Saturday, February 9, 2013

Bad Credit Home Equity Loans

You can obtain a home equity loan even if you have faced bankruptcy or have a bad credit rating. There are institutions that cater to this segment, however, interest rates and terms are likely to be stiffer. Additional fees also could be charged. The lender may offer high down payment and lower interest burden or vice versa. Loans with both fixed interest and variable interest are available. The maximum repayment time may be up to thirty years.

Usually lenders depend on reports by credit rating agencies like TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian, together known as FICO, to evaluate an individual's credit rating on a scale of 300 to 900. The factors considered by these agencies include, past payment history, recent credit applications, and outstanding debt. A score below 600 indicates that you are in the bad risk group. It is possible that the rating of the same person given by each FICO agency differ. Some lenders score in the middle range.

There are ways and means of improving the FICO rating. Certain banks also offer credit counseling. Agencies approved by the U.S. Department of Housing &Urban Development (HUD) too give free counseling, including review of your financial situation. Some lenders may not even bother with FICO ratings. In such cases the maximum loan would be only 70 percent of the net value. They may insist on the borrower paying off some of the outstanding debt with the money loaned.

Do some research and see what different lenders have to offer. Don't blindly believe everything that is said. Study them, ask questions; there is no need to feel timid about your present financial situation. And be careful. There would be people waiting to exploit your seemingly desperate situation. Home Equity Loans provides detailed information about home equity loans, bad credit home equity loans, fixed rate home equity loans, home equity loan calculators and more. Home Equity Loans is the sister site of Car Refinance [].

Health Care Reform is Not Healthy



Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS,is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.

"Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920's. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks."-Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)

There is no question we need reform in the areas of disease elimination improvements in Health, better delivery of health care when it is needed and health insurance parity. Personally, am all for reform, but let those reforms ring with the clarity of Truth and illuminate our way through the fog obfuscation.

Overall chemo-therapy and radiation are documented to be an absolute failure in the so-called war against cancer. The long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated.

Refer to: New England Journal of Medicine, "Progress Against Cancer," May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up "The War on Cancer" which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn. Therein is published in leading medical journals, but they remain as the only therapies and pharmaceutical companies enjoy federal mandate.

Stated simply you cannot poison a sick person well.

HEALTH CARE REFORM is a meme used to numb the mind and sway political process but has little or nothing to do with health and certainly is neither, reform in the ways the public perceives, nor what they dearly need.

Merely by changing who and how much they profit for health services is only a small fraction of the underlying problem and ultimately it's you who pay. Current Congressional debates will not offer true reform of our systemic disease CARE, but strengthen insurance profits and control.

The fruit of the healthcare tree, while certainly abundant, is altogether rotten, because the roots are corrupted by disease. If the Food and Drug Administration which regulates both FOOD and drugs while having far reaching powers that are beyond the Constitution of the United States of America, is powerless to effectuate the genuine change required to modify the so-called health industry.

Nor can the FDA provide the reforms by its far reaching power and control, then how can we expect it to come from mandates from an under educated over lobbied congress?

Give credit where due, the FDA has been effective in causing millions of tones of ground meat and spinach. A little too late perhaps as the FDA has done nothing to stop chemical companies from pouring oceans of deadly toxic, and known carcinogens on our crops.

"Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans" ~ Jacques Cousteau


We must stop poisoning our earth with unnecessary toxic chemicals, which leaches out the elements and minerals building blocks of the cells of our bodies, and support and teach the farmers on bio-dynamic farming.

Why is there no respect for and replication of how the Hunzas and several other tribes on earth, wholive to be well over 120, and disease free.

These tribes drink the water which comes off of the slow grinding of the glacier across mountain terrain and gives minute quantities of every element and every mineral. Their cells have

access to all the natural building blocks of life and therefore remain impervious to invasion and disease.

Health and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the area of Hunza in Pakistan which has a high level of longevity. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth

For Americans and the world at large where the crop land is awash in chemicals the minerals and elements are leached out of the soil and the roots of our food crops are have no way to chelate them so that we can digest them into our bodies.

What follows is a well known symptom called pica, and we are constantly looking for something to eat to satisfy the hunger of the cells and this leads to obesity and disease on a national scale.

There are solutions, but the FOOD administration, has done nothing to listen to, study, implement, nor promote the use of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is proven to produce greater volumes of crops far healthier and do not poison our water aquifers.

One fairly recent proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have enforced the little known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This activity is evidenced by the too frequent drug commercials and advertisements. To name one example the anti depressant drug, ABILIFY, is known to cause death and suicide.

To our detriment and demise, the FDA has a tunnel vision partisan perspective and always reactive, rarely proactive when a patient actually dies from using an FDA approved drug, they routinely avoid any blame and state "there is no conclusive evidence to prove it was because of the drug." No drug company is ever charged with a crime and no executives, nor doctors, are criminally charged for manufacturing, nor for prescribing the drugs.

WHY? Because the drugs are FDA approved so it would mean they are culpable.

However, when a substance derived and used by another Healing Art, i.e. Homeopathy, is found to be highly effective in combating and eliminating a disease such as cancer, or reversing the side effects of AIDS, a stroke, or Cystic Fibrosis, to name a few, the FDA routinely states there is no scientific evidence to support the claims moves swiftly to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

We must continue to strengthen the education of the public on sound fundamentals of health maintenance.

We must allow for access and coverage to all branches of the Healing Arts. This is known as the ECLECTIC. The allopathic cartel are not the arbiters of truth, nor have they proven to be honorable stewards, nor have they provided viable solutions where other forms of healing arts have been successful, in some cases thousands of years.


The problem is that over the past 67 years, a Federal Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, created in 1938 as an agency to ensure that Food, Drugs and Cosmetics moving in interstate commerce, were pure, unadulterated, contained what was stated on the label and safe for human consumption.

Over the years the FDA has undergone a metamorphosis and has become a threat to the civil liberties and public health of Americans, as well as added incredibly to the cost of the products it regulates.

The FDA has a long history of using the resources of the agency to conduct Gestapo type raids on medical clinics, terrorizing patients, staff and practitioners, seizing quantities of vitamins, manuals and harmless natural products, issues completely inaccurate, indeed, deliberately mendacious publicity releases slandering practitioners, nutritional products and innovative drugs and has so far departed from the purposes for which it was created as to become a menace to both the public's health and their civil liberties.

Under 80 or more years of Allopathic domination, the standardized American health care system is unable to:

(1)Control the resurgence of Tuberculosis in the country;

(2)Control the rising rate of Cancer deaths;

(3)Control the rising rate of coronary artery deaths;

(4)Lower the infant mortality rate;

(5)Find an effective cure for AIDS.

There are available answers to all these deficiencies, but none of them are embraced in Allopathic Doctrine.

The question presented is, if there is any legal control over this vast agency and any way citizens can take legal action to cause the agency to be brought under control and be forced to comport itself in accordance with the intent of Congress in creating it, and the additional question of whether or not citizens who have been harassed by its Ultra Vires activities may sue for damages or other relief.

If such legal action is possible, is such legal action the best, or the sole means which can or should be employed to bring the agency under control.

A further question may be what or who is responsible for the agency getting out of control and what, if anything, can be done to ensure that the agency does not get out of control in the future and once again become a menace to society.


The agency in question, the Food and Drug Administration, is an out of control bureaucracy, undertaking to perform some proper regulatory functions but devoting many of its resources to illicit functions not contained in its enabling legislation and not permissible under the constitution.

The agency [which was] directed by Commissioner David Kessler, M.D, JD, who assumed the position after the enforced resignation of Joe Young, PhD, has done little to change its behavior except put on a fresh face from time to time.

An investigation revealed widespread corruption with many officials, taking large bribes, not to mention every member of Congress who are heavily lobbied by industries it was supposed to regulate, and the entire agency was demoralized and ineffective.

The agency has openly and notoriously formed "partnership" with private trade associations and special interest groups for the purpose of aiding and abetting non-price predation in the health care market.

The agency has lawful jurisdiction over some Foods, Drugs and medical devices which are in interstate commerce and has no jurisdiction over the practice of medicine or other healing professions.

Despite this rather clear distinction, the agency repeatedly attempts to interfere with health care practitioners by means of its enforcement powers and by liaison with state regulatory agencies, and by conducting Gestapo type raids on the offices and clinics of health care practitioners who practice in Schools of Practice other than the Allopathic School and by attempting to suppress the use of techniques of healing and of products for use in health care which are not within its regulatory jurisdiction.



This claim is born of deliberate suppression of health technologies which are non-toxic, effective and inexpensive; to name only a few in critical areas, these include:


EDTA Chelation - Adrenal Cortical Extract


Oxidative Therapies / Hyperbaric Chamber / Ozone

EDTA Chelation

Human Growth Hormone


IAT, Laetrile, L-Arginine, Black & Yellow Salves, Gerson Therapy, 714-X, Homeotherapeutics, Krebiozen, Essiac, Immunostim, anti-neoplastin, Hoxey, Glixoxide, Revicci Therapies and many others, too numerous to mention here.


