Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Pepper Spray: Useful Device for Personal and Home Security

A self defense device that is easy handling, pepper spray contains OC or Oleoresin Capsicum that is an active ingredient as well as some other inert ingredients. Once used the effect of the spray can last for 20 to 90 minutes and is one of the most effective security devices used at home or on the roads.

Direct and Indirect Devices

Some of the devices for home or car security work indirectly by giving information about the attacker or possible intrusion. They help the owner to effectively counter such attempts by finding out safety measures or involving the law enforcement agencies. However, there could be times when such indirect devices may be rendered useless and one would have to resort to some direct devices for self defense. Pepper spray comes in the second category as a direct self defense device.

Pepper Spray Effects

??Like stun guns pepper spray also stuns the possible attacker.

??With the OC coming in to contact with eyes, throat, lungs, or nose, dilation of eye capillaries result and it causes temporary blindness.

??Other effects are inflammation of breathing tube and the tissues causing breathing problems.

??All the effects are short term and the maximum length is 80-90 minutes at the most.

Be Conversant with the Laws

Unlike most other devices the use of pepper spray is guided by laws in countries like United States and Canada. It is completely forbidden in Canada. In Hong Kong, the device is classified as one of the "arms". While in United States, they are legal in most states, it would be good consulting the law enforcement agency of the locality to learn about any restrictions on its use. Such laws also widely vary from state to state and it would be good having knowledge about them before using the spray gun.

Some Important Laws

It would be good for the aspirant user to be conversant with some of the state laws. For instance; the device is prohibited in Alaska and its use is considered crime of third degree. In Arkansas on the other hand, such devices can be carried for self defense. However, the cartridge capacity cannot exceed 150 cubic centimeters at the most. Again in Florida, the contents of the cartridge are limited to two ounces only.

One of the major constraints in using these devices is that the attacker could be faster and could be carrying a lethal weapon. Hence user has to be very careful about fast and accurate use.

SelfDefenseExpress.com is the online store where one can find high quality selfdefenseexpress.com pepper spray and other security gadgets that can keep a person safe either at home or on the move. They also offer other electronic supplies like selfdefenseexpress.com/alarms-home-personal alarm systems, camera and various others.

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