Thursday, November 21, 2013

Monitor Your Credit Report Before Buying a Home

Buying a home is probably one of the most significant financial decisions that you'll ever make. And, for first-time buyers, the home buying process can seem even more overwhelming. That's why it's important to take your time and do some research before you venture out. One of your first steps on the road to home ownership is to check your credit report. Monitoring one's credit is important for everyone. It's essential if you are planning on purchasing a home. A credit score over 750 is excellent - a credit score lower than 600 is not so good.

The Effect Your Credit Report Has on Your Ability to Buy a Home

Your credit report and credit score have a huge effect on your ability to secure a mortgage with a good interest rate. Your lender will look closely at them when deciding whether you are a good candidate for a loan. Ideally, you want your report to reflect a long history of financial responsibility and positive debt management. If you are getting ready to purchase a home, you definitely want to show your ability to manage debt. Check your credit record long before you begin to look at homes. You want to study it carefully to note any possible errors or potentially damaging information and to make sure all of your positive information is included. This will have a huge effect on what kind of financing you will receive, so you want to make sure you know fully your credit score.

Monitoring Your Credit Reports

There are three major credit reporting agencies that you can use to monitor your credit. Each agency uses a slightly different format to report your credit, but all are working with basically the same kind of information. The three major reporting agencies include Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. There are other companies that are licensed to release the reports, but their information and scores are based on the data compiled by one of these three reporting agencies. If you monitor your credit reports at least once a year, you won't be surprised when you go to buy a home.

Correct Errors on Your Credit Report

It is not uncommon to find errors that have to do with basic personal or contact information, such as the incorrect spelling of your name, your current address and your social security number. If you have a common name, you want to make sure someone else's bad credit isn't showing up on your report. You will want to check carefully for errors in your financial record, including open accounts and balances that have been paid off. Go over your reports with a fine-tooth comb and report any errors directly to the reporting agency and to the company that has reported the issue. It can take time to have the errors resolved, so the earlier you start the better. These steps will ensure that your credit record is as clean as possible before you proceed with the home buying process.

There are many things about your credit score that can affect your ability to buy a home. These may include a history of late payments, liens, too many open accounts, and even high unpaid balances. Make sure you understand what is on your credit report before you decide to buy a home, and be proactive about making certain that the information is accurate. Lemon Grove Homes for Sale in San Diego County, California.

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