Thursday, September 26, 2013

Personal Protection For Women, Men, Elderly and Children

Protecting yourself in today's society is not a luxury IT IS A NECESSITY. Today's lifestyles and the social environment suggest that all of us could be a potential victim at some point and time in our lives. All of the elements are present.

Almost all of us have read about or heard on the news or personally know someone who has been victimized. Missing is the element that most people do not carry or possess even the simplest piece of equipment to protect themselves. This could be a safety flasher, an audible tone, window security, door braces, mace, stun guns, stun batons, tasers, animal repellents to name a few. Too often we leave ourselves vulnerable.

While I am set up at flea markets I am always approached by someone with a story "If" my daughter, sister, aunt, mother, grandparents, brother, husband, or neighbor story had protection products maybe whatever happened to them would not have happened. "We didn't know these products were available". A big concern of mine is that by the time I have heard these stories, it is well after the fact of someone being victimized. People have told me they didn't know where to get personnel protection products. Some people didn't know personal protection products were available. I remember one woman telling me she called her local town police agency requesting where to get "dog spray", she was told they had no idea.

In today's economic decline both parents for the average family, elderly, the single parent and the one-person household are out in public to work. Many are forced to work late hours, a second job, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Those who are older, weaker, very young, disabled and smaller in stature are easy prey for perpetrators and predators. Often perpetrators and predators know your surroundings equally or better than you do. There are many self defense schools that offer short term self defense classes.

One of the best speakers to hit home about self defense and self preservation was at a womans conference in NE Indiana. One of the speakers included a female black belt who provided one of the best speech presentations that I have heard on survival and avoidance in personal attack situations. There are numerous videos and books available on self defense and protecting yourself, family, and home.

When my mother was still living at the ripe age of 78, she fell prey to may solicitors and predators. Had she been armed with a voice changer, most of the callers thinking that they reached to wrong number would have hung up. The same result would have been reached by changing her voice and talking through the door as opposed to opening it. Our elderly population is sought out and targeted by predators. I would love the opportunity to stand in their place and have a chat with those callers and even those who are at the door.

Our society would benefit from more proactive approaches to crime prevention and alternative methods that many do not know exist.

Carla Mattingly sells personal protection equipment, home safety products, business security, surveillance, Jewelry, Perfume Oil, Aloe-Esta and a host of health and well being products. Find out how to protect you family, yourself and others by visiting our Web Site at

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