Saturday, August 31, 2013

New York Hospital Staffing

The state of New York is home to almost 20,000 people. And all of those people need medical care. This makes it a great opportunity for work in your area. You have many options from becoming a doctor, to finding a job as a receptionist or cleaning staff employee. The New York hospital staffing scene is not only there to help patients, it can be of great help to you as well.

One of the jobs you may be looking for in New York hospital staffing is a nurse. The New York area is a great place to become one, because of the high population. Nurses are truly in demand here, especially in New York City. You might consider re-locating to New York State if you are having trouble finding nursing work elsewhere in the country. If you already live in the state of New York, but want a better job opportunity, you might move or commute into the city to maximize your earning potential and job market opportunities.

New York hospital staffing isn't just for doctors and nurses; you can take advantage of it even if you don't have a medical degree. With all those hospitals, quite a few receptionists, cleaning personnel, and emergency workers are needed. If you are looking for a good, steady job, working at a New York hospital is a great option for you. Call or visit the nearest hospital to apply for a great position today.

If you are on the other end of New York hospital staffing, you might be looking for new ways to find quality employees. If you've already exhausted the traditional job posting sources-the newspaper, staffing agencies, etc-you may want to try posting job openings on the internet. You can find good employees through the hospital website, and even give them the option to fill out an application online. Or try a local networking site such as This website is widely used to find employees, and many companies swear by it. Best of all, it's free to use!

Find information about general surgery residency openings, medical office staffing, hospital internship and hospital volunteer opportunities & nursing job vacancies - New York Hospital Staffing is your source for health care career opportunities in New York. Find a nursing job and career placement and staffing resources: hospital, clinic, internship and education information for RN, LPN, APN and other nurses. Find a career to fit your needs and desired salary in New York.

Foreclosure Prevention - How To Save Your Home In 6 Not So Easy Steps

OK, if you've found your way to this article, two things are probably true:

One, you are in trouble and you're either struggling to make your mortgage payments or you are worried that you will be struggling soon.

Two, you KNOW you're in trouble and you are looking for help to figure out the best actions to take to save your home.

The good news is that you KNOW you're in trouble. That's an important first step. We are here to help you figure out what to do next, and in some cases what NOT to do.

Below are some questions you need to ask yourself. How you answer these questions will help determine what to do next.

1. Are you are still making mortgage payments (even if you won't be able to very soon)?

2. If you are behind on your mortgage payments, how far behind are you? Have you responded to notices sent by your lender?

3. Do you know the terms of your loan? Specifically, if your have an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) do you know when the interest rate will increase and the amount you will be expected to pay in future months?

4. Do you have the money to make the payments at the current amount (even though you may be in serious trouble when the payments increase)?

5. Do you know who (which financial institution) currently holds your home loan? Remember, the company that gave you the loan is probably not who owns it now.

The following steps are designed to help you save your home. But, they are not easy. They require hard work, dedication and determination on your part. You need to act quickly because the longer you wait, the fewer options you will have. So let's get started.

Step 1: Decide to Fight for Your Home

Ask yourself if you are ready to take responsibility and WORK your way through your current financial challenges. You have to be honest. You have to know how tough you really are. There will be pain. Now, if you are ready to do whatever it takes, keep reading, if not, don't waste your time, just go watch TV or do whatever else you'd like to do while you're waiting for your financial world to crumble on top of you.

Step 2: Build a Rock-Solid Budget on Tough, Honest Choices

Write down your budget for the next several (3-5) years. This may sound hard, but do it. The word "budget" sounds like a complex plan that takes a long time to construct, but it doesn't have to be that complicated. It's just a list, month by month, of the money that's coming in and the money that's going out. What makes a budget good? Just the thought and honesty you put into it. What are you really going to make? What are you really going to spend? You will have to make some guesses. You don't know what gas will cost next year (assume it will be more than it is now, at least 10% more each year). You don't know how much money you'll be making (assume it will stay exactly the same as it is right now).

You will have to think (hard). What happens in January? Will you have to pay for presents? What happens in July? Will you have to pay for travel? You get the idea. Assume something will hit you out of the blue every 3 months or so (car repairs, an appliance dies, etc.).

Once you see all of the "money out" items in your budget, you may need to make some hard choices. What can you live without to save your home?

Step 3: Know Your Budget Like the Back of Your Hand

Now that you have your budget, memorize it. I mean it. Memorize every little detail. Put it on flash cards if you have to. You should be able to recite every money-in, money-out detail if someone dumped a cold bucket of water on you at 3 o'clock in the morning. Why? So when you're about to buy something you can ask your brain if it's in the budget. Your brain will know the answer immediately. There will be no "maybe it is" or "maybe it isn't".

Step 4: Learn to Think Like Your Bank

You are going to contact the bank or the mortgage lender that currently holds your home loan. But don't pick up the phone yet! First you have to be ready to have the RIGHT conversation with your bank. You know your budget by heart (that was Step 3), now you have to learn the RIGHT way to present yourself, and your budget to your bank. The right way means that you appear to be someone who is AHEAD of the game. You appear to be someone with a clear plan (your budget). You appear to be someone who is going to be able to survive your current money problems.

Put yourself in the shoes of your bank. You (the bank) has hundreds of people in trouble with their home loans. You can't help every one of them. You are a bank, and you don't need a bunch of homes (especially not NOW, when every other bank is experiencing the same problem). What does your bank want? They want "bad" loans to go away. They can either play hardball with you and take your home (and sell it for a loss just to make the whole painful episode end) or they can work with you, so you can keep paying. What does that mean for you? It means you have to look like someone who is going to be able to keep paying. They want to be sure you aren't lying about what you make or what you spend each month. If there's NO chance you'll be able to keep up with lower mortgage payments, there's NO REASON for them to help you! You'll just be back in trouble in a few months anyway, and they'll end up taking your house (foreclosure). If your bank thinks you are a hopeless cause, they'll just foreclose now rather than prolonging the pain.

Step 5: Track down whoever is Holding Your Home Loan

Contact whoever is currently holding your loan/mortgage. If they've sent you mortgage materials telling you how to contact them, great. If not, locate your lender any way you can (phone number on mail they've sent you, yellow pages, internet search, etc.). Call or write to them and tell them about your situation. Be clear about what you want (I want to keep my home. I have a clear budget that will allow me to make payments of a specific amount, etc.). If your goal is to keep your home, then make sure they know that you have a plan (the budget that you've carefully built and memorized). Leave no doubt that you are better than you look on paper (your credit score, your payment history, etc.).

Tracking down the actual owner of your loan can be difficult. You can start by calling or writing a letter to the company that receives your monthly mortgage payments. Expect to hear something like, "We don't actually own your loan, we just process the paperwork" from this company. In your communication with them make the following request: "If you don't own this loan, please send me the contact information for the company that does own it." You may have to go through several companies to find the one that owns your loan and has the power to change its terms (to freeze or reduce your payments). Do not give up. If it's hard for you, it's also hard for all of the other people out there who are also struggling with their home payments. You are competing with these people to be selected as one worthy of help from your lender. You should be happy that the task of finding that lender is difficult. You should be happy because other people will give up once they see that locating the lender is difficult. But you won't give up until you find them. Be tough. Do not give up.

If you reach a dead-end in your effort to locate the bank that holds your home loan, then contact the consumer affairs department of your state's Attorney General Office and ask if they have a mortgage unit. Tell them what you are trying to do, and ask how they can help.

Step 6: Respond to Whatever Your Lender Throws at You

How your lender responds to your request will determine how you proceed. If they are willing to work with you, great. If they ask for more information from you, follow their instructions, and give them what they ask for as quickly as you can. If they deny your request, ask them what you could change that would make them agree to reset the terms of your home loan.

It's OK to look for help. Some of the links on this page may help you. Some of the advertisements and offers may provide information or services you can use. Shop around, learn, and explore your options. But don't let anyone push you into anything you don't fully understand.

There are lots of companies out there that talk about foreclosure prevention or debt rescue. They may tell you that they can let you keep your home and help you pay your mortgage. They may have a plan where you can stay and just pay rent. Be very skeptical. Ask every question that pops into your head. What will really happen to your mortgage? What will happen to your credit? Make them prove that their plan is best for you. Did they ask you about your specific situation? If they don't ask you about your specific situation (your budget, for example) how can they possibly know what is best for you? Ask to talk with satisfied customers. Some companies can provide real options that may help you. But many, many companies talking about foreclosure prevention, mortgage restructuring, loan modification and/or mortgage rescue are simply predators. They know you need help. They know you need to act quickly. They might just want the last few dollars you have.

You should check out accredited debt counselors in your area. You can get a referral to a non-profit counseling agency approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development at The National Federation of Credit Counselors also has a program to certify counselors.

These steps are not easy. But remember, if they aren't easy for you, they aren't easy for other people struggling to make their mortgage payments. Be tougher than these other people. Keep going when they give up.

