Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Some of the Strangest Homes Built by Animals

Whether it is a big posh villa on a fancy boulevard or a small hut by the riverside, home is a beloved place for everyone. We humans invest money, care and love in building a home and protect it with all our might. Big or small, apartment or a bungalow, everyone wants to own a house. This is what makes a real estate agency one of the most successful businesses in town. Although, we have realtors to help us find a home, there are creatures that believe in constructing a home.

It is really amazing to see how man has transformed and built this world into something different from what it used to be. Yet, the world of animals is still more shocking and strange. Nature has gifted every creature with strange abilities and skills. Most of these skills help them in surviving the surroundings to which they belong. Shelter is one of the basic needs for every creature. That is why most of the animals have this innate ability to build a home for themselves.

Although all creatures build their homes in one way or another, a few of them go to unbelievable extremes. These creatures build strange homes for themselves in order to attract prey and protect themselves from predators. Let us take a look at some of nature's most talented builders around.

African Termites: These termites are the constructors of the largest non-man-made structures on earth. The cement they make is so hard that the natives use it for their own homes as well. However, strength is not the only thing that makes it a wonder. The whole structure is a feat of architecture and engineering brilliance. The structure has a proper ventilation system and is climate efficient.

Beaver: Even before man learned to make dams and live in lodges, beavers did. Beavers are excellent builders. They usually live near water bodies such as rivers. They build dams that are strong enough for a man to walk on. During winters they build shelters that are called lodges. These lodges are cone-shaped houses and have an underwater entrance to deter predators from sneak in.

Caddisfly: They are not called the under water architects for no reasons. They usually spin silk and make their home with it. They make retreats and cases with this silk. The silk retreat helps them in catching food and the cases help them avoid predators.

Prairie dogs: These dogs do not only make houses but rather carefully guarded castles. Normally, a family includes one male, several females and a lot of offspring. Their houses are built in a rare architectural manner. They have multiple rooms and entrances which the family is well aware off, but an enemy or stranger can easily get lost and trapped in them.

Bower birds: Bowers built by male bower birds are one of the most visually appealing homes built by a creature besides humans. Male bower birds build these nests and decorate them with beautiful flowers, leaves and anything else that they may find helpful in attracting a female to their house.

Connor R. Sullivan has an assistant at the office who is actively searching homes with the help of nexthome.com Cleveland realtors in order to relocate. The assistant was very pleased with the nexthome.com Cleveland real estate agent.

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