Saturday, February 2, 2013

Getting Back to the Basics

In today's online business climate, there are those who say that one-on-one contacting is dead and a no touch approach for lead generating is the new rage. Rather than excluding the old method of phone calling and face to face contacting, I believe that a balance of the two prove to be the best answer. There is no denying that internet lead generating via SEO programs, auto mailings and the usual buying of leads are quite effective. In fact, it is feasible to think that one could operate a business without ever cold calling at all. I believe that we will see the "warm body" concept soon return at least in part. A cunning blend of the two will keep the entrepreneur on his or her toes and the business rocking.

To be honest, I never have cared for cold calling. That is a sure way to get a hard boot right in the ego. As such, it thrills me to see the new methods of contacting potential clients emerge. However, there is still something about that personal touch that computer contacts don't manage to accomplish. That alone leaves the potential customer/client alienated with the feeling that they've been communication with a cold and indifferent machine instead of a personal friend...not good.

One of the answers to that sterile process is personal branding. In other words, when you join a internet marketing company, they often will give you one of their very nice websites with all the bells and whistles which includes a back office. There is where all the information is gathered and accessed by you to assist in lead generation and a myriad of other things. All that is amazing but it usually lacks one thing...YOU. Sure, your name is there but that personal touch and care cannot be replaced by all the slick presentations in the world. This is not to say that those things don't have their place. Your potential customer needs to see a professional presentation. That in many ways substantiates the fact that what they are looking at is indeed a legitimate business. Just remember that if your voice and face are not a part of that ultimate equation, the chances of success are reduced exponentially.

Clearly today people still prefer to have that close encounter with another person when they are deciding to buy a product or start a new business. If they feel all alone then all the gimmicks and modernized websites in the world won't fix that. Only another person can give them the feeling of acceptance and support. That's why so many are now abandoning the idea of using only the corporate website but instead are coupling that with an introductory personalized website of their own. A personal greeting video or instructional video of some kind inserted in that site are keys to getting people to recognize your honesty, sincerity and authenticity. These are three elements that must exist if you are to win the heart of your potential business associate. This also gives them an emotional connection to the actual concept or product that you are asserting. Without this, it is simply glitz and glam with no substance.

Avoiding personal branding is a sure way to leave the customer feeling that in some way that he or she is being talked down to. I know that sounds odd at first but if you think about it, people are more cynical and litigious than we have ever seen. Assuming that they will respond merely to some sterile commercial appeal alone is like assuming that they can't or won't think for themselves. I call it the "If I only had a brain" syndrome. Marketers often buy into that idea. These marketers wrongly assume that all they have to do is to tell the sheeple (sheep + people) what to do and they will do it.

That might have been the case at one time when we were more innocent but it appears that those days are gone. The public is more educated than ever before and sadly, they have been exposed to some harsh world conditions that sometimes make us all a bit more cynical. As such, we must approach the public with a genuine respect if we are to gain their confidence. It cannot be phony or they will sense that in a New York minute. The days of naivete are over. When it is assumed that the customer is not the sharpest tack on the board, it becomes condescending and they know it. The world of marketing is adjusting to this but the turn of the ship is slow. Get ahead of the game by considering the strategies that I have listed for you.

Below are some tools and methods that will enhance any business and help them to regain that personal touch that the public not only deserves but is demanding.

1. Add a personalized website to your array of marketing strategies. Include greeting or instructional videos to make your appeal. There are occasions when a professional spokesperson is ideal for a presentation but not here. Self branding is not new, we just forgot it for a while. Any insurance agency knows that if your customers call you by your first name, you are accepted into their circle of trust. Internet marketing is no different.

2. Try to develop a local base. Even though we all want the world to come to our door, we offer a certain security to the potential client if there are others in the "team" that actually know us and talk to us face to face. Yes, think globally but start at home.

3. Keep encouraging your neighborhood to join you in your endeavors. Put posters up in restaurants, truck stops, hotels, laundromats, work break rooms, hospitals, colleges and on and on. It's good to have your poster with web address tear off sheets at the bottom. That way, people can tear and go. I like to put my personal website address there so they can quietly go there without obligation. They feel safe that way without fear of being "hawked".

4. Consider local radio advertising if your budget can afford it. Newspapers and trade papers can also be good options.

5. Handing out fliers to passers by can also be effective. Be sure to check your local ordinances for that.

6. Don't forget to email your friends and let them know what you are doing. If you are insecure about doing that, consider what made you decide to start your business in the first place. If it is all that good, wouldn't you want to at least share it with the people you love? While it's true that most people want to wait to see if you make it, they are nevertheless watching. That's a clue that they are indeed interested but they are afraid to fail.

7. Your success alone is the most compelling advertising that you can do. While the other mechanical aspects are necessary and we have to develop a report with our customers or potential associates, nothing is so compelling and magnetic as success. This seems to be a catch 22 but keep in mind that the start up is always the hardest part. After that, you are IN business! It is a natural fact that people like to deal with those who are successful. People with a failure mentality only compel like minded individuals. I call them "Whinos". Sadly, they just cuddle up to the bottle of despair and drink more. That's another subject but many of these can be rescued with a change of thinking.

8. Follow up any leads with a genuine desire to satisfy the need of the contact. One on one is best but phone calls work fine. If you have trouble with the phone, just pick it up, dial the number and be calm. Put a "smile" in your voice and ask the potential customer if he or she has any questions. Let it organically go from there. Remember, sales are made from people that like you. Therefore relationship building is key. Oh, did I mention that if you are not genuinely fascinated by people then this might not be the business for you to be in?

Be encouraged as you progress. Take one problem at a time and fix it. Move to the next one and keep your campaign real. All the modernized tools are spectacular and should be used to make a powerful presentation. Adding the warmth of personal branding and you're bound for a long lasting experience in the world of marketing. We should always remember that the potential customer still has warm blood in their veins and they want someone that feels that their needs are real too. If you do this, people will be drawn to you if for no other reason, so many other marketers really don't get this. Ah, but those that do...their future is as bright as the sun!

I am an entrepreneur of many years. My favorite online business of all is Pyxism. It is a deeply discounted online travel company. It has the best elements built in to its design that I have ever seen. The pay is great and we get to travel. It's a blast! Thanks so much for reading my articles and watching my videos!

I am an entrepreneur of many years. My favorite online business of all is Pyxism. It is a deeply discounted online travel company. It has the best elements built in to its design that I have ever seen. The pay is great and we get to travel. It's a blast! Thanks so much for reading my articles and watching my videos!

Devon Blanton, Associate Member
YouTube channel: devon4travel

Spinal Injuries - Hope For the Future

With the right care and assistance, even the most devastating of injuries doesn't have to mean the end of your dreams and aspirations, as one 15 year old girl found out.

Jordan was a bright, bubbly 15-year-old girl with a great future ahead of her. She was due to take her GCSEs and her school teachers had high hopes for her academically. As well as being academically gifted, Jordan was also making her first inroads into the competitive world of fashion modelling, and had been singled out by an agency to do modelling work. This was her dream - to become a successful model. But a car accident one wet day suddenly halted those dreams in their tracks.

Jordan was a rear-seat passenger in a friend's car and was travelling to meet some school friends. The rain had been heavy enough to leave pools of standing water on the road, and her friend lost control of the car after aquaplaning on the wet surface. The accident, although it didn't involve any other vehicle, was serious. Jordan suffered spinal injuries and was rushed to intensive care at her local hospital.

The worst news

Jordan had suffered a high level break in her spine, resulting in tetraplegia. This meant she had lost the use of her arms and legs - the worst possible news for an active teenager. She was transferred to a specialist spinal injuries unit where her long road to recovery began.

After being transferred to the specialist unit, Jordan's family spoke to a specialist solicitor with expert knowledge in spinal injuries. Although it may not seem that claiming compensation for her injuries was a priority at that point, the family knew that because of the nature of Jordan's injuries, they had to plan for her future and that she would need specialist care for a long time to come. The solicitor was instructed to act on the family's behalf and immediately called in a team of investigators to reconstruct the events leading to Jordan's injury. Within seven days, the team had received confirmation that liability had been admitted in favour of Jordan.

A week later, a substantial interim payment had been made. But that wasn't all her team of solicitors did. Whilst she was still receiving hospital treatment, the team worked closely with her family and other agencies including Jordan's school to put in place a care package that would ensure Jordan not only received the best possible medical treatment, but also that her home environment would be adapted to cater for her long term needs. This included the purchase of a new home with a specially adapted 'wet room', as well as making sure that her education didn't suffer. The school worked closely with the team to make sure that Jordan could continue her studies when she was well enough.