California (most active)

Department of Consumer Affairs

State Board of Medicine

State Board of Dental examiners

State Board of Osteopathic Examiners

State Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Acupuncture Committee

Food and Drug Branch

Attorney General's Office

San Diego City Attorney's Office

Other States (Generic)

State Board of Medical Examiners

State Board of Dental Examiners

Attorney General's Office

Private Organizations Involved

Pharmaceutical Advertising Council

National Council Against Health Fraud (and affiliated organizations)

National Federation of State Boards of Medical Examiners

Administrative Agencies

NCI - National Cancer Institute

CDC - Centers for Disease Control

FDA - Food and Drug Administration

NIH - National Institutes of Health

Private Organizations

American Heart Association

American Cancer Society

Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute

Mayo Clinic

American College of Allergy

Roswell, et al

In HEALTH UNITED STATES, an annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why we cannot find a cure?

In addition One of the first targeted, the FDA, or "Big Medicine," since the early 1900's, in this country was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His powerful evolutionary microscope, capable of shattering cancer cells and viruses with radio frequency vibrations, was destroyed and his books burned by federal authorities and he was imprisoned.

Some other embattled pioneers include, but are certainly not limited to: The healing arts of Ethno botany, Naturopathy Chiropractic and Acupuncture and Chelation, which all met intense resistance and violent opposition by federally protected orthodoxy.

Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, was invaded in his home office in a militant style by state and federal authorities in the late 1980's for introducing a cure for squamous cell cancer, which was proven in a 20-year study in Germany.

Andrew Ivy, MD, a pillar of the A.M.A., who came back from Germany after participating as a panelist in the Nuremberg war crime trials with a cure for cancer called Krebiozen, had his career shattered.

Bruce Halstead, MD;

Warren Levin, MD;

Vincent Speckhart, MD;

Royal Raymond Rife, MD

Wilhelm Reich, MD;

Jossef Issels, MD; and Max Gerson, MD;

Joseph Gold, MD,

Emmanuel Revici, MD;

Stanislaw Burzynski, MD;

James Privitera, MD;

Ed McCabe, author of Oxygen Therapies, jailed for 547 days; a best selling author.

Hulda Clark, ND;

There too many more which are not listed here. These gifted pioneers brought relief to a suffering humanity and were ruthlessly attacked by medical authorities and scientific dogma. Each paid a high price but distinguished themselves by their courage and resolves to stand up for their convictions, even in the face of overwhelming opposition, loss of license and jail. For a closer look at the inner workings, read: THE CANCER INDUSTRY: the Classic Expose 'on the Cancer Establishment, by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

The FDA regularly approves dangerous, often lethal pharmaceuticals. The side effects of these potentially deadly, or harm causing pharmaceutical drugs can only be fully discovered by wide-spread use. This is despite the average $250-500,000,000 and 15 years to bring these drugs to market, including phase trial tests, trying to prove the elusive "efficacy" requirement of the F.D. &C. Act.

Typically, after one of their highly publicized "wonder" drugs fails, causes death or serious side effects, no FDA official nor PAC member company president, research assistant, corporate official, company doctor, nor testing lab will be subjected to raid, investigation, indictment or jail term.

To the trauma and suffering to the patients and their families and the productive work force, it comes with a hefty price tag.

Both Gaston Naessens and Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, spent the last 40 years perfecting independent blood tests, which are able to pre diagnose any type of cancer and immune disorders up to two years prior to their onset, with a 1% margin of error. The industrial average false/negative ratio remains extremely high by comparison, yet these new tests are ignored or met with resistance.


The Eclectic Practice of Medicine*

In 1906, Dr. Rolla Thomas completely revised the 1866 teaching manual by John Milton Scudder, and revised it yet again in 1907. This was the culmination of a thirty-year frenzy of published creativity at the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was the main teaching text at that school until the1930s...the college closed in 1939.

" were better for the doctor if he can forget that his patient has typhoid fever, pneumonia, dysentery, or whatever he may have, and study the conditions that are present. This may be wrongs of the circulation, of the nervous system, of the secretions, of digestion, of assimilation, or wrongs of the blood, but whatever the basal lesion, it must be overcome if the patient is to be benefited by medication."


The health care industry during the Progressive Era is well documented in academic studies and can reasonably be accepted as a given here without describing in great detail how or why it occurred. However, it was funded largely by the Rockefeller and Carnegie fortunes and was done to guarantee a dominant place in health care for the products of the petrochemical industry.

The Allopathic School of Medical Practice was picked to become the dominant survivor of the monopolization because it was:

(1) Numerically the largest,

(2) Had no well established system of doctrines which made it antagonistic to the use of a system of therapeutics based on petrochemical therapeutics,

(3) Was represented by a fairly well organized and active Trade Association which was receptive to a take over by the funders,

(4) Urgently needed a large infusion of cash and political influence to stop the growing public acceptance of its economic rivals and competitors,

(5) Had little to offer its members without such an infusion of cash and political influence,

(6) Were headed by a staff which welcomed any help - motivated by absolutely no idealism and almost entirely by avarice, the staff of the AMA was easy to enlist in the monopolization and proved extremely efficient - particularly Morris Fishbein, whose role was pivotal and whose service spanned several decades of the monopolization.

One of the chief monopolization strategies was through take over of medical education and the schools or universities which offered this. There were several hundred which offered a two year course in Allopathic Medicine and granted the M.D. degree, which was the sole credential necessary for practice at that time.

Competitive medical universities operated by Homeopathic and Eclectic interests were fewer, but at least 75 existed - some well established and endowed.

The monopolist could have selected any of these; they were all easy targets, but the Allopathic School of Practice had a void in its therapeutic system which made it ideal for the monopolist and the Homeopathic and Eclectic Schools had therapeutic systems which offered little room for the

incorporation of petrochemical technology.

Many Americans, at least those who could afford to do so, went abroad for their medical education, initially to England or Scotland but eventually to Germany where State supported Universities had better facilities and foreign students who could and would pay tuition to augment the salaries of the faculty were welcomed to the extent that lectures were offered in English as well as German to facilitate and accommodate these foreign scholars.

To a man, the initial faculty of John's Hopkins, the first of the Medical Universities to be established and funded by the monopolists were graduates of German Universities and brought to the University both the medical and the political orientations gained as students at German universities, which they passed on to the students of John's Hopkins, most of whom went out to become the faculties of other American medical colleges and further incorporate both the medical and the political orientations of German universities into the graduates of American Medical Universities funded by the monopolists. Those orientations remain a part of Allopathic medicine in the United States today.

This is primarily important in considering the role of the Allopathic School in genocidal activity, which the German medical profession entered into without protest between 1934 and 1945 under the National Socialist Regime in Germany.

Federal control started in earnest around 1938 with the Pure Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and this became what it is today in 1962 with the Kefauffer Amendments to that Act, which amendments included for the first time, an efficacy requirement which gave the FDA far more power to control both drugs and information about drugs.

The Federal Act was not intended to give the agency any control over the practice of medicine or other health care professions and both its language and many decisions of Federal Courts make that clear. Nevertheless, the agency has made and continues to make increasing excursions into attempts to control the practice of medicine.

Since 1910, a combination of some practitioners and some manufacturers of goods involved in this market has attempted to attain a monopoly in the market to the exclusion of substitutable economic competitors.

Some of the goods in this market, particularly those consisting of synthetic petrochemical pharmaceuticals, are preferentially used by the practitioners involved in the monopolization to the virtual exclusion of other goods.

However, a large amount of the goods involved may be purchased and used by consumers without the recommendation or authorization of health care practitioners and the consumer is free to consult such practitioners or not as he or she sees fit, in most circumstances.

Licensure of health care practitioners is a function of State governments, all of which have a system of examination and licensure of some health care practitioners. There is some variation from state to state in which practitioners are licensed and which are not licensed.

There is universal licensure of physicians and surgeons, osteopathic physicians and surgeons, dentists, chiropractic physicians and there is considerable variation as to the licensure of naturopathic physicians and Oriental medical practitioners (acupuncturists) on a state by state basis.

Despite the state by state variation, all of these practitioners practice in a virtually uniform fashion all have trade associations and specialty societies which are national in scope and all receive fairly standardized training.

Licensure for physicians and surgeons was initially begun around 1890 on a state by state basis at the instigation of the American Medical Association, which is the trade association for the Allopathic School of Medical Practice.

When the process was begun, State Legislatures typically created three separate State Boards of Medical examiners, to examine and license medical practitioners of the Allopathic, Homeopathic and Eclectic Schools of Medical Practice; in many states the Osteopathic School was also given a Board of Examiners.

Initially, the licenses granted to these practitioners was to treat any human disease, disorder or condition by drugs, surgery or any other means and all persons not so licensed were forbidden to undertake such activities for compensation.

