Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Caregiver Guilt and Mixed Emotions

When you care for someone who is ill, has a disability or is dealing with aging problems, it can bring up many emotions. You want the best for someone and may feel guilty when you do things for yourself that they are unable to do. Many caregivers feel pangs of guilt taking a vacation or even being able to take a day trip that involves hiking and a boating.

It is important to be able to enjoy your life as well and not feel badly that you can have pleasurable tasks. This will be a way your mind can find rest and you'll be renewed when you return to helping your loved one. It also will enable you to reduce resentment or negative emotions that can build up. Keep in mind that you need to balance your own life with hiring help. Many insurance plans will cover part-time assistance for those with disabilities or aging issues. Find out what type of care is covered and arrange for an assistant or two to help out. There are agencies that provide these services as well as independent contractors.

Speaking with your own counselor can be a good way to process underlying emotions you have. Many people that are caregivers are also working full-time or have other responsibilities. It can be overwhelming to be dealing with your own life's responsibilities as well as caring for another person. Your counselor can help you find a balance and to sort out your emotions. At a certain point, you may need to place a parent in an assisted living facility or nursing home. This can be a very difficult decision and one that is met with a lot of resistance.

Helping to take care of someone does not mean you should avoid dating or having a life of your own. It is critical that you develop your own interests or in time you can feel a sense of regret. Sorting this balance out is not easy. People will pick up if you feel resentment and then you will feel guilty about it. Instead of this, think out ways to have extra help so that you can get some breaks into your life. If the person you help is a family member, you may need to also speak with others in the family to figure out a way that care can be shared. This may mean financially as well as sharing one's time with the person in need. Many families have conflicts due to disagreements over these areas. Bringing in a counselor or a mediator is a good way to try to resolve these issues and have a working plan.

Learn more about socialworkprograms.org/social-work-and-the-elderly.html Social Work and Elderly assistance as well as socialworkprograms.org/medical-social-worke.html Medical Social Workers.

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