Saturday, March 22, 2014

Home Loan Refinancing - What Lenders Don't Want You To Know

Refinancing lenders seems to hold all the cards. They have the money and their own system for determining which type of credit you can qualify for. What lenders don't want you to know is that you can improve your credit rating in a matter of days.

Good Credit Factors

Good credit does not mean perfect credit. People assume a 30 day late payment means poor credit. Not true. You can still have good credit score if you have two 30 day late payments on a credit card or one 30 day late payment on a car loan within the last three years. After three years, the payment history will drop off your credit report.

While you don't want too much debt when applying to refinance, having a credit card can help your credit score. Have at least one credit card and make regular payments on it. If you are worried about the interest charges, pay off the balance every month. Those regular payments establish your credit payment history, a large factor in determining rates.

Ways To Boost Your Credit Rating

Besides paying your bills on time, there are some quick ways to raise your credit score. First off, close any open credit card accounts that you don't use. The less available credit you use, the better rates you can receive with mortgage lenders.

Second, include a note in your credit history explaining the situation for any late bills, foreclosures, or bankruptcy. Lenders will offer lower interest rates if the reasons were due to extenuating circumstances.

Lastly, check your credit report for errors. Creditors and credit reporting agencies make mistakes. Their mistakes can cost you thousands in interest charges, so get a copy of your credit report and read through it carefully. If you find a mistake, contact the creditor to have them fix it.

Refinancing Alternatives

Refinancing isn't the only way to tap into low interest rates. If you simply want to access your home's equity, then a home equity loan might be a better choice for you. Home equity loans offer flexibility to withdraw funds and pay them back. You can also write off the interest on your taxes, just like with mortgage interest.

To view our recommended sources for refinance mortgage loans online, visit

this page: Recommended

Refinance Mortgage Lenders Online.

Carrie Reeder is the owner ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.

Choosing the Right Daycare For Your Baby

As hard as the decision may be to make, if you need to work outside the home after your baby is born, you need to decide BEFORE your baby is born as to where they are going to spend their days while you at work. Many childcare providers, be they childcare centers, or home providers have waiting lists. Find the one you like the best and enroll your child before that day comes that you are going back to work. Doing your research ahead of time will save you a ton of heartache.

Don't assume that every childcare provider is willing to take in part-time children. Some daycare providers want full-time children to keep the books easier to manage and to keep classrooms full. Another aspect of working part-time is weighing whether it is financially worth it. OK, you will be making money, but you have to take into account what the cost of childcare costs you plus add in the cost of gas, work clothing and lunch food. You may end up realizing that it isn't worth you going back to work part-time!

If you decide that going back to work, even if it is part-time, you need to decide what kind of childcare is best for your child. Most definitely, having someone come into your home to take care of an infant is most advantageous because of the fact that your infant's immune system is not fully developed and therefore staying at home will keep your infant away from dangerous germs that tend to cause multiple ear infections and even delay development.

If you are lucky enough to have your Mom or Mother-in-law near and available, this could be a God send to you. On the other hand, parenting theories have changed over the years, and your Mom's ideas on child rearing may differ vastly from yours'. Another thing to keep in mind is that Mom is older than she was when she raised you; she may have forgotten how exhausting taking care of an infant may be.

Another way to go may be for you to hire a nanny. Interviewing potential nannies can be rather exhausting, but if this is the route you want to take, you need to be very careful of who you hire to care for your child. Most nanny agencies are very particular about whom they hire, but everyone is different in their thoughts on raising children, so you need to find someone whose ideals match yours. If possible, have a nanny start working for you a couple weeks before you go back to work so they can become familiar with your baby's routine and your expectations.

If you chose not to go with home daycare for whatever reason, then you can turn to daycare centers. Daycare centers are mandated by states to be licensed and do background checks on potential employees. Daycare centers also make sure that their employees are up to date on emergency care such as CPR. In daycare centers, you also have the security of knowing that there will almost always be more than one adult in the room with your child. This brings about a sense of security in that there will always be sort of checks and balances with each teacher keeping the other in check.

Whatever child care you chose for your child, always go with what your heart and gut tells you. If you sense that something is wrong, you are probably right. Talk to neighbors and friends to see what or who they recommend. Regardless of your choose, stay involved by talking to your child's teacher and even dropping in at random times to see what is going on at different times of the day.

Erin has been writing articles and publishing content for several years that cover a number of popular topics of interest from different walks of life. Recently, her interests have turned to cooking and she has been searching for a professional knife sharpener [] and reviewing different electric knife sharpeners [] for her kitchen.

Real Estate Agent Benefits For Selling a Home

It is safe to say that selling a home is not easy. Nor is it half as fun as looking for a new one. The truth is, as much as we would like to think we can handle the ordeal on our own, it just isn't as practical as it is when we have a realtor doing the dirty work. Here are some benefits a real estate will add to your home selling experience.

1. They will provide a thorough evaluation of your home with a full list of possible and cost worthy improvements. These improvements may range anywhere from replacing screens on windows to small or major paint jobs. By acknowledging the minor and even major tasks that are cost-to-benefit, they are already helping you by marketing your house to more potential buyers.

2. Realtors will take care of the signs put out in your front lawn and also putting your home in listings. They will put your home on their website or list it as a featured property. They have the training and resources ready to draw in buyers. A few places you may find your property will be newspaper periodicals, Come and Shepherd Television program, Craig's List, Facebook Market Place, Twitter, local real estate blog networks, specific news aggregators, postcards, inter agency electronic post cards, MLS listing across real estate agencies, direct agent-to-agent solicitation, agent tours, and virtual home tours.

3. Their professional services extend to even the way your furniture is arranged when people come to look at your home. This service is called home staging and can change the whole look of your home. By rearranging objects or pieces of furniture, or even completing eliminated certain items, you can really optimize the look of any room.

4. Another very valuable thing you can be thankful for from you agent is that they have your back. They want the most out of your home just as badly as you do. They are going to be honest with you about the condition and value of your home, and won't let you accept foolish offers when waiting just a little longer for the right buyer could be a $20,000 difference. They know the market and they know where you home falls in the scheme of things.

When it comes down to it, there are more reasons to hire a realtor than not. Without being trained in the area yourself, it is hard to get the most exposure and the most value for your home. Cincinnati Realtor Homes in Cincinnati

Expert Warns-Consumers Beware of Misleading Reverse Mortgage Articles and Stories!

Reverse Mortgages (Home Equity Conversion Mortgages) have become a popular and well respected way for seniors to access the equity in their homes for many reasons. Some use the equity for long-term care needs, to pay bills, pay off existing mortgages or debt, pay for prescription drug costs, home improvements, home modifications, or to simply be able to enjoy life a little more by traveling and enhancing their retirement cash flow. Many seniors use reverse mortgages to pay high property tax bills, and have even been saved from foreclosure and bankruptcy because they applied for a reverse mortgage.

Other seniors use reverse mortgage proceeds to fund advanced estate planning techniques. This includes increasing the value of their estate through life insurance purchases, planning ahead for future long-term care needs, assisting grandchildren with college funding, making charitable donations, and to convert IRA funds to Roth IRA funds, just to name a few.

Many newspaper, TV, radio and internet articles circulating in the media give inaccurate and misleading information about reverse mortgages. So called "experts" who are interviewed for quotes often have no involvement in the mortgage industry and do not understand the federal law that regulates these loans.

Each consumer should make it his or her own responsibility to talk with an expert, and educate themselves on the facts.

TIP: As you know, the media attract more viewers, readers, and listeners when they make a story exciting, scary, or dramatic. Because reverse mortgages are federally regulated loans, there really isn't anything scary or dramatic about them when you know the facts. Be wary of interviews and articles that make reverse mortgages seem like a scam. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has done an excellent job of regulating reverse mortgages, and they are designed to help seniors, not hurt them.

Some good websites for more information are - be sure to download "Money from Home" for free. The National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association has great consumer booklets- .

The National Council on Aging recently did a study that concluded that reverse mortgages are good sources of funds for long-term care planning and long-term care needs. You can download the entire study by visiting

Although there are closing costs associated with these loans, most, if not all of them are factored in to the loan, and are not out-of-pocket expenses for the senior. Whether or not a reverse mortgage is right for a senior depends on their specific situation, case design, and cash flow or estate planning needs.

What is a Reverse Mortgage?

A reverse mortgage enables older homeowners (62+) to convert part of the equity in their homes into tax-free income without having to sell the home, give up title, or take on a new monthly mortgage payment. The reverse mortgage is aptly named because the payment stream is "reversed." Instead of making monthly payments to a lender, as with a regular mortgage, a lender makes payments to you.

Who Qualifies for a Reverse Mortgage?

Eligible property types include single-family homes, 2-4 unit properties, manufactured homes (built after June 1976), condominiums, and townhouses. In general, co-ops are not allowed. Only the Financial Freedom "Cash Account" program is available on co-ops in New York City. As long as you own a home, are at least 62, and have enough equity in your home, you can get a reverse mortgage. There are no special income, credit or medical requirements.

