Saturday, October 12, 2013

Useful Information About Study

Study signifies the concentrated employment of one's mental faculties for the acquisition of knowledge in a particular field or subject. The serious study of any subject requires a detailed consideration and understanding of it. Study usually involves active participation in the chosen area, leading to a comprehensive awareness and broadening of one's vision.

Study can be undertaken on one's own, or with the help of external agencies. A person deciding to study has to develop and maintain certain skills that are indispensable. The first among these is the ability to remain focused. One should be realistic when setting personal and academic goals for study. This means that before choosing a subject for study, the time available, the expenditure involved, the scope of the subject and related factors should be carefully considered. Study of a subject also calls for skillful time management. Especially if the study is undertaken by an employed person, he should be able to balance one's profession and study.

When one goes in for formal study at a school or college, it is crucial to attend the lectures and be up-to-date with the course work and assignments. This is where a systematic, orderly work schedule will help. One can also train one's memory and comprehension skills to aid study. Study can be informal, in that one can choose to study on one's own. Here too, it is important that one is committed to one's goal. Postponing things to do is a major factor that hinders any kind of study.

The greatest advantage of any kind of study is that it makes an individual broad-minded and receptive to new ideas. Home-study programs and study-abroad programs are available for individuals to choose from. One can also enroll in study groups that share common interests; the additional advantage here is that constructive interaction with others in the group aids in a better understanding of the subjects taken up for study. Study provides detailed information on Study, Study Abroad, Home Study, Bible Study and more. Study is affiliated with Study Abroad Programs [].

Indoor Health Care Network Cites January as Peak Indoor Living Health Month

January involves us fully into winter "indoor living" where the air can be far more stagnant and polluted than outdoors, in fact from 5 to 20 to even 100 percent worse, according to the EPA.

Our focus at Indoor health Care Network is to create healthier indoors for you at home, and at work, and reduce the indoor culprits that cause sickness.

You may have happened along our site directly, or you've been referred by a doctor or health care specialist who is also an Indoor Health Care Associate. In either case, you are welcome to explore the benefits, products and programs available here for you and your family.

The IHCN website: http// features an online indoor health care store where you can purchase products and services to help your indoor environment. We also provide educational services for health care workers to see beyond the patient, to the indoor environment.

Our online counselors can advise you on air and water purification treatments, plus scores of other benefiting ways to improve the indoors.

Please use our site as your family's resource for ongoing indoor environmental education, as well as your indoor environmental products online store.

December-- a time to come into "healthy indoors."

Did you realize the air we breathe 15,000 to 35,000 times a day provides over 90% of our life energy?

With allergies doubling since the 1970's, and asthma increasing at epidemic proportions, it's no wonder attention has grown between a doctor and patient to see beyond the patient, to the home environment.TM

Start your family indoor health care plan today. At IHCN, we'll help you reduce the indoor causes for sickness, reversing these trends through education, a partnership with your family and our team, and the introduction, one peice at a time, of the necessary tools of products, programs and services.

The best place to begin may be to obtain a REM Mate whole health air purifier for your bedroom. Afterall, sleeping is the regenerative time that your matabolism needs pure air the most. IHCN developed and manufactures this product, with a guarantee it will improve your sleep and your home.

Doctors, Allergists, and health care specialists, in their role as an Indoor Health Care Associate, refer patients and clients to IHCN for the following reasons:

o Indoor Health Care Associates look beyond the patient's symptoms, to their home environment indoor health care needs. Till now, doctors treated symptoms, then returned patients back home, to the scene of the crime.

oIHCN's website provides credible resources for families and health care professionals, bringing together ongoing education programs as well as healthy home products and services. We're here online, and look forward to speaking with you. Call us at 716-824-1505.

oIHCN offers the best class of products (e.g., including air purifiers that are FDA Class II Medical Devices) and we're right in your home community, with links to certified indoor air quality service providers, for testing, remediation, and overall indoor environmental improvement.

o Guidelines for IHCN's programs, products and services are in coordination and support of the US Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, American Lung Association, American Heart Association, Association of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Engineers, American IAQ Council, National Air Duct Cleaners Association, National Science Foundation, the Indoor Air Quality Association, and Your Family Needs.

Our Mission at Indoor Health Care Network

At IHCN, we assure that healthy science-based environmental intervention programs are practical and affordable for every family, with the help and guidance of their indoor health care professional.

Doctors and health professionals have for too long been treating only the symptoms of what causes up to fifty percent of our illnesses-- the very indoors in which we live!

Today's doctors and health care professionals are changing that, as Indoor Health Care "qualified" Associates.

Let's build on whole family health, together, starting today!

Bill Zimmermann is a science journalist-turned entrepreneur manufacturer of REM Mate Health Science products for better home environments.

-Bill Zimmermann, IHCN Executive Director Co-Founder, Rem Mate Health Sciences

Using Home Water Filters - The Green Way to Ensure Safety in Our Drinking Water

Years ago, environmentalists found it necessary to inform people about their findings that the water coming from public water systems in the United States are not at all safe. Water especially from estuaries that pass through watersheds, where our supply of public water comes from is known to be highly contaminated with toxic chemicals.

These toxic chemicals include lead, mercury, copper, and a host of bacteria from sewage sludge, that came from carelessly dumped wastes in estuaries. As a reaction, the U.S. government disallowed waste dumping in said estuaries and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) then created the National Estuary Program to rehabilitate these estuaries. That was twenty years ago; to date efforts are still ongoing due to the high levels of contamination.

Not All Bottled Water is Safe

The public then became wary of drinking tap water and it created a necessity to drink bottled water instead as a safer alternative. However, another information dissemination campaign was again made to inform us that bottled water is not as safe as we think it is. Those plastic bottles we thought of as sanitary actually contains harmful toxins called phthalates.

Phthalate is a chemical substance actively used as plastic softener in manufacturing plastic products, which includes the water bottle we thought as safe. Studies about this compound show that particles of this phthalates wear off as we drink from the bottle. It was reported to be cancer causing because it accumulates in our body and has the ability to mimic some of our natural hormones. This condition was accounted to have caused damage to the human reproductive system.

Even our environment will not benefit from this type of plastic bottles because they are considered as non-biodegradable. Statistics show that about 25% of the public landfills contain these plastic water bottles and it will take at least 10,000 years before phthalate carrying bottles and other plastic wares are eradicated from our landfills.

Availability of Home and Personal Filters to Ensure Clean and Safe Drinking Water

In response to a demand for safe and clean drinking water, home water filtering systems were devised and became available in the market. These filter devices include easy-to-install filters that can be attached to a kitchen faucet. They may also come as attachments to a non-toxic bottle to allow for portability wherein you can filter your drinking water wherever you may go.

The filters can strain contaminants like chlorine and heavy metal residues out of the tap water to produce safe drinking water. The portable water filtration system on the other hand, has a 16-ounce capacity to filter tap water wherever you go.

How are water sources became contaminated is something beyond our control. However, we should also be more responsible in our manner of waste disposal since some of them are carried down the streams, rivers, and estuaries by rainwater run-offs and floods, thus worsening the present state of contamination. Going green is also being responsible about our actions. The effects of what we carelessly throw away will revert to us in the form of pollution and contamination. Taking care of the environment is also taking care of our health.

Join ciel in promoting environmental awareness at her site Environment Watch

For more of Ciel Cantoria's Environmental articles and other issues kindly visit her homepage at this URL:

So You Want to Hire a Contractor to Renovate Your Place

The first thing to do is: TAKE YOUR TIME and be a SLEUTH.

Don't rush

Don't rush into hiring a contractor right away. Shop Around! If you can possibly see it take up to 6 months before you really set yourself on one contractor.

Get A Copy of the Building Codes

Now go and get a copy of the Building Codes for your area and read them. Study them and make sure hat the contractor you hired goes by those codes. Go to your county's government website and they should have it on-line or you can order it. If you don't have a county website then go to the County Planning Commissioner's Office in your State and in the county that you live in and they will have it. You will have to go there anyway to put in an application for a building permit. Get that for EVERYTHING that you are doing--

Things that need applications for are: Plumbing, Electric, Structural changes in and outside of your home, including decks. Some Codes are so vague that it is hard to tell if you need a permit or not--get one to be on the safe side because if you don't have a permit and they come and inspect it they can make you tear it up.

Requirements for permits--a floor plan or blueprints of your house as it is before you do anything to it and then a drawing of what you intend to do with those dimensions and rooms, fixtures, addition or deletions. They want everything in it's place so when they inspect they don't have to try and figure out what you meant in your drawings.

