Saturday, January 18, 2014

Caregiver Selection - How to Pick a Caregiver

Choosing a caregiver can be a lot trickier than you may think. In my practice, as a geriatric psychologist, I run into all kinds of abusive situations. Elder abuse isn't just physical. Senior financial abuse is on the rise and often goes undetected until it's too late. Here's just one of the many examples.

Anna is a private caregiver for 89 year old, Grace. She lives with Grace in her private home. She helps her to bathe, cleans the home, prepares dinner, goes to the market, and runs errands with Grace in Grace's car. Grace has become very dependent on Anna, and the family has peace of mind. Grace as well as her adult children just love Anna, she is regarded as an angel! The daughter, June, lives within 20 miles of her mother, and Bill the son, lives on the other coast. Both are successful, busy and very grateful for Anna. It was not until Bill and June discussed making some changes in Grace's trust and investments that they found the crime. Small amounts of money were taken out of Grace's banking account, which over time amounted to a very large sum. This provoked the family to investigate further into Grace's estate and personal belongings. Unfortunately, diamond rings, family heirlooms, and other valuables were also missing. Graces's credit card was used to purchase small items with a signature which was not authentic. Anna had made herself very familiar with Grace.

How did they find Anna? Anna's name was given to the family by a dear friend who has employed a caregiver for their parent. This seemed to be an adequate reference. Anna is a cousin of this "other" caregiver. Anna had a presence about her that appeared confident and honest. She was trusted like a family member because she was concerned about Grace's every need. She was very protective of Grace's least they thought.

History of this caregiver: Anna is in this country without a work permit. There is no record of her work history, no criminal background check. Grace's checkbook, credit cards and access to Grace's bank deposit box were all made available to Anna. When June and Bill finally realized what was going on and confronted Anna, she was nowhere to be found. They never heard from her again.

How could Bill and June have prevented this crime? Find a reputable agency that specializes in geriatric care. Often times geriatric physicians have recommendations. Investigate the company, ask them to give you referrals of others they have cared for. Read and call the references of the caregiver. Do a criminal background check. (A reputable company will have them on file for all caregivers.) Read the contract from the agency carefully. Have the bills sent to the adult children and verify validity. Most importantly, do not give the caregiver the opportunity to steal. Lock up all valuables, go through statements, verify purchases or inconsistencies. This will take much of the stress out of dealing with a stranger in the home of your loved one.

Ginny Taylor PhD


Reducing Toxins in Your Home Landscape

Caring for your home landscape can dramatically increase toxicity to your surroundings and adjacent habitats. Lawn care using fertilizers and insecticides add tons of potential toxins to the environment each year. Broadcast spraying for insect control also can contribute to toxins in the home landscape. Reducing the amount of fertilizer and insecticides helps prevent leaching and run off of these products into surrounding habitats. Spraying herbicides to control weeds also can contribute to toxicity in your yard.

Five Tips to reduce toxins

1. Toxic run off from lawn care can be reduced in a number of ways. First reducing the size of your lawn will reduce the amount of fertilizer or pesticides required to maintain it. It also saves water and money spent on your water bill. Use less fertilizer or slow release fertilizer that is less likely to leach out into the surrounding environment. Control weeds using mechanical methods. In other words: good old fashioned weed pulling. This will also encourage a smaller lawn size.

2. Use organic amendments for lawn health. Fish emulsion mixed in a typical hose sprayer container will give your lawn a nitrogen boost without all the other additives and insecticides in many lawn care products. A top dressing of weed free garden compost helps keep your lawn healthier and reduces the need for fertilization.

3. Control insects utilizing Integrated Pest Management. IPM is an environmentally sensitive approach to pest management according to the Environmental Protection Agency. IPM programs use information about the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. For example, rather than spraying your tree every year for a particular pest, monitor the tree in the Spring when insects become active. Often beneficial insects will control pests without spraying.

4. Use non-toxic or low-toxicity pest control products. Many soft bodied insects are surprisingly easy to control. Aphids are a prevalent pest that can be killed by simply spraying with soapy water. Liquid ivory soap mixed in a garden hose sprayer and applied thoroughly to leaves can be effective at controlling aphids. A mixture of dried chili peppers ground up with powdered garlic is also an effective insecticide. Commercially available products that have low toxicity are also widely available.

5. Use mulch in the home landscape as an alternative to herbicides. When mulch is applied to a depth of four inches it is very effective at reducing weed growth. I recommend arbor mulch as an economical and readily available mulch. As mulch breaks down in the soil it adds organic matter, nutrients, and humic acid to the soil. Mulch is also effective at reducing the amount of irrigation required for plants and trees when placed around their drip lines. Be sure not to mound mulch around trunks of trees or shrubs since this contributes to root fungi.

For more information on caring for your home landscape visit our web site at

Ron Wallace
Certified Arborist WE 0979A

The Lonelygirl15 Hoax - Home Schooled Entertainment or Viral Marketing?

Do you remember where you were when Lonelygirl15 was exposed as a hoax? Perhaps the revelation was not quite worthy of such importance, but it is the case that millions of people were not only wondering, but, more importantly, watching- for months on end. Was this one of the most successful attempts at viral marketing in history, and if so, what was being marketed? First, a little back ground for those who haven't been connected to the Internet or exposed to mass media in the past few weeks.

Social Networking on Digital Video

Online exhibitionism is a social blockbuster. Sites like MySpace (56 million members) and FaceBook(9 million members) have proven to be enormously popular websites where those who engage in the no-fee registration can post personal profiles, daily blogs and photos and develop lists of cyber-friends along with cyber-groups with whom to "chill." YouTube is the video version of this virtual socializing phenomenon. Members can upload home made videos (60,000 a day) and use moving pictures to convey their personas and artistic talents (100 million views a day).

YouTube members develop their own "channels" with strings of video uploads; those that have talent find large numbers of subscribers enlisted to follow their channel postings. YouTube has been a particularly successful vehicle for new bands to develop followings and for established bands to market their performances and recordings. Some record companies use YouTube in much the same way that they sought distribution on MTV a decade ago. Others sue because their artists' videos are being posted without authorization.

But YouTube is still principally a playground for the young and the goofy - which doesn't necessarily tighten the "young" classification much. And like all gathering places for young people, there's going to be a lot of hormonally challenged males in search of eye candy. Young, attractive women who post video logs gather substantial followings in relatively short order.

Enter "Bree"

So it was with "Lonelygirl15," the on screen title for a sixteen year old, self described "home schooled" teenager named "Bree" with a pretty face, big eyes and an every-button-in place female adolescent personality. Over the course of the summer she posted twenty nine videos that built an enormous audience with nothing much more than the charm and innocent wit of the typical teenage girl: hormones with feet. Oh, and, as it turned out, a pair of professional writers.

Most of the videos were filmed in her bedroom, although she did go on an outing or two with a male friend. She made some obscure hints at matters occult and mysterious, heightening the interest for her testosterone-soaked fans.

There was something of a story line built into the string of videos, although nothing that would hold the interest of even an art-house movie crowd. She was invited to a party, she defied her father and went anyway, she was punished for it. But there was enough intrigue and popularity (and suspiciously high quality to the videos) to spark a lot of text posts about just who this girl might be. There were also videos from fans posted regarding her identity, its mystery and caricatures of her persona.

So it came to pass that some computer-savvy detectives lured "Bree" to an email site on MySpace that had some tracking software attached. The reply Bree sent was traced to one of the biggest talent agencies in Los Angeles, Creative Artists Agency (CAA). Busted. The crew that had solicited the email posted a message of their discovery and because of the origin of Bree's reply, concluded that the entire caper was some sort of marketing device related to Hollywood and its principal products. Bree joined a reasonably exclusive fraternity of "celebrities" who were "famous for being famous."

A True Viral Epidemic

The two guys who had been scripting and making the videos were "filmmakers" named Ramesh Flinders and Michael Beckett. Since their outing, they haven't missed a step. The actress who played Bree is a young Los Angeleno named Jessica Rose who has since appeared on national talk shows discussing the months-long scam as an artistic venture. She found the casting call on Craigslist, read for the role, went back for two more tests, and got the job. Some of the scripts were written, but she was given the freedom to ad-lib.

The filmmakers themselves claim that Bree was never meant to portray a real person - a little hard to believe, in the absence of any disclaimers or asterisks in the footage. Nor, they say, was it a promotional device for any sort of Hollywood studio or organization. However, they are currently represented by CAA, they were in that office when responding to emails under her nom-du-Tube and Ms. Rose was paid $30,000 for her portrayal of the Lonely Girl. Somebody invested in this caper for a reason.

All of the exposed parties declare without a hint of remorse that the show will go on. Jessica Rose sees the future as continuing posts that develop a storyline. Presumably, the film makers see this as a ticket to bigger screens. And if Lonelygirl15 remains a current fixture on YouTube, there's going to be an entire school of video art devoted to the on-camera responses, commentary, caricatures and other spins on the original YouTube hoaxette.

