Monday, January 20, 2014

Important Legal Stuff Concerning Online Marketing That Beginners Should Learn

As an online marketing beginner, you probably already have an idea of what constitutes legal and illegal activity. However, when there is so much going on online with other internet marketers, it can be very confusing what is allowed and what is not. There are legal and ethical issues that will affect how your business will fare. To prevent legal action from being filed against you, be informed about the legalities of running an online marketing business.

Not everything that is free is truly free

The internet has revolutionized many things. For one, it has provided valuable content free of charge - people can access most of this content and use it. However, there is a limit imposed on the access and use of content online, in whatever form it appears.

Content found online is protected by copyright unless it is expressly stated that it can be copied and reproduced. As such, be very careful about handling any content you might find online. If you wish to reproduce or copy some content, whether it's text, a photo or graphics, assume it's copyrighted unless indicated otherwise.

Be careful about handling or using trademarked photographs and images as well, particularly those associated with known brands and products. Companies are very protective of their intellectual rights.

If you will be providing your own content and wish to copyright it, include a text that indicates that it is protected. This will help ensure that your intellectual property rights are upheld. This is especially important if you have original content on your website.

When copy and paste is illegal

The simplified function of copy and paste can become a complicated issue especially when applied to online marketing. Copying another person's work is called plagiarism, a practice frowned upon by many and is considered illegal online and offline. The internet is such an open space that anyone at any time can take content, copy it and use it, all without the original writer's or owner's consent. If the writer complains, you could get into legal trouble and will be asked to pull out the content in question from your website. Worse, you could even be made to pay for copying someone's work without their permission.

To protect yourself, it's best to always treat material you find as copyrighted, whether it is accompanied by a notice or not. By respecting another person's copyright, you also help encourage other people to respect yours, when it's your turn to provide content for your own website.

Government and private company approval

Another important legal concern that you must keep in mind is that doing business in online marketing does not exempt you from licenses and permits that are issued by government agencies and other private companies. In 2000, for example, a man from New Jersey was arrested for selling home kits online designed to test for HIV. The problem was, it had not been approved by the FDA, a fact that the man did not inform his customers about. As a result, he was arrested and pleaded guilty for fraud.

If you will be selling food, medications and supplements on the internet, make sure to check with the right agency for legitimacy and permits. Don't be afraid to obtain more information if you're unsure. The 2000 Internet Prescription Drug Sales Act is an important resource you should also want to use.

Internet gambling

Although gambling is accepted online, not every business that offers people a chance to gamble is considered legal. Online gambling is protected under the Wire Wager Act. If your internet marketing business involves a game of chance or betting, consider checking what you need to do in order to make it legal. Gambling is regulated and if your business is in any way related to making bets or accepting wagers, make sure you get the legal stuff ironed out first.

If all else fails...

Still the best way to ensure that you clear all the legal stuff concerning online marketing is to remember that the same standards required of behavior offline is the same online. The internet may make things slightly different but it doesn't change something illegal and turns it legitimate. Identity theft, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, etc. are still considered illegal online as they are offline. Avoid running into any legal trouble by making sure you are well informed, updated and that you run a legitimate business.

For more information on internet marketing for beginners please visit:

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