Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Three Tips For Family Caregivers

Family caregivers are a special breed. You know who you are; you might have children still living at home, most likely you have a full time job, you might have siblings living out of state and of course they want to know what is going on with mom and dad.But you are the one that must take care of mom or dad.It's not usual that you applied for this job, it just appeared one morning on your door step and when you looked around to see who could help there was no one there.I know how easy it is to have a pity party but we are here to help and so it is time to look at some other ways of handling the situation.

Family caregivers are a special breed. You know who you are; you might have children still living at home, most likely you have a full time job, you might have siblings living out of state and of course they want to know what is going on with mom and dad.

But you are the one that must take care of mom or dad. It's not usual that you applied for this job, it just appeared one morning on your door step and when you looked around to see who could help there was no one there. I know how easy it is to have a pity party but we are here to help and so it is time to look at some other ways of handling the situation.

Tip #1 If other family members, friends or neighbors offer to help; take them up on it. Don't be a martyr and say oh, I can do it. But have something specific that they can do to lighten your load, like grocery shopping or cleaning. Your loved one will probably appreciate seeing someone else occasionally too.

Tip #2. Seek advice from other caregivers. There are plenty of resources on the internet for family caregivers. Do a Google search for advice for caregivers, tips for family caregivers, caregiver support, etc. If you are having problems with a specific issue then Google that. "How to recognize Alzheimer's disease" will bring you a ton of advice. Believe it or not others have the same care giving problems that you do.

Tip #3 - Care giving is a job and you need time off. It doesn't do anyone any good if you are always short tempered and grouchy. Take a long weekend and go play now and then to recharge your batteries. Many home happinesslifetime.com care agencies will supply a caregiver for respite care. You deserve it.

Being a family caregiver can be tremendously rewarding and you will hear stories and learn things from your loved one that might not have been shared with anyone else. Why? Because you took the time to listen, so enjoy all these moments and store them away for the future.

Being a family caregiver can be tremendously rewarding and you will hear stories and learn things from your loved one that might not have been shared with anyone else. Why? Because you took the time to listen, so enjoy all these moments and store them away for the future.

Michael Simpson is Director of Visiting Angels in NW Phoenix. They are a home care company providing non-medical in home care for seniors allowing them to stay in their home without going to a assisted living facility. Simpson is in direct daily contact with his caregivers and care recipients and is close to the issues and problems that seniors have to deal with. Their phone number is 623-266-9304 and the website is azangelcare.com azangelcare.com and can also be found on Face Book at facebook.com/azseniorcare facebook.com/azseniorcare

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