Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Home Care Training Increases Effectiveness of Caregivers

Proper home care training is more important than ever for those who work with the elderly, as increasing numbers of older Americans are staying in their own homes or moving to some sort of assisted living environment. And today's training isn't just for practical care nurses or those who work in nursing homes. More and more in-home care providers, from family members to volunteers, are taking the time to train properly in order to offer the older individuals they care for the best care possible.

An increasing number of individuals are taking care of an elderly parent or parents or someone in their family who is disabled. This are the people who are frequently unprepared for their role as caregivers and are surprised to learn just how stressful and complex the role of a caregiver in the home can be. Home care training programs created by health care professionals now provide a way for these individuals to learn the techniques they need to provide a safe, healthy and supportive environment for their loved ones.

Quality home care training programs cover a wide range of topics of concern to the typical in-home care provider to ensure the comfort and health of both the care recipient and the provider. Typical subjects covered may include:

1: Personal care techniques, including proper bathing techniques and lift-and-carry techniques.

2: Recognizing early warning signs of health issues and illness as well as how to check basic vital signs.

3: Respecting the dignity and boundaries of the patient.

4: How to meet the physical and nutritional needs of the person being cared for.

5: Emotional support and wellness issues.

6: How to locate and take advantage of local resources for both the care giver and the individual being cared for.

7: Special-needs issues such oxygen use, wheelchairs, and caregiving for the bedridden.

8: Maintaining health and well-being as a caregiver.

These courses give in-home health care providers a solid background in what to do to make their loved ones more comfortable as well as giving them the confidence many lack when they begin caring for an elderly parent. It can be heart-wrenching to care for someone who once cared for you, and hesitation or lack of confidence can make it difficult to make crucial decisions. The proper Home care training can make an enormous difference. In fact, good home care graining can be the difference between an older parent being able to maintain relative independence in their own home and having to go to a nursing home facility. If an adult is properly trained and feels confident that they know how to provide quality daily care for their parent or grandparent, they are more likely to allow an elderly relative to stay in their home and enjoy the lifestyle familiar to them. However, if they feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what they should be doing or are simply lost about how to handle daily tasks as a caregiver, they will most likely insist on a move to a nursing home facility sooner rather than later.

Individuals who are interested in home care training should contact their local hospital, counsel on aging or community college to inquire about home care training programs in their area. There are also some training programs offered online as well as through faith-based organizations such as churches and synagogues.

Look for programs that are recommended or approved by established organizations such as the National Alliance for Caregiving or the National Family Caregivers Association. Recognition by these types of respected agencies is a sign that the home care training program has been thoroughly tested and meets their exacting standards. provides a variety of home care training [] programs for both professional and family caregivers.

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