Remember, no one can guarantee success. But giving up will guarantee failure.

Find more online help on credit related products and services at [].

Be Careful - A Real Estate Agent Could Lead You Astray

The real estate agent is a valuable source of potential deals for you as an investor. They have access to the multiple listing resources and of course, have a monopoly on this information so they have to be part of your game plan as an investor. Working with real estate agents can be difficult depending on the agent.

Some of the factors that you should take note of include the following:

When you want to purchase a property, offer them a short closing date.

One way of getting an agent to take you seriously is to offer a fast closing date. There are a few things that make an agent more excited than the thought of getting their commission within the next 14 days. If the agent has another offer presented to him/her they will usually advise the client to take the offer and close than accept an offer that is higher in price. One of the reasons is because it is better to have "a bird in the hand, rather than two in the bush".

See if you can present a creative offer to the owner in person, rather than through the agent.

If you have an offer that needs to be explained in a fashion to the owner which brings out all its great benefits, then you may have to assist on presenting the offer in person or with the agent. If you present that type of offer to an agent, it may not even reach the owner and certainly will be given less priority than other offers. Agents in general do not like creative offers because they are more interested in conventional offers from solid buyers.

Be suspicious of agents.

Be suspicious of any agent who tells you what a great deal you are getting on a property. The fact is, if it is such a good deal, why he/she didn't buy it. Don't take their word as to value. Ask for a comparable sales printout to show what other properties in the area are selling for. If comparable sales information shows the same square meters as the house you are looking at, then take a drive by and see if it is correct. Don't leave the homework to your agent; make sure you do a little bit of your own assessment.

Don't be bullied by agents.

Don't be afraid to speak openly with your agent if something is being done that is not to your advantage. Unfortunately there are some agents who are unethical, and work only to ensure that they get their commission. Sometimes they will refuse to present your offer to the owner when it is their obligation and duty to do so.

Many times an agent will lie and tell you to your face that your offer has been rejected, when in fact, it was never presented. If you feel that this may be the case, don't be afraid to go over the agents head and see the owner of the agency. If you find a broker is uncooperative or not acting in your interests, then the best thing is to go to another agent. The new agent will approach the same owner on your behalf.

See some properties with the agent.

Arrange to meet the agent and discuss fully what you are looking for. Do this before he/she takes you around to see some properties. Ask them to find a number of properties that will suit your requirements and make sure you are clear on exactly what you want so no time is wasted. The good agent will make an appointment for you to inspect properties very quickly so they can get a feel for what you are looking for.

They will take you to all the properties and they will rearrange their times to suit your timetable. It is a good idea to take someone that you trust with you when you are looking at properties so you can get another opinion. Indicate to the agent that you are serious about your search and that if the right property is found, you would definitely be interested in proceeding. It is a good idea to take your check book with you so that the agent can see that you are serious about finding the right property.

Sometimes buying a property from a typical agent can be difficult. Many of them will tell you not to call them by to check the properties from the advertisements that they place. These are the agents that would rather place an advertisement than call the right buyer so it might be wise to use other agents.

Note: The above points do not apply to all agents. We are talking about the disreputable minority out there. Most agents care about their work and they labor to represent their client efficiently and professionally. Those are the ones to look for.

Copyright 2005 StartRunGrow

StartRunGrow ( is a global online information organization that specializes in creating, developing and marketing business help information specifically with the aim of "making business easier" for entrepreneurs around the world. The StartRunGrow objective is to become a dominant player in the business help arena providing end to end solutions for the millions of small and medium businesses worldwide who continue to struggle daily with the difficulties of starting, running and growing a successful business.

Necessity of a Good Credit Score

A credit score is an indicator of your financial health. A higher score indicates that your financial health is in order and helps in organizing a mortgage with far greater ease. Building a healthy score necessitates careful handling of one's finances and timely repayments. As soon as the mere thought of buying a property comes to your mind, you must initiate this exercise so that there are no negative surprises when you apply for a mortgage loan. Once you have identified and selected a property, the process of improvement of your credit rating would be underway and make things easier for you.

Most lending institutions rely on an individual's credit score to evaluate the credit worthiness. This score varies from a low of about 300 to a high of around 800. There are three rating agencies in the US which evaluate and report the credit score of an individual. The process that they follow is fairly complex and there are variations observed in the score reported by the three agencies. The lending institute's do not rely on the rating of a particular agency and consider the average score reported by the three agencies. The rating agencies consider a number of factors to objectively determine an individual's credit score but the two most critical factors that play a huge role are an individual's payment record and the amount of loan outstanding in his name. One cannot afford to revolve credit at all and one should avoid making heavy purchases on the card closer to filing a mortgage application. Ensure that all the loans and credit card payments are done on time. You should spread your purchases in a manner that you make full repayments.

The three agencies would provide a document stating one's score on an annual basis. One of the easiest and the quickest ways to determine the financial health and readiness to avail a mortgage loan is to apply for a pre-qualification with one of the lending institute. During the process of determining whether one pre-qualifies to purchase a house or not, the lending institute would not only review his personal and employment details but critically examine the individual's credit score. A pre-qualification approval is a good indicator that the lending institute is satisfied with one's current credit score. It is however essential to remember the few tips listed above to ensure that the credit rating remains at healthy levels and does not dip as the date of filing a mortgage application draws closer. In cases where the lending institute does not approve the pre-qualification application, it becomes important to understand the reason for rejection and take corrective action to improve one's credit score.

Improving one's credit rating is a slow and steady process. The sooner you initiate the better it would be for your financial health. It is all the more important to manage your credit score once you are about to undertake a mortgage. Start building your credit score to avoid last minute disappointments.

Truly Amazing Real Estate deals at Chandler Homes with Casitas or Condos for Sale in Glendale.

Keep Your Home Beautiful, Healthy and "Green"

Rugs are essential in accentuating beauty of your homes as it is essential for you to put on accessories to accentuate your beauty. All homemakers around the world would agree with me that a rug is one of the most essential accessories in our homes. Rugs are not just something to cushion your feet and keep them warm during the harsh winter chill. Rugs are miniature works of art in which created to be decorative and functional at the same time.

But how would you like it if your beautiful expensive rug emits harmful chemical that does not only cause pollution but can possibly cause harm to your family's health? Would you feel comfortable if you know that your baby might be rolling around on the rug that possibly emits formaldehyde? Area rugs and carpets can emit chemicals into the surrounding air depending on what material they are made of and how they are manufactured. If you are concerned of your health, most especially, of your family's health, then you should look beyond the visual beauty and choose materials that are safe for your health as well as the planet earth.

According to the study conducted by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor pollutants are about five times higher that pollutants found outdoors. You might not know this, but many of the chemicals used in synthetic carpets and rugs are volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOC vaporize (also known as off gas), or give off easily into the air. Some of these chemicals found in synthetic rugs and carpets include benzene, styrene, toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde. Chemicals mentioned are known to be carcinogens or cancer-causing substance or agents. In addition to that, there are other chemicals in its adhesives and glue strips, the underlay or rug pads. If you are using synthetic carpets and rugs you are actually living and breathing with cancer!

If you love your family and care for your health you should go for "green" rugs. Green rugs or the eco-friendly rugs are generally made of natural fibers such as sisal, wool, seagrass, mountain grass, and bamboo. Sisal fibers are obtained from agave plant which is native to Tanzania and Kenya.

Mountain grass are durable grass that is native to the high altitude slopes of the Pacific Rim. The Sea grass comes from the coastal regions of China and India and is grown in paddy fields. Bamboo has long been used for flooring in Asian countries and it is abundant in Asian countries like China, Philippines and Vietnam. Whereas the wool is the dense, warm coat of sheep which is also called a fleece. Australia is the biggest supplier of wool in the world.

All these materials are all biodegradable and certified by EPA as earth friendly materials. They do not contain chemicals, pollutants and at the same time natural material rugs tend to be more durable and reliable than synthetic material rugs. They age gracefully, naturally renewing itself and is develops a rich patina through years of use. By using natural rugs you are not just safekeeping the health of your family but you are helping preserving the planet earth as well.

Keep your home beautiful, healthy and "green." Natural Home Rugs distributor of natural rugs like sisal rugs, seagrass rugs and other types of natural fiber rugs.

Your Home Mortgage Loan - Three Helpful Hints to Assist You to Get the Loan

Getting a home mortgage loan can be one of the most exciting experiences in a person's life but if you want to be approved, there are some things you need to know. The following hints will make the process easier and less stressful.

Hint #1: Get Pre-Approved

Too many buyers make the mistake of shopping around for a home before they start looking for a lender. The result can be disappointment. For one, you may not qualify for enough of a home mortgage loan to purchase the places you are the most interested in having. In fact, you might be shocked to find out you don't qualify at all. With the tightening restrictions now, many people who thought they would breeze through the home mortgage loan approval process have found out the hard way how wrong they were.

