Saturday, August 24, 2013

Home Loan Or Investment Plans to Save Tax!

Are you planning to buy a home or flat to enjoy tax exemptions? You must have been paying too much of tax as your income is high. But there are ways to overcome this tax problem. Your solution to this would be to buy a home and save on tax too. For this, you must apply for a housing loan so that you can enjoy tax benefits. Income tax Act covers these under two different sections such as: sec 24(b) and section 80(c) of the 1961 income tax act.

Loans will be considered under tax exemption only in the following circumstances. You must have taken a loan from a registered bank or financial institution. Remember that any money borrowed from private agencies, chit funds, friends and family will not qualify for tax benefits.

This will allow you a deduction of up to 1 lakh rupees on the principal amount repaid. Section 24(b) covers the interest payment made to your lender on the borrowed funds. You can qualify for such tax benefits if you have taken a housing loan for construction of house, purchase of house, renovation or repairs of your house are also covered. With the help of these type of borrowed funds you can make use of the loan documents and win a deduction of up to Rs.1,50,000 of your total liability of tax. If your liability is around 40,000, then you save the whole amount.

Carry out your repairs and renovations by availing a small amount of borrowed funds. Refurbish your house and increase the equity value of your house. While you do this, you can make use of these loan papers to save your tax at office. It serves dual benefits isn't it? Then, just go for it...

ULIP funds, insurance policies and tax saver funds can also help you for the same purpose. Learn more about these funds in order to carefully invest in them.

Kirthy Shetty: Demat Account NRI Loan India

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona Health Insurance Company Review

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona has a number of top notch health care solutions for Arizona residents. Perhaps one of the most famous health insurance companies in the United States is Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The company itself was found in the year 1929 in the state of Texas. Nowadays it is estimated that 99 million Americans are members of a Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

This means that one out of three Americans s covered by perhaps the biggest insurance company in the entire country. Today the company has access to all 50 states of the nation with its well developed plans and services. Since Blue Cross and Blue Shield is comprised of 39 independent, community-based and local Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies they each operate individually within their own state. It is known that the 39 independent entities represent the oldest and largest family of health benefit companies.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona is no different than all the other states independent agencies. The entity on this state was founded on 1939, just ten years after the first independent BCBS was founded in the state of Texas. The company has main offices in the cities of Phoenix (headquarters), Tucson, Tempe and Flagstaff and is the place of work of an estimated 1500 employers. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona is given the A.M. Best rating of A (Excellent) because it provides great quality health care at an accessible price for their members and because it provides different plans that will perfectly meet the diverse population within the state. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Arizona is one of the first options for the residents of the state because not only does it do business, but it volunteers with about 200 organizations through out the state.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona as said before offers excellent plans that can be purchased by anyone. From high deductibles with low monthly premiums to no deductible and low out-of-pocket expenses which can guarantee you a little higher premiums BCBS has it all. Because they are independent health insurance agencies they make up their own health insurance plans that they think will be liked by the consumer.

Below you will find a detailed description of the six plans offered within the state with the rates you should expect to pay when using the services. It is also worth mentioning that the plans offer different deductible and different copays for each deductible so you can basically choose whichever deductible option you wish from within the plan itself.

1. BluePreferred Copay: This plan works within the Arizona Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network with a choice of you to visit providers of different networks. If you choose to follow the out of network path however, you will end up paying much higher than if you stick with the large PPO network. This plan offers deductibles of $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500 and $5,000 for an individual per calendar year with the family deductible being double those prices. The co-insurance for this plan is 20%, which means you will have to pay 20% of what the bill is in case you use a service which requires co-insurance.

The doctor visits are different for each deductible category, but they range from $15 if you choose the plan with a $500 deductible; to $35 if you choose the $5,000 deductible. Pharmacy coverage is a little different within this state because instead of dividing the drugs into three tiers, BCBS of Arizona divides them into four levels. Level one drugs will cost you $15, level two will be $34, level three $65 and the with a level four drug you will have to pay $120.

Inpatient and outpatient hospital care is subject to the deductible first and then to the 20% co-insurance and the emergency room fee if you happen to go and are not admitted in is $150. Other inpatient care such as maternity care, behavioral and mental health, rehabilitation and home care would be 20% co-insurance after you pay the deductible and it's important to mention that preventive eye exams are covered by the plan and range from $15 to $35 depending on your deductible choice.

2. BluePreferred Saver: This plan also is part of the Arizona Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network and gives you the choice to go out-of-network for a higher rate. With these plan you will have the choice of three deductible options that will double if you have a family coverage; those options are $1.500, $2,600, and $5,000. The co-insurance of this plan once you meet your deductible is of 0%, which means that you will be able to go use the services for no cost at all. BCBS of Arizona will pay 100% of the bill in selected services if you meet your deductible.

This plan is pretty much self explanatory because for doctor visits, preventive care, lab services, prescription coverage, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, inpatient mental health, inpatient rehabilitation services, ambulance services and urgent care you won't have to pay a single dollar once you meet your deductible. You will pay $150 if you happen to go to the emergency room and are not admitted in before you pay your deductible, after you meet the deductible dollar amount however, this too is covered 100%. It is also worth mentioning that this plan is one of the two that BCBS of Arizona offers that is compatible with Health Savings Accounts.

3. BluePreferred Basic: This is another plan that operates within the Arizona PPO network but will give the member a chance to go out-of-network for a higher price. They have choices of $1,500, $2,500, $5,000 and $10,000 deductibles for individuals with family deductibles doubling those costs. For most covered services you will have to pay a 20% co-insurance after you meet the deductible option you selected, although a few services give you copay prices. For doctor visits they you will pay based on the deductible you selected, this means that if you selected a $1,500 dollar deductible you will pay $25, if you picked a $2,500 deductible your cost will be $30, for a $5000 deductible your rate will be $35 and for a person selecting the $10,000 deductible their doctor visits cost would be $40. Preventive services will not be counted towards the deductible so you will be allowed to pay 20% co-insurance from the start.

Prescription medications in this plan are divided only into generic drugs which you will pay $30 and brand name which you will pay $125. Other than those services all the other coverage which includes inpatient and inpatient care such as mental health services, rehabilitation services, skilled nursing facility and home care you will have to pay 20% co-insurance after meeting your deductible. The emergency room fee in this plan is $150 if you are not admitted and after meeting your deductible you will only have to pay 20% co-insurance.

4. BlueClassic: This type of coverage doesn't follow any network because it is an indemnity plan. This means that the plan gives the member more freedom to go use services under any other network, but the plan is a little bit more expensive. It gives choices of $250, $500, $750, $1;250, $2;500 and $5;000 for individuals, with family deductibles being double the individual levels. The co-insurance for most services is 20% after you meet the deductible of choice if the service involves a co-insurance. For doctor visits and preventive care you will have to pay full price until you meet your deductible and then the company will pay 80% while you pay 20%.

Prescription medications once again are divided into four levels with level one being $15, level two being $35, level three $65 and the most expensive is level four which will require you to pay $120. Lab services, inpatient care, outpatient care and urgent services are all subject to deductible and co-insurance, as well as maternity care, behavioral and mental services, rehab services, skilled nursing facility services and home health services. For an emergency room fee you will have to pay $150 at first and then its subject to deductible and co-insurance.

5. BlueClassic Saver: This is another indemnity plan that gives the customer more freedom when deciding to use the services. With these plan you will only have the choice of a $5,000 deductible for an individual, $10,000 for a family. This plan is also easy to describe because the co-insurance that BCBS of Arizona pays is 100% after you meet the deductible. This means that after you pay the $5,000 your services such as doctor visits, preventive care, lab services, inpatient care, outpatient care, urgent care, maternity care, behavioral and mental care, home health care, rehabilitation care and skilled nursing facility care will all be covered 100%. It is important to mention that this is the other plan that BCBS of Arizona has for people that want a plan compatible with their Health Savings Account.

6. BlueSelect: The BlueSelect plan is an Arizona Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) network plan in which the person will be asked to choose a primary care physician (PCP) and will need referrals in case they want to go ask for a second opinion or see a specialist. With Plan 2 you will not have a deductible and you will pay $25 to go see your PCP and $40 for other doctors. Pharmacy coverage is divided once again into four levels for which you will pay $15, $35, $65 and $120 respectively. You will pay $750 for admission to inpatient surgery and $200 for outpatient. The only difference with Plan 3 is that you are required to have a deductible of $1,000, doctor visits will be $30 for a PCP and $40 for specialist and inpatient care would be subject to deductible while outpatient would be $300.

If you want more information about BCBS of Arizona and other top Arizona health insurance companies then be sure and compare Arizona health insurance quotes from top companies side by side in order to find the company that will best meet your healthcare needs. Get started finding medical insurance today!

