Monday, January 21, 2013

How to Honestly Fix Your Credit From Home - Don't Get Snookered by Credit Clinics Ever Again!

Are you struggling to get credit? Is your FICO score so bad you are afraid to apply for a mortgage, a job or even a simple car loan? Are you tempted to hire a professional credit restoration firm, but don't know what to expect? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at self help credit repair, and learn how you can HONESTLY repair your credit from home whenever you are ready. Care to know more? Great....continue reading as we take a closer look below!

The truth about credit repair:

There is nothing a credit repair company can do for you that you can't do for yourself. Ever heard that before? If you's because it's true! The fact is, the very same techniques that a professional credit clinic, or high powered attorney will charge you BIG bucks can easily do for yourself with expeditious ease. (and for a fraction of the cost)

The nuts and bolts of honest credit repair:

It's all about being "armed" with information. Once you understand how the credit bureaus work, and what rights you are afforded by law (The Fair Credit Reporting Act) you can quickly and easily identify things on your credit report that you can LEGALLY dispute, and guarantee yourself a good chance of removing from your permanent record. (especially useful for accounts that are 2 years old or more.....or even better, have been submitted to a collection agency)

The fact is.....there is NOTHING that cannot be removed from your credit report...PERIOD!

And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The truth is, the very same laws apply to everything from Bankruptcy to simple occasional late items, and fundamentally, the FCRA (the law mentioned above) guarantees you certain rights, REGARDLESS of how bad, or how damaging the actual items are you want to remove from your report. In other words, you can dispute, or challenge any negative, or derogatory information on your report that you wish....and once you learn how, there is nothing that you can't HONESTLY get off of your credit report, no matter how bad it looks right now. (and ethically as there are simple loopholes in the law that give YOU and unfair advantage over the credit bureaus once you know where to look!)

The bottom line?

Credit repair is ethical, reasonably easy and very worthwhile for anyone who is suffering from a less than optimal credit score. You don't need to pay a "fat-cat" big bucks to do it either.....simply arm yourself with information, and you can start boosting your score whenever you're ready. (and if you're like most of us who have suffered with bad credit in the guess is, you're ready now!)

Click Here to START Correcting your Credit for Free!

NEVER spend another penny on professional credit repair again.....

=====> Get a Great Credit Score From Home!

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