Another advantage of getting pre-approved is that you have more to bargain with. Let's say you see a great house but it's about $15,000 more than you want to spend. If you've been approved for a certain amount, you can use that as leverage to get the price down, especially in this market. Also, you'll be more likely to find a good pricing area in which to focus your search efforts - that means you won't have unrealistic expectations.

Hint #2: Have Required Documents Ready

When you go into the home mortgage loan process, you might think you're trying to get government security clearance or applying for a passport. You are required to provide a great deal of documentation. For example, you will obviously need to prove your identity using identification and social security cards. Be sure to have both. Make sure your license or ID is current.

You'll also need proof of employment in the forms of pay stubs. If you don't have pay stubs, acquire a notarized letter from your employer showing when you were hired, how often you work, and what you earn. Make sure this will be sufficient for your lender. Make sure you also have copies of your taxes for the previous two years. If you don't keep copies, you can contact the IRS who will either mail or fax you copies. There is a slight charge involved in most cases.

Make sure you also have information about your current landlord or mortgage. The lender will want to see this as well.

Hint #3: Correct Errors on Credit Report

A few months before you decide to apply for your home mortgage loan you need to request free copies of your credit report from all three of the bureaus - Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. Review those reports carefully to make sure no mistakes are present. There's a good chance you'll find something wrong but, hopefully, it will be something small and inconsequential.

If you do find any serious mistakes, immediately write up a letter to the reporting agency and work on getting the mistake corrected. Any negative errors could end up ruining your chances of getting a home mortgage loan.

Learn how to get your own Home Mortgage Loan from the experts. Visit today to learn more.

Ideas For A Home Based Business

Most people start thinking of ideas for a home based business when they realize they are spending all their time and energy making money for someone else. It dawns on them that they could use the same effort to generate a steady income - and indeed actual wealth - for themselves.

A home based business offers flexibility to work in your own home, at your own pace, so it is especially suitable for those with young children, or someone who wants to pursue other interests and earn at the same time. A home based business frees you from the stress of daily commutes, long hours at work, and unrealistic targets. The threat of layoffs and early retirement is another factor that a home based business protects you from. The earning potential from a home based business - provided you find the right niche, and make a success of it - can be much larger than you would earn from your regular 9 to 5 job, this even applies for corporate executives.

Some of the popular ideas for a home based business are services like business personal development, consultancy, day care management, catering, secretarial services, event management, travel agency and real estate. If you are interested in selling, you could either develop your own products, or you could become an affiliate and sell other people's products. This saves you the back-end work of manufacture, storage and delivery, and lets you focus on advertising and processing orders.

Home based businesses have received a boost with online marketing becoming the norm. As an business affiliate, all you need to do is use a self replicating website provided by the company of choice and promote it. Every time a visitor clicks through from your site to the merchant's site, you get paid a commission. This is such a neat, straightforward way of making money that it is probably one of the best ideas for a home based business offer today.

Bart and Joy Saxey are successful home entrepreneurs who left corporate America to capitalize on the explosion happening in the Home Based Business Industry. They currently coach other entrepreneurs looking to create a CEO’s income working from home. Their site can be found at []

Friday, August 30, 2013

What is Senior Home Care?

Senior Home Care is a growing industry in the United States. As the baby boomer generation ages the need for in-home care for senior citizens is on the rise. Senior Home Care is non-medical care provided by a home care professional. Typically the case involves assistance with everyday activities including housekeeping, eating, bathing, dressing and medication reminders. Senior Home Care workers are trained to perform their duties; however they are not trained in providing any type of doctor-prescribed medical care.

When choosing an agency to assist you in your Senior Home Care needs it is important to thoroughly check references and the history of the agency. In addition you will want to confirm that they comply with all State and Federal requirements for providing home care and, if necessary, the agency should also fulfill Medicaid requirements. A reputable agency will be more than happy to provide you with all this information, including a list of current and previous clients.

Besides securing the above information from your agency, you should also check into their policies requiring the individuals they employ as caregivers. Most companies will subject potential hires to a thorough background examination including a check on their criminal history. Remember that this person is going to be working closely with a loved member of your family and will not always be under the watch of other family members. As part of the hiring process you should be entitled to a one-to-one interview with your assigned caregiver prior to introducing them to their intended care recipient.

The individual entrusted to be your Senior Home Care provider will become an intimate part of your family member's life. A necessary sense of trust and security will be expected in order for the relationship to work. Prior to their first day of service you will want to spend a day shadowing the caregiver and helping them become familiar with the daily routines of the senior citizen they will be working with. Many seniors may be a bit apprehensive at first to the situation and it is important that the service provider remain as unobtrusive as possible. By allowing the senior to perform any functions to the best of their abilities, without interference, the caregiver will be looked at more as a companion and friend and less as a babysitter.

Now that the hiring process is complete, a schedule for care needs to be established. Most Senior Home Caregivers provide about three hours of assistance a day, depending on the individual situation. There are circumstances when a caregiver is hired for an overnight stay or twenty-four hour care, but this is not normally the case. As with any employee, a caregiver will occasionally need time off for personal situations, vacations or even illness. A back-up plan should always be in place for the time when this situation arises. A family member, neighbor, or close friend may need to step in and fill the role of caregiver for the day.

The end result of hiring a caregiver to provide Senior Home Care should be meeting the needs of the senior citizen. In the end they are the person who will have the most interaction and spend the greatest amount of time with their caregiver. It is important that a healthy, happy relationship is established for the situation to be beneficial to all.

If you're ready to start your CNA Certification & Training, we have more great tools and resources on our website

The Top 10 Questions About Loan Modification

If you are one of the tens of thousands of Americans who are facing hard times financially and are not able to pay the mortgage on your home any more, the loan-modification plan may just be the thing you are looking for. Lenders are showing greater flexibility in altering the terms of the mortgage payments and believe it or not they would rather have you keep your home and receive monthly payments than confiscate it under foreclosure at a time when the real estate market is facing an all time low.

There are many questions that may be going through your mind regarding loan modification. This article will try to answer the most common questions home owners have regarding the plan.

1. What is a Loan Modification: Loan modification is the reinstatement of a loan by the lending agency by changing the terms and conditions of a loan making it possible for the home owner to make regular monthly payments on his mortgage.

2. To hire or not hire a loan modification expert: This is up to you. If you feel you can take the stress and anxiety of an approaching foreclosure and you have the time to prepare all the necessary documents needed to apply for a loan-modification, sure, go right ahead. But if not, then you surely need an expert in the area to help you when filing for one. Remember that you only get one chance to apply for a loan modification so you can't afford to make any mistakes. Agents or lawyers can be quite pricey but there are some real estate brokers who are offering the service free of cost.

3. Does a loan modification help in avoiding a foreclosure: Of course! A loan-modification is your best shot at avoiding a foreclosure on your home. The bank or your mortgage lender looks at your circumstances and decides whether you deserve a second chance or not. The Obama government is now offering renumeration to lenders who grant loan-modification. This coupled with the fact that it's more profitable for lenders to let you keep your house then to foreclose it, has increased the chances of home owners getting approved for a loan modification and saving their homes from foreclosure.

4. Am I eligible for a modification on my loan if I am not behind on my payments: Getting approved for a loan-modification if you are not delinquent is possible but the success ratio is not very encouraging.

5. How can the newly introduced government plans aid me in acquiring a loan modification: As mentioned above, the government has assigned a massive $75 billion to back lending companies that provide a loan-modification to their customers. This incentive has made banks and mortgage companies more receptive to the idea of loan workouts.

6. Does the lender have the right to add late charges to the loan-modification: As per the rules of HUD, the accumulated late charges have to be relinquished by the lender when considering a loan work out for a client. This, however, varies based on the kind of loan that is under consideration.

7. What is the criteria that qualifies me for a loan modification: A loan work out is usually awarded on the basis of hardships faced by the home owner like losing a job or the death of a spouse, an alteration in the loan terms, and/or the capacity for paying the mortgage by a client.

8. What sort of a hardship situation is guaranteed to get me a loan modification: The one hardship most people are facing these days is loss or relocation of jobs. And this is one of the most acceptable bases for allocating a modified loan.

9. Is it possible that missed payments be added to the new loan modification: The answer is 'yes'. It is very possible that your past arrears are added to your new loan and are spaced out in a manner in which the loan is made current.

10. How does modifying my loan affect my credit history: A loan modification is great for your credit report as the lender reports your current payments as on time as opposed to past due hence raising your credit score.

These are the top 10 most asked questions regarding loan modification. Just remember, an expert and qualified modification agent can make the difference between nailing it or losing it so tread with care.

Care Options in the Community

Many people who are juggling many responsibilities while caring for elderly loved ones find it hard to be there at all times. There are options available within your community that can help you and your parents find the time to make things a little easier.

