Sunday, July 7, 2013

Environmental Hazards to Look Out For Before Buying a Property

Did you know that Radon (a colorless & odorless gas that sometimes accumulates in basements or other confined areas in the house) can cause lung cancer? In fact, United States Environmental Protection Agency states that after cigarettes, Radon gas is the most recurring cause of lung cancer in United States. This means, you can be exposed to the risk of developing lung cancer while living in a particular building, without even knowing it. The reason for all this information is not to scare people, but to highlight the importance of knowing (and doing something) about the probable environmental hazards in your residential or commercial properties. It also means that you must take environmental hazards into consideration when buying a property.

Environmental issues are becoming a much bigger concern with the passage of time, as new discoveries and researches continue to reveal, how a seemingly harmless element can cause serious damages. Even though, most of these hazards can be taken care of once they are identified, but it can be a costly procedure. Therefore, this information must be a part of your buying decision, especially when you are negotiating on price. In some states, laws are being introduced, asking property sellers to disclose such information at the time of sale, but even if such laws are not practiced, it is a buyer's right to be sure of the nonexistence of such environmental vulnerabilities.


Asbestos is a type of fiber which was used in a number of products in the past. People, who are exposed to high level of asbestos, can develop mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestosis (due to the inhaling of asbestos particles). Although, Asbestos is not used in product manufacturing anymore, it is still found in older products and homes. Therefore, you should consider hiring some Asbestos professional, if you are going to buy an old home.

Radon Gas:

As stated above, Radon gas is an odorless gas that can cause serious breathing problems. There are test kits in the market to examine the air quality and radon level in the living areas. There are various ways to remove or reduce radon accumulation. For example, you can make use of ventilating fans. Note that radon is mostly a problem in confined areas like basements and high radon levels are not likely in good airy rooms, with windows and proper ventilation.


Lead particles can be ingested that results in damage to the bones, blood or nervous system (especially in the children). It can dissolve into the drinking water, making it hazardous to consume. Use of lead in any form is prohibited especially in the homes or products that deal with children.

William King is the director of Pakistan Real Estate and Dubai Real Estate. He has 18 years of experience in the marketing and trading industries and has been helping retailers and startups with their product sourcing, promotion, marketing and supply chain requirements.

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