Saturday, August 10, 2013

What You Don't Know Can Harm You: Know Your Cleaners Before You Buy

The next time you visit your supermarket or neighborhood retailer, take a quick walk down the household cleaning isle. Take just a few seconds to notice the smell, then move on.

If you've already noticed the smell, have you ever wondered if breathing that in might be harmful to your health? Well, that "clean-smelling" odor you detect all the way down the cleaner isle is caused by something industry experts have termed "out gassing." Out gassing is the process by which those chemical vapors escape from the containers as they sit store shelves. And, just breathing them can be extremely hazardous.

As you may know, inhalation (or breathing) is one of three major ways that harmful chemicals can enter your body. The other two ways include ingestion (or swallowing) and absorption through the skin.

Inhalation is even more dangerous than actually ingesting a chemical, because the harmful agents go directly into the blood stream to affect the lungs, heart, brain, liver, and kidneys. It happens almost instantly. These chemically-based cleaners may get the cleaning job done, but the vapors can enter your system and start doing their damage before you even realize what's happening.

Now let's talk about absorption. One square centimeter of your skin contains millions of cells and nerve endings. This is why we're seeing advertisements for anti-smoking or weight-loss patches. They work because the ingredients enter your body easily through the skin. Unfortunately, the same applies to chemicals.

Every time a cleaning product or other chemical touches your skin, it gets absorbed. Washing your hands after using such cleaners cannot prevent some level of absorption. In fact, even days after you've cleaned a surface, touching it, preparing food on it, or even walking across it can result in harmful chemicals being absorbed into your body.

The third way harmful agents can enter your body is the most obvious: ingestion. If you swallow something, it will eventually get into your blood stream and affect your internal organs.

Ingestion is what most parents of young children worry about when it comes to cleaners. Putting them up high or locking your cabinet may help, but unfortunate accidents still happen, leaving the parents of about 1.5 million children devastated each year when their children are poisoned in the home.

Now you're aware that ingestion shouldn't be your only concern. Armed with this information, perhaps you can better protect yourself and your family. However, there are a lot of other things most people don't know about the household cleaners they're using. For example:

1. Of 17,000 household chemicals, only about 5,100 (or approximately 30%) have been adequately tested.

2. The government has very limited power to regulate and require proper testing of household cleaners for their potentially harmful effects.

3. Less than 10% of our household cleaners have been tested on the human nervous system.

4. Products that kill 50% of lab animals they're tested on may still be legally designated as non-toxic.

5. No law requires manufactures to list the exact ingredients on the cleaning products package label.

If those facts make you a bit nervous, you're not alone. Many parents and consumer protection agencies are already calling for stricter regulations and better testing. More research is also needed to find safer alternatives to the harmful chemicals currently being used.

Still, many families are simply opting to avoid these cleaners altogether and purchase bio-safe, non-toxic household products. Many of these safe cleaners are not only worry-free, but clean just as well or better than their commercially-made counterparts. These products are readily available online and elsewhere.

Those who are concerned about their family's health can purchase a myriad of safer products, and find numerous outlets to voice concern, including calling their state representatives to ask for government action.

Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit

How to Choose the Right Painting Professional For Your Home Painting Project

If you've ever gone through the process of hiring a professional to paint your home, you've probably found it daunting to select the right one for you and your project amongst the wide range of quotes and contractors available . And if you've never hired a painting professional before, there are a few things you should know to get the most out of your selection and maximize the return on your decorating investment.

A good painting professional is easy to find if you know what to look for. One of the most crucial elements of selecting a good painting professional is the confidence and evidence they display to show they'll be around in a year or two years after the paint has long since dried. By all means, get referrals from your neighbors, friends and family who've had good experiences with a painting contractor. But don't stop there. Favor the referrals from those who have had several successful projects completed by the same contractor. Then look into their level of investment in their company. You should find them advertised in multiple vested forms. Not just on the first page of a Google search for "house painting". They should be on page one of a Google search for the exact form of painting you require ("concrete basement floor painting", "exterior wood restoration painting", "new construction spraying" etc). Then, this same painter should have an ad or two in the leading local business directories for which they would have made a substantial outlay. A membership with your Better Business Bureau and other well established and accountable industry associations like the PDCA (Painting and Decorating Contractors of America) is also a good sign. But don't take the symbol on their advertising as proof. Anyone can cut and paste a logo these days so call these agencies to verify the company's status. This will give you the peace of mind in knowing you're dealing with an industry professional; not an imposter, a seasonal student painter or a fly-by-nighter with a brush out for a quick buck. You should also pay attention to the lawn and truck signs of painters in your area as a good starting point to see if they show up in any of these other established promotional avenues. And if they don't, they're either too new to trust your home with or they're possibly too aloof and fleeting so as to escape accountability should anything go wrong.

So, now that you've done your preliminary search for the best 3 or 4 candidates (and if you've truly done this homework you won't need to see more than a few) it's time to invite them to bid on your painting project. Each one shows credibility and establishment in the community with a web portfolio specifically detailing experience with your type of project. So give them a call. Are they easily reached? Or, if you have to leave a voice mail, does the answering message reveal the company name you were expecting? Or is it an unidentified voice who just asks you to leave a message? Does the recording make you feel welcome and grateful for your call? Do they return your call in a timely manner or leave you hanging for a day or two? And when you actually reach the person responsible for estimating, are they rapid and knowledgeable in their responses to your questions or do they seem to lag, flounder about or remain vague? You'll always do best with a contractor who can answer your questions straight away in a relaxed and confident manner rather than someone who's too quick and cocky or slow and uncertain. An experienced professional with your best interests in mind will seem very comfortable with you and the details of your project.

Once you've spoken with two or three painters you feel comfortable with, try to set them up to meet with you at either staggered times of the same day or at the same time on different days. This way, you'll know that each one of your estimators had the opportunity to see the project under roughly the same conditions. It's very important to compare "apples to apples" when reviewing painting quotations. There are so many variables involved with getting your home from the condition it's in to where you want it to be. You want to be sure that each of your painting candidates have the same details and most importantly, your specific expectations. If they all have a slightly different idea of the results you're looking for, then you're going to get some widely varying quotes which may or may not represent what you expect for your money. The best thing you can do is to make detailed notes of exactly what you want done and how you want it done (where applicable) so that your instructions are identical with each of your estimators.

Then, of course, you want to see who is best connecting with you and the concerns for your home. Does the estimator ask YOU for all the solutions to your problems? Or do they provide you with helpful suggestions and innovative ideas to work WITH you in creating your home? Usually, choosing a painter who wants to work WITH you and not just FOR you is the one who will most care about the results. They should have a feel for what you're trying to accomplish with your repairs and decorating. For instance, they should understand the difference between "redecorating a house to make it your home" and "fixing up the place so you can stage it for sale". And this difference will show up in dollars and cents.

So why aren't all painting quotes roughly the same for the same work?

Painting is a decorative art. Not an exact science nor a precision trade. And just as all homes are different, so are all painting professionals. They range from huge national corporations with hundreds of painters in your local region, to small community rooted painting contractors with a handful of crews, to the independent painter who works by himself out of his truck. There are obvious differences in costs for each of these that reflect in their quotes, but there's a whole lot more that you should consider when deciding who's right for YOU.

First, let's consider the independent painter. There's a world of range in this option alone. The good, the bad and the terrible! And when considering them during the estimating process, the "Nice Guy" or "Gal" who means well may also be the worst painter you can't bring yourself to fire. Or there's the "Picasso" who knows he's a great painter but won't move your furniture out of his way and other such "menial" (but necessary) tasks because it's "beneath him". Or you may get lucky and find the perfect independent painter who can do a great job for you. But the good one's can't start the work when you need them to because they're spread too thinly. And then a year later, you can't pin him down when you need him because he's too busy. Or worse, you can't find him again at all because he's left town for greener pastures or left the business entirely due to burn out.

So maybe you should consider trusting your home to the national brand name painting contractor. After all, these are the firms that have been around awhile, have advertising in all the right places, have served thousands of customers, and have so much work going on all the time that they must be good. Not to mention, their overhead and materials costs are the lowest of all painting services. So they must do great work without having to charge you as much, right? Wrong. What they don't spend proportionally on administration and paint they put into heavy marketing to stay front and center in people's minds. They know how much your confidence is worth for as long as they have that, the quality of their work is secondary. After all, who are their workforce? Independent painters just like the ones we've reviewed. They come in all the same types and calibers of people only they don't get paid as well as the truly independent. And with lower pay comes lower responsibility. They often don't take the same care and attention to detail as you would hope for the large corporate fees your paying.