What are Your Needs?

Before you do anything, ask yourself, "What is it that I need help in?". Is it the physical care of your parents? Financial care? or is it the emotional aspect? All of the above? Do some soul-searching, and also discuss it with your loved one if they are able to understand the situation.

What Can You Afford?

Money, as with mostly everything in our modern day lives, is an important factor. It may be what stops you from finding outside help.

The Time Factor

How much time do you need to allot in your day or your loved one's day? Do you only need help for 4 hours or for 24 hours?

Community Care Options

Keeping the above in mind, there should be (hopefully) within your community, a variety of options available to you should you need some outside assistance.

Informal Care:

This comes in the form of friends, personal referrals or church groups.

Information and Referral:

Public agencies, websites, newspapers and other publications, hospitals, or any other professional organization.

Adult Day Care: There are 2 types:

* Adult Day Social Care:

More focused on social care and activities.

* Adult Day Health Care:

This also has social programs available. However, this is geared towards those who have physical ailments such as Dementia and Parkinson's, or Diabetes. A registered nurse is required to be onsite, and they have the resources available to provide medical care while the client is on site.

Transportation Services:

This can be the public transit system or privately held companies.

Nutrition Programs: Delivery programs like "Meals on Wheels" are available in your community. Sometimes they are sponsored by churches who have their programs. This is volunteer-based and donations are encouraged, sometimes there are small fees. Some of these programs include: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner daily.

Home Care:

This can consist of private paid care, or other respite care provided by volunteers, agencies or government (limited and dependent on budget and waiting list).

Hospice Care: This type of care is available for those who are suffering from a terminal illness and would rather spend their remaining days in their own home instead of at a hospital. A hospice care team is provided to help the family and the patient ensure that their quality of life is the best it can be for their remaining days. Insurance coverage for hospice care is provided through Medicare, Medicaid and some private insurance plans.

Support Groups: Sometimes offered through the community or hospital. These can also congregate in other social situations such as church gatherings.

Find out more information about resources for caregivers at

Hospice - Discover a Free Medicare Benefit

Hospice services are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. There is always a nurse on call at night and on weekends. The nurse will visit a patient as long and as often as necessary to ensure quality care. Because of this wonderful service, many people are under the impression that hospice care is expensive, and believe they cannot afford such treatment. However Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance companies cover hospice care and services. This would include, but is not limited to, medications, medical supplies, nursing care, home health aides and social services. In 1983, Congress established the Medicare Hospice Benefit, covered under Medicare Part A, to ensure that all beneficiaries could receive high-quality end-of-life care.

In order to receive the Medicare Hospice Benefit, the patient must meet three key criteria. First, the patient`s doctor must certify in his or her best clinical judgment that the patient is terminally ill with a life expectancy of six months or less. If the patient lives longer than six months, he or she can continue to receive hospice care as long as the doctor re-certifies that the patient is terminal and with declining health. The second key criterion is that the patient is willing to receive comfort care instead of curative treatments for their illness. For example, a patient could not be getting chemotherapy to cure their illness and be getting hospice care simultaneously. Hospice is intended be used once curative treatment is no longer an option. Finally, the patient needs to enroll in a Medicare-approved hospice program. This should be one of the first questions you ask in determining which hospice agency to use. More than 90% of hospices in the United States are certified by Medicare.

For the very best in health care facilities, please visit the Gilbert Guide for more information about Assisted Living Care.

Finding The Perfect Nanny Job In Your Area

There are so many careers to choose from. Picking the right one is hard, specially if it involves child care. We all want our children well cared for and while your regular daycare provides adequate services for most people, some may find that they either need, or prefer someone that is going to more like family, and who will be with the children on a regular basis. If this sounds like a good fit for you, the perfect nanny job may be just around the corner. Parents are working more and more these days, trying to fill the needs of their company, as well as grabbing that golden ring that tells the world how successful they have been.

But working this hard comes at a price, and many times, children pay that price. Parents careers often demand that they travel more, which often takes them away from their children. This can be disruptive to the kids, and make it emotionally difficult on the parents. A good nanny will be well trained and will easily blend in with the family she is working with. The children will learn to view her as a family member and, although she does not take the place of mom, she can often fulfill some of the demands that mom does not have the time to do. Nannies can set up schedules, get the kids off to school, pick them up and hurry them to the extra curricular activities that they have after school.

They can make sure that their home work is finished, baths are taken, dinner is provided and tucked into bed with a wonderful bedtime story if need be. Nannies are the right hand of the busy parent when they are required to be elsewhere. Although a nanny does not necessarily have to be trained, it is always a positive when interviewing for a job like this. To have some educational units under the belt such as childhood education classes, or even professional nanny training is something that parents who are looking for a nanny may want. The great thing, and maybe the downfall for some, is that compassion, love and genuine concern usually is not something that is taught. It is a built in characteristic, and one that you either have or not. Good nannies are loving people, with huge hearts, boundaries and flexible personalities. They are people who care for the most precious possession a parent has.

Taking care of children is something most people can do, but not all people do well. Being a nanny is a very important job and one that parents take very seriously. Many things will need to be discussed while interviewing for a job like this, from hours to be worked, to how discipline will be handled. While you will need to be clear on what is expected from you, you will also need to be honest with the parents hiring you and let them know your expectations.

Finding the perfect nanny job can be easy if you are the right person for the position. Working as a nanny can be one of the most rewarding jobs, and one that many times pay very well. It is important that the responsibility of the job is met, and that open and clear communication is shared with the parents. This is very much a job that will require a great level of trust.

Industry leader helping to locate Nanny Toronto and nanny Vancouver. Let the leaders help you find the Nanny job you are looking for.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Are Reverse Osmosis Water Systems Really Healthy For Home Use?

Have you ever wondered if reverse osmosis water systems make a good choice for protecting your family's health from the contaminants found in the tap water in our homes?

Well this information may be useful to you in making your decision.

Reverse osmosis water systems are used by some large scale treatment facilities and other industries as their primary means of removing minerals, metals and other contaminants that are "heavy". These facilities also use disinfectants like chlorine to protect us from diseases such as cholera.

But you may have heard a number of claims from companies touting these water systems for home use. Can they be trusted or is it advertising hype?

Let's find out by looking at a couple of these common claims made by the manufacturers of reverse osmosis water systems.

1. Reverse osmosis water systems can protect us from the contaminants that treatment facilities cannot. - This is untrue. There is only so much that the reverse osmosis process can do to protect us. It is not a catch all system and in fact in some cases, such as bacterial contamination, reverse osmosis systems must be teamed with other filtration systems to combat the contaminants.

2. Reverse osmosis water systems protect us from chlorine and its by-products (THMs) released when the chemical is used for disinfection. - Again, this is not true. Chlorine and THMs are too small and light to be trapped by the porous membrane. They pass right through, along with the liquid. You would have to have additional steps to block these contaminants, something like a carbon block, for example.

This may seem like an unimportant point to you and you may be asking why should we care about chlorine and THMs? Doesn't the government regulate them? Aren't they safe?

No, they are not safe.

Studies over the years have shown that the consumption of chlorine over a period of time causes long range chronic health problems and increases your risk of cancer. THMs have also been linked to cancer. The allowable "parts per million" content limit is the amount that is deemed safe for one time exposure in a 175 pound adult. No government agency has ever taken into account the fact that many of us weigh less. Nor, have they considered the effect of repeated constant exposure over the course of a lifetime.

When inhaled as vapors in your shower these contaminants aggravate various respiratory problems and can cause asthma attacks. Claims that a whole house reverse osmosis water system will prevent these problems are not true. Only an activated carbon shower head filter will block chlorine and only the best will remove THMs.

For the whole house, some effective units are available to remove these contaminants , but reverse osmosis water systems are not among them.

There are other disadvantages to the reverse osmosis water system. For instance, it is largely inefficient. It works by forcing pressurized liquids through a porous membrane. The size of the pores determines what contaminants will be removed. It is only semi-effective.

Also extra electricity is needed to run the reverse osmosis water system unit and pump. In addition this type of filter system is very wasteful, for every one gallon of water that is cleaned, several gallons end up as wastewater that gets flushed down a waste drain. And "clean" is used loosely, here. Reverse osmosis water systems also reduce the pressure throughout your home because they are inherently slow. It may never be possible for you to take a pulsating shower again.

The last disadvantage of reverse osmosis water systems, but not the least by far, is that the process removes nearly all of the minerals that naturally occur in ground-water. Even if you have the "hardest" water on earth, you do not want to drink de-mineralized water. It does not taste very fresh and is bad for your long term health, causing vitamin deficiencies and stomach ailments.

There are better options for your home than a reverse osmosis water system. The choice is yours; hopefully you'll make the right one.