How Are Seniors Protected?

Counseling is one of the most important consumer protections built into the program. It requires an independent third-party to make sure your family member understands the program, and review alternative options, before they apply for a reverse mortgage.

You can seek counseling from a local HUD-approved counseling agency, or a national counseling agency, such as AARP (800-209-8085), National Foundation for Credit Counseling (866-698-6322), and Money Management International (877-908-2227). Counseling is required for all reverse mortgages and may be conducted face-to-face or by telephone.

By law, a counselor must review (i) options, other than a reverse mortgage, that are available to the prospective borrower, including housing, social services, health and financial alternatives; (ii) other home equity conversion options that are or may become available to the prospective borrower, such as property tax deferral programs; (iii) the financial implications of entering into a reverse mortgage; and, (iv) the tax consequences affecting the prospective borrower's eligibility under state or federal programs and the impact on the estate or his or her heirs.

TIP: HUD Counselors are not financial planners, and should not be giving advice on financial product purchases. Talk to a trusted advisor about a plan for the reverse mortgage proceeds.

How Can the Cash Flow From a Reverse Mortgage Keep Mom and Dad at Home Longer?

The cash flow from a reverse mortgage can be used for any purpose. In order to keep seniors safe and at home for longer periods of time, it is recommended that the cash flow be used for home modifications, repairs, personal emergency response systems, and in-home care services.

Whose Name Remains on The Title to the Home?

The seniors' names remain on the title to the home. The bank is not in the business of taking over title, and certainly not in the business of owning homes. Therefore, just as with a traditional mortgage, the seniors' name is on the title to the house.

Can Their Home Be Taken Away from Them?

When a senior implements a reverse mortgage, it is important to remember that they are responsible for keeping the home owner's insurance in force, paying annual property taxes, and for general upkeep of the home. Unless one of these criteria is not met, their home can never be taken away from them.

Will Heirs Be Responsible for Repaying This Loan?

No, a reverse mortgage is a "non-recourse" loan. This means that the lender is only entitled to loan repayment via the sale of the home for fair market value. If there is any remaining equity over and above the final loan amount, the heirs receive that remaining equity. If the home sells for LESS than the final loan amount, the federal government steps in and pays the lender the difference. Heirs' assets are never at risk.

When Does the Loan Come Due?

The loan comes due when the last remaining homeowner leaves the home permanently. This means that the loan will come due when the last homeowner passes away, sells the home, or leaves permanently (12 months or more).

Do Reverse Mortgages Affect Medicare or Social Security?

Reverse Mortgages do not affect Medicare (including Medicare Part D) or social security income. However, the proceeds from a reverse mortgage CAN affect local income based programs in your area, and the big one- Medicaid. (note there is a huge difference between MediCARE and MediCAID.) Medicaid eligibility can be preserved with the right plan even after taking out a reverse mortgage. Talk to a professional about the options.

Can Mom and Dad Still Leave Their Home To Their Children?

Yes, with proper planning, they certainly can. One way to make sure that heirs receive the value of the home is for the seniors to purchase life insurance using the proceeds from the reverse mortgage. Some seniors end up doubling or tripling the value of their estate for their heirs because they use the reverse mortgage proceeds to pay the life insurance premiums. This way they never have to touch a penny of their savings, investments, or current income to increase the value of their own estate. This also helps the heirs, because inheritance passed on through life insurance (beneficiary designation) bypasses probate, and taxes!

How Does The Deficit Reduction Act 2005 Effect Home Equity?

The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 requires that individuals with home equity over $500,000 ($750,000 in some states) use some of that equity to pay for their own care prior to qualifying for Medicaid services. Reverse mortgages have become a very popular and appropriate option for decreasing the equity in the home and using that equity to pay for care.

For more information or to contact the author visit

Credit Repair the Whole Story

The Real Problem with Disputes

Credit bureau disputes are the essential backbone of every successful credit repair program. And almost without exception it is necessary to start the process with these disputes. But if your efforts are confined only to disputing your issues with the credit bureaus you are virtually guaranteed to be disappointed.

Hitting the Credit Repair Wall

If you send a dispute letter to the credit bureaus you will receive a response back within thirty days or so. You might be excited to see that some of the problem items have been removed. You are also likely to see that some of the items that you have questioned have been verified. This can be frustrating. What is the next step? You might think that a second dispute is in order, and you may be right. Or you may be wrong. Read carefully. Has the credit bureau asked you to address all future inquiries to the original creditor? If so you may discover that additional credit bureau disputes produce no results.

Moving On

Many consumers in search of professional credit repair services will find an ample supply of credit repair companies offering a basic low cost program that consists entirely of credit bureau disputes. What happens to this consumer when the credit bureaus ask you to direct future inquiries to the original creditor? There are two possibilities.

The End of the Road

If you sign up for a credit repair program that only offers credit bureau disputes there is almost zero likelihood that you will end up as a satisfied customer. After the first round of disputes you may get few additional results. Or, if the company that you have chosen does offer additional levels of service you will probably find it necessary to upgrade to a more expensive version of the program in order to get the results that you desire. The truth is that the dispute only version of the program should never have been offered.

An Honest Approach

Remember that I started by saying that credit bureau disputes are the essential backbone of every successful credit repair program. It is so. In fact, it's absolutely logical to start your dispute process with the credit bureaus. But to stop there would be like putting your socks on and then imagining that you are fully dressed. A truly effective credit repair program will seamlessly move from credit bureau disputes to creditors as a natural part of the process. Collection agencies can be challenged as needed in the same way.

The Educated Consumer

Credit Repair can and will produce fantastic results if done in a competent and comprehensive manner. Would you go to dinner at a restaurant that only cooks the food half way? Would you hire an auto mechanic that takes your engine apart but doesn't quite put it back together again? Of course not! Make sure that your credit repair company will complete the job that you hired them for.

A Smooth Process

It is our opinion that a credit repair program should be inclusive of every step that is necessary to produce the final desired result. And the credit repair professional should be armed with every tool needed to do the job. We believe that the process should be offered as a unified whole. Our customers hire us for the most important reasons in the world. Their goals are inseparable from the quality of their financial life. We believe that credit should be taken seriously.

Beyond the Dispute

A comprehensive dispute process encompassing the credit bureaus, creditors, and even collection agencies is essential for success. But it is also equally imperative that these activities occur in the context of a complete understanding of both the credit scoring model and the way creditors view credit in making a decision. I cannot emphasize this enough! A good credit repair company always has their customer's goals in mind. You do not want to complete a credit repair program and discover that your scores have suffered or that you don't meet lenders criteria for credit content. When selecting a credit repair company make sure that they have the universal perspective that will produce the real results that you want. It turns out that the details can make all of the difference in the world.

Copyright © 2007 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.

Jim Kemish is the president and founder of Power Mortgage, a Florida mortgage broker based in Delray Beach, Florida. Power Mortgage Corp was established in 1989 and serves the states of Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Virginia. Jim is also the President of Sky Blue Credit, a national credit repair business. For great mortgage and credit tips visit the Florida Mortgage Blog.

Fostering - A Foster Dads Experience

In the UK, fostering dads attend less training, foster carers support groups and fostering meetings. Although the majority of fostering families include a male foster carer, research by fostering organisations finds that male carers often feel undervalued and that their contribution is less important.

Michael, a foster dad's perspective

Let's face it, women can talk about their feelings much more than men. After our kids left home and the cheering stopped, Julie began to feel at a loose end and after a chat, she suggested fostering and I realised we both missed the hustle and bustle of family life but I didn't want to admit it!. If I'm honest, although I thought it was a good thing for us, I just tagged along and didn't give it much thought until the social worker came to visit and did she open my eyes!

She gave us examples of behaviours from foster children and like most men, I imagined being the one expected to step in if things got physical, although I saw there was much more to fostering. During the assessment, although it wasn't a big thing at the time, messages from the social worker were usually left for my wife and if I spoke on the phone, more often than not, the social worker asked for 'Mrs B'.

After we were approved we felt on top of the world but it had been a hard slog getting there. We soon had our first young lad, he came with a few problems. We soon got over our excitement, and the boy settled in. From the training I had learned that most children who had been disadvantaged and had been in trouble, had one thing in common, no good adult role model in their lives.

This is where I knew I could be a real help to youngsters, something I could do just because I was a man. I could be that new role model, helping youngsters to change what they know or think, about men. I would be the foster dad who they could discuss problems with that they won't talk about to foster mums.

All went well but soon the same feelings I had during the assessment of being a second fiddle carer returned as comments like, 'it doesn't matter if he's not at the meeting' and phone calls from the social worker started with 'hello, is Julie there.' Other things were frustrating like any training was in the day when I was at work.

