Sunday, September 1, 2013

Don't Get Embalmed Alive - Avoid Formaldehyde

Most of us are aware of common household hazards and take steps to protect our families.

You would never paint with lead-based paint, you check your furnace yearly to make sure it is properly vented, and we use GFI (ground fault indicators) electrical outlets in the kitchen and bathroom.

But have you ever thought that your kitchen cabinets, "wood" furniture, or carpet padding could make you sick?

The building industry commonly uses composite wood products (forexample pressed board or particle board) when constructing kitchen and bathroom cabinets. These wood products are treated with formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is also used in the manufacture of hardwood plywood paneling and carpet padding. During the 70's, many homes were insulated with urea-formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI). This practice was discontinued once the dangers of the high amount of formaldehyde in this product were known. Fortunately for those that still live in homes insulated with UFFI, formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound (VOC) which means it turns into a gas upon contact with air. After 30 years, most of the formaldehyde in the UFFI in attics across the country has dissipated.

But what about the formaldehyde that is lurking in your home? Is it a problem? Formaldehyde can cause an itchy or burning throat, a dry cough, irritation to the nose and eyes or even asthma attacks. It can cause dizziness, rashes, or chronic fatigue.

The personal care and cosmetics industry also likes formaldehyde. Read the label of your favorite nail polish or hardener/strengthener. You will see it prominently listed. Also, look for the name Quaternium-15. This indicates the presence of formaldehyde. You can find it in shampoos, hair spray, sunscreen, and even air fresheners.

Did I mention that formaldehyde is used in embalming? The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, has designated formaldehyde as a known cause of several types of throat and nasal cancer.

So how do you avoid the dangers of formaldehyde? Well for wood products, ask about the content before you buy. Avoid products with urea-formaldehyde in them. You can always substitute exterior grade plywood for particle board. Urea-formaldehyde is not used in exterior products. If you already have pressed board and particle board in your cabinets, you can seal them with a few thin coats of polyurethane.

Keep good air flow to hasten off-gassing. There is an air cleaner made by Austin Air just for removal of formaldehyde. It is called the HealthMate Plus. In addition to formaldehyde, it will also remove dust and other particles as small as .3 microns.

Read the labels of your personal care and household cleaning products. Avoid formaldehyde and Quaternium-15. There are several brands of soy-based household cleaners on the market that are formaldehyde-free. I like the Enviro-Rite line by Bioforce Envirotech. Choose your personal care products carefully. Pharmaceutical Specialities has an entire line of skin and hair care products for people with sensitive skin and they contain no formaldehyde or parabens and Tom's of Maine makes deodorant and toothpaste without formaldehyde.

Don't get embalmed alive! Avoid formaldehyde.

Cheryl Krause - CEO and President of Cee DeeKay, Inc.

Cheryl has owned and operated the Allergy Store in Plantation Florida for the past 10 years. My goal is to help allergy, asthma sufferers as well as those who just want a healthier place to live and work.

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