Mark Berginson is an advocate of natural health and a dedicated researcher of home water purifiers and other health and wellness products. To learn which systems he recommends and discover the in-depth secrets to water purifiers and filtration for better health for you and your family, visit now.

Sell And Rent Back - Gets You Cash Without Losing Your Residence

Increasing financial worries can get to one's nerves when one is facing a threatening situation due to shortage of cash. This is the time when one needs to plan out carefully. This situation may have been brought about by overspending in the first place. If you are facing such a difficult situation, there are remedies to it. Sell and rent back is that one perfect scheme among the few, which helps you achieve a quick house sale and generate cash to get over your financial tension.

With this scheme, you can liquidate your assets in quick-time and cover your cash-deficiency. You can avail to this remedy to get rid of the debt-disease as you pay your creditors off for good: with the cash empowering your hands. And yet you need not lose your hold over your house. You still shall have your feet held firmly on your house-floor, so that you can run on with a normal life.

This is assured by the facility of sell and rent back as available in the UK with only a few special firms. Your house is still there for you, albeit sold. It is only your property that is sold, not your rights to stay back there. This right is validated for you by your privilege of renting back the place and that too at a rental lower than the prevailing market rate or the mortgage payments that you have been paying to your creditor.

This sounds like "as good as it gets", and to speak the truth, it is. This is one solution you have at your disposal to take care of the debts that are plaguing you. Apply for a Rent Back [] scheme by contacting the quick sale agencies to weed out the financial tension that may be threatening to ruin your career. You can contact them online to get things done even faster.

The author is a real estate specialist and through his writing has given guidance to many people who are in search of buying or selling property. He is currently associated with VIP Services, the UK's Leading Real Estate Specialist. VIP Services delicately focuses on helping people selling or buying houses within a short span of time and that too in cash. For more information on about vip-service please visit Rent Back []

Know Your Score - Part VII

Younger people, under 30 usually, have a tougher time establishing and maintaining good credit scores. There are a number of reasons the biggest of course is not understanding what makes up a good or bad score. There isn't any reason why a young person can't have a great credit score and maintain it. 

Let's look at a few things you can do to make sure your scores are at the top. 

First of all don't apply for every credit card off that comes your way. Just because the mailer said "YOU'RE PRE-APPROVED" doesn't mean you are. The credit card companies buy list from the credit bureau's to target a specific group of people. In your case it might be all the people under 28 with a college degree and at least one student loan and scores above 640. You then get a "pre-approval" letter enticing you to fill it out. You do and send it in. The credit card company then actually pulls your credit report and see that you do have what they specified but now they see you have also applied for three other credit cards two department store cards and a car loan. And after three weeks of waiting for this new card you get the mail from that company only to say "We're sorry to in form you that your application has been denied due to information contained on your credit report" and then give you the info to contact the reporting agency.

Or maybe when you filled out the application and sent it in. The credit card company pulled your report and your score is now 628 instead of the 640 minimum score they were looking for. Once again credit denied.

This can be frustrating. You have a good job make good money and are responsible with your spending but unless it fits the criteria the creditor has established, you will probably be denied.  But how do you get credit established.

Make a plan. Understand how and why you need a credit card. And how may you need. I didn't say want. I said need. Too may time we have seen younger people with staggering debt. One client netted about $2200 per month. Here child care was $500 per mo. her car payment was 420 per mo. and because her parents were moving out of state (her free rent was going away) she was staring about $800 per mo. rent in the face. Oh by the way she also has about $15,000.00 in credit card debt that she was currently behind in. She didn't have enough left over each month to gas her car to get to work and feed and clothe herself and daughter. She is currently in a chapter 13 bankruptcy that will affect her credit for years to come. So when I say "how many cards do you need" that's what I mean. 

You have to be able to make your obligations each month with enough left over to be comfortable. I could write for a long time on budgets and sticking to it. 

Your first payment (I know you've heard this before) should be to yourself. Put something away in savings or investments first. First. I just wanted to make sure I said first. Then pay your other bills. Now you should have something left over for fun and entertainment. If there is now anything left this is what you can determine is available if you have any other debt. 

This is not to sermonize, but merely to make you aware that you have choices. And what you do now can affect you positively or negatively for a long time to come.

So you need to establish a few credit cards so you can manage your credit score. Two to three cards with 500 to 1,000 credit limits is sufficient. 

Pay the cards off each month. Never put more on all the cards combined that you can't payoff within three months. And never pay the cards until you've paid yourself. 

You're smart and want to be able to afford what you want and get the best rates and terms available. There is no reason you can't unless you've made a bad choice. And even past bad choices don't mean you're doomed. You can clean up past credit problems, even bankruptcies, credit counseling, charge-offs and collections and get back on the road to great credit a lot sooner than you may think.

Just be prudent with your money and protect your credit. It's a reflection of your good name.

Don Davis

Don Davis can be reached at 360-652-9994
or visit his web site at for other contact information.
Don specializes in residential and commercial lending mostly in and around Snohomish County, North King County, Skagit county and generally in the state of Washington.
Don has spoken at numerous workshops and events regarding credit scoring and related topics and has helped many people substantially raise their individual credit rating.
If you want to maintain a high credit score or wish to increase and maintain a high score, contact Don to schedule a meeting today.

Local Agents in Insurance Companies

The local agent represents a carrier in a given city or town. He will ordinarily represent more than one carrier: he may represent both stock and mutual companies. The commission received by the local agent naturally is less than that paid to general or regional agents. The local agent performs little technical insurance service.

These services are performed by the true regional or general agent, or by the branch or home offices. The local agent is principally a salesman; his job is to acquire business and to give home insurance quotes to his clients.

However, for fire insurance, he is usually a recording agent; that is, he prepares and countersigns policies in behalf of his companies. In casualty insurance, he is often no different from the regional or general agent, except that his commission rate is less and he writes less business.

Attached to the home office, branch office, or general agency may be found a representative who solicits exclusively for a given carrier or general agent. He is known as an "office agent." Although he is considered an employee of the carrier or office, his only pay is a commission for the business he produces, generally at the same rates as are offered a local agent.

The office agent, however, may have a better net income than the local agent, since his office, office supplies, and other services are furnished to him. An office agent may ask for and obtain permission to write business in companies other than that of his benefactor.

Not all private health insurance providers are anchored to companies by agency contracts or by employer-employee relationships. Some are freelance operators who shop around to find the best type of coverage possible for the insurance buyers who are their clients.

These producers are called "brokers." Theoretically, brokers are agents of insurance buyers and not agents of the companies in which they place their business. Nevertheless, they are paid by the companies in the form of a commission.

The clients they serve are not required to pay the broker a cent directly. Of course, the premiums they pay for their insurance are "loaded" to take care of all commissions. So, indirectly, the client pays the commissions of both the agent and the broker.

The broker's commission is usually a little less than that of the agent. This allows the agent to accept business from a broker and still retain a slight margin of profit. Brokers, however, may place their business direct with the company rather than through an agent.

Some insurance brokers operate solely as insurance salesmen, providing no technical insurance service. They depend upon the companies to provide these services for their clients. Other brokers maintain a staff of engineers to help their clients obtain the best rate possible for their cheap homeowner insurance. These engineers check the exposures of their clients and the rating procedure of their companies. They also advise on loss-prevention activities.

Brokers are more prominent in metropolitan areas, operating extensively among business corporations with large exposures. They may become virtually insurance managers for some corporations. Some insurance brokerage firms are national in scope; a few are even international.

Brokers are not prominent in life insurance but are very important in the fire and casualty lines; they are most important in the field of marine insurance. Some producers may be both agents and brokers, operating as brokers in a metropolitan area and as agents in their suburban home communities. Some function as agents for life insurance companies but as brokers for fire and casualty insurance.

A final type of producer is the solicitor. He usually cannot bind the company or write policies. He simply finds prospects for insurance and then handles the business through a local agent, broker, or company branch or service office.

Allison Ryan is a freelance marketing writer from San Diego, CA. She specializes in financial planning, business finance, and different types of insurance, including private health insurance and cheap homeowner insurance. For a wide variety of affordable insurance policies, check out

How to Choose a Reputable Au Pair Agency

It is a big decision to add an au pair to the family. Most people choose to hire an au pair because they wish to have consistent and reliable child care for their family. Because this person will be living in the home, however, it is important to thoroughly research the au pair agency before committing to a working relationship.

Because there are so many agencies offering au pair services, it makes a difference to research which ones in particular are best suited to address individual family needs. By following these simple steps, a family will ensure that the agency they choose will be the best fit for their family and situation.


It almost goes without saying that every reputable au pair agency will run background checks on their au pairs. Most families treat their au pairs like part of the family and there is an underlying layer of trust that goes with that feeling. These young girls (and sometimes boys) are entrusted with children, most family's prized possessions. Choosing an au pair agency that conducts extensive background checks is essential.