I was reading the other day that The Prince's Trust suggests that a lack of parental and other adult role models is driving some young people to turn to gangs for support. Come on fostering, recognise us for the work we do as fostering dads, speak to us, stop making us feel outsiders and don't just think that we might be risky foster carers because we are men.

Fostering can be a demanding task. Foster carers certainly need good health, an understanding of the difficulties faced by parents and a commitment to the welfare of children which is shared and supported by all family members.

It is of paramount importance to choose the right fostering agency, there are over seven hundred in the UK. Follow the Government's advice to 'contact more than one Fostering Agency if you are interested in a fostering career'.

For comprehensive and easy to understand information, help and advice, contact Annette or Joe at Simply Fostering.

Joe is a friend of Simply Fostering, recruiting foster carers in the UK. Visit

Friday, March 21, 2014

Make Money From Home - The Key Element - Marketing

My working life so far has for the most part paid a relatively low paying hourly wage. At times I have made tips and/or bonuses but I truly believe that working for someone else is not relative to getting paid what your worth. Also, I personally do not like being stuck at someone else's business for 40 or more hours per week. It is for these reasons that periodically I have gone out on a limb to try my hand at home based business.

My first experience was when my daughter was a baby. I didn't have a vehicle and daycare was very expensive so I responded to a newspaper ad....."Assemble products from home". For $35.00 I received a book listing various companies who offered a variety of products that could be assembled from home. Each company charged a fee for there unassembled products. I choose to measure, cut and package guitar stings. To my surprise, when I received my product I discovered that I had to market them myself. Since this was in the pre-home computer days and I had no experience at marketing, I quickly found out that this was not what I was looking for.

A few years later I tried tye-dyeing T-shirts I got more creative with my marketing efforts and it did pay off some what but unfortunately home-craft type products usually take a lot of time and rarely do you get paid enough for your time or your creative expertise.

I caved in again and got my Resident Care/Home Support Certificate. After working in the Home Care field for a few years, I came to realize how much time I had been spending with my client and how neglectful I was in the time that I had for my own children. Altruism is a great quality but not if it is at the expense of ones own loved ones. Anyways, I tried to start my own Home Support Agency. I had some great concepts and I may go back to this one when I have mastered my marketing skills. The bottom line is I put a lot of time and money into that venture but without proper marketing any small business is doomed to fail. It's statistically proven.

Lastly, I and many others I'm sure tried the "Get paid to do on-line surveys", route. Again I spent $35.00 in hopes of finding employment on my own schedule. What I received was a code giving me access to surveys that were supposed to pay. This paid very little, if anything, it worked on a token system where you had to earn quite a number of tokens to get paid anything. It was like 20 tokens will earn you 5 cents. Most of the surveys would allow you to enter a contest to win a trip or $1000.00. Well I never won and I certainly wasn't able to make a living doing surveys. After that fiasco, I once again dwelled in the world of the daily grind, allowing me only the luxury of getting by from month to month.

Until Now.......

In the last few years, making money on the Internet has exploded. It is no longer a question of whether a person can make money on-line from home. The question is.......What type of opportunities do I look for??? The answer has been trying to present itself to me through most of my self-employment excursions. I guess I wasn't experienced in life enough to see that everything centers around marketing......


I have been working on several on-line projects, by far the most beneficial has been marketing for far. Once I have mastered my marketing skills for others, I have many creative and worthwhile projects of my own to market. The greatest thing is that I'm making money. The other greatest thing is that I love to research and then write about products. I am having fun with what I'm doing and I am able to express myself creatively for my own benefit as well as helping others achieve their goals in life. It feels good!

Thank-you to those of you who read my article.....It is the first of many to come as I follow my heart as well as my natural talents, abilities and creativity.

Remember........Marketing is the sensible place to start........

We have to learn to crawl and then walk before we can run through the huge vastness of the Information Highway.

Just Don't Give Up - Never Give Up On Your Dreams

check the links below for up to date and informative information about Tried, Tested and True Opportunities To Make Money From Home

Rent a Pet? - Yes It's a Little WEIRD

Ok, here perhaps is our WEIRDEST money making idea to date... but remember, lots of ideas seem strange at first.

This is a Pet Rental Agency...

Now, WHY on earth would you want to rent a pet?

Well, here is how the set up goes, so reserve judgement for a minute and see what you think after I explain.

Some people are just NOT aware of the responsibilities that go with owning a pet. Here is a chance to TEST THE WATER before committing to actually OWNING one.

Your customer can rent the pet of his/her choice weekly, complete with an instruction book on how to look after the pet properly, you could also supply a week's supply of Pet food.

After a week, the renter has a choice, they can either give the pet back, rent it for another week or buy it.

Once you have had a pet in your house for a week, it will be very hard for you to give it back.

Now, if the person does give it back, this saves a pet going to a home where it might not have been wanted. Someone will eventually want to keep the pet - but in the mean time you have made a nice profit from rentals.

Now do check with your local bye-laws regarding the law as far as animals are concerned. Your priority should always be the care and welfare of the animal and you should always VET (sorry, I had to put that one in) the renter first to make sure, they are a responsible person.

Obviously stick to Hamsters, Dogs or Cats at first - don't dive into the deep end straight away and start renting WILD BEASTS!! LOL.

For more information - Click Here

I am an Author and an Internet Marketer from Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, England.
One of my current projects ia a daily MONEY MAKING Tip blog called Keith's Money Making Tips.

Each day, I publish a new tip on either how to make, or save YOU money - you can get some FANTASTIC ideas here. I also have a great FREE ebook waiting for you, on how to make money from the Internet and create your OWN websites.. All FREE.

Click on the link to get started NOW -

If You Can't Get Your Loan Modified, Use These Strategies to Stay in Your Home Until You Finally Can

The complicated process of foreclosures often creates a great deal of confusion for homeowners going through the experiencing. Because of the complex nature involved most homeowners tend to ignore the situation until it becomes too late to take steps to avoid it. On top of that, the governmental agencies involved have admitted that the Mortgage Modification Program, they established, is not working as they had anticipated and needs to be improved.

It's certainly understandable that homeowners become bewildered and overcome by the process. To gain an understanding on the methods of maneuvering through the process, patience is a necessity. But, if you do not have an understanding of the manner the process works, losing your home is a reality.

So, taking as much time as you need to understand the methods to get a modified mortgage is essential and is not a situation to take casually. It is important for you to put a strategy in place and to have the capability to pay attention to the task ahead of you. Following are the three most simplistic methods to postpone the process of foreclosures:

Ask For Your Day In Court

Standing before a judge can be an intimidating experience; this is certainly not a secret. But, making a hearing request could potentially be among the more dynamic methods of prolonging the process of foreclosure. Utilizing this strategy could put the foreclosure on hold for at least twelve months, maybe longer, if you comprehend how it's done.

This step will buy you some extra time while you attempt to get your financial house in order. It's not necessary to be concerned about hiring an attorney to do this because, while at times they are useful, usually a homeowner can take care of this process on their own.

Compose a Financial Hardship Letter

Putting your financial situation in writing and giving a specific explanation for the reason or reasons you have been having difficulties making your monthly payments is rated among the more powerful methods to suspend the steps taken during a foreclosure. If the reasons for not making your payments are genuine and are presented in the correct manner, most mortgage companies are willing to give your situation consideration and amend the terms of your loan.

Check and Double Check The Small Print

As their despair increases, homeowners, at times, forget the reality that most mortgage documents issued two to six years ago most likely are filled with mistakes. If you are able to pinpoint a few errors, you now have considerable leverage as you contact your mortgage company seeking assistance on a home that is potentially facing foreclosure.

In reality, it places you in a position of power since most lenders are accustomed to holding the top card. However, if you are in a position to point out a few mistakes in the originally filed documents you now have serious bargaining power and lenders tend to be more open and helpful. This is the type of information the various lending institutions or attorneys do not want you to have. If you understand this major secret, you will be two steps ahead.

Their reasons behind being unwilling to expose these secret strategies is simple, they will lose a percentage of their income if you obtain this knowledge. They are certainly conscious of the reality involved if you have the same facts they do; there would be no need for their services.

Foreclosure is a process and there are ways for you to DELAY that process and stay in your home MORTGAGE-FREE for a few years regardless your financial situation, even if you have not income at all. To learn how, go to How To Stop Foreclosure

For tips, strategies and detailed step by step instructions on what to do to avoid foreclosure and DO-IT-YOURSELF without paying Attorneys, Brokers or Agencies Click Here Now!

Identity Theft - Safeguarding Can't Hurt

Will we ever get a break? Not right now. In San Diego, police arrested a postal worker for stealing mail and trading it to identity thieves to support his drug habit.

Another arrest involved the hacking of wireless carrier T-MobileUSA's network. According to Fox News, the attacker gained access to a database of 16 million customers including the personal information of the Secret Service agent investigating the break in.

Then there's Choicepoint. When last we left the information giant, criminals broke into their 19 billion records database. Choicepoint now acknowledges previous attacks that date back to the year 2000.

