Sometimes when seniors get to a point in their life, home care help would be the ideal solution to allow them more independence and a better quality of life. However, some seniors would rather be inconvenienced before they accept that they need help from others.
This article will deal with some reasons why senior citizens may push back on receiving additional care at home and some action steps that can be taken by family & friends to address these concerns.
Seniors May Feel Their Pride Is at Stake If They Accept Home Care
Sometimes an elderly person may believe that people may look at them differently if they take help. They may perceive a certain loss of pride by asking for help. As a family member of an elderly person, your role is to reinforce that home care is not a reflection of who they are. It might be helpful to point out instances where other members of the family have needed special help and how they have benefited from it. Also, try to reinforce the positive. Home care support will allow them more freedom and comfort in their own home.
There May Be a Reluctance to Let Personal Support Workers Into The Home
Some elderly people have a reluctance to change. This reluctance may also extend to allowing people to come into their house to offer them home health care services. Sometime, this reluctance may be legitimate as some people just aren't able to get along with others. Try to mitigate this as best as you can. Perhaps you can introduce the elderly person to the personal support worker that would be working with them. Assure them that only a reputable home health agency would be used where all employees are properly screened and trained.
There is a Concern Over The Cost of Home Health Services
In the province of Ontario, Canada the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) program is a government one that is becoming increasingly overstretched. Budgetary constraints and the resulting cuts to service have forced people to turn to private care options. Private duty care is an out of pocket expense some people may have trouble coping with. The reality, however, is that private home in-home care agencies do offer flexible packages and rates to meet most people's budgets. Perhaps you do not require service everyday and can make due with a staggered schedule to save money. The other point to consider is that paying for in-home support services is often much more reasonable than private seniors' residences or nursing care.
Contact Freedom Home Care to discuss senior home care in Hamilton and the surrounding area in southern Ontario, Canada. Hamilton hospitals area another great resource for more information.
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