Saturday, December 21, 2013

YourSeniorCareBiz - Is it Worth It?

Now first thing we ought to ask ourselves at this point is what it's all about. From what I can tell based on the home page of the website, YourSeniorCareBiz basically involves operating a business venture that deals in health care services for seniors.

YourSeniorCareBiz members are provided training manuals after completing the sign up process which would make me wonder if you could acquire the skills you need to run this particular business by simply reading up on these manuals. On top of it all, running a business venture revolving around health care for the elderly isn't an easy picture to paint.

Checking the site further, YourSeniorCareBiz offers a host of business ventures that you might want to undertake which includes operating a nursing assistant training school, an agency for medical staffs and your own agency for home care. As you can see, these business ventures are all medically related and although the site claims that this business opportunity is for everyone, I am compelled to believe otherwise because in my opinion, these ventures are best utilized by those who have a medical background.

The good thing about YourSeniorCareBiz is that it isn't really that cost-prohibitive. The basic package cost $790 which covers the necessary documents required for the venture. The operation can also be described as a "hands-on" experience since YourSeniorCareBiz also offers training courses and workshops although these tend to be quite expensive. For instance, a workshop set to run on a single day costs $1,030 would certainly make a lot of people think twice although you can avail of a significant discount if you book early.

Overall, as mentioned earlier, YourSeniorCareBiz seems to be a really viable business venture for those who possess a background in health or medical fields. For one, they are in the better position to understand and comprehend the training resources provided and can pick the most suitable business venture that they feel are well suited for them. I don't think these are things that beginners can do and are advised to approach this particular business venture warily.

P.S. Want to learn more about YourSeniorCareBiz Reviews? ...Discover the truth in a candid and no-nonsense look at YourSeniorCareBiz Review ...Click the link!

First Time Home Buyer Loan - 2 Tips to Increasing Your Chances of Approval

We were all searching for that First Time Home Buyer Loan at one point in time, and if you are having just as much trouble as we did back then, I feel for you. However, all is not lost, and with these 2 simple tips, you will walk out from your loan officer with loan in hand.

1. Have your Credit Report Ready

Before you step foot in the bank, you must have at least your credit report, understand it, and know what is on it that they might see. You get a free report every year from each Credit reporting agency, get it, it will be invaluable to you. Make sure your credit is decent, and there are no non-payments on there. Non-payments usually mean automatic rejection, so please be careful.

2. Have a 10% available down payment

There is nothing worse than having the right credit, and being approved, as long as you have at least 10% payment available. This means, you need to know your price range of the home you want to buy, and have the maximum down payment available just in case.

Sometimes just having this payment is fine, and you might not even be required to use it. The bank might see that you planned ahead, and were prepared for it. However, you must realize if this down payment was from a loan of some sort, this would look bad for you. The down payment must not be a loan, as they see this as added debt. It must be savings, or a cash gift.

Follow these 2 simple tips, and you will be able to get your own First Time Home Buyer Loan without delay. Not being prepared for what is on your credit report is the worst thing you can do, and not having some form of down payment makes the bank look at you, and think you are not willing to put any risk into the deal. You will soon be in your new home in no time.

To learn everything you need to know about finding the Cheapest Home Loan, personal Loans, and all other loan types, visit where we help people get the best and cheapest loans whether they have good credit or bad!

Senior Home Care

One of the growing allied health care industries is Senior Home Care industry. This is because of an increase in the number of aged people. A home care professional is not required to provide any medical care. His duties are limited to running the house by keeping it tidy, helping the aged people to cook and eat, bathing and dressing them and reminding them to take their medicines on time. Sometimes they have to run errands.

These home care professionals are trained to perform their duties well. When you approach an agency that provides home care professionals, check the status of the agency. Check whether they are registered agents and what are the services they provide.

All reputed agencies will be more than happy to provide you with the information you are asking for. Some even give references to their present and past clients so that you can make cross checking. Once you are satisfied with an agency, the next step is to check how the home care professional is chosen by the agency.

Most agencies do a thorough check into the criminal background of the home care professional and only trustworthy ones will be assigned to senior citizens who need help. Reliability is an important factor because the family members cannot keep a watchful eye on the health care professional all the time.

Therefore, before signing the agreement with the hiring agency, interview the assigned candidate to ensure that he is trustworthy. Once you accept a certain health care provider, he naturally becomes a close aide of the aged member of your family. A certain level of trust and understanding between the caretaker and the care recipient is necessary to make the arrangement a success.

At the beginning, it is advisable to help the care provider to become familiar with the routines of your family and the aged family member. Give him/her all the necessary instructions. Most aged people don't like the idea of an outsider taking care of them and so the health professional should try not to be a hindrance in the way of the senior citizens.

Let the aged people do things on their own to the best of their abilities. This will give them the impression that they are not under the orders of anyone and the caretaker is just a friend only. The next step is to make a time schedule for the home health care professional.

You can expect three hours of daily service from him. If you need the services for the whole day, you must make alternate arrangements when the caretaker may be absent due to his own personal problems.

The final word to make the home care plan a success is to develop a strong bond between the caregiver and the care recipient. After all, the aim of hiring a care giver is to make the senior citizen happy and comfortable and only a dedicated and friendly person can provide these things.

If you want to find out more about CNA training, then check out Nursing Home CNA.

What Collection Agents Don't Want You to Know

As our economy continues to tighten many people will find it more difficult to manage their debt and eventually some will be have to deal with collection agents. Credit card debt is usually unsecured, that is, there is no collateral held against the debt. If consumers don't pay, creditors can place negative remarks on their credit reports but they cannot touch assets without taking legal action. Most often, creditors merely call it a loss and sell off old unpaid debt to a collection agency.

The creditor may be done with the account but for the consumer, the ordeal is just starting. If you find yourself in that position, knowing some simple truths about the coping with collectors can make this time less stressful and can help prevent you from making costly mistakes.

Open your mail. You will officially know what is going on with your account by mail. As companies give up on their ability to collect from you, they will transfer, actually sell, your account to another agency--often for pennies on the dollar. They must officially let you know when your account has been transferred. This is done through the mail. To address the debt, you need to know whom to contact. Additionally, every time your account is transferred it is actually worth less to the collection agency which translates into more negotiating power for you.

Answer the phone. Ignoring the phone only makes them call more often. When you speak to an agent, don't argue, don't whine about your situation, and don't plead your case. It won't do any good. Collection agents are on commission. They are interested only in money. They hear the same reasons and/or excuses all day, every day. They are not interested in your special circumstances and can do next to nothing to help you make it better.

Collectors are relentless. They will call you on your cell phone, call you at home or call you at work if they have the number. If you would rather not deal with telephone calls at all, confirm the address of the agency and send a letter stating that they may only contact you by mail. Get a return receipt for the letter you send. You may need to do this every time your account is sold to another agency.

On the phone, be nice but firm. Working in collections is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Collectors spend their whole day talking to fearful, angry, bitter, stressed and evasive people. Being pleasant and polite to them will make the conversation easier for both of you. Calmly assure the collection agent that your intention is to pay your debts in full when you have the money to do so. When they pressure you to make arrangements to pay, simply reaffirm what you have already said and apologize for not being able to do more at the present time.

Never mention bankruptcy. To a collection agent, bankruptcy means you have no intention of paying your debts.

Don't make promises you can't keep. Many of people will make promises to collection agents just to end the unpleasant call. Broken promises only result in more aggressive, less cooperative behavior from collectors. This is why it is better to avoid setting up payment schedules. The one thing you should always say to a debt collector is that you intend to pay your debts in full when it is possible to do so. Refrain from elaborating.

Don't believe what you hear. Collectors know more about the rules than you do and they are not going to educate you on your rights. They are going to say whatever it takes to get you to pay. They are trained to phrase what they say to you to be convincing, to catch you in lies and back you into a corner. They choose their words carefully and want to elicit an emotional reaction from you. What you hear may not be what the agent actually said and your response could make things worse.

Collection agents will threaten damage to your credit report. Point of fact, if your account is in collections, your credit report is already damaged pretty badly. Your first goal is to fix your finances so that you can begin to rebuild your credit. Temporary solutions just prolong the problem.

Nearly every letter you receive from a collection agency will indicate that you need to respond immediately to prevent possible legal action. If a collection agent mentions legal action, restate your intention to pay your debt in full and, if necessary, you are prepared to go to court and explain your intention and your situation to a judge. In the event that legal action is taken, show up with your documentation and, if you can afford one, a lawyer. Failing to appear will result in an automatic judgment against you that includes thousands of additional dollars to cover legal expenses.