Is Your Au Pair Suffering From Cultural Shock Or Depression?

Culture Shock is a phenomenon that occurs when a foreigner enters a new culture and experiences unpleasant adjustment symptoms that can range from problems sleeping, mental fatigue, a delay or refusal to speak the new culture's language, a desire to return home and feelings of hopelessness. Au pairs experience culture shock in varying degrees when they arrive. Most of them adjust quickly and are excited to meet the challenges of her new culture and all that is has to offer. A significant number of au pairs never adjust and they usually return home soon after their arrival due to a number of reasons.

Recognizing cultural shock and the symptoms will help reduce the problems that may arise between your au pair and your family. If you understand how difficult it is for these young girls to adjust to a new country and a strange and different culture, you can be proactive in minimizing the disruption it can have on your family and for your au pair.

Be patient and give her the time to adjust. Talk to her about culture shock - bring it out in the open for discussion. Ask your counselor what she plans to do for your au pair in getting her connected to other au pairs in the area, thus creating a social network and support group that greatly assists with difficulty assimilating to American culture. In a few weeks, your au pair should be adjusting well within normal parameters.

However, many au pairs have significant difficulties adjusting to their new surroundings and may react with frustration, confusion and intense homesickness. These difficulties may present as minor physical complaints: stomach aches, headaches, minor colds and eating problems (either overeating as a way to comfort themselves or a lack of appetite and refusal to eat new and different foods). Other symptoms include anxiety and feelings of disorientation, uncertainty and intense loneliness, which can often lead to depression. These symptoms can often be combined with an intense dislike with certain aspects of the new culture. Your au pair may complain to others about your family, her room, the food, your the children and about the United States in general. She may call her parents multiple times a day to complain and feel them out about coming home. Culture shock normally occurs several weeks after the au pair arrives, but it may develop in the first week, when the initial excitement wears off and she realizes she will have to deal with a new environment for a long time.

You have a problem if your au pair finds it impossible to accept her new culture. She may isolate herself from you, the entire family, her counselor and other au pairs. She may refuse to sign up for school and announce she plans to stay in her room for the entire year during her free time. Au pairs that reject their new culture may start to feel the only way out is to return home. People who have extreme difficulty adjusting to cultural shock are called Rejectors - a person who never integrates into the new environment and once home, they often have reverse culture shock, where they have difficult readjusting to familiar surroundings. Approximately 60% of all expatriates evidence these behaviors:

Difficulties in assimilating can be disruptive and troubling for both you and your au pair. You may feel surprised that your bubbly and gregarious au pair is now hostile, silent and refuses to come to the dinner table. You may find she is hoarding food in her room and she is experiencing sudden weight changes or becomes lethargic. If your au pair continues to show signs of extreme cultural shock, you need to call your agency and the local counselor. Many times inexperienced counselors or managers will tell you to wait, that these symptoms are normal and that in a month or two everything should be just fine. Waiting for 2-3 months for your unhappy, and possibly depressed, au pair to recover may be a recipe for disaster.

How do you know when the culture shock your au pair is experiencing is serious enough for a professional intervention? First, look for signs of depression accompanied by feelings of hopelessness - when these two elements are presented together your au pair may need professional help. Studies have shown that when feelings of depression are accompanied by feelings of hopelessness the incidence of suicidal thinking increases.

If her biological parents are telling her she has to stay and finish out the program, and you and the counselor are telling her the same thing, and there is no relief of her symptoms, she very well may develop a depressive disorder. Some of the symptoms of depression are: a lack of interest in things that once were pleasurable; sleep problems; unusual eating patterns; sadness, crying, physical and mental fatigue and the inability to concentrate and function normally at work or in social situations. Please visit this link for more information on depression: If you recognize these symptoms in your au pair you should call your agency at once for assistance.

Tip Alert: If your au pair agency takes a "wait and see" attitude but you feel your au pair's ability to function is undermined by the symptoms of culture shock that may have worsened into a depression, do not hesitate to call and discuss your au pair's adjustment difficulties with your physician. If the agency and/or counselor will not do anything, bring your au pair to the doctor yourself. Au pairs have medical insurance and this visit should be covered. It is important to get your au pair help if you think she is suffering from depression and not just cultural shock but the only person who can make an accurate diagnosis is a medical doctor or a psychiatrist. Don't try to play therapist, instead, have her evaluated for your peace of mind and for the safety of your children and for the au pair herself. She may be unable to express her feelings and she may need help and not be able to ask for it. She is in your care, so make sure you treat her the way you would your own daughter.

Edina Stone is the Founder and CEO of a national consumer clearinghouse for parents who are seeking to hire an au pair for their childcare needs. We are the first consumer based website that provides information to families on the au pair industry. We review, rate and report on the au pair agencies; provide a Family Forum where parents can share comments, tips and complaints; we post articles on various topics related to childcare and au pair care and post daily Current News items on and about the au pair industry.

Building and Remodeling - What Does Green Mean?

There is a lot of chatter, these days, about "going green" in homebuilding and remodeling, but what does "green" really mean? House hunters and homeowners wanting to make a positive environmental impact are finding that green can mean virtually anything a marketer says it does. As with every other growing consumer trend, a variety of marketers have discovered the sales boost a green claim can give, and it's sometimes difficult to distinguish facts from hype.

No universal standard yet

It would certainly be helpful if there were an "official" definition for what makes a building, project, or product "green," but, at this point, there isn't. At least, not yet, but it's coming. The National Association of Homebuilders is working on a national green building standard, and they have certified several hundred contractors in green building practices. There are also organizations that provide levels of certification for homes and remodels built with green features, such as the nonprofit U.S. Green Building Council with its LEED certification program. Similar certification programs exist in many states, and even in some municipalities. For consumer appliances, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has the ENERGY STAR rating system. However, the "green" field is so wide, that with many products and materials, and even with some supposedly "green built" homes, consumers are still on their own in determining the legitimacy of green claims. The caveat here is the same as with any other type of consumer purchase: whatever the size of your project, doing thorough research up front will help you make choices you'll be satisfied with, not just when the project's done, but for years to come.

Common features of green built projects

Despite the absence of a universal standard, green built projects do tend to have a number of features in common. If you want your own project to create a positive impact -- on the environment, on your comfort and health, and even on your utility bills -- you now have more choices than ever in eco-friendly designs, methods, and materials. Generally speaking, if your project can incorporate one or more of the following features, you're on the right track.

Site the project in such a way that:

The new structure will make use of natural heating and cooling principles such as shade and passive solar.
The construction process and the building itself have a minimal adverse impact on the site.

Reuse an existing structure rather than build a new one.Deconstruct rather than demolish, if all or part of an existing structure must be replaced. Reuse materials from the old structure where possible.Consider using salvaged materials from other sources.Use materials made from recycled content where possible.Recycle as much project waste as possible.Use building materials efficiently.Use energy efficiently:
Incorporate insulation into structural members (e.g., structural insulated panels) as well as walls and attic.
Use low-e (low emissivity) windows.
Use a high-efficiency heating/cooling system.
Design to recycle waste heat.
Design-in lighting fixtures that utilize fluorescent or halogen bulbs, rather than incandescent bulbs.

Choose materials and products with low or no toxic emissions (e.g., wall board, cabinets, carpets, paint and other finishes).Choose sustainably harvested natural products (e.g., wood products that are certified sustainably harvested, bamboo flooring, carpets made of natural fibers).
Choose materials, where possible, that come from local sources (e.g., local quarries for stone, or anything that didn't have to get shipped long distances).Use water efficiently:

Use water-saving appliances, such as low-flow or dual flush toilets and a tankless water heater.
Design to recycle wastewater (greywater systems).
Design to capture and store rainwater (sometimes called rainwater harvesting).
Choose landscaping that is climate-appropriate (e.g., if you're living in a permanently arid climate, consider xeriscaping instead of sod).
If you choose landscaping that will need irrigation, design-in a drip, soaker, or emitter system controlled by a climate-sensor and timing device.

Choose what's right for you

There's room for flexibility. "Going green," says energy writer Marilyn Lewis, "can mean anything from where and how you build a home to the appliances and materials you pick, to strategies for cutting water and energy waste." This applies to remodeling projects as well. If you can't do as much as you'd like because of budget or other considerations, heed Lewis's advice: it's OK, you can be "a little bit green." Know what you want out of your new space, and do your "homework." Even a few carefully chosen features can help to lower your energy bills, improve your family's comfort and health, and potentially even improve the resale value of your home.

Ed Shreve is a staff writer for, a website for homeowners looking for practical green remodeling resources and DIY advice.

