Monday, June 10, 2013

The Acceptance of the Benefits of Alkaline Water

With regard to physicians trained in western medicine there appears to be three different views. There are those that will only do what the doctor says, those that listen to the doctor but research alternative solutions, and those that wouldn't trust anything a doctor tells them. Fortunately for companies like ours the latter two groups are growing. 

I happen to fit into the second group. I respect the education of a physician trained in the west but realize that western medicine typically treats symptoms more than causes. Western trained physicians are reactive and see patients only when they are sick and not proactive and teach people how to prevent disease.   I also learned a long time ago to always look at the motivation of someone in a given situation. And quite often that motivation is financial. Doctors do not benefit financially when a patient is healed or doesn't get sick to begin with. So why teach them how to prevent disease? Those amongst the first group described above illogically wouldn't think that a physician would be driven by financial gain. They instead believe in the nobility of the profession. Yet I've had doctors tell me that they need to see upward to 35 or 40 patients a day just to break even in their practice so the concept of nobility most likely takes a back seat to paying the bills. 

But it goes beyond the physicians themselves and it's unfair to say that they alone are blind to the concept of preventative care. Health insurance companies seem to be getting on the bandwagon with preventative care as it would be in their best interest financially to keep their insureds healthy. But they really have no way of implementing effective preventative care measures at the patient level, nor are they yet prepared to pay a doctor to give a patient preventative care advice alone without already having some ailment.

Drug companies play a much bigger role. Drug companies make lots of money and therefore spend large sums to keep their drugs perceived as the only way to treat a disease. We've all seen the commercials about a particular drug that alleviates the symptoms of a disease but at the same time causes several other problems that the patient didn't have to begin with.  I was recently made aware of a law suit against a web site, and the drug companies that backed that site, due to the fact that the site owners wrote and published derogatory articles about certain natural products that competed with the drug company's pharmaceutical solution.

The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) is another issue to look at when discussing the perception of people about doctors and medicines. The FDA won't test any product for its effectiveness that isn't considered a drug. Yet they have the ability to limit what a company can say about the efficacy of its all natural, homeopathic products. What this policy does is render a company mute about what its product(s) can do to help people. Companies get fined and shut down by our government for promoting the health benefits of its products without FDA approval. But as mentioned already, the FDA will not approve products that are not considered drugs. It's a Catch22 that has been formed right under our noses.   It appears the drug companies and the FDA have set up a system that is impenetrable and assures big profits for those companies. The residual effect for many Americans is that they perceive that the drugs being prescribed by their doctor is the only way to treat a disease. What people in large numbers are beginning to realize is that these drugs in many cases do not treat the disease but only the symptom.

What people are also starting to realize is that other countries do not have such a cartel formed to make money off the illness of its citizens. Eastern countries such as Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea have agencies that look at and test natural, non-pharmaceutical applications for the prevention of disease. That's right the prevention of disease, not the masking of the symptoms of that disease.

Japan's Ministry of Health has tested the efficacy of alkaline water on the prevention of disease. First off, notice the name, the Ministry of Health. That's quite a bit different than the name of our agency, the Food and Drug Administration. Tests have also been conducted in Germany, Russia and Finland and other countries on alkaline water. Research doctors in these countries have found credible evidence of the health benefits and disease prevention capability of ionized, alkaline water. Water ionizers have been made and sold in Asian countries for decades and are a staple appliance in a significant amount of homes in Asian countries. Yet in the United States we cannot mention the health benefits determined by these researchers.

It should be pointed out that less than two decades ago chiropractors were considered quacks in the United States but were widely accepted outside our country. Today insurance companies will pay for their patients to get chiropractic treatments. Eventually the financial benefit of alkaline water will shift from the drug companies to the insurance companies and once that occurs perhaps we can talk openly about what other countries have known for almost 50 years.

In conclusion it must be mentioned that more and more physicians are touting the preventative benefits of ionized, alkaline water. We have many that sell our product. So not every medical doctor trained by a western university is blind to natural means of preventing disease. The industry however, is still hamstrung because we cannot openly promote these benefits. Below are sources of some studies conducted on alkaline water available on the internet. To find these studies place the name of the article and/or physician into a search engine window.

Effectiveness of Electrolyzed, Ionized Water Irrigation in a Burn-Wound Infection Model, Hajime Nakae, MD, PhD and Hideo Inaba, MD, PhD, published in The Journal of TRAUMA Injury, Infection and Critical Care
Medical Case Studies and Livestock Studies on the Use of Ionised Alkaline Water, multiple physicians
Prevention of Disease with Reduced Water (Alkaline, Ionized Water), Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata, Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University
Inhibitory Effect of Electrolyzed Reduced Water on Tumor Angiogenesis, Ye J, Li Y, Hamasaki T, Nakamichi N, Komatsu T, Kashiwagi T, Teruya K, Nishikawa R, Kawahara T, Osada K, Toh K, Abe M, Tian H, Kabayama S, Otsubo K, Morisawa S, Katakura Y,, Shirata, S., Graduate School of  Systems Life Sciences, Kyushu University, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan, Published in the Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin January 31, 2008

For more clinical studies please visit Disclaimer - Nothing about what has been stated in this article should be construed to mean that alkaline, ionized water is a cure or treatment for any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor for medical advice.

Dale Guiducci is the Vice President and General Manager at Life Ionizers and co-owner of, an internet retail company. Mr. Guiducci is a graduate of Boston College, has over 25 years business experience and has represented companies such as T.G.I Friday's, CompUSA, Marcus & Millichap and Transoft, Inc. He currently lives in La Mesa, CA with his wife Shirley.

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