Planning for the future

Today, Jordan is on the road to building a new life for herself. With the help and care she received, she has now managed to secure her GCSEs and is once again pursuing her dream of becoming a successful model. Her story demonstrates that, whilst the initial medical care is vitally important, it is also paramount to plan for the future.

Long term spinal injuries mean a lifetime of care but do not mean that life is over. Jordan's determination to succeed has been an inspiration to everyone around her, including the specialist legal team that have made sure that her financial future is secure. During a difficult time for the family, the legal team didn't just concentrate on getting the compensation Jordan needed, but also acted as a support team for her and her family. That support has meant that Jordan, despite her injuries, can live a full life with financial security and the specialist care that she needs on a daily basis to make her dreams a reality.

Article from N Glover, Serious Law - Specialist support services for those affected by spinal injury from the UK's leading specialised injury law practice.

A Guide To Finding Legitimate Work From Home Jobs

It is important to know with whom you are working, so taking a moment to investigate work at home job opportunities and companies will pay off in the long run. Don't just assume that fantastic claims equal legitimate work at home job opportunities. Many moms, desperate to work at home and care for their kids get taken by unscrupulous people offering work at home jobs. There are legitimate work at home opportunities out three. You just need to find them.

Here are some tips for evaluating opportunities and checking resources to determine legitimacy.

1. The legitimate work at home company is difficult to find with a simple internet search but it is a good place to start. Check the company name with to see if any complaints have been filed.

2. Conduct a national and local search through the Better Business Bureau.

3. Contact your state Attorney General's office and local consumer protection agency for complaints. But be wary, the absence of complaints does not necessarily mean it is a legitimate work at home company. Unscrupulous companies may settle complaints, change their name or move to avoid detection.

4. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace. FTC also provides information to help consumers spot, stop and avoid fraud. Seek out the FTC to file a complaint, or to get free information on any of 150 consumer topics.

5. You may also Google the word "forum" and the company name or product name.

6. Many moms use a variety of tools to communicate. You may find other information about the company in question or home business venture on a forum site. Be sure to visit the forum page of sites you visit.

7. Typically a legitimate work at home job provided by a company does not involve a down-payment or investment on your part.

Here are some suggestions for searching online.

o Visit general employment sites and work at home employment directories.

o If there is a phone number or email address test it out. You should get a person who is willing to speak with you. They should be professional and answer all your questions. If they are vague or the answers seem confusing it is probably too good to be true.

o The website on which the work at home employment opportunity appears should be easy to navigate with clear information and the links should work. For instance, if the link to email follow-up questions does not work - do more research.

o The earnings for the particular job functions should be realistic. Check the industry standards by researching your online or paper version of area newspapers for similar positions. Also use a salary data website. If your research reveals that actual salaries being paid are vastly different from the promises made in a pitch to you, beware. Do more research.

Questions to Ask the Employer

o What tasks will I perform? (Ask the program sponsor to list every step of the job.)

o Will I be paid a salary or will my pay be based on commission?

o Who will pay me?

o When will I get my first paycheck?

o What is the total cost of the work-at-home program, including supplies, equipment and membership fees? What would I get for my money?

o At an advanced stage in the interview process, ask to speak with and employee. This is your opportunity to ask questions about that employee's experiences on the job and with the company overall. (some information taken from FTC)

Final Note- There should be a letter of engagement or offer letter when you start employment. The items addressed in the questioning should be documented in the letter.

Michelle Yanik, is co-owner of Smart Moms, a company committed to being the top online resource for moms who want to earn money from home and find work/life balance. Sign up for our information packed e-newsletter and get a complimentary copy of our e-book, Striking A Balance at

The New Look of Medicare Advantage Plans and Original Medicare

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provide benefits to an estimated 100 million people, or about one in three Americans. Yet, the centers have not had a permanent chief executive since the fall of 2006.

President Obama intends to nominate Harvard professor and Massachusetts pediatrician Donald Berwick, who is known for his work to improve patient care, to oversee Medicare and Medicaid. Berwick heads a nonprofit organization for improving efficiency in health care. He is the president and CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, a nonprofit organization in Cambridge, Mass. The Institute works to eliminate needless deaths, suffering, waiting for help, and waste within health care systems around the world.

Berwick is also a professor of pediatrics and health care policy at Harvard Medical School, and a professor of health policy and management at the Harvard School of Public Health.

How Health Care Reform Impacts Medicare

The final health care reform bill did not include Medicare benefit cuts. It did not increase the share you pay for doctor office visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, or any other medical treatment under Medicare.

The final bill phased out what's called the doughnut hole. That's a gap in Medicare coverage that leaves beneficiaries to pay full price for prescriptions and premiums. Medicare beneficiaries who fall into the coverage gap will receive a $250 rebate this year, and a 50-percent discount on brand-name drugs next year. The percentage that beneficiaries pay for prescriptions will decrease each year until the gap in coverage is eliminated.

After that, Medicare beneficiaries will pay about 25 percent for their prescriptions after they've paid a deductible until they reach catastrophic coverage. Then, they will pay only 5 percent, and will no longer have to pay full price for prescriptions except during the deductible period.

Health Care Reform Promotes Prevention

Parts of the reform legislation are designed to improve health care quality, and prevent the need for hospitalization by supporting preventive care. The bill eliminates co-pays and deductibles for preventive care, and provides coverage for annual check-ups.

Hospitals will also receive incentives to be sure people are ready to go home when released, and to prevent unnecessary readmissions. Doctors will be encouraged to coordinate the care that patients receive from different specialists to eliminate gaps in treatment.

Medicare Savings to Extend Medicare Benefits by Nearly a Decade

The health care reform bill had over $400 billion in Medicare savings over the next decade. Most of those savings result from reducing annual increases in payments to home health agencies, hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities. The annual increase would be reduced by a productivity factor to encourage providers to be more efficient.

A 1997 bill reduced Medicare spending by more than the current health care reform, but Congress has passed bills to moderate those 1997 cuts to Medicare. Congress could do the same for the current health care reform provisions. While the current reform has no pay cuts for doctors, previous legislation did pass with pay cuts for doctors that will take effect on April 1st of this year, and in the years to come.

Changes to Medicare Advantage Plans

Medicare now pays 14 percent more per enrollee to private Medicare Advantage plans than the same care would cost under original Medicare. The final health reform bill brought these payments more in line with original Medicare. Medicare Advantage plans still have to provide coverage that is as good or better than original Medicare, and Medicare Supplement Plans still cover gaps in the original Medicare.

The bill prevents Medicare Advantage plans from charging more than original Medicare for specific services. It also requires Medicare Advantage plans to spend at least 85 percent of taxpayer funds on medical services for members, instead of using that money for marketing or keeping it as profits. Members who see premium increases, or benefit reductions in their Medicare Advantage plans can change to another plan or original Medicare.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the combination of Medicare savings, and increased revenues in the bill more than pay for coverage for the uninsured. As a result, the CBO says the bill will reduce the deficit over the first ten years as well as long-term to make Medicare available to seniors retiring in coming years.

By Wiley Long - President, - The nation's leading independent agency specializing in Medigap coverage. Our professional medigap advisors will help you choose the best Medigap plan for your needs.

How To Sell Your Property ( UK )

There are five distinct phases to selling your property.

1. Preparation

During the preparation period you should be doing three things:

a) Decide how you are going to sell. This can be through an estate agent, selling privately or going to auction. When you have worked this out, you can then

b) work out how much it is going to cost you. This should include items such as relocation costs, purchase costs associated with a new property, solicitors' and agents' fees, tax (including VAT), mortgage penalties and even the cost of hiring a removals van.

c) Prepare the property for viewing and, hopefully, a quick sale.

2. Valuation and marketing

Your property should be prepared to pass the stiffest of inspections, both inside and out. Make sure that the person who values your home possesses the appropriate professional qualifications from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors or the National Association of Estate Agents. A valuer, usually employed by your estate agent, will visit the property and put a price on it. The price needs to be set low enough for you to be able to sell it within the timeframe you require and also so that you can attract enough potential buyers to view the property. But it also needs to be set sufficiently high that you don't lose out on any money that you could have made from the sale.

The agent will then advertise your property in the local press, in his window or on the internet

3. Negotiation

When someone is interested in buying your property, they may make an offer below the asking price. It is up to you to decide how much or how little you are prepared to accept. If your property has been on the market for months with very few viewers, you may be happy to accept less than the valuation price just to be rid of it and move on. However, if several offers come in during the first two weeks of the sale period, you would be well advised to stick to the asking price. Whether you accept an offer or not depends on your situation and circumstances.