Ceiling Fan Cleaning Tips

Keeping your ceiling fans clean is not just a matter of keeping your home looking good. It's also a matter of health and of protecting your fans from damage. One of the reasons why domestic cleaning agencies make sure that ceiling fans are cleaned is because they know this. Since fans are rarely used, many people reduce expenses by keeping their cleaning out of the purview of the domestic cleaning agencies. This makes sense, but even if rarely used they need to be cleaned once in a while.

Dirty fans means dust with germs and pollen waiting to be blown all over the room when the fan is turned on. Also, the dust on the blades could affect the balance of the fan making it noisy, putting more strain on the motor and damaging the ball bearings. Cleaning fans is not complicated and requires no special materials or skills.

To do a weekly house cleaning, all you need to do is first of all make sure the fan is off. Using a ceiling cleaning brush / duster with a long handle, clean all the blades thoroughly. Place a plastic sheet below the fan to keep falling dust and grime from falling on the carpet. Carefully gather up the sheet so that no dust falls out and your weekly cleaning is done.

Once in a while, say once to twice a year (perhaps more frequently it depends on how much the fan is used) you will want to give the fan a more thorough cleaning. To do this you will need a ladder to get to the fan. Once again spread the plastic below the fan. If the fan has a light fixture attached, carefully remove the bulbs from the fixtures and be careful not to burn yourself on hot bulbs. Then, if possible, remove the light fixture. Wipe the blades clean with a dry cloth. Spray some domestic cleaner on a piece of clean cloth and wipe the blades again. Repeat this until the blades are clean. Be careful not to spray the cleaner directly on the fan. If any liquid should go into the motor housing, it could cause serious damage.

Next remove the motor casing and clean off all the dust from the surrounding areas. Clean the light fittings in warm soapy water, and after drying, polish them if needed. Make sure everything is dry before fitting the light back on the fan.

Waxing the blades with car wax will prevent dust from sticking to the fan blades and make future cleaning easier.

Nick Vassilev is the director and owner of Anyclean, a successful office cleaning london business established in 1998. His company offers a wide array of office cleaning services to large and small commercial clients throughout Greater London.

5 Key Tips For Hiring The Right Contractor For Your Home Remodeling Project

Hiring the right home renovation contractor really is an "inside job" that requires thoughtful research on the part of the homeowner. Folks who are considering renovating their homes this year should plan first on getting educated about hiring the right contractor for their project and understanding their rights.

The fact is that home improvement has consistently ranked at the top for consumer dissatisfaction and fraud according to various consumer agencies. With little accountability on the part of the home improvement industry, it becomes the homeowners' responsibility to get educated and informed so they don't become a victim of an unscrupulous contractor.

This much needed education focuses on the "pre-renovation" process, which centers on doing research that reveals background information on the contractor such as his/her business ethics, legal history, reputation and competence in handling your project. Skip this step and you risk getting involved with the wrong contractor and worse, a home remodeling nightmare.

The following 5 tips are critical steps any homeowner should do first regardless of the size and scope of their project. Hiring a roofing company to install a new roof or an electrician to upgrade and rewire the home can prove to be disastrous if you choose poorly.

The following tips will provide the consumer with key information about the contractors' ethics and willingness to be transparent:

* Conduct background checks that include uncovering relevant lawsuits, any small claims court filings, mechanics lien history, credit standing with suppliers and licensing history if required by your state.

* Conduct a thorough interview, asking key questions around customer care, problem solving, safety issues, working with city inspectors, knowledge of code compliance, who will supervise your project and how much time they'll spend, and how they handle unexpected surprises.

* State in writing that you require Lien Releases at the time of each payment (in writing as part of the contract) from all subs/suppliers for work performed and material supplied to date.

* Create a thoroughly written specifications sheet and contract with every single detail spelled out, including key clauses to protect yourself and reviewed by a construction law or contract attorney.

* Get in writing - as part of your contract - start and stop dates and hours of working time on your project: specify days- Monday through Friday, hours such as 7am - 3:30pm. This ensures that the contractor is committed to completing your project on time, has the crew to perform and is serious about his business. Signing on the dotted line to this commits him to adhering to the contract and that's a good sign.

Implementing these steps will help to protect you from hiring an unethical contractor. A contractor who is willing to be transparent in his/her business practices and competency is whom you want to hire.

With thoughtful insight and due diligence, hiring a contractor you respect and whose work you appreciate makes it all worth it and in the end you're rewarded with a positive experience and a great working relationship with your contractor.

Jody Costello, creator of, is a Pre-Renovation Coach who educates consumers to help them prevent remodeling disasters like the one she and her family endured 11 years ago. She offers Pre-Renovation Education through her "[PRE]modeling Bootcamp For Women and The Men Who Love Them", an online course that guides homeowners through the risks and realities of remodeling while providing solutions. For more information about her Bootcamp visit

Friday, August 23, 2013

Albuquerque Mortgage Refinancing - What Need to Know Before Refinancing

If you are in the process of refinancing your Albuquerque mortgage, there are steps you should take prior to refinancing that will ensure you qualify for the best loan possible. Doing your homework and researching Albuquerque mortgage lenders will even help you avoid costly mortgage mistakes. Here are several tips to help you prepare for refinancing your Albuquerque mortgage loan.

Albuquerque Mortgage Refinancing - Clean Up Your Credit First

The first thing you should do prior to refinancing your Albuquerque mortgage is request copies of your credit reports from each of the three credit agencies. Credit records are maintained by three separate companies and are prone to mistakes. Having inaccurate information in your credit reports will significantly damage your credit score and the interest rate you will qualify for with your Albuquerque mortgage. Once you have credit reports from Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union, carefully review these records for any errors. If you find errors you will need to dispute these mistakes and allow enough time for the correction to raise your credit score.

Albuquerque Mortgage Refinancing - Save Money

Before refinancing your Albuquerque mortgage it is important to avoid using credit for large purchases. Making large purchases using credit will reduce your credit score and negatively impact the interest rate you receive. It will help your application to start putting money in a savings account. The Albuquerque mortgage lender will evaluate your credit and assets including bank accounts and investments. The more money you can squirrel away in a savings account, the better off you will be refinancing your Albuquerque mortgage loan.

Albuquerque Mortgage Refinancing - Fix Up Your Home

If you don't have a recent appraisal, the new Albuquerque mortgage lender could require a new appraisal or survey prior to approving your loan. Appraisals are important if you plan on borrowing against the equity in your home; the more equity you have, the better your interest rate will be. When making repairs to your home, don't go overboard and replace all of your appliances as this will not necessarily improve the appraised value of your home. Simple things like a fresh coat of paint, improving your landscaping, and minor repairs give you the most bang for your buck when improving the appraised value of your home.

You can learn more about qualifying for the best Albuquerque mortgage while avoiding costly mortgage mistakes, register for a free mortgage guide.

To get your free mortgage guidebook visit using the link below.

Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid costly mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. For a free copy of " Mortgage Refinancing - What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies to find the best mortgage and save thousands of dollars in the process, visit

Claim your free mortgage refinance information guide today at: Albuquerque Mortgage

How to Solve the Bulls' Problem of Free Agency This Summer

The Bulls have a dilemma and I think that I might have the answer. In today's article I'm going to talk about what the Chicago Bulls need to do during this off season to address the team needs. First things first the Bulls need to weight their options and decide on what free agents they need to go after. The top guys seem to be LeBron James, Chris Bosh, Amare, Wade, and Ray Allen.

Let's start off with LeBron James the MVP and hes going to be in his prime years soon so the Bulls need to take advantage of this. LBJ is the type of player that can really take over a ball game and with other teams doubling up on him it will make his surrounding players better because they will have better looks at the basket. The Bulls have more than enough money in order to please him and would be able to give him some more help with some mid level exception level players as well. It is not a for sure thing that LBJ will be leaving is hometown team in the Cavs but if he actually wants to win a title he might have too. If the Bulls want to ensure they have a better team than the years before they need to make LeBron James priority number 1.

Next up is Chris Bosh he is currently the best big man free agent on the market. He is extremely dangerous around the basket and has a very nice 12ft jump shot. Bosh would be a very nice complement to Noah down low. Bosh should be the Bulls number 1 goal if LBJ re-signs with the Cavs. With the recent trade the Bulls are trying to pull off with the Wizards to move Kirk Hinrich's salary off the books that would give the Bulls enough cap space to be able to sign 2 that's right 2 max free agents. It would be a dream come true if the Bulls were able to get LeBron James and Chris Bosh this free agency but even though it is possible it is highly unlikely that it will actually happen. Now Wade is a long shot but it's still a possibility for the Bulls. This guy is battle tested and knows how to win games come crunch time. His home town is in Chicago so he might have a slight interest in coming here. If Wade can increase his jump shot percentage he could become very dangerous when paired with Rose. Even though he has bashed the Bulls management saying that they don't know how to take care of their players and treat them well I think he would still be a great fit with the Bulls just because hes a fan favorite and a great player.

