Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Making Money From Your Home

Parking spaces in your driveways can earn you 30 pound per week in major UK cities and that's not all!

Putting your home in a position to make you money is the latest trend in beating the downturn. Many folk have come up with inventive ways to have their homes earn them money and the idea is spreading fast.

If you don't have a driveway space how about leasing out your garage? They fetch large sums of money, particularly in Central London where the demand can be high but the supply small. Great ideas are making social connections as well. Some of these concepts are being labeled as worked on by the socially concerned. Its not always just about the money.

For instance there is a household in Kensington that have given their unused parking spaces to local workers from a child care agency! Theres a household in Barnet that have given the back of there garden and access to a charity for disabled children to work on a vegetable patch! Its spreading fast and growing in popularity and here are some great ideas to be social or have your property earn you money:

Garden space, if you have a big garden why not sell some off. Alternatively you can rent some for vegetable growing. Its becoming popular at the moment and you can even organise to get some of the vegetables as part of the rental returns!

Film shoots are another great way to make money from your home. Set location web sites are all over the internet. All you need do is upload some photos of your property. Lots of money can be earned this way.

Offering space for storage is easy! There are web sites for this and it sounds like easy money to me.

Having tourists pay to live at yours! Again there are websites for this and it could be quite fun as well.

Finally you could always have the old fashioned lodger.

With either one of these, good luck!

Daniel Zane London

Daniel Zane is owner of mypropertyinventories.co.uk London property inventories one of the UK's leading suppliers of mypropertyinventories.co.uk property inventories.

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