Shortly thereafter, other health care practitioners were also given licenses which carried out certain exceptions to the universal licensure of physicians, such as Dentists, Podiatrists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Midwives, Physiotherapists and eventually, Acupuncturists.

The campaign for licensure carried out by the AMA was for the purpose of attaining for its members an exclusive license to practice health care for compensation and to exclude all substitutable economic competitors from the market.

This was not accomplished as State Legislators usually saw fit to license their economic competitors as well in order to maintain competition in the Relevant Service Market.

The campaign to attain exclusive licensure not having succeeded, the AMA next attempted to bring about a merger between the competitive schools of medical practice; that campaign is ongoing and has succeeded in some states to a degree, although all states continue to license health care practitioners who are substitutable economic competitors to allopathic physicians and have clearly articulated policies encouraging competition between different sorts of health care providers, set forth in state legislation.

The AMA and its component state medical societies, nevertheless, continued with unrelenting efforts to monopolize health care and have been convicted of Antitrust violations repeatedly.

The Federal Trade Commission brought an enforcement action against the AMA and its component societies resulting in information concerning anticompetitive misconduct and subsequently a private enforcement action by 4 chiropractors resulted in further permanent injunctions against anticompetitive misconduct.

The later action, Wilk, et al. v. AMA was based upon a campaign conducted by the AMA through its Department of Investigation and Council Against Quackery "to first contain then eliminate Chiropractic".

During the litigation, the Department of Investigation and the Council Against Quackery were hurriedly disbanded by the AMA and files of these organizations were handed over to a private organization which, funded by the Pharmaceutical Advertising Council, continues the anticompetitive campaigns as an ostensible private organization, which is actually an AMA front organization. Its anticompetitive activities have intensified since the injunctions against the AMA were issued and affirmed.

A large part of the plan of monopolization has been and continues to be the suppression of information about health care providers and modalities which are competitive with those of AMA members.

The AMA initially formed a sub rosa organization, the "Health Information Control Council" which had members from several bureaucratic regulatory agencies as members. This was also broken up during the Wilk litigation.

As a part of the Wilk litigation, the Court held that calling a licensed competitor a Quack would constitute an antitrust offense; since that time the AMA front organization has substituted the word "fraud" for "quack" in its anticompetitive campaigns which increasingly are undertaken with State and Federal bureaucrats into whose "hidden agendas" the achievement of monopoly by the AMA and standardization of therapeutics fit extremely well.

During the past 25 years, most of the monopoly activity of this AMA front organization has been with bureaucrats and third party payees, such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which are both private insurers and pay agents for governmental programs such as Medicare.

In these situations, these "insurance companies" do not function in their traditional roles as casualty insurers, but rather as cost-plus contract pay agents and, in this role, their activities neatly interface with both the AMA's monopolization efforts and the "hidden bureaucratic agendas" of regulatory agencies.

It is this combination of the AMA, acting through a front organization, the "insurance" companies who are not insuring but acting as cost-plus contract pay agents and the regulatory agencies involved in a "hidden agenda" which in combination, are bringing about and attempting to bring about the monopoly in health care which the AMA has been engaged in creating since 1890.

This combination has already succeeded in dangerously decreasing the quality of goods and services and astronomically increasing their price in the Relevant Service and Goods Market.

This has been accomplished by bureaucratic activity which is directly violative of the clearly articulated policies of the States and has as its purpose both increasing such costs and decreasing the quality of goods and services, and although it is state action, it is not such state action as is protected from Antitrust scrutiny by the State Action Exemption to the Antitrust Laws.



Thoma Szasz, Ph.D.

Books by Harris Coulter

[1994] Empiricism vs. Rationalism in Medicine by Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.

Childhood Vaccinations and Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes by Harris Coulter, Ph.D

Vaccination and Social Violence by Harris Coulter, Ph.D

Vaccination and Violent Crime by Harris Coulter, Ph.D

Critique of government funded studies--Harris Coulter Ph.D.

SIDS and Seizures by Harris L. Coulter, PhD

Do Vaccines Cause Cot Deaths?---Harris L. Coulter (1996)

An Italian Study Finding Biochemical Markers of Vaccine Damage 1996, Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.


1972, Homeopathic Medicine

1975, Divided Legacy (Volume I): The Patterns Emerge: Hippocrates to Paracelsus

1977, Divided Legacy (Volume II): The Origins of Modern Western Medicine: J. B. Van Helmont to Claude Bernard

1981, Homeopathic Science and Modern Medicine

1982, Divided Legacy (Volume III): The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the American Medical Association: Science and Ethics in American Medicine 1800-1910

1986, A Shot in the Dark, ISBN 089529463x ---Harris Coulter & Barbara Loe Fisher

1987, AIDS & Syphilis -- The Hidden Link

1990, Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality ISBN 1556430841---Harris Coulter

Medical historian Harris Coulter presents evidence to show that disabilities caused by vaccines are often "disguised" under different names: autism, dyslexia, learning disability, epilepsy, mental retardation, hyperactivity & minimal brain dysfunction. Up to 25% of American schoolchildren suffer from "development disabilities". A classic.

'...It is the thesis of this remarkable book that early vaccinations can result in mild cases of sub-clinical encephalitis which, in turn, may well be responsible -- at least in part -- for the increase in autism, hyperactivity, dyslexia, sociopathy, and developmental disabilities, a rise that roughly coincides with the initiation of infant vaccinations. Coulter suggests further linkages to the increase in adolescent crime and suicide, and the decline in SAT scores.' Stanley Kripner, AHP, January 1993.

1990, The Controlled Clinical Trial: an Analysis

1994, Divided Legacy (Volume IV): Twentieth-Century Medicine, The Bacteriological Era"





Cat Health Insurance Is A Must To Protect Against All Odds

People love to have pets at home, but sometimes, keeping a pet can cause trouble especially when the pets are not insured. A cat is one such animal that has to insured and secured because of its restless nature and delicate body. Hence demands quite a lot of care from the owner. Therefore, it will be advisable to buy a cat health insurance plan for its security against mishaps and diseases. It also will not leave a dent in your pocket.

Cat health insurance also saves money on various things like the costs of the veterinary, as these expenses have increased rapidly in recent years. Without cat health insurance or one can even say that veterinary insurance then things like routine check-ups, emergency care and disease treatments and preventive procedures will certainly hurt you financially, so why not get some help in a form of cat health insurance. Well, your cat surely deserves a protection against just not diseases but also against accidents. Health insurance for cats is like having a health insurance for you! So why wait. However, the cat insurance premiums depend on the breed of your cat and the type of policy that you have decided on. If you have more than one cat, there is usually a reduced rate after the first policy. Cat health insurance deductibles can vary as well according to the policies that you have opted for. The average annual deductible is about $100.

You can choose from an array of coverage plans based on your cat's age, breed, and pre-existing medical conditions. However, some feline health plans are quite comprehensive and offers services for annual checkups, routine care, vaccinations and other preventive medications, and spaying and neutering, as well as illnesses and accidents and injuries. Cat's insurance coverage for emergencies begins immediately on most health policies, however, takes at least a month's time for illness and other claims. However, the cat's age can severely affect the insurance coverage. Generally, policies begin veterinary healthcare coverage when the pet is 6 to 8 months old, but usually many insurers begin when the cat is much is younger. If you are confused regarding the policies then, it is good to take help of people who have taken cat insurance or approach pet insurance agencies for a better perspective on coverages.

Many cat health insurers will not cover the pet if she has a pre-existing condition or a terminal illness. Some will insure the cat only if the condition is controllable or stable. Well, all these options available, it is important to check out the various cat health insurance companies, their pet insurance policies and corresponding healthcare plans. Hence, if you care about your cat, then you should care about her health too. And get her enrolled with good health insurance plan. However, if you are bothered about your pocket, then you should care about your cat's health insurance coverage, too. This way you are able to save money and get to keep your cat healthy and active. Moreover, with the help of a cat health policy, you will be able to claim the money back.

Robert Scott is a veterinary doctor and through ages having been dealing in pet insurance. If you want to know more about pet insurance,Pet insurance Online, Cat health insurance, Dog insurance you can visit

Starting an Adult Day Care Facility

These Facilities are a lucrative business and it provides a well-needed service in our Communities. They have developed a lot over the last few years and the Government has an eye on them so the first thing to do is become a legal business to avoid any problems later on.

If you want to be a non-profit organization then you would need to contact your State Department and ask for a 501-C3 form. Fill it out and send it back in for approval. This is a long form and it might require legal counsel but you can do it if that is what you desire to do.

There is a fee for a Non-Profit Status, it could be 700.00 or above depending on the State you are applying in. In addition, you will need an I.D. number but it is free. Some States do not provide grants for Adult Day Care Facilities but they will provide funds for other Elderly Care Programs, so you can be an Adult Service Center with a focus on An Adult Day Care. It goes under the umbrella of Adult Services.