The last main player I think the Bulls should try and go after is Joe Johnson. This guy has been on a couple of different teams and played the same role, being the clutch shooter. The Bulls have a huge hole in their lineup since losing Ben Gordon and John Salmons the past 2 seasons and getting Joe Johnson would be the perfect fit. Johnson had a tough time in the playoffs when he struggled with his shooting but all good players have a couple of off nights and they were also playing against the Orlando Magic who had the 2nd best record in the NBA so that might have had something to do with it. Next there are the back up plans after the big 3 are already gone. The 1st is Amare Stoudemire from the Suns. He is a great player on the offensive end and would be an excellent fit with Rose just because he has always had a great point guard with him his whole career. The only reason why I have him as a backup plan is because of his defensive abilities. Throughout his entire career he has never had to play a lick of defense while being on the Suns run and gun offense so it might be hard for him to adjust to playing 2 way basketball.

Another back up plan could be Ray Allen. The guy is a sniper from 3 point range and one of the best free throw shooters in the NBA. I don't think there is a team out there that wouldn't want Ray on their team. Ray would be a good addition to the Bulls because for the last couple of seasons they have been among the league's worst in 3 point shooting and free throws. Having his veteran leadership would be a great plus for the Chicago Bulls considering that the Bulls currently have a very young team that doesn't have a lot of experience in the playoffs. Ray Allen is also a class act in the locker room and off the court and those types of players are always nice to have. If the Bulls manage to trade Deng away so that they have even more cap space available this is how I would do it.

First off I would go after LeBron and sign him to a max deal. LeBron would upgrade almost everything for the Bulls. Not only is he the MVP but hes going to bring a lot of toughness to this young team. I personally don't think that there is a player out there that can guard him one on one. So that means he going to get doubled a lot, which will lead to more open shots for his teammates. LeBron also brings defense to the table, I'm not saying hes a lock down defender but he gets a lot of triple doubles each yeah and always seems to come up with some monster run down blocks and that can change the momentum of a game. LeBron's outside shooting and free throws have only got better since he came into the league so that is always a plus. Getting LeBron also means that you have another all-star that can make tough plays down the stretch of a ball game.

The next player I would pursue is Chris Bosh. This man can straight up play ball, he has numerous moves around the basket and is a regular double double guy. Having a lineup that would include Rose, JJ (draft pick or mid level exception FA), LBJ, Bosh, and Noah would be almost unstoppable. I can totally see them winning about 75 games a season if they stay healthy. With that line up all of the Bulls problems would be solved this summer and they would be on their way to winning many Championships in the years to come.

I have been a Chicago Bulls fan since I can remember and I would like to see the Bulls go on another dominating run like they did in the 90's. That is why I have wrote a few articles on the Bulls

Considerations to Make For Safe Traveling

Traveling is always a fun experience as you get to explore a lot of new destinations and take part in various activities. In fact there is countless number of people on the surface of the earth who consider traveling to be their favourite hobby and go out exploring new places whenever they get time. There are some other people who need to travel a lot not because they are fond of it but they have some professional requirements.

Traveling with family or for education are other two important reasons why people do travel extensively. Whatever be the reason for your travel, you need to extremely careful about the safety while you are not at the home town. The foreign places can at times be very risky. Accidents, robberies and disease are the reasons why you need to take adequate safety measures while traveling.

If you are a frequent flyer and is not aware of the precautions and steps that you need to take while an air journey the n this is time to charge up yourself with all the mishaps that can take place in the sky. Before you board a plane you should make sure that the airlines you have chosen to fly with is a reputed one. This is important because the general ones often do not have ample safety arrangements for their passengers.

They do not carry adequate number of oxygen masks, life jackets and life belts. This is the reason why at the time of any emergency they are not able to help you out. In fact you need to be careful about your health conditions as any negligence can take your life. If you feel that as you are traveling by a ship or a train, you do not need to take care of the travel safety arrangements than you are quite wrong. Because accidents can take place anytime and anywhere.

There are other safety measures that you need to take in order to make sure that you travel safely. If you are going for international tours then never forget to fetch enough information about the rules and restrictions of that country. This will help you to keep away from many unwanted troubles. If this is the first time you are visiting the place then a travel agency can be of help to you.

Always make sure that you have a travel insurance that will cover all sorts of medical expenses abroad. You should be extremely careful about the identity documents you are carrying like the passport and visa loosing which can land you up in jail as this is a criminal offence to intrude into a foreign country without official proof. So be conscious about your safety while going for a tour.

April is the co-owner of Word Wolf which has loads of articles on a variety of topics such as cheap holiday destinations and honeymoon getways.

Expanding Your Abilities As a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

Working as a certified nursing assistant or CNA is seen as the initial step in a long career in the medical field. Many people become CNA's because they enjoy helping people and enjoy the stability, flexibility and room for advancement that the medical field offers. There are many ways that a certified nursing assistant can further their career. Increasing one's skill set is one of the best ways to gain more technical skills thus in increasing one's responsibilities and pay.

There are a variety of ways in which you can expand his/her skill set. One method is to obtain additional certifications. In conjunction with the certification as a nursing assistant, there are a number of other certifications that allow a CNA to work in a variety of settings and perform more advanced functions. This includes certification to work in long term care facilities working with the elderly as a geriatric nursing assistant (GNA). A certified nursing assistant can also obtain certification to work in a home health agency as a home health aide (HHA). Most home health aides either travel to the home of a patient or live in the patient's home and provide extensive daily care. There are also medicine aide certifications. To become a certified medicine aide in most states you must be employed as a CNA for at least a year and have completed a state approved medicine aide course. These additional certifications provide the certified nursing assistant with the ability to increase his or her skill set and perform more complicated technical skills and to obtain more responsibility.

There are a number of ways a nurses aid can expand their skills. Many will take the initiative to complete the additional certifications on their own. These certifications can be obtained by contacting the State Board of Nursing. The State of Board of Nursing can provide the certified nursing assistant with the information needed to complete and prerequisites such as taking additional training courses prior to testing for the certifications.

In some cases, a CNA's employer may be willing to pay for additional certifications. There are times when employers, such as a long term care facility or a home health agency, may be willing to pay for additional certifications for there CNAs. This is done when the employer has the need for qualified applicants with more advanced skill sets. The employer will pay for the certified nursing assistant to complete the additional training and will provide a pay raise for gaining the additional certification. In circumstances such as these the employer will ask the certified nursing assistant to agree to remain employed at their facility for a specified amount of time. This option to gain additional skills should be taken advantage of if offered by an employer.

Expanding one's skill set as a CNA is very advantageous. Someone with a number of certifications is highly sought after by many organizations. The more skills acquired, the more responsibility and the more pay they are likely to earn.

Click here for more information on becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant, or expanding your abilities as a CNA.

Choose Home Health Aide As a Career

Home Health Aides are also called a certified nursing assistant, a residential assistant, a home care giver and a patient care technician. They are there to help patients that need more care outside hospital settings.

The Home Health Aide or HHA reports to a registered nurse, physical therapist or other members of the health care profession as well as agencies working in home health care business. Due to the nature of her work, it is a requirement for the HHA to record all patient care performed.

Here below are the different patients a Home Health Aide attends to:

? Those with physical disabilities

? Those that is ill terminally

? Senior citizens

? Patients in a hospice

? Mentally disabled adults

? People recovering from sickness

? Mentally disabled children

? Patients with long-term sickness

Home Health Aides naturally work in their patients' homes performing various tasks:

? cleaning and changing dressings

? monitoring patient respiration rate, pulse, temperature

? moving patients and helping them out of bed, into wheelchairs, cars, helping them bathe, sit on chairs, etc

? Help patients with their daily exercise

? Provide support emotionally and psychologically

? administer medications as prescribed by doctors

? Buy and prepare prescribed meals

? perform activities that help maintain patient's mental health like conversing and reading aloud

? Help patient with personal hygiene, grooming, dressing, etc.

? Change patient's beddings

Doing basic house work like cleaning, finishing the laundry, grocery shopping, etc. are also tasks done by a health aide as she sees necessary.

The Job Characteristics of a Home Health Assistant

Some HHAs work 40 hours a week and some work part time at lesser number of hours. Many work overtime, on weekends, night shifts and holidays as their patients almost always need 24 hour health care. State welfare agencies and private health centers typically employ HHAs however there are some who are self-employed.

Since their job calls for constant walking, standing and moving patients around, the HHA's job can really get physically demanding. The job of an HHA also comes with the occasional occupational hazard like minor infections and exposure to major diseases. The duties of HHAs also include unpleasant tasks like emptying bedpans, changing soiled beddings, etc.

Although their jobs are physically and emotionally draining, HHAs still find it a gratifying one which enables them to play an important part in their patient's life.