Which leaves us with the local contracting firm; a small business with a dedicated group of career painters. This contractor is not to be confused with your regional chapter of seasonal student franchises whose painters only gain their proficiency by the end of the summer. Look for the contractors who employ the same painters all year round to give you the best performance. This category can also contain all kinds. But there are fundamental differences here that can improve your chances of getting great value and service. In fact, the unique form of this organization can most often provide you with the best of all worlds. The establishment, availability and security of a large corporate firm (without the higher price) mixed with the personal care and attention of a good independent painter. Having several crews to work with, these contractors can usually accommodate your timetable with at least one or more painters ready when you need them. And with several jobs on the go at all times, these contractors have an increased cost advantage over the independent painter. Although they could never get paint as cheaply as the large corporate firms, they do have a much greater savings on materials than you or the independent to keep the pricing under control in your favor.

Still, when selecting your local contracting firm it's very important to do all the preliminary investigation we've covered here to be sure you're dealing with a reputable and honest company. Unfortunately there are still a lot of shysters out there who set themselves up with a business card and a truck to take your money and run. Or worse, they take your money, damage your home, steal your belongings and then run. And it's these con artists who can make the homeowner feel wary about the entire industry even though they only represent an average of 10% of the painters out there. Most painting contractors are there to help you honestly. But it's entirely up to you, the customer, to check them out for all the signs of credibility even before you call them for a free estimate. And don't let anyone charge you for an estimate as this, too, is a sign that they're probably not legitimate.

So look for the signs (both literally and figuratively), verify their claims of industry affiliations, and rule out the "low-ballers" and the "high rollers" once the quotes are in and you'll be in good painting company. The best value and service can almost always be found in that middle range of pricing between the independent and the corporate contractor. And if you're dealing with a roster of only local reputable companies, you'll also most likely find your ideal candidate somewhere in the high end of middle pricing. Here is where you'll usually get the most for your money in both service and peace of mind.

DEE POTTER is a Toronto, Ontario area painting contractor who's helped hundreds of homeowners get the most out of their properties with creative and money saving solutions to their repair and decorative challenges with his company, ColourWorks Painting. To learn more about ColourWorks painting solutions and services visit

The Complications of African American Adoption

While more people are now open to the idea of adoption, the issue on African American adoption still has yet to be solved. This has become evident that despite the dissemination of information on local and international adoption, adoption of African American children still remains to be one of the top challenges of adoption agencies.

Despite Hollywood celebrities like Madonna and Angelina Jolie setting the trend of international adoption, adoption agencies in the US are still alarmed at the increasing number of orphaned African American children not being the better candidates for adoption.

Just by the beginning of the new millennium alone, and estimated 900,000 African American children were still in foster homes and are still up for adoption.

Up to this day, scholars are still in the process of determining the factors contributing to diminished chances of these children being adopted. Some of the factors are:

1. Older Orphaned Children. Most adoptive parents prefer to adopt younger children, as young as 1-year old or below. To them, younger children, when adopted, shortens the adjustment period and sets a very much similar set up to those who are just starting a biological family.

2. Disciplinary Practices among Couples/Families. Research show that another reason for the ongoing issue with adopting within this community is the distinct family discipline being embarked by these families. The strictness, rigidness, and sometimes, even abusive nature has somehow paved the way for the support of adoption agencies and foster care for African American orphaned children.

3. Openness to Trans-racial adoption. There has been a considerable debate on the issue for years now. A lot of traditional families still believe up to this day that African American children only belong to African American families, and that mixing them with a family of a different race will cause potential problems lead to unending issues on acceptance, sense of belongingness and identity. Moreover, these traditional families believe that same cultural heritage promote stronger family ties.

While the issue of adopting these children remains unsolved, more and more avenues pave way to create awareness about trans-racial adoption. While efforts on different forms of literature were published to disseminate information, recent changes have somehow made a mark and have made people realize that such a setup could work. The movie "The Blind Side" which starred Sandra Bullock has opened the eyes of a lot of people that age, race, culture or even family background are not deciding factors for adoption - it is that common belief of every family member that one has to protect his own family, whatever it takes.

To learn more about African American adoption please be sure to visit

Stay Guarded Against Mishaps With Travel Insurance

Unprecedented attention given to tourism industry together with the availability of low cost flight has highly popularised traveling all over the world. With new exotic locations coming into the limelight, tourists are in a rush to take the delight of holidaying in a hitherto uncharted zone. And to make them better equipped against any kind of unforeseen mishap, tourists prefer to buy Travel insurance.

It is true that traveling is sometimes sheer fun and sometimes education through entertainment. This, however, does not mean that the way of holidaying, particularly in exotic locations, is free from any kind of risks and hassles. There are risks of trip cancellation, flight delay, losing luggage and physical injury etc. Unless there is a policy of travel insure already in place, it may cost the traveller a good deal of money.

By purchasing an insurance policy that covers all the probable mishaps one may meet during the time of holidaying, he can keep himself guarded and protected. Though there is no way to avoid unexpected accidents, one can recover the losses caused by unforeseen disasters. Small payments on every month or on every quarter of a year prove to be a highly profitable investment during the hour of need.

One should be a little careful about buying Travel Insurance. The insurance market has become quite competitive and at the same time a little unscrupulous too. Some agencies are there who will just try to push a policy without paying any heed to the requirement of the insured.

In your effort to avoid pushing travel insurance policies, you can take help of the experts who are willing to share their knowledge. They are plenty in the Internet. You can read the articles, blogs and join forums to acquire knowledge and collect information. Once you are confident enough, you can purchase the policy that you think will be the best.

Allan Elvin is an MBA in Finance and has a rich experience of writing on topics related to finance. He professes special interest and expertise in Travel Insurance and in guiding you on its various details.

Credit Repair and Bankruptcy

A Changing World

Bankruptcy is not as an attractive as it once was. Many people attempting to discharge debts in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy are now forced into a Chapter 13 repayment plan. Many more are discovering that do not qualify at all. Let's take a look at the new bankruptcy laws as well as some credit repair strategies that will help you minimize the damage to your credit report.

2005 Changes

The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) of 2005 set up a gamut of barriers designed to disqualify applicants from discharging debt in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Those that no longer qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be forced into a Chapter 13 repayment plan. Prior to 2005 individual cases were examined and judged on a rather subjective basis; post-BAPCPA applicants are subject to more restrictive guidelines, the first of which is a means test.

Chapter 7 Means Test

If your income is below the median income in your state you automatically qualify for Chapter 7. If your income is above the median you must calculate your disposable monthly income (DMI) to determine whether you a capable of making payments on your debts sufficient to qualify for Chapter 13. Your DMI is calculated by subtracting certain allowable expenses from your monthly income. If the DMI is less than $100 per month, you are permitted to file under Chapter 7. If the DMI is above $100, you must instead file under Chapter 13. Please note that there are exceptions to these rules, so please consult an attorney before making a decision.

Additional Requirements for Filers

There are a number of additional requirements that make the process of bankruptcy more difficult including mandatory credit counseling from an approved credit counseling agency prior to filing, as well as a course in personal financial management after filing the bankruptcy. If you end up in a Chapter 13 plan the new law increases the amount of debt that you will repay, and the old "super discharge" provision, which allowed the discharge of some debt under Chapter 13, has been significantly cut. Another major restriction is a new $150,000 cap on the amount of equity in your home that you can exempt from creditors claims.

Credit Repair Solutions

If you do qualify, and subsequently file bankruptcy, there is quite a bit you can do to mitigate the damage to your credit report. First, let's take a look at the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and then discuss the credit repair strategies that will help you repair your credit after your discharge.

Bankruptcy, Credit Repair, and the FCRA

The only reference to bankruptcy in the FCRA is as follows: § 605. Requirements relating to information contained in consumer reports [15 U.S.C. §1681c] (a) Information excluded from consumer reports. Except as authorized under subsection (b) of this section, no consumer reporting agency may make any consumer report containing any of the following items of information: (1) Cases under title 11 [United States Code] or under the Bankruptcy Act that, from the date of entry of the order for relief or the date of adjudication, as the case may be, antedate the report by more than 10 years.

Bankruptcy and the Credit Bureaus

Fortunately, the story does not end there. A critical distinction that many people miss as they consider their credit repair options is that the accounts included in bankruptcy are subject to all of the FCRA stipulations about accuracy quite separate from the issue of the reference to bankruptcy as a public record. In addition, the credit bureaus have their own internal policies about the reporting of accounts after discharge. And here is where your opportunity for credit repair really shines.

