With all the billions of dollars spent on lawn care each year why are most people still not satisfied with their lawn?
There are three general groups of home lawn care:
1. People who hire someone to keep their lawns looking great.
2. People who do it themselves.
3. People who do not do number one or two or just barely cut their lawn.
Before the end of this article I will show you how to reduce your lawn fertilization cost by 70%
Why Lawn Care companies don't want you to Know this Information!!
If you're fertilizing your lawn on a 5, 6 or more step fertilization program you are paying the top dollar in the Lawn Care industry. Even if you are caring for the lawn yourself rather than paying someone you need to know the basics that people aren't telling you. Lawn Care profit is based on labor, the more visits a company makes to your property the higher your cost and the more profit for the company. So if you yourself only have to do the same amount of work to save hundreds of dollars and still have a great looking lawn you would do it right?
Discover the hidden ways to save money and get a Great looking Healthy Lawn!!!
The first step is knowing the results of a soil test. These soil test range from $6 to $10 at your local cooperative extension agency or up to $150.00 from a commercial laboratory.
The results from the soil test will show levels of major/micro nutrients and or mineral levels, organic levels, etc. And the most important result that you'll see is instructions telling you how many pounds of what kind of fertilizer and lime you need to apply and when to apply them.
Imagine that, there is a scientific way to do this stuff. It's just like cooking and there is a recipe to follow. One size doesn't fit all, there's not one lawn program that is for hundreds of thousands of lawns. You're provided the specific amount of minerals/nutrients to put down and when to put them down. Doing it this way the first year you might put fertilizer down four times, the years after two or three times a year. People who want to stay natural or organic can even cut back to two or three times a year.
The More is Less Theory
Any university is going to say to fertilize when your lawn is actively growing, basically spring and fall. Two times, you're going to put on your lawn everything that the test calls for and save four or more labor charges. For some extra green intensity, chelated iron can be sprayed on your lawn. This is relatively inexpensive compared to a fertilizer application.
How much is information worth?
Its worth 70% of what your spending on lawn care 4 to 6 extra times a year! I can't include all the details in this short space. Your local cooperative extension agency is the place to start it is a government agency that is there to help provide information to you. So there are generally plenty of free and low cost informational pamphlets available on a wide variety of subjects including lawn care.
But to conclude our little talk there are just a few more main points I want to share with you.
1. Take another soil test a year later to see your mineral levels.
2. After applying these years' suggestions you will only have to do a soil test every three or four years.
3. The over all appearance and health of the lawn will improve over time and the cost will reduce even more if the third year you switch to a natural/organic method.
The purpose of this article is to start you on the path of common sense.
We should expect to pay a fair price for a service.
We shouldn't be expected to overpay.
This will benefit group 1 and 2, there might never be hope for group 3.
For more tips about lawn care start at this page =>[sandaservicesinc.com/LawnCareTips.html] You can find other ideas on lawn and landscaping items on this website =>sandaservicesinc.com sandaservicesinc.com We also provide consultation for people that want to implement a more common sense approach. From taking a soil test to brewing compost tea.
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