Home Health Assistants are known to have the following personalities and skills: precision and accuracy, emotional stability, patience and dependability, service oriented, sensitivity, honesty, discretion, physical strength and being able to resolve problems and keep calm under pressure.

Tena Polansky has been a CNA training coordinator for over 12 years and has a wide range of experience in training candidates for CNA, LPN, LVN and RN. She also teach some nursing students about home health aide as a career.

For more information on becoming a certified nursing assistant visit

Foster Care in America - How it Affects Children

Approximately 800,000 children end up in a foster care home in America each year. Foster care is designed to help orphaned, abandoned and abused children find homes where they are safe and can receive proper care until a more stable home environment can be found for them. The problem is that the American foster care system is loosely organized and makes living situations hard on the kids involved by not meeting their individual needs fully.

* Who is eligible for foster care?

Foster care is given to any child between the ages of birth and 18 years old. Children are usually placed in a foster home for an average of three years. After that, a child will typically be reunited with his biological family or become permanently adopted by another family. However, some children remain in a foster care situation longer than this time frame.

* How do young children fare in a foster situation?

Statistics show that young children placed in foster care often have some level of emotional and behavioral problems. They are removed from their homes because of neglect or physical, sexual or verbal abuse. They carry those memories with them for a long time. It may make many children timid around other people or just the opposite; make them direct anger at the families who take them in under the foster care program. Many of these children require mental health services and often have physical disabilities due to poor health.

Children in a foster care program do not do as well on average as their counterparts in school. They have lower grades and perform much worse on standardized tests. Some children become bitter and find themselves in trouble a lot of the time, even to the point of expulsion. This is not only hard on the child, but the family providing care for him.

* What happens to kids who "age out" of foster care?

Children who "age out" of foster care, become too old for the program, may find themselves in a troublesome predicament. While some agencies and previous foster families may help these teenagers transition into adulthood, it is often difficult for the teens to find work and afford another place to live. Sadly, many end up homeless.

Statistics show that children who age out rarely have anyone to turn to for advice or guidance once they reach the maximum foster care age of 18. There are mentoring programs available to help, but these children may not know where to find such outreach programs. Many of these teens become parents themselves at an early age, and only about 46 percent of them actually graduate from high school.

* What about the foster care family?

In almost half of all cases; 46 percent of the time, a child is placed in a foster care home with strangers. This may happen multiple times over the course of the child's participation in the foster care system. Some will be able to live with relatives, and still others may be placed in a foster home that houses a group of foster children under one roof. A foster family is given a small monthly stipend to provide for the foster child, but this is often not enough, especially if a child requires counseling of any sort.

It all seems bleak for the children who are forced into a foster care situation. The purpose of the program is to give these children a loving and nurturing environment to get them through some pretty rough times, but is the system failing these children? Is there a way to make the system work better for these children? This topic is under thorough and continuous investigation. More and more Americans realize that something must change in the foster care system across our nation. Increased awareness in the problems faced by the foster care system is the driving force behind these needed changes. Only the future will tell if we have hit the mark.

Iuculanos website is [] and

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Work / Life Balance is Just Good Business!

It would be nice to think that the companies on the leading edge of work/life balance programs are simply being good citizens and doing the right thing! But, the fact is that these programs make good business sense.

In addition to increased productivity and employee satisfaction, companies can retain valuable employees in a competitive environment, and attract new employees with these programs.

Every generation in the workforce today reports that work and life balance is one of the top issues for them and that they want to work in a company that supports their desire to have more balance in their life.

Whatever the reason for the movement, we should be glad it is upon us.

Who are the companies with programs, what do the programs look like and what results have they achieved?

You might be surprised to know that these companies cut across all industries in the private and the public sector. Here are some examples of program components:

Elder care programs consisting of resources directories, counseling, elder care services and educational services
Expanded telecommuting and ‘telework’ programs that allow employees to work from home or other locations
Part-time and job sharing positions for employees come off disability or recovering from health problems, or for parents who wish to spend time at home with their children or with aging parents
Fully accredited child care centers in or near the workplace
Babies in the Workplace programs that allow a child to remain with a parent in the workplace until the age of six months or whenever the child starts to crawl
Alternative work schedules and FlexTime work schedules that allow employees to work hours other than 9:00 to 5:00 in order to better meet their personal needs
Family Advocacy Programs held at lunch-time on managing personal finances, parenting, stress management, anger management and elder care issues
Outdoor recreation, walking paths and fitness equipment for employee use during and after work. Some companies even provide grills, row boats and other equipment for employee family use.
Support groups for elder care, new fathers, holistic health, spousal abuse, single parents, adoptive parents, parents of teenagers parents of blended or merged families, caregivers, and grandparents raising grandchildren alone.
Nursing Mother Rooms for breastfeeding moms
Enforced scheduling and use of vacation and personal days to ensure that the employees takes time off from work
Cross-training in positions to ensure coverage so that employees can take time off without the company suffering

These are just some of the examples of programs in government agencies, hotels, banks, corporations and union environments around the country.

Human Resource Management companies and universities study the effects of these programs and publish reports to support and encourage their growth. And the really dedicated companies keep finding new ways to encourage balance.

In many cases, this effort still has to trickle down into the company. Older managers or those supervisors who feel they are being shortchanged on work may frown upon these initiatives and studies find that programs put in place without adequate manager and employee training rarely have the same impact as a program that includes communication via seminars, training, written manuals and frequent follow-up.

If your company wants to start a work/life balance program, you can contact a consulting company that provides analysis and planning services to get you started, or you can look to some of the publications out there online or in written form for self-paced program implementation.

Here are some links to get you started:




A simple internet search will give you more options. Whether you are an employee, frustrated with overwork, a manager who wants to create a more supportive environment, or a company trying to get more information on these programs, the search is worthwhile.

Work/Life Programs benefit the company by increasing productivity and focus on the job, reducing job turnover and increasing employee satisfaction. Employees will miss less time from work, because they will not be sick as often.

Families will be more supportive of the employee’s job and company choice because they know the company supports the employee’s personal needs, and their efforts to sustain good health and to manage stress.

If your company does not have a Work/Life Program in place, ask your manager about starting one. See if you can get a grass roots movement going!

If you are in a position to influence the company’s decision or you have the power to decide on a Work/Life Program, don’t wait. Contrary to what you may think you won’t lose money or time on this program. Instead, your company will run better and you will find it easier to attract and retain good employees. You will get a lot of support and good press from your employees and your managers, alike - and your company may even end up in one of those University Case Studies. A role model for others to follow!

Do you want to learn how to eliminate, reduce or manage the stress in your life. The skills are simple to learn and easy to do. Visit today and get your hands on our FREE time management book.

Where to Look For Group Homes For Troubled Youth

As a parent I realize how much love and concern go into raising a child. With 3 sons, I know the joy, sorrow and nerves involved. When you discover that you have a troubled teenager/youth, we sometimes feel alone. We don't know where to turn.

Thank goodness in today's day and age, there are plenty of resources. You might think about placing your child in a group home; then the guilt starts. "Am I doing right by my child:" "Should I give him/her another chance?" A lot of questions can consume your energy.

The most important thing is to step back and make the best decision for your child. Then, with confidence in yourself, start calling agencies who handle these troubled youths, i.e., Easter Seals, United Way or your local police department. You may even try local hospitals - they might have a list of places to place your child.

Go and visit group homes. Learn whether there are any reports filed against the group home or the people who work there. See whether it is clean. Find out if there is any abuse reported with the state you live in.

You also may want to speak with the guidance counselor at your child's school or the pastor at your church or temple.

I may not have a troubled teen; however, I do have a mentally retarded son who lives in a group home. He lived in one organization's group home for 15 years. When the staff wasn't paying attention, his hand got cut by him breaking a glass window, we knew it was time to move him. In the 15 years, many of his belongings "walked." Then he went into a home where the group home manager had one of the residents hold his hand while she broke my son's finger. There are a lot of group homes out there. Be sure you do your research.

There are questions that you may want to ask the manager of the facility:

1. How many troubled youths are at the facility;

2. What is the ratio of youths to staff;

3. What is the program offered at their facility;

4. Do they go out into the community;

5. Do they learn skills to help them survive in the community;

6. What is the training that the staff receives;

7. Has there been a background check on all of the staff;

8. Do they have parents that you can speak with;

9. Is there a nurse or doctor on call

10. Is there a support group / a parents' group?

The following is a list of Resources you can use:

The internet. Go to any search engine and type in "teens," troubled teens," "group homes for troubled teens," or use the word "youth." The internet is a wealth of information.

You may want to use the words: "troubled teen search - parenting -resource."

You can type in the words white pages or yellow pages and look for "group homes" in the search engine and narrow your search down to exactly what you are searching for.