Make sure you get an Inspector that has been there a long time--over 2 years! We replaced our worn out fireplace with a brand new one and put it on the outside of our home and the first inspector that worked there for many, many years didn't pass it. Then a week later a younger, less informed, inspector came and he passed it. The more informed one was out of town for a few weeks. So we thought everything was fine until the more informed inspector came out and re-inspected everything the younger one did in the weeks that he was gone--and it didn't pass again. It took four times before that firelpace met code. So make sure you get someone that is or has been there or in your county for many years. They are on YOUR side--really they are.

Make a contract

Make a contract of what you want done to your home and be as specific as possible because some contractors will go to the letter on this and if you make a mistake of what you want and then try to change it later you might have problems you didn't want to deal with. Break it down into sections. Make sure there's a place in your contract that states that you can change your mind--because there will be times when things don't look right and you will want to make changes accordingly. It took 4 drawings to get the kitchen right and that everything met code before we settled on what we wanted versus what we were allowed to have. Another thing to put in the contract--they can't leave the job before the last thing is completely finished and up to your specifications. Somehow make them pay for whatever is not finished when they leave or before they leave the job. You might have to get a lawyer to help you write that contract with correct wording. The law states that you don't pay the last third of the contract price until it is completely finished and up to your specifications and it all meets code. We didn't pay our contractor the last third of the contract price and he didn't finish anything. He walked away. He got off scott-free because we were too trusting and we didn't know the things that we now know today.


Advertise and ask for many, not just the three they advice you to get, references from people whom you know. Don't take them at face value either. Please get at the very least 3 to come look at your home. Six is a better number to work with. Look at the various contractors that come to your home. Read their body language--even if it take you to learn about body languages. Listen to how they speak of their work and what they want to do to your home. Get all their credentials first and please make sure they are legible. Tell them you will call back later. Don't let them push you into making a decision you are not ready for We had one contractor call us back everyday to see if we were going to hire them. We didn't in the end because they were too pushy. We understand that they have other work and customers, but it was OUR house and home they were going to work on. We didn't want someone to rush the job.

Do The Homework

Now it is your job to do the homework for each of those contractors. Don't get lazy or think that because so and so had their house done by that contractor that he is on the up and up. This all comes from our experiences and we are just passing them on to you. Those things that we had contracted for this contractor to do have yet to be completey finsihed and it has been 6 years since the start of the project..We have done alot of it ourselves along with fixing his many mistakes.

We got references from people whom we knew and the one that stuck out was the one that our local Bank had referred us too. So we thought that this guy must be good because a highly rated bank and the bank that we used gave us such a good reference. Oh yes we talked to others who also had work done by him according to his references. So after about a week of checking up on him we decided to go with him He told us of all the things that he would do and how it would be very nice when he finished everything including the trim work and painting. We were ecstatic and he started right away with the new bathroom and the new jet tub that we had purchased from Lowes.

What you will need prior to the starting.

Buy a composition book or a accounting book or both. Another good purchase would be an accordion file box.

Use them as a log of when and what was done and when it was done and if there were any phone calls and to whom and the times and dates of such. Make sure you keep all your receipts and e-mails. Keep copies of your checks and put them in this log and write in this log what that check paid for, when it was written, whom it was written and when it was cashed. Some contractors will sub-contract and have you pay for the material and the work. It is best to have a log of all these transactions. This contractor tried to tell the Better Business Bureau that we didn't pay the sub-contractor who we bought the cinder blocks and cement from but he did. We were glad we had kept those receipts. This contractor also tried to tell them that he bought all the lumber and materials for the job, but we had kept all the Lowes Receipts for that too. We also had a problem when someone tried to read all the transactions and payments on the Contractor's Billings and had a hard time figuring out what we actually paid for. It would have been much easier if we made a log of what the checks paid for at the time we paid it instead of trying to decipher the contractor's paperwork later. Take plenty of pictures of before and after. Try to get the Contractor and his help in those pictures. You never know if you will need them later and I hope that you don't. I am not kidding! Do it! We had no idea that this contractor was going to be so difficult later on in the process of renovating our home. These things you will need if by chance you have to go to a lawyer. You might also want to make a scrap book later on with everything. Oh and make copies of those receipts because they only hold print for a few months and then become illegible. Something else they don't tell you--Lowes will only take certain items back before a 1 year period of time. The sooner you get the things you want to replace or just not use the better off you are. Take the receipt that corresponds to the items bought and they will credit your account If you don't have a receipt you will just get a gift card with that amount on it.

Go to The Better Business Bureau

Send them all the correspondences you have including any e-mails and the logs of your phone calls. They will be like a mediator between you and the contractor. They can't actually do anything but at least you will have your case stated in a government agency if you need more proof. They will also put his name on the their bad persons list. You will also get a case number and a case worker.

What they don't tell you.

No one will tell you these things--you just have to stumble upon them yourself as we did--so to lessen your heartache at the expense of your renovations being completed and if not what you have to do --I will tell you them.

A Business License is NOT the only license a contractor needs to have. He also needs to have a Contractor's License and he has to be registered on the State that you live in's Contractors Board. He needs to have Insurance and it needs to be up to date. Don't feel shy in going through his medical records and any other records that he might have that had/has anything even remotely to do with his business. Go to the link (in link box below) for your Contractor's Board and look up the name or he owner of the contractor's that you wish to hire. Make sure you take a look at your state's licensing requirements. If you have to talk with someone there--be forewarned it will take up to two weeks before someone will call you back. We made many calls to these people before we got a call back.

If they are not listed there DO NOT HIRE THAT CONTRACTOR. Don't assume that he has one and it just didn't get registered or posted on the board. OK what they don't tell you and this is VERY IMPORTANT:

If this contractor has ever had a license and the years are different and he is still doing work and his license does not show up as current on that Contractor's Board and he screws up your contract and doesn't finish the work in that contract that you have with him--they will NOT go after him for doing work while not having a Contractor's License. Silly isn't it. A doctor will get jail time but a contractor will just be loose to do it to others. Let me tell you or not how angry that made us when the contractor that worked on our home walked off scott-free. We had NO idea that this license was needed. We never had someone else do renovations to our home. The sad part of it all--NO ONE, entity or Organization, would tell us that this was also needed. It was left up to us to know what questions to ask and whom to ask them of. You would be astonished at just how many people don't know these things and how many contractor's get away with these things. Some like ours play on our compassion and emotions--NEVER, EVER do something for them that isn't in the contract and Don't make friends of them until they are completely finished the work they are to do. I can't stress this enough! Don't think tat your generosity will get them to do their job if they just happen to start making excuses.

Watch them!

Most contracting firms will not need this, but then again we didn't think we needed this either and got burned. You will need to take time off of work or somehow make arrangements for you to be there when they are there. Make sure they are doing things up to code--don't assume they know what they are doing in that department. If they don't like to be watched and you learn comments about that--then they have something to hide and take it from there. Some will not meet code to save them the needed hassle and to allow themselves to make more profit from you. Our contractor told us that he never used foul language--well the things that came out of his mouth on a daily and second basis was nothing but foul. I was glad that I didn't have kids around.

If things go wrong

If things go wrong and you need to hire a lawyer. I sincerely hope that you NEVER have to do this. This is where all those notes and that notebook and pictures, receipts and everything else associated with your renovation project comes into play. To hire a lawyer in a Contractor Versus Contractee it will cost you a bundle up front. The lawyer that we had said that we had a good case and that we possibly could win--only it would cost us $5,000.00 up front for his fee and more if we didn't win our case. Be VERY Careful that you never have to go this far. There are shysters in the Law field as well as contractors too. Sometimes it will seem like everyone wants your money. Remember ii is YOUR money and YOU decide who you are going to give it too. Don't think of it as only money and you can replace it--true it is money, but can you afford to pay for something over and over again and it still not be finished? It is YOUR money--not theirs until you give it to them.

I hope that I haven't scared you into doing it all yourself, but hope that I have given you enough information help you in the process and not get burned like we did. This will also allow you to know what was done to your home so that later you will know when to replace or upgrade things that were on an expiration date of sorts. For instance the roofing that we hired a Good contractor to do has a life span of about 5 years--you can get them up to 10 or more years depending on what kind of money you have available for that. There will be other things like that you will need a reference for in your renovation projects. It is also a good idea to keep if you should ever want to make any changes to the renovations you have just done later or if anyone else that buys your house will. Think of it as a diary of your house.

Being Your Own Contractor

You can choose to be your own contractor in most jurisdictions. You will have to ask the governing personnel in your area what the requirements for that are. We have done some of the small stuff ourselves and there are some hints that I would like to share with you on those.

To see pictures and the links to get information please visit:

The Law Relating to Adoption

The adoption process takes children who can no longer live with their birth family and places them in the care of a new family. In the UK there are roughly 4000 children who are seeking to be adopted annually. Children past a certain age and in groups with their brothers and sisters often find it harder to get adopted. Adoption has become one of the most preferred options for couples who cannot have children of their own. When a child is adopted their adoptive parents become their parents by law and thus take on full parental responsibility for the care and well being of the child, their birth parents no longer have any legal rights or responsibilities toward the child.