The number of identity theft victims as well as the methods of getting personal information continue to increase sharply. Yet while no 100% guarantees exist online or off, safeguarding can't hurt and one of the best ways for fighting identity theft exist in your own home.

Check your trash.

Going through your garbage has turned into an exact science and a major goldmine for the identity thieves. The Department of Justice refers to this as "dumpster diving" Check everything you throw away then check it again.

Mark any information including financial statements, driver's license, address and especially your social security # "Sensitive" then shred it. I recommend a crosscut shredder. Throw it away in different garbage cans on different days.

Shred junk mail credit card offers and get taken off the major credit agencies' marketing lists.

If you're not doing it already, get into the habit of taking your mail particularly any bill payments directly to the Post Office. Identity thieves also target mailboxes. They frequently stake out the area and wait for the optimum time. Getting a locked mailbox doesn't hurt either.

Use anti spyware, a firewall and antivirus programs on your computer system. If performing a transaction online make sure the company provides a secure server. They should tell you but if not look for the yellow lock at the bottom of your screen.

Guard your plastic. Examine your credit card statements and request a copy of your credit report. Agencies will send you one free copy per year. If you request more than one, you get charged a fee anywhere from 9 to 20 dollars depending on the credit bureau.

Handle this with care. Even though you're doing the right thing in trying to protect yourself, too many inquiries are frowned upon by these agencies and could impact your credit negatively. Joining a credit monitoring company can remove that obstacle.

One caveat.You should exercise vigilance in protecting your credit cards but it's not the total solution that some experts claim. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that 60% of all identity theft cases do NOT involve any existing accounts. Guard your plastic but make guarding your Social security number the top priority.

These methods of protection take on a special significance due to the identity of the criminals. According to the Better Business Bureau's 2005 Fraud Survey Report, family freinds and neighbors account for half of all identity thieves. You don't want to turn someone you know and love over to the authorities so do your best to eliminate the temptation.

Again, no 100% guarantees exists. You make transactions at the restaurant, corner store, gas station and a host of other places. We all need to deal in this world so there's always a risk factor. Stay vigilant on the things you control and the chances of identity theft can decrease.

Because at all costs you want to avoid what many victims rank as the worst part of identity theft. The nightmare of recovery.

Article written by Daryl Campbell at Identity Theft and Fraud. Drastically reduce your risk [] of becoming an identity theft victim

What You Can Expect

It is highly recommended to get an adult day services for old people who can't live independently. It is a must to determine the conditions when to opt for the program no matter how we repel the idea.

The elderly as well as the family should be assures that they can only get an absolutely win/win situation with the benefits the home's program can offer. If the institution is any good, the old adult and his family members should feel relieved and assured that they'll only get quality care provided the center. Most families choose adult day services especially when all the children are working, and they can't afford to give their parents' a much needed round-the-clock supervision which only an adult care program can give.

It is important to find the right adult day services. The participant will have extensive benefits on having a safe and secure place while being away from their family. The program in the center is designed to cater for their care. They could enjoy worthwhile and educational activities that can lead to mental and physical development. They can also experience a certain level of independence, socialize and develop friendship. Meals are prepared to address their specific nutritional needs.

There are ways to help you locate a reputable facility. When you have finally considered a center, it is best to phone to inquire some details like the agency owner or sponsors, number of years in operation, licensure, transportation provided, conditions they accept, programs and meals provided. It is best to visit the center and try to spend a day to closely observe the operation and have an actual feel for the people and the atmosphere. It is best to know what you can expect for the care of your family.

Searching For Las Vegas Real Estate

The friendly state of Nevada, it could be a place you call home or one of your favorite vacation spots. Either way, it's a great place to be looking for an investment property. Prices are dropping a little, and interest rates are still at a 40-year low!

There is a lot of ways to make money with Las Vegas real estate. If you are a first investment buyer, then seek out a qualified real estate agent. Las Vegas is Nevada's world famous city. Today it remains one of the top real estate investment locations in the United States with the ever-increasing tourist traffic and convention traffic flooding into the area. There is consistent growth with the population, buildings, and jobs. Which makes for a great place to invest.

With so much to offer and a steady influx of new residents due to the cost of real estate in Las Vegas it is predicted that even with a cooling off of the current market the demand will remain steady for some time. Remember real estate goes in cycles, and Nevada is the perfect city to see this take place like no where else in the nation.

While many rushed into the market to make fast money the cost of real estate eventually topped out, and the slow down of buyers stabilized the market. Most real estate professionals believe that there is still a significant room for growth in the Las Vegas real estate market.

Over the past couple of years the Real Estate Market has taken center stage breaking national sales records with record appreciation rates. Find a good Las Vegas real estate agent, they will probably know more about real estate in Las Vegas than you do. Other services your agent might provide that can benefit you when buying Las Vegas real estate include providing connections with an affordable mortgage lender, experience in foreclosures, repossessions and estate homes, and experience in corporate relocation.

By making intelligent decisions about your Las Vegas real estate, you can assure yourself of economic advancement. A Las Vegas real estate attorney will play the role of a watchdog that can guide a client through the details and paperwork necessary for any house sale in Las Vegas. Whatever your financial goals are, buying Las Vegas real estate will probably be profitable to you.

When looking to invest in residential real estate, notice the neighborhood that the real estate is in. With some basic knowledge of Las Vegas real estate suburbs, you should be able to make a more informed decision.

Choose a Las Vegas real estate agent that will carefully research each new home to fit perfectly, with what you want. Since Las Vegas is such a dynamic city, it is hard to find real estate that cannot be put to profit-making use. The real estate market in Las Vegas has been appreciating at an incredible rate, and will continue to do so in the near future.

Las Vegas real estate suburbs are also good investments. Las Vegas real estate can be affordable if you look just outside of town, away from the strip, unless you are searching for land to build your very own casino? Then you would already have enough experience and would have no need to be reading this article?

There are projects that are breathtaking in design and integrate the best of Las Vegas, with Strip, Valley and mountain views, and true to the style and luxury of Las Vegas.

Also, living or operating in Las Vegas will exempt you from paying a state tax. This transformation has resulted in Las Vegas becoming a mature city. Nevada real estate agencies offer a selection of properties available for purchase and this is helpful to the real estate investors.

If Las Vegas is your dream, then get out there and buy yourself a little piece of Nevada you can call your home. This really is, the time to start buying real estate in Nevada.

As the saying goes: "Buy when everyone else is selling, and sale when everyone else is buying."

Clifton Waldrep: With his 25 years of experience in the real estate field. You will be amazed at the diversity of his Real Estate knowledge. Subjects from buying and selling real estate, FSBO, Foreclosures, Rehabbing, No Money Down, Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Property Management, to remodeling your home, and much, much more! You can find many helpful topics at

Thursday, March 20, 2014

10 Tips On Handling Resistance To Home Care

When the time comes for you to realistically consider home care for loved ones who can no longer safely live on their own, nine times out of ten you will meet with their strong resistance. The people who very much need the care are generally adamantly against giving up their independence and autonomy, and that is understandable. But, rather than coming up against their resistance with your own arguments, stand back and try to offer appropriate responses that acknowledge their feelings and provide suggestions to alleviate their fears.

Here are 10 tips to help you handle resistance to home care:

When your parent says, "I don't need any help," point out how overwhelmed she gets doing normal household chores; or how she forgets to renew important prescriptions, or how she has set off the smoke alarm several times in a month, or any other specific examples. Then tell her how much more comfortable and less confusing her life would be with help. Show her that home care would enable her to stay in her home as long as possible.
When your parent says, "I like things done my way. I'm the only one who knows what to give your father to eat," tell her she can be involved in supervising the home caregiver.
When your parent says, "I don't want a stranger in my house," allay her fears by staying over one or two days and by popping in to see how things are at different hours of the day and night.
When your parent says, "I'm not throwing away my savings when I can manage on my own," contact her accountant or financial planner to assure her that she can afford help. Also discuss the fact that it is not practical to worry about savings at this time in her life.
When your parent says, "I won't have any of those people in my house," discuss the matter of prejudice and urge her simply to give the home caregiver a try.
When your parent says, "Absolutely no," contact the home care agency and arrange a home visit with another senior who is happy with her care giver. Seeing a positive situation is always good motivation.
Encourage your parent to express her fears and concerns about what is happening to her.
Discuss what would happen if she won't let people help her. Let her experience a day without your help -- no meals, soiled clothing -- so that she sees that she needs regular assistance.
Slowly introduce your parent to outside services. For example, arrange to have someone deliver her meals or do her shopping. A kind, compassionate person coming into her home may earn her trust and prepare her to be open to further assistance.
If the situation requires immediate attention, consider hiring a geriatric care manager who has the expertise to help your parent accept assistance.

This article is provided courtesy of...
Randy Walden, CSA
Certified Senior Advisor
Heartwarming Care, LLC
(253) 460-1574
10209 Bridgeport Way SW Ste. C-6
Lakewood, WA 98499

With Equity You Can Crack Bad Credit!