Once again, be sure you do your research before you place your troubled child in any group home. And, remain active to be sure that your child is being taken care of properly.

I am Carol Morgan, founder and owner of Life Dreams and More. My heart is dedicated to enriching others' lives by educating them on the importance of paying attention to their night time dreams. Dreams offer us guidance, protection and advice. We don't have to pack them... they are always with us. Take the journey into the dream worlds and watch the magic begin!

Increased Demand for HHA Training And How You Can Take Advantage

HHA training a.k.a Home Health Aide training is rising proportionately to the number of geriatric individuals that desire to be cared for in the own homes in opposition to the standard nursing home. Home health aides are responsible for aiding these individuals with simple tasks like personal cleanliness, getting clothing off and on, shaving, and brushing or combing hair. With the supervision of a trained nursing staff, health aides will also engage in medical practices like taking the pulse, blood pressure, bandage changing, and administering medications by mouth.

Anyone interested in a career that is continually growing should consider health aide training as a viable option for their professional calling. HHA training is provided by a number of sources, the first place to check would be with local colleges. Vocational schools are also a good source for training and even hospitals and other health agencies can and do provide training as well. Whichever you choose, you will be trained to assist geriatric or disabled people with their daily tasks either in their homes or in a non-resident nursing home.

Official education isn't always necessary, to increase the likelihood of gaining employment in the competitive job market today, you should seek at least minimal training. Federal law doesn't mandate training but it does suggest at least 75 hours of practical and classroom training.

Non-medical assistance is also something that home health aides provide on a consistent basis. They assist their charges with doing dishes, washing and drying clothes, cooking, and cleaning. A number of home aides are very proud of their profession and the service they provide to people they commonly find as fascinating and inspirational. Any training you receive will only help to increase your level of confidence when families ask specific questions about various topics of nutritional values or hygienic concerns.

One thing you should consider before choosing your career as a home health aide is a personality profile. Commonly, personality traits that most home health aides posses are patience, empathy, helpfulness, courteousness, kindness, and high quality communication skills. Many have a huge longing to help others that can't help themselves.

Before you start in this discipline you will be required to submit to a physical exam to ensure you are physically fit enough to perform the more difficult actions of a home health aide, namely lifting and crouching. The normal test for drugs and a background check will also be performed. It is wise to find out what requirements, if any, your state might have for individuals who wish to become home health aides.

Finally you should decide upon the HHA training facility that you believe to be the best able to meet the requirements of your state. The National Association for Home Care provides certification for facilities that provide HHA training; you should look for this certification when choosing your training course. If the facility has the certification, then you should be on the right road to becoming a home health aide.

If you're looking for information about CNA Certification and CNA Training, we have useful educational tools and resources on our website

Women's Grants Help You to Boost Your Business

Though you are running a successful business from the confines of your home, you could have earned much more if you had access to a bigger space. There are so many things that just cannot be accommodated in the home. Lack of space and equipment at home is one of the major reasons why women cannot earn to their true potential. Here are a few pointers that will help you to forge ahead faster. If you own more than 51% of a business, you are eligible to apply for and get women's grant. Since you are the sole owner of the business, you are eligible to opt in for a women grant.

The major advantage of the women grants over the other type of loans, like bank loans, is that you do not have to pay it back. These women's grants can be used by you to rent an office and also for paying the wages of your new employees till your business becomes self sufficient and is able to meet all these requirements. Once the women grant is approved and you get the money, it is yours. But you need to take correct decisions on using the money wisely. If you have some debts and have already paid of 50% or more of the same, present these documents along with your grant application.

This will help you get the same faster. Just search the net and you will find that there are many agencies, both government and private, that offer women's grants. However, you should undertake some research before applying for any one of them. Check out the terms and conditions carefully too. If you were managing your home business' accounts by yourself, it is advised that you now opt in for the help of professional accountants. You might be asked about your business plans while you are applying for the grants.

In order to ensure that you make no mistake over here, submit a professional plan. You can seek help from the internet in this regard too. You should not forget that applying for a grant and getting the same is not the major part. Many have done this before and many will do so in the future. Using the women grant to successfully enhance your business is what you should be on the lookout for. If you plan things properly, then you can easily earn a good sum of money and take care of household tasks simultaneously.

Easily get the women grants you are searching for. We show you how to successfully acquire women grants

Child Discipline - Do Children Even Want It?

As one of seven children in my family, and with years of child care and a degree in child development behind me, I just knew that, after pregnancy, my problems would be over.  Ha!  What a joke.  One of our first challenges was dealing with our daughter's incessant night wakings and demands for feeding.  After a few days, I realized there were a lot of answers I did not have and we headed off to a bookstore for some guidance in the form of literature.
Besides a book on helping babies to sleep, we spotted a little book on discipline that we thought might be interesting.  We brought our purchases home and took a nap while the baby was still sleeping in her car seat.
It wasn't until a few days later that my husband and I broke into the book on discipline, reading it out loud. At first we were excited to glean any important knowledge we could from the book, but it didn't take long for us to realize that this book was not what we were looking for.  At all.  After that we just read it for laughs.
What was so funny about the book?  The entire premise was that a child should not be "stifled" in their growth and development by rules and boundaries.  A healthy, creative, and happy child came from an environment where he was allowed to do what he liked, was "free" and encouraged in everything he did.  Structure  or parental expectations would ruin a child.
Could this be?  Maybe in fairy tales, but not in the world we live in.  We are free to believe that the world is flat and that you can fall over the edge, we can refuse to accept the law of gravity, or organize a protest against plate tectonics.  Or, we can learn about our amazing and beautiful world and learn how to live in it.  Only then can we be truly free.  Free to believe the truth of cause and effect and natural laws, and not to let ourselves feel that they aren't fair or are restricting.
The fact is that our children don't only need structure and discipline, they actually want it. The book we bought on sleep offered a suggestion that we wrap our daughter tightly in a blanket to help her fall asleep faster.  It worked!  She didn't hate being restricted, she was finally able to relax without trying to figure out what to do with her hands!  She felt cozy and secure and restful.  She needed help, and we helped her.  And she was happier.  I love seeing pictures of my kids when they are babies wrapped up like a cute little burrito with that peaceful sleeping face.  It reminds me that children really do come into this world in need of protection, comfort and to be shown how to be comfortable and happy here.  This is what discipline is all about!
In parenting, discipline should not be the main goal, but we must realize that when applied wisely and with respect to the child's agency and right to make mistakes at times - it can become great way to get to the actual goal, which is self-discipline - a quality that seems to be getting  more and more scarce these days.

Check for helpful tips on disciplining children.

Lisa Lee Pawlik

Repair Your Credit Before a Home Search So That You Do Not Run Into Any Surprises

If you have a good real estate agent, he/she is going to ask you to get pre-approved for your mortgage loan. Your agent knows that it is much easier to bargain with sellers and find the right home for you if you are pre-approved. However, do not go through the whole process of searching for a home and then trying to get approved to find out that your credit is in a shambles.

Most mortgage companies use three major CRAs (Consumer Reporting Agencies), Experian, Equifax and Trans Union to evaluate the credit rating of a particular buyer. You should not wait until your mortgage lender contacts the CRAs to find out what the reports contain. You should obtain copies of your credit reports from the CRAs and examine them carefully. If there are certain transactions that are lowering your score, there are steps you can take to repair your credit rating.

You should be well aware that if you credit report is at around 650 or lower, it is going to take a bit longer to repair it than if you have a couple of late payments. However, if you have a horrendous credit rating, all is not lost. Look at your report and see if there are any charge-offs. These appear on your report when a lender or creditor has stopped trying to collect the money you owe. They will write off what you owe as a bad debt and it ends up on your report. This is one of the main reasons that you will not be granted credit.

Therefore, contact the lender or creditor and try to arrange payment of that charge-off that is killing your credit. Start to make regular payments and then submit a written request to the lender or creditor to change the charge-off on your credit report. Better yet, pay off the debt in its entirety, if you are able to do so, and then send the written request. You should be persistent about the charge-off being removed, especially if you paid off in full.

If you are habitually late with your credit card, car loan or any other payment, it is going to show up on your credit report. It is time to change your habits and start paying your debts on time. You will need to be timely for a period of time so that you can establish that there is a new pattern. Then you can contact your creditors, let them know you are making your payments and request removal of these marks that are lowering your score, but be aware that it is not going to happen right away. However, if you stick to your timely payments and you are persistent with your creditors, it will pay off in the end.

As you are trying to repair your credit, do not get any new credit cards, and that includes those that the department store gives away like candy. If you take on new debt, it may lower what you can borrow on a mortgage loan. Instead of adding debt on your credit cards, pay cash and give yourself time to repair your credit. Patience, perseverance and sticking to your game plan will help you repair your credit so that you can have a fruitful home search.