Don't rely on the au pair agency to do all the work, however. Take advantage of the pre-contractual phone calls to get to know the selected au pair. Most people have good gut instincts. If something seems off, choose to get to know a different au pair.

Hours Available

Choosing an au pair agency that matches a family's hourly needs is essential. Au pair agencies typically dictate how many hours their au pairs can work in a week. Sometimes they are only required to have two consecutive days off and other agencies require that their au pairs have at least one weekend day off. That is why it is important for a family to sit down and map out their childcare needs before choosing an au pair agency.


As with any business arrangement, money is a factor. Au pair agencies have different combinations of registration fees, enrollment fees and au pair pocket money requirements. Choosing to hire an au pair can be an expensive decision. It is important to determine if a family has the discretionary income available to honor the contract before beginning. Be sure to check on the exact fees and monthly obligations each au pair agency requires. Work these into a budget, keeping in mind the additional expenses of food, transportation, etc, that also come with hiring an au pair.

English As A Second Language

Different au pair agencies have available au pairs from different countries. Most of these girls take the position of au pair as an opportunity to live with an American family for at least a year and learn the language. Most au pair agencies will advertise that their au pairs speak English. It is important to have a realistic expectation when it comes to language, however. These girls are almost always in the process of learning English as a second language. If a family has a particular knowledge of a second language such as Spanish or German, it may prove beneficial to work with an au pair agency that places girls who speak these languages.


Sometimes even with the best planning things do not work out. Before hiring an au pair agency, it is important to confirm the process for selecting a new au pair. Are there any charges associated with an au pair change? Can a change be made with no direct cause or do only particular situations warrant an au pair change? Is there a minimum amount of time an au pair must live with a family before making a change? These are all questions to ask before signing a contract with an au pair agency.

Hiring an au pair is an enriching and enlightening experience for most families. Some au pairs and families keep in touch long after they have returned to their home countries. When done correctly, it can be an amazing and rewarding relationship.

Author is a freelance writer. For more information on an au pair please visit

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lotsa Helping Hands - How the Internet is Changing Caregiving

We all have that relative who in times of crisis has a checklist of what should be done. And although we might mock them, many are happy to know what needs to be done and how they can pitch in. In previous posts I have discussed how important it is for both family and professional caregivers to make sure they are taking care of themselves. And a new product; the Lotsa Helping Hands website; is streamlining the process for family caregivers by allowing 1 person to organize a circle of up to 100 loved ones who can look at a list of tasks and volunteer to do them.

Many baby boomers are facing the prospect of how to care for aging parents. For adult children whose parents require assistance with activities of daily living (e.g., buying groceries, preparing meals or maintaining the household) this website can be very useful in helping establish a network where everyone can volunteer for assignments so that for example groceries aren't purchased twice in one day or so everyone doesn't visit Granny on Sunday, leaving her alone the rest of the week. Family members of seniors might also find this helpful in arranging for someone to stop by and check in on their loved one. Has the senior dressed properly for the day? Does he or she need breakfast to be made for them? Scheduling tasks through Lotsa Helping Hands, another person can pick up the dinner shift and help with bathing.

This type of coordination can augment the service provided by home care agencies, particularly if the aides are only on duty for a few hours every day. Perhaps best of all; the service is free and the website is fairly intuitive. The process takes less time than a phone call on the volunteer side, but the administrator (e. g. , you) has to be fairly on-task with what needs doing. A calendar shows whether help is needed or if all needs are met on a particular day. You can even scroll ahead and offer specific services. I think this is a brilliant concept; I mean, how many times have you wanted to help someone, but just were unsure of what to do? Also, most families have members with more free time than others. We often don; t phone relatives for help as we figure they are probably ; just too busy; and that someone else will take care of it. But giving everyone a chance to know what is needed and what they can do is not just democratic; it is downright helpful; and as caregivers isn't that the point? As always I look forward to your comments and would love to know more if anyone has used the service and found other glowing points or even something that could be better in regard to this fantastic new resource.

For the very best in Continuous Care please visit the Gilbert Guide for more information about Health Care Facilities

Tips on Buying a New Dog

Choosing to buy a dog is a huge commitment, so it's important to take the time to choose what type of dog is best for you and your family and how each member in the family will be caring for your new pet. If it's just you, then the answer is obvious, as you will be doing all the work. Yet if your new dog will be welcomed by a family, make sure that everyone is willing to pitch in and provide care for the new pet. After all, your new family member will need a lot more care beyond just feeding and walking.

First thing is first when buying a dog, you must choose one that fits into your lifestyle. If you are active and enjoy running or bike riding, getting a dog who can come along with you would be most beneficial, such as an active Border Collie. If you prefer a more sedentary lifestyle however, or don't have a fenced-in backyard, choosing a lapdog will be best. Doing research either online or at the library will help you determine the breed for you.

Each breed also has different responsibilities in terms of maintenance, as some dogs require monthly grooming, while others need to be brushed daily. Also consider the medical issues that go along with buying a dog, as some are prone to ear infections or heart murmurs, while all dogs will need routine shots and doctor check-ups.

Before buying a dog, also think about the time that you will be committing to your new pet, as puppies require a lot of training and socialization when they are first welcomed to the family. Your new pet may need professional training lessons, as well as daily walks, feeding, and play time. Also consider the costs before buying a dog, as you will be responsible for paying for veterinarian visits, food, and puppy gear, including toys, a bed, cage, and food - to name a few.

Although it's important to know that you and your family are ready to buy a dog, most families find that when they're ready, they automatically know it. Dogs are a wonderful way to improve your lifestyle and the loyalty you receive from your beloved pet is priceless. Keep in mind that there are many places to purchase your pet from, preferably from a shelter or adoption agency. If you want a purebred, opt for a pet breeder that allows you to come to the home and see the condition of the pets, as well as a background of the puppy.

John likes to write articles about buying dog collars and why a dog collar is important for training.

Caregivers Providing End of Life Care Need Support

Family caregivers can find the respite they need

The daily demands of caregiving for a loved one who is nearing the end of their life can be emotionally and physically draining. The Hospice Foundation of America estimates that almost half a million people, 68 percent being age 65 or older, received hospice care in 2006. For most, that care involved a family caregiver. Many family caregivers must deal with not only the time demands and additional responsibilities, but also the emotional needs of their loved one and family.

According to the National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA), more than one quarter (26.6 percent) of the adult population has provided care for a chronically ill, disabled or aging family member or friend during the past year. Based on current census data, that translates into more than 50 million people.

The Juggling Act

Recent medical research indicates the stress associated with caregiving can lead to a weakened immune system and in some cases take years off the caregiver's life. Those risks increase when they have to manage caregiving responsibilities while also working or raising a family.

Life can be very stressful for an individual juggling the demands of a job and being a caregiver. Advancing within a career can often be put on hold since completing tasks at work can interfere with caregiving responsibilities.

In many cases, employers will work with the caregiver's changing schedule. Taking time to sit down with a supervisor to explain the situation can be a very good first step to ensuring work commitments are handled. Keeping an employer aware of the situation prevents misinterpretation and promotes better understanding.

Below are a few ideas for the caregiver to keep in mind prior to meeting with their supervisor.

• If others offer to assist with some of their caregiving responsibilities, assign them specific tasks.

• If there is another position available at work that might make the responsibilities easier, ask to move into that job.

• Find out if part time work is an available option and see if it would fit needs at home and fulfill work obligations.

• Look into telecommuting to meet home and work responsibilities.

• Temporary leave from work may help the situation and allow the caregiver to spend more time at home during their loved one's final days.

• View the Family Medical Leave Act, and if applicable discuss this benefit with the employer. Under law, covered employers must grant eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition. For more information regarding the FMLA, visit the U.S. Department of Labor's website. []

How to Find Respite

Caregiving can often be a 24-hour responsibility, particularly when providing hospice care. There is a risk of emotional burnout and a decline in health for family caregivers who do not take a much needed break. For many, respite care is the best solution.

Respite care provides temporary relief to the primary caregiver. For many, the best solution for temporary care is through the hiring of an outside resource. Companies like Comfort Keepers®, an in-home care provider, offer a range of assistance with a mix of daily living assistance, personal care and homemaking services.

For the nearly 60 percent of family caregivers who are providing care while also working full-time, companies like Comfort Keepers can offer respite. Respite care is a natural extension of Comfort Keepers existing in-home care business. An average of 12 percent of family caregivers have left there jobs as a result of caregiving responsibilities. We'd like to think the services we offer can positively impact the lives of these caregivers.

Additional Support

There are simple ways that others can help family caregivers. The following tips allow non-caregivers to support their family's provider. This list includes realistic examples of how anyone can offer assistance to family caregivers:

1. Call and ask how the caregiver is doing. Don't offer advice, just listen. Being able to vocalize the stress and grief they are experiencing can be a tremendous relief.

