If you've visited a children's daycare center- could you point out the most important characteristics that would make that center a great place for a child to attend?
Most parents looking for a daycare are hit with a slew of questions they need to answer when searching out care.
And the same as goes for the provider who is running a child center. What are parents looking for in daycare and what exactly is an "excellent child care program".
There are 4 Important Traits that characterize excellent child care centers.
1. There is a team effort among all who work there: A daycare center can consist of one provider or many. Regardless of the numbers there should be a mission statement that commits to the child and the family as well. When all individuals work together to provide an environment that is loving, caring, supportive of the family unit there is a united commitment to quality care. Daycare's that have issues with gossiping, truancy, teacher turnover, are not centers that are united for the well being of the child.
2. There is a curriculum that supports growth in the child: A childcare center should be a bright, cheery, happy and fun place to go full of interesting things to look at, touch and experience.
Daycare centers should have a development program for each age group with an understanding that each child grows and develops at their own rate. Children should participate in activities that challenge and nature that child. Reading books, outside play, art, time spent learning how to get along with others is all very important to a child's development. Teaching them communication and social behavior becomes so very important when a child prepares for school.
3. Consistent Relationship with One Provider: Developing a nurturing, caring relationship with one individual over time is so very important to a child's development. Children are looking for consistency, love, reassurance that they are in a safe environment. The provider should engage in regular conversation with the children present in daycare.
4. Policies that support safety in a daycare center: Daycare centers that are licensed are under strict accordance by their state licensing bureau. They must listen to their state agency on rules and safety, which is intended to keep all children safe and out of harms way. Also daycare centers that are licensed are visited by the licensing bureau and the fire department. Daycare centers must also have in writing policies regarding sickness, accidents, and closings. Each parent should be exactly clear on what the daycare's policies are to avoid any disasters or communication problems in the future.
(c) 2006 CG Groth Inc.
The "Daycare Queen", Christine Groth is the creator of the award-winning "The Guide to Instant Daycare Profits". To learn more about this step-by-step guide and to sign-up for her FREE how to start a daycare articles and newsletter, visit startingadaycaretips.com startingadaycaretips.com
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