4. Conveyancing

Once you have agreed the sale with a buyer, your solicitor will take over. Although the conveyancing process (moving title of the property from your name to the buyer's) takes the same length of time for buyers and sellers, there is much more onus on the buyer's solicitor in terms of the amount of work required so your legal bill on a property sale should be lower than for a property purchase. The normal total cost of disbursements for a seller usually amounts to an £8 land registry charge, plus legal fees. Though not usually charged as a percentage of the property value, most solicitors and conveyancers will link their fees to the price band in which your property falls. Expect to pay anything from £250 to £500 for solicitors fees on the sale.

5. Completion

This is the last stage of the process. It is the precise moment at which the sale is complete and you no longer own the property.


When to sell

The best time to sell is when there are many buyers in the market and prices are increasing, and when interest rates remain low.

Buying and selling property is also seasonal, with more sales being made between March and July each year. The year-end or Christmas period is slow, but a pick-up is usually achieved in the new year.

When not to sell

The worst time to sell is when there are fewest buyers in the market. If interest rates are temporarily raised to calm the market, you may find that buyers are in short supply. If both your neighbours put identical houses up for sale at the same time, it may be a bad idea for you to do the same. Try to follow the markets and read the signs.

If your property is in a sought-after location, you should have no problem selling at a reasonable asking price regardless of the time of year or market conditions.

Choosing An Estate Agent

An estate agent can take care of all aspects of the property sale for you. A good estate agent will:

Arrange a property valuation

Advertise the property for sale - both online and in traditional media

Court potential buyers

Arrange and conduct property viewings

Negotiate with potential buyers on your behalf

Help to maximise the property sale price

An estate agent will ensure you avoid mistakes when selling your home, which could otherwise be costly. The agent will charge a commission of up to four per cent of the sale price, although this is normally around two per cent. The actual amount is likely to be at the top end of this scale if you instruct them as a joint or multiple agent, but at the lower end if you decide they should be the sole agent in charge of the sale. No fees are payable up front and you should accept only a no sale, no fee agreement with your chosen agent.

Try several agents and get recommendations from people living around you. Find out about estate agency bodies and only choose one which is professionally accredited.

An estate agent acting as a sole agency is acting alone in the sale of your property. You are contractually bound not to allow other agents to try and sell your property during the term of the agreement and will be liable for a commission payment to the sole agent should you do so and successfully sell the property.

Two agencies working together to try and sell your home is known as joint sole agency. The main advantage is that there will be more than one outlet or distribution channel for your property. You may pay slightly more in total commission than you would if there were just a single sole agent, as both businesses will receive a share of the commission when the property is sold.

Multiple agency is where you instruct a number of agencies working in competition with each other. Each is acting fully autonomously and the person or business that sells your property gets to keep the commission. It can be the case that the agent will spend less on marketing your property or act less aggressively trying to sell your property under these terms. This is because they are aware that there is a possibility that they will receive zero commission regardless of how much effort they put in, and so may focus their efforts on properties for which they are the sole agents.


If you need a quick and virtually guaranteed sale, you could auction your property. As long as the property is sold, you can guarantee that the transaction will be complete within 28 days of the auction date which offers a certainty of timescales not enjoyed by either of the other two methods.

Auctions are becoming increasingly popular with buyers but there is no guarantee that the seller will achieve the asking price of the property. Auctions are not suitable for everyone, as they attract a certain breed of buyer that may not be interested in every type of property. However, if you set the reserve price low enough, then you can virtually guarantee a sale, even if the price may not be what you are looking for.

Selling your property at auction generally costs around two and a half percent of the price attained. There may well be additional charges involved for marketing your property, adding it to the catalogue or contributing to the hire of the auction room. These charges are not always made separately - sometimes they are incorporated into the commission payment - but you will probably have to pay for them separately if your property is not sold.

Private sale

You could decide to do all the agent's work yourself by selling privately, and, if you manage to get a few lucky breaks along the way (such as already knowing someone who might be interested in buying your property), it is possible to spend no money at all on the actual sale of your house.

For those people whose overriding goal is to maximise the proportion of the sale revenue that ends up in their own bank account, selling privately is certainly the best option. You can directly constrain your marketing expenditure and not a single penny of the sale price will be lost in commission payments.

The main downside of a private sale is that sometimes it can take longer to sell your home, as your property does not enjoy the level of exposure that it would have if it were being marketed by a professional estate agent. But if time is not crucial, then saving thousands of pounds can be a good reason to go it alone.

Prepare for Viewing

Buyers can be put off before they're through the front door. Make sure the outside of your property looks its best, with the rubbish in a bin, and communal hallways clear of junk. Make sure any lawn, garden or window box is a selling point. Clean, repair and repaint exterior surfaces. This should be done before you contact an agent.

Caravans, white vans and old vehicles on and around your property deter more buyers than anything else. Get rid of them on viewing days.

Make sure that you clear away any junk or untidy looking areas in your property before potential purchases arrive on the doorstep. Aim to have your property in pristine, showhome condition at all times. This means sparkling surfaces in bathrooms and kitchen, fresh made beds, plumped cushions on sofas and chairs, polished furniture and clean floors throughout.

Disguise pet smells and make sure that fresh flowers are displayed. Make your home as warm and welcoming as possible to potential buyers.

The Future

A new way of selling your home will be introduced in June 2007. You will have to prepare a Home Information Pack (HIP) which will be made available to purchasers and will cost the seller around £1,000 to prepare.

The Home Information Pack is like a traditional survey and will include local authority searches and the property's title deeds as well as energy performance information and certificate. Buyers and sellers will be given A-G ratings on their properties, as well as practical measures to cut fuel bills and carbon emissions. This must be introduced in response to new European laws.

The Government says that the home condition report - the most expensive part of the pack - will no longer be mandatory. Sellers will only be obliged to provide a half-HIP at an estimated cost of £150 to £200.

HIPs are supposed to speed up the house buying process, ensure that fewer deals fall through, help first-time buyers and reduce the scope for gazumping.

Selling your home can be a stressful and expensive experience. To make it easier on yourself you should:

a) choose a reputable estate agent

b) prepare your home for sale

c) build in plenty of time - the process can take months

d) find out what it is going to cost and make sure you can afford it.

This is meant as a general guide and should not be seen as legal advice.

Dealing With Alzheimer's Disease

Growing old is not a surprise. It's just a fact of life that every living thing has to deal with. There are some things, like diseases or illnesses that can not only be a surprise, but also a terrible situation. Not just to you, but to your family and friends as well. Alzheimer's disease is one such disease.

Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder, caused by a genetic defect that progressively destroys the functions of the brain. Memory, the ability to learn and communicate, and carry out everyday tasks is greatly affected, if not destroyed altogether.

Some warning signs include the loss of memory, difficulty with daily tasks and communicating, disorientation, poor judgment, and mood swings. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease and it's not contagious, so one of the best things you can do for someone you know with this disease is to be educated.

Since people with Alzheimer's disease aren't able to live by themselves anymore, there are many options to care for your loved one. Most try to take care of their loved ones themselves, but that can be hazardous to everyone involved.

There are many options to choose from, a home care agency, a long-term Alzheimer's Care Facility, or yourself. During any stage of Alzheimer's disease, some feel like they're neglecting or betraying their loved one if they don't care for them themselves, but that can lead to serious emotional and financial stress.

That stress affects the caregiver and the loved one. Since taking care of a person with Alzheimer's is so stressful, a home care agency is an organization that can help you find the best person to bring into your home to help, especially as the disease progresses.

A home care agency provides a wealth of information, but most importantly, they have nurses and nurses' assistants to help with skilled care or just helping with the daily life activities. Since it's tough to deal with this disease, it's important to have a support system, whether it is family and friends or an actual support group with other people dealing with the same issues. It's also important to take care of yourself as well as your loved one.

Alzheimer's disease effects more than just one person, it affects any and everyone around from family members to friends. While it is a difficult disease, being educated and emotionally and morally supportive is one of the best things you can do, as well as finding the proper method of care whether it is a home care agency or a long-term facility.

Finding quality help such as a senior home care or a nursing home for a loved one can sometimes be a trial. Mike has examined this topic in an effort to help educate anyone in their search. For more info on finding the ideal home care agency for your needs, check out his other publications.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Buying a Property in Spain - 10 Points You Should Consider

Buying a property in Spain is the dream of many people who are looking for a good place to live in a sunny location. In order to make a dream like this come true, however, it is necessary to do some research so that you can find the best property at the best price. If you want to purchase property in Spain in an easy and hassle free way, then take a look at the 10 points below and apply them when you begin your search for Spanish property.

1. How much money do you wish to spend?

The first question is where is your money coming from? Is it tucked away in the bank or the building society, a second mortgage on your home in the UK or will you get it from the sale of your present home? You need to know that it is in place and ready to use before you make any decisions. If you are considering a mortgage in Spain then you need to have all the evidence necessary to show the bank how you will service the mortgage as well as telling your real estate agency so that they can direct you to properties that are mortgage-able. Your budget depends on what you have raised in your own country or the amount that you currently have available to put down as a deposit for the mortgage.

