Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Entrepreneur, the New White Knight

During the Watergate hearings John Dean remarked, 'there is a cancer upon the Presidency'. Today, the current cancer is the entire Administration, including the hand picked advisers, and a vast majority of the our elected officials. Selected heads of various Governmental agencies, thousands of nameless, faceless bureaucrats who earn more than two times the average American citizen's annual salary have been looking out for number one, and have consciously omitted the American public and our needs and interests.

For more than three decades the economy has been carefully and methodically disassembled, a single job at a time. Cronyism, corruption, malfeasance and ineptitude have been the primary root cause of why we find ourselves where we are today. Also bordering on criminal is how we find public education and its progressive ?>?umbing downof the last few generations. Ask any twenty year old where WW-II was fought, the glazed over look in the eyes will be proof enough..

A large sector of our population was told they deserved their own houses, even if they had no financial basis for ownership. Politicians forced financial institutions to jam sub-prime rate loans down the throats of an uneducated public. Unfortunately, as in all fairy tales, the Piper wants to be paid. The housing debacle forced upon our economy will take years to rectify itself,.

The economy can not be rebuilt by creating non-production or non-manufacturing based jobs. Expanding the government labor force is the worst way to 'help' the unemployment situation. There is a potential white knight to the rescue who will take the risk to rebuild the economy!

Will we be at the production levels of thirty or forty years ago ever again? No we will not, that ship sailed long ago with the core structure of our former economic system.

The ones who have the fortitude to press on even under the threat of additional governmental intervention, regulation and taxes will be the small business entrepreneur, who sees an opportunity, and a market to be addressed, American's are a tough breed, we don't give up easily in spite of the political atmosphere from DC and most state capitals. As Dr. King said many times, 'We shall overcome'.

The entrepreneur will see methods and ways to work within or around the 'system' to generate personal wealth and security, and create additional jobs for those willing to work. We shall exploit new ways of selling, develop new skills capitalizing on the Internet and create direct or multilevel marketing business models for success in this new world.

The next time you see an individual at the city /county clerks office for a business license, honor this individual, this is the new American White Knight, The real hero is the family next door who are willing to step out and take a chance on the American dream so many in high places are attempting to destroy.

Last but certainly not least please honor those who serve in the military. Without their dedication, service and sacrifice we would not have the opportunities afforded us as free men and women.

Signed, A Vietnam Veteran 1961-1965 are there any questions?


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