Sunday, December 16, 2012

Nursing Homes - How Do I Choose the Best One?

But how do you choose the right one? What should you use as your selection criteria? There are several places you can go for assistance in this area, but here are some general rules to assist you in making the right choice.

Licensing and Certification -

Make sure the nursing home facility and the administrator are fully licensed by the State to operate a facility. The administrator should be able to provide you with a copy of their current State License.

Ask if the facility has or has applied for the State of Florida Nursing Home Gold Seal award. This award recognizes those facilities that have met the highest standards of quality of care, facility management, staffing, and community involvement.

Is the facility licensed to handle special needs such as Alzheimer's, rehabilitation or hospice?

Staffing -

When visiting the home, observe the staff and how they interact with the residents. Do they know them individually by name and appear to have a good rapport?

Ask the administrator about staff screening and background checks. What kind of training do they go through and is it on going? Are they trained to recognize abuse or neglect? Ask about the policy for handling difficult or aggressive residents.

Observe the staff appearance. Are their uniforms neat and clean?

Facility -

The first thing that most often apparent is the smell of the facility. Are there any unpleasant odors?

Ask to take a complete tour of the facility: the kitchen, staff lounge, and laundry room. Is everything neat, clean and orderly?

Ask to have lunch at in the dining room. Is it clean? How was the quality and quantity of food? Ask for a copy of the meal plan for the month. Are the meals healthy and is there plenty variety?

Visit one of the occupied rooms. Are the residents allowed to have personal items such as pictures, quilts, or knickknacks?

Residents -

Take time to talk to some of the residents to get a feel for their well-being. Be aware that many of them may not want to be there which may effect their impression of the care being given. Look at their appearance. Do they look clean and neat? Do they interact with one another?

What activities are planned for the residents each month? Is there enough variety to allow for varied interests? Try to visit on the day they are having one. Do the residents take part? Is there an opportunity for family and friends to take part in them as well?

The Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) has the responsibility for regulating nursing home facilities in the State of Florida. They should be your primary resource for reviewing potential nursing home facilities in Florida. Please visit one of their websites for more information: Agency for Health Care Nursing Home Guide AHCA Facility Locator

Additional resources:

National Long Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center

Nursing Home Compare The Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare

Nursing Home Abuse Prevention

National Center on Elder Abuse


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