Credit Repair Strategy

The credit bureaus operate with an implicit understanding that once an account is discharged in bankruptcy it enters a new phase which nullifies its status prior to discharge; a discharged account, by definition, cannot be in collection, or with a past due balance. Discharge modifies the condition of the account as well as the legal relationship between creditor and debtor forever. The approach adopted by the credit bureaus for all items discharged in a bankruptcy is to remove all defunct derogatory information and to insert a single information line stating that the account was included in bankruptcy. But credit repair will not happen without your participation.

The Credit Repair Plot Thickens

It is crucial to know that you must initiate the restatement of discharged items on your report. The credit bureaus will not correct your report without receiving specific instructions from you. Too many people make the mistake of believing that these things will take care of themselves without attention. There is no reason that you should suffer from bad credit for years after a bankruptcy. An intelligent credit repair effort can eliminate the majority of score damaging information and get you back on your feet before you know it.

Copyright © 2007 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.

Jim Kemish is a well known credit repair and restoration expert whose columns are featured in hundreds of print and internet publications. Jim is the president and founder of Sky Blue Credit, one of the nations leading credit repair services since 1989. Jim is also the president of Power Mortgage, a Florida mortgage company based in Delray Beach, Florida.

The Differences Between Domestic And International Adoption

One of the first decisions adoptive parents face is deciding between domestic and international adoption. Although international adoptions have been in the media spotlight recently because of celebrity international adoptions and other controversies, domestic adoption continues to be popular in the U.S. In fact, more children are adopted domestically in the U.S. than in all the other countries. When deciding between domestic and international adoption adoptive parents must consider factors such as age, health, costs, government issues, risk, travel, wait time, and the adjustment of the child.

Age: In domestic adoptions it is typically easier to adopt newborns because adoptive parents can meet the birth parents, and can usually visit the hospital during the delivery. International adoptions typically involve older children over one year of age. This is usually the case because the laws of countries outside the U.S. may not allow adoption from outside the child's country of origin until they are older, to allow the child time to be adopted within their home country first.

Health: Children adopted domestically have all the medical and social records of the parents available to adoptive parents. Any health problems or concerns while the child is in the womb can be identified early. However, international adoptions typically don't have medical records for the children in orphanages. Usually, adoptive parents know very little about the health of the child in the womb and the health and lifestyle of the parents. This may cause health problems from drugs or alcohol exposure in the womb to present itself after adoption has been finalized.

Cost: Domestic adoption can cost very little compared to international. Although the costs of each adoption varies based on agency costs and attorney fees, domestic adoptions can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $20,000. The costs are generally less if you adopt through the same state you reside in or from the foster care system. Domestic adoption fees usually rise with private adoption agency fees, which are much more expensive than public agencies. However, it can be more costly if the adoptive parents provide the birth mother prenatal care, housing, insurance, and other costs not found in international adoption.

Depending on the country, international adoption can be very costly. The costs are associated from the high cost and occurrence of travel, visa costs, and other upfront fees. There is little regulation by the U.S. in international adoptions, so it is much harder to determine and lower the fees associated with it.

Government issues: Domestic adoption laws vary in each U.S. state. However, most states are adoption-friendly (particularly in the West). Plus, most agencies and attorneys are well-versed in the laws and regulations, which makes it easier for adoptive parents to complete the lengthy process.

The current government issues and problems between the U.S. and the country you are adopting from may affect the international adoption. It is more complicated in the sense that you must comply with the adoption laws of the state you reside in, the U.S. government, those of the foreign government, and the Hague Convention as well.

Risk: In domestic adoptions, birth mothers may still decide to keep parental rights to the child for up to 48 hours after the baby's birth.

U.S. agencies do not have any control over the procedures in other countries. Adoptive parents may have unforeseen risks because of the varying adoption laws in foreign countries.

Foreign adoptions are also becoming surrounded by the controversy of adopting kidnapped children or children who were forced from their less wealthy parents to be adopted by foreign parents.

Travel: Domestically, only one parent is required to travel to gain parental rights to the child. Foreign adoptions require both parents to visit the country for processing and legal rights to be transferred. This may take a few days or several trips to complete the adoption process. This may involve a longer time span for processing compared to domestic adoption, as well as extensive expenditures.

Adjustment: Since more is typically known about adopted children in the U.S., adoptive parents can learn to make adjustments with the new child. Although children adopted from foster care may have more adjustments to make, most foreign children may have a more difficult time adjusting to you, the new country, the food, and the language. Since little is often known about the child, there could be unknown health problems and detachment issues as well after the foreign adoption is complete.

Overall, adoption types can differ greatly, particularly between domestic and international. Consider the above factors before deciding which adoption is right for you.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Senior Caregiver Job Training

Anyone considering working as a professional caregiver for a senior home care agency, assisted living community or nursing center, must participate in a training program provided by the senior care company or complete a certified nursing aide or certified home health aide program to be qualified to provide care services.

What type of senior care training is available?

The department of health in each state regulates the certification process for nursing assistants.  All states in the U.S. provide certification for nursing aides and some states also provide the additional certification for home health aides (caregivers who work only in homes) and New York state has an additional certification for pesonal care assistants.

Is certification required to work as a caregiver? 

Working as a companion caregiver in the home does not require certification in most states.  Some states do require caregivers who are staffed in senior's homes to be certified as a home health aide or a presonal care assistant.  Senior home care agencies usually provide training for companion caregivers.  Specific training for caring for seniors with memory loss, hospice and age-related diseases, such as Parkinson's Disease, can be obtained from local hospital community outreach programs and from the advocacy associations for the various diseases.

Some associations providing specialized seminars and training information for caregivers are:

Alzheimer's Association
Alzheimer's Foundation of America
American Parkinson Disease Association
Parkinson's Disease Foundation
Hospice Association of America

You may also learn senior caregiving skills by taking nursing aide classes and practice nursing aide skills test.  By reading about age-related illnesses and taking a practice exam for certified nursing aides or a sample test, you can quickly gain more caregiving skills.  You may also gain caregiving skills by working as a senior caregiver for a senior home care agency and may want to apply for a position in your area to begin developing your areas of expertise.

Julie A. Northcutt, President of, works to connect seniors and their loved ones with quality senior care options and caregivers with employment opportunities. provides complete information on caregiver training and connects caregiving job applicants with senior care companies in their area and provides a complete list of quality senior care options.

Home Loans For People With Bad Credit - The Essential Basics You Need to Know

Home loans for people with bad credit offer a solution for people who may find it difficult to get loans on account of poor credit ratings.

There are many people who cherish a desire of owning their dream house - and these dreams can now be realized using these mortgage schemes that are targeted at people with poor credit ratings. Today, you can find many lenders and financial institutions that are willing to give these kind of loans.

Using these kind of loans, you can also plan your vacation expenses, pay all your existing debts or even opt for debt consolidation schemes. In case you are planning to buy a home, then you can use the secured loan facility where you need to pledge your house as a security for procuring the loan. There are many options for these kinds of loans which are available today that come with a fixed rate of interest for making monthly payments. These schemes help in managing your finances in a better manner as you can plan in advance.

Your loan can be for a term of 30 years or for 10-15 years. If you prefer a more flexible option, then you can even opt for home loans which provide variable rate of interest that works out to be more affordable with lower interest rates.

Few things to remember while shopping for this type of loan are listed below.

Look for credible agencies and lenders

Today there are plenty of lenders who specialize in providing loans to people who have a poor credit score. However, one needs to be careful before opting for any such services to avoid being duped by unscrupulous brokers who may want to take advantage of borrowers. You can do a research on the companies offering these services and also check for their business reputation by doing an online search. There are numerous customer reviews and ratings, which can help you to decide and choose the best lenders.

Assess the terms and conditions carefully

Make sure that you have read the terms and conditions carefully before signing any document. There could be hidden clauses and additional costs that come with these kind of home loans. Check for the interest rates and any other charges which you have to pay and it is always best to do a comparison of various agencies to find the ones that offer you low interest rates.

Use online resources for gathering relevant information

If you have bad credit, you can get access to a vast amount of information on the Internet on different kinds options which are suitable for your needs. Besides, you can also get a good idea and information about the lending institutions and know the procedure involved in applying for these loans.

Are you looking for home loans for people with bad credit? For the best companies that can offer you the best deal, visit:

Medical Health Insurance - Do Not Leave Home Without It

When we are young, we never think about our health, and expect that we will live

our days blessed with good health and no illness or accidents. But that is not

what the world is like. There is so much uncertainty in this world; you can come

down with a bad virus, you can get hit by a car, you just never know what can

happen to you and so you have to be prepared for anything to happen. This makes

medical insurance a real must for all of us.