2. Mortgages in Spain

They are much more expensive to set up but the interest rate is much lower than other European countries so you win in the long-term. "Foreigners" usually receive 70% of the bank valuation of the property, which is not necessarily the selling price. This means that you have to find at least 30% of the price of the property plus the costs of the mortgage: approximately 350 euros for the bank valuation, 1% of the mortgage value for the arrangement fee, 0.3% notary fees for the mortgage and 0.3% land registry for the mortgage.

3. Costs for Property Purchase

Generally you should allow between 10 and 12% of the purchase price to cover the costs of the actual purchase. Here is how this amount breaks down:

Lawyer - the usual charge is 1% of the purchase price of the property to cover conveyancing, searches and the visit to the notary to complete the purchase. Lawyers will often offer other services such as obtaining NIE numbers, changing utility services to your name, opening bank accounts etc. Take care though, you do not have to use a lawyer for the extra services and can often find these at less cost elsewhere. Always ask for an itemised quote before you agree to them doing this extra work and check with your estate agent for prices from other suppliers.

Taxes - Transfer taxes for a resale or a newly built property are 7%. These are set by the government and non-negotiable.

Land Registry - All property transfers have to be registered and this will cost about 0.3% of the purchase price.

Notary - In order to be fully legal all contracts for completion of a sale have to be signed in the presence of a Notary. Costs to the Notary will be about 0.3% of the purchase price.

All these cost are in addition to the costs of the mortgage stated above.

4. What kind of a property do you want?

Start with two columns, "must have" and "would be nice". The "must have" list will include the number of bedrooms, outside space and other things you need for your family including proximity to schools, shops or public transport. The "would be nice" list may include things like en-suite bathroom or extra bathroom, more terraces, garage. Jacuzzi, swimming pool, tennis courts etc. Are you prepared to renovate? If so, you would need to have two separate budgets - one to buy the house and one for the work. Alternatively, put your renovation and purchase budget together and buy something that needs little or no work. Make this a family discussion so that everyone has the opportunity to put something on the list and nothing is forgotten.

5. What do you want the property for?

If it is a holiday home you will probably want easy access and so will want the property within a reasonable distance of an international airport. If it is a permanent home then other considerations might be more important. If you are buying as an investment to let, you need to think about the kind of rental, i.e. Long term or holiday as again the area is important for your potential guests.

6. Where do you want the property to be?

Now that you have your budget and your list of essential requirements, this is the time to start your research. Your first step is to go on to online and begin searching. Although you can search by town it is much easier at this stage just to search by area and budget as this will give you an idea of what you will get for your money. You will see that the closer to the coast of the Costa del Sol, the more expensive the property whether it is a town or country house.

7. What legal requirements are necessary for foreigners?

The most important is an NIE number, this is a national identification number and is necessary for most things you will want to do in Spain but essential for buying a house.

If you are coming to live permanently in Spain you need to think about transport. Residents of Spain are legally obliged to drive a Spanish registered car with a Spanish driving licence. Although you can import your car from the UK this can be expensive and a RHD car is not the best thing to have on Spanish roads, far better to sell your car in the UK and buy one in Spain. The Spanish licence is just a straight exchange for your UK licence, there is no test to take.

If you are in receipt of a UK state pension you will be eligible for free health care in Spain if not you will need to have private health insurance if you are not paying into the system by working in Spain.

8. Taxes and Insurance?

There will be annual tax to pay on your property in Spain whether you live here permanently or have a holiday home. These charges are MUCH less than in the UK, as an example 50 to 250 euros PA is normal to cover refuse collection and other council provided services.

If you live here permanently you are responsible for paying taxes on your world wide assets so you need to ensure that you are not paying in the UK as well. If you own property in Spain it is necessary to have a Spanish will. Although you are not subject to Spanish Inheritance law on who the inheritors are, it makes life easier for your descendants if you have a Spanish will.

9. What else is important?

Find an estate agent you can trust, that will offer more services than just selling you a house. Beware of advertisements offering you free or low-cost inspection trips, you could pay dearly for them in the end.

The Guardia Civil are currently investigating several estate agencies who have been selling illegal properties. They estimate that more than 2000 illegal houses have been built in the last three years. The title deeds show the plot only and the agencies are not informing clients so they may not find out for some time that they are living in an illegal house. Reputable agents provide checklists for their clients of questions to ask so that they can double check everything when viewing properties and when talking to lawyers.

10. Get Title Insurance

In order to have complete security when buying a property in Spain it is important to get, Title Insurance. This type of insurance protects the buyer against any losses arising out of title related defects for the total time that they own the property. Some examples of covered risks include: claims by third parties such as undisclosed heirs, unrecorded tax liens, errors and omissions in the public registry, alteration or loss of title documentation, fraud, forgery, and clerical or typographical errors affecting ones title, thus affecting their investment or holiday home.

Title Insurance can enable you to purchase a property for a permanent home, holiday home or investment with absolute peace of mind.

If you use the above 10 points when buying property in Spain, you will be well on your way to realizing your dream of owning a home in Europe's sunniest location.

Cristina Sanchez is a specialist in Spanish real estate. She is the Customer Relations Manager of, , a real estate agency that helps foreigners (and Spanish Nationals) buy property in Spain, Turkey and Bulgaria.

7 Easy Steps to Starting Your Home-Based Business

Operating a home based business can be one of the most liberating and financially rewarding experiences for new entrepreneurs. Startup and ongoing operating costs are usually substantially lower for home businesses compared to more traditional companies. Because of these dollar savings, more people are able to start and run a successful business out of their home.

Starting any kind of business requires planning, proper capitalization, and some hard work. However, a home business presents certain opportunities that can make the startup processes quicker and more straightforward. The following seven steps can be used by anyone to help start a successful, home based business.

#7 Go With What You Know: When determining what business to start, take a personal inventory of your skills, background, hobbies and interests. Use this inventory and start thinking of business ideas that can leverage your existing skills and knowledge. Having some background or experience in your future business will help take the guesswork out of a majority of decisions you will likely face.

#6 Focus on Self Discipline: With the proper self discipline, personal productivity will skyrocket when working from home. Home based business owners are usually free from pointless meetings, needless presentations, and lurking colleagues. However, other distractions abound at home. If you do not already have a quiet place to set up your home office, make sure to create one. Set expectations with your friends and family that your privacy, when working in your home office, should be treated with the same respect as any formal office setting.

#5 Form a Legal Entity: Make your home business official by forming a legal entity. You do not need to establish an expensive and complex corporation. In many cases, a sole proprietorship will do. File the necessary business forms and licenses with your local government agency and make it official! Not only will your business be in good legal standing, you will take your startup efforts more seriously after this step is complete.

#4 Set and Follow a Schedule: Home based businesses come with a tremendous amount of freedom and flexibility. This is why we love them! Make the most of your time by setting and following a routine schedule. Keep in mind that your daily routine may not necessarily look like the typical 9-5 workday. Set a schedule that works for you and your customers. When possible, arrange working time to match the hours of the day you are naturally more alert and productive.

#3 Keep Accurate Records: Maintaining accurate, up-to-date financial records is an important part of running any home based business. Proper bookkeeping will increase your visibility into business cash flow and will help reduce the possibility of a tax audit. Keep in mind; never commingle personal and business finances! This is a common mistake for new home business owners and can introduce a host of financial liability issues down the road.

#2 Start with a Service: Consider starting a service oriented business. Compared to product based businesses, service businesses can usually be started much more quickly and with less startup money. Service businesses eliminate the need to manage inventory, complex fulfillment, and sales tax. Since most services are performed at an external location, running your service business from your home is typically quite easy.

#1 Fund Your Business Properly: This final step applies to every business and is equally important for all. Before starting your home business, carefully plan out your expected startup costs, ongoing expenses and revenue projections. If your home business will be your sole source of income, calculate your short-term living expenses as well. Make sure that you have enough personal savings to cover your living expenses while you establish a positive business cash flow.

If your dream is to own your own business, get started today! Starting a home based business does not have to be a complicated, drawn out endeavor. Put excuses to the side, make up your mind to get started today and do it! Following these simple, seven steps will help you realize your dreams of home business financial freedom.

Nathan Cracraft is Managing Editor for the small business website The site caters to people who want to start their own small business and need some help coming up with ideas. For access to hundreds of categorized, small business ideas and thousands of helpful startup resources, check out .

New ideas and resources are added weekly.

Do Insurance Agencies Actually Offer Competitive Home Insurance Policies?