If you want to adopt in the UK, you have to live in the UK, Channel Island or Isle of Man. You must also be over 21 unless you are partner of one of the parents of the child in which case you only have to be 18. You must also undergo a series of interviews and inspections to ensure that you can provide a safe home for a child.

If you want to adopt a child, you will have to go through an adoption agency. These can be either privately or state run.

If you adopt a child, you will be entitled to statutory adoption leave which works in much the same way as maternity leave. You will have to provide your employer with proof that you are adopting by giving them a copy of your adoption certificate. This can be obtained through your adoption agency.

The adoption process starts with the child that is being put up for adoption and their family being given an in depth background search and after this the agency will do the same to the prospective parents. The prospective parents will also have to explain why they wish to adopt. After the information has been gathered it is sent back to the prospective parents so that they can make statements about it before it is sent off to the adoption panel. The adoption panel look at the information provided by both the child's family and the prospective parents and work out whether adoption would be in the best interests of the child.

If they agree that adoption is the best way to go forward, they will let the prospective parents know and send them the information they received about the child's history and background. The adoption agency will then inform the local authority of the prospective parents that the adoption is about to take place. When the child is finally living with their new family, the adoption agency will carry out regular checks to ensure that they are happy and safe.

A recent addition to adoption law is the introduction of Special Guardianship Orders. Special guardianship orders are given to long term carers of children to give them parental responsibility and security without removing all responsibility from the child's biological parents.

For more legal advice and information, and for free legal resources visit

Where Can You Find Unsecured Debt Consolidation Agencies?

Thousands of people find themselves hopelessly in debt. They have no assets, so they feel that they have nothing to lose. People should understand the impact that debt can have on their credit rating and how bad credit can haunt them for years. People think that because they do not own a home, or have a car paid off, that they could not qualify for debt consolidation. This is simply not true. You do not need assets to get a consolidation loan.

When you are looking for agencies that can provide you with loans, you should look to the most obvious sources first, banks and credit unions. Banks and credit unions are built around savings and lending money. Even secured loans are covered by these two entities. If you have ok credit, you may be able to qualify for a personal loan. Personal loans may not have the low interest rates that secured loans do, but they are often far less than the interest rates charged by credit card companies. Banks often offer good rates with good payment terms. The terms of the loan include how long the length of the loan is for. The longer the term, the lower the monthly payment is.

There are also private lenders, even online lenders. You should always be careful when you are dealing with private or online lenders. Do your research on them. Make sure that they are not being investigated for fraud. The last thing that you need, when you are in debt, is to have your identity stolen or get ripped off by someone. Some highly rated online lenders operate with private investors. These sites allow people to put up money to lend and they state the interest rate they want. This is a good way to find a loan you can afford. You should always make sure you review any lender though. Make sure that they provide you with a list of fees, penalties, and total cost of debt. If they do not, look somewhere else.

Assets may help to achieve the best rates for debt consolidation, but they are not required. While banks and credit unions should be your first choice, there are other options. Do your research. You are working to get out of debt, take your time and do it the right way.

NOTE: there are reputable debt consolidation companies in the market, so you must research and compare to find the one that meets your specific financial situation.

Hector Milla runs the website - where you can see his best rated debt consolidation company.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Elder Abuse

My friend's mother passed away at home recently. Now this is not one of those tales of a senior citizen beaten or hurt or injured by a her home health care givers. This story presents a different kind of horror, one of theft.

There are many ways to cheat the elderly, and some are legend. There's the young woman who pretends a romantic interest to obtain an older man's home and money; older homeowners ripped off by home-improvement con men; and elderly people who may sign papers without understanding them, permitting his or her bank account to be emptied by a new "friend."

Many of these crimes go unreported.

In the case of my good friend's mother, she was robbed, pure and simple. She was cleaned out. All her jewelry taken. Even stolen was a bottle of perfume that my friend had bought his mother for Christmas.

Was she robbed before she died, or after she was taken to the hospital where she quickly passed away? More than one care giver had her keys, and that presented a problem. Unless caught red-handed, these crimes are near impossible to solve.

My friend's mother had lovely jewelry, and she even had a safe. But she was old and her hands unsteady and vision poor, so she couldn't be bothered putting away her valuables and taking them out to wear. She was unwilling to give them to her children to safeguard because, well, these were her possessions and she wanted them and their memories around her, even though her daughter and granddaughter lived nearby and visited her almost daily.

So what to do? How do we protect senior citizens or the vulnerable from abuse and theft?

If you hire a home health aide through an agency, make sure it conducts background checks of its employees. If you hire privately, there are ways to conduct your own criminal background check - just look in the telephone book.

One can install video cameras in the house with an Internet feed to watch that the older loved one is not abused or robbed. But people tend to keep their valuables in their bedroom, and no older person trying to live at home to retain their independence is likely to consent to that level of invasion of privacy.

There is no simple answer, except, perhaps, increased vigilance.

For more information, contact the New York State Office for the Aging Senior Citizen's Help Line at 1-800-342-9871 or go to its website:

FREE books and reports! For more information about New York car accidents and negligence cases request personal injury attorney/author Gary Rosenberg's FREE book: Warning! Things That Can Destroy Your Car Accident Case (And the Insurance Companies Already Know These Things), at . For more information and downloadable FREE reports, visit his website at .

Elderly Care and Vitamin B12 Deficiencies: Common Undiagnosed Senior Ailments

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin is the most complex of B vitamins, and required for DNA synthesis, RBC's (red blood cells) and many other bodily tissues. A vitamin B12 deficiency is not uncommon in the elderly population (an estimated 5%-20% of the elderly are B12 deficient). This deficiency is gradual, taking a few years to develop and directly affects gastrointestinal, neurologic, and hematologic systems. The common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is poor food absorption (or food malabsorption) which is responsible for the cause of approximately 70% of these cases. An actual dietary deficiency of B12 is very rare because many foods are fortified and supplements are readily available.

Elderly Care and B12: A Brief Overview of Vitamin B

As mentioned, vitamin B12 is required for DNA synthesis in many tissues, primarily red blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency rarely occurs due to dietary reasons, but rather from inadequate B12 absorption, in some cases a very strict vegetarian diet, limited food intake, alcohol abuse, or general malnutrition. Vitamin B12 deficiency has also been attributed to surgery or other diseases, particularly Crohn's. It should be noted that drugs can also interfere with absorption as well. This vitamin is derived from meat, dairy, and other animal products, though very little is actually needed the body stores B12 in the liver and can store supplies for up to ten years.

Elderly Care: The Dangers of Limited B12 Intake and Absorption

Red blood cells formed when the body is deficient in B12 are abnormal and an individual is more likely to become anemic. Signs and symptoms your loved one may be suffering from a lack of B12 include fatigue, listlessness, pallor, and a lack of energy. In worst cases, there are irreversible neurologic consequences, parenthesis of extremities (particularly lower extremities). If you're providing elderly care for a loved one, family member, or parent, be aware of the following signs of a B12 deficiency.

Providing Elderly Care: Signs and Symptoms of a Vitamin B12 Deficient Diet:

Has your loved one lost his/her appetite?
Do they frequently suffer from fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath?
Have they complained about a sore mouth/tongue?
Do they often experience numbness or tingling in the hands or feet?
Do they appear pale?

These symptoms may not always be present and tend to subside when B12 is replaced-but can resume periodically. In worst cases, severe deprivation of B12 results in death due to anemia or heart failure.

Vitamin B12 can cause a change of mental state in very advanced cases, and is often confused with dementia.However, deficiencies of B12 and folic acid may contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's or other similar dementias.

B12 rich foods include eggs, cheese, meats such as lamb and beef, shellfish and seafood (crab and lobster), fish, and liver. B12 is found in most animal products and vitamin supplements are largely available.

Elderly care services, provided by experienced caregivers are available 24 hours a day for elderly individuals to remain in their own home and improve the quality of their lives. Elderly care services provide aging loved ones with meal preparation and diet monitoring services to ensure health and well being.

Erica Ronchetti is a freelance writer for Visiting Angels, the nation's leading, network of non-medical, private duty home care agencies providing senior care, Assisted Living facilites, personal care, respite care and companion care to help the elderly and adults continue to live in their homes across America. Visit the Visiting Angels website to find out more information on elderly care programs.

Alternatives to Equity-Release

Older couples can use their property to obtain a cash lump sum, a monthly income or a mixture of both. There are various methods in which this can be achieved and the common catch all term to describe this procedure is Equity-Release. Essentially, you will forfeit part or your entire home in order to obtain cash benefits now.

However, the homeowners retain the right to live in their property for the rest of their lives. Are there some alternatives to this which you might like to consider?