At one point when I was eighteen, I was offered a health insurance plan. I did

not even think about taking advantage of it since I was still covered under my

parents policy. But, when the time came and I should have sought out health

insurance, at age 25 when I was no longer covered, I still ignored it. I was in

the prime of health; what could possibly happen to me to require that I have

health insurance? Put it down to dumb youth. Even at that young age, you

should be careful about being protected. I was an active person; what if I hurt

myself playing football or skiing? There was no way I could afford to pay a

hospital bill if I broke a leg. It is a serious question to think about.

Just because you do not need medical insurance today does not mean that you will not

need it tomorrow. I guess a lot of young people think that since they did not use

the insurance, they just threw that money away. Why should they continue to

throw it away month after month? That is just being blind to reality. Even if

you never got sick, there are always accidents waiting to happen. If you were

in a car accident or broke a leg, you would be very happy that you had health

insurance. Doctor and hospital bills are astronomical, and very few people can

afford to pay them out of pocket. Even if you do have to pay a deductible, it

will not compare to the total bill if you go into the hospital after an

accident. A bill like this will haunt you for the rest of your life, and the

hospital and the collection agency are not going to forget about it.

If you have medical insurance, you do not have to worry about these things. The

medical insurance company takes care of all of the doctor and hospital expenses.

You will be very happy you had medical insurance if you are ever in an accident.

You cannot count on never having an accident or never getting sick. These things

can happen to the most careful people and to the healthiest people. It will

give you a great deal of peace to know that if anything does happen, most of the

bills will be taken care of. We cannot possibly manage something like this on

our own. We need to have health insurance during the good times to make sure it

is there during the bad times when we need it.

Michael Benifez reports for, covering world of finance, mortgage loans, refiancing and insurance in Palm Coast, Florida and Flagler county. His latest article on Flagler county Florida health insurance covers health care options.

Six Top Tips to Acquiring a Part Time Job and Achieving Work Life Balance With a Career Coach

Acquiring a part time job for some people is as much a daunting task as acquiring full time work. For parents with child care commitments finding a job that fits in with their schedule is difficult as some part time vacancies in certain employment sectors are limited, unchallenging and offer insufficient wages to live on thus escalating the poverty trap. So how can a person stay head and shoulders above the competition for part time work?

1: Networking

Speak to previous and potential employers to see whether their company needs part time workers. Do not be afraid to speak up as it will boost your confidence and self esteem to speak with others and help 'sell' your skills. This includes calling recruitment agencies for work on a regular basis so as to remind your consultant of who you are and demonstrates eagerness to work. I recall when studying at University I registered for work with a couple of recruitment agencies during term break but had not heard from them since. I was puzzled as to why I was not getting any call backs from these agencies. Having spoken to my friend, I was enlightened by the fact that recruitment agencies have hundreds of prospective employees on their books all vying for jobs therefore consultants are not going to recall who I am unless I make myself known and do follow up calls for work so I had to be proactive and call. So what are you waiting for? Make that call.

2: Consider other careers you have not previously

Some careers such as receptionists, administrators, care workers and delivery workers may not be your ideal choice for part time work however some of these careers are flexible and can fit into your lifestyle as you can negotiate your shifts. In particular, care work in the UK is an industry which is said to be low paid however it does offer flexibility and varied shifts. With a high ageing demographic in the UK, there is always a need for care and home care workers to help look after the elderly and vulnerable.

3: Look at online sites

Online sites such as specialises in helping people to find part time work. Also, Jasmine Birtles writer of Money Magpie, suggests various work from home opportunities that can help you generate an income, meet people and be self sufficient. Jobs include running an ironing service, making and selling your own toiletries, and babysitting are just a few of the ideas mentioned.

4: Consider other work from home opportunities such as Virgin Vie, Avon, Betterware, Kleeneze, and FM Cosmetics. These firms offer good commission, support and advice, the opportunity to meet new people and can help increase your confidence. Because you will be considered self employed, it is up to you to find ways of connecting with potential customers so as to be profitable, therefore the more time and effort you put into your business, the more you will reap.

5: Modelling

You do not need to look like Kate Moss or Naomi Campbell to be a model. Why not try character modelling for an agency such as Ugly. Despite its unflattering title, 'Ugly' is a successful modelling agency that takes on people who have interesting faces and personalities for all sort of TV and advertising work. One of their models known as 'Dell' is a lovable character and one of their most popular models who some may say has a face that only his mum would love. He was a courier before he became a model and has made a success of character modelling as well as a good income from it too. Dell has modelled for well known fashion designers worldwide and commands an attractive high salary from his appearance, so why not consider this option.

6: Home tutor

Have you got qualifications and knowledge of a particular subject at a high enough standard to teach? If this is you and you enjoy working with children why not consider becoming a home tutor. Things to consider include obtaining a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check and the ability to provide proof of your qualifications as well as travelling to homes/institutions to teach but this is not a problem if you are able to offer your time and commitment to such a job. This field is particularly lucrative and can generate an income of £20+ an hour although this figure varies according to where you reside, the subject being taught and other factors.

Samantha is a Certfied Life Coach specialising in career, parent and confidence building coaching as well as offering generic coaching. To find out more about this and to acquire further articles, please view

Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Venture Into Nursing Agencies

It is no secret that nursing shortage is greatly affecting our health care system. There are serious cases that had happened at hospitals and nursing homes and part of these are to be blamed to lack of nursing workforce. To compound nursing shortage is the upcoming 76 million baby boomers that will soon hit retirement age. With these, nursing shortage will definitely worsen.

Many studies and speculations have already been made. All of them agreed that we will have shortage for a longer period of time. Contributing factors to this shortage is the fact that many nurses are ages over 50. Given 5 to 10 years they will be retiring and we will have more unfilled positions. Incoming nurses on the other hand are fewer. The supply of nurses is low and will never be enough to fill-in all vacant positions.

Because of this massive nursing shortage, entrepreneurs have made a profitable business related to it. Many had ventured into nursing agency. The concept is that, as long as there's shortage, nursing agency will always be of demand. Since nursing shortage will continue to intensify every year, you are assured that your business will stay longer.

For those who are interested on putting up their own nursing agencies but don't have any idea at all how this work, "how to start a nursing agency" will help you lead the way. This is one good tool that covers all aspect of nursing agency business. It tackles the planning phase, starting, permit and licensing, marketing strategies, recruiting, and how to run smoothly your business. "How to start a nursing agency" manual will help you decide too on choosing your office location. You can either rent a commercial space or work without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Gerson Moore is an expert in providing information about nursing shortage solutions, assisted living, nursing recruitment, effective healthcare businesses, and other healthcare-related issues. As a skilled writer in this field, Gerson Moore has been an adviser for online healthcare business starters on How to start a nursing agency

Various Types of Child Care Providers and How to Ensure They Are Safe For Your Child

A mother's instinct to protect her children is a strong one and many times, mother's need to put the safety of their children in the care of others. This article will offer ways you can ensure your small child is safe when they are in the care of someone else while you are away or at work to ease any anxieties you may have in doing so. Some of the things to look into are the safety measures and guidelines to be a certified child care provider, having camera surveillance as a virtual guard in your home if you have someone come to your house, get strong references about a babysitter or nanny or use a good screening agency that checks all of these things on people they employ.

If you are looking to bring your baby or small child to a daycare facility, the first thing would be to check with the better business bureau to check on their status as a safe and well run business. If that checks OK then you should ask to see the different safety measures they have at the center and what protective agencies they belong to where random checks may be done to ensure the safety of the children. An important thing to do is go to the facility for a tour and visit during the hours you would be leaving your child there. A strong gut instinct is usually the best way to get a sense if you will be comfortable leaving your child there.

If you are having a babysitter that you hired come to the home but they were hired independently and not through a certified agency that does background checks, etc., you may want to install hidden cameras in the areas of the house where they will be spending the most amount of time. This may seem like an extreme step but one that may offer a working Mom, peace of mind when bringing a hired stranger into the house to take care of their precious baby. Sometimes, parents install cameras when they feel like something is going on by their baby's behavior and unfortunately many times will find neglect when the cameras are turned on.

Another step to ensure that you will get quality care for your child would be to hire a nanny through a reputable service that employs nannies. These services may charge more, but that could be for the benefits of having complete background checks done on their employees to ensure you that they are safe and qualified to be taking care of your child. Many times they are also trained in first aid and CPR and sometimes early education as well.

The final way to get a good babysitter or nanny for your child is by having a reference from a good friend or family member that has used that person for their own child. This could be one of the best ways of all to feel good about hiring a child caregiver for your baby.