All of this begs the question: should we care? If so, how? About what? There are thousands of videos on YouTube that are works of comedic fiction, humorous commentary, amateur entertainment of every stripe. Why not a series? The fact that it was a spoof doesn't seem to have offended anyone; after all, YouTube is a platform for every sort of video expression dispensed in small bites.

What it was meant to accomplish might be a question worth caring about, if there was a way to follow the money. If it was done for self-promotional purposes by the film makers, they succeeded brilliantly in one of the most massive examples of viral marketing in our time. The problem is that they have been recognized for producing footage that no one would buy a ticket to go see. The fact that they manufactured a cultural phenomenon in a matter of weeks is probably closer to the import of this stunt.

The term "viral marketing" has become high on the list of Internet capabilities in the tech advertising and marketing shops. Like most of the things that move with the speed of the 'net, no one has figured out quite how to harness it. What the Lonelygirl15 production proved is that under the right circumstances, it is possible to create instant recognition for a virtual entity among enormous numbers of people. But Howard Dean did that in 2004 - with a purpose. For that matter, MySpace and YouTube branded themselves via word-of-net over the course of two or three years and are now billion dollar properties.

What's interesting is that no one, including Rupert Murdoch, is quite sure WHY they are billion dollar properties. Ad success is measured in terms of exposure to eyeballs, and these sites have eyeballs by the tens of millions. But no one quite knows how to turn that fact into sponsorship cash. It's possible that the Lonelygirl15 caper will give some ad genius an idea on how to cash in on video viral marketing. If so, you can look on Bree as an evolutionary step in the process.

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate for She brings years of experience as a small business consultant to helping prospective clients understand the ways in which a website may benefit them both personally and professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting [], ecommerce hosting [], vps hosting, and web design services to a wide range of customers. Established in 1999, Apollo prides itself on the highest levels of customer support.

Understanding Mortgages and Your Credit Score

Most people understand that the mortgages that they may qualify for are directly related to their credit scores. Common sense dictates that the better your credit scores are the more mortgages you would qualify for, and for better interest rates, as well.

But let's face it, the number of people who have perfect credit are far and few between. Most people have had a mark put on their credit report at one time or another. Some people have had a lot of marks put against them over the years. What can these people do as far as getting good mortgages?

One of the first things you should do before attempting to obtain any type of mortgage is to get your credit reports. There are three major credit reporting agencies, and, by law, you are entitled to a free copy from each one per year. Once you have these reports, you should sit down and carefully review each one to see if there are any mistakes or omissions.

If you find mistakes or omissions, you can write to the agency and request that your information be corrected. It is important to remember that each agency uses only its own information, which means that while one report may be entirely correct, the next may not. This is why you have to go over each one independently.

The reason you want to spend this time investigating your credit reports is because your credit scores are determined by the information on the reports. In order to be fair and accurate, credit scores are determined by set formulas that the agencies use. Erroneous information on your report will cause your scores to drop. This can be a problem when you are looking for mortgages or other types of loans.

In addition to helping you get the best mortgages, you can also help your other credit issues by correcting any mistakes that you find on your reports. Just about all lending agencies use these reports and scores in determining what type of credit and interest rates they will offer you. This includes such things as credit cards, gas cards, and even automobile insurance premiums. As you can see, your credit score can affect much more than just your mortgages.

Another benefit to reviewing your credit reports and credit scores prior to attempting to obtain mortgages is that you may discover that you are in bad shape as far as the numbers go. Some people simply have horrible credit histories and knowing if you fall into that category before you approach a bank or other type lender can be important.

It is important because with very poor marks on your history you may not get a loan at all or you may be offered a sub-prime loan which can become very expensive over time. Knowing, in advance, if you are subject to these types of offers can be helpful.

Sub-prime mortgages will usually carry a much higher interest rate than traditional fixed rate or ARM loans. The sub-prime market is a market into itself and you need to be very careful before entering into a loan of this nature. Many foreclosures take place within this particular market.

Joe Kenny writes for Only Stop, search mortgages in the UK, visit them today for 0% credit cards and loans

A Guide to Assessing and Selecting a Nursing Home

A friend once told me that her mother's health was deteriorating rapidly and that her family was considering placing her mother in a nursing home. I remember that several of their questions and concerns needed addressing before they made the decision: How to find out what is available? Do all homes offer the same level of care? Can her mother's nursing home care be subsidized in any way? Is it true that nursing homes are little more than dumping grounds for older people? What rights does a resident have in a nursing home?

For people who are currently in the same situation as my friend once was, your doctor, hospital social worker, the local community health center, friends who may have faced the same problem, and the Yellow pages of your local telephone directory can all provide you with the names and addresses of nursing homes near your place. Once you have a list of homes in your area, you can begin to check them and find out what services each one offers. If you plan to do a thorough job, be prepared to spend considerable time at it and don't hesitate to ask questions. While you may have heard stories of neglect, abuse and exploitation in nursing homes, there are many excellent institutions that are run with care and respect for residents.

Experts say that nursing homes are generally divided into two basic categories: those that offer skilled nursing care and those that offer only residential care. These can be separate facilities, or both levels of nursing care may be housed under one roof.

There are, of course, excellent nursing homes, but there are some that are woefully inadequate. Poor treatment, general neglect, and violations of patients' rights are among the abuses still found in nursing homes. Several reports have been severely critical of some nursing homes and this has led to changes in procedures for inspection and accreditation.

Listed below are recommended guidelines for assessing such establishments, although your choice of an appropriate facility will inevitably also be governed by factors such as cost, availability, and waiting time:

- Check if the nursing home is accredited by the government authorities and if it is eligible for government subsidies.

- Find out if the nursing home restricts your viewing to certain areas, or if you are free to roam.

- Do an inspection of the facilities. Are they clean, and do the residents appear well-groomed?

- Find out if you can talk to the residents and their families. Be sure to call community agencies and doctors to ask for their comments.

- Know if an occupational or speech therapist is attached to the nursing home.

- Check fire safety regulations and look for safety devices, such as grab handles in the bathrooms and lights on stairs.

- Find out if the person who enters the nursing home can use his own doctor, or if one is provided.

- Check if a registered nurse is always on duty.

- Ask about the type of activities available for residents. Are there daily exercises or wheelchair trips outdoors?

- Know where a patient can take complaints and problems. Is there an established procedure to deal with them?

Patients in nursing homes are often made to feel powerless to complain, but this need not be so. State governments provide information pertaining to the rights of patients in nursing homes. In addition, nursing home inspectors are continuously encouraged to report on quality of care and the condition of buildings.

Pondering the Merits of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Recently, a friend of mine, pursuing a degree in accounting, posed the following 5 questions to me about certain elements of the so-called stimulus package, or properly known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA):

1. How do you feel about the stimulus package?

2. Do you think converting medical records to electronic form is an excellent idea?

3. The stimulus package will help only those whose homes are in foreclosure, but those who have lost their homes already will not be helped by the plan. How do you feel about this matter?

4. The package will also offer a large financial support to help laid-off workers to maintain the same health plans they had from their former employers. Do you think it right to carry your insurance to your next employer?

5. The stimulus package has an $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers. How do you feel about the tax credit?

With a modicum of trepidation and some forethought, I went about answering her queries, based on my layperson's knowledge of this much discussed legislation.

1. The stimulus package - I believe the general purpose of the stimulus package is beneficial to our economy, in that it will put out-of-work people back on their feet, repair our crumbling infrastructure, assist those in danger of losing their homes and provide a degree of tax rebate or incentives for our middle class and below. Those facts alone are enough to cause an outcry among conservative, capitalists traditionalists, although there is much more to the ARRA. However, it is an enormous amount of money that will require prudent oversight, lest it falls prey to corruption and /or mismanagement. Based on historical antecedents, the latter will surely happen; the question is to what extent. The stimulus package is such a voluminous work that it would require timeless research to provide a statistically correct projection of its outcome.

2. Electronic medical records - We are and have been it seems, since ad-infinitum, overly reliant upon paper trails, even during an enlightened age where computerized files are the norm. Conversion of medical files to electronic form is a way to conserve a shrinking resource (the forest). It is also easier and swifter to retrieve, and allows one to avoid loss through misplacement or wear and tear associated with paper records. The main problem with electronic files is compromising them with inadequate security measures. The latter is a necessity if the electronic form of medical records is to be the new wave of the future in health care.

3. Home foreclosures - It is unfortunate that the plan will not help many who have lost their homes and I believe that people in the latter category should have entitlement to some type of assistance from the government. Banks that exploited a system of greed are being given a helping hand, even as they continue to lose money. To me, it seems disproportionate that the U.S. Government will offer our financial institutes assistance, while letting those that have been put out of their home by these same institutions fall by the way side. There should be an agency tasked with reviewing those individuals who are homeless now, due to foreclosures and evictions and providing some type of assistance to either reclaim their homes or start anew.