Perhaps you live in a large house. You could, quite simply, move to a smaller house or a less expensive area. This may be an unattractive thought at first, especially if you really enjoy your home and you are attached to it. There are many advantages, though. First of all it is straight forward and you will understand what is going on all the time. You will not have to comprehend all the legal detail of an Equity-Release scheme and go through the decision process this requires.

Also, imagine moving into the home of your choice, one which is suited to your needs, will be easy to maintain and keep clean, has all mod cons (you'll be able to afford it with the excess cash from your house sale) and may even be adapted to any needs you have. Life could become very comfortable and relaxing and it would all happen on your terms. Think about it - I believe this can be a great option for people, and one that is all too often written off when it could give a real improvement to quality of life. You could pay off any debts, have no mortgage to worry about, know exactly where you stand financially and so on.

You could even considered purpose built housing or sheltered accommodation.

Maybe you need to have some repairs of special equipment or alterations to you home because of your age? Check out what is available at your local Council and see if these things can be provided for you.

You could check out all of your assets and see what could be sold off to raise your cash needs. Calculate your net worth by writing down all of your valuables and deducting you liabilities. You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find!

Make sure you have claimed for all of your benefits, especially if its monthly income that is causing the worry. There are Income Support, Council Tax Benefit, Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance and more to find out about. A great place to start is at your Citizens Advice Bureau.

The Home Improvement Trust (HIT) might be able to help if you want to raise capital from your home specifically to pay for repairs, improvements or adaptations.

HIT is a not-for-profit company working closely with local authorities and local home improvement agencies and it operates the 'House-proud' scheme to Aid older homeowners release some of the equity tied up in their home. This money can be used for repairs, improvements or adaptations. You may or may not find that they can help people in your location. A local home improvement agency may also refer you to the Trust. These agencies, also called Care and Repair or Staying Put, can give specialist advice to older homeowners on in getting adaptations, repairs and improvements or carried out.

Interested in Equity Release but want to know how to do it safely? Visit Equity Release Information [] which is a consumer information site about Equity Release [] It includes help and resources from reliable sources.

Loan Modification - Help For Homeowners in Financial Hardship

Loan modifications are nothing new; they have been around as an option for homeowners who are in trouble on their mortgage. They have become more available since President Obama passed the Making Home Affordable Plan. The approval process has become easier, so you really should find out if you qualify.

If you are struggling with your house payments or even in default, don't delay. Be proactive and consider your situation while you still have available options to consider. There are nonprofit agencies that can help you with counseling concerning your mortgage situation. There are free services available through any HUD-approved organization. This is the Housing and Urban Development branch of the federal government. Recently, many businesses have sprung up that claim to help people obtain a loan modification, since more and more people are seeking assistance. Using free or fee-based services to obtain your mortgage assistance have some positives and negatives associated with them. Some of these services include legal advice and assistance, and if you have the option, use one of these. You may require some legal help in acquiring a loan modification.

If you are paying for help with your loan process, be very, very careful. There are businesses who are preying on people that are desperate for a solution to keep their home. They are vulnerable, and these opportunists are taking advantage of them. Be sure you check out the company thoroughly, and always run checks with the Better Business Bureau. Begin with talking with a mortgage counselor. They will begin by examining your financial documents, and evaluating your present circumstances. Your options will be presented, and they will show you the best alternatives available to you.

If a loan modification is a good option for you, the counselor can help you with writing a loan modification hardship letter that is a required part of your application process. This letter details to the bank why you need a loan modification and what has caused your present financial distress. Some acceptable reasons are: divorce, illness, unemployment, death of a spouse, or other events beyond your control. You will need to be truthful and to-the-point. Your counselor will assist you, and help you attach the correct documentation that the lender needs. They will function as an advocate and a intermediary on your behalf with the lender throughout this application process. If you are in a mortgage that is stressing you every month or are already in default, you should immediately consider the feasibility of a loan modification.

To save your home, click here [] to learn more about Obama's home stimulus package [].

How To Find Your Dream Home In Belize

Shopping for property in Belize is not as simple an undertaking as you might initially expect!

Firstly, estate agents as we know them are non existent! Real estate brokers that do exist are likely to be unlicensed, unregulated and certainly not trained or insured.

Secondly, the majority (and I mean the majority) of property for sale is not advertised!

But with property prices remaining affordable, the quality of property available attractive, the climate beautiful, the people welcoming, the quality of life incredible and the opportunities in Belize plentiful, more and more people need to know HOW they can go about procuring themselves their dream home in Belize.

This article should cover the tips, tricks and important points for your consideration, and go some way to helping you locate and purchase your ideal piece of Belizean real estate!

Part One: House Hunting.

As mentioned, many properties that are for sale often go totally unadvertised.

Sure, there are the occasional adverts in the San Pedro Sun or in the Belize City newspapers and some estate agents exist who keep up to date listings - either available upon request of via their internet sites - but seriously, the majority of properties that are for sale are not advertised - and I'm talking at least three quarters.

The only way to find out what's really available is to travel to Belize and spend time there among the local people and the expats.

You see, properties that are for sale are generally put up by their owners and they often choose to skip the middle man - the real estate broker. Therefore, with no brokers and no signs, the only way you'll learn about what's on the market is to get to know the local people and expats in the particular areas that you're interested in, and via word of mouth you'll begin to hear about what's really available.

As soon as word gets out that you're in the market, chances are you'll be inundated and have more properties and deals to choose from that you can cope with! Be prepared and don't agree to the very first opportunity presented to you!

Part Two: Real Estate Brokers.

Because anyone in Belize can be a real estate broker the quality you come across will vary immensely!

So please be careful - to become an estate agent there is no license needed, no insurance necessary, no experience or training required: therefore what you will find on the whole are expats, hoteliers, shop owners and taxi drivers as estate agents on the side.

Yes there ARE some professional agents who are honest and knowledgeable and whose agency businesses are legitimate, but there are also those out to make a quick killing selling anything and everything to unsuspecting tourists.

Listen to the experiences of others and if someone is recommended to you by a trusted adviser then all the better.

If you do purchase via an agent, commissions in Belize are typically 7% on residential property, and about 10% on land deals - chargeable to the vendor: and in some cases you as the purchaser may be charged for viewing property if it is remote and requires travel expense outlay. Make sure you're aware of any such charges that you may be liable for from the outset.

Part Three: Property Prices.

Despite a steady 20 year appreciation in real estate prices in Belize, property remains attractively priced - especially when comparing prices for similar real estate on sale in America or Western Europe.

There are still bargains plentifully available in this beautiful Central American country. But it isn't so much what you know as who you know when it comes to getting the best deal for your money.

There is a commonly held sentiment among the expat community in Belize - something along the lines of "the second house you buy or rent is twice as large as the first and costs half as much" - so don't part with any money until you are totally sure you know what you're doing!

Be prepared to spend time in Belize and be prepared to invest time in getting to know and making friends with the local people, any influential lawyers and business people and also the local expat community. It is through these people that you will find the best real estate at the best prices.

Another point worth considering is that Belize is a country where there are two prices - the local price and the foreigner price. Yes, from an expat's point of view this is unfair. But from a local's point of view the 'rich' foreigner who gets paid far more for his work in his country than a Belizean in Belize for the same work can simply afford to pay the higher price.

A way around this is to ask a Belizean friend to ask the price and do negotiating for you! Simple!

And yes, negotiation is key - property prices vary massively from region to region and city to city and vendor to vendor. There isn't really a set valuation structure on which someone can base the price of a property or piece of land.

This means that it is hard to say exactly how much real estate is worth and how much property prices have actually risen over the last few years. It is harder still to say what a property investor in Belize could expect year on year in terms of the appreciation of any real estate asset. So much so that the saying "you almost always make your money when you buy, not when you sell" goes doubly in Belize.

As a very general guide to property prices they are highest in Belize City, on Ambergris Caye and in Placencia, and lowest in the remotest most rural areas.

House prices go from USD 15,000 for a basic traditional home in a small undeveloped village to USD 500,000 and upwards for luxury beach front villas in San Pedro say.

Any agent or vendor you speak to is likely to talk up the potential returns on an investment in property or land in Belize - this is only natural! But what you need to consider is that: -

a) the economy of this country is linked to the US economy and

b) the time it takes to sell a property in Belize can be very long and drawn out (I'm talking years not weeks or months) - which is something you must bear in mind when considering purchasing a property you may one day want/need to re-sell

This shouldn't necessarily put you off - after all you can still buy far more for your dollar, pound or euro in Belize than you can in the US, UK, Mediterranean region or Western Europe - but it is important to have a realistic overview of the property market in any country you are considering investing in or relocating to. That way you enter with your eyes wide's always better to be a savvy buyer!

Part Four: Foreign Ownership.