Connor Sullivan recently spent time researching camera surveillance systems for his stores. He is also considering a virtual guard surveillance system for an office building he is buying.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

What Do We Do When We Live So Long? How to Keep Ourselves and Our Loved Ones Happy & Healthy

The Senior Boom is officially upon us! In 1776, the average life expectancy was 35 years of age. In 1880, it was 45, and today it is 75-plus years of age and growing. In fact, projections are that by 2020 there will be more than 7 million seniors over the age of 85! And, as of the 2007 Census, there were more than 272,000 seniors over the age of 65 in Kentucky alone.

Among the reasons why we're living longer are the advances in medical science that have conquered many infectious diseases, improved sanitation and pasteurization processes and many biochemical discoveries.

We're all thrilled that our loved ones are living longer. In fact, our parents may live 10 to 20 years longer than earlier generations and someone will need to care for them. Any woman reading this article will likely relate to the following facts about caregivers:

? 75 percent of caregivers are women

? Our average age is 57

? 39 percent of us have children at home

? 63 percent are employed elsewhere

? One-third of us have lost time from work caring for a family member.

Keeping healthy

Since the generation who has traditionally cared for seniors is now working outside the home, we need to explore other options. And not only do we need to explore those options to ensure that our family members are taken care of, we need to ensure that we take care of ourselves. It is a proven fact that as caregivers, in many instances our health declines faster than those we're caring for because we DON'T take care of ourselves. So, let's explore some options to keep us healthy.

When exploring options with our loved ones there are several things to consider. First, what are their lifestyle demands (do they expect to be independent and continue to participate in hobbies/activities)? How is their physical, mental and spiritual health (do they need more hands-on care or need to be in a specific religion-affiliated facility)? And, of course, there are financial considerations. It's important to consult with an elder law attorney who specializes in wills, trusts and estates.

Other considerations include: are our loved ones passive or assertive, are they talkative or quiet, do they smoke, will they maintain their drivers' licenses, do they need to be relatively close to friends and family and what about pets? Make a list of all considerations (with the help of your loved ones, of course, if possible) prior to researching options.

Options to consider

Once the list is complete, we can begin to look at our options. They include home care, assisted/independent living facilities, nursing homes, adult daycare, telephone assurance programs, volunteer visitor programs, hospice, the Alzheimer's Association, Meals on Wheels and senior centers. Despite occasional feelings of desperation, we really do have resources to assist us in this sometimes seemingly overwhelming task.

One of the best ways to research our options is by asking those we trust for recommendations. The Internet is another great source of information. We should conduct a phone interview with any of the resources we feel would be a viable option. We can tell a great deal about any facility or agency just by the way the phone is answered, how knowledgeable the staff is and how much time they're willing to spend with us on the phone.

Once we've identified our top three choices, it is imperative to schedule a visit to the facilities, or schedule a time for the home care agencies to visit us (and your loved ones). It's also a good idea (time allowing) to visit the home care agencies to see how they're operated.

Once we've identified our top option, it's time to check the Better Business Bureau. That's a great way to have peace of mind and to know that we're helping our loved ones make the best choice. And, once that choice is made, we'll be better able to take the best care of ourselves. Here's to an extra 10 to 20 years on our own lives!

Jeannie Locy is the president/owner of Right at Home. Right at Home is a national franchise. She has offices in Louisville, Ky. and Clarksville, Ind. Jeannie has a master's degree in Management and an MBA. Right at Home is a non-medical home care agency specializing in care for seniors and adults with disabilities.

Are You A Nurse Who Wants To Be Your Own Boss?

Being in the nursing profession, you understand fully well that the services you provide is one which is very much in demand. With this, you know too that a number of medical institutions and facilities are requiring and are in need of the services that you extend. This list includes hospitals, medical agencies, schools, diagnostic centers, nursing homes and a lot more. Surely what this means is that there poses a big value when it comes to the things which can do and those which you can provide as a practitioner of health care services. You know well too that all these things tie to the duties and huge responsibility which you need to take ownership and accountability on as a registered nurse.

However, just like any regular employee, you feel the desire too to earn more. You obviously acknowledge the fact that there is still more room for you to be able to expand your earning potential.

A good way of being able to realize this potential of yours is to set up a nursing agency as businesses. Being someone who is immersed and has related experience in the field, it would be seen as an advantage on your part to find this business easy to establish. The skills and experience that you already posses is something which you can certainly leverage in order for you to earn more money and make a lot of profit.

This being said, it makes a lot of sense for you to seriously consider venturing in this kind of business which promises to be very lucrative and will earn you the rights to becoming your own boss and be fully in charge of your finances and what you want to earn and achieve.

For More Info see: How to start nursing agency

Dolson McArt - Author of:

Contributing to since March 2007.

Alaska Cares For the Surrounding Seas

34,000 miles of coastline surround Alaska, one of the least densely populated areas of the Earth. It's an incredibly beautiful place, far from any major source of industrial pollution. These icy waters are filled by valuable seafood species including King Salmon, King Crab, and Alaska Halibut. These internationally acclaimed fish thrive in their cold natural environment. They stay healthy and develop the best possible flavor swimming in the pure ocean and rivers. The importance of maintaining the pristine condition of this environment is clear. The waters around Alaska are not only naturally beautiful; they are also the home for a great variety of some of the world's best seafood. Luckily, Alaskans have enacted sea friendly programs that help protect both the environment and the fish whose home it is. These programs mandate sustainable fishing, finding a balance between the needs of the harvest and the needs of nature.

Ever since Alaska became a state in 1959, statutes of protection for fish habitats have been part of the state constitution. More Alaskans make their income from fishing and fish processing than from any other industry. Luckily the state recognized that this industry needed regulation if it would continue to provide both the bounty of sea and fishing jobs for years to come. It's illegal to unnecessarily disturb or cause harm to fish habitats in waters around Alaska. Another sea friendly program has been the creation of more than 40 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). These areas cover almost all federal and state waters where commercial fishing occurs and enforce strict regulation on any commercial fishing. Many types of fishing gear are only allowed at certain times of year or are prohibited entirely, and certain areas prohibit all commercial fishing. These MPAs provide locations for scientific research, conserve benthic habitats, and protect both the environment and the fish that make it their home.

There is also strict regulation on what can be fished, when fishing can occur, and how those fish are harvested. These sea friendly policies exist to ensure that even after fishing, enough fish are left to replenish their own population. Strict enforcement and oversight by both federal and state agencies assures compliance with these policies. Even though the demand for these fish is great, overfishing would destroy that natural resource.

These protections ensure that delicious and fresh Alaska seafood will be available for generations. It's the best way to live with and enjoy nature.

Alaska's fishing industry leads the world in environmental protection measures. From efforts to improve traceability to strict enforcement procedures, Alaska continually shows how committed it is to preserving the ocean for the next generation.

Cultural Issues in Adoption Agencies

Adoption is often the perfect solution for millions of childless couples who long for a child. The child also stands to benefit, as children available for adoption often long for a loving family. Although on a superficial level, adoption looks like a simple process where the parents just adopt a child of their liking, there are emotional and cultural issues involved here. Adoption agencies world-wide offer cross-cultural adoption guidance services for this very reason.

It is not necessary that the parents may avail the services of an adoption agency in their own country. One may want to adopt a child from a different state or even a different country. Even in the same state, one may want to adopt a child of a different ethnic group or race. In order to complete a successful adoption process and for the child to gel with the family, one needs to be aware of the cultural issues that play a big part in adoption. Certain parents, for instance, may want to adopt children from their own religion only. This may not be the case with other parents. There are adoption agencies which cater to the needs of particular religious groups. One needs to carefully consider all these aspects before adopting a child.

It is because of the fact that so many cultural issues are involved in this issue, most of the adoption agencies conduct a pre-placement home study before a family adopts a child. This pre-placement home study enables the agency to understand the cultural values of a family and find out more about the family's environment and the basic ability of the family to adapt to the new scenario with a child, who is not theirs. Since there are so many issues involved, the parents need to consider each and every aspect carefully before adopting a child. Prospective parents need to make a thorough checklist of the cultural issues involved, questions that may be relevant and answer those questions honestly before the adoption. Adoption Agency provides detailed information on Adoption Agency, International Adoption Agency, Christian Adoption Agency, Starting an Adoption Agency and more. Adoption Agency is affiliated with Abortion Pills.

How to Let My House

At times, difficult times arise within people's lives and cause situations in which people no longer can afford to live. Such situations may involve times when a person is trying to sell the home they live in and are forced to move. On the other hand, someone may be facing foreclosure and do not want to sell the home they worked so hard to buy, but can no longer afford the home they own. So what do they do? Let My House is an option for anyone finding themselves in these types of situations and here is some information on what it involves.