Contact your local Health Department. You will need them to survey your Facility and approve it before you open. They have a code so the Facility must meet it otherwise you will not be allowed to open.

Some resources for getting Clients to your facility: Talk with Doctors in your area, have brochures made and leave it with them so they can see your Facility and what it provides. Contact Home Help Agencies and let them know about your Facility, leave brochures with them also. They can also make their visit to your facility to see their Patient. Contact Churches in your area and leave flyers with them about your business also ask them to announce your services at the time that they make their announcement in Church. Make your announcements at School PTO/PTA Meetings, advertise your business in the Newspaper, post flyers around your Community, make home visits yourself, and do whatever you can to get the word out about your business.

Medicaid will pay a daily amount for each Client you have whether you are Non-profit or not but that amount is low so you would definitely need to engage other resources to make ends meet.

The process may take a while to complete, there are State Regulatory Codes to follow but do them all right the first time, and you will not have to worry about having to do them over again for lack of adherence to their code, which could be costly to you.

Starting an Adult Day Care Facility: By Lizzie Ducking

I am a License Practical Nurse and I enjoy helping and encouraging others. I am a Wife, Mother and Grandmother. I am also President of the Parent Teachers Organization, President of the Parent Supporter Task Force and a member of the Parent Leadership Institute.

My website is: I sell a variety of Christian Products such as E-books, Poems, and Teachings. Free weekly Devotions. Inspirational products like Crosses, Bible covers, Plaques, Figurines and more. Also other products for the entire family.

Elating The Mask On Debt Consolidation

There are two types of personal debt consolidation loans, secured and unsecured. An unsecured loan is basically just a promise to pay back the money borrowed. A secured loan means you put up something for collateral. If you don't pay back the money, the lender can repossess that collateral. For instance, if you put your house up for collateral and you fail to make payments, you can lose your home.

If you have a mortgage, you can use that to consolidate your debt. You can consolidate your outstanding debt into a new first mortgage or you can take out a second mortgage. If you are unable to keep up with the payments, though, you risk losing your home.

You can also apply for a home equity loan. This is a loan based on the value of your home. If you still owe on your mortgage, the equity is the difference between the value of your house and the amount you still owe. With a home equity loan, you are using your home as collateral. Here too, there are chances that you may loose your house, if you don't pay.

The advantages and disadvantages to both a second mortgage and a home equity loan are similar to that of a personal debt consolidation loan. However, the interest rates are usually better.

If your credit is poor, if you've been late in making payments on credit cards, or even if you've filed bankruptcy, you may still qualify for a debt consolidation loan or for a second mortgage on your home. Don't be afraid of applying because of bad credit.

Yet another way to consolidate your debt is to work with a consumer credit counseling agency, also known as debt consolidation services. These agencies work out payment arrangements with your credit card companies. They then combine all of your monthly payments into one payment. Debt consolidation services usually get paid by the credit card companies for collecting your money, but some also charge consumers a fee. To find debt consolidation services agencies, type "debt consolidation company USA" into Google or any other search engine.

There are some debts that usually can't be included in personal debt consolidation loans, second mortgages, or home equity loans. These include things like student loans, money owed to the IRS, and child support. These usually are not included in arrangements made by consumer credit counseling agencies, either.

As you can see, there are a number of options for consolidating your debt. You'll need to investigate them carefully to see which one is right for you. In some cases, debt consolidation may not be enough and the best choice may be to file bankruptcy. Talk to an attorney to find out more about that.

Specializing in helping homeowners receive competitive home loan quotes. For a free Mortgage Refinancing Advice and Quotes and to find the best mortgage rates visit

Process of Mortgage Loans

Getting a mortgage loan in Florida or Georgia is no longer a hefty process. You can easily search the web to get a long list of banks and other financial institutions offering Florida mortgage loans and Georgia Mortgage loans against easy assets. However, there are certain things that you should take care of, and especially avoid doing while applying for a Florida mortgage loan or Georgia mortgage loan. You should following these practices until your loan is approved, funded, and recorded.

What should you avoid while applying for a mortgage loan in Florida or Georgia?

· First, you should not quit your job unless it is in the same line of work and for equal or more money. You should not allow anyone, other than personnel authorized from any loan agency to which you have applied for the loan, to make an inquiry on your credit report.

· You should refrain from making a co-sign for anyone. You stand to be held or prosecuted if the person for whom you have signed drops out or fails to payback.

· Avoid taking any additional loan or indulging in a debt or purchasing any other real estate.

· Do not apply for credit at the time when your loan application is in process.

· Charge any additional debt on any current credit card.

· Start any home improvements that are not a condition of this loan.

The following steps can make your loan approval process easier

· Try to keep all accounts current and up to date. this should include mortgages, car payments, and credit cards.

· Keep all copies and proper documents of all check counterparts, bank statements, and any statements on bills that you are paying off through this loan.

· Make sure to make payments on all accounts within the stipulated time. If you have a problem making these payments, please call this office immediately.

Myself webmaster of [] dealing in Florida mortgage loans [], Georgia mortgage loans, Alabama mortgage loans, Florida home loans, Georgia home loans, Alabama home loans.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Keeping our Seniors Safe in New Jersey

Falling down is a major concern for the elderly. Seniors are much more susceptible to broken bones from even the slightest fall. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) estimated that in 1981, over 622,000 people over age 65 were treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries associated with products they live with and use everyday. Many seniors are opting to stay in their own homes as long as possible, some with the help of an in-home caregiver. But even with the help of a home companion or aide, it's important to make the home environment as safe as possible to prevent falls and injuries. A good way to start the process of making a home "senior-safe" is to visit each room in the house individually.

Each room should be free of clutter, allowing the senior a clear pathway through the room.

Check the carpeting: shag, thick, or deep pile carpeting can be difficult to navigate on with a walker, cane or wheelchair-
Area rugs should be secured with rubber pads or removed completely. Bare floors can become slippery as well.
Care should be taken on bare floors to use products that won't make the floor slippery.
Telephone and electrical cords and curtain pull strings should be secured and out of the pathway to avoid a fall.
Stairs in the home should have a sturdy handrail or banister in place.

Poor lighting can be the cause of many falls for the elderly. Bright, well lit room and hallways can reduce the risk of injury from falls. Placing flat, illuminated light switches on the out outside of each room can allow seniors to lighten a room prior to entering-eliminating the need to stumble through a room in the darkness to locate a light switch.

Another area of safety concern for seniors is in the kitchen. As your loved one gets older and less agile consider removing items no longer used and move commonly used items to lower, easy to reach cabinets or shelves. Unbreakable dishes and cups can save accidents as well. Fire hazards are another area of major concern as it related to the elderly population. Appliances with automatic shut off features are an excellent precaution, especially for seniors that may forget to turn off appliances. Be sure that a working fire extinguisher is easily accessible. Instructions for using the fire extinguisher should be written in easy to read, large print and placed next to the fire extinguisher. An escape route should be posted with step-by-step instructions and reviewing regularly, especially with seniors experiencing memory loss.

Whether your loved one remains home alone or with the help of a home care agency, it is important that steps are taken to ensure their safety. The amount of time that a senior can remain home can be extended by making small, inexpensive modifications. When at all possible, be sure to include your loved one in the discussions about safety modifications prior to making any changes. For more information on home safety and home health care for seniors, call your local Office on Aging. Seniors in Burlington County NJ can call 609-265-5313 and in Camden County NJ call 856-858-3220 or to access a listing of resources for seniors in New Jersey, go to []

Murphy Ortiz is the manager of Family Choice Home Care. For more information about senior safety or home health care in New Jersey or Philadelphia, go to [] or call 856-273-7700

How To Do The Bathroom Cleaning

Domestic cleaning is one of those things that must be done on a regular basis in order to maintain the hygiene of your home. A lot of people dislike the thought of bathroom cleaning, but unfortunately it's one of those priorities when it comes to cleanliness.

It's not just the look and smell that is the problem with unclean bathrooms, they pose several health risks. Within a few days an unclean bathroom could become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. If you sit on a dirty toilet seat and you happen to have an open cut, the bacteria could transfer and cause infection.

If you fear that your bathroom is already in an unhealthy state you could hire domestic cleaning services to perform a deep cleaning. However, if you're okay to tackle the task yourself then here are a few guidelines and tips for cleaning the bathroom:

Remove all the shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, toothbrushes and anything else that is loose so that they are out of the way and don't get splashed by bathroom cleaning products and dirty water.

Have all of your cleaning supplies laid out and be sure to wear protective gloves and old clothes that you don't mind getting a little sweaty in or a bit of cleaning solution on.

Start by spraying the bathtub and shower with a bathroom cleaner and scrub in a circular motion from top to bottom. Spray with clean water and wipe down with a damp cloth.

Vinegar mixed with water is an excellent substitute for commercial cleaning products and can be used to remove most stains around the bathroom.

