Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How Tax Auction Overages Could Make You $10,000 a Month Or More - From Home

Tax auction overages - average folks usually aren't familiar with what they are. Call up your best friend and ask him what takes place when you forefeit property for not paying your property taxes, and he'll probably conclude that the government agency takes everything.

Well, unfortunately, in about half the country, it's true. If you lose the deed to your home to tax sale, you lose any money you built up too. The government expeditiously snatches up your tax auction overages - with nothing at all left for the owner, even if his property netted $50,000 more than he owed

It's criminal, but our government doesn't seem to care much for the little guy. Even little kids are smart enough to see that the government will take whatever money it can get no matter if you "like it" or not.

In the other half of U.S. counties, however, the government will hold the tax auction overages - that is, the amount that was bid at property tax sale in excess of the debt owed in back taxes - for the owners. Looks a little better, right? Well, hold your horses - it's not as great as it seems. The agency gets to keep this money if the owner doesn't appear to get it within the specified time frame - usually only a year or so.

Here's why this doesn't make it any better: how would you guess the government informs the owner of the funds? They've given up the property already - the one with the address on file with the county! The government sends communication, to inform the owner of their tax auction overages to an address they've already moved on from.

Is there any chance the owner will receive that letter? How hard do you think the tax agency is going to look for the owner, when they'll get to seize all the tax auction overages owners never apply for?

Are you noticing a major home business opportunity here?

The excess proceeds are located at a local government agency, not at state agencies, so they're not subject to state level unclaimed money finder's fee laws. The owners probably won't hear about the funds until too late, if ever. You connect the owner with his cash, that he is unaware even remains, and charge a 40% fee to apply for it for him. He feels like he's just hit the winning lottery numbers, and your bottom line is upped by $10,000 a month. That's if you're working a full-time 40 hours a week on it.

It's legal - at least, for right now. If you want to learn to find money for a living, get in now before the government changes the laws.

The current foreclosure rate won't last forever - take advantage of it now.

For a limited time, learn to collect overages FREE in the Hooked-On-Overages.Com Hooked On Overages e-book. Lots of information including how to find overages and their owners.

Interested in owning tax property? Visit Deed-Grabber.Com Deed-Grabber.Com now to learn to buy tax property for $200 - without attending tax sale.

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