You can find great properties and real estate at Sun Lakes Golf Homes and Sun City Foreclosed Houses.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Senior Citizen Home Care Or Not?

The number of elder people in the United States continues to increase. With the increasing number, the right senior home care for your aging relatives becomes a harder thing to decide on. Some people might say that choosing the right senior home care is not a problem. Yes, you may agree on it but the question really is not which senior home care rather the idea of sending the aged people to home cares or not. There are still continuing issues whether the aged are better off in senior home cares where other people are going to look after them than letting them live with you. You must rationalize all the issues and arguments whether you must send them or not.

There are still cases when the children decide to take care of their parents when they grow old and not send them into senior home cares because of love, guilt or responsibility. Although it cannot be denied that majority of Americans prefer to send their parents in senior home care facilities where they believed their parents will be taken care of. There are a lot of advantages that you can consider when you plan to send your parents to senior home care facilities:

First, the senior home care centers can provide your parents with the proper health care that they need. In senior care facilities, there are teams of doctors and medical professionals that will monitor the health of the elderly people. They make sure that proper treatment shall be given to the clients. The overall wellness is supervised with the help of nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and physical therapists. The nurses and caretakers also make sure that they take their medicines as required.

Another factor is that in senior home care facilities, the food and diet of the elders are well monitored. They are only given food that will help their health state. And since they are with other elders as well, you can minimize the temptations that would make them eat food that are not allowed for them. Aside from that, it will be easier on your part since it would take time and effort to prepare separate food for them. In the centers, you can even ask for a particular diet that is especially for your elderly parent.

Another reason why families opt to leave the elders in home care centers is that in these facilities, they are given close attention unlike when they are at home. Besides their children have also their own families to look after and sending the elders in facilities will be easier. Some of the members have to go work while others go to school. So the elders will be left with no one and home care facilities will be the best choice.

Sending elder parents to senior home care centers is not a bad choice because in these facilities, they are given the attention and care that they need that can sometimes be overlooked when at home.

For More Information See: How to start a nursing home, visit

Get Bad Credit Home Refinance With Easy Terms

Getting refinance loan is not a big deal but the catch is to get the loan with favorable terms. This is more necessary if you have a bad credit rating because money lender may charge you higher rate of interest or put some stringent clauses that can prove to be unfavorable to you. If you read the following tips carefully, you can understand the right technique and follow the right process for bad credit home refinance.

Improve Credit Rating

People with good credit rating secure home refinance loan with low interest rates. But if you have a bad credit rating, then your loan options are limited. These reasons make it necessary to improve your credit rating to get the loan approval at lower interest rates.

First, you should try to understand what bad credit is. The money lender before approving your mortgage home loan application will try to find out your credit standing. Collection Accounts, delay in repayment of past debts, too much debts and default in loan payments are few points that show your credit rating. Your bad credit will have negative impact on your loan application to get loan at favorable terms. So, the first tip you should keep in mind before applying for bad credit home refinance loan is to improve your credit rating.

There are ways how you can raise your rating. Firstly, you can consolidate and payoff past or existing debts. Secondly, there are credit rating agencies that can repair your bad credit rating. You can approach them for improving your credit standing.

Down Payment

The money lender may demand down payment or you may have to spend money on closing costs. However, many hardworking people find it difficult to save enough money for these payments. Though various loan programs incorporate such charges of closing costs in the loan amount itself, but if you can make down payment, then the chances of getting approval for your loan application is easier. The down payment will also help you to secure loan at low interest rate. So you should save money for down payment against your loan.

Select Lender

There are different types of money lenders for home refinance loans. You may find prime lender, sub prime lender or high risk money lender who can offer you your refinance loan. The prime lender may charge you outrageous interest rate whereas sub prime lenders or high risk lenders may offer you loans at favorable terms. The reason being they specialize in this type of loan only. So, it is necessary that you should select the sub prime lender who specializes in refinance home loans.

The above given tips would help you to get bad credit home refinance loan at easy terms.

With careful selection of the source, you can get Bad Credit Home Refinance loan at easy terms. For more information, you can visit this website at

Becoming a Homemaker - Home Health Care Aide in New Jersey

A career as a homemaker-home health aide can be a very rewarding experience. Aides provide a variety of services and assistance that allow elderly and disabled residents to live comfortably. An aide not only helps an individual but also provides peace of mind to family members who are concerned about a loved one in need of personal care. Aides are naturally compassionate and, as one aide said, will try to help patients so that the patients can help themselves. Individuals enter into the field for a variety of reasons; some do so after caring for a family member or loved one while others are retirees looking to stay active.

Homemaker-home health aides offer a wide range of services including personal care assistance such as bathing, grooming and transfers. They also assist with assigned daily exercises, medication administration and accompaniment to clinic visits or physician appointments. An aide can provide meal preparation, feeding assistance, light housekeeping, aid with social activities and companionship. An HHHA can be available to provide hourly or live-in patient care.

Entering into this field and becoming a certified homemaker-home health aide is not as difficult as it may seem. Those interested in a career need no prior experience. An individual must complete a required training program, a competency evaluation and a criminal history background check to become a certified HHHA. The training program is a 76-hour course offered by one of the many certified schools or home health service agencies throughout the state. A list of certified HHHA training schools can be found through the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs website.

The training program is divided into two sections, 60 of the program hours are assigned to classroom instruction and the remaining 16 hours are for clinical instruction in a skills laboratory or patient care setting. After completing the program the aide is awarded certification through the New Jersey Board of Nursing. Certified HHHAs must be employed by a New Jersey licensed home health care service agency; aides may not work privately. Often, the school that provided the training also offers job placement. A HHHA career offers a flexible schedule and local cases. Once employed through an agency, the aide is assigned responsibilities and tasks after a registered nurse designs a plan of care for each patient.

This article is provided by Gentle Care, a home health care service located in New Jersey.

Avoid the Pitfalls of Credit Card Debt Relief

Credit card debt relief is a major concern for millions of Americans. It has been estimated over 25-percent of the U.S. population carries more than $10,000 in credit card debts. Consumers who make minimum monthly payments will never break free from the cycle unless radical action is taken.

Credit card debt relief can be achieved in many ways. One of the more popular choices is enlisting help from debt settlement companies offering the promise to reduce balances by upwards of 60-percent. While it is true debt settlement can sometimes negotiate outstanding balances, consumers often spend as much money settling their debts as they would paying creditors directly.

Most debt settlement organizations assess a startup fee and monthly fees until debts are paid off. Fees can amount to as much as 50-percent of the amount of settled balances. For example, if debtors owe $20,000 in credit card debt and the debt settlement company negotiates the balance to $10,000; debtors save 50-percent. However, debtors could pay between $5,000 and $10,000 in settlement fees; resulting in minimal overall savings.

Individuals who elect to use services of debt settlement companies should take time to calculate the true costs. Prior to signing a contract with any settlement company, debtors would be wise to visit the consumer watchdog site of

Debtors with high levels of credit card debt often turn to personal bankruptcy to obtain financial relief. This option can cause more harm than good and should be carefully considered. Many people believe bankruptcy will eliminate their debts and provide a fresh start. However, this is rarely the case.

In 2005, Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act which requires debtors to repay a portion of their debts under Chapter 13. Debtors establish a payment plan which typically extends for 2 to 3 years.

Chapter 13 payments are in addition to regular monthly expenses and can consume upwards of 60-percent of disposable income. Consumers who are already struggling to make ends meet will find Chapter 13 payments extremely constrictive.

If debtors are unable to meet Chapter 13 payment obligations, creditors have the right to petition the court and request the bankruptcy be dismissed. If this occurs, debtors fail out of bankruptcy and are no longer offered protection through the court. Creditors can commence with collection action including repossession of assets, obtaining creditor judgments, or wage garnishment.

When consumers file personal bankruptcy they must obtain credit counseling through an agency approved by the U.S. Trustee. Individuals carrying excessive credit card debt should obtain counseling prior to filing bankruptcy when possible. Bankruptcy laws allow debtors to enter into credit counseling up to 180 days prior to submitting their petition.

Oftentimes, consumers can avoid bankruptcy by obtaining counseling. Most agencies are connected within the credit industry and can help consumers negotiate outstanding balances by obtaining a reduced interest rate or reducing the amount owed.

Consumers that own real estate might be able to obtain a home equity loan to pay off credit cards. Home equity loans are assessed a substantially lower rate of interest than secured loans. Using a home equity loan to pay off high interest loans can save debtors a large sum of money. However, this option can place real estate at risk for foreclosure if borrowers default on loan payments.

Overcoming staggering debt requires time, commitment, and a get out of debt plan. Consumers should explore all debt reduction options such as budgeting, debt consolidation, debt settlement, and credit counseling to determine which strategy is best suited for their needs.