When you visit a Myrtle Beach insurance agency to inquire about home insurances, you will be presented with several options. An experienced agent will explain all your choices, including the possibility to separate the building from its content. However, most home owner will opt to keep both policies together under one umbrella.

What separates one kind of property policy from another is the level of protection. A Myrtle Beach insurance agent will explain that in great detail. Many property owners will insure their home against natural disasters, theft, fire and deliberate acts of vandalism.

The most popular insurance plans covered by Myrtle Beach insurance companies are:

? Basic coverage - The coverage is limited (may include lightning or fire)

? Broad coverage - The insurance company will pay for damages caused by explosions, riots, fire, vandalism, hail, earthquakes, storms, etc. You may also be insured if your building collapses, or the plumbing malfunctions.

? Special coverage -Your Myrtle Beach insurance agent will help you design an insurance policy that will cover everything according to your specifications.

? Tenant coverage - If you are renting out homes or apartment, you should have a tenant insurance policy to protect your building and your personal belongings within the structure. This policy will also cover a certain amount of medical expenses.

? Condominium coverage - Condominium insurance takes care of your personal property and possessions, which are often not covered by general insurance policies. Personal liability protection is included.

Aside from explaining the different policies, your Myrtle Beach insurance professional will also present you with an excellent, competitive price. Familiar with the local and online competition, he cannot, but offer you the best possible deal. ( ) has been one of the leading Independent Insurance Agencies in Myrtle Beach insurance, South Carolina due to the dedicated service of our employees, the representation of our insurance companies, and the loyalty of our customers.

Know How to List Your House With the Help of an Agent

For people who have never sold their homes before, the question of how do I list my house is something that is really dicey and therefore needs to be looked into with great detail as this is something that will seriously go onto affecting the price that you get for your home. Properly listing your home will ensure that you home gets sold at all as if you list it at a price that is too high then there will not be any takers for your home. When it comes to listing your house, you must understand the concept of demand and supply which entails that this is something that is really important and one should definitely take help from experts like real estate agents who will be able to guide you and allow you to correctly answer the conundrum of how to list my house and allow you to get the best deal.

One of the most common however difficult ways in which one can organize their home listing is by way of an open listing. This reserves the option for the home owner to decide whether or not they will work. Another way in which one can work this is by way of the exclusive agency set up where by the owner should keep their broker who has been working with them or also going into a contract with a new real estate broker. This is a manner in which you can list your home whereby you may or may not even pay the broker and do not have to have your home sold by the broker himself and as it leave an option for you to sell your own house. However you need to be well versed with the requirements of the real estate industry and know how to value and hence answer the question that you ask often in this regard is how I should list my house such that it sells.

Brokers and real estate agents can also help you in this regard in a way called a multiple listing where there is a pool of brokers who can get together and then help in selling the home within the pool of multiple brokers and then share the resultant commission after the home has been sold. This is a good option for you to how they should list their homes which they can then sell. However one thing is sure that they should keep in mind is that they should check and work very carefully with the broker who will be answering your entire questions related to how do I list my house. One should be wary as it often happens that people do get somewhat hard done by, by their own brokers and your task is to avoid that.

If however you intend to get your home listed, then it is best that you do know how to go about it to a large extent. When you are going to list your house, do check, if needed with the help of your broker, on similar homes which had been made available in the market in the near vicinity. This will help you get a good idea of how the listing may be done. Another important thing that is kept in mind while we are facilitating valuation of homes is the locale and factor in any kind of local barriers and issues that they hamper the home owners when you are looking into the aspect of how to list my house. Therefore we see that listing your house is something that needs great attention especially when you are not exactly fully aware of how the market works.

Luis Pezzini

Follow This List Of Ideas For A Stress-Free Property Purchasing Journey

1. Get a pre-approval prepared by a mortgage banker prior to seeing any houses.

A Lot Of real estate sale contracts necessitate buyers to submit an application for a Mortgage Loan in a special time frame, say ten days after the agreement is accepted. You can negotiate the loan application deadline with the different party, but you will have to make a concession on another point.

This is a pretty crucial issue because if a mortgage application is not submitted, then a borrower may be breaking the purchase and sale agreement. Not having a loan qualification may cost you money in many ways. Consequently, purchasers must experience the purchase and sale agreement with adept care leading up to signing the offer to ensure that all requirements are known and understood. Search for someone who has a specialty in in working primarily with buyers.

Aqcuire some sort of hard copy of a prequalification or approval of the Home Loan agent that is helping you. without delay provide this document to the seller's agency in the format obliged by the purchase and sale contract.

2. have the agent Explain What The Seller Is ending up with In Return For "Seller Contributions".

Anytime owner concessions are part of the agreement without the buyer surrendering something in exchange then there is something of a danger sign. The seller might wish to take everything with them like the ceiling fans and the buyer desires to retain the furniture and the shower curtains.

The paying of closing fees by the owner usually helps the transaction go more like clockwork overall (Close on Our home and you will get credit of $x when you buy. Seller covered closing expense circumstances provide tremendous help to first time home buyers particularly.

3. Become happy because of your decision to buy a house.

You will probably worry yourself to death when it comes to whether or not you should be buying a property, irrespective of how strong your financial circumstance is. Why is this?

A house is a superbly enormous acquisition. you've submitted a commitment that will have you tied to a plot of land and to a particular town for years to come. Real estate transactions and marriage both create commitment angst on account of the size of the oath.

The main thing you can do about it is relax your nerves and decide to take delight in it. A sensation of joy and ease will take over just after you sign the closing documents. Regarding further free principles and tools for newbie home buyers, especially for the AZ first time home buyer, go ahead and pay a visit to our website and find out much more when it comes to the many first time home buyer programs available to you.

How to Improve Your Chances to Qualify for a Conventional Home Loan

Before you give up on the idea that you will never be able to get a home equity loan because of your bad credit, first be sure you can't get one. It may save you a lot of work, and it opens up more possibilities for home purchases and help from real estate agents.

You might be surprised to find that there are ways you can get conventional financing, even though you never thought you would be able to. More and more lenders are looking at people with less-than-perfect credit. Usually the interest rates are higher than average, but you get into a house. You can refinance later, after showing how you reliable you are making your monthly payments.

Here are a few suggestions to get mortgage companies to look at you. If this method sounds likely for you, try talking to a reputable home loan consultant, and see what your chances are. This would be one of the easiest ways to get into a house.

Can You Fix Your Credit Report?

You might find that your credit is easier to fix than you supposed. Have you seen a copy of your credit report lately? You are entitled to a free copy of your credit report if you have been denied credit, employment, or insurance within the last 60 days. If you were denied because of credit, the company should give you notice and give you the contact information for the credit bureau.

No one can legally remove accurate negative information from a credit report (no matter what those ads say) but you can dispute mistakes or outdated items for free. Request an investigation of information in your file that you dispute as inaccurate or incomplete. There is no charge for this. Ask the credit-reporting agency for a dispute form or submit your dispute in writing, along with copies of any supporting documentation. You don't need a credit repair organization to do this. Everything a credit repair clinic cando for you legally, you can do for yourself at little or no cost.

Look into Special Loans for Bad Credit

Concentrate on those lenders who specialize in working with those who have had credit problems. Spending time (and money) applying to lenders who do not work with credit blemishes will accomplish nothing. If you have local sources that you know will consider such loans, take advantage of them.

Other sources, available online, such as Lending Tree, have a large network of lenders nationwide, including those who have experience in dealing with credit problems.

Have a Home Telephone

If you have a telephone in your home and in your name, it helps increase your chances of getting a loan. Lenders worry about people who don't have a home phone. I know that today a lot of people today use their cellular phones as their home phone, but a land-line still looks better. It shows stability and roots, at least to a bank.

Live in One Place for a While

Again, banks want to see that you have some stability. It helps if you have lived in one place for at least 6 months. If you have just moved, show that you lived somewhere before this for at least 6 months (and hopefully several years).

Have a Good-sized Down Payment

The larger the down payment, the better your chances will be to get a loan. (See "The 30/70 Rule" in the next chapter.) The more money down, the happier the bank is to work with you.

And if you can show that you have saved the money over a period of time, instead of borrowing it, it looks even better to some lenders. Not all lenders ask where you got the money, so if you did save it, be sure to point that out.

Show That You Have Good Character

Banks and lenders want to know that you are dependable and reliable. Show this when you talk to them by showing up to meetings on time, dressing nicely, and having your information organized. Have your bank account and credit card account numbers and financial information ready to show them.

It will help if you have someone you know write you a financial letter of reference, such as someone whom you borrowed money from and who you paid the money back to.

Be ready to show them any sources of credit you may have that may not be on your credit history, such as paying the cable or cellular bills regularly. Even information about a loan from a relative or friend that was paid back in installments and on time will help. Be ready to tell them how you will be able to pay this loan back.