For that matter, you can consult with a mortgage company that will go through all your financial and credit information and decide the nature of loan that can be made available to you. People having a bad credit rating should find out if they can obtain some form of equity-based loan as this loans offer the best terms when credit is an issue.

Repairing Your Credit

People, who want to repair their present credit position, can take a home equity loan that may be used to clear higher interest debt. They can use this method to change their negative credit into a positive one over a period of time. The process needs patience as your credit score cannot improve overnight but a continued history of timely payments will ensure a good credit score in a few months.

Obtaining Bad Credit Equity Loans

There are thousands of online lenders willing to give money to people with a bad credit score as long as they can afford the monthly payments. It can be especially beneficial to people who are passing through some difficult phase in their lives and require a means to reestablish themselves but if you think that things may worsen, don't apply for a bad credit home equity loan because failing to repay the loan may risk repossession of your home.

It is better to consult a second mortgage calculator prior to applying for a home equity loan. This kind of mortgage calculator will provide the applicant with a chance to see what type of payment is required. There are several of these tools available online and specially designed for individuals having a hard time with their credit.

Home Equity Loans and Bad Credit

By combining home equity loans and Bad credit, you can enhance your financial position even if you possess a less than favorable credit rating. If you replace a debt having a 20% to 25% high interest rate, compounded monthly, with a home equity loan that is just 8% and is governed by the rules of simple interest, your credit rating will immediately improve.

However, a home equity loan will improve your credit score only if used to eliminate higher interest debt. Otherwise, it will only add up to your overall debt, reducing your income to debt ratio and affecting your credit score and history negatively. Thus, you need to be extremely careful about what use you give to the money obtained from a home equity loan.

Moreover, you need to remember that bad credit equity loans are not for everyone. Only those who have enough equity on their home can request a home equity loan and get approved. If you don't have sufficient equity, there are other paths you may take: You can request a debt consolidation loan or contact a debt consolidation agency that will guide you through the process of reducing your debt and improving your credit or will negotiate with your creditors on your behalf.

Mary Wise, a professional consultant with twenty years in the financial field, helps people in the process of securing personal loans, mortgage, refinance or consolidation loans and preventing consumers from falling into the hands of fraudulent lenders. In her website you will find more useful tips and interesting financial articles on this and many other related topics.

Get a Home For Free - Live-In Jobs

Boarding school matron

You will be asked to take care of students' well-being and organise the domestic and cleaning staff. Residential schools often offer accommodation and meals for their staff, plus a salary based on your experience. Although there are no specific qualifications needed for the job (other than a Criminal Records Bureau check) it's helpful to have experience in childcare or nursing. The following qualifications may also help:

* CACHE (Council for Awards in Children's Care and Education) Diploma in Childcare and Education.

* BTEC National Diploma in Care or Early Years.

* Nursing diploma

* Nursing degree

You can find jobs in domestic roles in the Times Educational Supplement and on the Boarding Schools' Association website. Caretaker General duties include carrying out repairs and safety checks and ordering necessary equipment. Schools, universities, churches, office blocks and housing association homes all offer caretaking jobs. Depending on the location of the job, many caretakers receive a free or subsidised flat or house. Relevant work experience is normally more important than professional qualifications. Having been a maintenance supervisor or security guard in the past will help. If you did want to get ahead of the game, however, an NVQ/SVQ Level 2 in Cleaning and Support Services (Caretaking) would help, along with basic health and safety/fire warden training. Distance learning courses are also available from the Chartered Institute of Housing.

The best place to look for a caretaking job is the The Caretakers' website, but you may be able to find vacancies closer to home through local media and directly contacting institutions. Nanny Not all nannying roles involve live-in accommodation but if it is a domestic role then expect to receive your own bedroom and meals. Wages are between ?200 and ?400 a week depending on the location, hours and your qualifications. There are no laws requiring nannies to have any formal qualifications but many parents may not trust you to look after their children if you have no experience or knowledge of childcare. The best way to go about it is to sign up to a nannying agency such as Top Notch Nannies - other nannying agencies to try are Knightsbridge Nannies and Childcare International. The agency will normally ask for personal references, the ability to speak fluent English and some childcare experience. Try to get as much experience as you can working with children before you start to apply. Relevant qualifications include CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Home-based Childcare or a BTEC National Certificate or Diploma in Early Years. First Aid for Those Caring for Children or Paediatric First Aid is also an impressive thing to have on your CV. Domestic couples Country mansions, large family homes and historic buildings frequently require domestic couples for tasks such as cooking, cleaning, repair work/DIY, gardening and driving. Your accommodation - which is likely to be of very high quality - and meals will be provided. You can also expect a decent pay cheque.

Depending on the size and location of the home, wages for a couple can range from ?600 to ?1,000 a week. Again you don't need formal qualifications, although a full driving licence and gardening knowledge might come in handy. The best way to go about it is by gaining experience. Take a look at Mrs Hunt's Agency and County Couples vacancies. Activity instructor Activity centres all over the UK are looking for fun, fit, energetic people to instruct outdoor exercises like raft building, wall climbing, abseiling and rowing. Among other things you would be helping with the planning, instruction and supervising of activities. Some work for these kinds of places is voluntary, although your accommodation and expenses will normally be paid for. However, people taking up the job at a more senior level, or with relevant experience, should expect a reasonable pay cheque. You don't necessarily need qualifications as some centres offer on the job training. If you want to enter this career on a reasonable salary, it's advisable to hold a coaching or instructor qualification for one of the activities the centre offers. Again, a CRB check will more than likely be necessary. Hotel jobs Large hotels often require a variety of staff to live in-house. Here is a selection of the kind of jobs that come with accommodation.

* Hotel Manager - either work your way up from a more junior position, or get a good qualification in hospitality, such as a degree or BTEC HNC/HND in Hospitality Management.

* Restaurant Manager - start as a chef or waiter/waitress and work your way up or fast track your way to the top with a qualification in hospitality. With a BTEC HNC/HND or degree you're likely to be offered a higher paid role with more responsibilities. Be aware that you're likely to be required to hold a personal licence if the restaurant serves alcohol.

* Housekeeper - to be in charge of the room attendants in the hotel, a work history in management would normally be required although it's possible to work your way up from lower positions.

* Chef - you need no former qualifications to be hired as a commis (trainee) chef as you'll be trained on the job. If you want to enter at a higher level, such as 'chef de partie' or 'sous chef' you'll need a good qualification, such as a foundation degree, BTEC HNC/HND, or degree in professional cookery or culinary arts management.

A range of agencies specialise in hotel work - take a look at the Caterer online for jobs. More information The Lady usually carries adverts for all sorts of live-in jobs - check out the latest vacancies on their website. When a job requires you to work with vulnerable people such as children or disabled people, you will need to have a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check, to prove that you are not a potential danger to the people you will be working with. If the company employing you asks you to get a check carried out, they should provide you with an application form to fill out, or tell you how to apply. If you're self-employed however, the process can be quite difficult as you can't apply to carry out a CRB check on yourself. There are companies that can legally facilitate CRB checks on individuals, although they are difficult to find. The Criminal Records Bureau and the UK Umbrella Service are good places to start.

Jasmine Birtles is the founder of the money-making and money-saving website

Jasmine earns her living as a finance journalist, expert, TV presenter and is author of 38 books including the latest, "Beat the Banks!"

Sign up for MoneyMagpie's weekly newsletter and get free money making tips, money saving guides and exclusive offers and discounts.

Home Manicure Guide

We have come up with some great tips to help you to make the most of your hands and nails without breaking the bank. Here's our home manicure guide (be sure to remove any old nail varnish before starting the home manicure.)

You will need:

A bowl of warm water

A flannel

A hand towel

1 x tablespoon of olive oil

1 x table spoon of course sea salt


Nail scissors

Nail file

Strengthening nail polish

Take the olive oil and mix it with your sea salt, put this exfoliating mixture into a container and place next to your bowl of warm water alongside all the other items on your list.

Now start by shaping your nails, first with your nail scissors and then tidying up with your file. File your nail from the sides to the centre in smooth strokes, never use a 'sawing' action as this will weaken your nails and can cause splitting and breakage later.

When you're happy with the shape you have achieved soak your hands in warm water. Do this for 5-10 minutes until your cuticles are soft.

Take your exfoliating mixture and massage your hands with it, paying particular attention to the backs of your hands. This will slough off old skin cells and expose fresh, softer skin beneath. Rinse off the mixture thoroughly and pat dry with your towel.

Now take your flannel and wet it with warm water, squeezing out any excess. Carefully push back each cuticle with the damp flannel to expose white 'half moon' areas. This process should not hurt, be gentle!

Take your moisturiser and massage a generous amount into your hands, then leave it to soak in for 5-10 minutes.

Rub each nail gently with your towel to remove any left over moisturiser and apply your strengthening nail polish. Leave to dry and you are done!