The Belize authorities are open to foreign investment and actually welcome it which means they impose very few restrictions when it comes to foreign ownership of immovable property in their country.

In Belize it is even possible for non-nationals to freely purchase prime beachfront property. There used to be a license requirement for a foreigner to buy land over 10 acres or 1/2 an acre in a major town or city but this requirement has been revoked.

The only rules and restrictions are: -

Foreign purchase of any island has to have Government approval via the Ministry of Natural Resources.

In certain protected coastal and caye areas purchase of land and property by non-locals has to be approved by the local village council.

Part Five: Legal and Financial Considerations.

I always suggest people seek qualified legal advice when it comes to such a large and far reaching undertaking as purchasing real estate!

Belize is no exception!

In fact, in Belize lawyers are usually considered to be trusted, well-connected, pillars of the community with real power! And their fees are usually in the region of 2% of the purchase price...this should cover title searches and the drawing up of transfer documents.

In terms of affording your real estate dream - the onus is going to be on you! It is extremely difficult for non-residents to get mortgages from banks in Belize therefore most purchasers are in the position to pay in cash for their purchase or they have finance from a non-Belizean financial source.

However, some new developments are springing up with mortgages attached by the developer - property developers are usually the first to be aware of a potentially untapped market.

Basically terms currently are available to purchasers of such properties are: -

The developer retains the title to the property until the purchaser has paid in full for the property.

The purchaser makes a 10% down payment with the remainder being paid back over 10 years at 10% simple interest per annum.

Terms will of course vary from this to say 50% down up front and the remainder payable over three to five years at 12 -15% interest.

Be aware however that the best prices will be for cash deals.

You'll need to factor in an additional 12 - 15% on top of the purchase price for fees and costs.

You have the land title transfer fee which is also known as "stamp tax." This is 5% compulsory for every purchaser regardless of nationality, with an extra 5% payable by non Belizean nationals - making 10% in total.

This is apparently being increased to 12% in the near future.

If you have become a Belizean resident via the Retired Persons Incentive Program you are exempt from the second 5% stamp tax for non-citizens.

Then you should have your lawyer's fee which will be around 2% of the purchase price.

Finally you'll have property taxes which actually vary from area to area based on the type of land or property purchased. Generally expect to have to pay around 1% annually of the value of the undeveloped land...but speak to your lawyer for more exact figures pertinent to the property or land you are interested in purchasing.

Rhiannon Williamson is an experienced publisher who has produced articles for leading travel and tourism guides and financial magazines. Her specialist knowledge about both travel and finance gives her site Shelter Offshore the unique ability to literally cover every single aspect of moving & living abroad - including the often less discussed offshore tax advantages that can be available when leaving our homeland. Check out her website to find out how you can escape from the rat race, relocate overseas, and profit from your move!

Some Unconventional Tips For Finding The Right Roofing Contractor

Are you searching for the right roofing contractor? While you could get loads of suggestions and advices over the Internet regarding checking for valid licenses, the number of years of experience possessed, the expertise he has in dealing with situations; there are only a few that would suggest you on some of the most unconventional yet, effective ways to choose one.

You should remember that the task of installing new roofs is not just another cheap home improvement project. In fact, it might be one of the costly projects needing a substantial investment. So, you can see that you have to be very careful while choosing a contractor; otherwise, you might end up breaking the bank yet not get the desired results.

Does it look like a challenging and daunting task after hearing nightmarish stories about roof repair? Do not fret; read the following paragraphs to know about some unconventional ways of choosing a roofing contractor:

* Word of mouth

It's not always that - opening up phone-books and start calling each of the home improvement companies listed there - works for choosing a best one! Especially in today's world when almost all reputed home improvement companies have their official websites through which you can contact them. So, it would be wiser to search for a suitable home improvement service provider over the Internet. Suppose, you are a resident of Sewickly, you could start searching by entering terms like "roofing contractor Sewickly". Furthermore, you could also ask for recommendations and suggestions from your family members, neighbors, and friends.

* Attractive estimate

Generally the home improvement companies tend to manipulate their bids to make it look attractive to you. While low rates sound good, you should be careful about the work done and the materials they are using. An accurate estimate can only be given by inspecting the condition of your roof. Do not go by false promises, the lowest rate may result in a leaking roof only a couple of days later. Avoid an exorbitantly high a cost too.

* Instincts

Apart from checking other factors, trust your instincts! It might seem an odd way of selecting a roofing contractor, but, that gut feeling always helps in determining the suitability of the person or the agency you are hiring.

When it comes to choosing the best roofing contractor, Sewickly-based Skerlec Contracting Inc. might fit in your requisites. To add to its repute there is the 2010 Readers Choice Awards for being the best of the Valley. Call them now to know more.

Skerlec Contracting Inc is an expert roofing contractor Rochester having 35 yrs of experience in home improvement services. View for more information.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Home Schooling and the Status Quo

We need to change our Educational System, it is not good enough and just like other major problems like our political system and health care system, it's broken. We all know the educational system is not working and most public schools are nothing more than glorified baby-sitting, rote memorization centers of indoctrination. What value is this to our society or civilization really?

Interestingly enough everyone freely admits the educational system is broken and that it needs to be fixed and yet trying to get anything done with the current barriers of the status quo is a little unnerving and who has the time to deal with it all?

Indeed, this is to be expected, you know the Status Quo, it's everywhere. Let me tell you a little story. I had brought forth a "Neighborhood Watch Patrol Plan" which has been successful, everywhere we have instituted it. Yet, every time it is suggested we hit a literal brick wall due to the status quo (local law enforcement agencies). Amazing, that they are not interested in solving the problems, making it better or winning, only in their fiefdoms.

This is human nature of course, still it is unacceptable, surely mankind is better than this? It takes a lot to be a change maker, and it is worthy, but you have to be willing to go the distance, few are. But they finally did instituted my Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program in NYC with the Taxi Cabs, so eventually if you press on, you can get it done.

So, it is possible to change things that are broken and solve the challenges and problems of our day, but it takes time and there are emotional costs and some hard headed people in the way. Many people have just given up on their local school systems and turned to Home Schooling and the Status Quo is worried about the rapid growth in home schooled families as well they should be. A little competition is good for them.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

A Vacation Home Just May Be in Your Budget

Owning your own house is one of the most exciting accomplishments in a person's life. You can live in your own space, start a family, and feel as if you have your own place in the world. As years go by, you may accumulate enough money to visit other places for vacation and find that there are places you love as much or more than your hometown. Living in this location may not be an option because you have settled into your hometown. Your job may be steady, your children may love their school, or you may want to keep certain destinations special and away from your everyday life. Having a place to escape to will help you relax and let the real world slip away for a few days or weeks at a time.

However, it can get pricey returning to the same town over and over, only to rent a hotel room or timeshare. You may find you visit a destination so frequently it would pay off to have your own place to stay that you own. This also helps make travel more convenient for you and your family. In your own place, you can leave items that allow you to lessen your luggage during travel time. If you think a vacation house is not affordable, think again. Consider options that you would not have or be willing to accept in your hometown. You can cut back on space, choose a different style of housing, or pick a town that is affordable. Custom modular homes can be very comfortable, even if you would not choose one for everyday living. A modular home is sturdy, spacious, and comfortable, but they may be more affordable than other options. This may be your way to get a great place in your dream destination that will not break the bank.

Another option if you are concerned about money but you would love to have a place to escape to is to pick a place that offers affordable living options. Some vacation destinations are incredibly pricey because everyone flocks to them. Others though feature affordable options. In some cases, this is because the city is primarily a vacation spot. People are willing to book hotels there but they do not think living there is practical. This means housing is affordable because it is not in high demand. Many of these towns offer great environments, seaside living, and charm that will please anyone. This may be the solution to your vacation housing decision.

Another option is to rent your purchased space when you are not using it. Some people think this is risky, but most places have real estate agencies that screen renters and ensure your place is cared for when you are not in it. This is a great way to make back a bit of the money you are spending on the house, but still have a chance to head off to your getaway place on a moment's notice. The purchase of a vacation house may be closer than you think.

Connor R. Sullivan has noticed an increase of custom modular homes being built because of their low cost. He and his wife recently purchased a modular home to use as a vacation home.

How to Get Child Care Grants For Your Daycare Center

The 6 Important Steps

There are many questions circulating these day’s on how to get grants to start up a small business or daycare. Unfortunately I’m here to tell you that if you are a non-profit daycare finding “free” money will be difficult. But don’t give up, just because the government is unwilling to supplement a business start ups cost doesn’t mean that it’s totally hopeless. It is your duty to be creative in coming up with the supplies that you will need to start up your business. In the home study course, many of these issues are addressed. Realistically you can set up a very profitable business if you think a little differently from everyone else.

One tip is non-profit independent child care business owners can try a service called, “Foundation Grants to Individuals Online”. This service is an online listing offering grants to individuals in the U.S. To learn more you can go to There is a charge of $9.95 per month for this service.