Use Any Collateral You May Have For a Personal Loan

Maybe you have something of value that you can use for collateral for a personal loan. This might be a good way to come up with a down payment.

Some of the things banks will consider for collateral are:



Gold and precious metals

Other Real Estate, such as land




Have a Relative or Friend Co-sign the Loan

This is a time-honored way of getting a home. Often close relatives or friends will help someone they care about who is in need. Sometimes all it takes is to ask. You can also get someone else to buy the house for you and later be added to the mortgage and quit-claimed to the deed. Check your state laws on the subject.

Increase Your Income

Get a second job. This can just be for a while. The increase in salary may be enough to qualify you for a loan. Also it gives you extra income to save for a down payment or pay off debts and fix your credit.

Start a small home business to bring in extra income. Be careful there-- a small business can be costly to start and run, and may not bring in much income for a while. But it works for many people. Do your research before you start. Weigh the risks and advantages.

Ask For Help

Ask for help from your church, synagogue or other nonprofit organization. Some government programs and organizations will help you with financing or other housing options. Check out our website for links to many of the organizations that help people get into homes of their own.

From the book "Buying a Home When You Have Bad Credit-- 12 Ways to Purchase a House When You Can't Get a Home Loan" by Alexis Dey. ? 2005-6 Mohave Publishing. All rights reserved.

For more ideas on how to buy a house when you can?t get a home loan, look for our exclusive FREE e-book, ?Buying a Home When You Have Bad Credit,? which can only be found on our site at

For free rent to own agreements, as well as other free real estate contracts and forms to download in PDF format, check out our site at site at

Thursday, January 31, 2013

What You Need To Know About Adoption

Adoption is all about giving a child a family and a future. For many people the chance of adopting a child is a Godsend, because for what ever reason, they are unable to have children naturally.

People without children, often feel like there is something missing in their lives, and can remedy this by adopting a child. The benefits of adoption, obviously do not only benefit the new parents. Adoption, gives a child who has no family of their own, the opportunity to grow up surrounded by loving family, and enjoy all the benefits and support that only family can provide.

Unfortunately the adoption process can be more expensive and complicated than expected. This unfortunately leads to a situation where some potentially fantastic parents cannot adopt children due the expense and difficulty involved.

The first step in adopting a child is one of self-analysis. In other words take some time to really think about what you are getting yourself into, adopting a child is a very serious business, and will impact on all aspects of your life for the rest of your life , and the life of the child you adopt.

Keep in mind that you will be responsible for this child for many years, and the cost of raising children is staggering. You will have to "be there" for your child not only when they are good and adorable, but also when they are sick, naughty and rebellious.

If after a good solid dose of honest self-analysis you are still keen on the adoption idea, then the next step is to get in contact with a reputable licensed and preferably non-profit adoption agency.

When you receive your information from the agency, take your time and go through the information very carefully, because in the adoption process, you must follow the adoption agency's guidelines to the letter.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to follow all the adoption agency's instructions to the letter.

Something to keep in mind is that you should be prepared for the possibility of disappointment. Even though adoption agency's try and make the process proceed as smooth as possible, due to the delicate nature of the process, sometimes problems can arise.

In the case of private adoptions, the mother of the child can change her mind once the baby is born.

In the case of public adoptions, there often are not many babies or toddlers available for adoption, and some of the children who are available have come from broken homes, and in some cases have been exposed to violence and substance abuse, which could lead to them needing special attention.

But for all this, many people have negotiated the red tape and obstacles, and discovered the joy of parenthood and how being a parent can help you grow as a person.

In fact many of these special people go back and do it all again.

This article on was prepared by Noel Clarke

How to Start a Health Business From Home

Before you begin, ask yourself why you wish to start this kind of business in the first place. For the past few years, the life expectancy in the United States has considerably increased. The number of people reaching 100 years old and above is continually rising. This has a tangible impact on the health industry as adult children of these seniors are continually searching for senior health assistance. An in-home assistance is the highly preferred choice. Therefore, when you start a health business from home, especially for senior health care, the venture holds plenty of promises.

Here then are the steps that could help you start a health business from home. First, it is best to find a place where the number of seniors is growing. To do this, you can check different cities' census profiles. The best target demographics for your business are people aged 65 years and above. Go for cities that are large or for cities that has huge retirement communities. Of course, you may need to move to that particular area.

The next thing to do in order to start a health business from home is to get a license from the state. License requirements vary in each state, so make sure you contact the local government office for a detailed instruction on how to obtain the license. Some certifications may also be required. In any case, make sure that your business will operate legally.

In order to minimize or maintain costs, you can hire contracted and/or part time health care workers. When you do start a health business from home intended to provide health-care for seniors, and you decide to hire workers, ensure that your would-be employees possess a nursing certification.

For any employee you hire, do not neglect to perform the needed background investigations and criminal history checks. Next, you should accept medical insurance, ensuring that your agency or business meets the requirements of an individual insurer. When you start a health business from home, you should also procure certifications and licenses that will allow you to accept Medicaid and Medicare clients.

Dorothy Miller is a professional blogger. You can read her work on Cheap Health Insurance [] at that link.

Help I Need to Sell My House - Selling Your House in a Buyers Market by Thinking Outside the Box

If you really need to sell your house and are willing to do what it takes to get out from under it then this article is for.

Traditionally speaking most people think theirs only one way to buy or sell real estate. On the seller's side you either list your property with a real estate agency or do a For Sell by Owner (FSBO) and wait for just the right person to come along who's capable of paying cash or get a loan from a lender. On the buyers side they shop around, find a house, negotiate a buying price then start the grueling process of becoming approved by their lender then everyone meets at the closing agency to finalize the deal. Pretty basic stuff right?

The problem with selling a house in today's post mortgage bubble environment is it's a buyers market and to make things worse lenders are not turning loose of their money as easily as before and for good reason. So when it's a buyers market with few people qualifying for loans how do you unload that property so you can get on with your life?

I know that for some of you skeptics out there you will not even consider what I'm about to say but if your backs against the wall and you need out from under your obligation more than you need your house you might just be willing to try something different.

The mortgage bubble and tight lending practices have created a situation to where sellers need a certain price and buyers who can't qualify for loans are becoming pent up. So when there is this pent up demand just waiting to burst and seller's who are begging to sell their property a situation has been created where you need each other now more than ever.

It's time to consider owner financing options. Yep I said it the dreaded owner financing which some of you cringe just to hear it but the truth is you can come closer to getting the price you need and the pent up buyer can buy a house that they need.

Talk to your lawyer about the arrangement and get his advice on how to protect yourself. You might even look for a lawyer who specializes in real estate as they tend to know more specifics about legal owner finance contracts.

Additionally, this does not mean that you accept the first looser who comes around interested in your property. Far from it! You should examine them carefully but at the same time realize that there are responsible and hard working buyers who have fallen through the lending cracks that genuinely deserves an opportunity to buy a house.

In the end I guess it depends on if you consider your situation dyer or not. It could be that you don't really need to sell your house that bad or then again it could be an alligator that's eating you alive! If it's the later don't forget you still have options.

Bobby G Gravlee

House & Home Property Management Company

Become a Medical Transcriptionist

Medical transcriptionists are responsible for transcribing dictated recordings of medical reports into computer documents, editing as necessary for grammar, clarity, and proper medical terminology. The dictated reports, which describe patient conditions and medical procedures, are typically made by physicians and other health care professionals. The computer documents produced by the transcriptionist ultimately become medical reports, operative reports, autopsy reports, discharge summaries, diagnostic imaging studies, progress notes, referral letters, or some other type of administrative correspondence. Medical transcriptionists typically work in health care settings (e.g., hospitals, doctor's offices, clinics, nursing homes, public health agencies, or home health care agencies), although some of them work at home as employees of transcription businesses.

Education, Certification, Licensing

In addition to a high school diploma, an aspiring medical transcriptionist should also possess a certificate, diploma or associate degree from a medical transcription training program. Many such programs include a combination of general and specialized coursework along with medical transcription skills and a period of supervised on-the-job experience. Although formal accreditation is not required for medical transcription programs, those programs which have obtained voluntary accreditation by the Approval Committee for Certificate Programs (AACP) are highly recommended.

The Association for Healthcare Documentation Integrity (AHDI) awards two certifications: Registered Medical Transcriptionist (RMT) and Certified Medical Transcriptionist (CMT). Neither of these certifications is a requirement; however, earning one or both is highly recommended. The RMT credential is awarded to individuals who meet an education requirement after they successfully pass a medical transcription exam. The CMT designation, which also requires educational credentials and a passing score on a certification exam, includes an additional requirement for at least two years experience in the field. RMTs and CMTs must renew their certifications every three years and must accrue continuing education credits within the three-year period in order to do so.

