Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Support is Available For People Diagnosed With Alzheimer's Disease and Their Caregivers

There are plenty of places to find support for a person with Alzheimer's Disease. Visit the Alzheimer's Association web site at They have a list of programs that they offer, one being support for the individual diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. From the web site you can also find links to local association chapters and read about resources in Colorado.

One of the most common support systems for your loved one is the early stage support group. It is sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association and has started to catch on around the nation. This support group is designed to meet the support needs of the person who has been recently diagnosed and is in the early stages. A skilled facilitator guides the group in discussions about issues such as the diagnosis and what it means, financial and legal concerns, and family issues and feelings. This group is a place to express innermost feelings in a safe place with others who understand. They laugh, cry, eat, and problem solve together. Groups typically meet once a month for 90 minutes. Someone from the association can assess the individuals present to determine if they are able to endure the meetings. While they are meeting, their family members have their own meeting in a separate area, typically in the same building. Their group is also facilitated by a skilled professional or caregiver. They, too, deal with similar issues and can rely on others in similar situations.

Support is also available through web sites. A group called DASN (Dementia Advocacy and Support Network) provides support and information to individuals with dementia and their families. This network was designed for persons with dementia by persons with dementia. They can be found at or by phone at (406) 222-4477.

Individual support can be found through professional counseling, members of the clergy, or home health care agencies.

For more information on support, you can also contact the Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR) at (800) 438-4380 or the National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer's Disease Information: (800) 222-2225.

Richard D. Hughes is a graduate of Indiana University and the University of Denver College of Law. He has hosted scores of seminars, workshops and panel discussions on a variety of topics including probate avoidance, tax savings, disability issues, asset protection strategies, Colorado Medicaid law and trust planning.

For the latest information on Alzheimer's Care strategies in Colorado, please visit Mr. Hughes' Colorado Elder Law web site and request your FREE copy of The Colorado Alzheimer's Survival Guide.

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