4. Health plans - I have to swallow hard when I broach this subject, because I feel overall, we do not have a credible health care system. We have highly trained doctors and professionals in the health care field, probably the best, as we claim. However, the health care system in this country is capitalist-based and provides great care for those who can afford it. The problem is that few working folks can afford it and once laid-off, the expense becomes prohibitive. I believe that it should be a good thing that one can carry his/her insurance to the next employer, but unless revamped, it will be costly. I agree with President Barack Obama that the health care system needs a tremendous overhaul, but in the vernacular of my grandmother, "It's gonna be a hard row to hoe." The health insurance lobbyists and other big-money folks will come out of the woodwork to kill an effort to restructure our health care system. This is a great country, but I'd rather get my health care from somewhere else.

5. Tax-credit - I believe that first time homebuyers need an $8,000 tax credit. I only hope that it won't bite them in the butt further down the road. I haven't had time to examine what the requisites are for this credit to say much more.

One can only wonder if this stimulus package will resolve some of our economic woes; I have faith that it will help, but more bumps are in the road. It is certainly not the panacea to all of our problems, as there is a multiplicity of variables that serve as roadblocks to a decisive recovery. Although I cannot recover lost investments, this stimulus package will help me indirectly, at least by bringing my property values back up, after their disastrous tumble in the real estate market.

Eugene G. Savage, Ph.D
Chief Consultant

Friday, January 17, 2014

Device a Scheme to Get an Effective Car Rental Discount Code

The option of selecting a car rental, moreover, budget car rental for journey of any distant and beautiful place of your choice and preference is always a better and cheaper option of traveling over expensive taxis. Car rental in many ways is a better option than taxis as it saves your expensive time, otherwise, unnecessarily wasted over only waiting for them to collect you.

Above discussion was only about virtues of renting a budget car but on vices, it should not be as similar to lawnmower. The crux of the whole thing is that you should be bit careful while renting a budget car for you. In other words you can follow certain steps for finally picking a car on rent.

If you have not any specific choice for a car that you wish to Drive, then you can use a car rental web site to select a car on price of your choice and preference. At a web site you not only get a very lucrative deal for car rental but also unlimited mileage scheme for renting a car. If you go for a fly-drive package for the same car renting agency then you will see upgrade for your car rental but there would be denial of service when you would book airline yourself. Though there happens to be provision of car rental service from an airlines but that hardly remains to be economical, instead they happens to be very expensive in comparison to other firms.

And while surfing on internet, sometimes, you will find that a discount is available only on a company's website. Searching for car rental on net is also a fun exercise and at the same time there is good chance that you may come across a special car rental offer that may be available for a budget car Rental company or other and above all you do all this absolutely free at complete comfort from your home.

If you feel yourself to be more comfortable in telephonic conversation with customer car executive at agency you can seek help for number of car discounts available to you at car renting agency and go only for the best deal. Also check out from the details of your credit card that it may not be providing discount on car renting from a car renting agency. If you are senior citizen or fall in any special category like military and others you can avail car rental discounts as provided under constitutional provisions.

However, don't take any car for granted, if you are provided with discount on a car rental, generally, budget car rental happens to be low on maintenance so check out for all sides of the car for damage, and inform renter of the car about any damage if found as you would not pay for the dent on car while returning it. You can also save money after paying considerable level of attention on car insurance too as having a car insurance of your own car saves you from signing car rental insurance agreement of car renting agency.

Pankaj Gupta Highly Recommends that you visit for more information on car rental discount coupon.

How Can I Find Home Health Care Jobs?

Home health care jobs are become more and more respected and widely used across America. Many patients that require health care are not in a position to be moved around or have no access to fixed travel arrangements. Home care employment are the answer to these problems, and are such extremely appreciated. These jobs range from short term to long term care. Cancer and dread disease patients will often require the services of home health care for a longer period of time than say, those suffering from a broken leg or debilitating sickness such as pneumonia. With the need for home health care jobs growing from year to year, so too are the available job postings. You can find a wealth of openings if you know where to look for them.

Internet Resources: There are numerous online portals that have vast listings of health jobs in homes in all states across America. There are specific medical recruitment agencies that specialize in health care jobs as well as those that advertise health care vacancies in all sectors, having a special division forhome health care jobs.
MedicalCenters and Hospitals: There will always be references to homenursing jobs posted in hospitals or medical centers. Often patients who were seen to in these particular institutions will post a request for care at home with the doctors or staff there.
Job Fairs: An extremely viable method of finding out what is available in the health care job sector.
Medical Publications: Medical publications narrow down the target market to only medical practitioners who read these magazines and papers. This makes it easier for health care jobseekers to find exactly what it is that they are looking for.
Medical Associations: Becoming a medical practitioner of any sort will more than likely require that you become part of an association. News of home care employment opportunities can easily be found through these resources.
Medical Directories: Monthly or weekly listings that contain all matters of relevance to medical staff and practitioners. From equipment rentals or sales to space to let to job listings.
Word of mouth: This is often one of the most trusted methods of spreading information and news. Notice of home health jobs by word of mouth are usually from a good source and will more often than not be directed towards people that are known to be capable and accomplished for the task at hand. These types of jobs can be advertised in this way, as welcoming a complete stranger into one's home is quite a touch call, even if it is for medical purposes.
Home health care jobs are always in abundance as more and more people are in need of expert care due to a rise in stress levels in our day and age. This leads to a rise in the contracting of dread diseases and falling ill. Add to that that there will always be ageing people requiring those who are opting for home care employment to help them live out full and comfortable lives.

Learn how to find the job and career you want at One of the most most complete sources of career and job search information available on the internet. Feel free to Click Here to Search for a Job Now.

Starting a Modelling Agency - Building a Modelling Agency From Home

Starting a modelling agency today is a lot less crazy or hectic then it used to be years ago. These days, many aspects can be easily automated through the internet, which greatly helps out in the communication part of it all, which used to be much more time consuming "back in the day". Other factors in starting a modelling agency, in fact, the two most important factors, are simply finding the talent, and then finding work for these talented people.

We can pretty much find enough talent for starting a modeling agency with a fairly sizeable amount of ease these days, as there are a great many up-and-coming models out there just dying to be discovered. We can find these talented people trying to get discovered at trade shows, auto shows, and even at the beach (they're the ones who are in bikinis, but they don't want to get a tan, and they often refuse to go into the water). There are even a large amount of them that get their first "big break", perhaps in a newspaper ad or a calendar shot, but they are unhappy with what their representation is doing for them lately.

Finding work for models when starting a modelling agency is as simple as your resources, which are plentiful. Work can be found in catalogs, magazine ads, corporate training videos, online video ads, runways, TV commercials, and the list goes on.

Above all, starting a modelling agency must be done professionally, and absolutely ethically. Reputation rapidly evolves through word of mouth - this can be good, or this can be bad. Obviously, you want to steer quite clear of the latter of the two. If you don't focus on these two qualities when starting a modeling agency, you will find it impossible to survive in this business. The truth is that starting a modeling agency, once you attain the know-how, is really quite simple, and if you start out of a home office, can also be fairly inexpensive to set up. Care to learn more?

Want more information on building your own Talent Agency from home? Synergy Talent can guide you every step of the way, making it as easy as 1-2-3! Check out a review of Synergy Talent by going to

How Senior Companion Care Can Help

A new year is upon us, and as time moves forward, more and more people are working harder to make ends meet and provide for their families. One demographic of our population that has been overlooked, are our seniors, (those 65 and older).

The senior population has been growing, and more rapidly within the last 5 years. On March 9th 2006, the US Census Bureau projected that the US population age 65 and older will have doubled by the year 2030. That is 1 of every 5 persons in the US will be 65 years of age or older, approximately 72 million people, with the fastest growing segment being age 85 and older. This in part is due to better health, longer life expectancy, and the baby boomers coming of age.

Despite their better health and longevity, our seniors are being left out in the cold, with no one, or very few people and resources to assist them in enjoying their golden years, after having served their families, and country. Too often we hear reports of seniors needing help because of lack of care, or minimal access to people and resources.

Some families are also finding themselves in a crisis situation, because they are not able to care for their elderly loved ones due to financial and/or physical constraints, (whether by distance or disability), and they are not aware of what local resources are available to assist them. Some available resources are The Department of Health and Human services or You can also do an online search for elderly and home care, or contact your local Health and Human Services agency, (usually always listed in the phone book under government agencies), to see what local companies or agencies are available in your area that may have be of benefit.