No two people share the exact situation. This is why everyone cannot benefit from the same type of solutions as someone else. Research is one of the things that tend to work for anyone who wants to do something, since they are given access to all of the information they need to know. Therefore they are more capable of making an informed decision from the information they learn. The lender pertains to one of the important pieces which a person should research information on. Without knowing whether the mortgage lender will allow it could cost more than it would had time been put into finding out that information.

After consulting with the lender and finding out this type of thing is OK, then the town is another place to look into. Some towns require permits, among other things such as inspections. When people do this thing, checking all sources of information and covering all bases will prevent any problems in the future.

Covering all of the information as much as a person can is the best defense against later problems. Most do not want to deal with things which they could had avoided if they knew about it earlier and generally some of the things may become harder in the future as things start to really progress.

Renting out part of the home works great for some who need help within the financial aspect of their lives. On the other hand, those with other homes or places to stay may choose to just rent it out to tenants while they live somewhere else or just over the time of their vacation.

Presently, there are many different choices that exist. Additionally, this applies to the different options a person has with the way they advertise the property available. Whenever someone starts renting out something, most recommend it receive advertising right away. Some may choose to do this their self, while others would rather pay someone else to do it for them.

Before making the decision on whether to care of everything on your own, usually it is a good idea to assess the amount of time that you want to put into doing the work. Also, most find it is a good idea the amount of things they can additionally can handle in addition to everything they already have going on in their life. Someone within real estate, knows this kind of stuff well and generally would not have to put the kind of time someone else would for the results they will have.

Generally, the amount of time a person has to put into the process of Let My House, determines whether they will pay someone or do everything on their own. In addition, it depends on the amount of stress that a person wants to take on as well. One may turn out as cheaper on the pocket, but not on the mind.

Are you facing foreclosure and do not want to sell the home you worked so hard for, but can no longer afford it. Let my property, letting agencies is an alternative for anyone finding themselves in these types of dilemma and here is some information on what it involves.

The Responsibilities Required From Adoptive Parents

It is a sad truth that there are a lot of children who are neglected, abandoned or left behind by their biological parents. The orphans are left without a family to provide them with care and comfort. But the good thing is foster houses are available to provide them with the home and care that they need. Orphan adoptions are also possible for a person or a couple who would like to have a child of their own. This gives the orphans a chance to belong and be part of a family which they never had.

However, the adoptive parents must possess and pass the necessary requirements that an adoption agency has set. The couple will follow a legal application process in order to have full responsibility of the orphan. There are seminars and trainings that the couple must attend in order to fully understand their obligations. They also have to pass the documents required by the agency. Aside from the application, adoptive parents will be evaluated whether they possess the necessary characteristics fit for an adoption.

Parents who decide for orphan adoptions must know how to treat the child as their own. They must act as if they are the ones who gave birth to the child. As an orphan they are seeking the love and care from parents and wanted to belong in a family that will accept them for who they are. Since it is your decision to adopt the child, you must be there to accept him or her with open arms.

Aside from that, you must always be there to look over and monitor the development of the child. You must provide the rights that every child must have. Let the child go to school and provide them with proper education. Teach the child with the right values and help in the formation of the child to become a better person and citizen of the country in the future.

Pay respect to the connections of the child. As a person who opts for orphan adoptions, it is within your knowledge that the child had a life before you adopted them. Respect the culture of the child. You can also let the child learn about what happened to her real family and let her know them if wished. It will be best for the emotional growth of the child.

Lastly as adoptive parents, you must support the dreams of the child. Do not close the doors for orphans because they still have a lot of opportunities available for them just like those who are brought up by biological parents.

As adoptive parents, you must be ready to accept the responsibility to fill in to what is lacking to the orphans which is a family full of love and acceptance. You must be ready to provide the child with what they really need in order to have normal growth and development. Give the child the chance to experience the love that they need from parents and other family members.

The adoption agency together with the adoptive parents work hand in hand to provide better homes for children who were abandoned, neglected and left behind. To learn more about the process of adoption, view

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Start a Day Care

More and more people want to know how to start a day care center, but aren't really sure how to find out. Some may be young mothers wanting to stay home with their children while making an income. Others may simply love children and want to use their talents to make a profitable business. Still others may just view a day care as a good investment. No matter what the reason, here are a few good tips for how to start a day care.

1. You need to develop a strong business plan. While this may be adapted over time, you need to develop an overall plan for your day care. You should decide how many kids you will be able to care for, where your facility will be, what your pricing will be, and how many employees you will have. You will want to think about what will make your day care stand out from the rest and attract customers. You will need to develop clear policies regarding both pricing as well as the services you will provide. This plan may start off as rough ideas, but you need to refine and polish it so it can be shown to potential investors.

2. When you think about how to start a day care, be sure to always keep finances in mind. Unless you are rich, you will need to seek financial backing. Potential investors will want to see your business plan, and will carefully consider it in making their decision. For example, many religious organizations may be willing to help fund a day care, but may choose a facility offering a religious curriculum or environment over one that does not. On the other hand, government agencies offering grants may prefer there are no religious aspects involved. Some financial institutions or investors may have other requirements or preferences to be considered. You will also want to make sure that your expectations for your day care do not exceed your possible budget.

3. You will need to get the proper licensing, insurance, and certification for the type of day care center you plan to open. Most states will require some type of first aid training and CPR certification. Insurance will be affected by your location and number of children you plan to care for. Licenses will depend on state regulations and will likely be affected by the same type of things as insurance.

4. Location is also very important to any day care. You will want to find a facility that has plenty of room for play area, quiet/rest area, eating areas, and an administrative area. If possible you may want an outdoor area as well. You will want a location that is safe but well traveled enough to attract customers. Ideally you will want an area that is already zoned appropriately.

5. You will need furniture, toys, and other supplies. Keep in mind the age groups you plan on caring for when purchasing furniture, and make sure it meets all safety guidelines. You will need age appropriate toys and activities. You will also need such basic supplies as toilet paper, paper towels, dishes,first aid supplies, cleaning supplies, and other such things.

6. How can you start a day care without advertising? Word of mouth is very powerful among parents, but you will want something to attract your initial customers. You will need a good sign that clearly states the name of your day care, your hours, and your phone number. You might want to take out ads in the newspaper, phone book, or a local magazine. If your budget allows it, you may consider a brief radio commercial for your grand opening. Flyers may also be hung at local community centers, churches, or small businesses with permission.

While there are many other tips on how to start a day care, these are some of the most important things you will need to consider. Your local Human Services Department should be able to notify you of state regulations and requirements. You can also read some of my other articles for many more ideas on how to start a day care.

© CG Groth Inc 2007

The "Daycare Diva", Christine G. Groth, is the creator of "The Guide to Instant Daycare Profits". To learn more about this step-by-step program and to sign-up for her FREE "How to Start a Daycare" tips and articles, visit

3 Things to Consider Before Visiting an Egg Donor Agency

Infertility can be devastating to a couple who desperately want a child of their own. The right to create offspring is physical right that every person shares. For those unable to conceive because of a physiological issue, there are options.

If you are unable to bear children because you cannot produce the necessary eggs to be fertilized, an egg donor agency may be something to consider. If your husband or partner is able to provide the other side of the equation, then a surrogate donor to provide the egg may be the answer.

Of course, your ability to host the fertilized embryo is needed, but technology can be used to get the fertilized egg(s) into the womb. Choosing to go with an egg donor program can be a difficult decision but the following should be considered as part of the process:

Getting past the idea that this will not be your biological child - Just because you did not provide the genetic material to produce the embryo, does not mean you will not be able to connect and raise the child with love. The stigma of not being genetically connected to your offspring needs to be addressed up early on.
Your child will be unique and well cared for because you and your partner can provide the other necessary elements needed for a happy and balanced home.
Science can provide an opportunity for you to carry a child and give you the experience of bonding with them as they grow within the womb.
After you have made the decision to move forward, selecting a donor is the next step in the process. As part of this process, donor selection should not be taken lightly:

Many people try to match the donor to having the "perfect child" which may not necessarily be the best selection criteria. Remember that you are not selecting a donor to build the next pro athlete or Einstein, but a little person who will grow as an individual and add an element to your home that will last a lifetime.
Selecting a donor based on character and personality fit in addition to physical traits can help the couple make an emotional connection to their donor. Choosing a donor who might be seen as a daughter figure may help create that link.
Each donor is unique and couple looking to clone themselves through this process may be an unrealistic goal.
In summary, egg donor agencies provide a valuable service for infertile couples. If you and your mate elect to take this route, you can end up with a beautiful baby and an emotional bond that will last a lifetime.