Don't send post-dated checks. It is illegal for you to write checks when you do not have the money in the account to cover them. Writing post-dated checks is not only illegal; it can result in all sorts of problems. You will almost certainly bounce checks and jeopardize your checking account as well as your credit report. You will face overdraft fees from your bank and returned check fees from the collection agency.

Keep records. You should keep a separate file for each account. Keep copies of all the letters you send and receive. Take notes every time they call. Write down the name of the person, the date, time and duration of the call and what was said. If you can, record the call itself. You have to advise them that you are doing so before you press the record button and then confirm that you are recording the call just after you start recording asking for their spoken permission to record the call.

If you have money, you can negotiate. Keep in mind every time your account is transferred or sold to another agency, they have paid far less for that account than its face value. If they are going to sell your debt to someone else, why wouldn't they sell it off to you? You can negotiate with a collection agency for a lower amount. They won't like it. They will resist. They will say that what you want is not possible. But they do it all the time. Do not send any money until you have a written agreement that the amount you send will be recognized as payment in full, that no balance will be transferred or sold to another agency and that the report to the credit reporting agency will state that the account has been paid in full.

Educate yourself. The Federal Trade Commission produces a number of publications that explain consumer rights. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is available free in PDF format on their website.

Get Help. Speak with a certified financial counselor. A reputable financial counselor will be able to explain a wide range of options and their unique conditions and consequences for resolving your debt situation.

You are invited to visit and subscribe to weekly Tips for a Balanced Life. Joseph Onesta, M.A. is a speaker, trainer and coach working in the field of Human Performance Improvement, consulting with organizations and individuals to improve their performance through focused strategies, enriched work/life balance and enhanced communication. He is also the former Director of Education for Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Los Angeles and has helped thousands of consumers confront, remedy and prevent financial difficulties.

Toxins - Are You Aware of the Many Ways You Are Being Poisoned Everyday in Your Own Home?

Warning - many of your common household products contain toxic chemicals!

We have been hearing a lot about Toxins; toxins in the home, the work place, the environment, and our food.

Unfortunately, many people think that if something is on the "shelf", it is safe to use. After all the government would not allow a manufacturing company to harm us by marketing a shampoo that has harmful chemicals in it or a baby lotion that causes a rash, or a toothpaste that if swallowed could poison an individual.

Would they?

We must realize the "government" has no control over personal care products. It has no control over the household cleaners, or the chemicals that are used in the furniture or anything we use on a daily basis. Until someone dies, or someone "sues" a company, nothing can really be done.

This is where we as an individual come into the picture. (After all, who IS the government?) WE must take responsibility for what we use, what we eat, what we drink, what we wear, etc, etc.

But, because we are becoming more aware of what we really want to use and the food we really want to put into our bodies, more and more companies are also becoming aware of the consumer market and are marketing "safe" products.

But beware of marketing. Look before you leap and read the labels. The 5 minutes you spend now can pay off in years of better health.

Many people have used certain cleaning products such as "bleach" forever. After all, isn't that what grandma used or mom used? And some people still believe that it is the only thing that will disinfect. So it burns your skin, your eyes, your nose, and can kill you if you happen to mix it with another cleaner, but, gee whiz, habits are hard to change.

I am here to tell you, you need to start changing your habits. Your children are ADD, and you may well be too, people are dying of cancer and wonder why, you can't lose weight because you have so many chemical calories in your system, your system is shutting down. Everything you eat, you drink, you breathe, is filtered by the bodies organs; think, LIVER!

I would say this is just my opinion, but if you are aware at all, you know it is not just MY opinion. Have you looked at Mother Nature lately? Do you think she is as happy as she used to be before so many companies started thinking about just money?

There is a solution and you can be part of the solution or part of the problem. If you will just change from one toxic product to a safer, cleaner, personal care product, garden spray or window cleaner. A baby step at a time is what it takes. You can do it.

What follows is a list of toxic household products from the Environmental Protection agency. (Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Common household toxins and the products they're found in:)

- Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) - Lung and eye irritant. If mixed with ammonia or acid-based cleaners (including vinegar), releases toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to chloramine gas may cause mild asthmatic symptoms or more serious respiratory problems.

- Bisphenol A (BPA) - an additive in platics (such as water bottles) - raises the risk of certain cancers, hampers fertility and could contribute to childhood behavioral problems such as hyperactivity. Bisphenol A is especially dangerous to developing children even as they are in the mother's womb.

- Petroleum distillates (metal polishes) - Short-term exposure can cause temporary eye clouding; longer exposure can damage the nervous system, skin, kidneys, and eyes.

- Ammonia (glass cleaner) - Eye irritant, can cause headaches and lung irritation. If mixed with chorine, releases toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to chloramine gas may cause mild asthmatic symptoms or more serious respiratory problems.

- Phenol and cresol (disinfectants) - Corrosive; can cause diarrhea, fainting, dizziness, and kidney and liver damage.

- Nitrobenzene (furniture and floor polishes) - Can cause shallow breathing, vomiting, and death; associated with cancer and birth defects.

- Formaldehyde, (a preservative in many household products) - Suspected human carcinogen; strong irritant to eyes, throat, skin, and lungs.

- Perchloroethylene or 1-1-1 trichloroethane solvents (Spot removers & carpet cleaners) - Can cause liver and kidney damage if ingested; perchloroethylene is an animal carcinogen and suspected human carcinogen.

- Naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene (mothballs) - Naphthalene is a suspected human carcinogen that may damage eyes, blood, liver, kidneys, skin, and the central nervous system; paradichlorobenzene can harm the central nervous system, liver, and kidneys.

- Hydrochloric acid or sodium acid sulfate (toilet bowl cleaners) - Either can burn the skin or cause vomiting diarrhea and stomach burns if swallowed; also can cause blindness if inadvertently splashed in the eyes.

- Formaldehyde, phenol, and pentachlorophenol (spray starch) - Any aerosolized particle, including cornstarch, may irritate the lungs.

Each year, over 1 million children are accidentally poisoned in their homes. More than 250,000 of these victims are hospitalized. 3,000 children will end up in intensive care. Thousands of children and adults are permanently disfigured through contact with chemicals in the home. The most common poison is a household cleaner even though many are considered safe.

Cancer in smokers is a result of daily exposure to trace amounts of carcinogens in cigarettes. People exposed daily to low levels of carcinogens in cleaning products face similar risks. Chemicals in household products also put the user at risk for nervous system, kidney & liver damage and asthma.

Children are especially vulnerable to chemical fumes. They are closer to floor, crawl on the floor, put blankets over heads. There are companies that manufacture safer products for your home which are free from ammonia, phenol, chlorine, petroleum distillates, synthetic solvents, and other dangerous ingredients. Isn't it time you took the time to discover the poisons in your own home. Think about it!

Michael Tomberlin has been teaching young people for over ten years. He is now directing his efforts to teaching people more about physical, financial and environmental health. He has a website at You can visit him there or contact Michael directly at

Friday, December 20, 2013

Tips To Help You Start Your Own All-Round Translation Business

There is no shortage of translators who take the plunge and set up shop as self-employed freelancers, but few have the ambition or the spirit to start up their own all-round translation agency. This is not surprising, of course, as the establishment of a full- scale translation agency is a quantum leap compared with what it takes to launch a viable freelance practice. Nevertheless, the intellectual and financial rewards of business ownership can be substantial. Below I will discuss various aspects you will have to take into account should you consider beginning your own professional and all-round translation business.

All-round translations

First of all, what is meant, in this particular context, by the term 'all-round'? Basically, it refers to the scope of your product. As a freelancer your output would be confined to your own language combination and degree of specialisation; as an agency owner you will be able to supply your clients with translations across a whole range of source and target languages and disciplines, including commercial, technical, medical and legal documents. In theory, your range would be limited only by the number of staff you would be prepare to contract.

Internal organisation

If you want to establish your own translation company, you would be well advised to find a competent partner first - unless you are willing to hire staff right from the start (which, in most cases, is not a recommendable procedure). Ideally, your business partner should be a person whose qualities are complementary to your own, if only because in such cases the division of tasks is usually quite obvious (and a potential source of conflict is removed). There are good reasons to separate responsibility for product quality (i.e., the quality of the translations) from organisational responsibilities (order processing, account management, etc.). These two roles do not go together very well in practice, and the associated skills are not usually combined within one and the same person anyway.

Find suitable office accommodation that includes at least two rooms: one library-style room where you can work in peace, and one nerve centre where the business is done. Make sure you have at least three computer workstations (one spare station is no luxury) and an office printer, a telephone switchboard with at least two external lines and a fax. Get yourself a straightforward high-quality accounting programme with a CRM module and document your working methods in detailed systematic procedures.