Although the senior home care agencies are not an enormously large industry and are widely available, they can provide some crucial services to the community. Most offer some type of respite care, hourly (with a 2 - 4 hour minimum), short-term, or long-term care and also includes weekends and holidays. Prices can range from $15 to $22 per hour. This becomes extremely beneficial when families need a respite from daily care-giving, or are not able to be there. Some insurance policies cover nonmedical senior care but you must first consult your insurance agency to have that verified and what conditions apply. As with any company or individual you will need to verify and do research on the providers of this service and their employees.

Senior care companies can provide services that can help to maintain the independence, and activity that seniors and their families are seeking. They provide nonmedical services, such as companionship, meal preparation, medication reminders, light housework, transportation, errands, and arranging medical/non-medical appointments and social outings and events.

These services provide many families with the peace of mind in knowing that their love ones are okay, and well-taken-care-of. Some agencies like TLC Companion Care, Inc have extended their service to families that are in need of assistance such as new moms and/or dads, and those who are in need of any assistance to maintain their independence and standard of living in their own home.

For more information, please click on any of the above links to contact someone and ask questions, or call your local Health and Human Services agency.

Greg Liverpool is a Business/Systems Analysis and Software/Web-Site Developer, providing Business & Computer Solutions. Enhancing the lives of people and business with innovative products & services. []

Nursing Employment

Nurses are growing demand but there is lacking for supply which is indeed a global threat. Many lives of people are at risk! Many health and care works are needed to be done but there are only few nurses serving the people with their skills. Then as the necessity is increasing but the supply is only minimal - nursing offers profitability when chosen as a course.

There are many nursing duties and positions vacant for those healthcare organizations seek for solution especially to provide numerous nurses to fill the shortage. As the shortage is alarming, positions needs to be occupied. Nurses work in a variety of settings ranging from the hospital to outpatient clinics, emergency rooms, community health centers, visiting nurse agencies, schools, work places, nursing homes, and the military. Just about anywhere!

Last May 2006, the estimated average annual income for registered nurses in the U.S. was $59,710 and the average hourly wage was $28.71. Aside from that, many hospitals provide signing bonuses and offer generous continuing education benefits for nurses who want to continue their education beyond the associate and bachelor degrees. In addition to that, attractive salaries, bonuses, and job security are also proposed for the advantage of nurses.

Nurses work in a variety of roles-staff nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, clinical specialists, nurse researchers, nurse educators, nurse midwives, nurse managers, and also as health educator. Military opportunities for nurses exist in most nations with active militaries.

With endless job opportunities, variety in settings and roles, flexibility in work schedules, and many options for advanced education, you are always learning and growing. There is never a dull moment as a nurse! Most important of all-you are making a difference in the lives of others.

The nursing field remains a lucrative one for new hires and for nurses looking to advance within the field. The field of nursing provides tremendous opportunities for anyone interested in making a difference in the health care field. Nurses today are in high demand and can help reap the benefits of great pay coupled with career satisfaction.

In the modern world, there are a large number of specialties within nursing. Nurses work in a variety of roles-staff nurses, nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, clinical specialists, nurse researchers, nurse educators, nurse midwives, nurse managers, and also as health educator. Military opportunities for nurses exist in most nations with active militaries. Just about anywhere!

Recruiting enough people, and the right people, is an ongoing challenge in healthcare. To keep your organization effectively staffed in both the short and long term, you'll need to do some creative recruiting, improve your systems and processes and maybe even make some changes to your organization's culture.

We have also provided a comprehensive guide for you to establish you own nursing business / agency. Starting a nursing agency is not just a familiar business opportunity but also a societal help to minimize the nursing shortage. The guide is composed of simple strategies and system that is known and proven to help you establish the business and make it prosper.

For more info: How to start a nursing agency

Dolson McArt - Author:

Discover The Value Of Home Water Purifiers

I was enraged after reading two recent associated press articles about the Environmental Protection Agency. It emphasizes the need to know what is in the water that we use everyday. One way to ensure we have healthy water is to compare home water purifiers, finding out how they work and what contaminants they remove.

The first article discussed a toxic rocket fuel component that is found in the drinking water of 28 States. The EPA has been studying it for years, and has not figured out, if taking action to limit its use would reduce the risk. On the other hand, the FDA released a study in January 2008, saying that children were at risk from exposure of this same contaminate in the food and water they consumed. This study clearly shows the need for an EPA tap water standard for this contaminant. This is our tax dollars at work.

In the second article, the results of an advocacy group survey of EPA scientists said that the scientists felt pressure to skew the interpretation of their results. The pressure is coming from political sources and special interest groups. More than half of those responding to the survey reported some political hindrance in their work. In another article it was reported that a Senate committee is looking into whether the Bush administration is hindering the ability of scientists at the EPA to assess the health dangers of toxic chemicals.

Changes in the water standards can take years. Even when quality standards are in place, can we trust that the findings are presented in an unbiased way? It is pretty scary when the EPA chief, Carol Browner is quoted as saying: "The way we guarantee safe drinking water is broken and needs to be fixed."

In the mean time, we are exposed to toxins and other dangerous things in our water supply. Children, pregnant women, and individuals with compromised immune systems are at the greatest risk of these contaminants. What can we as individuals do to protect ourselves and those we care about? We need to consider that home water purifiers may be required to ensure our water is healthy.

First and foremost, get informed. Check out your tap water with your local water source. To find out what pollutants are tested for and what the acceptable levels are, ask for the water quality report from your utility company. If you have a well, have the water tested regularly. Be aware of local and state news on water quality issues, to see if they could effect you directly.

Second, even if your water utility says the water is "safe", know that you are not necessarily safe from all contaminants in your tap water. If you are in the more susceptible group, then even "safe" water may be dangerous for you. And there may be things in the water that are not tested for because they have not been made part of the EPA guidelines yet.

Also, consider that water quality is more than just what you drink. It includes the water you cook with and the water that you bathe with. Our bodies can absorb chemicals and toxins from water in other ways than just drinking it. While most of the exposure is from drinking contaminated water, protecting just that water is not enough.

Now that you are armed with this information, it would be a valuable use of your time to compare home water purifiers. Carefully review the data sheet for the performance of each water filtration product. Consider if the product will remove the contaminants in your water. Make sure it is certified and to what level the contaminants are removed. After doing so, you will understand that there are just a few good products to even consider.

Renee Smallwood has been a health care professional for more than 30 years. She sees first hand the health effects of proper hydration. To learn more about what you can do to ensure you are getting the best water to maintain a healthy lifestyle, visit her blog at

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Choosing the Best Home Care

When the time comes to choose a Denver home health care agency for your loved one, there are many things you need to consider. Obviously, you want to choose a Denver home companion that you know will offer the utmost care and compassion for your parent, grandparent, or other relative. But how do you do this? With so many Denver home health care agencies out there, how do you know which home care Denver based agency is right for you. Well, begin with the following:

Ask Around: There is a reason word-of-mouth is the best form of advertisement: it works. Ask friends, neighbors, or coworkers if they have ever used Denver elderly home care. Chances are, they can recommend which agencies to go with, or maybe even which ones to avoid.

Do Your Homework: You wouldn't hire someone to care for your business without doing your homework and the same goes for your loved one. Before hiring a Denver home companion, research a variety of agencies. Have a good idea of what you are looking for and seek out Denver health care agencies with those features.

Check Their Accreditation: When it comes to home care Denver based, you want to make sure of one thing over all others: your loved one will be safe. Make sure the agency you are going with has a staff of Denver home health aids who are qualified and licensed. You may want to inquire about the qualifications of each Denver home health aid. Are they required to be CNAs? Are they required to be certified in CPR? Ask a lot of questions and make sure you get the answers you seek.

Interview Them: In the world of Denver home health care, you are the employer and they are the ones you are hiring. For this reason, it is wise to treat the situation as an interview. Ask the Denver elderly home care agency the questions you would ask other potential employees. Ask what makes them a good companion. Ask them about their experience with medications. Ask about their abilities to help your loved one exercise.

Ask For a List of What They Offer: Not all Denver elderly home care agencies are the same. Some may offer twenty-four hour care and some may not. Some may offer cleaning services with the fee and some may charge extra. Some may only have a few years of experience whereas some may have many more. No matter what is offered, every home care Denver based agency should be able to supply you with a list of what is included in their services.

When it comes to choosing a Denver home health care agency, you can never be too careful. They are, after all, going to be the keepers of someone you love.

Susan Slobac writes about trends in Denver home health care & Denver elderly home care.

The Perfect Way Of Seeking Russian Women As A Life Partner

Life takes a different turn when it comes to marriage, we never know who our life partners will be and if she or he will be from the same country or not? When it comes to Russian girls who are in the search for their life partners, they prefer westerners compared to Russian men. These Russian women need someone who can love them and lead a happy married life. Security is also seen as a major factor when marrying a western man. Russian men are considered to have a disturbing family life and this makes the Russian females seek foreign men.