An Egg Donor Agency can help couples conceive through egg donation programs. Find more info getting pregnant faster go to

Adoption - Where to Start!

When families come to me with their initial questions about adoption, many say they have started researching online, but feel overwhelmed with the amount of information that is out there. In my 10+ years of experience working with adoptive families I have seen a few trends when it comes to adoption. In my adoption counseling sessions we start with a few basic steps.

Many couples have been struggling with fertility issues for several years. Adoption has been an in the background consideration as a "perhaps we'll do this if...". It is important to discuss with your partner how you both feel and where you stand on the topic of adoption. Many couples will seek assistance from a professional counselor to help them process their feelings on the subject. Quite often this is very beneficial as people find a safe place to explore their issues of grief, mourning, fear and loss. It is also important to fully explore your thoughts on adoption issues such as parenting, parenting a child that is not your biological child and to be sure that your partner is on the same page with you on this important topic.

The next issue we generally explore is what are your "child sought" parameters. I have found many people to be uncomfortable with this question. As a society we are raised to not make judgements or perhaps this question sounds prejudicial, but it is an important question to be addressed. One of the adoption counseling techniques I will have couples do is have each partner close their eyes and visualize what their adopted child looks like. How old is the child, what gender, hair color, do they have freckles, etc? I ask couples to be as specific as possible and to write down their visions of their adopted child. I then have each person write down their thoughts. In the adoption counseling session, I will have them describe what their adoption vision. Quite often this excercise brings some surprises- such as one partner never thought their spouse would be open to adopting an older child, or siblings. This exercise is a great starting point for some really fundamental, important discussions on your adoption.

Once you have your vision of the child you are seeking, we start exploring what programs might fit their needs. Are you leaning towards a domestic adoption- infant or foster care? There are many agencies who place US domestic infants for adoption. You should always check references and compare programs, fees and the agency's procedures. Fees and processes with this type of adoption can vary greatly. For U.S. Foster care adoption you should contact your state's child welfare officials. If you are living abroad, such as U.S. Military overseas then be sure to find an agency that knows how to work with expats and can help you adopt abroad.

If the couple's child desires are leaning towards an international adoption, then one factor to determine is whether or not you will be adopting from a Hague country. If you are adopting from a Hague country this will narrow your selection of agencies to only agencies that are Hague accredited. The couples explore the various programs. We will explore and research issues such as how long is the waiting period, what types of children are available, what age range are the children for adoption, what issues are particularly relevant for this country. One of the foremost questions to address is does the couple meet the eligibility criteria.

These are some of the primary issues we address in adoption counseling sessions. After sorting these basic questions, you will have a good foundation to start your adoption journey. Your home study agency, social worker and child placing agency will be important partners in your path to adoption. You may contact me with your adoption questions.

Adopt Abroad is a Hague accredited child placing & home study agency. Since 2003 Adopt Abroad has been assisting U.S. military and other expats abroad with their adoption needs. Currently Adopt Abroad has adoption programs in Armenia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Jordan, Morocco, The Philippines, Ukraine and places children from foster care with US families living abroad. Vist our website for adoption information, seminar & support group dates as well as referrals to adoption professionals.

Tips on How to Select a Home Caregivers Service Agency

There are many professional home healthcare companies that provide an array of support for the family caregiver. They are designed to assist the family caregiver with medical care, meal preparations and a host of duties to avoid caregivers burnout. These types of organization are categorized into medical and non-medical in-home care providers.

The medical in-home care providers have licensed staff, for instance, nurse practitioners (NP), registered nurses (RN), licensed vocational nurses (LVN), respiratory therapists (RT) and physical and occupational therapists (PT & OT). They also may have case managers, social workers and other medical professionals on staff for additional support. These types of companies may assist with wound care, administering medication, respiratory wellness, infusion and physical therapy and end of life care. These providers have earned a professional degree within their own discipline, and in most causes are required to maintain a state license and an industry certification.

The non-medical in-home providers may help with meal preparations, medication management, home cleaning, bathing, incontinence duties, grocery shopping, doctors' appointment visits and many other tasks that may not require a professional license, but may require a certification.

Prior to contacting an agency, first list all of the tasks and medical care that is needed. Categorize the tasks and medical care into several levels. For example, Level 1 Care may be tasks that do not involve any contact with your loved one. This type of care consists of housekeeping, watering the plants, meal preparation, scheduling doctor visits, grocery shopping, home safety and similar tasks.

Level 2 Care may consist of more personal care. These tasks are considered in the industry as Activities of Daily Living or ADL care. This level of care involves feeding, dressing, bathing, grooming, oral hygiene, toileting, transferring positions and locations, assisting with mobility aids and many more personal tasks. Level 2 type of care may require certification and a state license. Check with your state for more details.

Level 3 Care may be provided by licensed professionals registered through a state agency. This form of care is administered by medical in-home care providers with a higher level of education, such as nurses, respiratory, physical and occupational therapists. Skilled care on this level may be paid for by private insurances, Medicare and Medicaid.

Now that you have the tasks and the needed medical care listed into levels, it is time to call on several in-home care providers.

Here are some tips for selecting an in-home care provider agency:

First, interview 3 to 5 home caregiver agencies that service your local area. You may conduct a search in our Caregivers Directory or your local yellow pages and any engines.
Ask for at least 6 to 10 references. These references should include clients from 12 to 18 months ago, 3 to 6 months ago and one month intervals. Also call or visit your local hospital senior center or senior citizens community center. These types of organizations know all of the players in the industry and may give you an insight to the companies that are being interviewed. There may be an internet report card for home caregiver agencies in your area as well. Also, check to see if your state have caregiver associations for recommendations.
Verify with state, federal, county and local agencies for licenses and special permits that may be required. At minimum they should have a federal tax identification number, Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Limited Partnership (LP) entity number and a county or city business license.
Review their insurance. Companies should be bonded, and have liability and worker compensation insurance. Confirm with your state agency for specific insurance requirements. When you have selected the home care agency, ask for a certificate of insurance, and to name you as an additional insurer. This document should be filed in a safe place.
Ask for a copy of the contract to review for several days prior to signing.

After you have completed your research, there are specific questions to ask during the interview. For example:

* How many years have the company been in business?

* Is there a tier cost per hour for each level of care?

* What are the cost per hour for the day and evening shift and weekends?

* What are the minimum required hours for each caregiver per day?

* Is the company certified by an accredited agency, such as, the Joint Commission?

* Is the company certified to receive government funding from Medicare or other federal, state and county agencies?

* What type of supplies will the company furnish (i.e., gloves, wipes, etc.)?

* Does the company conduct background investigations and alcohol and drug examinations for each staff member?

* Have the caregiver been trained and certified for the required level of care that is needed?

* How many caregivers they have on the payroll?

* How long have the caregiver been employed with the agency?

* How will the caregiver be supervised?

* Who should you call in case of an after hours emergency?

* Have the caregiver signed a company confidentiality agreement and company handbook?

* What is the policy in replacing a caregiver for non- performance, not showing up or not arriving on time?

* What is the procedure in handling other complaints?

* What is the cost to purchasing the caregivers contract when you find a great caregiver?

* What is the dress code policy?

* Are caregivers required to wear badges with a photo?

* What are the policies for driving to doctor appointments and running other errands?

* Is there an additional cost for those types of services?

* How many days notice must be given to cancel the contract?

* Are there any other cancellation previsions in the contract?

* Will there be a caregiver and medication log for review each day?

These are just a few questions to ask, and you are encouraged to add several more to this list. "What if" type of scenario questions should be asked with respects to your specific situation. Good luck with your search!

Jose' Silva is the Founder of, which specializes in giving family caregivers the learning tools necessary to care for a loved one at home. The website is rich with "How to" videos, written articles and check list to help the family caregiver. Get your free Fall Prevention and Safety Check List at

When is In Home Health Care Necessary? Be Prepared to Make the Right Decisions

In home care for your aging parents can decrease stress and give you peace of mind. Providing care for the elderly in the home also can be very stressful and sometimes have disastrous results. That is why choosing the right in home health care agency is important. Many individuals are surprised to find that Medicare does not cover the services their parents need.

In order to find the appropriate elder home care to meet the needs of your parents. Home care has two categories as defined by Medicare. I will explain them both in detail so that you will become familiar with them.

Skilled care refers to medical care provided by nurses, therapists (physical, occupational, or speech), and social services. A order is required from a doctor to receive these services. The care provided is supervised by a registered nurse and the visits are intermittent and short, meaning, several times a week. Medicare or medical insurance will pay for these visits for a very short period of time. Many times if there are procedures that need to be done more than once a day, a family member will be expected to learn the procedure and provide the care.

