Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tips For Helping to Decide What Is Best For Aging Parents

Ageing Parents have lots of different issues that need looking at when deciding what is best for their personal care, on going care, safety, personal hygiene and day-to-day living. Finding out what is best for Aging Parents takes time, love, patience, asking questions and understanding.

Tips For Helping To Decide What Is Best For Aging Parents

To find out what is best for your aging loved ones, you need to look at the person, and their personal health. One parents health could be different from the other parent so each person needs should be looked at to suit both their needs. Here is a list of 6 questions to ask about aging parents needs to aid with where to go for help:-

Is the aging parent able to walk, move, talk, eat and look after themselves with day-to-day living?
Do each parent need the same level of care? If so can care be carried out by one person?
Can the aging parents stay in their own home? Or do they need a nursing home?
Is one parent needing high care, and the other parent only needs low care? If so then can you look for arrangements where the parents can stay together but receive the care that is needed?
If the aged people need 24 hour around the clock care, is there a family member that can give the care?
What will happen to the aging parents if their carer was no longer able to care for them any more?

If you find that you can answer the questions about what you aging parents need and then search for a way to assist them then half your work is over. Once you set up how each parent are coping within their life then you will need to ask more questions about what is the best option for your aging parents. Some people are able to stay at home with a carer coming in each day to check on the aged person, other times a person might need more 24 hour care that can only be provided within a nursing home.

Tips For Helping To Decide What Is Best.

Lets look at question one and find out how you can help your aging parents. If they are still able to live independently with their day-to-day living, and personal hygiene then you are able to apply for in home care and have the agedcareaustralia.gov.au/internet/agedcare/publishing.nsf/content/being+assessed-1 ACAT team assess their level of care that can be provided each day from a carer.

What about each aging parent - are they at the same level of care and if so can they be looked after by one aged care Nurse? Then staying at home is an option and having an aged care Nurse come in twice a day to aid with showering, toilet needs, medication, eating, cleaning and living could be worthwhile looking into.

If they are not able to look after themselves at home maybe a Nursing Home is an option that will need to be looked into. Once you made the decision that your aging parents can no longer stay at home because of their personal reasons then make sure you search for a Nursing Home that will give the best care possible.

What Is The Best Option?

Asking as many questions as possible when you are faced with decisions about your aging parent is the best tip that anyone can give you. Instead of looking at one nursing home and making decisions, its best to shop around and seek a place that will be able to take both aging parents, while providing different level of care for each person needs. Can the parents stay together in one room, and still be treated as individuals with their own care plan carried out.

What About Staying At Home?

Is there a family member who is able to look after the aging parent (s) that will be able to give safe care? What about the family member needing a holiday? Is there another family member who is able to step in and relieve the carer for a few days or at least a week so that there is no "Carer Burnt Out". It is really vital to take care of yourself first when you are providing one on one care at home. There are many aged happinesslifetime.com care agencies that can come into the home and help out when needed, it's a matter of knowing who to turn to and when to turn to help so that all aging people are being cared for and the carers are being looked after at the same time.

Tips For Deciding What Is Best For Aging Parents.

Look at each parent and their needs
Ask as many questions as possible
Look at the best options that are available to you and the aged people before deciding what to do
Ask for help whenever you need to have a break, or need more assistance
Accept that you are only human and sometimes you will make mistakes
Take the time out of the day to do something for yourself if you do become the carer
Realise that sometimes aging parents no longer know what is best for each other or for themselves and sometimes will need guidance
Remember that the aged person is a person and will have feelings that need you to taken into account when looking at what is best for Aging Parents

If you are looking for Tips to Decide what is best for your aging parent then seek and you will find the answers.

For more information about all nursing issues with aged care and the industry then go to nursing-issues.com/becoming-a-nurse/becoming-a-nurse Nursing Issues Nursing With Love where an aged care Nurse shares her stories of her job within the industry.

Nursing Issues - Nursing Home is a website where all aged care aspects are looked at, from a lack of staff to being over worked and under paid. The aged care system is not looking after our elderly people and is letting our carers become burnt out.

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