This article by U Urbano on medical transcription training and jobs has been provided courtesy of City Town Info.

Choosing A Good Early Childhood Program For You And Your Infant Baby

Good early childhood programs create and offer on a day to day basis a partnership between your family and their teacher caregivers. Finding a loving, caring place for your precious infant baby may take sometime so be sure to start early and give yourself an opportunity to visit several programs.

First, look for programs licensed with either the Department of Health or the Department of Education in your state. Licensed programs must meet certain criteria for the health, safety and education of young children. Requirements vary from state to state. Call the Department of Health or the Department of Education and they can give you a list of licensed programs in your area.

Second, make phone calls, ask questions and schedule a tour. To learn what is available you may want to visit center based programs, home based programs and even interview nannies to work in your home. Talk with other parents who already have their child enrolled in a program you are interested in. Choosing an early childhood program for your baby is a very important and personal choice.

Third, visit several programs. Go prepared with a written list of questions. What you want to see as you visit programs are small group sizes. The National Association for the Education of Young Children recommends no more than eight babies with one caregiver for every three children. Your state agency requirements may have different ratios.

o The smaller the group size and ratio of caregiver to babies allows for caregivers to respond to your baby's individual needs and form important one to one relationships.

o Each infant has a primary caregiver so the caregiver and baby get to know each other very well and create a healthy happy relationship.

o You want to see caregivers holding, talking to and making eye contact with babies throughout the day giving them the support, warmth and caring they desire and deserve.

o Caregivers hold and move babies to a new position or area, giving them a variety of activities in what they can look at and do.

o During routines such as diaper changing, feeding and changing clothes caregivers are attentive and talk to the babies with smiles and comforting voices.

o To encourage and enable infants to become familiar with language caregivers should talk, read and sing to the babies in their care. This is the beginning of recognizing words and sounds for your baby.

o In your baby's program you want to see babies eat and sleep on their own schedule allowing them to be most comfortable. Babies need to be held when taking a bottle. You do not want to see babies with their bottle propped in a crib.

o Caregivers at all times can see and hear all babies.

o Caregivers follow health and safety procedures to include proper hand washing which is most important to limit the spread of germs and infectious disease.

Fourth, the center or home welcomes parents to come in and visit at any time for any reason. Daily you want to talk and share your baby's development and activities, building respect, trust and a mutual understanding between your family and the childcare program. Fifth, good programs take precautions to keep children safe and healthy.

o Notice that high chairs, changing tables, strollers and swings have a safety strap with working buckles.

o Diaper changing table is organized with diapering supplies and extra clothes in arms reach. Also, a sink is in this area, with disinfectant and paper towels.

o Toys are clean, nontoxic and not able to be swallowed. There are no small or broken parts.

o Electrical outlets are covered.

o Carpeted floors are free of objects that might trip caregivers or children.

o Cribs have no more than 2 3/8 inches of space between slats.

o First Aid kit is readily available and caregivers have knowledge in first aid, CPR and other emergency procedures.

Finally, parents you know your child best and are their best teacher. Like parents, good caregivers know a happy, healthy baby is a secure baby. A good relationship between parents and caregivers gives parents a peace of mind and gives children a good beginning. Babies benefit from the day to day communication of parents and caregivers creating continuity between the child care setting and home.

Each baby reacts differently to a new child care setting. Some may cry and fuss, others make the transition with relative ease. Working together parents and caregiver can successfully work through this period of adjustment. The goal is for you and your baby to feel secure, comfortable and confident. Parents, you may have a difficult time too, so give yourself time to adjust. Find out before hand how a program handles transitions.

Programs vary with some encouraging parents to leave your child gradually, beginning with just a part day or a few hours. Others invite parents in to visit with your baby before beginning to see how the day flows and giving you an opportunity to see your infant's caregiver with your baby. A good caregiver reaffirms nothing can substitute a parent's love. When adults show trust and respect for one another, babies will adjust more smoothly, building a strong foundation for hellos and good byes.

Darlene Valluzzo was an Early Childhood Educator of 30 years being actively involved in nurturing and educating lives of future generations. Find the quality interactive toys you need for your child by visiting our website at []

Caring For an Elderly Relative Versus Nursing Home Care

There may come a time when it becomes necessary to think about the future life of an elderly relative when it becomes obvious that they are no longer able to live independently or provide for all of their own care needs. There are a number of options including bringing in home care services through agencies in their local community. These may include visiting companions, home duties services and nursing services. There are services that provide transporting and shopping services to help your elderly relative remain living independently however, there may come a time when this is no longer viable.

If an elderly relative experiences frequent physical or mental difficulties they may require ongoing full time support. It's decision time. Before you make the decision about how to manage this situation you need to consider many factors.

There are basically two choices, your elderly relative co-habits with you or they go in to a nursing home facility. A care assessment of the needs of an elderly relative will need to be done and will dictate if the co-habitation option is appropriate. It is important that there is a care assessment completed before any decision is reached. Their doctor is the best person to speak to about how to get a care assessment done. The assessment will determine the level of care that is required for your elderly relative. If your elderly relative is assessed as high level care needs that the decision will be taken out of your hands, it may be that your relative will not be permitted to live with you because it is assessed as medically unsafe.

If the assessment comes back with a low level of care needs there are further considerations. Could you manage caring for an elderly person 24/7? Where are they going to live, in their home or in yours? Most elderly people go to live with their adult children so there are a number of questions about this.

Is there physically enough room at your home? Will your elderly relative have their own room? Most elderly people are used to having their own place and own space, it is therefore important that they have their own bedroom at minimum. This is somewhere they can spend time or retreat to where their right to privacy is ensured. You will also need to consider the impact on others in your home, how will they feel about an elderly relative competing with them for your time.

Time factor is another consideration. Do you have time to provided care and support to your elderly relative in the way they deserve? If you are employed full time or have other major commitments on your time think about what it is you can offer. Would your elderly relative be safe if they are left alone for long periods of time? This will need to be thought about and discussed.

Is there enough room in bathroom facilities so they can get in and out with ease? Does railing need to be installed to ensure their safety? You will need to measure the bathroom facilities to ensure that there is room to install railing when the time comes. This will improve your elderly relative's sense of independence for bathing and toileting.

There will be a number of decisions about your elderly relative's home if they come to live with you. If they own the property decision will need to be made about whether to keep the property or sell it. If the property is kept, there will need to be planning around maintaining the property, decisions about which person will be responsible for looking after the home. There are benefits and pitfalls to this option. There is another option of renting the home; this also has benefits and pitfalls. Get well informed about all of these options to save problems in the future.

Another consideration is the cost factor. It may not seem to be appropriate to bring up money as you feel this is something that you want to do for your loved one however it is extremely important that your elderly relative does not become a financial burden. This can be a major deciding factor. Caring for people is expensive and as time goes on your elderly relative may require many medications, physical aides and your home may also require further modification or remodeling.

Even after all this is decided there needs to be other plans in place. What happens when your elderly relative becomes too frail or ill for you to continue care? Then the nursing home option will need to be considered.

There are many considerations in choosing a nursing home for your elderly relative. Location is high on the list. They have been living with you for some time, and will initially miss the close contact you had with them. If they are close by you will be able to visit frequently to assist in their settling in to a nursing home. Other important considerations will come under cost and level of care provided.

It is always an excellent idea to visit all of the reputable nursing homes in your area. Make appointments and see for yourself what the facility has to offer. Meet with management and employees and obtain information that is important to you. For example ask about daily activities, menu, medical care, emergency care, palliative care and how complaints are managed. Observe the residents in the facility, do they look well cared for and how do the employees address them? It is important that you feel the residents are respected by the nursing home employees. It is also important that the nursing home's visiting hours are not too restricted. This will allow you to visit when it suits you. As a general rule there should be some visiting hours available in the morning and afternoon of each day.

There are many considerations to be taken into account; after all, this is a big decision. It may be one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. Everyone feels some obligation to provide care to and elderly relative, however this is not always possible or appropriate. There will be many impacts to your life, elderly relative's life and the entire family's lives. There are practicalities that need to be assessed and thought through carefully. Thorough planning is essential to decide on the best care options for your elderly relative.

Bev Langford is a social worker who has had the opportunity to work with people from many walks of life and has devoted her working career to improving the lives of children, adults and the elderly in the community and is now moving to educating and assisting others through the online medium.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Happens During a Foreclosure?

Foreclosure. It is a word dreaded by increasing numbers of homeowners across America. It conjures up images of losing your home, disruption to your family, the stress of relocation, even the threat of homelessness. But if you are facing foreclosure, you need to know what happens during a foreclosure and your rights and obligations.