Custodial care refers to help with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, cooking and shopping. These services are provided by home health aides or companions. These services are paid for through private funds, veterans' benefits, community waiver programs or other community resources.

Many family caregivers are reluctant to have outside help inside the home because of the cost. They often neglect to see that they are paying a dear price themselves. Research studies show that family caregivers loose 75% of their earning potential for every year that they provide care for the aging senior in their life. That is just the financial aspect. Many family caregivers neglect their own health and suffer long term health problems long after their care giving days are over.

More on wanting in home care for your aging parents? How to choose the right in home health care agency.

Many family caregivers find that to provide care for the elderly in the home means giving up their social life, family life; it can interfere with their work life. So finding the right in home health care can make a difference in the life of the caregiver as well as the aging senior.

The first step for the family caregiver is to identify what their limitations are regarding their care giving responsibilities. When an individual agrees to take care of an aging senior, they really do not know what they are agreeing to do. They have no idea for how long or where this care giving journey will take them. A family caregiver should be able to identify what they can and cannot do. Sleepless nights, dealing with incontinence, a confused person, missing work to transport to the doctors are just a few things that will need to be discussed.

Once a family caregiver knows their limitations, then they can put a plan in place. This plan would start with investigating all the resources available to the aging senior. This is a process that is time consuming, so I suggest you start early, before you have the need for the services. Knowing the resources available to you will help you know what the financial picture will be for home health care as well. If you are going to be paying out of your own pocket, Met Life and Gen Worth companies put out a yearly long term care costs study that will give you an up to date idea of the cost of services in your area. These are companies that provide long term care insurance policies and the information is very accurate.

In choosing in home care for your aging parents, you must then assess what their needs will be. To choose the right in home health care agency, determine how much supervision or help is needed. Will it be live in help, or round the clock care? Determine if there will be nursing needs or just companionship. This is just the first step, as once you have the workers in place; you will take on the role of manager.

Diane Carbo Registered Nurse has more than thirty five years in the nursing field. Her experience as a geriatric care manager, makes her uniquely qualified to help those who want to live out their lives in their own homes. That decision may be made when you are 20, 30, 40 or in fact at any age, with sooner rather than later being ideal. Diane has developed a web site to make people aware of issues and options. You will find extensive helpful information that will be continually updated. Please visit Diane's web site and learn more about in home care. Sign up for "The Caring Advocate" her free newsletter and take advantage of a complimentary e-course Advocating For Yourself and Others

Health Care in Japan

Before considering on moving to the Far East, especially to Japan, you need to find out the system of health care in the country. The system of health care in Japan provides for the needs of each citizen and foreigners in the country. Found below are some of the important details about the health care system in Japan which can provide you the facts to help you in your decision process.

The system of health care in Japan provides many options for an individual's medical needs. There are many clinics as well as both public and private hospitals scattered through out the country. The difference though is that Japan has no institutionalized system of family doctors. The public health system pays for up to 70% of the total cost of medical care and medications for a treatment. Since culturally Japanese are focused on business, thus there are only a few Japanese professionals in the medical field. When you undergo health care in Japan, it is quite impersonal and not much ethics in the profession.

There is only one structure of universal health coverage and there are particular characteristics for each class such as being a tourist, a worker, a student, an individual's age and other personal circumstances. When an individual is staying for at least a year in Japan, an individual needs to have health insurance in the country and there are two different systems that applies to citizens and foreigners alike. These are the Employee's Health Insurance, which is for those gainfully employed and the other one is the National Health Insurance, which applies to community based health needs.

The system of health care in Japan provides for free screening examinations for particular diseases, infectious disease control and prenatal care. The system is provided by both local and national local governments. For other personal medical care needs, payments are made through an insurance system of universal health care. There is equality in access as well as fees that have been set by a government agency.

There are a few issues in the system of health care in Japan. As mentioned before, there are only a few doctors in the country. Another one is the lack of English medical staff in the country. This has become quite an issue as more and more individuals emigrate to the country. This has been addressed by the government with the employment of English speaking medical professional staff. These trained personnel obtained their degrees from either the United States or the United Kingdom, making their skills safe and reliable. Having a highly evolved technological society with the most modern equipment designed for medicine.

Like many Asian countries, Japanese medical practitioners fall into the trap of over prescription though only for minor illnesses such as cough, fever and colds. These occur in the upper class suburbs but this has been curbed significantly by the proper authorities.

As advised in the Expat Forum, "carefully go over them and see the pros and the cons. As much as possible, ask your friends who are already in this highly-industrialized as to the real status of Japan because they are they ones that have lived in Japan." Do take this advice to heart in order that you can thrive in the modern Asian technological society such as Japan in the long run.

This article has been provided by Jose Marc Castro, the online editor at the Expat - the primary online community for expats. The site also provides information and advice on matters such as health care in Japan.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

About Home Healthcare Services

If you or anyone in your family is suffering from a disease or is on their way to recovery from a sickness or injury, hiring home healthcare services is sure to stand you in good stead and decrease your discomfort and stress considerably. However, before you go ahead and employ a home healthcare service provider, it is imperative to conduct a thorough research of the market in order to zero in on an agency that best suits your needs. The following tips and guidelines can be kept in mind before you employ such an agency:

The healthcare services that you choose should be provided by a firm that has been in business for a considerable period of time. Newly sprouted agencies should be avoided as their staff may not be as well equipped to handle tough and highly demanding situations.
You need to first determine the level of expertise that you want the employed person to have before you go looking for an agency. If you need a healthcare service provider that can provide assistance to a person recovering from a painful fracture or broken bones, you will need someone who has proper medical certification. This is because the healthcare professional may be required to perform certain daily tasks like stretching of certain muscles and guidance and strength training of the limbs that will ultimately help in a full recovery. You should be certain that the services you chose can fulfill the given criterion of your particular situation.
The healthcare services that you decide upon must be equipped with positive reviews and references. To gather knowledge about the same, you can visit certain websites that offer this information. You can also ask around in your circle of friends regarding the reputation and standing of the concerned agency. If someone has had a personal experience with the agency that is highly positive, you should definitely consider going in for it.
The number of hours that you need a professional to be present in your home must be clearly communicated to the agency in advance so that your needs are adequately met. If you need someone to stay overnight in your house, this should also be communicated to the healthcare agency so that you can be sure that they have staff to fulfill these requirements.
It is a great proposition to visit the agency and interact with their staff to gather an idea about their policies and the way the staff works. You should go in for a healthcare service that has an amiable, cheerful and friendly staff equipped with the ability to induce an atmosphere of ease with regard to the person to be cared for. If you encounter rude and unhelpful staff, you should consider going somewhere else.
The staff that you invite into your home must be verified thoroughly for credentials and background so that you can safely and securely leave your house without worrying about possible thefts or any other such crime. You should ask to see proof of certification and other qualifications before allowing any such professional into your house.

Harvey Worthington is an expert copy-writer and has been writing for over twenty years. He specializes in articles about internet marketing and any interesting niches he comes across to share with readers. This articles was written for Castro Valley Homecare agency HomeAide Home Care, Inc.

Nursing Agency - Earn Huge Income the Simple Way

Nursing shortage started since 1990. It all started when a health care facility had to cut down its cost. The management had decided to cut down its nursing workforce resulting to understaffing. From there, this situation get worsen and worsen. Every year, nursing shortage is increasing. Now, it is a global crisis.

There are already studies conducted on nursing shortage. Experts, analysts and independent research teams all agreed that nursing shortage will continue to accentuate on the upcoming years. There will be 2%-3% increase every year. The current number of shortage today will increase up to half a million by 2020. This is the alarming truth. Whatever effort, programs, campaigns and trainings to at least alleviate this shortage, it is still not suffice to meet the current demand.

Due to chronic shortage, entrepreneurs find ways how to cope up with this. They venture into nursing agency business and the cash flow is quite overwhelming. Response on this business is so high. Many hospitals and nursing homes hire their services to temporarily fill-in the need of nursing staff. Health care sectors are very much satisfied with the medical professionals coming from these agencies because of their dedication and hard work. Not speaking, their qualities and experience into the field.

Starting a nursing agency is quite simple when you have a step-by-step guide to follow. These are manuals extracted from reliable sources and successful entrepreneurs. Many can proved that starting a nursing agency is the smartest thing they did. Aside from the fact that it is recession proof, earning huge income is quite easy.

Gerson Moore is an expert in providing information about nursing shortage solutions, assisted living, nursing recruitment, effective healthcare businesses, and other healthcare-related issues. As a skilled writer in this field, Gerson Moore has been an adviser for online healthcare business starters on How to start a nursing agency