Even foreign men also are interested in having Russian brides as their life partners. Westerners prefer women who stay at home, take care of their family and can be a pillar of support. Western men are fed up of the independent nature of western women who are more career oriented and care less about managing a happy married life. One finds the Russian women as the perfect family oriented women for having peace in their life. In fact Russian women are known to be the most intelligent, sincere, stylish, educated and loyal. They are ready to do everything for their families to give comfort and coziness to their husbands and children, as they understand that only family will be with them forever.?

Most of the time, one approaches those online dating agencies that help in finding Russian women. Lots of profiles along with complete details of each Russian woman are found posted on these sites. But, besides this approach, there is also another way of finding the Russian women which is often ignored by foreign men. Yes! It is about placing ads on newspaper pages. It can seem to sound old and outdated for some but many receive high quality responses to such ads by beautiful Russian women. It usually takes a week time before one can start getting responses to the ad placed.

Another point of placing the ad in newspapers and not in dating agencies may be that every Russian woman may not have access to the internet or some Russian women may be too shy or get time to sue these online dating services. But almost all Russian women read the local newspapers and can scroll through the dating column. Even Russia still needs to develop more when it comes to internet. Internet service providers are present but their monthly fees are high and out of reach for few Russian families.

This way of placing the ads on newspapers leads to some better results where we come across some traditional Russian women who may not venture out more and prefer to stay at home. Such women are very homely, caring and take much attention to see that the family members are kept happy including their husband. So, one can probably struck a gold mine by getting the most caring and lovely Russian wife on placing simply an ad in the Russian newspapers. It seems to very so easy but it does work and can make a man the happiest person in the world.

But if you are very modern and advanced, look for your Russian wife at BeHappy2Day.

Don't Give Up on Your Health Care Opportunity

Ever considered a career in nursing? Feeling your opportunity to be in the health care industry has passed? Well, don't count yourself out just yet. You could be just a few steps away from earning an online nursing degree.

The great news about online nursing degrees is that you might be able to graduate in the equivalent of a year and a half of traditional college. How exciting it would be to have a bachelor of science degree in just three semesters! And just think of the possibilities!

Once you have finished your degree, you can go anywhere. Nurses are in high demand. You can choose from many different types of work, including nursing homes, home health agencies, hospitals, and doctors offices, as well as many other places. It is really a wide open field, and no matter what the economy does, nurses are always needed.

In order to break into this wide open field, you should look for certain important aspects of a nursing program. First and foremost, you need to make sure that the online college you choose to take your nursing program from is accredited. An accredited school is very important for your future employment. Employers want to see that you have gone to a school with the correct credentials.

You will also want to find out exactly what is required from the college you enroll in. You may want to find several that you are interested in so that you can compare all their requirements as well as the price involved.

If you will be working while earning your degree, you will also want to take notice of how flexible the classes are. If you can only get online in the evening, you will want to make sure that your classes can be taken when you are available. Maybe you have different times a day when you can work on your lessons. If this is the case, you need to make sure that your classes can be taken whenever you have the opportunity.

No matter what your specific situation, there is almost certainly a college that you can work with. If you start now, you will be amazed at how quickly you can earn your nursing degree online. As a nurse you will have opportunities that you may have never before dreamed. So, get to your search engine and start looking. You're only a few semesters away from a rewarding career!

For more great information about an online college degree, and business degrees online visit our site today.

Medical Billing Careers - What is a Medical Billing Specialist?

If you've been thinking about a career in the medical office field you may have thought about becoming a medical biller or coder or a medical billing specialist. There is a high demand for people who have trained on the job or have taken medical billing training to work in medical offices.

The profession of Medical Billing Specialist is rapidly becoming one of the fastest growing careers and there is a lot of work available not only working in a medical billing company, but in doctors' offices who do their billing in house and some specialists start work-at-home medical billing businesses.

There are more than one million Medical Billing Specialists in the US. A Specialist must take a national exam to receive certification in the field. There are people who work as medical billers who do not have certification however. These are usually in-house people who have been trained by the company or doctor's office to do billing and/or medical coding.

What exactly is medical billing you might ask? When a patient is seen by a doctor or provider, a claim is coded, billed and processed. It is submitted to an insurance company or federal government agency.

Medical billers are good at detail and are well-organized. They may have knowledge or education in data entry, bookkeeping, technical or computer knowledge and work well with people. Although most medical billers work in back offices and don't have a lot of contact with the public.

There are a lot of different programs to choose from in a training program. You can find many online where you can learn at your own speed or you can go to classes at a local college or technical college for a semester or two to get all the course requirements and would not be as flexible but may have more credibility. You only want to take the courses that are needed.

You don't want to pay for courses that some of the online schools insist you take if you don't need them. Also be very careful about signing any contract, read them thoroughly. The programs range in cost from $900 to more than $7000. You'll still have to take the national exam if you want to be certified.

Becoming a Medical Billing Specialist can be a good choice if there are job openings in your area. Make sure to check around to make sure there are medical billing companies or doctors' offices that hire medical billers. Pay them a visit to find out what the working situation looks like and feels like. Talk to current employees to see if the company requires certification before they hire. It's a good way to find out if you'd enjoy the work. And make sure to check out the online resources.

For secrets and tips on how to start a medical billing business, choosing the best medical billing training, finding the best medical billing business schools, online courses, college, work at home and financing go to a nurse's website:

Investing In HUD Real Estate Foreclosure Properties

Investing in HUD real estate foreclosure properties can be a lucrative business, but you need to know how to take advantage of this program, to make a profit. There are substantial profits to be made on repossessed houses. However you need to be knowledgeable and time your buying and selling right to take advantage of these properties.

Initially you will not be able to buy these types of properties for monetary gain. This is because these programs are specifically designed to help needy families afford to buy a home and investors are barred from buying these repossessed houses. Only when they have not been sold for a certain length of time can investors and agents buy these properties.

How do you find HUD real estate foreclosure properties? You can find these by using special lists of repossessed properties. You can find them through real estate agents, registered with this agency, or online at websites that are registered with this agency. With the advent of the Internet it has become much easier to find these properties and take advantage of the huge savings you will be able to get. However it does take a little time to find these properties on your own, so it is often a good idea to find an agent who can handle this for you.

How do you go about investing in HUD foreclosure real estate? Initially these repossessed properties are not available to real estate agents and investors. However after a certain length of time, if they are not sold, the houses will be available to investors. When that happens, you need to be first in line to buy the property. If you get there befoe the competition, you can beat them to the property. You need to keep up to date lists to catch the properties as soon as they come on the market. You can then resell the houses for a substantial profit.

As you can see there are obvious gains to be made from these HUD real estate foreclosures. However you have to be quick as there is a lot of competition. One of the best ways to get fully updated lists is to subscribe to a newsletter that supplies daily ones. Some sites will update their site daily; these are usually membership sites but are worth it. Explore all avenues to get ahead of your competition in this competitive field.

What is the easiest way to make a profit with HUD real estate foreclosure properties?

The real way to make a substantial profit with these types of houses is to buy those properties that are in need of repair. Understand the actual market value of the property before you buy. All you need to do is to calculate what you paid for the house, plus any repair costs and subtract it from the market value. This will be your profit. You can start with properties that need minor repairs at first and when you have saved up some money go on to the ones that need more repair and investment. This is because you will be investing in the house plus repairs before selling and making your money back.

If you plan carefully and do your math, you can make a decent profit by flipping the property. It is by this means that you will be able to make a good profit investing in foreclosed HUD real estate.

Yes, it is possible to make good money by investing in HUD real estate foreclosure properties, but you need to know what to do or you can lose a lot of money quickly. For more information, go to to learn some great techniques to save money when investing in foreclosure properties.

Nurses, Who Are They?

Webster's dictionary defines a registered and licensed practical nurse as a person trained to take care of the sick, injured, or aged and to assist doctors. Many nurses have enjoyed a productive career working in hospitals and clinics. But, by using these experiences, many have gone on and directed their careers in different and distinctive ways.

For example, some nurses work for the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences as health services researchers. Others work with elderly homebound patients, with significant morbidities, in the palliative care field. Home health care, HIV/AIDS care, and hospice care are other options as well as travel nursing and agency nursing.

Others have become certified legal nurse consultants with specialized training to consult on medically related cases. They can then further specialize in medical malpractice, personal injury, product liability, or any type of law involving health Webster's dictionary defines a registered and licensed practical nurse as a person trained to take care of the sick, injured, or aged and to assist doctors. Many nurses have enjoyed a productive career working in hospitals and clinics. But, by using these experiences, many have gone on and directed their careers in different and distinctive ways. or injury. These nurses can interpret medical records, prepare reports, and locate expert witnesses as well as to accompany attorneys' clients to their defense medical exams and act as a nurse advocate.

