Thursday, July 18, 2013

Start a Preschool Or Home Business

There are many great occupations that people can perform from home. Working moms especially have found meaningful and fulfilling employment they can do out of their home and still be able to watch their own kids during the day. If you're looking into starting a business from home or finding something you can do to make a little extra cash, here are a few suggestions to help you get started.

I used to run a wedding flower business out of my home. I found the schedule to be perfect for me as I was able to have my days free ant meet with clients in the evenings. Running my own floral business also allowed me to gain important experience in managing accounting books and keeping tax records straight. I loved being able to work with clients and help them plan their big day. I ended up not pursuing formal advertising and client growth like I had planned as I found another more profitable job. But for the time I ran the business out of my home I was able to get a real feel for how I want to do things later on when I have more time and resources to get my business really off the ground.

I have friends who have been very successful starting a preschool out of their homes. To start a preschool it takes time and patience, especially to build a client base and gain students. But once the school gets a good group of kids and word of mouth travels, many moms find running a preschool from home to be a great way to interact with their own kids while making pretty good money. Starting a preschool requires some pretty stringent approvals from various government agencies but once all the licensure has been acquired its just a matter of setting up school and finding room to have a fun classroom setting.

Its important to decide at the offset how many pupils you want to enroll and how large you want make each class size. I've been amazed watching my friends get preschools started at how high the demand has been. Some have been able to fill up a roster within days of advertising.

Along the same lines as starting a preschool is teaching lessons from home. I used to teach swimming lessons for many years when I lived in house where there was a swimming pool. It was great to be able to set my own hours and pick my clients. I filled up my schedule pretty much every summer before the season even started and made decent money. The problem with teaching swimming though, was that my work dried up when I no longer lived in a house with a pool.

Other lessons people can teach from home are things like piano and voice lessons. If you're musically talented then put those skills to good use and teach lessons out of your home. Most major areas have a strong client base for music lessons of all kinds. And teaching something like piano can be fun if you have the patience to work with smaller children or people who are just starting out. I'd love to be able to teach piano lessons and am just waiting for the day we get a piano and have the room for it.

If you're not too keen on working with kids there are other things you can do from home to boost the income and keep you busy. I have a friend who makes baby clothes and accessories and sells them at local craft markets and online. She's able to bring in a little extra income and most of all she finds it fun and challenging. If you're the talented type who's always making something, try your hand at marketing some of your wares. You might be surprised at how well you do. Kitschy crafts are really popular right now. If you have an eye for the unusual and the talent to make some fun and unique products then I'd look into selling them locally.

If you're not the crafty type or don't want to work with children there are other options. Many people are finding work from home these days through means of e-commuting. There's so much work that can be done online for various companies and clients. I have a friend who works for a publishing company and edits manuscripts online. She is able to work from home and has time to do things during the day that a full time job on location wouldn't allow for. Many people are able to work from home and send in information over the internet back to their bosses. Sometimes people work from across the country or even in other countries and are able to communicate with their co-workers in seconds when needed.

Whatever your preference there are many things you can do from home. If you're a mom with small kids at home, look for a job that doesn't require acute attention to detail. You might not be able to pay as close attention as you once could when working alone with no kids in the house. Remember that even if a job looks like it might be boring or might not fit your skill level, it could be jus the thing to keep you busy during the day and bring in a little income.

I graduated from college with a degree in Humanities and I've not yet had a job that fits into my area of study. Be flexible when looking for work and you may be surprised at what you find that you enjoy. There are quite a few options if you need to work at home, either for health reasons or to take care of children. Research all the options available and then do something that sounds interesting. And remember that even if you work from home it's important to get out of the house every once in a while. Take breaks and go for a walk every few hours. It will make the time go faster and your house not seem quite so monotonous.

Start a Preschool ( is a start a preschool. Art Gib is a freelance writer.

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