Spray and wipe down the sink. Use an old toothbrush to scrub around the drain.

Sprinkle baking soda into the bowl of your toilet, and then squirt with vinegar. Let it sit for fifteen minutes to half an hour before scrubbing and flushing through. This will cleanse and deodorise the toilet.

Once all the surfaces and fixtures are wiped down and rinsed, replace all the loose items and mop the floor.

If you do not have the time to spare for such a lengthy chore, you could call domestic cleaning agencies. They can provide professional domestic cleaners to come and make your bathroom sparkle as well as take care of other rooms in your house.

To book a professional cleaner all you have to do is call a cleaning agency and ask for a free quote of their domestic cleaning prices.

The house cleaners can perform regular domestic cleaning or one off cleaning services using natural cleaning products and state of the art household cleaning equipment.

Copyright @ Milla G5 Cleaning Agency

Dayana is the article editor for Milla G5 Cleaning Agency in London. She works part-time for the company while completing her studies. She enjoys writing and is eager to learn new ways of promoting the business.

I Met My Match With A Local Matchmaker

I was a troubled, lonely single on the wrong side of 30. I had plans for my life - being married by the time I was 28, and having my first kid before I hit 30. None of this had come true till that point. Each day I would work late in the office just to prolong that moment when I'd have to deal with my empty bed and the silent walls mocking me.

Don't get me wrong, I did date quite a bit. In fact, my married friends were eager to see me join the bandwagon and went all out to find me the perfect partner. However, it's hard to really know someone until you're well into a relationship. If nasty surprises surface when you're half in, it's hard to make the call that will see you in either a compromised relationship or single, again.

A few years ago, I dated this man that seemed perfect in all ways. Then the day came when during a walk, we came across a street dog that was barking its head off. My date immediately called up the pet control people who didn't take much time to euthanize the dog.

I was beyond shocked. I am an animal lover and I cannot abide what they do to strays. I would have taken that stray home or to a kennel where they'd find a home for it. My date could only think of killing a fellow creature. How much did I really know him? I'd been out on 8 dates by then and I simply couldn't continue seeing him. Waste of time, waste of effort and waste of hope.

That's when I decided to use a local matchmaking agency and found my perfect partner, Bill. Bill is everything that I ever wanted and more. How has this been possible for me? Well, my local matchmaking agency first listened carefully to my needs and my bad experiences and then helped me create the perfect profile. I wrote a personal bio that was upbeat, friendly and warm without sounding desperate. Every relevant piece of information about me went into the profile, including my love for strays.

In a couple of days, the matchmaking unit called me up with a few possible matches. They validate each match personally and background checks are run on all members. No one can get away with lies. That's how I met Bill. He was the first match and I really loved his personal bio.

It doesn't work all this smoothly for everyone. Still, going through my local matchmakers not only got me my perfect mate but also spared me the many years of searching and barking up wrong trees.

Allen Tane is an experienced writer on the matchmaking agency and quality dating industry. He has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Allen's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking service. Allen's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

Are You Poisoning Your Children and Family?

Everyday, unbeknownst to most consumers, we are using products that are unsafe, toxic potentially deadly. Even with all of the information that is made available online and in print, many consumers are simply unaware of the dangers that we're exposing our children and families to on a daily basis. Obviously you or someone you know brushes their teeth, washes their hair, cleans their home, applies lotion(s) to their bodies, and even washes their clothes daily but what you might NOT know is that you and they are unknowingly applying and/or using products that have been known to be associated with many childhood and adult-onset illnesses.

Today's consumable products contain harmful toxins and ingredients that have been linked to allergies, birth defects, psychological abnormalities, skin reactions such as eczema, headaches, depression, joint pain, chronic fatigue, chest pains, dizziness, loss of sleep (insomnia), cancer, diabetes, ADHD, Asthma and reproductive illnesses plus many other health-related disorders. Ingredients such as bleach, which is a registered pesticide with the Environmental Protection Agency; ammonia; and formaldehyde (known to most consumers as an embalming fluid and represented under nearly 40 different trade names on the labels of many consumable items) is used as a cheap preservative in numerous household products. We use many products topically or around our homes while some we ingest, virtually inviting these chemicals into our bloodstream.

So, how do you know which products to avoid? As I've said before, knowledge is power. By researching and reading labels on the products that you and your family use, you can eliminate many of the toxic products in your home. Read the newspaper, watch the news (I know it is terribly boring, full of commercials and LOTS of depressing information) - BUT, you need to do what you can in order to know the facts.

Because there are so many toxins in our daily lives, it's hard to know where to start. Today, however, you are in luck. I'm going to provide you with a place to start by sharing a few products that you more than likely are using in your home, around or upon your family.

Top "5" Products that Have Been Linked to Health-Related Disorders & Illnesses:

The first on my list is sure to make you cringe...especially if you're a new mom (or a mom of many years).

1. Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo or Wal-Mart's label Equate Tearless Baby Wash. A class action lawsuit which was filed earlier this year, accuses Johnson & Johnson and Wal-Mart Stores of selling shampoo and baby wash that allegedly contains methylene chloride, an ingredient banned by the FDA in cosmetics because it's linked to cancer. The law firm that filed the lawsuit is also investigating Target's Night-time Bath and Body Wash, which is not currently named in the suit. If you or someone that you know is currently using either of these products, read the label and spread the word. You might have to do a little digging as like formaldehyde, harmful toxins are known by multiple names. Do your homework and make certain that you and your loved ones are safe.

2. Conventional Laundry Detergents - Most people are unaware that conventional laundry detergents contain a host of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals that are detrimental to our health and our eco-system. The ingredients contained within can be divided into many categories of ingredients including: surfactants (chemically derived from oil) that reduce surface tension in water enabling the removal of dirt from fabrics. Problem is that typical synthetic surfactants like diethanolamines are slow to biodegrade and become carcinogenic upon entrance into the atmosphere.

Another category of synthetic chemicals is optical brighteners which make clothes appear whiter as they convert UV light wavelengths to visible light. The problem with brighteners like aminotriazine is that it is not biodegradable and according to the Environmental Protection Agency, 2010, cause bacterial mutations in aquatic environments. It's important for consumers to remember, as many don't even think about the fact that the skin is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for both elimination of and absorption. By wearing clothes that have been laundered in toxins that make-up many laundry detergents, the toxic chemicals are exposed and absorbed into the skin through skin cells thereby providing more chemical exposure to the human body resulting in damage to the person wearing the clothes and to the local water sources as well.

3. Toothpastes - Recent studies have shown that there are some dangerous chemicals in toothpastes as well. One such chemical, triclosan, was included in toothpastes as it was believed to help remove tarter and clean teeth better. However, studies have revealed that the chemical has been identified to upset the balance of an individuals endocrine system and can result in the generation of bacteria strong enough to resist antibiotics. This chemical is so prevalent in consumable products that the chemical is being found in urine samples in as many as three quarters of the United States population.

4. Cosmetics and Body Products. Buyer(s) Beware!!! The cosmetic industry is one of the largest and most profitable industries in the nation. In fact, both consumers and health care providers need to be aware that there are literally thousands of toxic synthetic chemicals used in cosmetics and personal care products such as soaps, body washes, and deodorants that do not include a complete disclosure of ingredients on the labels. Both women, men and young girls of means have been exposed to unusually high levels of the toxic chemical lead used in many consumable personal care products. Because cosmetics and personal care products are used more heavily than most consumable items, wouldn't it make sense to avoid using products containing a lethal combination of toxic and carcinogenic ingredients? Cosmetics and many other products including foaming cleansers, body mists & lotions, lipsticks, skin creams, moisturizers, shower gels & body washes, antiperspirant and deodorant, lip glosses and hand lotions contain synthetic chemical preservatives known as parabens. This ingredient is readily absorbed through skin entering the bloodstream. It has been known to exert estrogenic activity on breast cells and has been linked to the development of malignant tumors. Often manufacturers hide this toxic ingredient under "fragrance" which can then be masked by a term that covers over 2,000 different chemicals including carcinogens and other equally harmful toxins.

5. Household Cleaning Agents. Many families use toxic cleaning products in their homes everyday without even realizing the dangers. Many of the cleaning agents that we use actually contain many harmful chemicals. Common household products such as sanitizing sprays and wipes, garden pesticides, paints, batteries, detergents and flea powders are not only hazardous to humans but to the environment as well. The toxic chemicals contained within each product affect our environment by contaminating our groundwater, lakes and oceans. If ingested, absorbed through the skin or inhaled, they can result in illnesses that may not appear until many years later. Many common household cleaning products are actually classified as hazardous waste and should not be disposed of in the trash but instead at a hazardous waste collection center. Besides the pollution to our environment, our health and the safety of our children is at risk. Chemical levels inside the home can be over 70 times higher than levels found outside. Each year, thousands of household poisonings are reported - many fatal. Of those reported, approximately 70% occur in children between the ages of one and five years old and are a result of improper or unsafe storage of dangerous cleaning products and medications. Many adults do not understand the significance of toxic substances brought into the home. For example, dishwashing detergent holds the record for the greatest number of accidental poisonings. Dandruff shampoo, if ingested, results in the degeneration of vital organs; household ammonia when mixed or used in combination with bleach is a DEADLY substance; and bug spray/insecticides can remain active and airborne in a home for up to 30 years. Yikes!!!! The most common and dangerous ingredients in household cleaning products include alkalies which are soluble salts that are effective in removing dirt without a lot of scrubbing and can result in burns and internal injuries or death; acids which are great for removing hard-water deposits, discoloration and rust stains but irritate and can cause injury to skin and eyes. Oxalic acid, most commonly used in toilet bowl cleaners is very poisonous.