Nurses have become life care planners, home health case managers, and nurse consultants. They work in acute care, long-term care, home and outpatient settings. By providing home health care management and life care plans, they get to enjoy seeing clients in their own homes and can give full attention to their individual needs.

Online and entrepreneurial possibilities also exist for nurses. Some have done online directories for nursing and health care resources. Others have businesses to assist other nurses to get started in a business.

Another option is to get additional training and become a Nurse Practitioner or Clinical Nurse Specialist.

When you enter the nursing profession, you have an unlimited avenue to be able to provide care to those in need.

Lester Allison is married to Joylene, an RN, with 15 years experience in the medical field as a CNA (5 years) and RN (10 years). Lester is the owner of Lester believes MDF instruments are quality, high performance medical tools for all medical professionals.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why People With Special Needs Need a Respite Care Provider

Care giving is a rewarding yet complicated job. It requires time, patience, and love to take care of the intimate needs of another. Being the caregiver of a person with special needs can cause frustration, burnout, and poor health. Primary caregivers often neglect their own health and well-being. In fact, they have higher rates of disease and early death than the general population. The long days, sleepless nights, and stress of being a caregiver have a cumulative effect and can even lead to abuse, neglect, violence and suicide.

Individuals with a learning disability or another special healthcare need require a caregiver with unique characteristics. Empathy, compassion, patience, good communication skills, and physical strength are only some of the requirements of effective care giving. Caregivers that are trained and experienced are rare. Some work at facilities like epilepsy care homes and autism care homes. Others only work on a volunteer basis. There is surely a shortage of competent and caring caregivers. This means that the vast majority of care giving falls on the shoulders of family. Care giving becomes a full time job. There are programs and government assistance to assist primary caregivers but these do not go far in eliminating fatigue and burnout.

The best way to reduce the stress of being a caregiver is having access to regular, affordable, and safe respite care. Respite care facilities include independent living facilities for people with learning disabilities, epilepsy care homes, autism group homes, and even overnight nursing care funded by insurance companies and Medicaid. These and other respite programs are proven to work. Much research has been done to study their effectiveness and the numbers are clear; respite care works. It translates into happier, healthier primary caregivers who report feeling more fulfilled in their roles and better outcomes for those with special needs. Caregivers get distracted less often and report being better able to focus. There are fewer instances of abuse, neglect, and violence, especially among male primary caregivers.

There are several very important factors involved with finding the right respite care. There is a short list of these factors. First, make sure that respite caregivers have no criminal record. This is typically a requirement for employment at most agencies. Second, ask tough questions. What procedures are in place to monitor for abuse? What hiring practices are in place to hire caregivers that keep clients safe? What kind of insurance does the company have? Can I drop by unexpectedly to check on my loved one? Third, check ratings and reviews online. Fourth, check to see if the company is a member of the Better Business Bureau. If it is, how have they handled complaints? Following these steps will help find great respite care.

Carl Liver

Do you need to look over Epilepsy Care Homes or Autism Care Homes? Then make sure to visit us!

Get Credit Report For Free and From Your Home

The Fair Credit Reporting Act changed the way people receive financial information. At one time, a consumer had to pay for all three credit reports to gain access to them. Thanks to the FCRA every consumer is allowed to obtain one free financial statement every 12 months from the big three consumer reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. If you've been approached by anyone that says you're not entitled to these reports, they're either lying on purpose or lying by mistake. You are by law allowed to see your credit details once a year.

When the new law took effect, many people took advantage of the newfound transparency in financial reporting, but just as many people were unaware that a change in the law had even taken place. Many people still pay for all information, completely passing up their once-per-year statement.

Claiming a free statement of your history is remarkably simple when the task is undertaken online. You'll find links to credit reports scattered throughout news and information Web sites that purport to offer free reports. Some do. Others make empty promises.

- Find a financial reporting Web site that you're comfortable with and that understands the FCRA well. Research their system for delivering your information. If possible, request more information from the Web site that will address any concerns you may have with applying. Read their terms of service carefully.

- Once you've found a Web site that delivers your details, it's time to order the account. An important step follows this decision.

- How often do you want to receive your reports? If you only want one account per year, that's your right, but some people want to keep track of their charge reports more often. To do so, most Web sites offer year-round charge reporting services that will keep you up to date with everything on your credit history. The result is that you get an overall picture of your credit habits and what changes you need to make to keep level.

You can get your information online or offline, by requesting directly from each of the three credit reporting companies. Whether a report is requested by mail or through an Internet form, an applicant is making an important commitment to keep their charge rating the best it can be now and in the future. This is one of the single most important steps you will ever take maintain your financial security.

NOTE: Get your credit report and scoring improved. Use one of the Best Credit Reporting Services in the market offering a free trial and the cheapest price thereafter.

Hector Milla runs the Credit Report And Scores website - where you can see his best rated credit reporting service. Visit for further information.

Electrical Waste Recycling Message Still Not Hitting Home!

It seems you can not go a month in the UK without hearing the latest horror story of electrical waste (WEEE) being stopped at the ports in containers for exportation. Companies and individuals believe that when they recycle their old electrical equipment it is destined for reuse or material level recycling. But that is not always the case.

If you type the phrase "electrical waste exportation" into your search engine you will read some of the stories that have recently made the news. Within the WEEE directive the emphasis for recycling is lower in priority than reuse, if the item works reuse it, if it doesn't break it down to its raw materials. However non working equipment has been found destined for exportation that is the problem. Such equipment will contain hazardous components, harmful to the environment and the people that will probably strip the equipment by hand. The UK has the technology to recycle non working equipment in a safe and environmentally friendly way, so non working equipment must be processed in the UK without exportation!

The reuse of working equipment within the UK is great, and it's practical to find a new home for something that is in demand. For example newer IT equipment can be reused in schools, charities etc.. This is a good idea we all say, however, with working items also being shipped abroad, what happens when that working piece of equipment no longer works in another country? The chances are the item will end up in a undeveloped country where recycling technologies, environmental laws and health safety are not as regulated as that of the UK and Europe. The equipment may well be stripped by hand at the end of its life, including the hazardous components for refining the materials out of them. I would feel a social responsibility to ensure i knew where my equipment was ending up however others do not have that same thought.

Companies and individuals that are clearing out their IT storage room (for example) need to do their homework on the company that they are using for their recycling. Any legitimate recycling company in the UK, will be registered with the Environment Agency to either carry, store, sort or treat waste, depending on their activities. When first discussing a recycling collection, ask to see a copy of their waste carriers license, ask them where the equipment will end up and the recycling process. You should be given duty of care paperwork that will follow the equipment on each part of its journey, whether for reuse or for material recovery recycling. You have a legal obligation to know where your equipment ends up. For example say you had some equipment collected by a recycling company that then fly tipped the equipment near by. The environment agency may investigate the equipment, trace it back to you and then prosecute you for not disposing of the equipment in a legal and friendly way. You do have a clear responsibility!

I hope to see the day when we don't hear any type of waste being exported illegally especially electrical waste. We all have a responsibility to dispose of any type of waste in an ethical manner regardless of what it is. If companies and individuals took the time to investigate the company they were thinking of using to recycle their WEEE waste, the majority of these horror stories would not happen. Take your time, do your homework and recycle, recycle, recycle.

For more information on legal and environmentally friendly weee recycling for businesses please contact Pure Planet Recycling.

Adoption Photo Listing - How To Derive Maximum Benefit From It

Adoption Photo Listing is where an adoption agency, or even Social Services who deal with adoption, post pictures along with information about children up for adoption on the internet. This is a popular practice used in most counties and internationally which improves the chances of a child to find a family. The United States have about 100,000 children in foster care and all over the world there are many more in their thousands who live in children's homes, orphanages or in temporary care. All those children who are up for adoption and need a home are pictured on Adoption Photo Listings. Most children are over seven years old, and the majority are older than that and come with special needs. These children come with problems - emotional, mental and some have or include having learning disabilities. There are also children with physical disabilities. Many sibling groups will wish to be kept together, so it is better to do your homework and find out more about a child or children before you decide to adopt.

If you are interested in a child you can then request further information about them. It was in 1994 that Adoption Photo Listing started and since than more than 8,000 children have been pictured. On the internet, over two million hits a month have been received by the Adoption Photo list. People who have even the slightest interest in adopting can view the listings, which has been powerful at attracting people. They can browse and read about these children who need a loving, stable environment and parents to care for them. Most people have a fair idea of how many children worldwide who are in need of a home but that is just a number based on statistics. By reading about a child and having a picture in front of them gives a couple something they can visualise. They can find about a child's date of birth, their nationality and background, their likes/dislikes and where they come from.

Adoption Photo Listing benefits a child up for adoption greatly, as it gives them more of a chance to find parents who can adopt them. Having their picture and information available for those who want to adopt, allows potential parents to learn about the children. As websites are usually updated, they can also keep an update on how a child is doing physically and emotionally and to view more recent pictures as written information with updates is not much to go on.

