularity, for a reason. Studies have shown that recovering at home is better for a patient's physical and mental health. Today's home health care services can provide everything from help with errands and chores like cooking and cleaning, to skilled medical care from nurses and therapists. But with so many new home health care agencies popping up, how do you know which one to choose?

Luckily, if you follow these basic guidelines, you can be confidant when choosing your home health care provider :

o Check out the agency's credentials.

Make sure the home health care service you choose is licensed in your state, is certified by Medicare, and is accredited by a governing agency such as The Joint Commission's Home Care Accreditation Program.

o Check out the caregivers' credentials.

Besides looking for providers that are friendly and helpful, make sure you inquire about the caregivers' professional training. Are they bonded and insured? Does the home health care service have a supervisor oversee the quality of the service? Also, ask for references for the caregivers themselves, and find out if the home health care agency screens their employees.

o Clarify all billing issues.

The agency should be able to provide literature clearly explaining its fees and services. Make sure you know up front about co-pays, deductibles, and uncovered expenses. Ask if they offer any kind of financial assistance to those in need.

o Be clear on what services you are getting.

Inquire about receiving a written plan detailing the services you will be receiving, so that there is no confusion. Make sure you know the specific services your home health caregiver will be providing, including any chores or housework. Also, find out what hours the home health care service provider has on-call help, in case of an emergency. A 24 hour hotline with someone on call is desirable and helpful.

Finally, after your home health care plan is in place, monitor the services, making sure it is in line with what was actually discussed. By taking these steps you can assure that your home health care service will be beneficial to all.

We Care Staffing : NY Home Health Care Services


We Care Staffing Inc. offers Home Health Care services in the comfort of your home. When temporary or long term health care is needed, We Care has it. We offer care in the comfort of your home with nursing personnel you can trust.

Written by Terri Polk at

Keep Your Family Safe From Home And Holiday Fire Hazards

According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), over 1.5 million fires were reported in 2004, and there was an estimated $9.8 million in property loss due to fires. Even more alarming, there were close to 18,000 injuries and 3,900 deaths due to fires in 2004. The USFA states that, during that year, the death toll from fires was more than all natural disasters combined. Further, the agency claims that the actual numbers are higher, since many fires go unreported.

Fully 83 percent of all fire-related deaths and 80 percent of all injuries occurred in home fires. These numbers are all the more tragic since most home fires are fully preventable. The USFA offers these fire safety tips to protect your home and loved ones:

Home Fire Prevention

* Install smoke detectors on every level of your home, test them monthly, and change the batteries yearly. Smoke detectors can double your chance of survival during a home fire.

* Prevent electrical fires. Don't overload extension cords, and keep cords away from rugs. Unplug and replace appliances that sputter or spark.

* Use alternate heaters wisely. Keep combustible materials away from portable heaters. Use fire screens in your fireplace and have it cleaned each year.

* Plan your escape. Develop and practice an escape plan from every room in your house.

* Teach your children. Children of all ages set over 100,000 house fires each year, but children under five are especially curious about matches. Teach them the dangers of fire.

* Never smoke in bed. Careless smoking is the leading cause of home fire deaths.

Holiday Fire Prevention

* Select and care for your Christmas tree. Choose a Christmas tree that is fresh; if you bounce the trunk on the ground and needles fall off, it is not freshly cut. Once you put your tree up, keep it watered, and don't leave it up for longer than two weeks. Once you take it down, don't burn it in the fireplace; instead, take it to a recycling center or have a service come and pick it up.

* Maintain your holiday lights. Inspect your lights each year for frayed wires and wear. Check the wires; they shouldn't be warm. Finally, don't leave lights unattended.

* Decorate with care. Use only non-flammable or flame retardant decorations, and keep them away from heat sources. Don't put wrapping paper in the fireplace, as it could trigger a chemical explosion. If you put up an artificial tree, ensure that it is flame retardant.

There are many products available on the market that can help with fireproofing and offer fire protection. From Christmas tree fire prevention products to fabric treatments that make textiles fire resistive, these products, together with good home fire safety practices, can save lives and property.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Home Improvement Website and Majon's Home Improvement directory