Saturday, February 15, 2014

Is Nanny Childcare Best For You and Your Family?

Making the choice to hire a nanny is serious decision. There are many things to consider before deciding if a nanny would be a good fit for you and your family. You'll want to consider what you need from a nanny service, what kinds of things you are looking for in a nanny, how much you can pay your nanny, and what kind of benefits you can provide. There are many things to consider when hiring a childcare provider, so be sure that you have considered everything before you begin to search.

First consider your needs in nanny care. How many hours do you need your nanny to work? There is a huge range of need when it comes to nanny care. Some families only require a few hours of help per day, but they want the child to have a consistent person giving them care instead of a daycare agency or babysitter. On the other end of the spectrum is a family who requires a lot of assistance and is looking for a nanny who will live in their home with them, helping out with childcare and other household tasks.

The next step is thinking about what kind of qualities you want in a nanny. Do you have a gender preference in your nanny? What kind of experience do you want your nanny to have? Do you want a nanny that has a college degree in a related field such as child psychology or early childhood education? These are all important things to consider. Although your instincts will play a role in the nanny that you eventually hire, you also want to have some hard-line requirements for a nanny so you're not going into the search process blind.

The next thing to consider before beginning your search is what you will pay your nanny. A nanny salary can be tricky, so it's best to do a little research and find out what the going rate is in your area. Most likely, your nanny applicants will have a salary requirement, so it's important that you also have an idea of what you are willing to pay. If you find a nanny that is great, but you're not seeing eye to eye on the salary, there might be room for negotiation. Nannying is a serious profession, so you also want to think about what kind of benefits the position will include. Does it come with health care? Sick days or paid time off? Will you cover the nanny's travel expenses? There are many ways to add to the salary and benefits and make your nanny position more appealing to the applicants.

Nanny childcare is a serious undertaking and the process for finding the right person for your family can be a long one. Be sure that you have all of your needs outlined before you interview nannies. When it comes to beginning your search, remember: you are interviewing them, but they are also interviewing you. Chances are a great nanny is going to be nanny that is in the know about what he or she wants and deserves.

About the Author

Steve Lampert is the president of eNannySource, an online nanny agency that brings together families and nannies. Lampert has been helping nannies find nanny jobs and families find nannies. Steve has been in the nanny agency business since 1994. Prior to founding eNannySource in 2001 he ran a successful, award-winning nanny agency in a major city for over 10 years, during which time he worked with thousands of families and nanny candidates. Through this experience, he became familiar with the important steps in a nanny search, which he continues to apply to his business today. To find an excellent nanny or to find nanny jobs please go to:

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