Work related
Finish paperwork at work (e.g. time reporting).
Book hotel
Make a booking for the first night if you arrive at an inconvenient hour, have traveled for many hours or you arrive in high season (where finding accommodations may be difficult). There are many on-line services for booking or just use your travel agency.
Sticky labels
Get sticky labels and write peoples name on them, then just stick them onto your postcards.
Get necessary visas in your passport. Start this process in time since it can be time consuming. Sometimes you can get visa on arrival. See visa section for details.
Certificate of Immunizations
Bring your Certificate of Immunizations (health book)
Drivers license
If you plan on driving bring your drivers license along. Get an international drivers license if needed.
Other cards
Bring other relevant cards such as airline bonus cards, phone cards, student cards (e.g. ISIC) to obtain discounts, Hostelling International card etc. If you have an e-ticket and it was registered to a card, make sure that you bring the relevant card along.
Make sure you have a paper which states your insurance cover with policy number and contact details. If you live in the European Union and will visit another country in the E.U. get a European Health Insurance Card which entitles you to receive health care under the same economic conditions as the citizens of the country you will visit.
Ticket and itinerary
Bring your ticket and itinerary along.
Contact information
Print contact information to:
* Embassies
* Health clinic where you got your immunizations
* Insurance company. Note if there are special emergency contact numbers (sometimes reverse charge)
* Your bank/credit card issuer so that you can report stolen/lost cards
* Travel agent
* Traveler´s cheques issuers local office
* Hotels
* Emergency contacts
* Addresses and phone numbers to friends(for postcards)
Bring passport photos if needed in order to get a visa on arrival or if you lose your passport and need to get a new.
Book to read on the plane
Get it before you go to the airport (where they are usually more expensive).
Make photocopies of all important documents such as:
* Visa
* Passport
* Tickets
* Certificate of Immunizations (health book)
* Maps in the guidebook (in order not to have to carry the book along while walking around)
Store the photocopies in a separate location from the originals and protect the copies from rain with a plastic cover.
Upload copies
If you have access to a scanner you can scan the photocopies (see previous bullet) and upload them to the Internet (e.g. send an e-mail to yourself with the files attached). If you do not have a scanner you can take a photo with your digital camera instead of scanning. You can also e-mail them to a friend or your family.
Print information from the Internet
Print the information you have gathered on the Internet about your destination).
Your own checklist
Make a copy of your own checklist (based on this one) and bring along. It may be useful for insurance purposes if your luggage is lost/stolen.
Phrase list
A small list with the most useful phrases in the local language to keep in your wallet/purse for easy access or on your mp3-player.
There are electronic ones you can download to your cell phone or portable computer. You can also get a separate electronic device or a good old paper dictionary :)
Apply for a passport well in advance if you do not have one. Check the expiry date of your passport. Some countries require it to be valid for at least six months from your date of entry.
Check the state of your passport, I was once almost refused to board a plane to Japan because the page with my passport photo was almost falling out of my passport (a well know quality problem with some Swedish passports). This can also prevent you from getting a visa.
Happy travels!
For a full checklist for your backpacking trip download the free e-book the The Backpacker's Toolbox [] It contains checklists, templates, FAQs and practical advice (and a few bad jokes) to make your backpacking experience as smooth as possible.
[] - practical advice for new and experienced backpackers for all trip stages: get inspired, plan your trip, advice on the road, tips when back home.
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