Don't forget to lay down and formalise a number of essential agreements on tasks and responsibilities with your business partner, so as to prevent any misunderstandings. Business Plan

Once you have gathered all the information you need, you should draw up a Business Plan. Examples of such plans are available at your local Chamber of Commerce, or can be downloaded (for a fee) from the Internet. These specimen copies are structured in such a way that they will assist you in each step of your own Business Plan. One of the main advantages of having a reliable Business Plan is that it will present you with a realistic estimate of the money you will need to get your agency off the ground. If your capital requirements exceed your private budget (and it is quite likely that they will), you will have to present a thorough Business Plan to the bank in order to persuade them that your plans will pay off.

High-quality freelance translator network

The main asset of any translation agency is obviously its network of reliable translators. Incidentally, you need not be a networking freak to build up such a freelance network. Many freelancers will present themselves to you spontaneously as soon as they get wind of your existence; alternatively, you can actively recruit them and check out CVs on a variety of collective freelance websites, such as Translators Café or GoTranslators. The snag is that you will be hard put to appraise a freelancer's skills if you do not master the language concerned. CV assessment is important, but by no means sufficient: you will need to be able to judge the quality of a freelancer's actual output before entrusting him or her to your clients!

To obviate this problem, check your own network of colleagues or friends for highly-educated native speakers of the language concerned, ask several freelancers to submit (free) trial translations, have them assessed and select the two or three most promising freelancers for each language combination you intend to offer. Carefully document the strengths and weaknesses of each selected freelancer and list the specialisations. Note that you won't get a truly reliable picture of a freelancer's capacity and skills until he/she has had the opportunity to do several translation jobs for you.

Once you have a pool of reliable freelance translators for each language combination, you can obviously also ask them to check and assess trial translations submitted by other candidates.

Another point to bear in mind is that the freelancers you decide to work with should comply with all the requirements imposed by your country's Tax & Customs Administration. Each freelancer should be able to produce a formal statement, issued by the tax authorities, attesting to his/her status as an independent translator.

Reliable network of suppliers

Your freelance translators are obviously your most important suppliers, but the supply network comprises other parties as well that will need to be carefully selected as you will need to use their services on an ongoing basis. These include the bank, the accountant, the printer and the graphic designer.


Once the internal set-up of your agency is in place, your first priority should be to recruit clients in a systematic manner. For many start-ups in the translation business, this is the most difficult hurdle. Obviously there is a multitude of strategies that can help you attract clients in the business-to-business segment (which accounts for most of the turnover of any self-sufficient translation agency). One very helpful tool, if used correctly, is Direct Marketing. In principle, two different Direct Marketing strategies are available:

1. Internet marketing

One effective and relatively cheap method of generating business in the short term is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), a term that refers to a variety of techniques to help you strengthen your presence on the Internet, and to help prospective clients find you there. A strong position in Internet search engines will increase the number of times you are invited to submit a quote for a translation job, for the simple reason that you will be more likely to be selected if you are easy to find on the Internet.

Some Internet facility agencies have specialised in Search Engine

Optimisation and will be able to improve your search engine rating within a couple of months. Most of these companies charge annual subscription fees. If you want immediate results, ask for an adword campaign.

2. Database marketing

This a rather more expensive client acquisition technique. Call large international corporations and government agencies likely to produce texts for translation on a regular basis, and ask for the name of the person who is responsible for translation services (usually an official at the Director's Office, Communications or the Marketing Department). Gather the information in a database and mail the contact persons four or five times a year. The mailing could comprise your company brochure, a letter of recommendation, flyers, a magazine for business relations or any other item that will help remind the reader of your name and the level of quality that you offer.

An effective database contains at least 1,000 companies or other organisations, and should also contain the names of the contact persons. It goes without saying that you will also have to invest in continually updating your database.

Fester Leenstra is co-owner of a translation agency in the Netherlands.
Please visit: or

First Time Home Buyers Grants: Preparation Before Application Increases Probability Of Approval

The government of United States presents awards in the form of first time home buyers grants to responsible and eligible citizens who wish to own a home. Legal citizens with good records in addition are eligible to utilize this provision provided they earn quite low and are unable to afford expenses to build a house.

First time home buyers grants are designed to help citizens of United States purchase their first home. The monetary amount however varies in the case of each applicant. Almost all of these funds are available from different government bodies although some are sponsored by private companies and organizations. If you happen to research the provision that the government has designed for the citizens, then you discover that there are numerous kinds of such funds related to first time home buyers grants.

As an applicant or a citizen interested in such provisions carefully choosing and identifying the best government grant that suits the requirement is challenging. This is a crucial step since the possibilities of approval of grant greatly depends on your needs and coincides with the factors required for any particular grant. Preparation, extensive research, and lots of investigation, for the process will increase the probability of winning a grant. First time home buyers grants are awarded to those citizens of America who really deserve them. That's why all steps and procedures pertaining to these grants need to be followed carefully.

Almost any grant involves issuing the proper documentation. Hence ensure that you are aware of the eligibility criteria which are essential to be fulfilled to obtain such grants. Knowing the correct time to issue an application, the correct choice of grant and the right approach, will save you a whole lot of time and energy. You can't expect fund to be available at all times especially since there's already a tough competition for those who are interested in such provision. Hence ensure that you recognize all the possibilities along with the best suitable time to submit an application. Certainly you need to understand the best places submit the application. If possible, consult with someone from such governmental agencies accountable for the award. Even asking for suitable guidance from another citizen who has already been benefited would be quite helpful in the process.

Approval for first time home buyers grants applications are driven by the applicant's preparation and determination to win such an award prior to issuing a request.

If you are devoid of the ability to purchase your own home, then for such buyers the eligibility to access a first time home buyers grants is of utmost importance. Find out how you can qualify to meet the criteria at first time home buyers grants.

3 Rewarding Work From Home Employment Opportunities

Working from home has never been this easy, with such high speed internet connection and millions of work opportunities that we can enjoy from all parts of the world today. Whether you wish to work online using simple tools like the computer and telephone, or offline doing work that involves people to people communication, the internet provides a large database of work opportunities that one can choose from. However, you if are unsure of what you can and wish to do, here are 3 rewarding work from home employment opportunities you can consider investing in.

Freelance Work

Whatever skills or experience you have, doing freelance work is one of the easiest ways to earn money from home. The internet provides an incredibly large pool of freelance work one can choose from. They include data entry, transcription, accounting, designing, programming, proof reading and the list goes on. You do not need a degree in any of them to do well in the job. So, depending on your interests and capabilities, you can select the type of work that suits you best. If the job requires more advanced knowledge, your employer will usually provide trainings and guides to help you through the initial stages. As the demand for freelance workers has increased over the years, so have their salaries. This is one many people have found it more profitable to invest in such businesses instead of their regular 9 to 5 job. Doing freelance work allows you to put your skills to good use to earn good money, thus, many have found it very rewarding to invest time in such work.

Home Tuition

This is just the job for you if you have prior experience to teaching or child care. Many parents today are seeking home tuition for their kids, and most are willing to spend large sums just to ensure that their kids are well educated and able to excel in school. Thus, if you love children and have sufficient space in your home, do consider this as one of the more viable options available. Using what you have learnt in school previously to earn a living today, can be a real rewarding experience you if you know how to plan and structure your home classes well.

Recruitment Work

If you are one with a large network of friends and business contacts, then setting up a recruitment agency may just be the ideal work from home employment opportunity for you. All you need is a computer to store your information, and a well connected telephone that is able to link you up to all parts of the world. This job requires you to help companies find employees for them, while you earn a commission for every successful business deal made. So, even if you are busy with your kids in the living room, you will still have the opportunity to conduct several business transactions over phone and earn a commission.

These 3 rewarding work from home employment opportunities are sought after by thousands of employers and home business owners today. Understanding them in detail will aid you in choosing the right one for yourself.

Kenneth Shorey is an expert on making a good income online. He has been teaching thousands how to work at home on the internet to earn a good income. Click Here to get FREE business tips on making money at home.

Is Home Health Care For You?

To find out if the disabled person a disabled person is in need of home health care assistance, you should seek the advice of a physician. Be sure to find out the patient you are considering requires professional home health care or home care services.

Professional home health care services givers include the medial aspect such as nurses, therapists, home health care assistants, and other licensed and certified medical caregivers. They are present to administer skilled care to the patient.

Home care services are provided to those who need assistance with tasks such as house cleaning, running errands, cooking, and just being around to assist if the patient needs other tasks such as these performed.

