There are tons of home care agencies today promising superior services and great care for you elderly family member. As an agency owner you know that the competition is fierce for private pay agencies and most of your competitors essentially offer the same services.
And They All Look the Same
Problem is every home care agency has compassionate caregivers, 24/7 service, personal hygiene care, and so forth.
In that case how can you stand out? What is your dramatic difference that makes your agency stand out from the competition and that would compel a prospect to buy from you? You need that dramatic difference in order to answer successfully the dreaded, "What's your price?" call.
The Dreaded Price Call
So now a family member calls you and the very first thing they ask is, "What is the cost of your services?" See they too are under the assumption that all agencies are pretty much the same so the decision is only about price.
Of course you know better and after giving the caller your price schedule you launch into a defense of your prices or in the worse case bash your competition. Problem with approach is now you are now condemned forever to compete on price.
Don't Fall Into the Price Trap, Ask Questions Instead
One way that you can extricate your agency from the price trap is in the way that you handle initial price questions. Instead of answering that price question directly at the beginning of your contact with a potential client, ask questions so that you understand better the situation.
Reply to the initial price question with agreement that you will be glad to give prices but before you do you need a better understanding of just what services are wanted. Then ask these questions:
1. What has led you to the decision that your parent needs help from a home care agency?
2. Can you provide me specific examples of the problems caused by the situation at home?
3. How long has the situation described in question one been going on?
4. What have you done to address the problem?
5. How have those solutions worked?
6. Have you given up trying to get help?
Armed with the understanding that you gathered from the answers to those questions, you are ready to present your agency and the services you offer in a way that directly addresses the needs, concerns and desires of the person who only a few minutes before was concerned only with price.
One Dramatic Difference - Your Selling Strategy
And the best thing is that by using this method you will have developed at least one dramatic difference for your agency, something that sets you apart from the competition. Because very few of your competitors know or use this strategy you will be able to handle the dreaded price question with ease, stay out of the price trap and obtain the prices that your services richly deserve.
As the founder and CEO of Next Level Business Development Mike helps business people build better businesses. His specialty is the sales and marketing hat that so many leaders of mid-market companies find just doesn't fit.
As a professional coach, speaker and writer, Mike combines long experience in marketing, sales and managing businesses with training in education and coaching.
Corporate Marketing and Sales Mike spent 25 years in corporate marketing and sales management roles leading new product launches, pricing programs and turnarounds of business units.
Licensed Coach
In 2009 Mike joined Professional Business Coaches Alliance where he helps Health Care and Technology Companies generate leads and attract new clients.
More information at Next Level Business Development
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