For an even nicer home manicure ask a friend to do it for you and return the favour!

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Property Consultants

Property consultants are experts in the field in managing and developing different properties. They are the ones who give expert advice on how to plan, develop, construct lease and locate various properties you want to purchase.

Consequently, if you are not inclined to looking for the perfect property, just ask the expertise of these consultants and they will provide you the necessary things you want to know in acquiring properties.

Once you hire a property consultant agency, their first job is to locate a land or building for you to buy. This is to ensure that there are no complications once you purchase that particular land or building. For instance, after hiring the property consulting agency, they will look into their available property "files" and they will let you choose.

Another way is they will directly let you see a particular building or land. In this way, you are to choose the property you want to buy. Remember that their job is to provide you the best and the ideal property that will fit your needs. It is also essential that they will provide a particular real estate property that will fit to your budget.

It is also very important for these property consultant agencies to carefully check the house, land or building you want to buy. This is to ensure that there are no damages or eventual damages that will happen on the property.

Keep in mind that a property evaluation should be done if you want to purchase any type of assets. Well, this is quite true because you will determine if there are no current or recurring issues that will arise. There are people who don't look into this because of the "physical" features of the property. So it is best to have a thorough property evaluation in case you will buy a home.

Repairs and maintenance should also be in their field of expertise. Bear in mind that it is also their job to maintain any property that needs to be repaired or maintained. It is only fair since you are hiring their services to provide your needs in property solutions. In case you already acquired a particular property and there have been a problem, immediately call the property consultants to see if there is a remedy on the things that needs to be solved regarding your acquired assets.

In case you will purchase a property using your loan, these consultants will also help you process all the necessary papers and other documents. In this way, it will be more convenient for you since they will do the tasks for you.

The best thing in having a property consultation agency is that they will provide almost everything you want in a property. In this way, you will have no problems in acquiring a new home, land or any kind of building you want. Just remember that you can choose a property consulting firm online and offline.

These are the things you want to know in a property consultant. Get their services now and purchase the house you have always wanted.

Property opinions by Singapore Property expert with the best advice on how to buy Residential Property

Tips For Choosing an Assisted Living Or Skilled Nursing Community

Making the decision to place your loved one in the hands of a long term care community is a tough one. I have seen many families struggle with fear, guilt, and regret in trying to make this very important decision. To that end, I would like to offer 3 quick tips to help in your decision making process.

Use a placement service- These agencies are free of charge to families but offer a valuable service. After letting the agency know your price range, location, and what is important to you in a community they make recommendations based on their knowledge of the long term care market. The really good agencies will also set appointments for you and tour communities with you.
Surprise Visits- Every community operates best during the work week when most of the managers are on site. However, this is only 8-10 hours out of a 24 hour day. If you really want a true picture of life in a community, you need to visit after hours and on weekends.
Look beyond the Décor- The long term care homes of today are a far cry from where they were 10-20 years ago. The concept of offering a home-like environment is standard practice today. Unfortunately a beautiful setting does not equate to quality care. Look beyond the décor and look at the residents them selves. The care of seniors is all about human contact you must critically examine the interactions between the staff and residents as well as interactions between the residents themselves.

The long term care environment is a complex one offering care and services ranging from basic housekeeping to medication management. There is no one right answer and no one right community however by enlisting the help of professionals and by making frequent visits and evaluating the home with all 5 of your census you will be able to make a good decision.

Vernon Roberson, L.N.H.A, M.A.

My name is Vernon Roberson and I am a long term care administrator with a passion for helping people. I have set up a blog with the sole purpose of helping families navigate assisted living and skilled nursing care. Please feel free to visit at

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Envelope Stuffing - When it is and is Not an Option

You may have heard about envelope stuffing opportunities for which you may be required to pay for supplies. If so, watch out because you may be in far more than you bargained for financially.

Any legitimate work offer should not require you to have to pay for supplies unless perhaps you are started your own business working as an independent contractor. If you see envelope stuffing jobs where you are required to pay for some type of access to receive supplies or are required to pay expensive rates for shipping and so forth it may be a scam.

If you want a legit envelope stuffing job you might want to consider just finding an office jobs. Sometimes printing companies will pay people to do this as well. However, never try to sign up for an opportunity that requires this type of work if you are not too sure what you are getting your self into.

Signs of a Scam

One sign that a so-called envelope stuffing opportunity is a scam is that little to no information is provided about the opportunity. If the info is provided you are usually required to have to pay more money to receive more in-depth explanations of this supposed "job" which is really not a job at all.

This can be further explained in a simple scenario. Perhaps you have received a simple letter addressed to you by mail or e-mail. It may be filled with all kinds of emotional hype saying how much money you can make while working at home, and they may even make it sound so easy!

Yet, they may not even provide a phone number or e-mail to you so you can contact the company to learn more about the opportunity. That right there is a major red flag. Usually legitimate job opportunities will provide you some type of contact, or they will send you to an employment agency or recruitment center from where you would seek further information.

If all they give you is an address-especially if it is just a P.O. Box-you have every reason to be concerned if you are. Always be wary of situations in which you are not given much information about the respective company. You also should beware if you try to verify a phone number of a company and the number is not even working.

How to find Legitimate Jobs

Usually you can find legitimate work of all kinds when you apply on job sites that post telecommuting positions. The work available may include a variety of office responsibilities, such as answering phones, typing documents, and preparing mailings.

One of the responsibilities of this type of position may or may not include envelope stuffing. It depends upon the exact needs of whatever company is looking for help.

The pay rate may vary for positions such as this and it may depend upon whether you are working as an outsourced freelancer or an employee on their payroll. Whatever the case may be, hopefully this will encourage you to be careful and that there is legitimate work available.

Ordinary People Are Making Extraordinary Money Working From Home On The Internet.

Dustin Heath recommends that you visit to learn how you can start your own home-based business earning multiple streams of income.

Adopting Through Foster Care - Home Study and Stats

Adoption is a process of transferring legal rights from one parent to another. This is a lifetime commitment among "Adoption Triad" who are Birth Parents, Adopted People, and Adoptive Parents.

Specialization in this field focuses on bringing and placing children to be permanent legal element of another family. It is the advocacy of human development agencies whether public or private to place foster children for adoption to provide a child with love, nurturing and stability.

The social workers strategically assessed and organized the suitability of an adoptive parent to care for a child, to have a harmless environment and understand the distinct needs of the adoptee.

The eligibility to be an adopting parent may, however, vary on the existing law of each State. For example, in the State of Louisiana, Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Washington, you must be 18 years of age before acquiring the eligibility to adopt. Some other States like Colorado, Delaware, and Oklahoma, the eligibility of prospective parents set to be 21 years of age. Georgia and Idaho set the age for 25. Some States also requires eligibility of residency to be 60 days to 1 year. In Connecticut, gays and lesbians can be an adoptive parent in consideration with the provisions of the State laws regarding prohibitions in discriminating sexual orientation. These are just some of the laws that involved adoption.

The Home Study Process

In each case the adoption will go through a public agency, family need to undergo an adoption home study. The home study program is a written report about family background, neighborhood, physical health, criminal references, financial statements, references and any other information that will help in the decision process of both adoptive family and social workers. This program may take three to six months to finish. This is to gather necessary documents, to answer several questions and state the reasons for adoption. Remember, the information needed for this report may vary from one state to another. Some other States may also require completion of a pre-adoption course through the State Child Welfare Department.

Once the adoptive parent was approved to adopt, the needs and suitability of the adoptive child will then be matched and place to an adoptive family with the supervision of the social worker. If both parties agree with the arrangement, the adoptive family may then retain an attorney with regards to the legality of adoption, provided, there was termination of birth parent's legal right. The legal adoption procedure involves a single court hearing ceremony. The lawyer may charge between $800 and $2000 for the adoption proceedings.

People decide to adopt because of so many reasons. The most popular are infertility and child abuse. Remember, things are to consider before making decisions. It is essential to have a basic understanding of the adoption processes in order to manage the emotional, mental and spiritual awareness of the adoptive family members. Various foster care systems offer online adoption services to provide comprehensive information that will help before considering adoption.

Adoption is a way to give the foster children the chance to change their destiny, to have a better life, to explore the world with joyfulness and the opportunity to have a place like home.

Adopt through foster care.

Make Your Home As Good As New With Home Repair Grants

Are you really worried about the water running down through the walls making your home appear dirty? Does the snow in winter always make trouble for you by settling on the roof of your home thereby ruining it? Do you want to make your home as new as it was? If the answer to all these questions is a yes then you should surely look out for home improvement grants and relieve your tensions. There are a lot of government and private agencies that provide home grants for American citizens like you.

Besides making your home as new as it was, another exciting feature of the repair grants is that you need not pay the grant money back to the agencies. This grant money is entirely yours to keep and spend accordingly. These grants are available for normal individuals, senior citizens and physically disabled individuals also.