2. Offer assistance. Family caregivers often feel like there is never enough time in the day to get the basics done. Offer to walk the dog, mow the yard, pick up groceries or make dinner to allow them to spend more quality time with their loved one.

3. Send a note. A cheerful note or card out of the blue can help brighten their day.

4. Offer the gift of respite. If the caregiver can leave their loved one alone for a few hours, invite them out to dinner, the movies, or for a cup of coffee. Volunteer to stay with the care recipient for a few hours to allow the family caregiver to take a break, or recommend they research an agency with trained caregivers.

End of Life Services

There are several resources for finding compassionate end of life care and respite for family caregivers. The following online resources may answer many questions in the search for the best possible solution:

• - The Hospice Foundation of America offers an informative article that explores myths about death and pain, and offers insights about grief.

• - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides information about coverage, eligibility and benefits for hospice reimbursement through Medicaid.

• National Association for Home Care and Hospice has an extensive web directory that allows an individual to search for home care and hospice by location, payment types, services offered, and more.

• - The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization web site provides information on choosing a hospice, Medicare and Medicaid and basic hospice facts.

About Comfort Keepers in Pinellas County Florida

Carol S. Howland, R. N. is the owner of Comfort Keepers in North Pinellas County Florida. Her Comfort Keepers office provides services to Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Oldsmar, and Tarpon Springs from this location. Comfort Keeprs is a Private Duty Home Care Agency which offers a range of assistance with a mix of daily living assistance, personal care and homemaking services. Carol Howland additionally owns and operates Comfort Staffing which is a Home Health Agency providing skilled nursing. For more information and our free offer Link to

Paving - An Approach to Make Your Home Beautiful

Home is beautiful and the feeling goes on. However there is always something to work upon. The cycle never stops. How to attain that perfect look for home? Our emotions are well attached with home. Everybody does what he or she think is the best for their home.

We spend our fortune to build the house and ensure that nothing is out of place. Be it from smallest of the things to the ones that require professional help, home is the only place where we can be ourselves and get peace of mind. Interiors of any house reflect more of what you are or you think you are. When we shift our focus to outside place, we need to be careful because people would get their first impression from there. Everybody is not going to come and visit your house in person.

So, we are going to discuss about this in detail. Paving definitely requires our attention and some efforts too. Paving is critical important to our mission and you need to consider that what kind of paving you want for your garden or driveway.

Before you go out and start asking different questions, the need is to prepare the list in advance and get enough expertise before making anything final. Firstly, you must get information about block paving and concrete paving. A brief study of these topics would surely add to your knowledge. Block paving is really earning rave reviews from all the corners. It is quite popular nowadays. Durability and flexibility are its key components. It gives an instant impression of that perfect factor. All big private or public institutions are opting for it. This is well enough an admiration.

Concrete paving is another option available in the market. The idea behind it is to save money. It rarely requires any kind of maintenance. Low cost factor is another way of saving. There are many options are to search from.

To get the best within your requirements is the most important factor. Paving material is available in many colors, finishes and shapes etc. Above all, you need to find a paving company that can cater to your needs in the most prominent way. So, please make a list of different agencies who are offering their services. You need to have an in-depth knowledge about them. Compare all the features such as price factor, reliability and past performance. Some references are also handy in some cases.

As we have discussed, paving is an issue that is worth time-spending because it is really going to uplift the whole image of your dream place. So why not give it an extra time? At the end, it is you and your decision and nothing else!

Learn more how paving stones can help decorate your home. For more information on paving visit

10 Top Considerations For Those Buying Property Abroad

Are you one of a growing number of people considering buying a second home in the sun, an idyllic home from home abroad or a lucrative investment property overseas? If so you're not alone! Statistics show that globally we're all on the move with a recent survey by YouGov revealing that 55% of adult Britons were "seriously considering settling in another country" and the British Centre for Future Studies predicting that by 2020 one tenth of the current British population will be living or working abroad!

Add to this the fact that there was a 250% increase between 2000 and 2004 in the number of Britons buying property abroad solely for investment purposes, that over one and a quarter million Brits own second homes in Spain and France already and that the Office for National Statistics in the UK recently revealed that 200,000 Britons go overseas yearly with the intention of remaining for at least twelve months, and you can see that the passion for buying that dream home abroad is universal.

But what's fuelling this ever growing interest in the overseas property market?

Well, despite reports to the contrary the UK housing market is seemingly ever on the up and those Britons who're acquiring massive levels of equity through their residential property are considering selling up, buying abroad and establishing a pension fund simply on the back of what they have left over from their house sale. Others in Britain can't actually afford to get on the first rung of the property ladder and some are looking abroad to find more affordable housing.

Then of course there's the state and confusion surrounding the pensions market which is getting ever worse meaning that a growing number of Britons are considering the option of buying a second property abroad to let out for an income towards retirement. Others just share a commonly held dream of owning a holiday home in the sun or escaping the rat race to get a new life overseas.

Whatever reasons you may have for considering buying property abroad one thing is for certain; before you go ahead and buy you should understand some of the far reaching legal, financial and taxation implications of buying abroad. This article examines ten top points worthy of your consideration.

1) The British national obsession with property prices, equity and re-mortgaging is as foreign a concept in many other countries as mushy peas or vinegar on your chips so don't just assume that your second home will rise in value and don't assume that it'll be easy to sell. Do your homework to see whether the property market you're interested in can support and sustain your particular hopes and ambitions for it.

In countries such as Northern Cyprus and Bulgaria the real estate market has been suppressed for so long that property prices remain highly competitive and many can see the room for substantial growth in the market. In other countries such as Spain, France and Portugal where the property market has been soaring for years can you expect the same levels of growth to continue? Know that every country's property market is different. If you decide to compare overseas markets to the UK housing market some may not appear as buoyant, however consider examining the longer term trends. Speak to established estate agencies in your country of choice to find out whether the market is stable or stale. If it's stable then you're more likely to enjoy a steady, realistic increase in your property's value rather than the extreme peaks and troughs that the UK market tends towards. If on the other hand the market is stale you need to consider the economy of the country and whether it's due a positive correction any time soon.

2) Factor in regular travel costs needed for visiting your second home when you establish your budget. Keep in mind any extra visits you might have to make occasionally to organise repairs and renovation for example. This sounds so obvious but sadly many people are caught out and find that they cannot holiday in their new home as often as they like: or worse still - once they move abroad they find they can't get 'home' for visits to the family etc. Budget wisely and don't get caught out!

3) If you intend to rent out your second home you must declare this income to the tax man in your country of residence I'm afraid! Furthermore it may be necessary to declare it in the country in which the new house is located depending on the double taxation agreements in place between the two countries. Make sure you seek solid tax advice before making any concrete buying decisions.

4) If you're intending to let out your property make sure you know how much it's going to cost to have an agent manage both the day-to-day running of your property together with organising the rental side of things for you. You'll need a good agent to make sure your best interests are always protected especially if you're not going to remain resident in the country the property is located in. Factor these extra costs into your budget or reduce them from your projected rental income to get a realistic idea of the income potential of your property. Remember you'll still need to pay a management agent during any weeks and months the property remains unoccupied.

5) Consider the local tax implications of buying, owning and selling your property as property and land tax in some countries can make UK stamp duty and council tax pale into insignificance. In Northern Cyprus for example tax rates are not currently excessive but they are subject to change, therefore always get up-to-date tax and fee facts and figures from your estate agent - furthermore, make sure you check the figures with a local lawyer or accountant.

6) Make a will to cover local inheritance tax laws and make sure your overseas property is also detailed in a will held in your country of residence. Specialist legal advice should always be sought when you hold property in more than one country as inheritance laws not only differ greatly depending on the country, but certain local inheritance laws can completely contradict and invalidate your main will.

7) Factor the legal bills that you will incur when buying, renting or selling your property into your overall budget. You can be charged all sorts of extras like notary fees, valuation fees, translation fees etc., and if you factor them in you shouldn't get any nasty surprises.

8) Be aware of the legalities of any contract you enter into. Find a reputable lawyer, get key documents translated, and know that ignorance is never a valid excuse! Not understanding the language in which your key legal contracts are written is a problem, don't ignore the problem! Don't blindly sign on the dotted line; it's your responsibility to get informed.

9) Buying through an offshore company to avoid certain taxes, expenses and laws is sometimes an option open to an individual interested in purchasing abroad. Whether this route is actually the best route is massively debateable! Firstly it depends on the country in which you're buying. Secondly, local agents may be incorrectly advising foreigners by basing their advice on the local situation. This method of approach can be beneficial but it could land you in a whole lot more taxation mess both abroad and at home! There are specialist companies out there who can advise you based on your individual situation and as it's not a case of one method suiting all, be careful and get informed. Find out the following, if you do buy through an offshore company and wish to take the property out of that company in the future how easy will that be to do, will you incur an expense, will there be further tax liabilities if you decide to sell your company owned property, and what happens if you try to take the profit from the sale, will you be taxed? Also consider the taxation situation from the UK point of view and the local situation in your country of choice.