Discover additional credit card debt relief options from real estate investor, Simon Volkov. His website offers a extensive personal finance article library covering topics of bankruptcy, debt consolidation, debt settlement, credit counseling, and budgeting strategies available at

Serviced Apartments in Bangkok - Read Listings Carefully

A new kind of accommodation has become extremely popular in Thailand and especially in Bangkok. For service apartments, Bangkok has become a Mecca for travelers who want luxury and a home-live living space for their stays. Tourists and business visitors alike are exploring this option.

Reputable websites in Thailand have detailed lists of serviced apartments, and you can find these lists by searching with different combinations of the keyword. If these searches don't reveal the results you are looking for, be creative. Using singular and plural words and adding phrases like "vacation rentals" or listing your destination city are other suggestions to consider.

If you are a first time user of this type of service, it is probably better and safer to use a travel agency with lots of experience with serviced apartments Bangkok; see what they have to offer and look for references and reviews of both the travel agent and the location selected.

You can find a huge listing of serviced apartments by searching a Bangkok business website. This site may be of use to you if you are familiar with the city and know where the listings are located. The site gives you instant credit card booking and lists prices in American dollars as well as in Thai currency.

Service apartments will be fully furnished and contain all necessary items (dishes, entertainment systems, linens, etc). A maid will come daily and is included in the price. Most buildings have extra amenities like laundry rooms, a gym, a coffee shop, restaurants and more. Parking is usually included in the price as well.

Generally leases are form one month to a year or longer, for this usually three months rent has to be paid as deposit. Stays shorter than this are also common and are regarded more like a hotel room rentals. You should always read the information thoroughly paying special attention to maximum and minimum stays and other clauses.

Serviced apartments are generally priced to be competitive with hotels and can end up costing you much less. Many travelers, however, worry less about price than they do finding a more homey place to stay. Some of the apartments available were built exclusively as serviced apartments. You can also find apartments that are owned by individuals who will lease them to you.

Service apartments are now available that provide luxurious and homey living space for tourists and business visitors. Reputable websites in Thailand have detailed lists of serviced apartments. You can find these lists by searching with different combinations such as, "serviced apartment Bangkok" or " serviced apartments Bangkok." You can find a huge listing of serviced apartments by searching the Bangkok business website. Some buildings are exclusively serviced apartments while others are owned by individuals and simply leased when not occupied. For a short or an extended stay, the service apartment Bangkok market is certainly an option to think about.

How to Look For a Child Available For Adoption

Being a foster parent is a pretty daunting task. In fact, foster parents often have to be superheroes: Many foster children may come from abusive environments, and being thrust into an entirely new household, away from their families is both stressful and unnerving. Becoming emotionally attached is one temptation for foster parents who are there simply to make a child available for adoption or return to his or her birth parent/s.

Generally, foster care is a collaboration between two agencies: foster care agencies and adoption agencies who ensure that the child is well-taken cared of. Keeping the best interests of the child and working to making a child available for adoption into a loving, caring and permanent home is the ultimate goal of foster care.

Before any adoption takes place, foster parents play an important role by maintaining communication lines with adoption agencies who are screening potential adoptive parents. By working closely with them, foster parents may keep the agency updated on the emotional well-being of a child available for adoption.

Adoption agencies have two specific roles to play in foster care. First, they the state-authorized entity granted custody and care for any specific child available for adoption. Secondly, prior to adoption, they are responsible for keeping the child in a safe and loving environment, while they evaluate potential adoptive parents, and whether that family is capable of taking care of the child's needs. Adoption agencies and foster parents work hand in hand so that not one child may feel the pangs of neglect and emotional distance that their circumstances have left them with.

Foster children of all ages are often placed in the care of the state child welfare system, before being adopted. Sometimes, the court assign public or private adoption agencies with the challenge of making a child available for adoption into permanent and caring homes. More often than not, foster children are products of broken homes or abusive family environments. The courts strip parents of their parental and legal rights, either for abusive home environments, neglect, or even sexual abuse.

Adoption agencies now take the children under their custody. While the agencies select permanent homes for these children, they are cared for in foster homes. During introductions, foster parents are made aware of what the child has undergone. Overcoming a child's instinct to withdraw from his or her environment is the biggest challenge for any foster parent. And this is crucial for a child available for adoption. Foster homes often begin working with children by helping them with their problems and easing them out of their shells and helping them to become more comfortable forming bonds with the rest of the foster family.

Turning the child over to the care of adoptive parents is perhaps the most difficult part in most foster parents. Many foster parents have stories of the emotional goodbyes, especially when a foster child has become attached to them and does not want to leave them. But all foster parents know that that there is the reward for all their hard work: Being able to teach love to a young child and receiving the same kind of affection in return.

Check with your local adoption agency and inquire about the requirements for foster parenting and ask about a child available for adoption. It is an emotional, educational and rewarding experience; to make a child available for adoption by simply showing him or her that someone cares for them even in their most darkest times.

Every baby, adopted or not, deserves the best care. Choose only the baby furniture and the baby crib with safety standards.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Home Health Care - An Essential Need For Patients

Home based health care services have become an essential need for patients nowadays. Whether someone is seriously ill and looking for care, or they need such kind of exclusive special care for their parents or other elderly member of his/her family, home based health care services are the right answer to their needs. Nowadays, when different kinds of temporary or permanent diseases have become common among people, the need for home care services is increasingly being felt.

Home Health Care - What Does It Mean?

Nowadays, one can hire medical experts or certified caretakers to take care of people suffering from temporary or permanent illness. The illness can be of any type. It may be a temporary disability caused by a severe accident or casual illness, or it may be permanent physical disability for which a dedicated person is needed to take care of the affected person. The concept of hiring professional for home aide is certainly beneficial.

Home Health Care Agency - Serving Home Health Care Needs

The popularity of home care services are increasing due to the excessive demand of licensed and certified professionals in this field. To cater the increasing needs of people, several agencies have started offering trained and certified professionals for home based care. Usually, a home health care agency provides services for all the essential requirements of people.

What Kind Of Services Home Health Care Agencies Provide?

A well-established home health care agency can provide services for different needs. People can hire certified professionals with experience of taking care of several prevalent diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson as well as care for disabled. Apart from that, these agencies also provide elderly care, extended care, hospice services, as well as short term or long term care services. In summary, no matter what kind of requirements people will have, they just need to speak to a reputed home health care agency and their needs will be fulfilled.

Inception of home care agencies is really a boon for people living alone (away from their children or other family members). It also helped working professionals as they can hire a caretaker for their parents or grandparents. They just do not worry to think about them after hiring home health care professionals. However, while hiring services (part time or full time), one needs to check the credentials of agency offering these services. One should always prefer certified and licensed agencies, because they can provide experienced staff for complete care.

ACH (A Caring Hand) is a New York State Home Care Service agency licensed by the New York State Department of Health and accredited with the gold seal of approval by the Joint Commission. For more information please visit: Live-in Caregivers.

Best Computer Home Based Businesses - The Truth About Telecommutting

Before I started really taking off in my work at home career, I was a part-time telecommutter. It took me three years to find a job like this, when I got pregnant I thought it would be nice to be able to stay at home with my new baby and still earn the money I would need to take care of her. Little did I know that telecommuting for certain work at home jobs can actually be more tedious than a normal nine to five. It presents a good opportunity for single mom's and but you may need for somebody to take care of your child while you work. It sure was hard to keep my two year old daughter quiet when I did my work out of my mother's bedroom, since my finances forced me to live with my mom for a while. Many of the perks of working at home is the money you save and the time you save as well, driving, packing lunches and taking your kids to daycare could be a thing of the past. '

One of the disadvantages of being a work at home employee is if the position is entry level you may not make a lot of money. I worked for one agency that was a brick and mortar job doing the same work and I made almost five dollars more than when I worked at home. That is a lot of money to miss out on, however being with my daughter and not putting her in a daycare made it well worth it. Another disadvantage to working at home is you have to keep your home pretty much silent to do your job. Some companies have a strict zero tolerance noise free environment rule. So with kids in tow

this can be more complicated than it sounds.

Although there are a lot of benefits and disadvantages to working at home for any particular one of the work at home companies, it is up to you to choose whether this is right for you or not. Even though on the surface it looks like its a piece of cake, you are now aware of the downside to the field as well. It is important to know as well that not all work at home jobs are created equal and you may find a work at home job that compliments your lifestyle very well. However this article is intended to give you something to think about when choosing to work at home. If you ask me though, there is nothing more rewarding than working for yourself. I know my boss very well and my position is secure, because I call the shots. Anyway, working at home is a possible solution and it can end up making you very happy if you choose your work at home path wisely.

J.C. Evans

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