Here are some important steps in finding childcare grant money:

1. Do your due diligence and research. Your first step should be calling your licensing bureau office, referral agency, and child care organizations. The other organizations that also should be called an are affiliated with childcare are: Head Start, Child Care and Development Fund, Social Services Block Grant, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Even Start, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

While these organizations are affiliated with childcare, you also may be able to find an organization that would be willing to grant you money. Keep into consideration backyard organizations such as: Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis, and United Way.

Also, keep in mind corporations and businesses in your area. Many a time I will enter a business and ask them if they have anything they would like to contribute. One example would be going to a paper factory, stationary etc or any office that throws out paper. Remember, you need paper for your daycare and would be able to utilize what they consider trash.

2. After you have contacted the above mentioned organizations your next step would be to request their guidelines and applications. At this point and time necessary information should be collected to determine whether you and the funder are a good fit. One research tool that would help you in your determination would be Grant Smart ([])

3. Write a description of your need for money. You will have a discuss why you need the money and what your purpose will be for those funds. Other questions that you should be asking yourself is, why should the project be done?, how long will it take?, how much it will cost?, who will do the work?, and most of all, how will it impact the quality of childcare you will provide?

4. Prepare your proposal letter. Your letter will encompass and expand on why you need the grant funds, and what your purpose is behind it, and how it will benefit your program. Be sure to include any statistics and demographics that will influence your cause. Attach any letters of support from parents, people in the community advocating your project. As well, make sure that you have fine tuned any financial numbers or budget considerations for this project.

5. Be patient and organized. Make sure that all your papers are organized into folders; there will be a time that you will need to wait. Fund organizations do receive other proposals so be patient

Author and Mentor of Instant Daycare Profits Home Study Course. Receive Christine's 3 part newsletter on how to start your own daycare and make over 90K per year. Go to

Have You Prepared Your Home Survival Kits?

Nobody can't help but be alarmed with the increasing number of deaths resulting from various natural calamities every year. There's no way we could prevent these disasters from coming but there's something we can do about it. We can substantially decrease the figures if we equip ourselves with home survival kits that will provide our basic needs during emergencies.

While it is true that the government will not be held accountable for the numbers of people that die each year due to natural calamities such as flood, tsunami, typhoon and earthquake, they have started several campaigns and programs that help increase the awareness in every community of the possible hazards of being caught unprepared during these unexpected situations. Both government agencies and NGOs have been working on seminars and emergency preparedness drills to help the citizens become prepared and trained as to what safety precautions to take and as to what items to prepare in case the calamities would strike. 

Home survival kits are necessary for every family to survive during emergencies. There are various kinds of survival varying mainly on the need they will be serving. Some keep a personal survival kits, emergency, wilderness, outdoors and most importantly, home survival kits.

They say that proper training and awareness should start at home. Once a child is aware of the importance of keeping a survival kit with him, he would better chances of surviving and maybe even save others lives.  

Just as there are various kinds of kits, the contents thereof also depend on its usage. No matter what and where it should be used, there are certain items in common to all these home survival kits.

The size also may take different forms from pocket size up to a large backpack. In general, it should contain the most basic needs of every individual to survive such as food, water, medicine, first-aid kit, clothes, fuel, flashlight, important documents and other survival gears. The kit should not be limited to these items only and feel free to prepare additional items you think you need for your area. Get all the family members familiar with the emergency entrance and exit points in the house in order to avoid panicking during the calamity.

Orient the whole family on an evacuation plan or any emergency plan that you will execute during the disaster. Plan carefully ahead as to what items to include in your home survival kits so you and your family will prepared and have more chances of surviving whatever natural disasters that may come.

We provide information for people who believe in being prepared. Survival essentials are necessary for any trip into the wilderness. We also have done extensive research on wilderness first aid kits and other related information. Visit our site today! By N. Smith

Finding Ways to Make it Through Alzheimer's

If you or a loved one begins suffering from Alzheimer's, it can be a very difficult and tragic experience. Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease that attacks the brain. It usually starts small but becomes progressively worse. Currently, it affects millions of people, but the number is expected to double over the next 20 years.

When you realize exactly how many people are already suffering from this disease, it can be a scary thought. That's why it is so important that people who may be affected by Alzheimer's find a solution to provide care, like senior home care, or other methods to manage the disease.

Although the number of people that suffer from Alzheimer's is getting larger all the time, many people are still in the dark about how to spot the actual symptoms. But if you can catch the warning signs early enough, you will be able to take a more proactive approach to the problem and prepare yourself to deal with it as it gets worse. This will also help you figure out if you should look into some kind of senior home care system.

Some of the most common symptoms are (but are not limited to): memory loss that seems to get worse over time, various speech impairments, and an impaired ability to make decisions or a tendency to make decisions that are completely out of character. Of course, these symptoms may be more pronounced if someone has had a serious head injury or has had a history of Alzheimer's in the family.

If you suspect that a loved one is starting to feel some of these early stages of Alzheimer's then you should quickly consult a doctor for a formal diagnosis. Your physician will have to start monitoring the person to see if they can spot the important behavioral symptoms and determine whether or not it is impairing their ability to function properly or otherwise hindering their cognitive abilities.

Depending on how the prognosis comes out, this may be the time to decide if senior home care is your best option. This could also be the time to assign Power of Attorney just in case the patient is soon unable to make independent decisions. You should also expect to have regular appointments for continuing evaluations.

Perhaps the best advice for anyone taking care of an Alzheimer's patient is to be proactive about your care plans. Yes, there are drugs on the market and they can help, but there are many things you can do on your own. Select appropriate activities that they can participate in, or join in with an early stages Alzheimer's social group. You should also try to make their living environments safer and more comfortable.

Do your best to keep the patient involved and interested in their own treatment. You should also not hesitate to discuss all the legal and financial matters that have to be resolved. These are also cases when you might consider turning to some senior home care services to help you get everything sorted out.

Jen has done general research on this topic in an effort to help anyone in their search for understanding. When suffering from dementia, Alzheimer's or any kind of disease it helps to find outside assistance. Senior home care can help you with your day to day life. You can find a reputable home care agency in your local phone book, or on the internet.

Bathroom Remodeling - Bathroom Renovation Benefits

The main benefit of bathroom is that it adds value any property. Another home renovation advantage is its long term energy and water savings. Hotels, homeowners, apartments and realtors who are deciding whether to spend their money on bathroom remodeling or not, are re-assured that a bathtub remodeling job that is done correctly and with the right plan can help them recoup their investment. Irrespective of the sluggish housing market, kitchen and bathroom remodeling have consistently offered the highest percentage return on investment (80-100%).

Home improvement that includes bathroom renovation as part of the overall project increases the resale value of homes and gives a delightful ambiance for a private affair. According to Remodeling magazine, the average bathroom remodeling project costs $15,800 and results in an increase in home value of about $12,400. Source: November 2007, Remodeling Magazine, Cost versus Value Report.

Bathroom remodeling is expensive

The price for renovating a bathroom can go from $12, 000 to $16,000 just for a basic and functional bathroom . Even though the bathroom in many homes, is the smallest room, when it comes to renovation, it can be pretty expensive. Home improvement involves a lot of sub-contractions and bathroom remodel is no exception. Here are your sub-contractors:

· Plumbers

· Electricians

· Tile contractors

· Sheet rock contractor etc.

Remodeling ideas

Home improvement ideas vary from person to person. Some people may already have an idea of their remodel, while others are inspired from other sources.

Like from seeing how the neighbor's bathroom looks and looking forward to your looking just like that or even better. Others get their ideas from friends and magazines. Depending on the scope of work, some would need the services of an architect.

After the design idea is settled on, it is time to see the areas that need the renovation. In a bathroom remodel, like in any other renovation work, the structures have to be considered highly. Anything that would undermine the integrity of the structures should be pointed out to an an architect.

Flooring or vanities may need to be refinished and not replaced to achieve a bathroom remodeling dream.

Bathtub refinishing and bathroom renovation

Bathtub refinishing saves the expense of replacing a bathtub. It may costs about $300 to buy a new bathtub, but it may cost between $2500 to $3000 to replace an old bathtub. The reasons are obvious.

Home improvement tear outs account for about 47% of the junk that ends up in the landfills. Tearing makes a lot of mess and involves, walls, tiles, plumbers and their respective sub-contractors. All the tear out adds up to quite some money when compared to refinishing, re-using and recycling.

Bathtub refinishing costs between $450 -$650 compared to about $2500 to replace a bathtub. The savings is over 80% the cost of replacement. That is why many hotels, homeowners, apartments, retirement homes, and government agencies are choosing bathtub refinishing as a big part of their green bathroom remodeling.