10) What option would you like to take when it comes to financing your purchase? Are you considering equity release or a second mortgage, cash or a mortgage in the local currency? Know the pros and cons of each option. Cash may seem like the easiest and best way to go but do you want to have all that money tied up in a relatively slow to liquidise overseas asset? So what about a mortgage in the local currency? You need to consider the stability of the currency and fluctuating exchange rates. When moving money overseas either in a lump sum or to meet regular monthly financial commitments there are options available to you to reduce currency fluctuation risks - consider spot or forward transactions, speak to a financial adviser or foreign exchange risk expert to find out the options available. If you're considering equity release or a second mortgage this might be a cheap option at the moment - but remember you'd risk losing one or both homes if you fell behind on payments!

When it comes to the considerations you need to make when exploring the idea of purchasing a second home abroad these ten top tips are not exhaustive but should provide some food for thought. Going forward from here you should remain informed; don't enter into an idea abroad that you wouldn't entertain 'back home' and seek professional legal, financial and taxation advice at every step of the way.

Rhiannon Williamson is the publisher of - the online resource that guides you to a low tax, maximum investment profit lifestyle abroad.

Shelter Offshore features three main channels - offshore investment, property investment abroad and overseas lifestyle.

Home Selling - What the Law Requires of Real Estate Agents When You List Your Home For Sale

What the law requires of real estate agents when you list your home for sale is pretty clear. The contract you signed means the Realtor is your agent, and there is a long history of legal cases defining what that means.

The law on agency sets out the duties of the agent as follows:

Reasonable Care


Agents must do what their clients tell them to do unless it would be illegal, or unless it is not within the scope of their agency duties as outlined in the agency contract (listing contract).


All of your actions must be for the best interests of your client, and you must do nothing to harm your client's interests. For example, if you are willing to accept a lower price than was offered and your agent told that to the buyer, that would be a violation of this duty as well as confidentiality.


You can expect your agent to disclose to you everything he or she knows that could impact your situation. If your agent is aware that there will be a zoning change on adjacent property, you must be given this information. Any knowledge that the agent has that could benefit the client in any way must also be disclosed immediately.


During the course of listing a house for sale and marketing it your agent will learn many things about your personal and financial situations, as well as your attitudes and opinions. Anything you say to your agent must be kept strictly confidential.


Often agents are given money or other things of value, and these must always be accounted for very carefully.

Reasonable Care

The duty of reasonable care is open to interpretation and thus has been the subject of many lawsuits. Ultimately it means the agent must protect the client from harm in the course of the transaction.

The agent's ignorance of something that is detrimental to the client is no defense if it is found in court that the real estate agent should have known it or should have told the client where to get this crucial information.

The real estate agency contract requires your agent to advise you on things such as inspections, repairs, negotiations and price.

Sometimes the agent is asked about topics not covered by the agency agreement, such as real estate law. In this case the agent is under a duty to make sure the client sees a lawyer to get information about applicable laws.

You Can Learn the Secrets of Home SellingSuccess by listening to a free audio report full of hot tips on how to sell your home quickly at the highest price. Don't try it on your own without listening to this invaluable free report, What You Must Know to Sell Your Home Quickly.

Leo J. Vidal, JD, MA, CPA is a real estate marketing expert, and a Realtor who helps property owners use special marketing methods to sell their homes fast.

An Agency Nurse Just Might Provide the Opportunity You Are Looking For

An agency nurse does not work at a specific health care facility but will go where the work is. A nurse who has contracted with an agency will work on a short-term basis, a per day or per shift basis. It might be to fill in for vacations, a general nursing shortage, for someone on maternity leave, during a high incident of illness among the nursing staff or any other reason outside personnel will need to be brought in to supplement the permanent staff. It is an ideal arrangement for a nurse who may want to work on a day off or who may want to work part time. It is also possible for an agency nurse to work full time. It may be a working alternative for a nurse winding down to retirement or a retired nurse who wants to keep current with the nursing profession. New moms or nurses wanting to get back into the workforce may find this venture amenable to their schedule or as a way to ease back into the working world.

Nurses who contract such work need to be extremely flexible as working conditions and locations change constantly. Nurses need to adapt quickly to a new location as this type of employment does not come with much of a learning curve. Being an agency nurse has its upside and down side. It depends on your ultimate goal to determine what is up and what is down for you.

Typically, an agency nursing contract is short term, perhaps a week or two or maybe a month. It can also be as short as a day, if that is what you want. The nurse may be on call to fill in at the last minute, or scheduled for the short term with advance notice. If the patient population suddenly changes to the lower side, the agency nurse is usually the first one sent home. Unless the contract calls for a nurse to be paid for the entire shift in a case like that, you may find your pay check on the light side for that day.

The nurse's employer is the agency that has a contract with a healthcare facility. Whatever benefits that might accompany the contract are courtesy of the agency. Those benefits may include higher wages, access to medical and dental insurance, a 401(k) or retirement program, Cafeteria 125 plan and reimbursement for contact time classes. Typically paid vacation and sick time are not included, and you may only receive holiday pay if it is part of the contract. Higher than standard wages are usually enough to compensate for the unpaid vacation and sick time.

Working as an agency nurse enables you to work in a variety of places with a variety of people. This is an excellent opportunity if you would rather not work at the same place and with the same people all the time. This is also a way to avoid "office politics" and just concentrate on the job at hand. Working at different facilities will help widen your nursing skills and perhaps sharpen some that might have stayed a little on the dull side.

If you're looking for information about CNA Certification & Training, we have more great tools and resources on our website

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Indoor Air Quality - Can You Breathe Easy?

The Environmental Protection Agency, suggests that Indoor Air Quality is up to 5 times more polluted than the air outdoors, and in some cases, this figure is considerably higher. As the majority of people spend up to 90% of their time indoors, you might like to stop and wonder what impact this is having on your health and well-being.

If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, and have not been able to determine the cause, it may be worth looking at your Indoor Air Quality.

• Flu like symptoms
• Headaches
• Difficulty concentrating
• Lethargy
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Sinus problems
• Eye irritations
• Chronic respiratory problems, Asthma
• Eczema and skin irritations
• Feeling 'under the weather'

There are a number of factors that can compromise your Indoor Air Quality. They may include:

• Inadequate ventilation
• Insufficiently maintained heating/cooling systems
• Chemical substances. For example, household cleaning solutions
• Synthetic building materials, finishes and paints (releasing toxic compounds)
• Animal dander
• Dust and dust mites
• Pollen
• Smoking

Rest assured there are measures that you can take to improve your Indoor Air Quality.

1. Improve Ventilation. Opening your windows and switching ceiling fans on can greatly improve the quality of the air indoors. Adequate ventilation is particularly important in wet areas, such as bathrooms.

2. Service Heating/Cooling Systems Regularly. The manufacturer's instructions will guide you in caring for, and maintaining your system. Also, make sure that you have your system serviced regularly. Ensure that all systems, as well as fire places are sufficiently flued.

3. Eliminate Chemical Substances. There are plenty of environmentally friendly, green cleaning products available on the market. Alternatively, go back to the basics of your grandparents' generation for keeping the house clean. You will be amazed at what you can do with some bicarbonate of soda and vinegar! That way, you not only save money, you avoid polluting the environment, and you can protect you and your family from the negative effects of toxic chemicals in your home.

4. Natural Building Materials. Avoiding synthetic and chemically treated products will help to reduce the risk of compromising your Indoor Air Quality. For example, use low V.O.C paints on walls. 'Natural' is a word that is sometimes overly abused, so the key here, is to do your research. Many companies include the word 'natural' into their marketing, although it does not necessarily mean that the product is completely natural.

5. Clean Your Home Regularly. This can go a long way towards reducing the problems associated with poor Indoor Air Quality, caused by dust, dust mites, animal dander, pollen and mold, etc. It may be worth considering the benefits of investing in a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner.

6. Air Purifiers. Air Purification Systems assist in removing contaminants from the air. Other ways to purify the air in your home include:

• House plants such as Areca Palms and Peace Lilies assist in removing harmful toxins from the air.
• Natural beeswax candles clean the air naturally and emit healthy ions (similar to the air you breathe by the ocean, or on a mountain).
• Himalayan Salt lamps. As the salt is heated, it produces healthy ions.

7. Smoke Detectors. Install combination smoke alarms/carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that can be produced by faulty household appliances such as gas heaters.

8. Avoid Smoking In The Home.

Taking the above steps can go a long way towards improving your Indoor Air Quality.

Hilary Lex is an abundance of wellness advocate, having a keen interest in holistic, integrated health, wellness and wholefood nutrition. Learn more at Abundance Of Wellness.