If you are a senior citizen and are living on your limited pension amount then home grants come as a boon for you. These grants can help you to make necessary repairs to your home. These grants are available in several cities in the United States of America. You have to go through the qualification criteria and submission procedures in different cities and apply for a grant that suits you the best.

Besides the government grades, several private grants are available that may also help you take care of groceries, home rentals, home improvements and so on so forth. Many business members arrange monetary assistance of this kind and advertise in the local newspapers so that it reaches to the public. Such help would be beneficial for both the public and the business person. Physically disabled individuals can also apply for specific home repair grants in certain cities. It is best to go through several grants and select a few of those.

Let me show you how to get $12,000 Free Government Grant from the US Government as little as 7 days.

Tips For Choosing The Best Mortgage Brokers

Are you planning for a mortgage loan? Well there are many financial institutions, but the most convenient way to arrange for it is through mortgage brokers. But be careful, as all brokers are not honest. There are many of them who would always be trying to exploit you with the intention of making a few extra bucks. Below are given some tips to choose the right broker for you.

Always opt for well reputed mortgage brokers. You can take the suggestions of your colleagues and friends who have earlier applied for loans. Then there are the financial advisors who are generally familiar and knowledgeable about the local brokerage agencies. Thus, they have a substantial idea on the farm's reputation. Otherwise you can also check the "National Association of Mortgage Brokers" (NAMB) to get a long list of brokers from all over the country.

However, the best way these days must be to browse online. It would provide you with thorough information on different brokerage agencies with their terms and price rates. You would also find their performance record from the websites and customers' testimonials.

The mortgage brokers must also be a seasoned and knowledgeable one. Check for how many years he has been doing the job. Mortgage brokers have to guide you on the best rate and the best deal. And long years of experience are a prime factor required for this. It is good if they have some specializations. Your broker must also be highly professional and keep you updated on any necessary information on the market and the frequently changing rates. Besides, he should pay enough attention to your requirements before settling for the loan.

Prior to choosing the ideal broker, you should check that that the broker has a fixed workplace or office. Ask him about his firm's location and make a point to meet him before plunging into the final mortgage decision.

If you are looking for the best mortgage broker Melbourne option, be sure to find the top home loan Melbourne deal in your local area.

How to Make Money - The Pitfalls and the Benefits

Times have changed and it takes two incomes to successfully live the life you want. Husbands are no longer the sole providers in the society we live in today. Woman, who desire to be home and rear the children, are usually forced to send them to daycare and get a job. The best of both worlds would allow you to make money and work, but still be able to take care of your family at home as well. This is the perfect reason to work for yourself as it has suited others mothers and all other people who chose to make their own hours and perform all duties from the computer and phone in their own home. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? It is happening all around you. If you are wondering how to make money without leaving your house, there is a way.

There are a number of scams to be aware of when looking into how to make money from home. It is hard to trust just any website or company for your employment, especially if you aren't able to meet with them in person or they require a significant initial investment charge. One way to work from home but feel secure with your employment is by checking with the Better Business Bureau. This organization has the legal authority to offer you detailed profile information on any job that they have in their files. A company that registers with Better Business Bureau must meet professional standards and a number of other requirements to ensure the safety and security of employees like yourself.

Many people want to know how to make money from home but find themselves overwhelmed with dead end jobs like stuffing envelopes and data entry positions. Those that have accepted these jobs have often complained of the monotony job duties that don't pay as well as promised. There are websites available on the Internet that collect all the available work from home jobs and put them in one place for you to search. They also check with agencies like the Better Business Bureau and do their own research based on reviews and complaints from those that have had experiences with each of these companies. For a small, annual fee you can access a large list of work for yourself jobs that the website promises to be legit. There are even jobs listed that show you how to make money locally by both working from home and doing a small amount of traveling.

Now that you have the knowledge on how to make money from home, check out any of these businesses that offer you this opportunity. Start your own business with tools that companies provide you with or work directly for a company from the comfort of your own home.

Nicolas Cage's Home Foreclosure - 3 Tips to Prevent Losing Your Home Like He Did

If you are facing home foreclosure right now, you are certainly not alone... even the big celebrities and movie stars are facing worse cases of foreclosure than you are going through right now. The particular celebrity I am referring to here is Nicolas Cage. This article looks at some of the mistakes he made that led him to lose several of his homes to foreclosure and provides 3 tips that can help you prevent making the same mistakes he made.

According to "Debt-ridden movie star Nicolas Cage lost his Bel Air mansion to foreclosure... The courthouse auction was a flop, as no one was willing to make the minimum $10.4 million bid. Stephen Shapiro, realtor and owner of Westside Estate Agency, said this clears out speculators and most lenders with stakes in the property, leaving Citibank as the sole owner."

The following tips can help you prevent losing your home the way Mr. Cage lost his:

1 - Don't spend too much money on a home: Even if you have millions of dollars it's not wise to buy a home that is too expensive. This is exactly the big mistake Nicolas Cage did. He bought several homes that were just too expensive for him to maintain. You see, it's not just about buying a home, you should also think about the cost of maintaining and taking care of the home. So, the first tip is - you should avoid spending more than you can afford to on a home. This is a very important tip to preventing foreclosure.

2 - Have "other sources" of income beyond your present source of income: One of the ways that celebrities can stop foreclosure is to have other sources of income which could come handy in providing money during crisis periods or periods of financial drought. If you have millions to buy a home, it's wise to also invest money in a good business or series of businesses that can be your "extra" sources of income, especially in moments of financial drought. This tip will also help you prevent the foreclosure of your home.

3 - Buy a home that can be easy to sell: The biggest problem with Nicolas Cage's house was that no one was willing to buy it for what it was worth, partly because it was just too expensive for them. The house was on sale for nearly a year but was still unable to get a buyer. So, you should avoid this mistake by buying a home that can be easy to sell later on. No need to stock the home with items that cost millions which end up increasing the overall cost of the home when you want to sell; this is exactly what happened to Nicolas Cage. Avoiding this mistake can help you prevent foreclosure.

If you adhere to the three simple tips above, they can help you prevent foreclosure. But of course, that's if you adhere to them. Many will read such tips and shrug their shoulders saying "I know all that stuff", but they still end up making similar mistakes that end up costing them their homes.

Don't be like those people who treat foreclosure with kid gloves. They think it won't happen to them, until it finally does. If Nicolas Cage, with all his money, could have his house foreclosed on, why do you think it can't happen to you?

These links --> How To EASILY Avoid Foreclosure > Will Bankruptcy Stop A Foreclosure

The Basics About Hospice

End of life decisions come at us quickly sometimes, and we are left with feelings of frustration and fear. When a loved one faces the struggle for care during the end stages of life, knowing where to turn to and how to cope makes the decisions easier.

Hospice has grown since its onset in this country in 1974. If it is raising health care costs or the growing influx of terminal illnesses that attributes to the use of hospice care, the facts are undeniable; more and more people are using hospice as a way to care for loved ones at the end of life. Perhaps it is the complexity of life in the 21st century that causes us to reach out for assistance. Whatever the reason, it is wise to get the facts before you need the service.

What is hospice?

Hospice is palliative care. In other words, its goal is to alleviate pain and symptoms without eliminating the cause. This service can be given in-home or a respite care center or skilled nursing facility. It can be through a non-profit or for profit agency.

Who is using hospice care?

The majority of patients suffer from cancer, though any cause related to a life expectancy of less than 6 months, qualifies a patent for care.

Seventy-two percent of patients are over 65 years of age

Over 76% of hospice care is given in the home.

What services are offered?

The primary care physician of the patient must be involved in the decision to place a patient on hospice. Once this is enacted, hospice provides; nurses, therapists, counselors, aides and other volunteers, to meet all of the needs of the patient.

Medical equipment and medications are also provided.

The hospice service is available 24 hours a day for support, questions and emergencies.

Financial assistance in billing the proper carrier. Whether Medicare or private insurance, the hospice agency will make direct billings on behalf of the patient.

What can you expect in costs?

Routine home care can average around $126.00 per day while intensive home care can be as much as $738.00 per day. Intensive care would include at least 8 hours of skilled nursing services.

In-patient respite care averages around $130.00 per day. A skilled nursing facility may charge up to $563.00 per day.

In most cases, Medicare will pick up the full costs of hospice care. Insurance coverage depends upon the type of policy the patient has. The hospice agency can help the family sort through the details of the coverage.

The Decision...

Making the final decision to place an individual on hospice care should include the patient, if feasible, the present care giver and other family members. It is a very stressful time for all those involved. Hospice can offer family members the support they need to make the right decisions.

Part of the legal documentation signed by the patient and others at the time of enrollment will include the power of attorney. If the patient has not chosen someone to be power of attorney, they will be asked to do so. This is a medical power attorney giving the designated person the right to make all medical decisions on behalf of the patient. Another document required is the DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order. Hospice is palliative care, meaning that you should not expect the patient to receive life saving efforts. Comfort is the primary goal to the care of the hospice patient.