When bathtub refinishing is incorporated as a big part of the bathroom remodeling process, less waste goes to the landfills. This is an environmental benefit to the environment. Additionally, when old but sturdy wood cabinets in your bathroom are refinished, instead of being replaced, trees are saved, that benefit us in so many ways. Bathtub refinishing, combined with green bathroom remodeling benefits are savings in money, time and environment.

Do your bathroom remodeling yourself or hire a contractor?

With the popularity of HGTV and other remodeling shows, a lot of people think that they can be the weekend warrior. Take a hard and careful look at your bathroom remodeling project. If all you are doing is cosmetics, you may be able to do the renovation yourself. Remember that all tasks are not created equal. It may be easy to install a new toilet, but installing new bathtub or tiled shower is for the professionals.

Wilson Ukah, owns Refinishing Stars, a bathtub refinishing company serving homeowners in Atlanta, Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville. Refinishing Stars, refinishes bathtubs, sinks, and countertops for hotels and motels nationwide. Wilson can be reached at or

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Do I Need a Security Camera?

The short answer is yes you do need a security camera unless you have figured out how to be at two or more places at the same time. Or unless you want to spend 24 hours a day at your business, home or office keeping an eye on what is going on. You can't be there 24/7/365 can you?

A security camera allows you to do so many things. Here are some of the best reasons to use a security camera.

1. Security for your Business. You see security cameras just about everywhere people congregate or money changes hands. Employee and customer theft account for 70 % of all business losses.

2. Day care facilities-need I say more?

3. Assisted Living/Nursing Homes/Home healthcare-Seniors are the fastest growing segment of our society. As they age they require intense care which is subject to abuse.

4. Security for Offices-keep on eye on things when you can't be there.

5. Security for Homes-Home security has never been a bigger issue with burglaries and home invasions.

6. Maintain/enhance property values-a camera system will enhance your property values

7. Private Investigators-use security cameras every day in their business.

8. Undercover operations-stings by law enforcement and government agencies are never going away.

9. Training and Performance enhancement for employees-a great training tool for companies to improve employee performance.

10. Watch the nanny or babysitter- or keep an eye on your grown kids.

11. Cheating spouses-is a huge business for PI's.

There are many Hidden Cameras to choose from too. When are you getting one?

Find out what is going on when you are not there at home, your business or office from anywhere in the world-get a security camera today.

Get a FREE 25 page e Book on 'Making Your Home Secure' and save 10% off the purchase price.

Alarm Clock DVR Hidden Camera

Points to Remember While Choosing a Home Health Care Agency

When one feels the need to keep an ailing loved one at home rather than a healthcare facility one has to make two primary choices. Whether an individual health care taker should be hired or should one contact an agency which offers healthcare services at home. In the light of current events pertaining to crime and misuse, hiring an agency is less risky than hiring an individual, unless the individual is well acquainted to you.

Sources to find the right agency

There is no dearth of information pertaining to home health care agencies. One can refer to search engines on the internet or look up phone directories or contact information providers or get references from the family doctor. But the best way to choose the right agency is to ask people who have utilized home health care agencies as they have first-hand experience. Moreover, if they are recommended they are probably more reliable and good. In the event of not knowing anyone who has availed of home health care services it is best to interview caregivers from a few agencies and shortlist the best.

Services Required

Another important point to keep in mind while choosing an home healthcare agency is to know its range of services and the qualification and expertise of personnel who are executing the services that one requires. In case of specialized health care it imperative for the service agency to first and foremost have personnel who are qualified to undertake the responsibility and secondly who are experienced in the area of that relevant ailment. A thorough screening process is required to be done, especially in the case of serious ailments and a reference from the caregiver's previous clients should be examined along with the agency's credentials.

How to choose a hassle free agency?

Besides taking into consideration word-of-mouth reputation and the services required, one should also consult the insurance company that is going to cover the expenses of the treatment and care. It is more convenient and advisable to contract with an agency which is listed with your insurance company, provided the agency in question offers you what you are looking for. This avoids cumbersome paperwork and complications.

Other Considerations

Important points to select a home healthcare agency are also to check if the agency has necessary approvals such as Medicare Certification, availability of the right staff for your requirement and details and background checks of staff to be deployed.

Specialty Care Services is an Assisted Living Homes offers personalized flexible home care services fulfilled by experienced and professional caregivers in the Maryland, Washington, DC and Northern Virginia areas.

Are Your Nursing Assistants in the Know About Advance Directives?

How much do your nursing assistants know about advance directives? Are they aware of the difference between a living will, a health care power of attorney and a DNR order? Do they know that all clients must be asked about advance directives...and must be given the opportunity to create one? To make sure that your CNAs understand the basics, consider giving them the following important information:

What Is an Advance Directive?

As a health care worker, you've probably heard the term "advance directive". But, what is an advance directive anyway? It is a document that outlines people's preferences for medical care when, in the future, they are unable to communicate their wishes. It is particularly useful when someone is terminally ill, critically ill or has advanced Alzheimer's disease.

Advance directives are not just for people who are sick or old. Advance directives are something that all people should consider having. Keep in mind that having an advance directive is not a sign that someone has given up on life since it takes effect only when people can no longer communicate their own wishes.

REMEMBER: Advance directives give people a voice in their own medical decisions even after they have lost the ability to speak for themselves.

What Is a Living Will?

A living will contains written instructions detailing a person's wishes for end-of-life care to family members and to doctors. These wishes might include preferences about:

Tubes to provide nutrition and/or hydration
Kidney dialysis
Blood transfusions
Invasive procedures
Pain medication
Organ transplantation
Dying at home or at a medical facility

A living will becomes effective when it is determined that a person can no longer make his or her own decisions. As long as the requests in the living will are legal (and don't go against reasonable medical standards), doctors will usually honor them.

Living wills must be signed and dated. They must also be signed by two witnesses. Health care workers should never be witnesses to a living will! If a client asks you to be a witness, explain that it's against your workplace policy.

What Is a Health Care Power of Attorney?

The second kind of advance directive has a few different names, depending on your state. For example, you may hear it called a health care power of attorney (HCPOA, for short) or a health care proxy or a health care agent.

A HCPOA is a legal document that names a particular person to be in charge of future medical decisions. Many people choose their spouse or an adult child to serve as their health care power of attorney. Other people choose a close family friend or even a lawyer.

It is against the law for physicians or other health care employees to act as HCPOA for their patients. For example, Mr. Stone lives in a skilled nursing facility. He has a favorite nurse, Marsha, with whom he has discussed his end-of-life wishes. He says he trusts her the most and wants her to be his health care power of attorney. Marsha knows this is against the rules so she asks the social worker to discuss the matter with Mr. Stone. The social worker helps Mr. Stone choose an appropriate person to be his HCPOA.

The idea is that the person named in a HCPOA will make the same decisions that the patient would have made if he or she were able. It is very important for people to discuss their end-of-life wishes with whomever they choose as their HCPOA. Good communication helps ensure that those wishes will be honored when the time comes.

Remember that clients who have completed a HCPOA form have not given up the right to make their own medical decisions. A HCPOA takes charge only if and when clients are unable to communicate their own wishes.

What Is a DNR Order?

Advance directives give important directions for medical care, but to be official, a person's wishes need to be put into medical orders. An important medical order that many people want when they are very old and/or terminally ill is a Do Not Resuscitate order.

A Do Not Resuscitate order tells medical professionals to suspend action even if someone's heart and breathing stops. This means that doctors, nurses and emergency medical personnel will not use emergency CPR to try to revive someone.

DNR orders are designed to help people who are in the final stages of a terminal illness, who suffer from a chronic serious condition, or who are old and ready to die. Often, the process of establishing a DNR order helps people begin to come to terms with death-whether it is their own or the death of a loved one.

DNR orders must be signed and dated by a physician. They may be written for people in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities-and, in most states, for people living in their own homes.

Generally, paramedics working in the community have a duty to perform CPR when a person's heart or breathing stops. For people still living at home, many states have a special DNR order-called a "Prehospital DNR", an "Out-of Hospital DNR" or a "Portable DNR". If you are a home health aide, you may see one of these forms. It is usually written on brightly colored paper and should be posted in an obvious place so that the paramedics know not to resuscitate the person.

Some states have portable DNR bracelets that alert paramedics that a DNR order has been written by the person's physician.

A Final Word about Advance Directives

As medical technology has become more advanced over the years, doctors have been able to keep people alive longer and longer. Many people have wanted to say "enough is enough"! This is where advanced directives come in. Living wills and health care powers of attorney give people control over what happens to them.

There are both federal and state laws about advance directives. The federal law, the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA), took effect in December of 1991. It requires that patients/clients/residents must:

Be asked if they have advance directives on admission to a health care organization.
Be informed of their rights to refuse treatment and to prepare advance directives.
Have documentation of their advance directive status in their charts.
Have their advance directives honored.

