Thursday, December 19, 2013

Setting Goals For the Various Nationwide Nursing Positions That Are Available

There are several shortages in terms of the number of Registered Nurses (RNs) in U.S. Hospitals based from the report of the American Hospital Association. There are very few RNs available to fill the vacancies in positions in the hospitals.

Traditionally, nurses receive a low salary. Being a nurse is also not so pleasing because it is always being associated with the menial task of having to care for the ill. Their usual tasks include emptying the bed pans, changing beds and filling water containers. However, these menial tasks are no longer being done by the nurse nowadays. They now have nursing aides or nursing assistants with them to do these tasks. Usually, those who try out if nursing is really for them start out as nursing aides. They just take up very basic courses. However, nursing aides receive salaries that are much lower than the registered nurses. Since being a nursing assistant means having lower pay, many do aspire to become Registered Nurses.

To become a Registered nurse, one has to undergo more course requirements. Then he or she has to pass the licensure exam. Nowadays, there is a high demand for licensed vocational nurses (LVN). LVNs receive higher salaries as compared to what a nursing assistant receives. Also, they are working directly under the supervision of a doctor or a registered nurse.

To become an LVN, one has to complete an LVN program that usually lasts for about three semesters worth of clinical and classroom hours. This is an intensive program. Right now, there are courses that could be taken via distance learning. However, there are still on-site courses as well as laboratory and clinical requirements that must be completed. There are different LVN curriculums in different locations. After finishing the courses being required by the university, the LVN is then required to first pass the state-mandated exam before finally working as an LVN.

Right now, there are also hospitals that offer in-house training programs. These are usually facilitated for their employees that suddenly want to become a nurse. The perks of this is that employees could attend their classes during their company time. Usually, the training is being offered on site. Some companies even reimburse the tuition of those who enrol in these programs. They even allow being flexible.

For those who want to become a Registered Nurse, they are required to complete 4 years worth of studying. They are supposed to acquire a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. It was seen that in the past year, salaries of RNs have escalated because there had been shortage in their number.

The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLAC) is responsible for accrediting certain colleges based upon meeting their stringent requirements. Those accredited nursing programs are supposed to help the students prepare for the board exams, which will then enable them to get the license as registered nurses.

Several thoughts on how to begin a nursing career approaches a student nurse who is about to graduate. It is very important that a new nurse seriously thinks about his/ her goals for his/her career. Long and short term goals are included in what must be considered. Whenever someone goes to school to gain some education, he usually has some plans for himself. There is a certain direction that is always being looked upon. For someone who graduates from a nursing program, he must once again set a direction for himself for the real world that awaits before him.

However, it must be remembered that for a decision to be worthwhile, it must not be haphazardly done. Things must be carefully prepared. In order for future goals to materialize, things should be planned accordingly. There are certain pre-requisites that has to be completer first before reaching the finish goal. It is therefore important that things has to be ironed out well and think well about their different career goal paper. In the succeeding paragraphs, a sample of what a career goal paper is being shown. It is important to think about career goals and the best time to deal with these is no other than now.


I have been attracted by the nursing field because of different reasons. The first reason is that the nurse is in the front line of saving lives and in caring for the other people. Before the physician, it is the nurse who first sees the patient who is in need of emergency care. The field of nursing has attracted me because what a nurse does is not really that far from what a physician does. Someday, I also hope to become a physician.

Another reason why I was attracted to become a nurse is because nurses are practitioners of therapeutic communication. They treat the response of a patient to an illness that is either perceived or real. For me, this is a corner stone by which nursing is based on. This therapeutic communication is a holistic approach, which is successful in healing patients. For me, healing must first start from within before any individual will be able to experience the success of healing without. Nurses are very helpful in making the patients adapt to a positive instead of a negative thinking.

What I mentioned above are just few of the many reasons why I was attracted to join the field of nursing.


Some of my short-term goals include passing successfully my course entitled Nursing 255. After that, I want to pass the national board exam. After accomplishing these, I want to work for the medical-surgical ward. I want to continue honing my skills as a graduate of nursing. I prefer to work as a medical-surgical nurse because this field will be very helpful in enhancing my clinical skills.


I am also hoping that I will become an active member in the nursing profession. I want to join the American Nurses Association. Then, I would attend seminars and I would lobby that nurses will be allowed to independently prescribe medication. In the next five years, I hope that I would have finished another degree as an advanced practice nurse that is specialized in the family healthcare field. I also hope that I would have been working in the hospital emergency room by then.


I only have simple personal goals. I do not really intend to become so rich. I just want to do the thing that satisfies me the most. Right now, I am already very thankful to the God Almighty for he has already given me an opportunity to make it this far. I would personally like to take care of my mom. Also I would just like to help my family in the best possible way I could. My happiness sprouts from the thought that I am being of help to the other people. I am very thankful to all of my instructors for they are the ones who have shared with me their experience and knowledge so that I could be one of the competent nurses present. I just want to continue making them proud of me.

For More Information See: How to How to start a nursing agency, visit

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