Social workers also play a part in home health care. They can provide counseling for emotional and social problems that the patient may be experiencing. They will direct those who need it to community resources which are available to them. They have various other services to offer as well.

Companions are another part of the care giving team. They are the ones who provide companionship to people who can not stay by themselves. If a disabled person stays by their self having a companion there to assist them can help if an emergency situation should occur.

To be assured that you have the best quality home health care for your disabled family member speak with others who are having or have had the same experience as you are going through.

Make sure that the home health caregiver that you request is experienced in care giving. The caregiver's supervisor should manage the care provided to make sure the patient is receiving quality health care.

Whether you are hiring a home health care provider on your own or through an agency be sure to conduct an interview. Go over the needs of the patient and make sure the caregiver is capable of providing the type care that the patient needs. Advise the caregiver on medications, physical and mental problems that the patient may have, and how to deal with them. Make sure they know where everything is situated in the house which pertains to patient care. It will help in case of an emergency.

The payment for home health care services may be paid by the patient or some such as a family member. Medicare, under certain guidelines, will pay for skilled caregivers. There are others such as Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, and Social Services have programs which assist qualified patients. There are various other payers such as private insurances and more.

If the cause of illness is a work related incident workers compensation could pay for the home health care needed. In any case, the actual cost of home health care depends on which state the patient resides in.

Matt D Murren owns and operates Home Health Care

Home Care Overview

What You Need to Know About Home Care

As an increasing number of seniors choose to remain in their home rather than move into a senior living community, the demand for home care continues to rise. Also called "companion care", home care consists of non-medical services that allow an individual to receive assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs). In contrast, "home health care", consists of skilled nursing services that are provided in the home by licensed professionals such as nurses, physicians, and therapists.

Defining ADLs and IADLs

Activities of daily living generally include the following:

Hygiene (brushing hair, brushing teeth, denture care, etc.)
Toileting (including hygiene, use of incontinence products)
Transferring (moving from bed to chair, walker to toilet, etc.)

Instrumental activities of daily living generally include the following:

Light house-cleaning and upkeep
Meal preparation
Medication management
Shopping for groceries or clothes
Using the telephone to schedule appointments, etc.
Managing money (balancing a checkbook, paying bills)

The frequency of services provided varies depending on several factors. The primary factor is the level of independence that a senior is able to maintain while ensuring their basic care needs are met. For example, a senior that is still independent in all ADLs may only need assistance with IADLs such as house-cleaning, laundry and transportation to shopping once a week. In other situations, seniors may need daily supervision of particular activities in order to ensure their physical safety and well-being. Medication management is one of the most important services provided to seniors living alone in their homes. If medications are taken more than once a day, a home care provider can be hired to ensure correct dosages and the appropriate timing of each dose. Meal preparation provided at the same time ensures proper nutrition and hydration throughout the day. For couples in which one spouse acts as the primary caregiver, home care services often serve as an intermittent yet much needed break in day to day responsibilities.

Home care also offers flexibility as services can be arranged on a short-term or long-term basis. For example, services are often arranged for seniors after a medical crisis has occurred, such as a stroke or injurious fall. In such cases, temporary assistance may be needed while regaining strength and/or mobility. Services may also be provided on a long-term basis in order to allow a senior to receive care while their adult child is working during the day.

Home Care Costs

A prospective client's needs are determined by a licensed medical professional through an initial assessment. This process typically takes place at the home of the client but the location of the assessment varies as well. An assessment determines the frequency of care needed and thus the estimated expense based on an hourly rate. Most agencies have a 4 hour minimum per day. According to the MetLife Mature Market Institute(R) the average hourly rate for home care services provided nationwide was $18 in 2008. If a client requires around-the-clock or overnight care, a daily or nightly rate is assessed and may cost approximately $150 to $375 depending on the geographic area.

While Medicare does not cover home care, those eligible for Medicaid may receive financial assistance for services provided in the home. However, most home care agencies do not accept Medicaid and thus private pay is required. For veterans or spouses of veterans, Veteran's Aid and Attendance benefits may also be available. Visit for general information about these benefits and the eligibility requirements.

A Caveat Regarding Home Care

It is highly advised to arrange for home care services through a reputable agency that is licensed, bonded and insured. Caregivers that advertise independently through newspapers or other means may not have the qualifications required of employees at agencies. By going through an agency, you're ensured that the caregiver has gone through a state and/or nationwide background check and has completed formal training requirements.

Visit our website for more information on home care and other senior care options. is a comprehensive resource for seniors and family members seeking information about senior housing and senior living.

Types of Home Health Care Services

Various types of home health care services are available ranging from common care to specialized care. The application of the services essentially depends on the person who is required to avail of them. This person may be an elderly person or a young person with special conditions. Depending on the requirement of the individual and the extent to which families can offer their care, home healthcare service agencies are hired to close up the gap and look after the ailing. Let us explore the types of home health care services.

Physician and Nursing Care

This involves the periodical visit of the specialized physician for examining and determining the condition of the ailing. Nursing care involves a nurse being stationed in order to administer and implement a definite medical care plan as drawn up by the physician in charge. Nursing care also involves monitoring the health of the patient and reporting it to the family and physician on a regular basis.

Physical Therapies

Certain patients require assistance to get back on their feet and perform their day to day activities. Such people are generally victims of some physical traumas causing them physical damages. Care pertaining to dressing, grooming and feeding is required to be provided by the caregiver in addition to other related assistance such as speech therapy or physiotherapy, depending on the ailment.

Mental Therapies

An ailing person is subjected to tremendous emotional and mental stress. More often than not this inner stress cannot be tackled by the family alone. Thus home health care services agencies are summoned in order to impart counseling and companionship to such patients. These services cover an array of professional services which assist the patient in overcoming their inhibitions and getting back on their feet. These services are also extended by socialist is on a voluntary basis. Providing company to the patient is also a relevant objective since he or she may be restricted socially by the prevalent health condition.

Home-Keeping Care

Homemaking health care facilities are also provided by service agencies. In addition to dressing, grooming, bathing a patient may require care in terms of nutrition and diet. Thus a service provider may also shop for grocery and cook for such a patient. Also specialized housekeeping is left to the service provider in many cases as the patient may require a more sterile and germ free environment than the rest of the house.

Specialty Care Services is an Assisted Living Homes offers personalized flexible home care services fulfilled by experienced and professional caregivers in the Maryland, Washington, DC and Northern Virginia areas.

Adopt a Horse

Adopting a horse is quite different than adopting all other animals. They need constant care and maintenance. Up keep and making sure they eat right is very important when it comes to getting a horse. If you are prepared to spend quite a bundle then you can adopt a horse and care for it, maybe you will find it is the next sea biscuit.

Animal lovers are always willing to provide for animals no matter how big or small and adopting a horse is no great feet for them. Ensuring that the horse finds a good home is what it is all about for them. The process of adopting a horse is the same that is applied for adopting a cat or dog.

There several people who would like to own their own horse whether it is a pet or a race horse. The only problem comes up when it is time to take care of the horse. If you are capable of owning a horse then you already have large fields and space where the horse can run around and graze. Feeding a horse is not simple either they do not only eat grass or hay but also fruits like apples and much more. Be prepared to spend a lot but if you have the grounds it an added advantage. You can build a place for it to sleep and feed.

There is however other ways you can maintain a horse by hiring out a stable where you can keep your pet and go and visit it as well as take rides on it to keep it fit. Many people who opt for this means know their pet horse will be taken care of and they usually visit the horse and also ride it.

Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Pet Adoption. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here PET ADOPTION If You Enjoyed This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Nurses Wanted -- Incredible Career Opportunities in Nursing Today

While the need for qualified nurses has always been a factor in the healthcare industry, the demand is greater now than in the past decade. Who will make the Nursing Choice?

Nursing is today a very bright career option given its wide application and multifaceted nature. Though nursing has always been to support health needs of the people, but being an inseparable part of doctor-patient relationship, it has undergone many alterations effected by the changing needs of the people and the society at large. Today nursing has assumed a colossal role, encompassing all aspects of healthcare provided to the society. The testimony to its value lies in the fact that nursing makes the largest component of healthcare profession with about 2.6 million registered nurses (RNs) in US. So then what does a nurse do? By tradition, a nurse's unique function in health care is to assist the patient in regaining his or her normal health and activities within a reasonably short period of time. In other words, nursing caters to that function where a patient is helped to perform routine activities, which she or he would be in a position to do without aid under normal health conditions. Nursing differs from practicing medicine in that it aids in easing problems arising out of ailment rather than diagnosing and treatment of illness as is the case with medicine.

While this has been the traditional view, nursing today belongs to a wide gamut of healthcare activities. Thus, apart from catering to patients' well-being in hospitals, community health clinics, nursing homes, long-term care centers and care agencies, nursing is also a sought-after profession as teachers in nursing schools, as research scholars engaged or helping in research activities, as hospital regulators, as professionals in insurance and healthcare companies, and above all as administrators in nursing related entities.

Even as nursing career has diversified into many disciplines, the principal requirement of nurses remains in hospitals and different healthcare centers. However, many nurses prefer to function independently as nurse practitioners, certified midwives, specialist nurses for clinics, certified nurses for anesthetists and so on. Many of these specialized jobs call for nursing education up to master's level after having served as registered nurses that require bachelor's degree.

Let us now look at what a student needs to know in order to become a practitioner in nursing.

Studying Nursing

You need to be a student of Science in high school with chemistry, biology, physics, psychology, algebra, English, and preferably computer application. In order to enroll into a nursing school, you may need to take NLN Pre-Admission Examination in addition to other tests, such as SATs. It is always a good idea to seek admission in state-approved accredited nursing schools. For good career prospects, studying 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is preferable. Other common courses are 2-year Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program and 2 to 3-year Hospital Diploma in Nursing. A BSN degree will pave the way to study masters course in nursing, if later you so desire.

NCLEX Licensure Examinations

Assuming that you have already earned your bachelor degree in nursing, it is now time for you to pass one of the two licensure examinations conducted by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). The examinations are meant to test your competence to effectively and safely serve as a newly licensed, entry-level registered nurse. The two examinations are the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) and the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN).

For more detail information about the tests and how you must prepare to perform well, consider visiting the website of NCSBN.

Nursing Opportunities

Career opportunities are aplenty in nursing as briefly elaborated above. There is indeed a varying choice of attractive careers available today for nursing graduates owing to several factors, the chief among which being huge shortfall of qualified nurses projected over the coming decade.

Earnings Potential

Upon becoming a registered nurse (RN) with 4-year BSN degree, entry-level nurses can expect yearly income of $31,000 to $41,000. That translates to $15 to $20 per hour of work. Salary increases with experience. If you opt to become a traveling nurse later in your career, you may make between $23 to $35 per hour plus free housing, free insurance, travel reimbursement and lots of fringe benefits.

As you can see, nursing is a good career option loaded with immense opportunities.

Copyright 2006 Linda Raye

Linda Raye is an accomplished author having a special interest in healthcare and nursing. You can contact her at

What Do We Work All Our Lives For?

I have been witness to some of the most devastating awakenings that one could definitely have on aging and the health care that this country is dishing out. I am appalled at the way health care is robbing the elderly just when they need them the most.

I have 2 older men who have been severely ill and have required the stay at nursing facilities and the cost is astronomical. These men are retired from jobs they worked all there lives on to have a retirement and now they have lost it all to health care industries,hospitals and nursing homes.

The doctors are no help either. They can't take what the insurance will pay but they want these poor individuals to pay out of pocket the rest of the out ragas bills that have accumulated. Yes,I agree that some of the bill should be paid but on a sliding scale bases. There is no way that these guys can pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for their care that they so desperately needed. It was life or death situations. They were not fly by night patients. One had a heart attack and the other has kidney failure and requires a feeding tube due to a stroke that he had.

Do we work all our lives to only give it back to the government or the insurance agency. If you pay for insurance for a long period of time then it should pay for hospital stays and any other extended care facilities that may be necessary. The facility should accept the insurance payments and be happy with that but they are so greedy that they want to take the shirt of your back and your paints to if they can get them.

They say if we don't have insurance by the end of the year then fines will be written to those who don't have it. Well what are we suppose to do?Take food off our tables to pay for insurance. I don't think that is a good idea. I'm going to make sure my family has something to eat. Health care will have to come later when the money is available.

This is a sad situation and the price of insurance is going to have to lower their price so that the little man can afford it.

They are sending people home with complicated equipment that the family has too much problem operating the machines and with inadequate instructions. Teaching needs to reinforced to alleviate some of the caregivers stress that is already out the ceiling. If we are going to have to do all the care at home, then what are the hospitals for.

Health Care Reform is a good idea but all the leeks need to worked out before it is enforced and start making people pay for something that is not worth the paper it is written on. We don't need a lot of smoke being bellowed up our noses and then only to find out that it don't pay for anything and we still end up footing the bill.

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Setting Goals For the Various Nationwide Nursing Positions That Are Available

There are several shortages in terms of the number of Registered Nurses (RNs) in U.S. Hospitals based from the report of the American Hospital Association. There are very few RNs available to fill the vacancies in positions in the hospitals.

Traditionally, nurses receive a low salary. Being a nurse is also not so pleasing because it is always being associated with the menial task of having to care for the ill. Their usual tasks include emptying the bed pans, changing beds and filling water containers. However, these menial tasks are no longer being done by the nurse nowadays. They now have nursing aides or nursing assistants with them to do these tasks. Usually, those who try out if nursing is really for them start out as nursing aides. They just take up very basic courses. However, nursing aides receive salaries that are much lower than the registered nurses. Since being a nursing assistant means having lower pay, many do aspire to become Registered Nurses.

To become a Registered nurse, one has to undergo more course requirements. Then he or she has to pass the licensure exam. Nowadays, there is a high demand for licensed vocational nurses (LVN). LVNs receive higher salaries as compared to what a nursing assistant receives. Also, they are working directly under the supervision of a doctor or a registered nurse.

To become an LVN, one has to complete an LVN program that usually lasts for about three semesters worth of clinical and classroom hours. This is an intensive program. Right now, there are courses that could be taken via distance learning. However, there are still on-site courses as well as laboratory and clinical requirements that must be completed. There are different LVN curriculums in different locations. After finishing the courses being required by the university, the LVN is then required to first pass the state-mandated exam before finally working as an LVN.

Right now, there are also hospitals that offer in-house training programs. These are usually facilitated for their employees that suddenly want to become a nurse. The perks of this is that employees could attend their classes during their company time. Usually, the training is being offered on site. Some companies even reimburse the tuition of those who enrol in these programs. They even allow being flexible.

For those who want to become a Registered Nurse, they are required to complete 4 years worth of studying. They are supposed to acquire a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. It was seen that in the past year, salaries of RNs have escalated because there had been shortage in their number.

The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLAC) is responsible for accrediting certain colleges based upon meeting their stringent requirements. Those accredited nursing programs are supposed to help the students prepare for the board exams, which will then enable them to get the license as registered nurses.

Several thoughts on how to begin a nursing career approaches a student nurse who is about to graduate. It is very important that a new nurse seriously thinks about his/ her goals for his/her career. Long and short term goals are included in what must be considered. Whenever someone goes to school to gain some education, he usually has some plans for himself. There is a certain direction that is always being looked upon. For someone who graduates from a nursing program, he must once again set a direction for himself for the real world that awaits before him.

However, it must be remembered that for a decision to be worthwhile, it must not be haphazardly done. Things must be carefully prepared. In order for future goals to materialize, things should be planned accordingly. There are certain pre-requisites that has to be completer first before reaching the finish goal. It is therefore important that things has to be ironed out well and think well about their different career goal paper. In the succeeding paragraphs, a sample of what a career goal paper is being shown. It is important to think about career goals and the best time to deal with these is no other than now.


I have been attracted by the nursing field because of different reasons. The first reason is that the nurse is in the front line of saving lives and in caring for the other people. Before the physician, it is the nurse who first sees the patient who is in need of emergency care. The field of nursing has attracted me because what a nurse does is not really that far from what a physician does. Someday, I also hope to become a physician.

Another reason why I was attracted to become a nurse is because nurses are practitioners of therapeutic communication. They treat the response of a patient to an illness that is either perceived or real. For me, this is a corner stone by which nursing is based on. This therapeutic communication is a holistic approach, which is successful in healing patients. For me, healing must first start from within before any individual will be able to experience the success of healing without. Nurses are very helpful in making the patients adapt to a positive instead of a negative thinking.

What I mentioned above are just few of the many reasons why I was attracted to join the field of nursing.


Some of my short-term goals include passing successfully my course entitled Nursing 255. After that, I want to pass the national board exam. After accomplishing these, I want to work for the medical-surgical ward. I want to continue honing my skills as a graduate of nursing. I prefer to work as a medical-surgical nurse because this field will be very helpful in enhancing my clinical skills.


I am also hoping that I will become an active member in the nursing profession. I want to join the American Nurses Association. Then, I would attend seminars and I would lobby that nurses will be allowed to independently prescribe medication. In the next five years, I hope that I would have finished another degree as an advanced practice nurse that is specialized in the family healthcare field. I also hope that I would have been working in the hospital emergency room by then.


I only have simple personal goals. I do not really intend to become so rich. I just want to do the thing that satisfies me the most. Right now, I am already very thankful to the God Almighty for he has already given me an opportunity to make it this far. I would personally like to take care of my mom. Also I would just like to help my family in the best possible way I could. My happiness sprouts from the thought that I am being of help to the other people. I am very thankful to all of my instructors for they are the ones who have shared with me their experience and knowledge so that I could be one of the competent nurses present. I just want to continue making them proud of me.

For More Information See: How to How to start a nursing agency, visit

Work From Home Income

Work from home income is one of the most thought about topic in today's world. Many individuals have either lost their job or are in a current one that they feel like they are walking on egg shells around the office. Many people are finding they are short on cash for their monthly expenses, future vacations or retirement and wonder if they work from home can it help. Unfortunately the world that we live in today is if you do have a job or career you are taking on extra hours or responsibilities to impress the boss that probably doesn't even know your name.

Consider the following

Consider the following work from home income opportunities:

Child care provider

While you may think this is a fancy name for a "babysitter", well yes it can be. Look at it this way, many people are taking night jobs because that is all they can obtain. Many single parents don't have the ability to obtain a live in service or have family that can help. You could still continue your 9-5 job but provide childcare from 11-7. The best part is that the child is sleeping 80 percent of the time and so are you. Or you could provide weekend or special event childcare on days like St. Patrick's Day, New Years Eve or any type of celebration.

Freelance typing, writing or editing

Many companies now want a competitive advantage over their competitors so they have started outsourcing. Outsourcing for companies saves them time and money and it provides them with professional content or services to give their clients. You have the ability to search out outsourcing companies and look to find out if they are in need of additional writers or editors. This works well for the person that has a very limited schedule; one thing you will find though is that the pay varies dramatically. I would suggest as with any opportunity that you do your due diligence.

Cleaning Houses

While many of us are not real keen on this idea, myself included. This is primarily for one reason; we don't like to clean, so why start a business that is based around cleaning? Any work from home income opportunity you start, you have got to make sure that it is something you enjoy. If you enjoy cleaning, this is right up your alley because just by cleaning a couple houses a week you could potentially make 500.00 a month. While normal houses could take three hours to do a good cleaning, you would just have to figure out if you wanted to charge by the house or by the hour.

A Virtual Assistant

Many of us have heard this term before but really what is a virtual assistant and can you be one? A Virtual Assistant is someone who provides professional administrative, technical or creative assistance to clients from a home office. A good example is being a receptionist from your home for a small business like a broker or a consultation firm. Another example would be if a small business needed a monthly newsletter sent out, you could do this from home and send it back to the company as a pdf.

Online Auctions

Online auctions are becoming quite popular since you can be on numerous auction sites at once from the comfort of your own home. How this could be a work from home income opportunity is actually quite simple; the legendary buy low and sell high principle. You may come across an opportunity to buy a bulk of specialty tools from a company that is filing bankruptcy. With this amazing opportunity you could obtain these for pennies on the dollar, and then resell on the other sites or locally. While this process can be very time consuming it can be a very lucrative opportunity for the individual that knows his or her products.

How will you get the word out?

While many of these examples are good work from home income opportunities you need to think of a couple things:

Branding - branding is you, branding is getting who you are out in the world. Branding is a name, a sign, symbol, slogan or anything that is used to identify and distinguish a specific product, service or business. As a business owner you have got to build "you" as a brand so you may stand out in the crowd.

Marketing - this is my favorite, as this is what I help people to learn. Marketing is the wide range of activities involved in making sure that you're continuing to meet the needs of your customers and getting value in return. Without marketing consider yourself a store front with no sign outside above the door and everyone keeps walking by because they don't know who you are, what you do or that you even exist.

Name this marketing campaign

One of the best known marketing campaigns in history started in 1988 that had an ad agency called Wieden and Kennedy and a small group of other employees from another company brainstorming. In ten years due to this marketing campaign this company was able to increase its market share from 18 percent to 43 percent, from 877 million in sales to 9.2 billion.

If you guessed Nike and the marketing campaign "Just Do It" you are a marketing guru that knows your marketing history. While everyone may not like the brand Nike, you have got to respect the marketing campaign and the results it provided.

In closing, there are many work from home income opportunities available to everyone and anyone. Your responsibility is to find one that you are passionate about and do something every day that will drive your business. Just remember that marketing is the fuel you will need to drive it. Without knowledge on how to market your business or service you can almost count on failing, check out my website to learn more about marketing.

Robert David Strong

Finding an Assisted Living Facility Alternative for Your Loved One - Home Care Solutions

The following information is available for individuals who are in the process of making a decision about home care or an alternative to assisted living facility living. If your loved one has decided he or she would prefer to remain in the comfort of their own home rather than an elderly living facility, take the time to decide the best in senior care option for your loved one; it's important to thoroughly research any professional in senior home care provider who will be visiting your home on a regular schedule.

If you've decided on home care as an alternative to assisted living facilities, the following information is important to consider before starting your search. First determine which type of services you or your loved one will need. It may be best to consult a physician or hospital discharge planner for assistance in evaluating your loved one's special needs and care requirements. After acquiring the names of several service providers, take the time to consider their offered services and reputations. Here are a variety of questions to ask senior care providers and other individuals concerning the track record and history of an elderly living facility alternative care provider:

How long have you been in business as a provider of home care services?
How do you select and train your employees?
Do you provide nurses and/or therapists who evaluate patient home care needs?
Who supervises the provision of care?
How do you involve or include the patient and his or her family in care plan development?
How do you bill for services?
What procedures are in place in case of emergency?
How is patient confidentiality handled?
Can the home care provider supply a list of references?

Before choosing your senior living facility alternative and settling into a home care plan that works for you, remember that a little initial research can go a long way towards making the patient/senior care provider relationship beneficial to all.

An Alternative to Assisted Living Facilities: Assisted Living Care

You want your parent, friend, or loved one to enjoy their freedom and independence for as long as possible, and remain comfortable in their own household. As an alternative to elderly living facilities, home care is becoming a popular choice for seniors, as it enables them to remain in the safety and comfort of their own home, and relieves care giving duties from relatives and family members. Often times, your loved one may need help with activities or tasks that go overlooked-such as opening jars, driving, maintaining a clean household, and bathing. An alternative to assisted living facilities, home care provides support for those in need with personal care and daily activities and can provide part-time, full time, and as-needed support.

However, it's important to understand that senior living caregivers do not always provide health-related services. Home health providers offer medical care, such as trained nurses or physical therapy services for seniors. Assisted living caregivers assist with non-medical senior care.

As your parents age they may require assistance, but assisted living care enables your parent or loved one to continue living independently for as long as possible.

Consider assisted living care as an alternative to assisted living facilities. Your loved one may only need care for a few hours a day, but their quality of life can improve significantly with in-home assistance. Although this decision may be emotional and challenging, it's sometimes necessary to keep your loved ones safe, cared for, and comfortable.

Erica Ronchetti is a freelance writer for Visiting Angels, the nation's leading, network of non-medical, private duty home care agencies providing senior care, elder care, personal care, Home health care, respite care and companion care to help the elderly and adults continue to live in their homes across America. Visit the Visiting Angels website to find out more information on alternatives to assisted living facilities.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireless Security Cameras

You know the myriad of activities that go on in a large metropolis. People go to offices to take care of business, shop owners try to sell their wares, students go to attend classes, and drivers maneuver the cars and trucks around-such a lively bunch of activities.

Unfortunately, a less-than-pleasant activity also strives in the city-crime. Every city has its share of lawbreakers that disrupt its peace and harmony. Crime can range from simple violations, such as illegal parking and speeding, to really serious ones, such as, murder. To combat them, each city dispatches law enforcers. Law enforcement uses the latest in weaponry, technology, and techniques in catching and apprehending criminals.

However, in most cities, the officers of the law are usually outnumbered. To make up for the disadvantage, they resort to surveillance cameras to monitor public areas. Surveillance cameras alert operators to areas where violations of the law occur, allowing them to dispatch police officers more quickly. Also the images caught on tape can be used as evidence if the criminal does manage to get away.

New types of surveillance camera are in use now in many cities. These are called wireless security cameras. As the name implies, these cameras are not connected by any wires. Standard cameras are connected to a central monitoring system via cables.

These wireless gadgets are gaining popularity. In fact, police units are installing them on several areas in the city. Too, government agencies, businesses, and private citizens are also using them.

The main advantage of a wireless system is that these systems are not limited by cables. That means they can be placed anywhere without much concern about the placement of cables. The signal is carried via a broadcast signal, which can also be accessed through the Internet if permission is approved.

Wireless systems generally use a five-to-one compression ratio. Higher compression rates are also available so that the images would be DVD quality. The downside of this high compression rate is that the hard-disk space of wireless cameras are filled faster than with a cable-fed camera. Wireless systems can time stamp the images.

Furthermore, more advanced wireless security cameras [] can alert operators by sending them an e-mail if an unusual activity is detected.

There are also disadvantages to the usage of wireless security cameras. For example, digital video recorders can sometimes pick up the signals from these cameras, threatening the security of the images. Also, if one knows the proper frequency, the signals can be jammed. Jamming a transmission means scrambling or blocking the signal so that it does not register properly in the monitors. Jamming a police transmission is a crime and is dealt with severely.

Also, they are not appropriate for long-term surveillance. That's because transmitting the signal requires a larger-than-usual amount of power, draining the battery power more quickly than their wired counterparts. Also, if they are not stored properly, they can be stolen with ease; there aren't any wires that are attached to them which helps secure these gadgets to their mounts or posts.

Steve Strong's is an employee with Sun Security a leading supplier of Surveillance Cameras.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

LPN Schools Offer a Fast Track Into a Nursing Career

LPN programs are very similar to LVN (licensed vocational nursing) programs. These programs equip students with the right skill sets to be effective once employed with a hospital, nursing home, or in home care agency. With the growing demand for nurses, more and more LPN schools have opened across the country, offering greater choices for those looking at entering this career. Not only can a nursing career offer a higher paying job, but it also offers the opportunity to work in a field that is recession proof and almost sure to continue growing rapidly for the foreseeable future.

In order to apply for an LPN school, one must have a high school diploma or an equivalent diploma. In some schools, students have been known to be admitted even without a high school diploma, but in most cases this is a requirement. When applying, make sure the school is state accredited, so that you will be able to obtain a license to practice upon completion of the program.

The core responsibilities of an LPN program are to teach students the basics of what nurses do on a daily basis, such as the measurements of vitals, tending and dressing of wounds, preparation and proper handling of injections, bedside care, etc. Technically speaking, it's a flexible job description as LPN graduates become generalists in the end, serving on all fronts as they ensure streamlined operations throughout their work schedule.

At the end of each program, LPNs have computer based licensure exams which are approved by the State. It is called the National Council Licensure Exams (NCLEX-PN). They need to pass this in order to be awarded with an LPN licensure and begin working in the state.

There are some things to keep in mind about entering a nursing career. Nurses encounter emotional stress on a regular basis due to the high pressure being exposed to multiple patients in pain that need treatment. Many times, nurses are dealing with life and death situations, and sometimes need to be able to react quickly to administer the correct treatment for the patient. Because of this pressure, nursing is not for everyone.

Despite the pressures of the job, nursing can be one of the most rewarding careers to enter. Nurses are able to gain a sense of accomplishment on a daily basis because they are able to care for people when they are ill and truly make a positive difference in people's lives. Another advantage to being a nurse is having the ability to treat family members when they become ill. These advantages combined with the generous entry level salary make nursing an ideal career for many, and the LPN programs at one of your local LPN schools offers the fastest way into the nursing field. Check them out today for more information.

The Center for Allied Health & Nursing Education is the location of choice for Florida Nursing Education. Our LPN programs in Tampa & Jacksonville prepare students for a wide variety of careers in one of the few industries with a critical shortage of employees: healthcare.

Toothache Relief - How An Ounce Of Prevention Can Stop Toothaches

If you have ever experienced a terrible toothache, you already know that this type of pain can make your daily activities almost unbearable. Or, if a loved one in your family is in the midst of a major toothache you may feel helpless as they experience the pain. What can you do to prevent and/or treat toothache pain and handle it economically? Prevention is the best measure to avoid a painful situation and potentially high costs due to emergency care. Regular visits to the dentist are essential to prevent tooth decay, which can easily lead to toothaches.

Cavities develop gradually in the tooth and with regular oral hygiene at home and dental visits every six months, you can avoid most instances of tooth pain and get relief when it does happen. Regular dental visits will also uncover more serious circumstances such as wisdom teeth that need removal and gum disease.

Gum and tooth infection can also become a serious condition if not treated early on by a dental professional.

If you happen to grind your teeth (bruxism) or have a tight jaw, you may also suffer from tooth and jaw pain. This problem can become cumulative with painful headaches and sensitivity in the gums. In this case, you would benefit most from a more comprehensive dental health plan that can cover such remedies as a mouth guard and even surgery. Keep in mind that subscribing to a regular dental insurance plan can safeguard you from many such dental ailments.

Preventative care is a major component of dental health, and the right dental insurance plan or health plan can help you afford these necessary services. You can find many discount dental plans through your place of employment, online, and via local agencies. Be sure to compare plans and look at the list of services provided as well as prices to determine which plan fits your budget best.

Is Dental Insurance A Ripoff? Is A Discount Dental Plan The Best Way To Go? This New Video Explains Everything. Watch It Right Away At or by clicking on Toothache Relief . Rick Stevens is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works independently and provides expert information to consumers.

Home Care Assistance For Elderly Family Members

When seeking home care assistance, Raleigh NC families should look for an agency of qualified geriatric professionals that will provide all of these services. The Raleigh area is full of spouses caring for a sick or disabled loved one, aging baby boomers who have elderly parents, and older adults living independently who don't have family close by to assist in decisions related to care. Choices that have to do with long-term care can be very complex: the elderly person's needs must first be assessed, then a plan of care must be created, and finally, services that meet the needs and budgets of the family must be arranged and monitored.

Let's imagine, for instance, that a family living in Wake Forest has been caring for their elderly grandmother in their home for several years since her husband passed. The grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 9 months previous to that and her gradual cognitive deterioration is beginning to become evident. Because of this, the family wants to keep the grandmother in the home where she is comfortable and things are familiar. In the midst of an economic crisis, the breadwinner in the house has taken a major blow to their previously sustainable income. Now, money is extremely tight and the breadwinner's spouse, who, prior to that, was staying at home to care for the grandmother, has to return to the workforce. They realize that their only option is to bring someone into the home to give her the assistance she needs throughout the work week.

A solid element of trust should be present, as this person will be coming into their home and taking their loved one under their wing in a way that ensures their quality of life will be extended for as long as possible. Whether hiring an independent caregiver or choosing an agency that contracts such professionals, there are a number of criteria the family should keep in mind. The caregiver should be able to produce documentation of their qualifications and experience; they should have experience in the area of care that meets the specific needs of the patient; they should be bonded and insured; they should have no criminal history; they should have at least three good references; and finally, the caregiver should be caring and compassionate - in other words, the family and the patient should feel completely comfortable with the individual.

Written by Jenny Heart. Quality home care assistance Raleigh NC: Receive home care Durham, Alzheimer's and senior care through elder care Raleigh, Clayton, Chapel Hill, Cary, Wake Forest.

Debt Collection Agencies - The Secrets They Don't Want You to Know!

A simple fact in today's climate, debt collectors have got a lot more aggressive and in many documented cases, clearly breached the law in bullying and pressurising the vulnerable.

Are you right now, afraid to answer the unrecognised number ringing your mobile, reply to the threatening text messages demanding you pay, or receiving ridiculous red coloured letters, saying if you don't pay you are going to jail!


Although most collectors stay within the bounds of the law, others behave in ways that are outrageous, heartless and/or just plain illegal

OK, let's start from the beginning. By taking their business to pieces, you will see that hiding behind the

mask of fear and bullying, it is in fact YOU that is control, not them.

* DCA's are a business, 99% are not here to help you or listen to your problems. Dog died, car on fire, lost your wallet? They don't care....Imagine a room with 100 people sitting at individual desks, with headsets on. These sales people are paid a bonus in accordance to how much they can get you to pay off the debt.

* The staff at these call centres have morning meetings before they begin. Here, they are given tactics on how to get you to pay e.g. '...tell them we have their neighbours'/bosses number and we will ask them for the money'....or...'if you don't pay today, we will make arrangements to have your parents' car taken away and sold off to pay off the debt'. The bosses at these companies tell the staff how much money they expect each of them to collect by the end of the day. When these people call you, talking/negotiating with them is as effective as double sided playing cards!

* Where do they get the debts?.....they buy them, and in bulk. They have sales guys that target banks, institutions, mobile phone operators and buy a large collection of these debts for a % of the debt. What does this mean?....Let's say your debt from Bank 'A' is an old credit card and was for ?1678.......usually the DCA buys it for 10-20% of original value. However they will demand full amount, plus, their own charges on top. So they pay around ?300 and try and get over ?2000 off you, and over a fixed agreed time, you can begin to see why they make so much money and don't care about personal circumstances.

* Now they have a database of all these debts in front of them with telephone numbers and addresses given from the original what? They want cash from you, as quick as possible, with the least amount of effort on their part. So now they adopt various methods of achieving that.......

* A standard letter is sent to you, asking for the amount, plus charges back. Often breaching OFT guidelines and making official looking documents intended or likely to, mislead debtors as to their status, for example, documents made to resemble court claims.

* Phone calls - A favourite tactic - calling you about 5-10 times a day, on every number they have to contact you, mobile, home and work. Sometimes sending texts and asking you to call them back on premium rate numbers (which is illegal) Imagine the above happening to you everyday for the next month. This is physical/psychological harassment, it is illegal and once again something else that you can stop.

* Now they will begin the nasty and often illegal tactics if they still have no success collecting the full amount, these include - which are all illegal

* Contacting you at unreasonable times, ignoring legitimate wishes in respect of when and where to contact you, claiming instructions from the courts, claiming to be bailiffs. Falsely implying or stating that action can or will be taken when it legally cannot us a business name which implies public body status, or falsely implying or stating that failure to pay a debt is a criminal offence or that criminal proceedings will be brought if debtors to pay in full, in unreasonably large installments, or to increase payments when they are unable to do so. All of which are illegal

Now you have a much better understanding of who you are dealing with and more importantly who. I will be writing in my next article, how to fight them, to write off old debts, slash the amount they are demanding, to stop all telephone/texts from them and make them communicate only in fact a list of 50 key points you can use to take back control and power from them!

For the latest tips, tricks, loopholes, vouchers and discounts please visit us. Don't forget, we also operate a debt helpline for any of your questions involving debt and will help to resolve them for you.

Having Thoughts of Your Own Recruitment Agency?

Having the cash to start

How much money would you need and have you got it? If you haven't got it, where can you get it from? This is probably one of the main areas where any new business can go wrong, including a recruitment agency. The sad thing is, if Directors don't get this bit wrong, the business may be doomed before they even have chance to start trading. build yourself a spreadsheet of expected costs and income, work a best middle and worst case scenario for each. Take the worst case scenarios and make them 15% worse and see if you're still in trading, if yes you should be fine.

There are a number of ways of raising money. If you're lucky enough to have substantial capital in the bank, good for you, but you are in the minority. The key figure is that which will carry you through to an operational profit. Many businesses are heading in the right direction, but simply run out of money before they start to make a monthly profit, a crying shame if this puts them out of business when the model itself was sound.

Borrowing money

Business, loans can be really awkward to get, you need to persuade a bank, using a full business model, that you are a good risk for their money. Unfortunately, in my experience, the people you are pitching to have never run a business in their life, they don;t understand recruitment and seem inadequately qualified to be judging you and your abilities in this department. It can be a real blow to confidence, and an unnecessary one just when you're about to set up your recruitment agency.

The other issue with a business loan is that they will want some 'security' with the loan. In other words, they want you to stake your house against it. Although you may be confident, this, all of a sudden brings the rest of your family into the picture. secured loans are a viable alternative. These are bank loans your bank will offer you without security. If you are in a high paid senior role while you plan to set up your own recruitment agency, you should apply for this before you resign. The bank will effectively take your employment as their security negating the need to go after your assets at home. If your income is high. you may be able to get enough, however, in most cases, an unsecured loan on it's own won't be enough.

Business investors

To the everyday person, it's surprising to learn just how many wealthy people there are out there looking to lend businesses money as a form of investment. Venture capitalists will lend you money in return for share in your business. However, be aware it's not money for nothing. They will want a share in your recruitment agency's profit as well as wanting their say in the way you run the business. On the plus side, if you choose your investors carefully you may end up with much added value in the business expertise they can apply to your business.

Which ever way you choose to raise money, my final word is to make sure you have more than enough. The vast majority of recruitment agencies that fail, will normally do so due to a lack of funds, and not because they were incapable as recruitment consultants.

John Bult runs job sites for Recruitment agency [] adverts in the UK

Assembly Work At Home Scams

Many people who need extra money would like to work from home. Unfortunately, some companies cheat people out of their money by preying on this desire to make money from home. Most work at home "opportunities" look like legitimate ways to make extra cash. They often advertise ads in local newspapers , magazines , or through E-MAIL.

These ads typically say something like "EARN &2,500 A MONTH GUARANTEED WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOME" send $20-$40 for details.

While many work at home scams exist , I would like to tell you about one of the common work at home scams , known as 'ASSEMBLY WORK AT HOME"

The ads are enticing; "Get an assembly work at home job and make loads of money! "Can these ads be trusted?

NO! Are there legitimate work at home assembly jobs available? In all reality , you will not find a legitimate assembly work at home job.

The majority of these ads are worthless. They attempt to prey on the disabled, the elderly, and most of all, those of us who would like to work at home, or start their own home based business.

Here is what usually happens if you answer to one of these "assembly work at home" information request ads.

First, you request "free "information about this opportunity.

You then receive "basic "information that asks you to typically pay between $20 and $40 dollars for the complete details and materials to get started earning money right away.

After you pay them their fee, you get back a packet of information about the assembly work at home opportunity, and which companies are waiting to hire you.

Here's the catch: you will most likely never make a dime from any of these companies.

Why? Because after you purchased the supplies and or equipment needed to get started, and have done the work, these companies will not pay you.

In fact, many people have had these companies refuse to pay for their work because it did not [and will not] meet their quality standards.

"Unfortunately, no work is ever "up to standard" leaving you with expensive equipment and/or supplies, and no income.

If you are victimized:

If you become a victim of an "assembly, or other "work at home scheme, ask the company for a refund.

If they refuse, or give you an evasive response, tell them you plan to notify LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS.

Keep careful records of everything you do to recover your money. Document your phone calls, keep copies of all paperwork such as letters and receipts, and record all costs involved, including the time you spend.

If the company refuses to refund your money, contact:


Your LOCAL or STATE Consumer Affairs Agency



or the office in the STATE where the company is.

The advertising manager of the publication that ran the ad you answered.

To learn more about Work-at-Home Schemes, contact the following:





Tina M Barraclough Is A Wife And A Mother Of Five Beautiful Children. She Has Been A Stay At Home Home Mom Since September Of 2001. She Has Been Involved In Several Successful Home Based Businesses, And Has Been Very Successful With Them. She Is The Webmaster of Best Home Based Business Idea.Com Visit Her Website Today To Find Some Honest And Legit Work At Home Business Opportunities .

Tips on Saving Residential Properties From Foreclosures

Foreclosures have caused hundreds of thousands of American families to lose their homes and despite the countrywide problem, a lot of homeowners still lack the basic knowledge that can help them maintain ownership of their properties. Housing experts have cited several basic steps that can help homeowners avoid the problem.

Acting Quickly

The first rule in preventing one's home from getting taken over by banks and lenders is acknowledging that there is a problem. According to housing counselors, most homeowners ignore letters from banks and mortgage servicers and are more apt to pretend that the threat of getting foreclosed on does not exist.

Counselors have emphasized the need for homeowners to get in touch with their lenders the moment they receive their default notice. Better yet, they should get in touch with their servicers if they felt that they would not be able to make the next scheduled payment. Experts also remind homeowners that claims of not knowing that threats of foreclosures are already on hand will not be accepted by court judges.

Education Is Key

Housing counseling agencies encourage residential property owners to learn everything they can about homeownership, mortgage rules and foreclosed property scenarios. They recommend contacting a government-certified counseling agency that can help provide proper education about homeownership and mortgages.

Residential property experts also advise homeowners to be aware of the options that are available to them to prevent their homes from being repossessed or foreclosed on. Such information can be found at government agencies, federal counseling groups and from mortgage lenders. They asserted that options are always available to those who are willing to fight to keep their properties.

Be Careful of Fraudulent Firms and Individuals

The U.S. government discourages homeowners from seeking the help of private housing counselors and companies that offer foreclosure-prevention services, particularly those that require up-front payments before any service is even rendered. According to them, most of these practitioners are involved in questionable activities and are there to draw money from already troubled property owners.

For homeowners facing threats of foreclosures, the best way to deal with it is to face the problem upfront and to avoid procrastinating. Experts also remind homeowners that help is available if borrowers will only take the time to seek it out.

Joseph B. Smith has been educating buyers on the finer points of foreclosures at for over ten years. Contact Joseph B. Smith through if you need help finding information about foreclosures.