There you have it - a list of everyday consumable products that consumers should be wary about purchasing and using around, in and/or upon their homes, pets and loved ones.

Just because the items can be purchased in your local department or retail store does not mean that they've been tried, tested and deemed safe. In fact, this couldn't be farther from the truth.

Although many chemicals found within our homes are used for vanity, health & hygienic reasons and to make our lives easier, we really don't consider the long-lasting and sometimes immediate ramifications and/or consequences of using many of these substances. Be careful - cautious - and consider using alternative non-toxic products that are economically and ecologically more sensible and which will not expose you and your loved ones to toxic chemicals that ultimately may alter their lives in a negative manner.

Go Green!!!

For more information on safe, consumable products and/or to schedule an appointment to view a "FREE" Health & Wellness Webinar, contact Randa Maloy via email:

I promise, you'll be glad you did!

My name is Randa Williamson Maloy. I was born in Florida and traveled with my family to many exciting locations as a child. I attended Florida State University & The University of Florida graduating with a few degrees in Education, followed by attendance at West Georgia College. I taught elementary school for thirteen years until the birth of my second son when I decided to remain home to enjoy raising my wonderful children, Shelby & Sawyer. I've had many experiences in my life working alongside my father in several family businesses, as well as selling real estate, coaching soccer, running my own business as a Personal Trainer & owning and operating a historic Bed & Breakfast. I remarried in 2000, my husband Rick, and together we've run his architectural sign design company - my contribution(s)being that of office manager and graphic designer. In January 2010 I launched a website, to provide information to parents, teachers, caregivers and children on many difficult and challenging childhood issues related to child growth and human development. It was during this venture that I came upon a wonderful opportunity being offered by Work At Home United and joined the team. I'm looking forward to life's newest adventure.

Working together to educate Consumers one Household at a Time!

Russian Brides - Popular Scams on the Internet: Russian Bride - Is She Truly an Angel?

If you are thinking of meeting a Russian woman over the Internet - you HAVE to be aware of these most popular scams online:

Here are the most popular cities considered to be the scam capitals of their countries:

Lugansk - the scam capital of Ukraine - 90% of the ladies are scamming foreign men for money, presents, etc; read on to see the most popular scams. Kazan - the scam capital of Russia. Minsk - the scam capital of Belarus

In this article will be explained the most popular scams that Russian women go through and the saddest real stories that I witnesses when American men lost their head and a lot of money when chasing their dream.

I came to Lugansk with a purpose to open another matchmaking office there. I think many have heard about the tremendous beauty of hot and sensual Ukrainian girls but only a smaller number of them do really know that exactly in this small Ukrainian town with a poetic name Lugansk every girl is a real supermodel. Frankly speaking, I did not have any version about why is it so, until the time when I introduced with one interesting and of course beautiful woman, who told me that in the time of the Russian Impress Katherine the seconds ruling, she dispatched all the beautiful girls to that remote area. She eliminated all that women of tremendous beauty in unknown city of Lugansk; in order their charm could not darken the beauty of the powerful Empress. In such a way, this small city was full of girls of unbelievable beauty and they were passing this real value from generation to generation. Probably it's just a beautiful legend, but you start unwillingly believing it when you walk in the streets of Lugansk and stare at dazzling smiles of Lugansk beauties.

In one of the hot days, I set down on a bench in the shadow in a cozy and pretty park and lazily was looking at people who were resting there. Through some time my attention was attracted by a group of four chaps - two guys and two girls. One of the women among them was tremendously beautiful! A guy that was sticking with her was pretty much athletic but he was staring at another man in a very unfriendly way. At the mean time, the guy that was gazed by another man admirably looked at that extremely beautiful girl. The second chick as I understood was a translator, because guy that was charmed most all spoke in English. The interpreter seemed nervous and not confident. The beauty was only answering "yes" or "no" and the conversation of two seemed more like a monolog of a foreigner. In some 15-20 minutes the stranger took out of his wallet and passed few green banknotes to the translator. The girls and the athletic guy left a foreigner alone and went in a car that was waiting for them.

As I later found out, the foreigner was an American. His name was Steve. He seemed really confused. That's why I decided to approach him and ask if he needs any help. So, we introduced and from that moment I started getting to know a different side of Lugansk. It was another truth - a shocking truth about this city.

He came from USA to meet his virtual woman of dream and gain his long-awaited happiness. His whole family was expecting him home with his beautiful, loving and caring Ukrainian bride. However his fiancee disappeared from his life unexpectedly, just like she entered it. The same thing happened to his friend who came with him to Lugansk for seeing his bride.

So, what was so horrible and what happened to both of them?

I told this guys story to the manager of my newly registered Lugansk branch of "Oksanalove" Russian bride dating agency. And I was even more surprised and confused when she told me not a legend and not a history, but a real thing. I won't tell about all the details. I just going tell you about some facts that I found out there. So, Lugansk and other scam cities have several illegal fake agencies that work behind the closed doors. They don't give any of their contact details; they do not provide clients with any trustworthy information, they don't have advertisements. The pictures of their beautiful clients they put in different free internet sites like Absolute agency, etc. Many of their clients are married young women. They are not unfaithful to their husbands and do not look for a partner for creating a family. So, why do they address to the dating agency? The answer is simple and horrifying - is the money. This is it! The work of these beauties is also simple and does not really bother them. They just bring their photos to the agency and that's all. The rest is the task for their agency. They decide on what web-site to put the newly came girls picture, they write letters to her trapped man and so on. Of course man has to pay for all those letters, where "his" woman gets's percentage for his spending. As a rule they receive lots of letters from the foreign clients and the fiancee (if I can say so) on the wings of love fly to these cities to see their beloved ones. Finally, the couples have a meeting and... Confused fiancee gets a cold look of their Lugansk beauty instead of a sweet kiss. They loyally pay money for personal translator service, driver, apartment found by their baby-girls and stays alone with their dreams. At the meantime, their brides honestly get their "share" for every deal from their translator who works for the agency. Usually, the fake bride gets some percent from the whole sum given by her fiancee. And actually, her salary depends on how much generous her fiance is. Some men spent 10K, others 15K; most generous one (I heard) spent 35 - 45 Thousands!

Well, this is a sad story about Lugansk beautiful women and their fake dating agencies. I take all the responsibility for the reliability of this information and it's checked by me personally. In two similar agencies that I attended as a fake client I got the whole information about how the agencies of such kind operate and how their brides should work in their team. I told them that I'm married hiding the facts that could make them suspicious and disclose my intension. As I told before, I will not describe all the details. However, it made me even the more striving for realizing my purpose.

Here are proximate % that ladies receive from their man's spending: Letters - 40% Gifts - 20 - 30% Phone calls, translation services - 30% Persona driver and interpreter when man arrives - 50% Apartment / hotel rent - 20%

When searching for a foreign woman on the Internet, watch closely how she plans a meeting with you: does she want to have her own interpreter? - Red flag Does she wan her person driver? - Red flag. Does she want to travel with her own interpreter if meeting takes place in a third country? - Red flag.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of girls in Lugansk (or other Russian, Ukrainian cities) who want to find her second half, one she could give all her love, passion, tenderness, faithfulness and beauty.

See those specially selected ladies who truly want to find love and happiness with a foreign man Russian bride dating agency.

Copyright 2006 Oxana Boichenko

Oxana Boichenko
The owner of Oksanalove, Inc Russian bride dating agency. Someone who been in a matchmaking business for 9 years and who knows all ins and outs of this business.

The Obama Mortgage Plan 2010 - A Lifesaver Or a Useless Initiative?

President Obama did not inherit anything pleasant: a country in deepening recession and a need for fast and effective decisions to make. Shortly after his inauguration an action was taken aimed to offer solutions to struggling homeowners in declining economy. It resulted into implementation of the Homeowner Affordability and Stability plan, commonly referred to as HASP, and the Loan Modification Plan.

While looking great at first, bringing hope the hearts of many supporting Americans, they actually failed to serve their stated purpose as very few households and lenders actually benefited from the above plans. Several trusted agencies and research institutes have conducted a thorough research of the above and proved that the reform programs are not that great.