In addition, all health care organizations (that accept Medicare and/or Medicaid funding) must have a policy on advance directives. This policy must be available in writing to all people who are admitted to the facility/agency. And, all staff members must be taught about advance directives.

The public needs to know that it is a federal requirement that healthcare workers ask about advance directives. By doing so, you support the rights of every client to be involved in decisions regarding their medical care-whether it concerns a simple procedure or the end of life.

Linda H. Leekley BS, RN
President, In the Know, Inc.

Do you struggle to provide your nursing assistants with high quality continuing education? With more than 120 inservice topics (including modules on Advance Directives, Talking about Death and End of Life Care), In the Know has the solution to nearly any problem facing your nurse aides. Using our inservices ensures that your CNAs will learn more-and achieve more. As a result, their client care will improve dramatically! And, we stand by the superior quality of our teaching materials with a 60-day money back guarantee.

Please visit my website at to download a FREE Inservice Topic.

Help Your Elderly Parent Age in Place

Safety and independence in daily activities are factors we often worry most about when we see our parents decline, yet refuse to move out of the comfort and security of their own home. Too often, at this point families step in and insist on moving their loved one to a care facility or other home away from their own home. After all, she (or he) isn't safe at home alone, right? Not necessarily. Instead of fighting with your parent to move them out of their home, consider changing the "alone" part of this dilemma. There are simple modifications and adaptive devices (gadgets) you can provide in the home that will make it easier for your parent to perform those everyday self-care tasks safely and without help. And if their safety cannot be managed by modifications, help can be provided in their home so they are not "alone" during critical times.

It helps to understand the problems that interfere with their safety and independence before making these changes. Physical problems typically associated with aging include:

1. Diminished sensation in the hands and fingers

2. Muscle weakness

3. Poor balance (at risk for falls)

4. Poor coordination or shakiness, and

5. Limitations in joint motions, often caused by stiffness and pain

6. Vision impairments

Any one of these problems will make it difficult for one to take care of themselves. At a minimum, one must be able to do the following self-care tasks independently:

1. Toileting

2. Grooming (brushing teeth, combing hair, washing face and hands)

3. Dressing

4. Eating (feeding themselves and swallowing)

5. Bathing

6. Being mobile (able to move about the house, with or without a walker or wheelchair)

Do a Home Safety and Fall Prevention assessment in the home. There are thorough checklists that can be downloaded online. Check reliable sources such as the website for the American Association of Retired Persons. Do not rely on a friend or an individual's blog; their checklist may be specific only to their situation. Trained health care professionals can also do the task. Contact an agency that provides eldercare services or engage the services of an occupational therapist or a physical therapist. One well-researched checklist can be found in my book. Be sure to keep in mind your parent's limitations. If vision is impaired, for example, you will need to keep that in mind when doing the assessment and making the changes.

There are tons of gadgets available to make it safer and easier to do the self-care tasks mentioned above. Check out, an excellent search tool for equipment keyed to problems and tasks. You type in the problems your parent is having, i.e., "tremors", "blurred vision", and the task you want them to do, such as, "feed themselves". They give a list and show pictures of devices that will help; they do not sell products. One of the many catalogs of useful adaptive devices is, I recommend you hire an occupational therapist to help you determine the problems and select the most appropriate devices.

Several very important safety products for the bathroom, where falls often happen, are considered "durable medical equipment" (DME). As such, they are covered by Medicare and many other insurances. One is a raised toilet seat for a standard toilet if a "comfort-height" or "tall" toilet has not been installed. A grab bar next to the toilet or an arm rest that easily attaches to the toilet makes it easier to sit and stand and will help prevent falls. A shower seat for a stall shower or tub bench that spans over the bathtub allows one to sit while bathing and makes it easier to get in and out of the shower or tub. When sitting, provide a hand-held shower hose so that water can be directed where needed, not in the face.

If being alone is out of the question, help is needed with the above self-care tasks despite the helpful gadgets, or memory or other mentation problems mean safety is in question, then being the caregiver, sharing that duty with other family members, or hiring caregivers with experience in eldercare for those times care is needed, will still allow your parent to remain at home. Yes, indeed, you can help your elderly parent age in place. Their happiness at being at home and your cost (much lower than a care facility) will make you glad you did.

Gail Alcorn McGonigle, author, Dad's Home Alone, Caring For Your Elderly Parent.

As an occupational therapist, I worked with elderly and disabled men and women in hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes. I then cared for my own father as he declined, making modifications and providing care that allowed him to age in comfort in his own home.
Though I was well versed in the how-tos of providing care, that personal experience brought home to me the emotional challenges, as well. After his death at 92, I wrote a book, DAD'S HOME ALONE, Caring For Your Elderly Parent. It provides details and encouragement for others facing the many choices and issues involved in caring for an elderly loved one. The often humorous stories help to exemplify the challenges we all face when caring for our loved ones.
It is available at

Tips Before You Buy Real Estate in Dominican Republic

If you wanted to own a home and a piece of real estate in paradise, buying real estate property in the Dominican Republic is the closest you will get to this dream. And while hundreds of people have flocked to the stable property markets in the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic remains one of the most highly acclaimed places to actually move in and stay - especially from the perspective of European and American investors, who are not exactly suited to the ambiance of an exotic locale.

However, since most people do not care to do recce before buying property in real estate, scams and frauds have become as common as the sea-shells on the golden sands of this Caribbean paradise. Here are some quick tips before you launch head-first into the real estate market of the region -

? Know the current real estate market value in the Dominican Republic before you decide to buy the concerned piece of property. This is really crucial to a good deal being brokered, and its importance cannot be emphasized more by the fact that almost 80% of people who bought property in this region without research are facing hardships now.

? Fly over to the Caribbean, and do the research yourself along with your property agents. Why? Simple - because what looks good online or from your dining room TV set may not be as worthwhile an investment from the first-hand perspective.

? Make sure the taxes have been paid for the piece of property you intend to buy. This again is a death trap for foreign investors. The Dominican Republic government or allied authorities do not send in any reminders or warnings on unpaid taxes. Instead they levy penalties on due amounts, and will block the sale or transfer of ownership of a default property. So, if you do not want to be stuck with a property that is not legally yours, and cannot be sold off either, make sure you have credible proof on hand that the real estate property is good with the taxes.

? Ensure the credibility of the property agent or agency you have hired. Hiring local real estate agents is advised because they know all the intricate details of the laws of the region. However, frauds and scams in the Dominican Republic have increased of late, especially in the property sector. And leading the charge are fraudulent agents and scam agencies, which usually target foreign entrepreneurs and property investors as they are usually not acquainted with the laws. Verifying the licenses and accreditation from authorized sources is the best way to avoid falling into this trap.

? Budgets matter. If you have a small budget, avoid buying houses or real estate sectors near the beach or resort arenas. For no matter what the agent tells you, they are almost always going to cost a fortune. Unless you want to live in a remote island like a castaway!

So if you had been thinking of owning a piece of regal real estate in the Dominican Republic, cross check the above factors before you take the plunge. Owning your house in paradise can be fun, but only if you do it perfectly right!

Steve Pollock is a renowned expert in the domain of Dominican Republic real estate and has been researching and writing on the topic for years. For more information visit -

What Are the Key Factors to Look For in a Home Based Business?

If you have decided to become an online business entrepreneur, then you should be very careful in choosing the online business that you should invest your time and energy in.

Not all online businesses will be successful, and one of the key factors for the failure of online businesses is that its owners lose interest in it and let it fall to pieces. This can also happen if the entrepreneur has chosen to start an online business about something he or she is very unfamiliar with.

When choosing an online business keep in mind why you are venturing into this field and make your choice about what area of online business you would like to get into.

An online business should allow you to be your own boss. If this is something that is very important to you, then you may wish to get into direct sales or MLM marketing as averse to signing up as a freelance writer with one of the many online content writing agencies that will put you on deadlines and set targets for you.

You must also try to get into a field of business that you are interested in. this will ensure that your interest does not run down and effect your business.

When picking a good home based business, you need to see if you have what it takes to make that particular business a success. If online businesses are foreign to you and you have absolutely no idea about lead generation and online marketing, you should start small and not take on a very grand project.

If you are a beginner, get into a home based business venture that will take only a little of your funding and will not involve a huge investment.

A given factor that should be considered is the reliability and legitimacy of the online business or network that you are getting involved in. Some in depth internet research on the enterprise or online business field that you are interested in will provide you with ample information including customer reviews and reports on the product. Verify with the sites support service that the business is a legitimate one and that it makes timely payments.

Once you are sure that the online business idea you have is a good one and that the online business enterprise that you are thinking of partnering with is truly genuine, you can go ahead with your plans.

Phillip Jensen is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Phillip and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Phillip, visit: