Thursday, December 26, 2013

Is Your Home Drinking Water Safety Guaranteed?

Drinking water safety cannot be guaranteed by your local or federal government. Only you can control what comes out of your drinking water faucets. So why should I be concerned about the safety of water?

There are many poisons in surface and groundwater. There are illness causing bacteria and parasitic cysts, traces of lead and prescription drugs. The treatment facilities use chemicals to kill bacteria and many other steps to improve the drinking water safety, but many contaminants are found in supplies that are ready to be sent to the public.

In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is primarily responsible for what comes out of our drinking water faucets. They have regulations in place for about 60 different items. The rest, which amounts to more than 2000 different toxins, are unregulated.

Treatment facilities are required to test for the 60 controlled substances. The EPA has decided that there are "safe" levels of consumption for those. Of course, even the way that they arrived at that decision is flawed, but what about the other toxic compounds that have been found flowing unchecked out of drinking water faucets all over the country?

There is no way to guarantee drinking water safety when you ignore the scientists that you hired to advise you. The EPA was informed many years ago that the "safe" level of consumption cannot be determined accurately, because there are so many different synthetic and organic chemicals present.

In order to determine a safe level, you would have to assume that there is only one present at any given time. Combining different chemical compounds increases their toxicity exponentially.

What Your Can Do to Get Drinking Water Safety

Someone should advise the public that they need point of use filtration devices on their personal drinking water faucets. Government officials are afraid to make that recommendation for a number of reasons.

So, again, it becomes the personal responsibility of people like me and you to inform others about the lack of drinking water safety. Environmental groups try. But, a lot of people don't listen to environmentalists.

For example, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently recommended that the million plus homeowners in the DC metropolitan area and Northern Virginia should install carbon filters on their drinking water faucets. But, if you did I quick survey, I am sure that you would find that the majority of the population has not taken the precaution.

Bottled Water May Be Unsafe

Many people rely on bottled drinking water safety. They try to "bypass" the problem. Bottled waters may be just as contaminated as tap-water. The EWG found that 30% of bottled waters come from a municipal source, in other words, the companies' drinking water faucets.

Plastic Bottles May Leak Chemicals

No additional purification device is required. The FDA only requires that what is in the bottle is "as good as", not better than tap-water. Some manufacturers protest, but they cannot deny that the bottles are a major source of pollution and that the liquids stored in them absorb chemicals used to make the plastic.

If the cases are stored in a grocery store warehouse next to lawn care products, the compounds in the products can actually seep through the plastic. The only way to guarantee your drinking water safety is to install a good purification device in your home. Bottle your own water in glass containers.

And by all means, do your research. Discover as I did that not all water purifiers are not equally efficient. Interestingly, I found only one water filter system that passed all the tests to ensure drinking water safety.

Larry L. Taylor is a dedicated advocate of living a healthy lifestyle and diligent researcher of water purification systems. Visit his site at: to discover which water filtration systems Larry recommends after extensive comparisons. This article may be reprinted on a blog or website if this resource box is included.

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