Foreclosure occurs when you cannot pay your mortgage and the holder of the title to your home, i.e, the bank or the title company, tells you that you no longer have the right to live in your home and you have to move out. What happens? What do you do?

The Foreclosure Process

Presumably, the notice of foreclosure has not arrived at your house without warning. What happens during a foreclosure is a long process that began when you first started missing mortgage payments. After 90 days or even a year of being in arrears, your lender will send you a letter stating that foreclosure will begin unless you make up the missing payments. Your lender will also file a "notice of default" with the local courthouse. If you fail to respond or satisfy your lender, a date for a public sale will be set. After the sale, you will face eviction.

Hopefully, when you fell behind in your payments you immediately contacted your lender and began a dialogue. Most lenders will want to keep you in your home if possible, and may work with you. During the foreclosure process before you actually lose your home, the federal government provides some options.

Loan Modification Programs

A loan modification is an alteration of the terms of a homeowner's mortgage agreement. The changes permit the loan to be reinstated. The end result is a level of payments the homeowner can afford. For homeowners and lenders the U.S. government provides valuable information on the websites of these two agencies:

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
The U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

But be careful! Scams abound, and distressed homeowners are falling prey to fraudulent "loan modification" companies. Remember these guidelines:

No loan modification company can guarantee results.
Never make your mortgage payment to the loan modification company.
Avoid companies that use official-sounding words like "Federal" or "U.S. Justice". Scam artists use these words to make the consumer believe they are affiliated with the U.S. government.

The "Making Home Affordable" Programs

A key part of the Obama Administration's Financial Stability Plan is "Making Home Affordable", a set of programs designed to stabilize the U.S. housing market and help Americans facing foreclosure to reduce their monthly mortgage payments to affordable levels.

One key component is the Home Affordable Refinance Program, which provides homeowners who have mortgages owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac the chance to refinance into monthly payments they can afford. Another program is the Home Affordable Modification Program, which aims to prevent avoidable foreclosures and keep Americans in their homes.

Can I Apply for a Home Affordable Modification?

Qualifications for the Home Affordable Modification Program include:

You must be an owner-occupant in a one-to-four unit property.
You must have an outstanding principal balance that is equal to or less than $729,750 for one-unit properties; higher limits may apply to properties with more units.
Your loan must have originated on or before January 1, 2009
Your mortgage payment (including insurance, taxes, and fees) is more than 31% of your gross (pre-tax) monthly income.
You cannot afford your mortgage payment because of a significant change in income or expenses.

Online information about the Making Home Affordable programs is available and includes instruction on how to find a HUD-approved housing counselor, determining if your loan is held by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, and how to contact your mortgage company to begin a dialogue. Additional resources include frequently asked questions, how to understand your mortgage statement, and a payment reduction estimator.

The risk of foreclosure is stressful and difficult, but there are options that you can explore that may help you to keep your home.

For more information regarding this and many other personal finance topics, please visit our web site at consumer finance report. We feature a large and constantly growing article library covering a wide range of consumer finance issues. Our unique, proprietary content is specifically designed to inform, educate, and provide guidance to consumers facing financial problems.

Nutrition For Seniors - It Can Be Difficult to Accomplish But It's Critical

Many seniors may no longer be able to cook. Or they just don't feel like cooking and eating alone. Seniors sometimes need help finding solutions for this important issue as they become less able to manage on their own. It's possible for families and seniors to cooperate with each other to make sure seniors' dietary needs are being met following our 7 suggestions.

1. As seniors become more disabled they can have home health agencies come in and do some cooking and cleaning if the seniors have insurance or income that will pay for this service.
2. Families and friends who live nearby can include seniors in meals they fix for their families.
3. Or a senior family member might live with a son or daughter's family.
4. Families can prepare meals that are frozen, but easy for a senior to heat and eat.
5. A senior might choose some type of elder care where meals are provided, especially if they are unable to drive and shop for themselves.
6. Or an older person who is significantly disabled might need full time skilled nursing care like in a nursing home. When seniors are unable to feed themselves this might be a necessary option especially if most family members work full time and are not available to give them the care they need.
7. A senior might get together with friends who can live together and help each other when needed. This is an option for people who are single or have no children to help them.

It's really important to address seniors' dietary needs effectively. Poor nutrition can make anyone less able to manage independently. A good diet that fulfills seniors' dietary needs can also help them stay healthy and independent longer.

Paula Stone is a lifestyle specialist. She works with her husband Ron in his various businesses including an insurance agency specializing in final expense insurance or burial insurance. Learn more at their websites, Burial Life Insurance and Burial Expense Insurance. A Free detailed guide to hearing aids is also available through our sites.

Dumpster Rental, Landfills and the EPA - How the Do-It-Yourselfer Gets Rid of Their Construction

Being a dedicated DIY enthusiast is a great way to minimize the amount of money you spend fixing up your house. It almost means you can get a fixer upper at a great price instead of paying a fortune for the "perfect" house. Unfortunately, it also means you're going to be hip deep in construction waste! Here's a quick guide to dumpster rental, hauling trash to the landfill and what the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has to say about your home improvement.

Dumpster Rental

Did you know that you don't have to be a professional contractor (or have an "in" with the dumpster fairy) to be able to get an industrial sized dumpster for your home improvement projects? That's right. There are companies out there that realize Do-It-Yourselfers make just as much construction waste as a professional crew, and they've dedicated themselves to making sure homeowners like you have access to a large sized dumpster whenever they need it.

Here's how dumpster rental works. You pick up the phone and call the company renting the dumpsters. You tell them what size dumpster they need. They load the dumpster onto a truck and deliver it directly to you. When you're done with the project you give them a call, and they'll come back and pick your dumpster rental back up. Simple.


When you decide to go the route of dumpster rental the company is going to take care of making sure your construction waste finds its way to a certified local landfill. That's not something you have to worry about! If you've got a landfill down the road, however, and decide to forego on the dumpster rental in favor of the traditional "load it up on the pickup and haul it away" method you're going to need to know all about what you can throw away and what you're going to need to call in a HAZMAT team to take care of. Which leads us to...


The Environmental Protection Agency has strict rules about the disposal of construction waste, and with good reason. You never know what you're going to find in the middle of a home improvement project, and whatever you find might not be safe to toss into the ground for the next millennia or so. Substances that aren't environmentally friendly and are going to require special handling include (but are not limited to) medical waste, drums, tanks, kegs and barrels, asbestos, paint, sewage and septic waste, gasoline (or other petroleum products), radioactive materials, car parts, chemical waste and animal carcasses.

Make sure you check with either the local landfill or your dumpster rental company before throwing any of these away.

Ron Subs is a public relations specialist working with Next Day Dumpsters. For more information on trash dumpster rental in the Maryland and DC/Metro area, visit them on the web at or give them a call at 301-859-3333.

Florida Residential Real Estate Property - Tips in Buying One For the First Time

Florida is definitely a treasure trove of prime properties that can be a sound investment if you plan to settle down in the region. If it's your first time to purchase a residential property in area, then here are some tips to help you out.

Choose Your Location Wisely

The first tip in purchasing a residential real estate property in Florida is to first choose the location of your very own home. This is a very important factor to plan ahead of time so that you can maximize its use, as well as enjoying the amenities in the surrounding area.

You can look for them on the Internet, since many real estate firms are now going online with their business. They feature different properties in assorted locations in Florida; check out their features, like architectural designs, furnishings, recreational areas and government agencies in the locale, and so on. Knowing these in advance can really help you determine the perfect location for your family home.

Comparing Home Value

Another tip is to determine the actual price of the properties that will fit your budget. Note, however, that the median prices of this residential real estate differ according to location depending on the popularity of the place. Cities that are known to have expensive real estate properties include Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Sarasota, and Aventura.

Check Your Financial Resources

Now that you have some idea regarding the location and prices of residential properties in Florida, you need to prepare yourself financially for the acquisition. In which case, many individuals plan to purchase a property using mortgage loans to give their wallet enough elbow room to survive.

While you're at it, check your credit scores since this is one of the main requirements for a mortgage loan. Inquire different lenders when it comes to their interest rates and payment terms, and compare each one carefully so that you can pick out the best deals that would suit your needs.

Hire A Professional

If you have no idea on the different processes and intricacies of real estate acquisition in Florida, then it would be best to hire a professional to do it for you. In this case, you can contact assorted real estate agents or brokers to help you out with this project.

They can help you in searching for a real estate property that will suit your specification and budget. They can also aid you in processing many of the legal documents that is included in the acquisition. They can also haggle in your best interest with sellers to lower the price value of the home, or with the terms and conditions that might put you on the lower end of the bargain. -- Florida Real Estate

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