Arrangements after the patient has passed will be arranged by the hospice agency according to the wishes of the patient and family. This will include the choice of a funeral home.

If you are ever faced with the decision to use the services of hospice care, it is best to know where to turn. Educating yourself and speaking to others that have experienced such services, will help you to make the right decision for your self and your loved one. Also, there are inexpensive measures you can have in place that can help with these out of pocket expenses, like supplemental cancer insurance plans that pay you in case of illness - Make sure this is in place before illness though.

Check out our blog for the latest tips and info on ways to keep healthy, wise and financially protected at

American Cancer Society, facts and figures.
Core Oncology

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

How to Get the Best Home Insurance Quote

When you're looking for a home insurance, exactly as you do for anything else, you try to get the best deal and, at the same time, a good policy: finding the best policy for you, you'll have to consider the price and what's covered by the insurance. When you request quotes you should decide what you need to insure: you should evaluate everything: furniture, gazebos, garages, and other goods that might not be worth insuring.

Some things would probably make the price rise making policy too expensive. When you have decided what must really be insured you should request as many quotes as you can from different companies and websites, but all of them with the same list of possessions, otherwise you can't make a real comparison. Having decided in advance what will be insured and what not you'll be given several quotes for a policy covering exactly the same value, and you will be able to see which is the best quote.

Now you'd probably choose the cheapest one as the vast majority would do: this idea is the most obvious, but you should carefully read all the contracts and understand all of their clauses so you will be able to make a well reasoned decision. Requesting quotes online is by far the best and quickest way to receive several quotes quickly, and you don't need to meet several agents hence you'll save hours or maybe days that you would spend otherwise to go from agency to agency to request some quotes.

Get a homeowners insurance quote online and save!

John Burford owns the popular Home Insurance Guides, a well known Home Insurance website.

Long Term Care - Take A Closer Look

Due to the shortage of viable options to pay for Long-Term Care today, the cost of providing that care often leads a severe strain being placed on the family's finances.

To date, I have not met the person who would dispute that they would do everything they could to live a long life. You would have to agree, when we do live a long life one thing is certain, we do get old. Now when we get old, I am sure you would also agree the likelihood that less than stellar health confronts most of us. That surely results in the high probability of needing long-term care, defined as requiring assistance with your everyday activities or needing supervision due to a cognitive impairment.

Let's take a closer look at the most common misconceptions of the options available to us today.

Many people believe Medicare, The primary health care program for retirees, will take care of all their long-term care needs. Unfortunately, the fact is, it does not pay for custodial care in any venue. Medicare pays only for skilled or rehabilitative care. Most needing long term care, are not in need of constant medical supervision by licensed medical professionals, or what is considered to be skilled care. Additionally, the heartbreak of many conditions requiring long term care are not what you would expect to recover from, such as cognitive impairments. Therefore they too would be excluded, as treatment for these conditions are not what would generally be considered rehabilitative care.

Encouraging Veterans to purchase long-term care insurance through the new Federal Long-Term Care Insurance program is the message the federal government has recently communicated to our brave servicemen. Alerting them to the fact the VA will in fact pay for home care, adult day care, or assisted living, although this funding is limited and generally based on service-related disability.

For those who believe Medicaid is the answer. Let me make this point abundantly clear. Although Medicaid is a wonderful federal and state program that provides for financially needy individuals. It may not be right for you and/or your loved ones. It will pay for custodial care but primarily in nursing homes. Funding for home care and assisted living is very limited and based on availability of funds. Now, let me repeat, Medicaid will pay for your custodial care in a skilled nursing home. That's correct. But I ask you, where do you really want your care to be delivered? Like most people your answer is likely to be at home and in the community, not in a nursing home. My point is, Medicaid generally pays for the one thing you never wanted in the first place; care in a nursing home, and this is only after you have spent down your life savings to qualify. Also, this will most likely leave your loved ones to live their lives in an unfortunate, unplanned state of uncertainty.

Today, there are many new annuity and life insurance products available that allow access to your funds without a penalty for early withdrawal if you are diagnosed with a condition or an impairment requiring long term care. Availability of funds, underwriting and triggering event requirements vary widely depending on the state in which you live. Recently, the reverse mortgage industry has also entered into the mix. I would recommend to you, a consultation with a qualified professional in your state for further details on these products. In Pennsylvania I would be more that happy to help with your questions and concerns.

In my opinion, Long-Term Care Insurance is often the most effective course of action for many of us today. From a financial point of view, LTCI allows your savings and retirement plans to stay intact. It will, in effect, protect the balance of your investment accounts and this is particularly important given the recent steep decline in portfolio values. It will protect your home, personal belongings and long-term care insurance also protects income. Income needed by your spouse and/or family to continue on with their lives as they have known it and isn't that exactly what you had always intended?

I caution you to be extremely careful when you consider the purchase of LTCI coverage. Plan options tailored to fit your individual needs must be selected as well as the plan's affordability. These issues must be addressed carefully in order to achieve a properly implemented plan that you live and sleep with. Any ill-conceived plan that will lapse due to affordability issues, in my opinion, would be worse than choosing no plan at all.

That said, choosing a long-term care specialist is critical. Consider their training, educational credentials, and commitment to help solve your long-term care needs. The key is whether they talk about a plan or a product first. If they are interested in the plan you are dealing with a professional.

I would strongly urge searching for a professional in your local area who has continued their education in the field of LTC and earned the CLTC designation thru The Corporation for Long Term Care Certification. You will find a link to them on the consumer links page of The Yetman Agency web site. As a recognized expert in long-term care insurance my ultimate goal is to help you make an informed choice. Knowing you understand your options, how coverage works and providing you a policy that best meets your needs and budget is first and foremost with me.

I would like to invite you to look deep into our web site and investigate for your own answers. Please stay as long as you like, take with you what you need. Be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter for current updates on LTC as well as articles on a variety of other interesting topics. Don't forget to request your free copy of my newly released book, Long Term Care Made Simple. You will find your Free Book Request Form in your first issue of the Yetman News.

E. Shel Yetman is a Pennsylvania licensed insurance professional, certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) and is a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA). His practice is focused on Protecting and Preserving the Lives, Hopes and Dreams of maturing Americans. He can be reached at the Yetman Agency on the web at

Employment Opportunities in Senior Care

Do you enjoy spending time with your grandparents or with older adults? If so, you might want to consider employment in the senior care industry. Here are five reasons you are likely to find a position in senior care that offers more job satisfaction than you have experienced in other industries, regardless of your work experience: There are various positions and room for growth.

If you have experience in marketing, sales, human resources, logistics, management or caregiving, you will find a compatible position in senior care. For example, senior home care agencies hire case managers, office managers and field staff managers, along with schedulers to assign the right caregiver to each client. Depending on the size of the agency, it might require supervisors who train and supervise other caregivers. Caregivers might be required to hold a nursing aide certification, or simply to have a caring attitude and receive customized training as a companion caregiver.

Compensation is competitive. All salary compensation will keep pace with industry standards for management and office staff positions. Caregivers will receive from $8 to $14 per hour, plus benefits depending on their geographic location and skill level. Caring for seniors is rewarding. Senior care varies from companion care to complete care for all activities associated with daily living.

Companion care may be required for a senior who is experiencing memory loss or needs extra assistance with mobility. Almost anyone is qualified for companion care as long as the necessary training from the senior care company is received and a dependable and trustworthy work history is demonstrated.

Complete care usually requires a certified nursing aide who has been trained in assisting with transfers, bathing, toileting and eating. Cooking skills are sometimes required, along with the ability to do some light housekeeping. Caregiver work schedules can be flexible. Senior care requires both part-time and full-time caregivers. Morning, afternoon and evening schedules are usually available for part-time caregivers, with morning schedules being the most common. Some clients need caregiver assistance for part of the day, whereas others require around-the-clock care. This usually occurs when a seniors is bedridden either because he or she is on hospice care or recovering from a major surgery or illness.

In order to honor the 40-hour work week, which is required by law unless overtime is paid, multiple caregivers are needed to staff 24-hour cases. Live-in caregivers are also needed for clients who need someone to stay with them in their home and be available to assist them at night. Live-in caregivers will work for a few days at a time and then return to their own home.

Volunteering provides exposure without too much commitment. The best way to determine whether a hands-on job in senior care it is right for you is to start volunteering at a nursing home or with a local hospice. Many hospice companies offer free training for volunteers. If you have assisted a family member with care in the past, you may find caregiving to be a very fulfilling career.

You may also want to volunteer at a senior center or community program for the elderly to find out if senior care will be a good fit for you. 

You can learn more about working as a senior caregiver by talking with other caregivers about their caregiving experience.

Julie A. Northcutt, President of, works to connect seniors and their loved ones with quality senior care options and caregivers with employment opportunities. provides information on elderly care and assists in finding premier senior home care agencies by qualifying your care needs and required services.