Many families don't even consider hiring a Nanny because of the cost involved. Nannies are considered to be a very costly childcare option and are therefore disregarded by many families. However what many families don't know is that a Nanny is a much more affordable option than they ever realised. In fact for families with more than one child, especially with children under school age, a Nanny can be one of the most cost effective options available.
Fees for day nurseries and childminders continue to grow and having to pay for more than one child to go to a childminder or a nursery can be extremely expensive. A Nanny is paid a set salary which is not dependent on the number of children that they are caring for; therefore the hourly or daily rate than you end up paying can be less than the combined rate you would pay to a childminder or nursery for more than one child. In addition to this families who are entitled to tax credits to help towards the cost of childcare can now claim tax credits against the cost of a Nanny as long as that Nanny is registered with Ofsted.
Once they have overcome the stumbling block of price, most families can easily appreciate the benefits of choosing a Nanny as their childcare choice. A Nanny can offer families the level of flexibility that no other childcare option can offer. Nurseries and childminders often only work set hours which can make life for working parents a real challenge. Having a Nanny can ease the worry involved in getting through rush hour traffic to make sure you are home in time for the nursery closing.
In addition to the flexibility, many parents like the thought of their children being cared for in their own home. As well as their own toys and home comforts, parents can also work with their Nanny to ensure that their child is getting the childcare that they want for them. Experienced Nannies will be very keen to work with the family to provide consistency for the children as well as in developing a structured routine. Parents can decide what meals they want their Nanny to prepare for their children, what activities they would like them to complete and what visits and outings they would like to take them on. Additionally most Nannies will be very keen to build links with other Nannies and families in the local area to give the children they care for plenty of opportunity to interact with other children.
There are many ways to find the ideal Nanny for your family but you must make sure that you properly screen your Nanny to ensure that they are safe for you to leave your children with. Ofsted completes this process for Childminders and within Nurseries, the Nursery manager would complete this process. If you are employing a Nanny you are responsible for ensuring that this process is completed.
If you decide to find your Nanny through a Nanny agency they will complete this process for you, however many of them will charge very hefty fees so make sure that you look around and find the best agency offering the best quality at the best prices. If you decide to find your Nanny yourself, there are plenty of sites online which will help you to do this. However there is no screening involved so you will need to complete these checks yourself. You will find some agencies that will offer a screening only service if you have found your Nanny yourself which may be an option that you want to explore.
Whatever the approach you decide to take, don't rule out a Nanny. It could be the best, most cost effective flexible childcare decision you've ever made.
Laura Milne is the founder and owner of Made 2 Measure Childcare. A national Childcare and Nanny Agency, Made 2 Measure Childcare is proud to be different, offering the highest standards of service and quality at the lowest possible prices. For more information or for support and guidance in finding your Made 2 Measure Childcare solution visit Made 2 Measure Childcare today.
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