Saturday, March 30, 2013

How One Can Get Inexpensive Funding For Housing Without a Mortgage?

Many individuals and families are having great difficulties these days to source funding (through mortgages or otherwise) for the purpose of purchasing a house. This is particularly so in this employment environment where layoffs are so prevalent and job security is so tenuous.

The recent and ongoing advent of mass foreclosures throughout the US has rendered the mortgage industry non functioning as lending agencies are placing more onerous requirements for qualification on persons wishing this facility. The time has come to review how homes are financed and determine whether there is an easier and cheaper, less stressful way to finance your home.

Are you one of those persons who are currently paying a rent or mortgage that is onerous. Would you like to be introduced to an approach that will liquidate this mortgage or rental commitment and own your new home in less that two years from now paying a fraction of the mortgage aggregate cost that you are currently committed to? If this is your current desire then read on.

This system of home financing, which is unique in today's world, is based on how persons in a community assisted each other in early civilized societies when a new family arrived and wanted to establish a homestead.

In these early days the entire community came together and rendered assistance in the building of this home. This was so because it was in everyone's interest to see that this new family was established properly as this gave the community the possibility of additional goods and services.

The men folk gathered all the timber and building material and refined it and the women ensured that the men doing the work were adequately fed and refreshed. Today there is no such collaboration and assistance to the new family. The new family today has to gather all the resources for their homebuilding project and pay for this service themselves.

The paying for such a service as you know is now a major undertaking in the life of any family. A mortgage has to be obtained for which the family has to qualify for, and bridging finance has to be arranged with a lending agency and when the house is completed mortgage payments are to be made over a twenty or thirty year period on an amount that when aggregated is multiple times what was initially expended constructing the house.

The undertaking to make these payments over this period of time as you well know assumes that you and your spouse will be gainfully employed over the period. It assumes that you will suffer no setbacks such as loss of employment, major illness that incapacitates, major catastrophe that causes the destruction or near destruction of the home or any other ill-conceived event that leads to your inability to continue payments.

One may argue that adequate insurances will cover these events, but certainly the additional cost of insurances as well as legal fees has placed significant additional burden on you, the homeowner. It is estimated that such mortgage payments, insurances, etc., make up on average forty five percent of the income of families in most developed countries and in developing countries, this figure is higher.

This mortgage commitment has no doubt placed great strain on you and your family as you also have to secure funding for the higher education of your children, health care, food and other obligations. Modern civilization has to find a way to significantly lower the cost of setting up homes if societies are to live reasonably without financial stress.

Maybe the answer lies in going back to how earlier civilizations assisted each other. That is not to say that the assistance must come in the form of the physical building of homesteads but certainly in the form of financial resources.

But persons who may assist in this way can also be the recipients of such assistance. There is or never will be a shortage in the need for homes. As long as there are people continually coming into the world, there will be a need for shelter.

The question is whether we are prepared to continue to provide shelter using the mortgage approach which is bringing so much stress to households? Or are we willing to pool our resources and provide this essential aspect of society at a much lower cost.

Shelter can be provided at a fraction of the cost and time it takes to put together the resources needed. There are programs where home aspirants worldwide can make contributions (a fraction of the cost) towards the realization of their home.

They then wait in line (on a first come first served basis) for the aggregate funding from other aspirants who come into the system. This approach is far less stressful and far less expensive than the status quo which militates against fast and easy acquisition of homes.

The recent spate of mass foreclosures that has catapulted the US into one of the deepest recessions ever is a clear sign that the mortgage system of homebuilding is a clear failure.

Would you like to get more information on this unique breakthrough approach to home financing? Would you like to own a custom built home for a fraction of what it currently takes to do so using conventional methods? Would you like to liquidate your current mortgage commitments and free yourself financially? Then go to Inexpensive Funding for Housing to view presentation which explains this unique program of home financing. It will cost you nothing except an hour of your time. Thereafter you can email me at

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