Adoption Photo Listing doesn't just list children available for adoption, it also has pictures of those prospective parents who wish to adopt. They have all been previously assessed and screened by Social Services and deemed suitable according to requirements. Some couples or families are unable to have children through one health problem or another, and so wish to adopt. The information about them include pictures, whether they are married or not and any other children they may have, biologically their own or adopted. It also includes their pastimes and where they live with information about their reasons for wanting to adopt, and the fact that they would like to be considered.

Adoption Photo Listings have done much to help many children to find new parents to adopt them and also those seeking to adopt.

Abhishek has got some great Adoption Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 76 Pages Ebook, "Adoption Made Easy" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Buyers Beware - Who is Your Agent Really Working For?

Let's face it, looking at homes is fun! Understanding some of the legal part of it is not. I see so much confusion among buyers who think their real estate agent is working for them when they really are working for the seller.

Massachusetts it is state law that an agent reveals to a prospective client their agency relationship to that prospective customer/client.

Let me ask you a silly but important question. If you were a baseball player would you sit it the opposing teams dugout and let the opposing teams coach tell you how you should play your game?

Of course not, and I know many of you are snickering. Yet many buyers will buy a home directly from a listing agent of a home and let them guide them through the process and then say how great their agent was. That is equally as ridiculous. They are working for the seller, not the buyer.

Take Suzy agent, you meet her at an open house:

* She is very nice.

* She is very informative

* She seems to care....

But of course, her job is to sell you that home at the highest possible price in the shortest amount of time. She will do whatever it takes to sell you that home or any other home listed by her company.

As a seller's agent she owes her client a fiduciary responsibility. She must give her clients, complete obedience, loyalty, disclosure, confidentiality, accountability and reasonable care.

Her seller's needs must come before her own or your needs. If you happen to reveal something confidential about yourselves, like how much you love the home, your need to buy quickly... she must immediately disclose this to her seller's. She is going to justify every red cent her client is asking for the home and spin a very positive light. A seller's agent can only paint a spin that benefits her seller with in the law. A seller's agent must do what is best for the seller.

In Massachusetts, you can now run into what is called a facilitator, a facilitator does not owe anyone obedience, confidentiality or loyalty or reasonable care. There job is to put a deal together between buyer and seller and make the deal go as smoothly as possible. A facilitator will paint a spin that befits putting a transaction together with in the law basically you are on your own as far as negotiating, tracking time lines and making decisions.

On the opposite side of the coin, you can work with a buyer's agent. A buyer's agent owes their buyer complete obedience, loyalty, disclosure, confidentiality, accountability and reasonable care. A buyer's agent must do what is best for the buyer. They can provide you with an accurate opinion of value on a home, recommend vendors like attorneys, home inspector's, mover's and more... They can negotiate on your behalf and layout negotiating strategies that makes sense for you given the marketplace.

The great thing is most buyer's agents are paid by the seller at no cost to the buyer!! Most people are concerned about getting the best deal possible. If a buyer's agent can save you a $1000.00 would it be worth it?

What if a buyers agent could save you $2500 or even $5,000 or $10,000.

I think most of you would agree that even a $1000 would be worth it. A good Buyer's Agent, will have the pulse of the real estate market. This is our business I do it every day. There are many good buyer's agent, who can help you if you let them. You do not need to go it alone.

Agency law varies from state to state, as a buyer. Don't let the other teams coach, guide you through the process.... get your is free!!

For more information on what a Buyer's Agent can do for you visit Buyer Agency

This article was provided by Kevin Vitali

Nurse Practitioner Jobs And You

So you think you want to obtain the education to become and then search for nurse practitioner jobs. The first thing you must realize is you will have to become a registered nurse. After completing your nursing education then and only then can you continue your education and become a nurse practitioner.

Some of the questions that you will want to answer are where these jobs might be available. You will also be interested in the pay that a nurse practitioner will make. You will also need to determine which sectors you may wish to work in. These questions can be answered by doing good research. Most of this research can be done via the internet and really is quite easy to do. If the interest is there this should not be a problem.

Nurse practitioner jobs can be found almost anywhere. One of the fastest growing areas is that of private practice. If you choose to follow this trend you will be working closely with a doctor in the area you select. You probably will work in preoperative cases following the instruction of the doctor you work with. You might find yourself working in primary care or even any number of other specialized fields.

A few of the specialized fields include but are not limited to out patient care providing follow up treatments, working within a hospital usually in a supervisors position, or even in a nursing home. Employment aspects are excellent in long term care facilities where you would be treating specific patients requiring specific treatments. Another area that will open up for you would be that of education.

You may also be interested in providing community service by planning and organizing blood drives. Along with this you may find yourself working with diabetics in both treatment and education. You may also be interested in forming a smoking cessation program to assist those who smoke and wish to stop. This in itself can be very rewarding.

There are certain requirements to becoming a NP. The first is you must obtain a Bachelor's of Science from an accredited school of nursing. All practitioners must earn their masters in nursing while some will go on to earn their doctorate. Here it must be understood that your education is the all important key to becoming a NP.

The need for practitioners is very high. It is reported that this need has tripled over the past few years. Because of this the field is wide open and is looking for those nurses who are willing to obtain the additional education to fill the open spots. Many home care facilities are willing to pay top dollar to add additional nurse practitioners to their payroll.

As you continue to research nurse practitioner jobs you will begin to see that this may very well be a perfect career choice for you. Make sure you find an accredited school to earn you BS in nursing and have the opportunity to earn you masters from the same school or another. The jobs are there all you have to do is earn your degree to find them.

Health care has always been a solid industry that is looking for knowledgeable and educated individuals for opportunities for occupational therapy jobs and speech pathology jobs.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cheaper Hi-Tech Home Security and Surveillance - Everyone Can Afford It

Surveillance security systems were once only for the rich and wealthy as the cost was so expensive. Nowadays things have changed considerably and now the ordinary household can afford a hi-tech home security solution and security devices. Gone are the days when no-one could afford one - there is now no excuse to not install a home surveillance security system to protect your home and keep your family safe from harm.

Those that do not address their home security needs choose to do so. It is not because they are too expensive. Today's hi-tech home security systems offer superb functionality and features that were just a pipe dream only a few years ago.

Take home security surveillance cameras. Today it is possible to buy a security camera that is linked via your computer so that the images can be viewed anywhere on the internet. You simply need access to a internet enabled PC or hand-held mobile device such as an iPhone.

Most people have a PC at home these days. The PC can act as a recording device for your surveillance camera so there is no need to buy expensive recording equipment. You can configure the software for your own requirements. For example you may decide to record continuously or only when movement is detected. Every time the camera records it creates a new folder on your hard disk thus managing and organizing your image files automatically.

Why not protect your rights with a dash board camera/DVR? Used by law enforcement agencies, these hi-tech devices are small and discrete enough to be positioned on the dash board of your car or truck to record any wrong-doing by another road user. Protect yourself and prove that if something happens it was not your fault. These super small devices record on to a solid state SD card - like the ones you find in your regular digital cameras.

How about a digital voice recorder built into a pen? When that salesman comes around to your house be sure to capture evidence of exactly what is promised by the product you are about to buy. Use it as evidence if the product doesn't work out like you thought it would.

For protecting your home and kids then a nanny spy cam will provide evidence if required. They are built into flower pots, stereo systems, lights, computer speakers, air purifiers and clock radios. Be sure your kids are getting the care you expect from your nanny or child minder and keep an eye on them.

To help you decide when comparing home security systems and choosing which is the best home security system for your requirements go to

Pastoral Care Of Dying

Pastoral care of dying is a specialized type of ministry to dying individuals and their families, relatives, and friends. The caring pastor is a symbol of religious faith and an active spiritual life. Around the death experience, his or her presence and tangible ministry are much appreciated and welcomed by all communities and cultures. The pastor represents assurance, comfort, and hope in a time of great uncertainty, transition, and need.

Death and dying have been a major focus in religious education, human services, spiritual ministry, and helping professions for decades. Both the physical death (cessation of bodily functions) and the theological death (separation from God) have been the center of much thought and attention in biblical literature.

Dying is a process. It is similar, in some ways, to other major processes of life. Care for the dying is in the heart of pastoral ministry. People need pastoral contact. It is a central part of the Christian call and an essential way of showing incarnational love. The dying process affects the psychosocial roles and attitudes of the people involved. An understanding of thanatology is essential for the helping professional who comes in frequent contact with the dying persons.

The dying person looks to the pastor for assurance of faith, company in the midst of fears and loneliness, help in communicating with his or her family, perhaps for the last time, guidance in reflecting on the quality of life, and, finally, comfort in a major transition as the self prepares to leave the body and the familiar physical world. Also, survivors look to their pastor for help with family arrangements, funeral and burial planning, as well as personal decisions and social demands. The minister needs to be prepared to serve as a major support system for a long while after the death, especially when the survivor is an older widow(er).

