Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bug Free Home!

Home sweet home

Always imagined and liked to live in a clean and tidy home? Yes, congrats on your efforts for bringing life and charm to your home. Now, you could still have ignored or may have overseen pest control activities as not significant in your home. Yes, this is the welcoming thought of little parasites like cockroaches and bedbugs and other insects in your kitchen or your bedrooms!

As scientists have postulated recently, that first came the chicken and then came the egg, the most important reasons of what attract the cockroaches into your kitchen are the leftover food particles, here and there on the tables or wash area. Ensure that you mop the kitchen clean before and after cooking to avoid unwanted disturbances caused by the insects. Also when you are building your home, sweet new home, do remember to take a friendly advice from a pest control agency, which could assist you to get rid of the intrusion of these little dangerous creatures.

Nevertheless, the ambience of your kitchen may be inviting your friends if you had spent a lot of efforts on planning arranging your new kitchen. But at the same time, remember, they are also eye catchers for the insects and pests, commonly the roaches, rats and bedbugs if no proper cleaning was done after the usage of kitchen. Inform your maids, whom you have hired to help you, to understand what you expect from them and then plan which of you can do what duties when it comes to cooking and washing. You may take the help of your maid to use a vacuum cleaner on the carpet and floor after she had coked for the day. You can still rinse the kitchen area clean by using bleaching gels and antifungal perfumes under the stoves and ovens.

If you had cooked pizza or any fried foods like French fries or veggie cracker or made cookies for your children or their friends, then surely take much attention to wipe the grill in the oven clean, for there is surely some chance for the food to spill over while cooking or serving from the oven. Use a dry wipe after cleaning the oven with a wet wipe and allow it to dry while allowing it to be kept open for a while, until it dries out completely. Bedbugs are other set of parasites that feed on you, when you are asleep. Make sure you are away from them. To get rid of them, just try to clean your bedrooms as much as possible and call for a emergency help from pest control agency, if uncontrollable.

Rodents are commonly a menace in tropical climatic regions of the world. They fall for a small piece of a cracker in the rat traps and can be easily eradicated. While insects are considered big threats in homes, it becomes difficult to bring up babies and toddlers, in a house that ignores pest control. Inspect your home once in a month. Inform all the relatives and family members of your home that a pest control activity is scheduled during an weekend and take them to a relatives home where they could even spend quality time with them and at the same time away from potential hazards of pest control chemicals substances.

Medical Tablets have been devised in pest control shops that help to kill and keep cockroaches under control. These insects are nocturnal and mostly visit at the kitchen shelves and start feeding on them, in the absence of light. So every night, leave a few tablets in the kitchen and shelves and ensure that your children are asleep before doing this task. The next day, first thing you should be cautious is to remove these tablets and the dead cockroaches, which if remain unattended, may lead to food poisoning and other harmful side effects. So, once you had cleaned the kitchen and dining place safely, ensure that you start your routine other activities.

Play safe with pest control activities and take care of your sweet home from these parasites.

With Regards,

Keerthi P

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