Obama's Healthcare Plan Is Another Failure To Happen

It is clear to many now that so praised health care reform, pushed through by Democrats lately, is lacking many important aspects. It does not have effective control tools to enforce the healthcare program, does not offer healthcare cost savings, and fails to bring the benefits of making medical care affordable. With no mechanisms in place to encourage healthy competition among healthcare providers, insurance premiums are as high as they used to be, and medical bill are even less tolerable, especially for those requiring prolonged treatment and medical care. Citizens that are not able to qualify for federal and state funded medical programs still face increasing insurance premiums and medical provider bills. This initiative is starting to fail already as affordability of medical services is in serious question.

Obama Aims To Help 5 Most Trouble States With New Mortgage Plan

Newly adopted changes, aimed to help residents of California, Nevada, Arizona, Florida, and Michigan where foreclosure rates are the highest, are questionably a benefit to citizens. Nevada, ranking first in foreclosures for the past three years, was the first one to target with the new plan. However, the program failed to deliver mortgage payment reduction for struggling homeowners, with people finding it extremely difficult to get any help. The other four states, sharing a $1.5 billion bailout for banks and mortgage lending institutions, do not show any visible progress either. While some of this money was supposed to assist people who experienced layoffs or pay cuts, it is barely so. Overall, no effective solution was achieved regarding mortgage-related issues, adding this initiative to the list of other failures of present administration.

More And More Applicants Are Rejected Under Mortgage Assistance Plan

While mortgage lenders try to make it easy to homeowners to redeem their borrowed credit, they take recovery steps to reacquire their capital should payment defaults happen. Banks tend to initiate loss mitigation as they fear bankruptcy filings made by homeowners. An effective way to support the mitigation process and to assist in mortgage modification is to offer favorable repayment terms, offering lower interest and reduced monthly payments. HASP plan, designed by Obama administration, has been implemented for this to happen.

It seems like, however, that good intentions do not go far, as too many people are being rejected assistance under HASP. Eligibility criteria seem to be way unreachable to borrowers. At the same time, private lending institutions do not see any added benefits either to endorse the program. Government was expected to ease the qualifying criteria for homeowners, and, as a result, Obama mortgage plan 2010 was developed. It is mainly aimed to increase the effectiveness of HASP by eliminating abovementioned drawbacks.

Jessica Peterson is an Unsecured Personal Loan Consultant with more than twenty years of experience. For more information about Bad Credit Personal Loans and other financial products please visit

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Buying a Foreclosed Home

Is it cheaper to rent or to purchase a home? The answer simply is NO! Renting is another way of throwing your hard earned money away. You never see the revenues of those payouts only the home owner. Mortgage prices may be higher, but they are going towards equity in the home that you can retrieve in the future, and eventually they will come to an end, renting never will. Thankfully this doesn't have to be the case anymore. If you are not able to afford this on your own government agencies will be able to help.

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Fannie Mae has listings of government foreclosed homes in the newspapers and their website regularly. The internet is also a great place to find other agencies/ companies who are getting rid of there properties. Prices will vary depending on the amount owed and the condition of the property, but inspections will be able to allow you to spot the deal for you. Homes are very expensive which is why people are turning to foreclosures. Foreclosures are making it more possible for people who may not normally be able to afford purchasing a home, have options.

A home is considered a foreclosure when it has become behind in its monthly mortgage payments. Banks, Title companies, and several different government agencies sell these homes everyday through REO's, auctions, realtor listings, and so fourth. Loan agents are available to help people with credit issues, or cash flow problems get qualified for a loan. Contact HUD or other local government agencies to get the required paperwork started. You will need to work with a government representative through the process who will help you find multiple properties due to the fact that others will be bidding on the same property as you. You may not always get your first choice so having a back up plan is a good idea, and saves you a lot of time.

Once you get through all of that you will be able to buy a home for 20-50% off. When purchasing a property check to see if there are any liens on the property, or any other money due that would be required to be caught up on before ownership is granted. Once the property is yours you are free to do with it as you choose, fix it up and sell it for an investment property, or use it for a personal property. Now is the time to make this investment move, if not for extra income, then for the ability to control the monthly rates that will be coming out of your pocket. Be in charge of your wallet, your home, your future. Using Foreclosed Properties as an Investment Source Real Estate is the number one way 90% of investors have made their millions. With the growing trend of foreclosures this is a great opportunity to take advantage of a bad situation which is predicted to double by next year, and help people out of a terrible time.

You are able to purchase pre foreclosures and foreclosure properties from people who are in financial hardships allowing them to be able to move on to something they can afford, and salvage some of their credit instead of having to complete the foreclosure process. Buying foreclosures for resell is very profitable due to the discounted prices they are purchased for. It makes a profit margin greater, but still allowing you to sell it for a reasonable price. Even though most of these properties will require extensive fixing up costs it will still be worth the purchase; also remember that the more damage the property has the more room for negotiating you have for an even lower price.

Banks and government agencies are not in the business of real estate they have to get rid of these properties and fast. The longer they have a property the more costly it will be for them due to lawn care, lock smiths, property taxes, and added security in the area to prevent squatters. Once you have your investment property there are several ways to profit from it. There are lease options, allowing you to make the most profit without having to be a landlord. There is renting which will after a period of time become profitable, but means you will have to be more responsible for the property for a longer period of time. Then there is the quick resell which is the most popular, and allows you to move right on to your next investment property.

Real estate isn't for everyone, and everyone doing it shouldn't always be doing it. It takes research, due diligence, investors to back you, and a power team that will make you more profitable without such a high risk of either losing profit, or help you with legal matters that every investor will face. If you feel like this is a direction that you can be happy with now more than ever is the time.

Danielle Schroeder writes on Investment Properties and related issues. You can learn more by visiting my blog, Buying a Foreclosed Home


Don't Be a Victim of Mortgage Fraud - Essential Information Every Home Buyer Must Know

Home acquisition leaves a significant mark in every home buyer's financial resources given the economic condition of today's world. Following the subprime crisis, various real estate activities and systems are affected particularly the mortgage industry. Since more and more potential homebuyers are relying on home loans to buy a house and continuously finance their venture, many incentives and benefits are regulated. However, the credits given to home buyers are also coupled with chances of coming across mortgage frauds that are in constant lookout for possible prey.

Who are frequently victimized by mortgage fraud?

Scams and other fraudulent activities in the real estate sector often occurs and predates on people who have no prior or enough knowledge how the mortgage system works. In particular, first time home buyers and seniors who are looking for ways to purchase their own house are two of the common victims of mortgage fraud. Education and awareness is therefore the key to keep you safe from the possible danger brought about by scammers and opportunists in this industry.

How do you avoid frauds?

Here are some of the sure-fire ways in order to be fully equipped before plunging into the home loan world.

o Buying a house means tons of investment not only with your money but also with your time and efforts. Allot a generous amount of your time to attend homeownership education courses which are given by counseling agencies which the Housing and Urban Development or HUD department of the federal government duly approves. You can meet professional and certified real estate agents who can provide you references before you finally decide who to hire and help you with your home purchase plans.

o Go lender hunting and never stick to only one lending company to apply for a home loan. You need to basically compare costs and come up with the right decision whether or not the mortgage program they offer is perfectly suited for you. Furthermore, you need to scout and compare the prices of the houses in the neighborhood as well. Know if you are indeed investing your hard-earned money on properties that are worth every penny.

o Never put false statement especially on your loan application such as your source of down payment, overstating your income, your employment details and the like. Remember that application for home loan must be vitally accurate, complete and precise. Moreover, never let anyone persuade you into borrowing money more than you could ever afford to pay. This is a sure downfall and you risk being penalized and losing your property due to inability to pay and other forms of financial difficulty.

Mortgage frauds are everywhere only waiting for the right victim to come along at the right time. Make sure that you do not fall prey to opportunistic individuals who are only after your money and not your welfare. The contemporary world poses a very pressing issue on finances hence it is of utmost importance to be extra careful with your very own resources. Fountain Hills Houses for Sale and Real Estate in Fountain Hills can offer you a whole deal of information about the real estate market. Whether you want to sell your house, buy a property or rent one, getting all the information that you need will give you a great advantage.

Does My Resident Need Skilled Or Non-Skilled Services?

Skilled Nursing (answering "yes" to just ONE may qualify you for skilled home care):

Wound care?

Diabetic care and teaching (trouble with diabetes and sugar levels)?

Medication management (education on medications/side effects/how to take them)?

Foley catheter changes? Colonoscopy care?

Tube feedings?

Post-op care and teaching?

Blood draws (recently put on a blood thinner such as Coumadin)?

Physical Therapy (answering "yes" to just ONE may qualify you for skilled home care):

Any falls in the last year?

Pain in limbs, back or neck?

Difficulty with getting out of chair or bed (transfer training)?

Trouble with incontinence? (this can also fall under Occupational Therapy)

Feeling dizzy?