For some individuals, death is the worst aspect of life. They try to avoid any reminder of it at any cost. In certain families, death is never discussed. Some children grow up naive in this area, having to create their own unrealistic concepts of separation, loss, and mortality. They become protected from the real experiences of life and, too often, are left alone to develop their own distorted views of death.

People's view of death is shaped by their cultural background, religious beliefs, community heritage, social norms, personal philosophy, and individual worldview. Some view death as a real stranger, an ugly disturber, or an aggressive intruder into normal living. They perceive it as the ultimate problem and serious enemy of life. Others view death, including pain and suffering, as integral parts of life. They possess a natural ability to integrate its reality with the broader reality of existence, and, therefore, reconcile the concept of dying with the idea of living. To them, death virtually gives meaning to life.

Western societies tend to perceive death as an enemy which must be conquered or as an obstacle which must be overcome. Modern medical sciences, especially, try to go to a great extent in order to stop, reverse, or control the dying process. Perhaps health care providers tend to view death as a failure or a defeat. They indirectly, or unconsciously, engage in a war against it, employing sophisticated technologies and powerful medications possibly more than the average dying patient can bear.

In the mind of the dying person and his or her family members or loved ones, the pastor is an agent of genuine comfort, spiritual guidance, and existential stability as they, together, go through significant mental and emotional adjustments. In their mind, the pastor represents both a spiritual connection with the after-life and a supportive social agency. As the condition of the dying progresses further and death becomes inevitable, family and friends normally begin to feel closer to each other and to their minister. Therefore, they start to look forward to his or her presence, receive his or her guidance, increasingly rely on his or her judgment, and depend on his or her nurture and soul care.

The pastor is usually called upon to help in making crucial decisions involving moral, medical, ethical, and familial issues. The situation can be highly charged and complex. For example, they need to decide whether to continue treatment in the case of a terminal illness, to remove life-support machines from an unconscious family member (young or old), or to bring the dying person home from the hospital for his or her last days. Reasonable suggestions, sound interventions, adequate care, and appropriate resolutions may be, at times, difficult to formulate and achieve especially when there is tension in the family, opposing views among the professionals, and conflictual feelings toward the dying person.

The clergy, like any other helping professional, may find himself or herself in the midst of an intense situation, a major accident, a sudden loss, or a social crisis. Besides being knowledgeable and ready to help spiritually and existentially (with meaningful Scripture readings and compassionate prayers), ministers should acquaint themselves with the issues related to grief, loss, bereavement, terminal illnesses, biomedical ethics, family dynamics, crisis intervention, stress management, and conflict resolution. It is essential to realize that the pastor is not dealing only with one dying individual but with a circle of family members, relatives, and close friends (and at times, even adversaries) in whom the anticipated death has stirred a host of issues, emotions, behaviors, and attitudes.

So, caring for the dying person means also caring for those who are around him or her who perhaps are equally affected by the process of death. The pastor may succeed, at times, in helping facilitate the intense emotions, express the deep thoughts, and disclose the unresolved matters and, by doing so, helping family members reach some resolution and closure. The pastor may witness healing of past wounds, relief from current tensions, and emergence of fresh communication, transparency, and mutual forgiveness. He or she may be instrumental in causing substantial emotional cleanliness, spiritual renewal, or a marvelous sense of bonding, closeness, and affection. All this usually leads to a smooth ending, significant relief, and a peaceful death.

However, this is not the case all the time. In many instances, the death occurs without any possibility for peace, closure, or resolution. Instead, people become highly resistant, more divided, and deeply resentful as they drift further apart, perhaps not to see each other again. Therefore, the minister must not place high expectations on himself or herself or on the situation but rather he or she should realistically deal with such unfortunate losses, major disappointments, and missed opportunities.

K.C. Brownstone

K.C. Brownstone is an independent scholar who believes that critical thinking and spiritual reasoning should not be mutually exclusive. She received theological education from Dallas Theological Seminary and Asbury Theological Seminary. Personal subjects of interest are psychology and counseling.


FICO, Credit Cards, And Home Loans What Do They Have To Do With Me?

#1. - OPEN ACCOUNTS! - I have worked with several people that either had a Bankruptcy or got in trouble with credit cards and canceled them all. They use cash only now, thinking that is the best way to go. Well that is a great way to do things. However not if your trying to get a home loan or any other type of loan. In fact sometimes people don't even generate a FICO score because they don't have any credit at all! Thats bad news. You need three active credit accounts, preferably for one year to help your cause. "That means I have to use credit cards again? In the past they ruined me!" Well yea thats pretty much what it means. But lets understand how credit cards and loans effect your FICO score. First of all a FICO score doesn't look at your job or how much money you make. You could have no debt and a $100,000.00 a year job but if you dont have active accounts, your FICO score may still be low. That means higher interest rates on loans. Here is what you can expect in terms of interest rates in relation to what your FICO score is:

FICO score:-- APR:
760-850----- 5.918%
700-759----- 6.140%
660-699----- 6.424%
620-659----- 7.234%
580-619----- 8.777%
500-579----- 9.670%

Many people aren't aware that you cant really negotiate the rate much with lenders. That FICO score indicates your risk factor. You may know you can pay your loan but they don't. When they see a 500 credit score they think there is a huge risk you will default on your loan, so they give you the interest rate that makes them the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time. Don't think the lenders actually care about you or your circumstances they don't, they care about money, thats it, thats the bottom line. They see your score and offer you that high risk rate loan. No matter how good a loan officer/Broker is they cant get a 6% interest rate for someone with a 550 score. It doesn't matter how long you shop around. They can however lower their fees for you, give you great service, give you a no Yield Spread Premium loan, etc. Thats why its good to shop around for loan officers and find someone who honestly cares about you, your goals, and your money. I like to treat everyones loan who comes to me as if it were my own. Any way back to credit cards and how they help. Ok so you have a credit card with a $1,000.00 limit. If you carry a balance of $850 on it you will actually hurt your credit score. You see FICO wants to see how you manage your money and bases a score on that. If it thinks you aren't managing your money wisely then you get a lower score. If however you are carrying a balance of around 30% and making your payments on time every month that will help your credit score, looks like your managing your money well. Now it doesn't make a difference if you have a credit limit of $300 or a Platinum $10,000 limit card it works the same way. So if you've had problems in the past with credit cards my suggestion is use them for small things like gas and make sure you have the money to pay them off. Remember Credit Cards are basically LOANS NOT cash! You have to pay them back and sometimes at substantial interest. Please don't ever think of credit cards as cash. Credit cards help your FICO score by showing that you can manage your money responsibly and pay your debts on time. Your score gets higher as you continue to pay every month for years. Which will help you get a higher score a lower risk factor with the lenders and a better interest rate saving you $1,000s and $1,000.00s of dollars.

#2.- NEVER GO OVER 30 DAYS LATE ON ANYTHING! - Many people want to refinance their homes because they have gone 1,2,3 or even more months late on their mortgage. They have a 7% interest rate and suppose they can refinance at the same and take some cash out as well. If you have gone even once 30 days past due on a mortgage that is a killer to your FICO score. It causes it to just tank! So once that happens your going to end up in the High Risk score column. Your account moves to the "unsatisfactory" column on your credit report and Your refinance loan may be 9% or more and you may not even get financing. Remember the lenders just want to make money. What do you think they see when someone is 3 months past due on their current mortgage at 7% and they can only offer them a 10% loan at $300 more per month. They see default. If you think you might be short of money and before you go 30 days past due try to get refinancing then! Don't wait till its too late because your going to be stuck with this high interest loan until you can clean up your credit report and your score goes up. That could take 1, 2, or even 3 years or more! Don't ever go 30 days late on your credit cards! You may get charged a fee, and your interest may go sky high after you accidentally pay 10 days late, but, if you don't go 30 days or more it wont go on your credit report. 30 DAYS LATE=TANKING FICO SCORE. Remember that.

#3.- CHECK YOUR CREDIT REPORT - Get a copy of your credit report so you can see if there are any inaccuracies on it. Most people actually have one or two inaccuracies on their report. You may have old collection accounts that should be removed. These should be looked at carefully and then disputed with the credit agencies. There are 3 credit reporting agencies. EQUIFAX, EXPERIAN (formerly trw) and TRANS UNION. You will need to order a copy from each and dispute each individually they are seperate companies. You should try to do this BEFORE talking with your loan officer/Broker/Lender. Your score can go up significantly in 30 days or less by removing inaccurate information. It could be the difference in a 9.75% loan and a 6.9% loan. You cant take that chance. ORDER, REVIEW, DISPUTE!

Stuart Lichty is a Loan officer based out of Florida. For no teaser rate honest loans visit []