Friday, February 8, 2013

I Met My Match With A Local Matchmaker

I was a troubled, lonely single on the wrong side of 30. I had plans for my life - being married by the time I was 28, and having my first kid before I hit 30. None of this had come true till that point. Each day I would work late in the office just to prolong that moment when I'd have to deal with my empty bed and the silent walls mocking me.

Don't get me wrong, I did date quite a bit. In fact, my married friends were eager to see me join the bandwagon and went all out to find me the perfect partner. However, it's hard to really know someone until you're well into a relationship. If nasty surprises surface when you're half in, it's hard to make the call that will see you in either a compromised relationship or single, again.

A few years ago, I dated this man that seemed perfect in all ways. Then the day came when during a walk, we came across a street dog that was barking its head off. My date immediately called up the pet control people who didn't take much time to euthanize the dog.

I was beyond shocked. I am an animal lover and I cannot abide what they do to strays. I would have taken that stray home or to a kennel where they'd find a home for it. My date could only think of killing a fellow creature. How much did I really know him? I'd been out on 8 dates by then and I simply couldn't continue seeing him. Waste of time, waste of effort and waste of hope.

That's when I decided to use a local matchmaking agency and found my perfect partner, Bill. Bill is everything that I ever wanted and more. How has this been possible for me? Well, my local matchmaking agency first listened carefully to my needs and my bad experiences and then helped me create the perfect profile. I wrote a personal bio that was upbeat, friendly and warm without sounding desperate. Every relevant piece of information about me went into the profile, including my love for strays.

In a couple of days, the matchmaking unit called me up with a few possible matches. They validate each match personally and background checks are run on all members. No one can get away with lies. That's how I met Bill. He was the first match and I really loved his personal bio.

It doesn't work all this smoothly for everyone. Still, going through my local matchmakers not only got me my perfect mate but also spared me the many years of searching and barking up wrong trees.

Allen Tane is an experienced writer on the matchmaking agency and quality dating industry. He has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Allen's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking service. Allen's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

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