Be aware that not all providers are the same. Some agencies are very poorly run and chaotic whilst others are very well managed and operate to high standards of care. Here I will tell you where to go to find a good home care agency in Hertfordshire and what to ask them when you have found them.
To find the right Home Care Provider in Hertfordshire you need to check out the Commission of Social Care Inspection (CSCI) website. All care providers are rated and inspected by this commission by law. A two star rating is "good" and three star rating is "excellent", but beware! A three star agency may not necessarily be the right agency for you.
You are strongly advised to read the report attached to these ratings. This report is available from the CSCI website. Many new providers would be rated as a three star service but because it is their first inspection are only allowed to receive two stars under current legislation.
Another organisation is the UKHCA. Care providers who join this have agreed to a code of conduct.
Using these two sites you should be able to locate a good home agency for you or the person you care for in Herts.
After identifying some care agencies in Hertfordshire it is time to call them up. Make sure you call and speak to the Care Manager or Supervisor. Firstly, ask about their quality control systems. How do they ensure their standards remain high? How many checks do they make on their carers and the satisfaction of their clients? Are their rates competitive? Do they have an enhanced rate after 6pm? Are their extra charges if you live out in the country? What is their procedure when a carer calls in sick or does not turn up? Is their back-up and what is it? Are their Carers fully trained?
CSCI can be found at and UKHCA can be found at
Finding the right Care Provider for you or the person you care for in Hertfordshire need not be difficult when you follow the simple advice offered here.
Lawrence Hart RMN is a Registered Nurse. He runs Caremark (Welwyn & Hatfield) which is dedicated to offering the very best home care service to people within St Albans, Harpenden, Hatfield, Welwyn Garden City, Potters Bar, Borehamwood, Cuffley, and surrounding villages and towns in Hertfordshire.
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