Trouble with walking?

Osteoporosis affecting their function?

Need assistive device training?

Poor balance (stumbles, walks holding onto furniture or looks unsteady)?

Weakness, poor endurance, tired doing things around the house/facility or tired from an occasional outing?

Occupational Therapy (answering "yes" to just ONE may qualify you for skilled home care):

Low vision?

Complaints of dizziness?

Difficulty with eating, showering or dressing and needs adaptive equipment to facilitate?

Difficulty with being able to cook and do activities around home safely and independently (activities of daily living, strengthen cognitive skills)?

Speech Therapy (answering "yes" to just ONE may qualify you for skilled home care):

Problems with choking or coughing when they swallow food, liquid or pills?

Pneumonia one or more times?

Difficulty with memory that affects daily life?

Difficulty with finding the right words that effects their quality of life?

Trouble with the quality or sound of their voice, or understanding speech?

*These are examples of Non-Skilled Services*


Light housekeeping

Meal preparation

Daily household chores

Assistance with bathing and grooming


*Medicare Part A Home Health benefits cover skilled services at 100%, as opposed to Outpatient Part B! You can utilize Part B benefits of your plan for therapy needs if you are NOT homebound as Outpatient Therapy, covered at 80% after deductible.*

Here are a few important things to remember:

?Non-skilled services are paid for privately or by certain long-term insurances, Medicaid or other insurance plans, and are billed at hourly, nightly or live-in care rates. These services can be ongoing when a resident cannot learn or manage activities even with skilled services.

?Skilled services require a licensed clinician and resident needs must be medically necessary and are most often paid by Medicare or other insurances. If you are considered to be homebound, Medicare covers skilled services at 100% (Part A).

?Medically necessary means that if the skilled clinician did not perform services, there would be a decline in patient's function or health and that the clinician's skill set in their field is necessary to make a difference.

?Licensed clinicians for skilled care are RN's and LPN's. Freedom Home Health uses only RN's who have the education and license to evaluate clients at each and every visit, and uses only licensed therapists rather than assistants for that very same reason.

?To qualify for skilled home care, client needs to be classified as homebound status (Medicare Part A), client needs skilled services, needs must be medically necessary, client's physician certifies the need for home care, and client receives care from a certified home health agency.

?Homebound means leaving the home requires a considerable and taxing effort; taxing effort can mean that you need help from another person, that you need crutches, walker or wheelchair, or that you are fatigued after going out and need considerable time to rest. A person can still go out of the home and be considered homebound; examples include but are not limited to attending a family event or funeral, spiritual obligation or doctor's appointment.

?Skilled vs. non-skilled: skilled visits are per visit, per clinician and agencies are given a set dollar amount per patient, per plan of care. Non-skilled visits are hourly rates and can be up to 24 hours a day. Skilled agencies have to follow the rules of Medicare exactly to keep their certification to bill Medicare and other insurances. Non-skilled agencies do not have to report to any agencies or go through a certification process.

Information provided by Freedom Home Health of Columbus. More information can be found at

Freedom Home Health
5930 Wilcox Place, Suite D | Dublin, OH 43016

5 Things to Know About Making Money Online

Why Working Online?

Even if you are currently employed, it is a good idea to look at alternative sources of income. When searching for a work at home opportunity, try searching for the keywords "Work from home" and "work at home online". The Internet has come to the rescue by providing numerous opportunities in easing the economic crisis. The daily news shows a bleak picture of what may happen to your current means of income in the near future. With the ongoing recession, many people have lost that comfortable feeling which we were used to maintaining when it comes to our jobs. Working online can be started for little to no cost and it is only recently that people have become familiar with the opportunities available.

What Are The Advantages Of Online Employment?

Some advantages of online employment are:

Since you are working from home there is no need to commute, you can eliminate the hassle of getting ready and leaving the house and you can spend more quality time with your family.

Online employment work can be easy and quick. If you are efficient and can keep submitting your assignments in a timely manner, you are guaranteed continuous work from home.

No experience is required with most online jobs. In many instances, you will be provided with training or with easy step-by-step instructions on what your job will entail.

What Type Of Online Jobs Are Available?

Typing - You could be typing papers for professionals, especially for doctors (medical transcription) and lawyers (legal transcription). These type of positions are in high demand and you can earn high income. Professionals always have a bulk of papers to be typed which their office cannot do on time. A good grasp of legal or medical terms is preferred.

Virtual assistant - You could provide professional, administrative, social and creative assistance to clients from your home. Usually, you will be working for a broker or consultants firm. Some jobs may require at least 5 years experience in administrative work.

Writing/copy writing - There are plenty of writing jobs on line. You can write e-Books, articles, resumes, for website content, as well as press releases. The requirement is good English and excellent grammar.

Affiliate Marketing - In affiliate marketing, you can receive commissions just by referring customers to some good quality products or services. For example, if you refer a traveler to a particular traveling agency, by being an affiliate marketer, you would get a commission.

How Can You Tell If A Home Job Is A Scam or Legitimate?

It is legitimate if it states clearly what the payment policies will be regarding the salary, commission, days of payment, etc. You need to be careful and hang on to your money while looking for opportunities, do not send any money for home directories or start up kits for work at home jobs. Sometimes testimonials and photos are not even reliable security that an offer is a legitimate job when searching for online work.

Do People Really Make Money?

Many success stories come from people doing online businesses. Learning more information about starting an online business will guarantee your ability to succeed. Investment is minimal so there is no risk in losing heavily with starting your online business or job.

Did you find this information helpful? For more really great resources and information about making money online go to [].

Sitter Search Service or Full-Service Nanny Agency?

What is the difference between using an Online Sitter Search Service and using a Professional Full-Service Nanny Agency?

In general, online Sitter Search Services are a 'venue for communication', not a referral agency. These websites are similar to the classifieds section of your local paper - but with more features and options. That means they have no control over the communications between parents and sitters. As a parent or care provider using any of these online services you take full responsibility for how you communicate and with whom.

Online Sitter-Search Services cannot provide assistance to you in your search for an appropriate care-provider or job. They are DIY (do-it-yourself) sites. A full service referral agecncy, on the other hand, for a significantly higher cost, may offer a high level of personal assistance to you in screening, background checking and selecting an appropriate match. Parents who make use of the online systems prefer to do all of their own interviewing and screening and assume all of the responsbility for performing background checks of their care provider candidates.

Online Sitter-Search systems are designed to help parents find sitters, nannies and other care providers - primarily students, most often between the ages of 18 and 30 years of age - who are already located locally to the family.

A Professional Nanny Agency works to place professional care providers. A professional or 'career' nanny is someone who is at least 18 years old, with years of prior experience, who has chosen to work in the field of in-home child care as their profession. They may be recruited from around the courner - or from across the nation. In the case of Au Pair agencies, the child care provider will be a foreign national student visitng the US as part of our cultural exchange program.

As a "do-it-yourself" environment, the online Sitter Search systems provide parents the ability to quickly locate and contact local sitters who have registered through the website. While often a great value for parents, these websites are not necessarily a substitute for the services of a Professional Nanny Referral Agency.

Nanny Agencies specialize in the placement of permanent or long-term child care providers. Professional Nanny Agencies do all of the hard work for you and can save you an enormous amount of time (and energy) by providing you with qualified candidates from whom you may choose a care provider that is right for your family.

If your needs call for the hiring of a permanent or long-term care provider, we encourage you to seek out the services of a reputable Professional Nanny Agency in your area. We cannot recommend or endorse the use of any Agency or "nanny website" that claims to work "nationally". More often than not these enterprises do little more than pull names of care providers from other databases. A Professional Nanny Agency conducts all screening interviews IN PERSON and documents the candidate's interviews and references, making them available for your review.

Visit the International Nanny Association ( to locate a Professional Nanny Agency near you should your needs call for that type of personal service.

Nanny Agency fees vary widely, but most charge in the range of $800 to $1500 for a part-time permanent placement and $1200 to $2500 for a full-time placement.

A reputable agency will provide fully profiled and background checked candidates who are experienced and have been pre-screened to meet your specific needs. A thorough investigation of a candidates background and references can often be worth several hundred dollars alone. A good agency will not charge you any application fees until they have candidates that meet your requirements that you wish to interview... and they will not charge any placement fees until a candidate has accepted your job offer. A good agency will also stand behind their work with a replacement guarantee ranging anywhere from 60 days to a year.

Site Reviews:


Example web sites:


Agency Directories/Associations:


International Nanny Asasociation -

Alliance of Professional Nanny Agencies -


Michael Gerard has more than 25 years sales and marketing experience in the consumer products industry. He is a past board member of The Alliance of Professinal Nanny Agencies (APNA) and currently serves as Education Committee Chairperson of the International Nanny Association (INA). Mr. Gerard is the Executive Director of both The Sitter Cafe LLC and Childcare Solutions. Write to him at michael at 4inhomecare dot com.